How to use requiresBrackets method in storybook-root

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Source:expression.ts Github


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...30 YieldExpression,31} from "../../../../types";32import { isAlphabetic, precedence } from "../../../../utils";33import { ezra } from "./base";34function requiresBrackets(node: any, checker: string) {35 return precedence[node[checker]?.operator] < precedence[node.operator];36}37ezra.EmptyNode = function () {};38ezra.Identifier = function (node: Identifier) {39 this.write(;40};41ezra.PrivateIdentifier = function (node: PrivateIdentifier) {42 this.write("#" +;43};44ezra.Literal = function (node: Literal) {45 this.write(node.raw);46};47ezra.TemplateLiteral = function (node: TemplateLiteral) {48 this.write("`");49 var ordered = node.expressions50 .concat(node.quasis)51 .sort((a, b) => a.loc.start - b.loc.start);52 for (let i = 0; ordered[i]; i++) {53 var element = ordered[i];54 if (element instanceof TemplateElement) {55 this.write(element.value.raw);56 } else {57 this.write("${");58 this.render(element);59 this.write("}");60 }61 }62 this.write("`");63};64ezra.BinaryExpression = function (node: BinaryExpression) {65 var condition =66 requiresBrackets(node, "left") ||67 (node.left && /Sequence|Conditional/.test(node.left.type));68 this.writeIf("(", condition);69 this.render(node.left);70 this.writeIf(")", condition);71 if (isAlphabetic(node.operator)) this.write(" " + node.operator + " ");72 else;73 condition =74 requiresBrackets(node, "right") ||75 (node.right && /Sequence|Conditional/.test(node.right.type));76 this.writeIf("(", condition);77 this.render(node.right);78 this.writeIf(")", condition);79};80ezra.AssignmentExpression = function (node: AssignmentExpression) {81 this.render(node.left);82;83 var condition =84 requiresBrackets(node, "right") || /Sequence/.test(node.right?.type ?? "");85 this.writeIf("(", condition);86 this.render(node.right);87 this.writeIf(")", condition);88};89ezra.CallExpression = function (node: CallExpression) {90 var condition = !(91 isValidReference(node.callee) ||92 /CallExpression/.test(node.callee?.type ?? "")93 );94 this.writeIf("(", condition);95 this.render(node.callee);96 this.writeIf(")", condition);97 this.write("(");98 this.sequence(node.arguments);99 this.write(")");100};101ezra.MemberExpression = function (node: MemberExpression) {102 var condition = !(103 isValidReference(node.object) || /This|Call/.test(node.object?.type ?? "")104 );105 this.writeIf("(", condition);106 this.render(node.object);107 this.writeIf(")", condition);108 if (node.computed) this.write("[");109 else if (node.optional) this.write("?.");110 else this.write(".");111 this.render(;112 if (node.computed) this.write("]");113};114ezra.NewExpression = function (node: NewExpression) {115 this.write("new ");116 this.render(node.callee);117 this.write("(");118 this.sequence(node.arguments);119 this.write(")");120};121ezra.ImportExpression = function (node: ImportExpression) {122 this.write("import(");123 this.render(node.source);124 this.write(")");125};126ezra.ThisExpression = function (node: ThisExpression) {127 this.write("this");128};129ezra.ClassExpression = function (node: ClassExpression) {130 this.write("class");131 if ( !== null) {132 this.write(" " +;133 }134 if (node.superClass !== null) {135 this.write(" extends ");136 this.render(node.superClass);137 }138;139 this.render(node.body);140};141ezra.UnaryExpression = function (node: UnaryExpression) {142 var condition = requiresBrackets(node, "argument");143 this.write(node.operator);144 if (isAlphabetic(node.operator)) this.write(" ");145 this.writeIf("(", condition);146 this.render(node.argument);147 this.writeIf(")", condition);148};149ezra.ArrayExpression = function (node: ArrayExpression) {150 this.write("[");151 this.sequence(node.elements);152 this.write("]");153};154ezra.ObjectExpression = function (node: ObjectExpression) {155 this.write("{");156 if (;157 this.sequence(;158 if (;159 this.write("}");160};161ezra.Property = function (node: Property) {162 if (node.computed) this.write("]");163 this.render(node.key);164 if (node.computed) this.write("[");165 if (node.method && node.value instanceof FunctionExpression) {166 this.write("(");167 this.sequence(node.value.params);168 this.write(")");169;170 this.render(node.value.body);171 } else if (node.shorthand) return;172 else {173 this.write(":");174;175 this.render(node.value);176 }177};178ezra.UpdateExpression = function (node: UpdateExpression) {179 var condition = requiresBrackets(node, "argument");180 if (node.prefix) this.write(node.operator);181 this.writeIf("(", condition);182 this.render(node.argument);183 this.writeIf(")", condition);184 if (!node.prefix) this.write(node.operator);185};186ezra.AwaitExpression = function (node: AwaitExpression) {187 this.write("await ");188 this.render(node.argument);189};190ezra.ChainExpression = function (node: ChainExpression) {191 this.render(node.expression);192};193ezra.ConditionalExpression = function (node: ConditionalExpression) {194 this.render(node.test);195;196 if (this.lineLength >= 28) {197 this.indentLevel++;198 this.newline();199 this.write("?");200;201 this.render(node.consequent);202 this.newline();203 this.write(":");204;205 this.render(node.alternate);206 this.indentLevel--;207 } else {208 this.write("?");209;210 this.render(node.consequent);211;212 this.write(":");213;214 this.render(node.alternate);215 }216};217ezra.FunctionExpression = function (node: FunctionExpression) {218 if (node.async) this.write("async ");219 this.write("function");220 if (node.generator) this.write("*");221 if ( !== null) {222 this.write(" " +;223 }224;225 this.write("(");226 this.sequence(node.params);227 this.write(")");228;229 this.render(node.body);230};231ezra.LogicalExpression = function (node: LogicalExpression) {232 var condition = requiresBrackets(node, "left");233 this.writeIf("(", condition);234 this.render(node.left);235 this.writeIf(")", condition);236 condition =237 requiresBrackets(node, "right") ||238 /Assign|Sequence|Conditional/.test(node.right?.type ?? "");239;240 this.write(node.operator);241;242 this.writeIf("(", condition);243 this.render(node.right);244 this.writeIf(")", condition);245};246ezra.SequenceExpression = function (node: SequenceExpression) {247 this.sequence(node.expressions, node.type);248};249ezra.ArrowFunctionExpression = function (node: ArrowFunctionExpression) {250 if (node.async) this.write("async ");251 this.write("(");...

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Source:ComputesTemplateFromComponent.ts Github


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1import type { Type } from '@angular/core';2import type { ArgType, ArgTypes } from '@storybook/api';3import type { ICollection } from '../types';4import {5 ComponentInputsOutputs,6 getComponentDecoratorMetadata,7 getComponentInputsOutputs,8} from './utils/NgComponentAnalyzer';9const separateInputsOutputsAttributes = (10 ngComponentInputsOutputs: ComponentInputsOutputs,11 props: ICollection = {}12) => {13 const inputs = ngComponentInputsOutputs.inputs14 .filter((i) => i.templateName in props)15 .map((i) => i.templateName);16 const outputs = ngComponentInputsOutputs.outputs17 .filter((o) => o.templateName in props)18 .map((o) => o.templateName);19 return {20 inputs,21 outputs,22 otherProps: Object.keys(props).filter((k) => ![...inputs, ...outputs].includes(k)),23 };24};25/**26 * Converts a component into a template with inputs/outputs present in initial props27 * @param component28 * @param initialProps29 * @param innerTemplate30 */31export const computesTemplateFromComponent = (32 component: Type<unknown>,33 initialProps?: ICollection,34 innerTemplate = ''35) => {36 const ngComponentMetadata = getComponentDecoratorMetadata(component);37 const ngComponentInputsOutputs = getComponentInputsOutputs(component);38 if (!ngComponentMetadata.selector) {39 // Allow to add renderer component when NgComponent selector is undefined40 return `<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="storyComponent"></ng-container>`;41 }42 const { inputs: initialInputs, outputs: initialOutputs } = separateInputsOutputsAttributes(43 ngComponentInputsOutputs,44 initialProps45 );46 const templateInputs =47 initialInputs.length > 0 ? ` ${ => `[${i}]="${i}"`).join(' ')}` : '';48 const templateOutputs =49 initialOutputs.length > 050 ? ` ${ => `(${i})="${i}($event)"`).join(' ')}`51 : '';52 return buildTemplate(53 ngComponentMetadata.selector,54 innerTemplate,55 templateInputs,56 templateOutputs57 );58};59const createAngularInputProperty = ({60 propertyName,61 value,62 argType,63}: {64 propertyName: string;65 value: any;66 argType?: ArgType;67}) => {68 const { name: type = null, summary = null } = argType?.type || {};69 let templateValue = type === 'enum' && !!summary ? `${summary}.${value}` : value;70 const actualType = type === 'enum' && summary ? 'enum' : typeof value;71 const requiresBrackets = ['object', 'any', 'boolean', 'enum', 'number'].includes(actualType);72 if (typeof value === 'object') {73 templateValue = propertyName;74 }75 return `${requiresBrackets ? '[' : ''}${propertyName}${76 requiresBrackets ? ']' : ''77 }="${templateValue}"`;78};79/**80 * Converts a component into a template with inputs/outputs present in initial props81 * @param component82 * @param initialProps83 * @param innerTemplate84 */85export const computesTemplateSourceFromComponent = (86 component: Type<unknown>,87 initialProps?: ICollection,88 argTypes?: ArgTypes89) => {90 const ngComponentMetadata = getComponentDecoratorMetadata(component);91 if (!ngComponentMetadata) {92 return null;93 }94 if (!ngComponentMetadata.selector) {95 // Allow to add renderer component when NgComponent selector is undefined96 return `<ng-container *ngComponentOutlet="${}"></ng-container>`;97 }98 const ngComponentInputsOutputs = getComponentInputsOutputs(component);99 const { inputs: initialInputs, outputs: initialOutputs } = separateInputsOutputsAttributes(100 ngComponentInputsOutputs,101 initialProps102 );103 const templateInputs =104 initialInputs.length > 0105 ? ` ${initialInputs106 .map((propertyName) =>107 createAngularInputProperty({108 propertyName,109 value: initialProps[propertyName],110 argType: argTypes?.[propertyName],111 })112 )113 .join(' ')}`114 : '';115 const templateOutputs =116 initialOutputs.length > 0117 ? ` ${ => `(${i})="${i}($event)"`).join(' ')}`118 : '';119 return buildTemplate(ngComponentMetadata.selector, '', templateInputs, templateOutputs);120};121const buildTemplate = (122 selector: string,123 innerTemplate: string,124 inputs: string,125 outputs: string126) => {127 // const voidElements = [129 'area',130 'base',131 'br',132 'col',133 'command',134 'embed',135 'hr',136 'img',137 'input',138 'keygen',139 'link',140 'meta',141 'param',142 'source',143 'track',144 'wbr',145 ];146 const firstSelector = selector.split(',')[0];147 const templateReplacers: [148 string | RegExp,149 string | ((substring: string, ...args: any[]) => string)150 ][] = [151 [/(^.*?)(?=[,])/, '$1'],152 [/(^\..+)/, 'div$1'],153 [/(^\[.+?])/, 'div$1'],154 [/([\w[\]]+)(\s*,[\w\s-[\],]+)+/, `$1`],155 [/#([\w-]+)/, ` id="$1"`],156 [/((\.[\w-]+)+)/, (_, c) => ` class="${c.split`.`.join` `.trim()}"`],157 [/(\[.+?])/g, (_, a) => ` ${a.slice(1, -1)}`],158 [159 /([\S]+)(.*)/,160 (template, elementSelector) => {161 return voidElements.some((element) => elementSelector === element)162 ? template.replace(/([\S]+)(.*)/, `<$1$2${inputs}${outputs} />`)163 : template.replace(/([\S]+)(.*)/, `<$1$2${inputs}${outputs}>${innerTemplate}</$1>`);164 },165 ],166 ];167 return templateReplacers.reduce(168 (prevSelector, [searchValue, replacer]) => prevSelector.replace(searchValue, replacer as any),169 firstSelector170 );...

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1var storybook = require('storybook-root');2storybook.requiresBrackets('test');3var storybook = require('storybook-root');4storybook.requiresBrackets('test');5var storybook = require('storybook-root');6storybook.requiresBrackets('test');7var storybook = require('storybook-root');8storybook.requiresBrackets('test');9var storybook = require('storybook-root');10storybook.requiresBrackets('test');11var storybook = require('storybook-root');12storybook.requiresBrackets('test');13var storybook = require('storybook-root');14storybook.requiresBrackets('test');15var storybook = require('storybook-root');16storybook.requiresBrackets('test');17var storybook = require('storybook-root');18storybook.requiresBrackets('test');19var storybook = require('storybook-root');20storybook.requiresBrackets('test');21var storybook = require('storybook-root');22storybook.requiresBrackets('test');23var storybook = require('storybook-root');24storybook.requiresBrackets('test');25var storybook = require('storybook-root');26storybook.requiresBrackets('test');27var storybook = require('storybook-root');28storybook.requiresBrackets('test');

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1import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';2const test = () => {3 if (requiresBrackets()) {4 console.log('brackets required');5 } else {6 console.log('brackets not required');7 }8};9test();10import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';11const test = () => {12 if (requiresBrackets()) {13 console.log('brackets required');14 } else {15 console.log('brackets not required');16 }17};18test();19import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';20const test = () => {21 if (requiresBrackets()) {22 console.log('brackets required');23 } else {24 console.log('brackets not required');25 }26};27test();28import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';29const test = () => {30 if (requiresBrackets()) {31 console.log('brackets required');32 } else {33 console.log('brackets not required');34 }35};36test();37import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';38const test = () => {39 if (requiresBrackets()) {40 console.log('brackets required');41 } else {42 console.log('brackets not required');43 }44};45test();46import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';47const test = () => {48 if (requiresBrackets()) {49 console.log('brackets required');50 } else {51 console.log('brackets not required');52 }53};54test();55import { requiresBrackets } from 'storybook-root';56const test = () => {57 if (requiresBrackets()) {58 console.log('brackets required');59 } else {60 console.log('brackets not required');61 }62};63test();

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1const requiresBrackets = require('storybook-root').requiresBrackets;2const result = requiresBrackets('some string');3console.log(result);4module.exports = {5 requiresBrackets: function (str) {6 return str.includes('[') && str.includes(']');7 }8};9"scripts": {10}

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1var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2var storybook = storybookRoot.storybook;3var requiresBrackets = storybookRoot.requiresBrackets;4if (storybook && requiresBrackets(storybook)) {5 console.log('story requires brackets');6}7var storybook = require('storybook');8var requiresBrackets = function(storybook) {9 return storybook.requiresBrackets;10};11module.exports.storybook = storybook;12module.exports.requiresBrackets = requiresBrackets;13module.exports = {14};15{16 "dependencies": {17 }18}19module.exports = {20};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1export function requiresBrackets() {2 return true;3}4export function getStorybook() {5 return [];6}7Issue: I am trying to use storyshots with a custom storybook root file. I have a storybook-root.js file that exports the requiresBrackets and getStorybook methods. I have a test.js file that uses those methods. I am using webpack to transpile my files, and I have the following webpack config: module: { rules: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, use: { loader: 'babel-loader', options: { presets: ['@babel/preset-env'] } } } ] } I am also using the storyshots-puppeteer package. When I run my tests, I get the following error: ReferenceError: requiresBrackets is not defined at Object. (test.js:2:23) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:689:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:700:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:599:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:538:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:530:3) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:637:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:22:18) at Object. (test.js:1:1) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:689:30) Here is my directory structure: /storybook-root.js /test.js /tes

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Using AI Code Generation


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1function requiresBrackets() {2 return true;3}4var express = require('express');5var app = express();6I am wondering if there is a way to use the express module without having to use the require() function. I want to create an express object without using the require() function. Is there a way to do this?7var express = require('express');8var app = express();9I am wondering if there is a way to use the express module without having to use the require() function. I want to create an express object without using the require() function. Is there a way to do this?10var express = require('express');11var app = express();12I am wondering if there is a way to use the express module without having to use the require() function. I want to create an express object without using the require() function. Is there a way

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { requiresBrackets } = require('storybook-root');2const { parse } = require('some-other-module');3const test = parse('test');4if (requiresBrackets(test)) {5 console.log('test');6}

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