How to use sendLater method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:channelhub.js Github


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1import ReconnectingWebSocket from './ReconnectingWebsocket'2var ChannelHub = function (url, protocols) {3 this.channels = {}4 this.sysChanls = {}5 if (window && window.WebSocket) {6 var _ = this7 if (!(/^wss?:\/\/.*/.test(url))) {8 if (!(/^\/.*/.test(url))) {9 url = '/' + url10 }11 var loc = window.location12 var p = 'ws:'13 if (loc.protocol) {14 p = loc.protocol.replace('http', 'ws')15 }16 url = p + '//' + + url17 }18 _.ok = false19 = new ReconnectingWebSocket(url, protocols, {20 debug: false,21 reconnectInterval: 3000,22 maxReconnectInterval: 800023 })24 = function (evt) {25 console.log('onopen')26 console.log(evt)27 _.ok = true28 for (var key in _.channels) {29 if (_.channels.hasOwnProperty(key)) {30 _.channels[key].onopen()31 }32 }33 }34 = function (evt) {35 console.log('onclose')36 console.log(evt)37 _.ok = false38 }39 = function (evt) {40 console.log('onerror')41 console.log(evt)42 }43 = function (evt, b) {44 console.log('onconnecting')45 console.log(evt)46 console.log(b)47 }48 = function (evt) {49 var cMsg = JSON.parse( if (cMsg.m === 'sys') {51 if (cMsg.d && cMsg.d.length) {52 for (var i = 0; i < cMsg.d.length; i++) {53 if (cMsg.d[i]) {54 _.sysChanls[cMsg.d[i]] = true55 }56 }57 }58 } else {59 if (cMsg.cid) {60 var chanl = _.channels[cMsg.cid]61 if (chanl) {62 if (chanl.onMessage) {63 chanl.onMessage(cMsg)64 }65 }66 }67 }68 }69 } else {70 throw 'no WebSocket support!'71 }72 this.Channel = function (map) {73 if (map) {74 var chanl75 for (var key in map) {76 if (map.hasOwnProperty(key)) {77 chanl = this._getchanl(key)78 chanl.public = map[key]79 }80 }81 }82 }83 = this.Channel84 this.Send = function (obj) {85 var to = function (cid) {86 if (cid && typeof cid === 'string') {87 this.cid = cid88 var chanl = var msg = this90 this.promiseExe = function (ok, err) {91 msg._ok = ok92 msg._err = err93 chanl.send(msg)94 }95 this.promise = new Promise(this.promiseExe)96 this.then = function (ok, err) {97 return this.promise.then(ok, err)98 }99 delete this.ch100 return this101 } else {102 throw 'you must provide a channel id!'103 }104 }105 return { m: 'pub', d: obj, ch: this, To: to, to: to }106 }107 this.send = this.Send108 this._send = function (obj) {109 if (this.ok) {110 var newmsg = { m: obj.m }111 if (obj.d !== undefined) {112 newmsg.d = obj.d113 }114 if (obj.cid !== undefined) {115 newmsg.cid = obj.cid116 }117 if (obj.rid !== undefined) {118 newmsg.rid = obj.rid119 }120 if (obj.u !== undefined) {121 newmsg.u = obj.u122 }123 return true125 }126 return false127 }128 this._getchanl = function (key) {129 var chanl = this.channels[key]130 if (!chanl) {131 chanl = this._newChannel(key)132 this.channels[key] = chanl133 chanl.subscribe()134 }135 return chanl136 }137 this._newChannel = function (id) {138 return {139 ch: this,140 id: id,141 public: null,142 msgs: {},143 msgIndex: 0,144 onMessage: function (cMsg) {145 if (cMsg) {146 if (cMsg.rid) {147 var msg = this.msgs[cMsg.rid]148 if (msg) {149 this.okResp(msg, cMsg)150 delete this.msgs[cMsg.rid]151 }152 }153 if (cMsg.m === 'sub') {154 this.ok = cMsg.d === 'ok'155 var sendLater = this.sendLater156 this.sendLater = []157 for (var i = 0; i < sendLater.length; i++) {158 this.send(sendLater[i])159 }160 } else {161 if (this.public && this.public.onMessage) {162 this.public.onMessage(cMsg.d, cMsg)163 }164 }165 }166 },167 subscribe: function () {168 this.send({ m: 'sub', cid: })169 },170 sendLater: [],171 subLater: [],172 onopen: function () {173 var subs = this.subLater174 this.subLater = []175 for (var i = 0; i < subs.length; i++) {176 this.send(subs[i])177 }178 },179 send: function (msg) {180 if (msg && msg.cid) {181 if (msg.m === 'sub') {182 if (! {183 this.subLater.push(msg)184 }185 } else {186 this.msgIndex++187 msg.rid = this.msgIndex188 if (this.ok === undefined) {189 if ([msg.cid]) {190 this.errResp(msg)191 } else {192 this.sendLater.push(msg)193 }194 } else if (this.ok) {195 if ( {196 if (msg.m == 'pub') {197 this.okResp(msg, { d: 'ok' })198 } else {199 this.msgs[msg.rid] = msg200 }201 } else {202 this.errResp(msg)203 }204 } else {205 this.errResp(msg)206 }207 }208 }209 },210 okResp: function (msg, cMsg) {211 if (msg._ok) {212 msg._ok(cMsg.d, cMsg)213 }214 },215 errResp: function (msg) {216 if (msg._err) {217 msg._err('not possible!')218 }219 }220 }221 }222}...

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Source:User.ts Github


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...7 public async onForgotPassword(data: EventsList['forgot:password']) {8 const { user, token } = data9 try {10 const email = new ForgotPassword(user, token)11 await email.sendLater()12 } catch (error) {13 console.log(error)14 }15 }16 public async onVerifyEmail(data: EventsList['user:verifyEmail']) {17 const { user, token } = data18 try {19 const email = new VerifyEmail(user, token)20 await email.sendLater()21 } catch (error) {22 console.log(error)23 }24 }25 public async onVerified(data: EventsList['user:verified']) {26 const { user } = data27 try {28 const email = new VerifiedEmail(user)29 await email.sendLater()30 } catch (error) {31 console.log(error)32 }33 }34 public async onResetedPassword(data: EventsList['user:resetedPassword']) {35 const { user } = data36 try {37 const email = new ResetedPassword(user)38 await email.sendLater()39 } catch (error) {40 console.log(error)41 }42 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import React from 'react';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { action } from '@storybook/addon-actions';4import { linkTo } from '@storybook/addon-links';5import { Button, Welcome } from '@storybook/react/demo';6storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <Welcome showApp={linkTo('Button')} />);7storiesOf('Button', module)8 .add('with text', () => <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>Hello Button</Button>)9 .add('with some emoji', () => (10 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>11 .add('with some emoji and sendLater', () => {12 const sendLater = (storyFn, context) => {13 console.log('sendLater called');14 return storyFn(context);15 };16 return (17 <Button onClick={action('clicked')}>18 );19 });20import React from 'react';21import { render, cleanup } from 'react-testing-library';22import 'jest-dom/extend-expect';23import 'react-testing-library/cleanup-after-each';24import { configure } from '@storybook/react';25import initStoryshots, { snapshotWithOptions } from '@storybook/addon-storyshots';26initStoryshots({27 test: snapshotWithOptions({}),28});29import { configure } from '@storybook/react';30import 'storybook-addon-jsx/register';31function loadStories() {32 require('../test.js');33}34configure(loadStories, module);35 expect(received).toMatch(expected)36 onClick={[Function]}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;2const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;3const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;4const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;5const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;6const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;7const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;8const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;9const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;10const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;11const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;12const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;13const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;14const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;15const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;16const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;17const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;18const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;19const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;20const sendNow = require('storybook-root').sendNow;21const sendLater = require('storybook-root').sendLater;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sendLater } from 'storybook-root';2const sendLater = (payload, delay) => {3 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {4 setTimeout(() => {5 resolve(payload);6 }, delay);7 });8};9export default sendLater;10import sendLater from './test.js';11describe('sendLater', () => {12 it('should return a promise that resolves after the delay', async () => {13 const payload = { test: 'test' };14 const delay = 100;15 const promise = sendLater(payload, delay);16 expect(promise).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);17 const result = await promise;18 expect(result).toEqual(payload);19 });20});21import sendLater from './test.js';22describe('sendLater', () => {23 it('should return a promise that resolves after the delay', async () => {24 const payload = { test: 'test' };25 const delay = 100;26 const promise = sendLater(payload, delay);27 expect(promise).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);28 const result = await promise;29 expect(result).toEqual(payload);30 });31});32import sendLater from './test.js';33describe('sendLater', () => {34 it('should return a promise that resolves after the delay', async () => {35 const payload = { test: 'test' };36 const delay = 100;37 const promise = sendLater(payload, delay);38 expect(promise).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);39 const result = await promise;40 expect(result).toEqual(payload);41 });42});43import sendLater from './test.js';44describe('sendLater', () => {45 it('should return a promise that resolves after the delay', async () => {46 const payload = { test: 'test' };47 const delay = 100;48 const promise = sendLater(payload, delay);49 expect(promise).toBeInstanceOf(Promise);50 const result = await promise;51 expect(result).toEqual(payload);52 });53});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sendLater } from 'storybook-root';2import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';3import React, { useEffect } from 'react';4const withSendLater = (storyFn) => {5 useEffect(() => {6 sendLater('hello');7 }, []);8 return storyFn();9};10addDecorator(withSendLater);11export const MyStory = () => <div>hello</div>;12MyStory.story = {13};14import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';15import { useChannel } from '@storybook/api';16addons.setConfig({17 previewTabs: {18 'storybookjs/notes/panel': { index: -1 },19 },20});21export const useSendLater = (channel, event, data) => {22 const api = useChannel({ [channel]: () => {} });23 useEffect(() => {24 api.emit(channel, event, data);25 }, []);26};27import React from 'react';28import { useSendLater } from './manager';29 (storyFn) => {30 useSendLater('storybook-root', 'hello');31 return storyFn();32 },33];34export const parameters = {35 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },36};37import React from 'react';38import { useSendLater } from './manager';39 (storyFn) => {40 useSendLater('storybook-root', 'hello');41 return storyFn();42 },43];44export const parameters = {45 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },46};47import React from 'react';48import { useSendLater } from './manager';49 (storyFn) => {50 useSendLater('storybook-root', 'hello');51 return storyFn();52 },53];54export const parameters = {55 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },56};57import React from 'react';58import { useSendLater } from './manager';59 (storyFn) => {60 useSendLater('storybook-root', 'hello');61 return storyFn();62 },63];64export const parameters = {65 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sendLater } from 'storybook-root';2sendLater('hello');3export function sendLater(message) {4 setTimeout(() => {5 console.log(message);6 }, 1000);7}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sendLater } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";2sendLater({ type: "test", payload: "test" });3import { listen } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";4listen((message) => {5 console.log(message);6});7import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";8send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });9import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";10send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });11import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";12send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });13import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";14send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });15import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";16send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });17import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";18send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });19import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";20send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });21import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";22send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });23import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";24send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });25import { send } from "storybook-addon-postmsg";26send({ type: "test", payload: "test" });27import { send } from "

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { sendLater } from 'storybook-root';2import store from 'storybook-root/store';3import { action } from 'storybook-root/actions';4import { selector } from 'storybook-root/selectors';5import { constants } from 'storybook-root/constants';6import { utils } from 'storybook-root/utils';7import { hooks } from 'storybook-root/hooks';8import { components } from 'storybook-root/components';9import { services } from 'storybook-root/services';10import { themes } from 'storybook-root/themes';11import { icons } from 'storybook-root/icons';12import { styles } from 'storybook-root/styles';

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