How to use setInitial method in storybook-root

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Source:ArgsStore.test.ts Github


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...6describe('ArgsStore', () => {7 describe('setInitial / get', () => {8 it('returns in a straightforward way', () => {9 const store = new ArgsStore();10 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: { foo: 'bar' } } as any);11 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });12 });13 it('throws if you try to get non-existent', () => {14 const store = new ArgsStore();15 expect(() => store.get('id')).toThrow(/No args known/);16 });17 describe('on second call for same story', () => {18 describe('if initialArgs are unchanged', () => {19 it('does nothing if the args are untouched', () => {20 const store = new ArgsStore();21 const previousStory = {22 id: 'id',23 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: '1' },24 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: stringType },25 } as any;26 store.setInitial(previousStory);27 const story = {28 id: 'id',29 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: '1' },30 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: stringType },31 } as any;32 store.setInitial(story);33 expect(store.get({ a: '1', b: '1' });34 });35 it('retains any arg changes', () => {36 const store = new ArgsStore();37 const previousStory = {38 id: 'id',39 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: false, c: 'unchanged' },40 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: booleanType, c: stringType },41 } as any;42 store.setInitial(previousStory);43 // NOTE: I'm not sure technically you should be allowed to set d here, but44 // let's make sure we behave sensibly if you do45 store.update('id', { a: 'update', b: true, d: 'update' });46 const story = {47 id: 'id',48 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: false, c: 'unchanged' },49 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: booleanType, c: stringType },50 } as any;51 store.setInitial(story);52 // In any case c is not retained.53 expect(store.get({ a: 'update', b: true, c: 'unchanged' });54 });55 });56 describe('when initialArgs change', () => {57 it('replaces old args with new if the args are untouched', () => {58 const store = new ArgsStore();59 const previousStory = {60 id: 'id',61 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: '1' },62 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: stringType },63 } as any;64 store.setInitial(previousStory);65 const story = {66 id: 'id',67 initialArgs: { a: '1', c: '1' },68 argTypes: { a: stringType, c: stringType },69 } as any;70 store.setInitial(story);71 expect(store.get({ a: '1', c: '1' });72 });73 it('applies the same delta if the args are changed', () => {74 const store = new ArgsStore();75 const previousStory = {76 id: 'id',77 initialArgs: { a: '1', b: '1' },78 argTypes: { a: stringType, b: stringType },79 } as any;80 store.setInitial(previousStory);81 // NOTE: I'm not sure technically you should be allowed to set c here82 store.update('id', { a: 'update', c: 'update' });83 const story = {84 id: 'id',85 initialArgs: { a: '2', d: '2' },86 argTypes: { a: stringType, d: stringType },87 } as any;88 store.setInitial(story);89 // In any case c is not retained.90 expect(store.get({ a: 'update', d: '2' });91 });92 });93 });94 });95 describe('update', () => {96 it('overrides on a per-key basis', () => {97 const store = new ArgsStore();98 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: {} } as any);99 store.update('id', { foo: 'bar' });100 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar' });101 store.update('id', { baz: 'bing' });102 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ foo: 'bar', baz: 'bing' });103 });104 it('does not merge objects', () => {105 const store = new ArgsStore();106 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: {} } as any);107 store.update('id', { obj: { foo: 'bar' } });108 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ obj: { foo: 'bar' } });109 store.update('id', { obj: { baz: 'bing' } });110 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ obj: { baz: 'bing' } });111 });112 it('does not set keys to undefined, it simply unsets them', () => {113 const store = new ArgsStore();114 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: { foo: 'bar' } } as any);115 store.update('id', { foo: undefined });116 expect('foo' in store.get('id')).toBe(false);117 });118 });119 describe('updateFromPersisted', () => {120 it('ensures the types of args are correct', () => {121 const store = new ArgsStore();122 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: {} } as any);123 const story = {124 id: 'id',125 argTypes: { a: stringType },126 } as any;127 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { a: 'str' });128 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ a: 'str' });129 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { a: 42 });130 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ a: '42' });131 });132 it('merges objects and sparse arrays', () => {133 const store = new ArgsStore();134 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: { a: { foo: 'bar' }, b: ['1', '2', '3'] } } as any);135 const story = {136 id: 'id',137 argTypes: {138 a: { type: { name: 'object', value: { name: 'string' } } },139 b: { type: { name: 'array', value: { name: 'string' } } },140 },141 } as any;142 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { a: { baz: 'bing' } });143 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({144 a: { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bing' },145 b: ['1', '2', '3'],146 });147 // eslint-disable-next-line no-sparse-arrays148 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { b: [, , '4'] });149 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({150 a: { foo: 'bar', baz: 'bing' },151 b: ['1', '2', '4'],152 });153 });154 it('checks args are allowed options', () => {155 const store = new ArgsStore();156 store.setInitial({ id: 'id', initialArgs: {} } as any);157 const story = {158 id: 'id',159 argTypes: { a: { type: { name: 'string' }, options: ['a', 'b'] } },160 } as any;161 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { a: 'random' });162 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({});163 store.updateFromPersisted(story, { a: 'a' });164 expect(store.get('id')).toEqual({ a: 'a' });165 });166 });...

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Source:App.jsx Github


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...13 let reader = new FileReader();14 reader.onload = (e) => {15 let str =;16 let json = JSON.parse(str);17 setInitial(json);18 };19 reader.readAsText(files[0]);20 }21 return (22 <>23 {initial && (24 <header className="header">25 <button onClick={() => setInitial(null)}>back to main menu</button>26 </header>27 )}28 {!initial && (29 <div>30 <h1>upload JSON or create new</h1>31 <input type="file" onChange={handleFileSelected}/>32 <button onClick={() => setInitial({nodes: [], edges: []})}>Create new chart</button>33 </div>34 )}35 <ErrorBoundary FallbackComponent={ErrorFallback} onReset={() => setInitial(null)}>36 {initial ? <Flow initial={initial}/> : <div />}37 </ErrorBoundary>38 </>39 )...

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Source:tempAeronauticalValue.js Github


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...9 }),10 withHandlers( {11 onChange: (props) => ({degrees, minutes, seconds, direction}) => {12 if (isNaN(degrees)) {13 props.setInitial({degrees: "", minutes, seconds, direction});14 } else if (isNaN(minutes)) {15 props.setInitial({degrees, minutes: "", seconds, direction});16 } else if (isNaN(seconds)) {17 props.setInitial({degrees, minutes, seconds: "", direction});18 }19 props.onChange({degrees, minutes, seconds, direction});20 }21 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3import { withKnobs, text, boolean, number } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';4const stories = storiesOf('storybook-root', module);5stories.addDecorator(withKnobs);6stories.add('with knobs', () => {7 const name = text('Name', 'John Doe');8 const age = number('Age', 44);9 const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`;10 return (11 {content}12 );13});14stories.add('with some emoji', () => {15 const name = text('Name', 'John Doe');16 const age = number('Age', 44);17 const content = `I am ${name} and I'm ${age} years old.`;18 const happy = boolean('Happy', false);19 const emoji = happy ? '๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜Ž ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ฏ' : '๐Ÿ˜” ๐Ÿ˜ข ๐Ÿ˜ญ';20 return (21 {content}22 <div>{emoji}</div>23 );24});25import { configure } from '@storybook/react';26import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';27configure(require.context('../src', true, /\.stories\.js$/), module);28setInitial('storybook-root');

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1import StorybookRootSiblings from 'storybook-root-siblings';2const storybookRootSiblings = new StorybookRootSiblings();3storybookRootSiblings.setInitial('test');4import RootSiblings from 'react-native-root-siblings';5const rootSiblings = new RootSiblings();6rootSiblings.setInitial('test');7import Toast from 'react-native-root-toast';8Toast.setInitial('test');9import Modal from 'react-native-root-modal';10Modal.setInitial('test');11import Drawer from 'react-native-root-drawer';12Drawer.setInitial('test');13import KeyboardAwareScrollView from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-scroll-view';14KeyboardAwareScrollView.setInitial('test');15import KeyboardAwareView from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-view';16KeyboardAwareView.setInitial('test');17import KeyboardAwareFlatList from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-flat-list';18KeyboardAwareFlatList.setInitial('test');19import KeyboardAwareSectionList from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-section-list';20KeyboardAwareSectionList.setInitial('test');21import KeyboardAwareListView from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-list-view';22KeyboardAwareListView.setInitial('test');23import KeyboardAwareSwipeableViews from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-swipeable-views';24KeyboardAwareSwipeableViews.setInitial('test');25import KeyboardAwareToolbarAndroid from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-toolbar-android';26KeyboardAwareToolbarAndroid.setInitial('test');27import KeyboardAwareViewPagerAndroid from 'react-native-root-keyboard-aware-view-pager-android';

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1import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root-decorator';2import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';3addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));4addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));5addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));6addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));7addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));8addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));9addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));10addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));11addDecorator(story => setInitial(story, { initial: 'Initial' }));

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1import {setInitial} from 'storybook-root-sibling';2setInitial();3import {RootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';4const App = () => {5 return (6 );7};8import {createRootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';9const RootSiblingParent = createRootSiblingParent();10const App = () => {11 return (12 );13};14import {createRootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';15const RootSiblingParent = createRootSiblingParent();16const App = () => {17 return (18 );19};20import {createRootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';21const RootSiblingParent = createRootSiblingParent();22const App = () => {23 return (24 );25};26import {createRootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';27const RootSiblingParent = createRootSiblingParent();28const App = () => {29 return (30 );31};32import {createRootSiblingParent} from 'storybook-root-sibling';33const RootSiblingParent = createRootSiblingParent();34const App = ()

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1import StorybookRootSiblings from 'storybook-root-siblings';2const storybookRootSiblings = new StorybookRootSiblings();3storybookRootSiblings.setInitial('test');4import StorybookRootSiblings from 'storybook-root-siblings';5const storybookRootSiblings = new StorybookRootSiblings();6storybookRootSiblings.getInitial().then((initial) => {7 console.log(initial);8});

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1import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';2import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';3storiesOf('Test', module)4 .add('story', () => {5 setInitial('Test', 'story');6 return (7 );8 });9import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';10import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';11storiesOf('Test', module)12 .add('story2', () => {13 setInitial('Test', 'story2');14 return (15 );16 });17import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';18import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';19storiesOf('Test', module)20 .add('story3', () => {21 setInitial('Test', 'story3');22 return (23 );24 });25import React from 'react';26import ReactDOM from 'react-dom';27import { Router, Route } from 'react-router-dom';28import { createBrowserHistory } from 'history';29import { Provider } from 'react-redux';30import configureStore from './store/configureStore';31import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';32import App from './App';33import * as serviceWorker from './serviceWorker';34const history = createBrowserHistory();35const store = configureStore();36ReactDOM.render(37 <Provider store={store}>38 <Router history={history}>39 render={() => {40 setInitial('Test', 'story');41 return <App />;42 }}43 document.getElementById('root'),44);45serviceWorker.unregister();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setInitial } from "storybook-root-sibling";2setInitial(() => {3 return <div>Initial</div>;4});5import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";6setRootSibling(() => {7 return <div>RootSibling</div>;8});9import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";10setRootSibling(() => {11 return <div>RootSibling</div>;12});13import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";14setRootSibling(() => {15 return <div>RootSibling</div>;16});17import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";18setRootSibling(() => {19 return <div>RootSibling</div>;20});21import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";22setRootSibling(() => {23 return <div>RootSibling</div>;24});25import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";26setRootSibling(() => {27 return <div>RootSibling</div>;28});29import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";30setRootSibling(() => {31 return <div>RootSibling</div>;32});33import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";34setRootSibling(() => {35 return <div>RootSibling</div>;36});37import { setRootSibling } from "storybook-root-sibling";38setRootSibling(() => {39 return <div>RootSibling</div>;40});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';2setInitial({3 theme: {4 },5});6import React from 'react';7import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';8import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';9import { withDocs } from 'storybook-readme';10import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';11import { withRoot } from 'storybook-root';12import readme from './';13storiesOf('My story', module)14 .addDecorator(withRoot())15 .addDecorator(withInfo)16 .addDecorator(withDocs(readme))17 .addDecorator(withKnobs)18 .add('My story', () => <div>My story</div>);19import React from 'react';20import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';21import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';22import { withDocs } from 'storybook-readme';23import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';24import { withRoot } from 'storybook-root';25import readme from './';26storiesOf('My story', module)27 .addDecorator(withRoot())28 .addDecorator(withInfo)29 .addDecorator(withDocs(readme))30 .addDecorator(withKnobs)31 .add('My story', () => <div>My story</div>);32import React from 'react';33import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react';34import { withInfo } from '@storybook/addon-info';35import { withDocs } from 'storybook-readme';36import { withKnobs } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';37import { withRoot } from 'storybook-root';38import readme from './';39storiesOf('My story', module)40 .addDecorator(withRoot())41 .addDecorator(withInfo)42 .addDecorator(withDocs(readme))43 .addDecorator(withKnobs)44 .add('My story', () => <div>My

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';2setInitial({3});4import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';5setInitial({6});7import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';8setInitial({9});10import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';11setInitial({12});13import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';14setInitial({15});16import { setInitial } from 'storybook-root';17setInitial({

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