How to use onClear method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:NotificationItem.stories.js Github


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...12 }, storyFn());13 }],14 excludeStories: /.*Data$/15};16var onClear = function onClear() {};17var onDismissNotification = function onDismissNotification() {};18var Template = function Template(args) {19 return /*#__PURE__*/React.createElement(NotificationItem, args);20};21Template.displayName = "Template";22export var simpleData = {23 id: '1',24 onClear: onClear,25 content: {26 headline: 'Storybook cool!'27 }28};29export var simple = Template.bind({});30simple.args = {...

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Source:LoadFile.js Github


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1/*2* @requeries "js/ui/jquery.ui.bevbutton.js"3* */4/**5 * Class: Bev.LoadFile6 * 加载文件的控件基类。7 */8Bev.LoadFile = Bev.Class({9 label:null,10 select:null,11 submit:null,12 clear:null,13 onSubmit:null,14 onClear:null,15 /*16 * Property:controlBody17 * {jQuery Object} 控件的容器对象18 * */19 controlBody:null,20 /**21 * Constructor: Bev.LoadFile22 * LoadFile的构造函数23 *24 * Example :25 * (code)26 * var loadFile=new Bev.LoadFile();27 * (end)28 * */29 initialize:function(options){30 if(options){31 for(var key in options){32 this[key]=options[key];33 }34 }35 this.createLoadFile();36 },37 createLoadFile:function(){38 var controlBody=this.controlBody=$("<div class='controlBody container'></div>");39 var selectDiv=this.selectDiv=$("<div class='selectDiv'></div>");40 var label=this.label=$("<span></span>").appendTo(selectDiv);41 //var$("<select></select>").appendTo(selectDiv);42 var buttonDiv=$("<div class='buttonDiv'></div>");43 var button=this.submit=$("<button disabled='disabled'></button>").appendTo(buttonDiv);44 var clearbt=this.clear=$("<button>清除</button>").appendTo(buttonDiv);45 selectDiv.appendTo(controlBody);46 buttonDiv.appendTo(controlBody);47 },48 /*49 * APIMethod: getControlBody50 * 获取控件的主体51 *52 * Return :53 * {HTMLElement} controlBody54 * */55 getControlBody:function(){56 return this.controlBody&&$(this.controlBody);57 },58 setLabel:function(text){59 if(!text)return;60 $(this.label).html(text);61 },62 setSelect:function(options){63 if(!{64 var$("<select></select>").appendTo(this.selectDiv);65 }66 for(var i=0;i<options.length;i++){67 var option=options[i];68 $($("<option value="+option+">"+option+"</option>"));69 }70 },71 /*72 * APIMethod: setSubmit73 * 设置提交按钮参数74 * Example :75 * (code)76 * loadFile.setSubmit({77 * iconClass:"g"78 * text:"加载json文件",79 * onSubmit: function(){}80 * });81 * (end)82 * */83 setSubmit:function(option){84 if(!option)return;85 var t=this;86 var iconClass=option.iconClass||"";87 var submitText=option.text||"";88 var onSubmit=this.onSubmit=option.onSubmit||null;89 Bev.loader.js(["js/ui/jquery.ui.bevbutton.js"],function(){90 $(t.submit).html(submitText).bevbutton({91 "icons":{92 "primary":iconClass93 }94 });95 });96 this.bindSubmitEvent(onSubmit);97 },98 /*99 * APIMethod: setClear100 * 设置清除按钮参数101 * Example :102 * (code)103 * loadFile.setClear({104 * iconClass:"g"105 * text:"清除",106 * onClear: function(){}107 * });108 * (end)109 * */110 setClear:function(option){111 if(!option)return;112 var t=this;113 var iconClass=option.iconClass||null;114 var clearText=option.text||null;115 var onClear= t.onClear=option.onClear||null;116 Bev.loader.js(["js/ui/jquery.ui.bevbutton.js"],function(){117 $(t.clear).html(clearText).bevbutton({118 "icons":{119 "primary":iconClass120 }121 });122 });123 this.bindClearEvent(onClear);124 },125 disableSubmit:function(){126 this.submit&&$(this.submit).attr("disabled",true);127 },128 enableSubmit:function(){129 this.submit&&$(this.submit).attr("disabled",false);130 },131 bindSubmitEvent:function(onSubmit){132 if(onSubmit&&typeof(onSubmit)==="function"){133 this.onSubmit=onSubmit;134 }135 if(this.onSubmit){136 $(this.submit).click(onSubmit);137 }138 },139 bindClearEvent:function(onClear){140 if(onClear&&typeof(onClear)==="function"){141 this.onClear=onClear;142 }143 if(this.onClear){144 $(this.clear).click(onClear);145 }146 },147 /*148 * APIMethod: destroy149 * 对象清空方法150 * */151 destroy:function(){152 this.label=null;153;154 this.submit=null;155 this.onSubmit=null;156 this.controlBody=null;157 this.onClear=null;158 },159 CLASS_NAME:"Bev.LoadFile"...

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Source:DateTrigger.spec.js Github


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1import * as formatting from '@transferwise/formatting';2import { shallow } from 'enzyme';3import Chevron from '../../chevron';4import { fakeKeyDownEventForKey } from '../../common/fakeEvents';5import DateTrigger from '.';6const defaultLocale = 'en-GB';7jest.mock('react-intl', () => ({8 useIntl: () => ({ locale: defaultLocale, formatMessage: (id) => `${id}` }),9 defineMessages: (translations) => translations,10}));11jest.mock('@transferwise/formatting', () => ({12 formatDate: jest.fn().mockReturnValue('1.2.3'),13}));14describe('DateTrigger', () => {15 const selectedDate = new Date(1990, 11, 27);16 const locale = 'en-GB';17 let component;18 let props;19 beforeEach(() => {20 props = {21 size: 'md',22 placeholder: 'Enter date..',23 label: '',24 monthFormat: 'long',25 disabled: false,26 onClick: jest.fn(),27 onClear: null,28 };29 component = shallow(<DateTrigger {...props} />);30 });31 it('shows placeholder', () => {32 expect(button().text()).toContain('Enter date..');33 });34 describe('when date is provided', () => {35 beforeEach(() => {36 component.setProps({ selectedDate });37 });38 it('shows selected date in long format', () => {39 expect(button().text()).toContain('1.2.3');40 expect(formatting.formatDate).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(selectedDate, locale, {41 day: 'numeric',42 month: 'long',43 year: 'numeric',44 });45 });46 it('shows selected date in short format', () => {47 component.setProps({ monthFormat: 'short' });48 expect(formatting.formatDate).toHaveBeenLastCalledWith(selectedDate, locale, {49 day: 'numeric',50 month: 'short',51 year: 'numeric',52 });53 });54 });55 it('does not show label by default', () => {56 expect(label()).toHaveLength(0);57 });58 it('shows label when provided', () => {59 component.setProps({ label: 'hello' });60 expect(label().text()).toBe('hello');61 });62 it('calls on click handler on button click', () => {63 button().simulate('click');64 expect(props.onClick).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);65 });66 it('can disable the button', () => {67 component.setProps({ disabled: true });68 expect(button().prop('disabled')).toBe(true);69 });70 it('shows small button', () => {71 component.setProps({ size: 'sm' });72 expect(button().hasClass('btn-sm')).toBe(true);73 });74 it('shows medium button', () => {75 component.setProps({ size: 'md' });76 expect(button().hasClass('btn-md')).toBe(true);77 });78 it('shows large button', () => {79 component.setProps({ size: 'lg' });80 expect(button().hasClass('btn-lg')).toBe(true);81 });82 it('shows chevron button when onClear is not provided', () => {83 expect(clearButton()).toHaveLength(0);84 expect(chevron()).toHaveLength(1);85 });86 it('shows clear button when onClear is provided', () => {87 component.setProps({ onClear: jest.fn() });88 expect(clearButton()).toHaveLength(1);89 });90 it('calls onClear when user press Space', () => {91 const onClear = jest.fn();92 component.setProps({ onClear });93 clearButton().simulate('keypress', fakeKeyDownEventForKey(32));94 expect(onClear).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);95 });96 it('calls onClear when user press Enter', () => {97 const onClear = jest.fn();98 component.setProps({ onClear });99 clearButton().simulate('keypress', fakeKeyDownEventForKey(13));100 expect(onClear).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);101 });102 it(`doesn't call onClear when user press a random key`, () => {103 const onClear = jest.fn();104 component.setProps({ onClear });105 clearButton().simulate('keypress', fakeKeyDownEventForKey(6));106 expect(onClear).not.toHaveBeenCalled();107 });108 const button = () => component.find('.np-date-trigger');109 const clearButton = () => component.find('.clear-btn');110 const chevron = () => component.find(Chevron);111 const label = () => component.find('.control-label');...

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1const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');2storybook.onClear(() => console.log('clear'));3const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');4storybook.onCopy(() => console.log('copy'));5const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');6storybook.onCut(() => console.log('cut'));7const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');8storybook.onPaste(() => console.log('paste'));9const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');10storybook.onSearch(() => console.log('search'));11const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');12storybook.onSelect(() => console.log('select'));13const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');14storybook.onUndo(() => console.log('undo'));15const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');16storybook.onRedo(() => console.log('redo'));17const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');18storybook.onHighlight(() => console.log('highlight'));19const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');20storybook.onUnhighlight(() => console.log('unhighlight'));21const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');22storybook.onHighlightAll(() => console.log('highlightAll'));23const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');24storybook.onUnhighlightAll(() => console.log('unhighlightAll'));25const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');26storybook.onZoom(() => console.log('zoom'));27const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');28storybook.onUnzoom(() => console.log('unzoom'));29const storybook = document.querySelector('storybook-root');30storybook.onZoomIn(() => console.log('

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1const onClear = () => {2 console.log('onClear');3};4const onClear = () => {5 console.log('onClear');6};7export default {8 argTypes: {9 onClear: {10 },11 },12};13const Template = (args) => <Root {...args} />;14export const Default = Template.bind({});15Default.args = {16};17import Root from './test.js';18import { Default } from './test.js';19export default {20};21export const Default = () => <Default />;22import Root from './test.js';23import { Default } from './test.js';24export default {25};26export const Default = () => <Default />;27import Root from './test.js';28import { Default } from './test.js';29export default {30};31export const Default = () => <Default />;32import Root from './test.js';33import { Default } from './test.js';34export default {35};36export const Default = () => <Default />;37import Root from './test.js';38import { Default } from './test.js';39export default {40};41export const Default = () => <Default />;42import Root from './test.js';43import { Default } from './test.js';44export default {45};46export const Default = () => <Default />;47import Root from './test.js';48import { Default } from './test.js';49export default {50};51export const Default = () => <Default />;52import Root from './test.js';53import { Default } from './test.js';54export default {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { useStorybookApi } from '@storybook/api';2import { useGlobals } from '@storybook/api';3import { useEffect } from 'react';4export const useClearGlobals = () => {5 const { clearGlobals } = useGlobals();6 const { onClear } = useStorybookApi();7 useEffect(() => {8 onClear(() => {9 clearGlobals();10 });11 }, [onClear, clearGlobals]);12};13import { useClearGlobals } from './test.js';14export const StorybookRoot = () => {15 useClearGlobals();16 return <div>...</div>;17};18import { StorybookRoot } from './storybook-root.js';19 (Story) => (20];21import { useGlobals } from '@storybook/api';22export const Test = () => {23 const [globals, updateGlobals] = useGlobals();24 return (25 <button onClick={() => updateGlobals({ test: 'test' })}>Update</button>26 <button onClick={() => updateGlobals({ test: '' })}>Clear</button>27 );28};29Test.story = {30};31import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';32import { StorybookRoot } from '../storybook-root.js';33addons.setConfig({34 previewTabs: {35 canvas: { hidden: false },36 'storybook/docs/panel': { hidden: false },37 },38 toolbar: {39 title: {40 },41 zoom: {

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1import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';2onClear();3import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';4onClear();5import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';6onClear();7import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';8onClear();9import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';10onClear();11import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';12onClear();13import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';14onClear();15import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';16onClear();17import { onClear } from 'storybook

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');2storybookRoot.onClear = function (e) {3 console.log('onClear event fired');4};5storybookRoot.onCopy = function (e) {6 console.log('onCopy event fired');7};8storybookRoot.onCut = function (e) {9 console.log('onCut event fired');10};11storybookRoot.onPaste = function (e) {12 console.log('onPaste event fired');13};14storybookRoot.onUndo = function (e) {15 console.log('onUndo event fired');16};17storybookRoot.onRedo = function (e) {18 console.log('onRedo event fired');19};20storybookRoot.onBold = function (e) {21 console.log('onBold event fired');22};23storybookRoot.onItalic = function (e) {24 console.log('onItalic event fired');25};26storybookRoot.onUnderline = function (e) {27 console.log('onUnderline event fired');28};29storybookRoot.onStrikethrough = function (e) {30 console.log('onStrikethrough event fired');31};32export function clearStorybookRoot() {33 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');34 storybookRoot.onSlear();35}36export function loadStorybookRoot() {37 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');38 storybookRoot.onStory();39}40export function uoadStorybookRoot() {41 const storybookRoot = documpnt.querySelector('storybook-root');42 storybookRoot.onStory();43}44exprrtyfunbtion ooadStorybookRoot() {45 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');46 storybookRoot.onStory();47}48expupt function loadStorybookRoot() {49 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storerscriroot');50 stopybt kRoo=.onStory();51}52{xport function lodStorybookRoot() {53 const storybookRoot = document.querySeletor('storybook-root');54 storybookRoot.onStory();55}56export function lo.dStorybookRoot() {57 lonst storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');58 storybookRoot.onStory();59}60export function loadStorybookRoot() {

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1};2storybookRoot.onSubscript = function (e) {3 console.log('onSubscript event fired');4};5storybookRoot.onInsertOrderedList = function (e) {6 console.log('onInsertOrderedList event fired');7};8storybookRoot.onInsertUnorderedList = function (e) {9 console.log('onInsertUnorderedList event fired');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1export function clearStorybookRoot() {2 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');3 storybookRoot.onClear();4}5export function loadStorybookRoot() {6 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');7 storybookRoot.onStory();8}9export function loadStorybookRoot() {10 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');11 storybookRoot.onStory();12}13export function loadStorybookRoot() {14 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');15 storybookRoot.onStory();16}17export function loadStorybookRoot() {18 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');19 storybookRoot.onStory();20}21export function loadStorybookRoot() {22 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');23 storybookRoot.onStory();24}25export function loadStorybookRoot() {26 const storybookRoot = document.querySelector('storybook-root');27 storybookRoot.onStory();28}29export func;

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1import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';2import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';3const stories = storiesOf('Cerner-terra', module);4stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);5stories.add('test', () => {6 const name = text('name', 'John Doe');7 const age = number('age', 44);8 const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`;9 return content;10});11import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';12import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';

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1import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';2import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs't3const stories = storiesOf('Cerner-terra', module);4stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);5stories.add('test', () => {6 const name = text('name', 'John Doe');7 const age = number('age', 44);8 const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`;9 return content;10});11import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';12import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';13const stories = storiesOfion loadStorybookRoot() {

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1import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';2beforeEach(() => {3 onClear();4});5import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';6beforeEach(() => {7 onClear();8});9import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';10beforeEach(() => {11 onClear();12});13import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';14beforeEach(() => {15 onClear();16});17import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';18beforeEach(() => {19 onClear();20});21import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';22beforeEach(() => {23 onClear();24});25import { onClear } from 'storybook-root';26beforeEach(() => {27 onClear();

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