How to use parseJsxElement method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:babel-insert-script.js Github


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1const {2 declare3} = require('@babel/helper-plugin-utils');4const template = require('@babel/template').default5const t = require('@babel/types');6const babel_insert_script_plugin = (config, parseHtmlData) => {7 return declare((api, option, dirname) => {8 api.assertVersion('7');9 return {10 manipulateOptions(options, parserOptions) {11 parserOptions.plugins.push('jsx');12 },13 visitor: {14 Program: {15 enter(path, state) {16 state.script = false;17 state.template = !!!parseHtmlData.tag;18 const scriptList = config.optionalList;19 switch (config.type) {20 case 'ts':21 case 'js':22 path.traverse({23 'ClassDeclaration'(curPath) {24 insertScript(curPath, scriptList)25 }26 });27 break;28 case 'jsx':29 case 'tsx':30 const func = config.func;31 path.traverse({32 'ClassDeclaration'(curPath) {33 if (func === {34 // insert template35 if (parseHtmlData.tag) {36 // Make sure render() exists37 let renderPath = null;38 curPath.traverse({39 'ClassMethod'(childPath) {40 if ( === 'render') {41 renderPath = childPath;42 }43 }44 })45 // If not exist, create new render() function46 if (!renderPath) {47 const render = t.classMethod(48 'method', 49 t.identifier('render'),50 [],51 t.blockStatement([])52 );53 renderPath = curPath.get('body').pushContainer('body', render)[0];54 }55 // insert template56 const parseJsxELement = getParseJsxElement(parseHtmlData);57 inserParsedtJsxElement(renderPath, parseJsxELement);58 }59 // insert script60 insertScript(curPath, scriptList);61 curPath.skip();62 }63 },64 'FunctionDeclaration'(curPath) {65 if (func === {66 if (parseHtmlData.tag) {67 const parseJsxELement = getParseJsxElement(parseHtmlData);68 inserParsedtJsxElement(curPath, parseJsxELement);69 }70 insertScript(curPath, scriptList);71 curPath.skip();72 }73 }74 });75 case 'vue':76 break;77 default:78 break;79 }80 path.skip();81 }82 }83 }84 }85 })86}87function getParseJsxElement(parseHtmlData) {88 const {89 tag,90 attrs91 } = parseHtmlData;92 const JSXAttrs = attrs ? => {93 return t.jsxAttribute(t.JSXIdentifier(, t.stringLiteral(attr.binding))94 }) : [];95 return t.JSXElement(96 t.jsxOpeningElement(t.JSXIdentifier(tag), JSXAttrs),97 t.jsxClosingElement(t.JSXIdentifier(tag)),98 []99 )100}101function inserParsedtJsxElement(curPath, parseJsxELement) {102 let state = false;103 curPath.traverse({104 'ReturnStatement'(returnPath) {105 returnPath.traverse({106 // "Return" statement contains jsx element107 'JSXElement'(jsxPath) {108 jsxPath.node.children.push(parseJsxELement);109 state = true;110 jsxPath.skip();111 }112 })113 // "Return" statement doesn't contain jsx element / is null 114 if (!state) {115 returnPath.node.argument = parseJsxELement;116 state = true;117 returnPath.skip();118 }119 },120 })121 // No Return statement122 if (state === false) {123 const returnNode = t.returnStatement(parseJsxELement);124 curPath.get('body').node.body.push(returnNode);125 }126}127function insertScript(path, data) {128 => {129 if ( {130 const ast = template(;131 const pos = config.insert;132 if (pos === 'unshift') {133 path.node.body.body.unshift(ast);134 } else {135 path.node.body.body.push(ast);136 }137 }138 })139}...

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Source:parseDeclaration.js Github


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1import parseJSXElement from './parseJSXElement.js'2function parseArgument (declaration, src) {3 if (!declaration) return4 if (declaration.type === 'JSXElement') {5 parseJSXElement(declaration, src)6 }7 8 if (declaration.type === 'BlockStatement') {9 parseDeclarationBody(declaration, src)10 }11 12 if (declaration.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {13 parseDeclarationBody(declaration, src)14 }15}16export function parseDeclarationBody (body, src) {17 function parseBodyStatement (statement) {18 if (statement.type === 'ReturnStatement') {19 parseArgument(statement.argument, src)20 } else {21 parseDeclaration(statement, src)22 }23 }24 25 if (!body.body) return26 if (Array.isArray(body.body)) {27 body.body.forEach(parseBodyStatement)28 } else {29 parseArgument(body.body, src)30 }31}32export default function parseDeclaration (declaration, src) {33 function parseVariableDeclaration (declaration) {34 if (declaration.kind === 'var') {35 declaration.declarations = => {36 declaration.init = {37 type: 'CallExpression',38 callee: {39 type: 'MemberExpression',40 object: {41 type: 'Identifier',42 name: 'Var',43 },44 property: {45 type: 'Identifier',46 name: 'observable',47 },48 },49 arguments: [50 declaration.init,51 {52 type: 'Literal',53 value: }55 ],56 57 }58 return declaration59 })60 }61 62 declaration.declarations.forEach(declarator => {63 if (!declarator.init) return64 65 if (declarator.init.type === 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {66 parseDeclarationBody(declarator.init ,src)67 }68 69 if (declarator.init.type === 'JSXElement') {70 parseJSXElement(declarator.init, src)71 }72 })73 }74 75 function parseFunctionDeclaration (declaration) {76 if (!declaration.body) return77 parseDeclarationBody(declaration.body, src)78 }79 80 if (declaration.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration') {81 parseDeclaration(declaration.declaration, src)82 }83 84 if (declaration.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration') {85 parseDeclaration(declaration.declaration, src)86 }87 88 if (declaration.type === 'VariableDeclaration') {89 parseVariableDeclaration(...arguments)90 }91 92 if (declaration.type === 'FunctionDeclaration' || declaration.type ===93 'ArrowFunctionExpression') {94 parseFunctionDeclaration(...arguments)95 }96 97 if (declaration.type === 'ExpressionStatement') {98 if (declaration.expression.arguments) {99 declaration.expression.arguments.forEach((argument) => {100 parseArgument(argument, src)101 })102 }103 }104 105 if (declaration.type === 'IfStatement') {106 if (declaration.consequent) {107 parseDeclarationBody(declaration.consequent, src)108 }109 110 if (declaration.alternate) {111 parseDeclarationBody(declaration.alternate, src)112 }113 }...

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Source:JSXParser.ts Github


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1import { AbstractExpressionParser } from './AbstractExpressionParser.js';2import { MarkupTemplateParser } from './MarkupTemplateParser.js';3import { Syntax } from '../lib/Enum.js';4import * as Babel from '@babel/types';5export class JSXParser extends AbstractExpressionParser {6 parse(node) {7 switch (node.type) {8 case Syntax.ObjectProperty:9 this.parseObjectProperty(node.value);10 break;11 case Syntax.ObjectMethod:12 this.parseBlockStatement(node.body);13 break;14 }15 }16 parseObjectProperty(node) {17 switch (node.type) {18 case Syntax.FunctionExpression:19 this.parseFunctionExpression(node);20 break;21 case Syntax.ArrowFunctionExpression:22 this.parseArrowFunctionExpression(node);23 break;24 }25 }26 parseFunctionExpression(node: Babel.FunctionExpression) {27 switch (node.body.type) {28 case Syntax.BlockStatement:29 this.parseBlockStatement(node.body);30 break;31 }32 }33 parseArrowFunctionExpression(node: Babel.ArrowFunctionExpression) {34 switch (node.body.type) {35 case Syntax.JSXElement:36 this.parseJSXElement(node.body);37 break;38 case Syntax.BlockStatement:39 this.parseBlockStatement(node.body);40 break;41 }42 }43 parseBlockStatementItem(item) {44 switch (item.type) {45 case Syntax.ReturnStatement:46 this.parseReturnStatement(item);47 break;48 }49 }50 parseReturnStatement(node: Babel.ReturnStatement) {51 switch (node.argument?.type) {52 case Syntax.JSXElement:53 this.parseJSXElement(node.argument);54 break;55 }56 }57 parseJSXElement(node) {58 const template = this.getSourceString(node);59 const parser = new MarkupTemplateParser(this.emitter, {60 attrs: {61 lang: 'html',62 },63 content: template,64 });65 parser.parse();66 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');2const { default: parser } = require('@babel/parser');3 import React from 'react';4 import { Button } from '@material-ui/core';5 import { ThemeProvider } from '@material-ui/core/styles';6 import { theme } from '../theme';7 export const Primary = () => (8 <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>9 );10 export default {11 };12`;13const ast = parser.parse(code, { sourceType: 'module', plugins: ['jsx'] });14const story = parseJsxElement(ast.program.body[5]);15console.log(story);16### `parseJsxElement(node, options)`

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1import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';2const jsx = `<div className="foo">Hello</div>`;3const parsedJsx = parseJsxElement(jsx);4console.log(parsedJsx);5{6 props: { className: 'foo' },7}8import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';9const jsx = `<div className="foo">Hello</div>`;10const parsedJsx = parseJsxElement(jsx);11console.log(parsedJsx);12{13 props: { className: 'foo' },14}15import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';16const jsx = `<div className="foo">Hello</div>`;17const parsedJsx = parseJsxElement(jsx);18console.log(parsedJsx);19{20 props: { className: 'foo' },21}22import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';23const jsx = `<div className="foo">Hello</div>`;24const parsedJsx = parseJsxElement(jsx);25console.log(parsedJsx);26{27 props: { className: 'foo' },28}29import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';30const jsx = `<div className="foo">Hello</div>`;31const parsedJsx = parseJsxElement(jsx);32console.log(parsedJsx);33{34 props: { className: 'foo' },35}36import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';2import React from 'react';3const jsxElement = parseJsxElement(<div>hello</div>);4console.log(jsxElement);5{6 "compilerOptions": {7 },8}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';2const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('3');4console.log(jsxElement);5import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';6const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('7');8console.log(jsxElement);9import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';10const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('11');12console.log(jsxElement);13import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';14const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('15');16console.log(jsxElement);17import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';18const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('19');20console.log(jsxElement);21import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';22const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('23');24console.log(jsxElement);25import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';26const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('27');28console.log(jsxElement);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');2const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('<div>hello world</div>');3console.log(jsxElement);4const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');5const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('<div><span>hello world</span></div>');6console.log(jsxElement);7const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');8const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('<div><span>hello world</span><span>hello world</span></div>');9console.log(jsxElement);10const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');11const jsxElement = parseJsxElement('<div><span>hello world</span><span>hello world</span></div>');12console.log(jsxElement);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');2const jsxElement = parseJsxElement(`<Button>Click me</Button>`);3console.log(jsxElement);4{ type: 'Button',5 props: { children: 'Click me' },6 children: [] }7const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');8const jsxElement = parseJsxElement(`<Button>Click me</Button>`);9console.log(jsxElement);10{ type: 'Button',11 props: { children: 'Click me' },12 children: [] }13const { parseJsxElements } = require('storybook-root-cause');14const jsxElements = parseJsxElements(`<Button>Click me</Button>15<Button>Click me</Button>`);16console.log(jsxElements);17[ { type: 'Button',18 props: { children: 'Click me' },19 children: [] },20 { type: 'Button',21 props: { children: 'Click me' },22 children: [] } ]

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');2</div>`;3const ast = parseJsxElement(testJsxElement);4const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');5</div>`;6const ast = parseJsxElement(testJsxElement);7const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');8</div>`;9const ast = parseJsxElement(testJsxElement);10const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');11</div>`;12const ast = parseJsxElement(testJsxElement);13const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');14</div>`;15const ast = parseJsxElement(testJsxElement);16const { parseJsxElement } = require('storybook-root-cause');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { parseJsxElement } from 'storybook-root-cause';2export const renderStory = story => {3 const jsxElement = parseJsxElement(story);4 return jsxElement;5};6import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';7import { renderStory } from './test';8storiesOf('test', module).add('test', () => renderStory(story));9import { getStorybook, renderStory } from 'storybook-root-cause';10const stories = getStorybook();11stories.forEach(story => {12 story.stories.forEach(story => {13 renderStory(story);14 });15});16import { getStorybook, renderStory } from 'storybook-root-cause';17const stories = getStorybook();18stories.forEach(story => {19 story.stories.forEach(story => {20 renderStory(story);21 });22});23import { getStorybook, renderStory } from 'storybook-root-cause';24const stories = getStorybook();25stories.forEach(story => {26 story.stories.forEach(story => {27 renderStory(story);28 });29});

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