How to use dependenciesMap method in storybook-root

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Source:dependency-worker.ts Github


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1import * as fs from 'fs';2import { Dictionary } from '@eigenspace/common-types';3import * as childProcess from 'child_process';4export class DependencyWorker {5 private static LATEST_DEPENDENCY = 'latest';6 private static DEPENDENCY_FLAGS = new Map([7 ['dependencies', ''],8 ['devDependencies', '-D'],9 ['optionalDependencies', '-O'],10 ['peerDependencies', '-P']11 ]);12 constructor(private readonly exec = childProcess.execSync) {13 }14 /**15 * Script automates reinstall of packages.16 * Packages with snapshot postfix do not change version.17 * Hence we need to reinstall them manually.18 * This script delete them then install.19 *20 * @param {string[]} [packages=(all packages with snapshot postfix)]21 * Stream of package names separated by space character you want to reinstall.22 */23 update(packages: string[]): void {24 const isFullUpdate = !Boolean(packages.length);25 const dependencyFlags = new Map([26 ['dependencies', ''],27 ['devDependencies', '-D'],28 ['optionalDependencies', '-O'],29 ['peerDependencies', '-P']30 ]);31 const dependencyTypes = Array.from(dependencyFlags.keys());32 const currentDir = process.cwd();33 const packageJson = require(`${currentDir}/package.json`);34 dependencyTypes.forEach(dependencyType => {35 const dependenciesMap = packageJson[dependencyType];36 if (!dependenciesMap) {37 return;38 }39 const dependenciesToUpdate = this.findDependenciesToUpdate(dependenciesMap, packages, isFullUpdate);40 if (!dependenciesToUpdate.length) {41 return;42 }43 const latestDependencies = this.findLatestDependencies(dependenciesMap);44 console.log('dependencies to update', dependenciesToUpdate);45 const dependenciesWithVersion = this.getDependenciesWithVersion(dependenciesMap, dependenciesToUpdate);46 this.updateDependencies(dependenciesToUpdate, dependenciesWithVersion, dependencyType);47 this.restoreLatestDependencies(dependencyType, latestDependencies);48 });49 }50 private findLatestDependencies(dependencyStore: Dictionary<string>): string[] {51 return Object.keys(dependencyStore)52 .filter(this.isLatestDependency);53 }54 private findDependenciesToUpdate(55 dependencyStore: Dictionary<string>,56 packages: string[],57 isFullUpdate: boolean58 ): string[] {59 if (!isFullUpdate) {60 return packages.filter(dependency => dependencyStore[dependency]);61 }62 const snapshotPattern = /-/;63 return Object.keys(dependencyStore)64 .filter(key => {65 const isSnapshot = snapshotPattern.test(dependencyStore[key]);66 const isUrl = dependencyStore[key].startsWith('http');67 const isLatest = this.isLatestDependency(dependencyStore[key]);68 return isSnapshot || isUrl || isLatest;69 });70 }71 private getDependenciesWithVersion(dependencyStore: Dictionary<string>, dependenciesToUpdate: string[]): string[] {72 return => `${packageToRemove}@${dependencyStore[packageToRemove]}`);73 }74 private updateDependencies(75 dependenciesToUpdate: string[],76 dependenciesWithVersion: string[],77 dependencyType: string): void {78 const dependencies = dependenciesToUpdate.join(' ');79`yarn remove ${dependencies}`);80 const depsWithVersion = dependenciesWithVersion.join(' ');81`yarn add ${depsWithVersion} ${DependencyWorker.DEPENDENCY_FLAGS.get(dependencyType)}`);82 }83 private restoreLatestDependencies(dependencyType: string, latestDependencies: string[]): void {84 if (!latestDependencies.length) {85 return;86 }87 const parsedPackageJson = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('package.json', 'utf8'));88 const latestDependenciesMap: Dictionary<string> = {};89 latestDependencies.forEach(dependency => {90 latestDependenciesMap[dependency] = DependencyWorker.LATEST_DEPENDENCY;91 });92 parsedPackageJson[dependencyType] = { ...parsedPackageJson[dependencyType], ...latestDependenciesMap };93 const indent = 4;94 const packageJsonStringified = JSON.stringify(parsedPackageJson, undefined, indent);95 fs.writeFileSync('package.json', packageJsonStringified);96 }97 // noinspection JSMethodCanBeStatic98 private isLatestDependency(version: string): boolean {99 return version === DependencyWorker.LATEST_DEPENDENCY;100 }101 private run(command: string): void {102 console.log('run command:', command);103 const stdout = this.exec(command, { encoding: 'utf8' });104 console.log(stdout);105 }...

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Source:analyse-module.js Github


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1/**2 * @file 分析AMD模块的AST 获取相关的模块信息3 * @author errorrik[]4 * treelite[]5 */6var estraverse = require('estraverse');7var SYNTAX = estraverse.Syntax;8var LITERAL_DEFINE = 'define';9var LITERAL_REQUIRE = 'require';10/**11 * 判断结点是否字符串直接量12 *13 * @inner14 * @param {Object} node 语法树结点15 * @return {boolean}16 */17function isStringLiteral(node) {18 return node19 && node.type === SYNTAX.Literal20 && typeof node.value === 'string';21}22/**23 * 分析define调用24 * 获取模块信息25 *26 * @inner27 * @param {Object} expr define ast28 * @return {Object} 模块信息29 */30function analyseDefineExpr(expr) {31 var moduleId;32 var dependencies;33 var factoryAst;34 var dependenciesMap = {};35 var actualDependencies = [];36 var args = expr['arguments'];37 var argument;38 function dependenciesWalker(item) {39 if (!isStringLiteral(item)) {40 return;41 }42 dependencies.push(item.value);43 if (!dependenciesMap[item.value]) {44 actualDependencies.push(item.value);45 dependenciesMap[item.value] = 1;46 }47 }48 // 解析参数49 for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {50 argument = args[i];51 if (!moduleId && isStringLiteral(argument)) {52 // 获取module id53 moduleId = argument.value;54 }55 else if (!dependencies && argument.type === SYNTAX.ArrayExpression) {56 // 获取依赖57 dependencies = [];58 argument.elements.forEach(dependenciesWalker);59 }60 else {61 factoryAst = argument;62 break;63 }64 }65 // 计算factory function的形参个数66 var factoryParamCount = 0;67 if (factoryAst && factoryAst.type === SYNTAX.FunctionExpression) {68 factoryParamCount = factoryAst.params.length;69 }70 if (!dependencies) {71 actualDependencies = ['require', 'exports', 'module']72 .slice(0, factoryParamCount);73 }74 // 解析模块定义函数75 if (factoryAst.type === SYNTAX.FunctionExpression) {76 // 获取内部`require`的依赖77 estraverse.traverse(factoryAst, {78 enter: function (item) {79 // require('xxx')80 // new require('xxx')81 if (item.type !== SYNTAX.CallExpression82 && item.type !== SYNTAX.NewExpression83 ) {84 return;85 }86 if ( === LITERAL_REQUIRE87 && (argument = item['arguments'][0])88 && isStringLiteral(argument)89 && !dependenciesMap[argument.value]90 ) {91 actualDependencies.push(argument.value);92 dependenciesMap[argument.value] = 1;93 }94 }95 });96 }97 return {98 id: moduleId,99 dependencies: dependencies,100 actualDependencies: actualDependencies,101 factoryAst: factoryAst102 };103}104/**105 * 分析模块106 *107 * @param {Object} ast 模块代码的ast108 * @return {Object|Array} 模块信息,或模块信息数组。109 * 每个模块信息包含id, dependencies, factoryAst, actualDependencies110 */111module.exports = exports = function (ast) {112 var defineExprs = [];113 estraverse.traverse(ast, {114 enter: function (node) {115 if (node.type === SYNTAX.CallExpression116 && === LITERAL_DEFINE117 ) {118 defineExprs.push(node);119 this.skip();120 }121 }122 });123 var modules = [];124 defineExprs.forEach(function (expr) {125 modules.push(analyseDefineExpr(expr));126 });127 switch (modules.length) {128 case 0:129 return null;130 case 1:131 return modules[0];132 }133 return modules;...

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Source:collapse.ts Github


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1import DependenciesMap from "./DependenciesMap";2import * as util from "./util";3export default function collapse(map: DependenciesMap, levels: number = 1): DependenciesMap {4 const multiMap = upAll(map, levels);5 return toDependenciesMap(multiMap);6}7interface DependenciesMultiMap {8 [key: string]: string[][];9}10function upAll(map: DependenciesMap, levels = 1): DependenciesMultiMap {11 const result: DependenciesMultiMap = {};12 for (const module of Object.keys(map)) {13 const moduleUpped = up(module, levels);14 const dependenciesUpped = map[module].map(it => up(it, levels));15 if (!result[moduleUpped]) {16 result[moduleUpped] = [];17 }18 result[moduleUpped].push(dependenciesUpped);19 }20 return result;21}22function up(path: string, levels: number = 1): string {23 const parts = path.split("/");24 return parts.slice(0, parts.length - levels).join("/");25}26function toDependenciesMap(multiMap: DependenciesMultiMap): DependenciesMap {27 const result: DependenciesMap = {};28 for (const folder of Object.keys(multiMap)) {29 const dependencies = util.flatten(multiMap[folder]);30 result[folder] = util.distinct(dependencies).filter(it => it !== folder);31 }32 return result;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { dependenciesMap } = require('@storybook/root-config');2const { resolve } = require('path');3const { dependenciesMap } = require('@storybook/root-config');4const { resolve } = require('path');5module.exports = {6 '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)',7 webpackFinal: async (config) => {8 const { dependenciesMap } = require('@storybook/root-config');9 const { resolve } = require('path');10 const { dependencies } = require('../package.json');11 const { dependencies: devDependencies } = require('../package.json');12 const { dependencies: peerDependencies } = require('../package.json');13 const rootConfig = dependenciesMap({14 });15 config.resolve.alias = {16 };17 return config;18 },19};20module.exports = {21 '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)',22 webpackFinal: async (config) => {23 const { dependenciesMap } = require('@storybook/root-config');24 const { resolve } = require('path');25 const { dependencies } = require('../package.json');26 const { dependencies: devDependencies } = require('../package.json');27 const { dependencies: peerDependencies } = require('../package.json');28 const rootConfig = dependenciesMap({29 });30 config.resolve.alias = {31 };32 return config;33 },34};35{36 "scripts": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3const stories = storiesOf('Test', module);4stories.add('Test', () => <div>Test</div>, {5 dependencies: dependenciesMap({6 }),7});8import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root';9export default dependenciesMap({10});11const { dependenciesMap } = require('storybook-root');12module.exports = {13 module: {14 {15 {16 },17 {18 options: {19 importLoaders: 1,20 },21 },22 {23 options: {24 plugins: () => [require('autoprefixer')],25 },26 },27 },28 },29 plugins: [dependenciesMap()],30};31module.exports = {32 webpackFinal: require('storybook-root').dependenciesMap(),33};34const { dependenciesMap } = require('storybook-root');35module.exports = {36 ...dependenciesMap(),37};38const { dependenciesMap } = require('storybook-root');39module.exports = {40 ...dependenciesMap(),41};42const { dependenciesMap } = require('storybook-root');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { dependenciesMap } from "storybook-root";2const dependencies = dependenciesMap();3import { dependenciesMap } from "storybook-root";4const dependencies = dependenciesMap();5import { ComponentB } from "storybook-root";6import { ComponentC } from "storybook-root";7import { ComponentD } from "storybook-root";8import { ComponentC } from "storybook-root";9import { ComponentD } from "storybook-root";10import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";11import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";12import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";13import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";14import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";15import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";16import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";17import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";18import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";19import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";20import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";21import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";22import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";23import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";24import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";25import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";26import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";27import { ComponentA } from "storybook-root";28import { ComponentA }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root';2export { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root';3"jest": {4 "moduleNameMapper": {5 }6 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const path = require('path');3const dependenciesMap = storybookRoot.dependenciesMap();4const componentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './component.js');5const componentDependencies = dependenciesMap[componentPath];6console.log(componentDependencies);7const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8const path = require('path');9const dependenciesMap = storybookRoot.dependenciesMap();10const componentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './test.js');11const componentDependencies = dependenciesMap[componentPath];12console.log(componentDependencies);13const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14const path = require('path');15const dependenciesMap = storybookRoot.dependenciesMap();16const componentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './component.js');17const componentDependencies = dependenciesMap[componentPath];18console.log(componentDependencies);19const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20const path = require('path');21const dependenciesMap = storybookRoot.dependenciesMap();22const componentPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './test.js');23const componentDependencies = dependenciesMap[componentPath];24console.log(componentDependencies);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { dependenciesMap } = require('storybook-root');2const dependenciesMap = dependenciesMap();3const componentList = Object.keys(dependenciesMap);4const dependentComponents = dependenciesMap[1];5const dependencyComponents = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(6 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1)7);8const leafDependencyComponents = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(9 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1) && dependenciesMap[id].length === 110);11const nonLeafDependencyComponents = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(12 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1) && dependenciesMap[id].length > 113);14const leafDependentComponents = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(15 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1) && dependenciesMap[id].length === 116);17const nonLeafDependentComponents = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(18 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1) && dependenciesMap[id].length > 119);20const componentsDependentOnBoth1And2 = Object.keys(dependenciesMap).filter(21 (id) => dependenciesMap[id].includes(1) && dependenciesMap[id].includes(2)22);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'2const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')3import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'4const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')5import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'6const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')7import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'8const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')9import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'10const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')11import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'12const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')13import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'14const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')15import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'16const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')17import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'18const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')19import { dependenciesMap } from 'storybook-root'20const dependencies = dependenciesMap('path/to/file.js')

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