How to use nxWorkspace method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:index.ts Github


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1import { experimental, strings } from '@angular-devkit/core';2import {3 Rule,4 SchematicsException,5 Tree,6 apply,7 applyTemplates,8 chain,9 mergeWith,10 move,11 url,12 filter,13 noop14} from '@angular-devkit/schematics';15import { parseName } from '../utilities/parse-name';16import { validateName } from '../utilities/validation';17interface LibraryOptions {18 name: string;19 path: string;20 project: string;21 skipTests?: boolean;22}23interface NxWorkspaceSchema {24 npmScope: string;25 affected: {26 [key:string]: any;27 },28 implicitDependencies: {29 [key:string]: any;30 },31 tasksRunnerOptions: {32 [key:string]: any;33 },34 projects: {35 [key:string]: any;36 }37}38export default function (options: LibraryOptions): Rule {39 const angularConfigFile = '/angular.json';40 const nxConfigFile = '/nx.json';41 return (host: Tree) => {42 const dasherizedName = strings.dasherize(;43 const libSrcPath = `libs/shared/src/lib/${dasherizedName}`;44 const parsedPath = parseName(libSrcPath,;45 =;46 options.path = parsedPath.path;47 validateName(;48 const workspaceConfig =;49 const nxWorkspaceConfig =;50 if (!workspaceConfig) {51 throw new SchematicsException('Could not find Angular worspace configuration.');52 }53 if (!nxWorkspaceConfig) {54 throw new SchematicsException('Could not find NX worspace configuration.');55 }56 const workspaceContent = workspaceConfig.toString();57 const nxWorkspaceContent = nxWorkspaceConfig.toString();58 const workspace: experimental.workspace.WorkspaceSchema = JSON.parse(workspaceContent);59 const nxWorkspace: NxWorkspaceSchema = JSON.parse(nxWorkspaceContent);60 const libId = `shared-${dasherizedName}`;61 workspace.projects[libId] = {62 root: `${libSrcPath}/${dasherizedName}`,63 sourceRoot: `${libSrcPath}/${dasherizedName}`,64 projectType: 'library',65 schematics: {},66 prefix: 'avr',67 architect: {68 lint: {69 builder: '@angular-devkit/build-angular:tslint',70 options: {71 tsConfig: [72 'libs/shared/tsconfig.lib.json',73 'libs/shared/tsconfig.spec.json'74 ],75 exclude: [76 '**/node_modules/**',77 '!libs/shared/**/*'78 ]79 }80 },81 test: {82 builder: '@nrwl/jest:jest',83 options: {84 jestConfig: `libs/shared/jest.config.js`,85 passWithNoTests: true86 }87 }88 }89 };90 nxWorkspace.projects[libId] = {91 tags: []92 }93 host.overwrite(angularConfigFile, JSON.stringify(workspace));94 host.overwrite(nxConfigFile, JSON.stringify(nxWorkspace, null, 2));95 const templateSource = apply(url('./files'), [96 options.skipTests ? filter(path => !path.endsWith('.spec.ts.template')) : noop(),97 applyTemplates({98 ...strings,99 ...options,100 }),101 move(parsedPath.path),102 ]);103 return chain([104 _ => host,105 mergeWith(templateSource)106 ]);107 };...

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Source:angular-read-workspace.ts Github


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1import { NodeJsSyncHost } from '@angular-devkit/core/node';2import { workspaces } from '@angular-devkit/core';3/**4 * Returns the workspace definition5 *6 * - Either from NX if it is present7 * - Either from `@angular-devkit/core` -> */9export const readAngularWorkspaceConfig = async (10 dirToSearch: string11): Promise<workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition> => {12 const host = workspaces.createWorkspaceHost(new NodeJsSyncHost());13 try {14 /**15 * Apologies for the following line16 * If there's a better way to do it, let's do it17 */18 /* eslint-disable global-require */19 // catch if nx.json does not exist20 require('@nrwl/workspace').readNxJson();21 const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/workspace').readWorkspaceConfig({22 format: 'angularCli',23 path: dirToSearch,24 });25 // Use the workspace version of nx when angular looks for the angular.json file26 host.readFile = (path) => {27 if (typeof path === 'string' && path.endsWith('angular.json')) {28 return Promise.resolve(JSON.stringify(nxWorkspace));29 }30 return host.readFile(path);31 };32 host.isFile = (path) => {33 if (typeof path === 'string' && path.endsWith('angular.json')) {34 return Promise.resolve(true);35 }36 return host.isFile(path);37 };38 } catch (e) {39 // Ignore if the client does not use NX40 }41 return (await workspaces.readWorkspace(dirToSearch, host)).workspace;42};43export const getDefaultProjectName = (workspace: workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition): string => {44 const environmentProjectName = process.env.STORYBOOK_ANGULAR_PROJECT;45 if (environmentProjectName) {46 return environmentProjectName;47 }48 if (workspace.projects.has('storybook')) {49 return 'storybook';50 }51 if (workspace.extensions.defaultProject) {52 return workspace.extensions.defaultProject as string;53 }54 const firstProjectName = workspace.projects.keys().next().value;55 if (firstProjectName) {56 return firstProjectName;57 }58 throw new Error('No angular projects found');59};60export const findAngularProjectTarget = (61 workspace: workspaces.WorkspaceDefinition,62 projectName: string,63 targetName: string64): {65 project: workspaces.ProjectDefinition;66 target: workspaces.TargetDefinition;67} => {68 if (!workspace.projects || !Object.keys(workspace.projects).length) {69 throw new Error('No angular projects found');70 }71 const project = workspace.projects.get(projectName);72 if (!project) {73 throw new Error(`"${projectName}" project is not found in angular.json`);74 }75 if (!project.targets.has(targetName)) {76 throw new Error(`"${targetName}" target is not found in "${projectName}" project`);77 }78 const target = project.targets.get(targetName);79 return { project, target };...

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Source:command.js Github


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1#!/usr/bin/env node2const { spawn } = require("child_process");3const path = require("path");4const args = process.argv.slice(2);5const [testFile, ...extra] = args;6const fullPath = path.resolve(testFile);7const nxWorkspace = process.cwd();8const jest = path.join(nxWorkspace, "node_modules", ".bin", "jest");9const projectType = fullPath.replace(nxWorkspace, "").split(path.sep)[1];10const nxProject = fullPath.replace(nxWorkspace, "").split(path.sep)[2];11const jestConfig = path.join(12 nxWorkspace,13 projectType,14 nxProject,15 "jest.config.js"16);17const child = spawn(jest, [fullPath, "-c", jestConfig, ...extra]);18child.stdout.on("data", (chunk) => console.log(chunk.toString()));...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { nxWorkspace } = require('@nrwl/storybook');2module.exports = {3 webpackFinal: async config => {4 return nxWorkspace(config);5 }6};7const { nxWorkspace } = require('@nrwl/storybook');8module.exports = {9 webpackFinal: async config => {10 return nxWorkspace(config);11 }12};

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1import { nxWorkspace } from 'storybook-root';2nxWorkspace();3const path = require('path');4module.exports = {5 {6 options: {7 },8 },9 webpackFinal: async (config) => {10 config.resolve.alias['storybook-root'] = path.resolve(11 );12 return config;13 },14};15import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';16import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';17addDecorator(withNx());18import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';19import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';20addDecorator(withNx());21import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';22import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';23addDecorator(withNx());24import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';25import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';26addDecorator(withNx());27import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';28import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';29addDecorator(withNx());30import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';31import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';32addDecorator(withNx());33import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';34import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';35addDecorator(withNx());36import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';37import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';38addDecorator(withNx());39import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';40import { withNx } from 'storybook-addon-nx-environment';41addDecorator(withNx());42import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/angular';43import { withNx } from '

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1import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook';2const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook').nxWorkspace;3const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;4const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;5import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';6import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';7const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;8const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;9import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';10import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';11const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;12const nxWorkspace = require('@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace').nxWorkspace;13import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';14import { nxWorkspace } from '@nrwl/storybook/dist/utilities/nx-workspace';

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1const workspace = require(‘@nrwl/workspace’);2console.log(workspace.nxWorkspace());3module.exports = async ({ config }) => {4config.module.rules.push({5{6loader: require.resolve(‘@storybook/source-loader’),7options: { parser: ‘javascript’ },8},9});10return config;11};

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1import { nxWorkspace } from 'storybook-root';2export const getStorybookRoot = () => nxWorkspace.getRoot();3import { getStorybookRoot } from '../test';4export const root = getStorybookRoot();5import { root } from './config';6export const parameters = {7 nx: {8 },9};10import { root } from './config';11export const parameters = {12 nx: {13 },14};15import { root } from './config';16export const parameters = {17 nx: {18 },19};20import { root } from './config';21export const parameters = {22 nx: {23 },24};25import { root } from './config';26export const parameters = {27 nx: {28 },29};30import { root } from './config';31export const parameters = {32 nx: {33 },34};35import { root } from './config';36export const parameters = {37 nx: {38 },39};40import { root } from './config';41export const parameters = {42 nx: {43 },44};45import { root } from './config';46export const parameters = {47 nx: {48 },49};50import { root } from './config';51export const parameters = {52 nx: {53 },54};

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1const { nxWorkspace } = require('storybook-root');2module.exports = {3 ...nxWorkspace('my-lib').stories,4};5The nxWorkspace() function takes a project name as a parameter and returns an object with the following properties:6The nxProject() function takes a project name as a parameter and returns an object with the following properties:7The nxProjectRoot() function takes a project name as a parameter and returns an object with the following properties:8The nxProjectRootPath() function takes a project name as a parameter and returns an object with the following properties

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1import {nxWorkspace} from 'storybook-root';2console.log("workspace name: ", nxWorkspace);3(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import {nxWorkspace} from 'storybook-root';4SyntaxError: Unexpected token import5I am trying to use the storybook-root package in my nx workspace. I am trying to import a method from this package in a test file. I am getting the following error:6(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import {nxWorkspace} from 'storybook-root';7SyntaxError: Unexpected token import8I am trying to use the storybook-root package in my nx workspace. I am trying to import a method from this package in a test file. I am getting the following error:9(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import {nxWorkspace} from 'storybook-root';10SyntaxError: Unexpected token import11I am trying to use the storybook-root package in my nx workspace. I am trying to import a method from this package in a test file. I am getting the following error:12(function (exports, require, module, __filename, __dirname) { import {nxWorkspace} from 'storybook-root';13SyntaxError: Unexpected token import14I am trying to use the storybook-root package in my nx workspace. I am trying to import a method from this package in a test file. I am getting the following error:

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