How to use optionsNode method in storybook-root

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Source:mockImages.js Github


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1export const defaultImage = {2 id: 'cpu1',3 title: {4 text: 'CPU使用率'5 },6 xAxis: [7 {8 type: 'category',9 boundaryGap: false,10 data: []11 }12 ],13 yAxis: [14 {15 type: 'value',16 max: 100,17 axisLabel: {18 formatter: '{value} %'19 }20 }21 ],22 series: [23 {24 type: 'liquidFill',25 data: [0.6]26 }27 ]28}29function newImage() {30 return JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultImage));31}32export function generateImages(count) {33 const images = Array(count).fill({}).map(() => newImage());34 images.forEach((image, index) => = `cpu${index}`);35 return images;36}37export function rnd(low, high, pre) {38 const update = Math.floor(Math.random() * (high - low + 1) + low) * (Math.random() * 2 < 1 ? -1 : 1) / 100;39 pre += update;40 if (pre < 0.05) pre += 0.05;41 if (pre > 1) pre += 0.05;42 return pre; 43}44const reducePercent = 0.4;45const increasePercent = 0.9;46function autoscalingImages(app) {47 // validate each image cpu status, if 48 const { selectService: { images: { optionsGo, optionsNode}}} = app;49 let scaleUp = optionsGo.some((option) => option.series[0].data[0] > increasePercent) 50 || optionsNode.some((option) => option.series[0].data[0] > increasePercent);51 let scaleDown = optionsGo.some((option) => option.series[0].data[0] < reducePercent) 52 || optionsNode.some((option) => option.series[0].data[0] < reducePercent);53 const { selectService: { maxCount, changePercent, flowRate } } = app;54 const maxGo = Math.floor(changePercent * maxCount / 100);55 const maxNode = Math.floor((100 - changePercent) * maxCount / 100);56 const goUsePercent = maxGo === 0? 0 : optionsGo.length / maxGo;57 const nodeUsePercent = maxNode === 0? 0 : optionsNode.length / maxNode;58 let needUpdate = false;59 if (scaleUp) {60 if (goUsePercent > nodeUsePercent && optionsNode.length < maxNode) {61 optionsNode.push(newImage());62 needUpdate = true;63 } else if (goUsePercent < nodeUsePercent && optionsGo.length < maxGo){64 optionsGo.push(newImage());65 needUpdate = true;66 } else if (optionsNode.length < maxNode) {67 optionsNode.push(newImage());68 needUpdate = true;69 } else if (optionsGo.length < maxGo) {70 optionsGo.push(newImage());71 needUpdate = true;72 }73 } else if (scaleDown) {74 if (goUsePercent > nodeUsePercent && optionsGo.length > 0) {75 optionsGo.shift();76 needUpdate = true;77 } else if (goUsePercent < nodeUsePercent && optionsNode.length > 0) {78 optionsNode.shift();79 needUpdate = true;80 } else if (optionsNode.length > 0) {81 optionsNode.shift();82 needUpdate = true;83 } else if (optionsGo.length > 0) {84 optionsGo.shift();85 needUpdate = true;86 }87 }88 if (needUpdate && (optionsGo.length !== 0 || optionsNode.length !== 0)) {89 const average = 0.8 * maxCount * flowRate / 100 / (optionsGo.length + optionsNode.length);90 optionsGo.forEach((image) => {91 image.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, average)];92 });93 optionsNode.forEach((image) => {94 image.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, average)];95 });96 }97}98export function connectComponent(app) {99 const updateCPUPercent = () => {100 app.selectService.images.optionsGo.forEach((option) => {101 option.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, option.series[0].data[0])];102 });103 app.selectService.images.optionsNode.forEach((option) => {104 option.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, option.series[0].data[0])];105 });106 autoscalingImages(app);107 };108 window.setInterval(updateCPUPercent.bind(app), 1000);109}110function generateNewImages(preImages, service, average, usePercent) {111 let increaseCount = 0;112 let decreaseCount = 0;113 preImages.forEach((image) => {114 image.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, average)];115 if (image.series[0].data[0] < reducePercent) {116 decreaseCount++;117 } else if (image.series[0].data[0] > increasePercent) {118 increaseCount++;119 }120 });121 const maxImage = Math.round(usePercent * service.maxCount);122 // each time only increase or reduce on machine123 if (preImages.length > maxImage) {124 preImages.splice(0, preImages.length - maxImage);125 }126 else if (increaseCount > 0 && preImages.length < maxImage) {127 preImages.push(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultImage)));128 } else if (decreaseCount > 0 && preImages.length > 0) {129 if (maxImage === 0) preImages.length = [];130 if (preImages.length > 0) preImages.shift();131 }132 return preImages;133}134// with change rate and flow rate, update current golang and nodejs service running status135export function updateImages(service) {136 // set max flow is 0.8 * service.maxCount137 const { flowRate } = service; 138 let preGolangImages = service.images.optionsGo;139 let preNodejsImages = service.images.optionsNode;140 let golangCount = preGolangImages.length;141 if (golangCount === 0 && service.changePercent > 0) {142 preGolangImages = [JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultImage))];143 golangCount = 1;144 }145 let nodeCount = preNodejsImages.length; 146 if (nodeCount === 0 && service.changePercent < 100) {147 preNodejsImages = [JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(defaultImage))];148 nodeCount = 1;149 }150 const totalFlow = 0.8 * service.maxCount * flowRate / 100;151 let average = totalFlow / (golangCount + nodeCount);152 preGolangImages = generateNewImages(preGolangImages, service, average, service.changePercent / 100);153 preNodejsImages = generateNewImages(preNodejsImages, service, average, 1 - service.changePercent / 100);154 // update use percent155 average = totalFlow / (preGolangImages.length + preNodejsImages.length);156 preGolangImages.forEach((image) => {157 image.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, average)];158 });159 preNodejsImages.forEach((image) => {160 image.series[0].data = [rnd(1, 5, average)];161 });162 service.images.optionsGo = preGolangImages;163 service.images.optionsNode = preNodejsImages;164 return [preGolangImages, preNodejsImages];...

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Source:index.js Github


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1import { executeOnCreate, capitalize, snakeToTitle } from '../../util'2import Doctors from '../../doctors'3function init() {4 executeOnCreate('.invoice-add__body__items', addOptions)5 executeOnCreate('.invoice-metadata .wv-form-field:nth-child(4) > label > div', changePaymentDueTitle)6}7// Change Text8function changePaymentDueTitle (selector) {9 const pdue = document.querySelector(selector)10 pdue.innerText = 'Operation Date'11} 12// Surgery Options13const dataPoints = {}14function register (id) {15 dataPoints[id] = ''16}17function reactChange (data, key) {18 dataPoints[key] = data19 const textArea = document.querySelector('.invoice-memo .wv-textarea')20 if (textArea) {21 textArea.value = objectToString(dataPoints)22 }23}24function objectToString (obj) {25 let str = ''26 for (const key in obj) {27 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {28 if (obj[key]) {29 str = str + snakeToTitle(key) + ' - ' + obj[key] + '\n'30 }31 }32 }33 return str34}35function addOptions (selector) {36 const referenceNode = document.querySelector(selector)37 38 const optionsNode = document.createElement('div')39 optionsNode.className = '.surgery-options'40 = 'padding-bottom: 10px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:1fr 1fr;'41 optionsNode.appendChild(options('operative-eye', ['Left', 'Right']))42 optionsNode.appendChild(options('surgeon', => optionsNode.appendChild(input('biometry'))44 optionsNode.appendChild(input('addtional-details'))45 optionsNode.appendChild(input('left-eye-vision'))46 optionsNode.appendChild(input('right-eye-vision'))47 referenceNode.parentNode.insertBefore(optionsNode, referenceNode.nextSibling)48}49function options (id, list) {50 register(id)51 const btnGroup = document.createElement('div')52 = id53 const title = document.createElement('h4')54 title.innerText = snakeToTitle(id)55 btnGroup.appendChild(title)56 57 list.forEach (op => {58 const btn = document.createElement('button')59 btn.className = 'wv-button--secondary'60 btn.innerText = capitalize(op)61 btnGroup.appendChild(btn)62 btn.addEventListener('click', () => {63 reactChange(op, id)64 const selectedBtn = document.querySelector(`#${id} .wv-button--primary`)65 if (selectedBtn) {66 selectedBtn.className = 'wv-button--secondary'67 }68 btn.className = 'wv-button--primary'69 })70 })71 return btnGroup72}73function input (id) {74 register(id)75 const inputGroup = document.createElement('div')76 = id77 const title = document.createElement('h4')78 title.innerText = snakeToTitle(id)79 inputGroup.appendChild(title)80 const inp = document.createElement('input')81 inp.className = 'wv-input wv-input'82 inputGroup.appendChild(inp)83 inp.addEventListener('keyup', () => reactChange(inp.value, id))84 return inputGroup85}86export default {87 init...

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Source:types.ts Github


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1import { TreeNode } from 'element-ui/types/tree';2export type AugmentedNode = TreeNode<string, OptionsNode>3export interface OptionsNode {4 value: string;5 label: string;6 linkedAnnotation: string | null;7 children?: OptionsNode[]8}9export interface Document {10 tree: OptionsNode[]11};12export interface NodeCommand {13 command: string;14 node: any;15 data: any;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { optionsNode } from '@storybook/addon-options';2export default optionsNode({3 storySort: (a, b) => {4 if (a[1].kind === b[1].kind) {5 return 0;6 }7 return a[1].id.localeCompare(b[1].id, { numeric: true });8 },9});10import { configure } from '@storybook/react';11configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);12import '@storybook/addon-options/register';13import '@storybook/addon-knobs/register';14import '@storybook/addon-actions/register';15import '@storybook/addon-links/register';16import '@storybook/addon-a11y/register';17import '@storybook/addon-jest/register';18import '@storybook/addon-storysource/register';19import '@storybook/addon-viewport/register';20import '@storybook/addon-backgrounds/register';21import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';22import myTheme from './myTheme';23addons.setConfig({24});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const optionsNode = require('storybook-root').optionsNode;2const options = optionsNode('test');3const options = require('storybook-root').options('test');4module.exports = {5 options: function(name) {6 return {7 }8 },9 optionsNode: function(name) {10 return {11 }12 }13}14module.exports = {15 options: function(name) {16 return {17 }18 },19 optionsNode: function(name) {20 return {21 }22 }23}24module.exports = {25 options: function(name) {26 return {27 }28 },29 optionsNode: function(name) {30 return {31 }32 }33}34module.exports = {35 options: function(name) {36 return {37 }38 },39 optionsNode: function(name) {40 return {41 }42 }43}44module.exports = {45 options: function(name) {46 return {47 }48 },49 optionsNode: function(name) {50 return {51 }52 }53}54module.exports = {55 options: function(name) {56 return {57 }58 },59 optionsNode: function(name) {60 return {61 }62 }63}64module.exports = {65 options: function(name) {66 return {67 }68 },69 optionsNode: function(name) {70 return {71 }72 }73}74module.exports = {75 options: function(name) {76 return {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const optionsNode = require("storybook-root").optionsNode;2const options = optionsNode("storybook-root", "options");3const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options");4const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {5});6const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {7});8const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {9});10const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {11});12const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {13});14const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {15});16const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {17});18const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {19});20const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {21});22const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {23});24const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options", {25});26const optionsNode = require("storybook-root").optionsNode;27const options = optionsNode("storybook-root", "options");28const options = require("storybook-root").options("storybook-root", "options");

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const optionsNode = document.querySelector('storybook-root').optionsNode();2const options = JSON.parse(optionsNode.textContent);3console.log(options);4const optionsNode = document.querySelector('storybook-iframe').optionsNode();5const options = JSON.parse(optionsNode.textContent);6console.log(options);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { render } from 'react-dom';3import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';4import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs/react';5import { withOptions } from '@storybook/addon-options';6import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';7import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';8import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';9import { Welcome } from '@storybook/react/demo';10storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);11storiesOf('Button', module)12 .addDecorator(withKnobs)13 .addDecorator(withOptions)14 .add(15 withInfo('A very simple component')(() => (16 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>{text('Label', 'Hello Button')}</button>17 .add(18 withInfo('A very simple component')(() => (19 <button onClick={action('clicked')}>20 {text('Label', '😀 😎 👍 💯')}21 );22storiesOf('withOptions', module).add(23 withInfo('A very simple component')(() => {24 const options = {

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