Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root
1var Promise = require('bluebird');2var fs = require('fs');3var os = require('os');4var path = require('path');5var semver = require('semver');6var util = require('util');7var whenReadFile = Promise.promisify(fs.readFile);8var iniparser = require('./lib/ini');9var minimatch = require('./lib/fnmatch');10var pkg = require('./package.json');11var knownProps = [12 'end_of_line',13 'indent_style',14 'indent_size',15 'insert_final_newline',16 'trim_trailing_whitespace',17 'charset'18].reduce(function (set, prop) {19 set[prop] = true;20 return set;21}, {});22function fnmatch(filepath, glob) {23 var matchOptions = {matchBase: true, dot: true, noext: true};24 glob = glob.replace(/\*\*/g, '{*,**/**/**}');25 return minimatch(filepath, glob, matchOptions);26}27function getConfigFileNames(filepath, options) {28 var paths = [];29 do {30 filepath = path.dirname(filepath);31 paths.push(path.join(filepath, options.config));32 } while (filepath !== options.root);33 return paths;34}35function getFilepathRoot(filepath) {36 if (path.parse !== undefined) {37 // Node.js >= 0.11.1538 return path.parse(filepath).root;39 }40 if (os.platform() === 'win32') {41 return path.resolve(filepath).match(/^(\\\\[^\\]+\\)?[^\\]+\\/)[0];42 }43 return '/';44}45function processMatches(matches, version) {46 // Set indent_size to "tab" if indent_size is unspecified and47 // indent_style is set to "tab".48 if ("indent_style" in matches && matches.indent_style === "tab" &&49 !("indent_size" in matches) && semver.gte(version, "0.10.0")) {50 matches.indent_size = "tab";51 }52 // Set tab_width to indent_size if indent_size is specified and53 // tab_width is unspecified54 if ("indent_size" in matches && !("tab_width" in matches) &&55 matches.indent_size !== "tab")56 matches.tab_width = matches.indent_size;57 // Set indent_size to tab_width if indent_size is "tab"58 if("indent_size" in matches && "tab_width" in matches &&59 matches.indent_size === "tab")60 matches.indent_size = matches.tab_width;61 return matches;62}63function processOptions(options, filepath) {64 options = options || {};65 return {66 config: options.config || '.editorconfig',67 version: options.version || pkg.version,68 root: path.resolve(options.root || getFilepathRoot(filepath))69 };70}71function buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob) {72 switch (glob.indexOf('/')) {73 case -1: glob = "**/" + glob; break;74 case 0: glob = glob.substring(1); break;75 }76 return path.join(pathPrefix, glob);77}78function extendProps(props, options) {79 for (var key in options) {80 var value = options[key];81 key = key.toLowerCase();82 if (knownProps[key]) {83 value = value.toLowerCase();84 }85 try {86 value = JSON.parse(value);87 } catch(e) {}88 if (typeof value === 'undefined' || value === null) {89 // null and undefined are values specific to JSON (no special meaning90 // in editorconfig) & should just be returned as regular strings.91 value = String(value);92 }93 props[key] = value;94 }95 return props;96}97function parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options) {98 return getConfigsForFiles(files).then(function (configs) {99 return configs.reverse();100 }).reduce(function (matches, file) {101 var pathPrefix = path.dirname(;102 file.contents.forEach(function (section) {103 var glob = section[0], options = section[1];104 if (!glob) return;105 var fullGlob = buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob);106 if (!fnmatch(filepath, fullGlob)) return;107 matches = extendProps(matches, options);108 });109 return matches;110 }, {}).then(function (matches) {111 return processMatches(matches, options.version);112 });113}114function parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options) {115 var configs = getConfigsForFilesSync(files);116 configs.reverse();117 var matches = {};118 configs.forEach(function(config) {119 var pathPrefix = path.dirname(;120 config.contents.forEach(function(section) {121 var glob = section[0], options = section[1];122 if (!glob) return;123 var fullGlob = buildFullGlob(pathPrefix, glob);124 if (!fnmatch(filepath, fullGlob)) return;125 matches = extendProps(matches, options);126 });127 });128 return processMatches(matches, options.version);129}130function StopReduce(array) {131 this.array = array;132}133StopReduce.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype);134function getConfigsForFiles(files) {135 return Promise.reduce(files, function (configs, file) {136 var contents = iniparser.parseString(file.contents);137 configs.push({138 name:,139 contents: contents140 });141 if ((contents[0][1].root || '').toLowerCase() === 'true') {142 return Promise.reject(new StopReduce(configs));143 }144 return configs;145 }, []).catch(StopReduce, function (stop) {146 return stop.array;147 });148}149function getConfigsForFilesSync(files) {150 var configs = [];151 for (var i in files) {152 var file = files[i];153 var contents = iniparser.parseString(file.contents);154 configs.push({155 name:,156 contents: contents157 });158 if ((contents[0][1].root || '').toLowerCase() === 'true') {159 break;160 }161 };162 return configs;163}164function readConfigFiles(filepaths) {165 return, function (path) {166 return whenReadFile(path, 'utf-8').catch(function () {167 return '';168 }).then(function (contents) {169 return {name: path, contents: contents};170 });171 });172}173function readConfigFilesSync(filepaths) {174 var files = [];175 var file;176 filepaths.forEach(function(filepath) {177 try {178 file = fs.readFileSync(filepath, 'utf8');179 } catch (e) {180 file = '';181 }182 files.push({name: filepath, contents: file});183 });184 return files;185}186module.exports.parseFromFiles = function (filepath, files, options) {187 return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {188 filepath = path.resolve(filepath);189 options = processOptions(options, filepath);190 resolve(parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options));191 });192};193module.exports.parseFromFilesSync = function (filepath, files, options) {194 filepath = path.resolve(filepath);195 options = processOptions(options, filepath);196 return parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options);197};198module.exports.parse = function (filepath, options) {199 return new Promise (function (resolve, reject) {200 filepath = path.resolve(filepath);201 options = processOptions(options, filepath);202 var filepaths = getConfigFileNames(filepath, options);203 var files = readConfigFiles(filepaths);204 resolve(parseFromFiles(filepath, files, options));205 });206};207module.exports.parseSync = function (filepath, options) {208 filepath = path.resolve(filepath);209 options = processOptions(options, filepath);210 var filepaths = getConfigFileNames(filepath, options);211 var files = readConfigFilesSync(filepaths);212 return parseFromFilesSync(filepath, files, options);...
1import { globby } from "globby"2import isGlob from "is-glob"3import * as configuration from "../configuration/index.js"4import { UserError } from "../errors/user-error.js"5import * as files from "./index.js"6/**7 * Returns the FullPaths of all files/directories relative to the given sourceDir8 * that match the given glob9 */10export async function getFileNames(config: configuration.Data): Promise<files.FullFilePath[]> {11 let filenames = await getFiles(config)12 filenames = removeExcludedFiles(filenames, config.exclude)13 filenames = removeExcludedFiles(filenames, "node_modules")14 if (config.emptyWorkspace === false) {15 if (!config.workspace.matches(config.sourceDir)) {16 const fullWorkspace = config.workspace.toFullDir(config.sourceDir)17 filenames = removeExcludedFiles(filenames, fullWorkspace.platformified())18 }19 }20 return filenames21}22/**23 * Returns files described by the given configuration.24 * Filenames are relative to config.sourceDir.25 */26async function getFiles(config: configuration.Data): Promise<files.FullFilePath[]> {27 let fullGlob = config.sourceDir.joinStr(config.files)28 if (process.platform === "win32") {29 // globby cannot handle backslashes in globs,30 // see // and fullGlob = fullGlob.replace(/\\/g, "/")33 }34 if (config.files === "") {35 return markdownFilesInDir("", config.sourceDir)36 } else if (await files.hasDirectory(fullGlob)) {37 return markdownFilesInDir(fullGlob, config.sourceDir)38 } else if (await files.isMarkdownFile(fullGlob)) {39 return [new files.FullFilePath(config.files)]40 } else if (isGlob(config.files)) {41 return config.sourceDir.fullFilesMatchingGlob(fullGlob)42 } else {43 throw new UserError(44 `file or directory does not exist: ${config.files}`,45 "You can provide a glob expression or the path to a file or folder."46 )47 }48}49/**50 * returns all the markdown files in this directory and its children,51 * relative to the given sourceDir52 */53export async function markdownFilesInDir(dirName: string, sourceDir: files.SourceDir): Promise<files.FullFilePath[]> {54 const allFiles = await globby(`${dirName}/**/*.md`)55 return allFiles56 .filter(file => !file.includes("node_modules"))57 .sort()58 .map(file => new files.AbsoluteFilePath(file).toFullFile(sourceDir))59}60/** Removes the given excluded files from the given list of filenames */61export function removeExcludedFiles(fileList: files.FullFilePath[], excluded: string | string[]): files.FullFilePath[] {62 const excludedFilesArray = Array.isArray(excluded) ? excluded : [excluded]63 const excludedRegexes = => new RegExp(file))64 return fileList.filter(file => {65 for (const excludedRegex of excludedRegexes) {66 if (excludedRegex.test(file.unixified())) {67 return false68 }69 }70 return true71 })...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { fullGlob } from 'storybook-root-alias';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';5import { Button } from '@storybook/react/demo';6storiesOf('Button', module)7 .add('with text', () => (8 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</Button>9 .add('with some emoji', () => (10 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>π π π π―</Button>11 ));12storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Button onClick={linkTo('Button')}>Go to Button</Button>);13const path = require('path');14const rootAlias = require('storybook-root-alias');15const { fullGlob } = rootAlias;16module.exports = {17 module: {18 {19 include: path.resolve(__dirname, 'src'),20 {21 },22 },23 },24 resolve: {25 alias: {26 },27 },28};29{30 "scripts": {31 },32 "devDependencies": {
Using AI Code Generation
1import { fullGlob } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3storiesOf('Button', module)4 .addDecorator(fullGlob)5 .add('with text', () => <button>Click me</button>);6import { fullGlob } from 'storybook-root-decorator';7import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';8storiesOf('Button', module)9 .addDecorator(fullGlob)10 .add('with text', () => <button>Click me</button>);11import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';12import { fullGlob } from 'storybook-root-decorator';13addDecorator(fullGlob);14module.exports = (baseConfig, env, config) => {15 config.module.rules.push({16 {17 },18 {19 options: {20 },21 },22 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),23 });24 return config;25};26module.exports = (baseConfig, env, config) => {27 config.module.rules.push({28 {29 },30 {31 options: {32 },33 },34 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),35 });36 return config;37};
Using AI Code Generation
1import fullGlob from 'storybook-root-alias/fullGlob';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';4import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';5const stories = storiesOf('Button', module)6 .addDecorator(withInfo)7 .addDecorator(withKnobs);8const req = require.context('../src/components', true, fullGlob('.stories.js'));9req.keys().forEach(filename => req(filename));10export default stories;11import React from 'react';12import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';13import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';14import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';15import Button from './Button';16const stories = storiesOf('Button', module)17 .addDecorator(withInfo)18 .addDecorator(withKnobs);19stories.add('Button', () => (20));21export default stories;22import React from 'react';23import PropTypes from 'prop-types';24import './Button.css';25const Button = ({ children, ...props }) => (26 <button {...props}>{children}</button>27);28Button.propTypes = {29};30export default Button;31.button {32 background: #0074D9;33 color: #fff;34 border: none;35 padding: 10px 20px;36 border-radius: 5px;37 font-size: 16px;38 cursor: pointer;39}40.button:hover {41 background: #0061B1;42}43.button:active {44 background: #00497B;45}46import { configure } from '@storybook/react';47import { setOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';48import { setDefaults } from '@storybook/addon-info';49setOptions({
Using AI Code Generation
1import fullGlob from 'storybook-addon-root-import/fullGlob';2module.exports = {3 stories: fullGlob('./src/**/*.stories.js'),4 addons: ['storybook-addon-root-import/register'],5};6const path = require('path');7const rootImport = require('storybook-addon-root-import');8module.exports = ({ config }) => {9 config.resolve.alias = {10 };11 ...(config.resolve.modules || []),12 path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),13 ];14 return config;15};16import 'storybook-addon-root-import/register';17module.exports = {18 stories: fullGlob('./src/stories/**/*.stories.js'),19 addons: ['storybook-addon-root-import/register'],20};21module.exports = {22 stories: fullGlob('./src/**/*.stories.js'),23 addons: ['storybook-addon-root-import/register'],24};25module.exports = {26 stories: fullGlob('./stories/**/*.stories.js'),27 addons: ['storybook-addon-root-import/register'],28};29module.exports = {
Using AI Code Generation
1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const fullGlob = storybookRoot.fullGlob;3const pattern = fullGlob('stories/*.stories.js');4module.exports = {5};6import React from 'react';7import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';8import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';9import Button from '../Button';10storiesOf('Button', module)11 .add('with text', () => (12 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</Button>13 .add('with some emoji', () => (14 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}><span role="img" aria-label="so cool">π π π π―</span></Button>15 ));16import React from 'react';17import PropTypes from 'prop-types';18const Button = ({ children, onClick }) => (19 <button onClick={onClick}>{children}</button>20);21Button.propTypes = {22};23export default Button;24.button {25 border: none;26 border-radius: 3px;27 padding: 0.25em 1em;28 margin: 0 1em;29 background: transparent;30 color: palevioletred;31 cursor: pointer;32}33.button:hover {34 color: white;35 background: palevioletred;36}37import React from 'react';38import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';39import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';40import Button from './index';41storiesOf('Button', module)42 .add('with text', () => (43 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</Button>44 .add('with some emoji', () => (45 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}><span role="img" aria-label="so cool">π π π π―</span></Button>46 ));47import React from 'react';48import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';49import Button from './index';50it('renders without crashing', () => {
Using AI Code Generation
1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const glob = storybookRoot.fullGlob('**/*.stories.js');3console.log(glob);4const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');5const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');6console.log(glob);7const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');9console.log(glob);10const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');11const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');12console.log(glob);13const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');15console.log(glob);16const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');18console.log(glob);19const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20const glob = storybookRoot.storybookRoot('**/*.stories.js');21console.log(glob);
Using AI Code Generation
1const rootDir = require('storybook-root-dir').fullGlob;2module.exports = {3 rootDir('./stories/**/*.stories.js'),4}5### `rootDir` (string)6### `globOptions` (object)
Using AI Code Generation
1const { fullGlob } = require('@storybook/react/dist/server/options');2const path = require('path');3const storybookRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');4const stories = fullGlob(storybookRoot, '**/*.stories.js');5console.log(stories);6const { fullGlob } = require('@storybook/react/dist/server/options');7const path = require('path');8const storybookRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');9const stories = fullGlob(storybookRoot, '**/ComponentName.stories.js');10console.log(stories);11const { fullGlob } = require('@storybook/react/dist/server/options');12const path = require('path');13const storybookRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');14const stories = fullGlob(storybookRoot, '**/ComponentName.stories.js');15console.log(stories);16const { fullGlob } = require('@storybook/react/dist/server/options');17const path = require('path');18const storybookRoot = path.resolve(__dirname, '../');19const stories = fullGlob(storybookRoot, '**/ComponentName.stories.js');20console.log(stories);21const { fullGlob } = require('@storybook/react/dist/server/options');
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