How to use siblingDir method in storybook-root

Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-root


Source:run-e2e.ts Github


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1/* eslint-disable no-irregular-whitespace */2import path from 'path';3import { remove, ensureDir, pathExists, writeFile, readJSON, writeJSON } from 'fs-extra';4import { prompt } from 'enquirer';5import pLimit from 'p-limit';6import shell from 'shelljs';7import program from 'commander';8import { serve } from './utils/serve';9import { exec } from './utils/command';10// @ts-ignore11import { listOfPackages } from './utils/list-packages';12import * as configs from './run-e2e-config';13const logger = console;14export interface Parameters {15 /** E2E configuration name */16 name: string;17 /** framework version */18 version: string;19 /** CLI to bootstrap the project */20 generator: string;21 /** Use storybook framework detection */22 autoDetect?: boolean;23 /** Pre-build hook */24 preBuildCommand?: string;25 /** When cli complains when folder already exists */26 ensureDir?: boolean;27 /** Dependencies to add before building Storybook */28 additionalDeps?: string[];29 /** Add typescript dependency and creates a tsconfig.json file */30 typescript?: boolean;31}32export interface Options extends Parameters {33 cwd?: string;34}35const rootDir = path.join(__dirname, '..');36const siblingDir = path.join(__dirname, '..', '..', 'storybook-e2e-testing');37const prepareDirectory = async ({38 cwd,39 ensureDir: ensureDirOption = true,40}: Options): Promise<boolean> => {41 const siblingExists = await pathExists(siblingDir);42 if (!siblingExists) {43 await ensureDir(siblingDir);44 await exec('git init', { cwd: siblingDir });45 await exec('npm init -y', { cwd: siblingDir });46 await writeFile(path.join(siblingDir, '.gitignore'), 'node_modules\n');47 }48 const cwdExists = await pathExists(cwd);49 if (cwdExists) {50 return true;51 }52 if (ensureDirOption) {53 await ensureDir(cwd);54 }55 return false;56};57const cleanDirectory = async ({ cwd }: Options): Promise<void> => {58 await remove(cwd);59 await remove(path.join(siblingDir, 'node_modules'));60 if (useYarn2) {61 await shell.rm('-rf', [path.join(siblingDir, '.yarn'), path.join(siblingDir, '.yarnrc.yml')]);62 }63};64const configureYarn2 = async ({ cwd }: Options) => {65 const command = [66 `yarn set version berry`,67 // ⚠️ Need to set registry because Yarn 2 is not using the conf of Yarn 168 `yarn config set npmScopes --json '{ "storybook": { "npmRegistryServer": "http://localhost:6000/" } }'`,69 // Some required magic to be able to fetch deps from local registry70 `yarn config set unsafeHttpWhitelist --json '["localhost"]'`,71 ].join(' && ');72`🎛 Configuring Yarn 2`);73 logger.debug(command);74 try {75 await exec(command, { cwd });76 } catch (e) {77 logger.error(`🚨 Configuring Yarn 2 failed`);78 throw e;79 }80};81const generate = async ({ cwd, name, version, generator }: Options) => {82 let command = generator.replace(/{{name}}/g, name).replace(/{{version}}/g, version);83 if (useYarn2) {84 command = command.replace(/npx/g, `yarn dlx`);85 }86`🏗  Bootstrapping ${name} project`);87 logger.debug(command);88 try {89 await exec(command, { cwd });90 } catch (e) {91 logger.error(`🚨 Bootstrapping ${name} failed`);92 throw e;93 }94};95const initStorybook = async ({ cwd, autoDetect = true, name }: Options) => {96`🎨 Initializing Storybook with @storybook/cli`);97 try {98 const type = autoDetect ? '' : `--type ${name}`;99 const sbCLICommand = useLocalSbCli100 ? 'node ../../storybook/lib/cli/dist/generate'101 : 'npx -p @storybook/cli sb';102 await exec(`${sbCLICommand} init --yes ${type}`, { cwd });103 } catch (e) {104 logger.error(`🚨 Storybook initialization failed`);105 throw e;106 }107};108// Verdaccio doesn't resolve *109// So we set resolutions manually in package.json110const setResolutions = async ({ cwd }: Options) => {111`🔒 Setting yarn resolutions`);112 const packages = await listOfPackages();113 const packageJsonPath = path.resolve(cwd, 'package.json');114 const packageJson = await readJSON(packageJsonPath, { encoding: 'utf8' });115 packageJson.resolutions = {116 ...packageJson.resolutions,117 ...packages.reduce(118 (acc, { name, version }) => ({119 ...acc,120 [name]: version,121 }),122 {}123 ),124 };125 await writeJSON(packageJsonPath, packageJson, { encoding: 'utf8', spaces: 2 });126};127const addRequiredDeps = async ({ cwd, additionalDeps }: Options) => {128`🌍 Adding needed deps & installing all deps`);129 try {130 if (additionalDeps && additionalDeps.length > 0) {131 await exec(`yarn add -D ${additionalDeps.join(' ')}`, {132 cwd,133 silent: true,134 });135 } else {136 await exec(`yarn install`, {137 cwd,138 silent: true,139 });140 }141 } catch (e) {142 logger.error(`🚨 Dependencies installation failed`);143 throw e;144 }145};146const addTypescript = async ({ cwd }: Options) => {147`👮🏻 Adding typescript and tsconfig.json`);148 try {149 await exec(`yarn add -D typescript@latest`, { cwd });150 const tsConfig = {151 compilerOptions: {152 baseUrl: '.',153 esModuleInterop: true,154 jsx: 'preserve',155 skipLibCheck: true,156 strict: true,157 },158 include: ['src/*'],159 };160 const tsConfigJsonPath = path.resolve(cwd, 'tsconfig.json');161 await writeJSON(tsConfigJsonPath, tsConfig, { encoding: 'utf8', spaces: 2 });162 } catch (e) {163 logger.error(`🚨 Creating tsconfig.json failed`);164 throw e;165 }166};167const buildStorybook = async ({ cwd, preBuildCommand }: Options) => {168`👷 Building Storybook`);169 try {170 if (preBuildCommand) {171 await exec(preBuildCommand, { cwd });172 }173 await exec(`yarn build-storybook --quiet`, { cwd });174 } catch (e) {175 logger.error(`🚨 Storybook build failed`);176 throw e;177 }178};179const serveStorybook = async ({ cwd }: Options, port: string) => {180 const staticDirectory = path.join(cwd, 'storybook-static');181`🌍 Serving ${staticDirectory} on http://localhost:${port}`);182 return serve(staticDirectory, port);183};184const runCypress = async ({ name, version }: Options, location: string, open: boolean) => {185 const cypressCommand = open ? 'open' : 'run';186`🤖 Running Cypress tests`);187 try {188 await exec(189 `yarn cypress ${cypressCommand} --config integrationFolder="cypress/generated" --env location="${location}"`,190 { cwd: rootDir }191 );192`✅ E2E tests success`);193`🎉 Storybook is working great with ${name} ${version}!`);194 } catch (e) {195 logger.error(`🚨 E2E tests fails`);196`🥺 Storybook has some issues with ${name} ${version}!`);197 throw e;198 }199};200const runTests = async ({ name, version, }: Parameters) => {201 const options = {202 name,203 version,204,205 cwd: path.join(siblingDir, `${name}-${version}`),206 };207`🏃‍♀️ Starting for ${name} ${version}`);208 logger.log();209 logger.debug(options);210 logger.log();211 if (!(await prepareDirectory(options))) {212 if (useYarn2) {213 await configureYarn2({ ...options, cwd: siblingDir });214 }215 await generate({ ...options, cwd: siblingDir });216 logger.log();217 await setResolutions(options);218 logger.log();219 if (options.typescript) {220 await addTypescript(options);221 logger.log();222 }223 await initStorybook(options);224 logger.log();225 await addRequiredDeps(options);226 logger.log();227 await buildStorybook(options);228 logger.log();229 }230 const server = await serveStorybook(options, '4000');231 logger.log();232 let open = false;233 if (!process.env.CI) {234 ({ open } = await prompt({235 type: 'confirm',236 name: 'open',237 message: 'Should open cypress?',238 }));239 }240 try {241 await runCypress(options, 'http://localhost:4000', open);242 logger.log();243 } finally {244 server.close();245 }246};247// Run tests!248const runE2E = (parameters: Parameters) =>249 runTests(parameters)250 .then(async () => {251 if (!process.env.CI) {252 const { name, version } = parameters;253 const cwd = path.join(siblingDir, `${name}-${version}`);254 const { cleanup } = await prompt({255 type: 'confirm',256 name: 'cleanup',257 message: 'Should perform cleanup?',258 });259 if (cleanup) {260 logger.log();261`🗑  Cleaning ${cwd}`);262 await cleanDirectory({ ...parameters, cwd });263 } else {264 logger.log();265`🚯 No cleanup happened: ${cwd}`);266 }267 }268 })269 .catch((e) => {270 logger.error(`🛑 an error occurred:\n${e}`);271 logger.log();272 logger.error(e);273 logger.log();274 process.exitCode = 1;275 });276program.option('--use-yarn-2', 'Run tests using Yarn 2 instead of Yarn 1 + npx', false);277program.option(278 '--use-local-sb-cli',279 'Run tests using local @storybook/cli package (⚠️ Be sure @storybook/cli is properly build as it will not be rebuild before running the tests)',280 false281);282program.parse(process.argv);283const { useYarn2, useLocalSbCli, args: frameworkArgs } = program;284const typedConfigs: { [key: string]: Parameters } = configs;285let e2eConfigs: { [key: string]: Parameters } = {};286if (frameworkArgs.length > 0) {287 // eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax288 for (const [framework, version = 'latest'] of => arg.split('@'))) {289 e2eConfigs[`${framework}-${version}`] = Object.values(typedConfigs).find(290 (c) => === framework && c.version === version291 );292 }293} else {294 e2eConfigs = typedConfigs;295 // FIXME: For now Yarn 2 E2E tests must be run by explicitly call `yarn test:e2e-framework yarn2Cra@latest`296 // Because it is telling Yarn to use version 2297 delete e2eConfigs.yarn_2_cra;298}299const perform = () => {300 const limit = pLimit(1);301 const narrowedConfigs = Object.values(e2eConfigs);302 const nodeIndex = +process.env.CIRCLE_NODE_INDEX || 0;303 const numberOfNodes = +process.env.CIRCLE_NODE_TOTAL || 1;304 const list = narrowedConfigs.filter((_, index) => {305 return index % numberOfNodes === nodeIndex;306 });307 `📑 Assigning jobs ${list309 .map((c) => .join(', ')} to node ${nodeIndex} (on ${numberOfNodes})`311 );312 return Promise.all( => limit(() => runE2E(config))));313};314perform().then(() => {315 process.exit(process.exitCode || 0);...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'2import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'3import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'4import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'5import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'6import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'7import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'8import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'9import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'10import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'11import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'12import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'13import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'14import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'15import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'16import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'17import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'18import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'19import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root'20import siblingDir from 'storybook-root/siblingDir'

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRootDir = require('storybook-root-dir');2const path = require('path');3const storybookDir = storybookRootDir();4const myDir = path.join(storybookDir, 'myDir');5module.exports = {6 webpackFinal: async config => {7 config.module.rules.push({8 include: path.resolve(__dirname, '../'),9 });10 config.resolve.modules.push(myDir);11 return config;12 },13};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const path = require('path');3const storybookRootDir = storybookRoot.getStorybookRootDir();4const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir();5const siblingPath = path.join(siblingDir, 'test.txt');6console.log(siblingPath);7const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');8const path = require('path');9const storybookRootDir = storybookRoot.getStorybookRootDir();10const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir();11const siblingPath = path.join(siblingDir, 'test.js');12console.log(siblingPath);13const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14const path = require('path');15const storybookRootDir = storybookRoot.getStorybookRootDir();16const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir();17const siblingPath = path.join(siblingDir, 'test.txt');18console.log(siblingPath);19const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');20const path = require('path');21const storybookRootDir = storybookRoot.getStorybookRootDir();22const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir();23const siblingPath = path.join(siblingDir, 'test.js');24console.log(siblingPath);25const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26const path = require('path');27const storybookRootDir = storybookRoot.getStorybookRootDir();28const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir();29const siblingPath = path.join(siblingDir, 'test.txt');30console.log(siblingPath);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;3var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');4console.log(path);5var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');6var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;7var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');8console.log(path);9var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');10var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;11var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');12console.log(path);13var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');14var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;15var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');16console.log(path);17var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');18var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;19var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');20console.log(path);21var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');22var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;23var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');24console.log(path);25var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');26var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;27var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');28console.log(path);29var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');30var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;31var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');32console.log(path);33var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');34var siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;35var path = siblingDir('test/test.js');36console.log(path);37var storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookDir = require('storybook-root').siblingDir;2const path = require('path');3const storiesDir = path.join(storybookDir, 'stories');4const fixturesDir = path.join(storybookDir, 'fixtures');5const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories');6const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures');7const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures');8const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories');9const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures', 'src');10const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories', 'src');11const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures', 'src', 'config');12const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories', 'src', 'config');13const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures', 'src', 'config', 'storybook');14const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories', 'src', 'config', 'storybook');15const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures', 'src', 'config', 'storybook', 'test');16const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories', 'src', 'config', 'storybook', 'test');17const storiesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('stories', 'fixtures', 'src', 'config', 'storybook', 'test', 'test');18const fixturesDir = storybookDir.siblingDir('fixtures', 'stories', 'src', 'config', 'storybook', 'test', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;3const path = siblingDir('test.js');4const storybookDir = storybookRoot.storybookDir;5const path = storybookDir('test.js');6MIT © [Rajesh Singh ](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');2const path = require('path');3const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;4const siblingPath = siblingDir('sibling');5console.log(siblingPath);6const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');7const path = require('path');8const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;9const siblingPath = siblingDir('sibling');10console.log(siblingPath);11const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');12const path = require('path');13const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;14const siblingPath = siblingDir('sibling');15console.log(siblingPath);16const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');17const path = require('path');18const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;19const siblingPath = siblingDir('sibling');20console.log(siblingPath);21const storybookRoot = require('storybook-root');22const path = require('path');23const siblingDir = storybookRoot.siblingDir;24const siblingPath = siblingDir('sibling');25console.log(siblingPath);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root-decorator'2const siblingDirPath = siblingDir('sibling-directory')3import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root-decorator'4const siblingDirPath = siblingDir('../sibling-directory')5import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root-decorator'6const siblingDirPath = siblingDir('sibling-directory')7import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root-decorator'8const siblingDirPath = siblingDir('../sibling-directory')9import { siblingDir } from 'storybook-root-decorator'10const siblingDirPath = siblingDir('sibling-directory')

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