How to use tsTransform method in storybook-root

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Source:compiler.ts Github


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...29 ts.ScriptTarget.Latest,30 false,31 ts.ScriptKind.TS32);33function tsTransform(node: any, context: any): any {34 if (!node) {35 return;36 }37 if (isArray(node) && node.length) {38 return node.reduce((acc: any, n: any) => {39 let code = tsTransform(n, context);40 if (!code) {41 return acc;42 }43 if (isArray(code)) {44 code = code.filter((c) => !!c);45 return acc.concat(code);46 }47 acc.push(code);48 return acc;49 }, []);50 }51 if (node.type === "Program") {52 let statements = tsTransform(node.body, context)53 .map(toStatement);54 // A bit of a hack, is there a better way to create a top-level node?55 const program = ts.createSourceFile("Program.ts", "", ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, false, ts.ScriptKind.TS);56 statements = templateInterfaceCode.statements.concat(statements);57 program.statements = statements;58 return program;59 }60 if (node.type === "FunctionDeclaration") {61 const parameters = any) => {62 if (p.type !== "Identifier") {63 throw new Error("No support for param.type " + p.type);64 }65 const name = ts.createIdentifier(;66 const type = ( === "render" && === "input")67 ? ts.createLiteralTypeNode(ts.createIdentifier("Input"))68 : ts.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.AnyKeyword);69 return ts.createParameter(undefined, undefined, undefined, name, undefined, type);70 });71 const statements = tsTransform(node.body, context)72 .map(toStatement);73 return ts.createFunctionDeclaration(74 undefined,75 undefined,76 undefined,77 ts.createIdentifier(,78 undefined,79 parameters,80 ts.createKeywordTypeNode(ts.SyntaxKind.VoidKeyword),81 ts.createBlock(statements, true)82 );83 }84 if (node.type === "If") {85 const expression = tsTransform(node.test, context);86 const thenStatement = ts.createBlock(tsTransform(node.body, context).map(toStatement), true);87 const elseStatement = node.else88 ? ts.createBlock(tsTransform(node.else, context).map(toStatement), true)89 : undefined;90 return ts.createIf(91 expression,92 thenStatement,93 elseStatement94 );95 }96 if (node.type === "MemberExpression") {97 const expression = tsTransform(node.object, context);98 const name = tsTransform(, context);99 return ts.createPropertyAccess(100 expression,101 name102 );103 }104 if (node.type === "Identifier") {105 return ts.createIdentifier(;106 }107 if (node.type === "Literal") {108 if (typeof node.value === "object" && JSON.stringify(node.value) === "{}") {109 return ts.createObjectLiteral();110 }111 return ts.createLiteral(node.value);112 }113 if (node.type === "Html") {114 let argument: ts.Expression;115 if (node.argument.length > 1) {116 argument = node.argument.slice(1).reduce((sum: ts.BinaryExpression, arg: any) => {117 return ts.createAdd(sum, tsTransform(arg, context));118 }, tsTransform(node.argument[0], context));119 } else {120 argument = tsTransform(node.argument[0], context);121 }122 return ts.createCall(123 ts.createPropertyAccess(ts.createIdentifier("out"), ts.createIdentifier("w")),124 undefined,125 [argument]126 );127 }128 if (node.type === "FunctionCall") {129 return ts.createCall(130 tsTransform(node.callee, context),131 undefined,132 tsTransform(node.args, context)133 );134 }135 if (node.type === "Vars") {136 // Special case for single-line require statements137 // (ex: `var marko_runtime = require("marko/dist/html");`)138 // Switch to import statement139 if (140 node.declarations.length === 1 &&141 node.declarations[0].type === "VariableDeclarator" &&142 node.declarations[0].id.type === "Identifier" &&143 node.declarations[0].init.type === "FunctionCall" &&144 node.declarations[0].init.callee.type === "Identifier" &&145 node.declarations[0] === "require" &&146 node.declarations[0].init.args.length === 1 &&147 node.declarations[0].init.args[0].type === "Literal"148 ) {149 return ts.createImportDeclaration(150 undefined,151 undefined,152 ts.createImportClause(undefined, ts.createNamespaceImport(ts.createIdentifier(node.declarations[0],153 ts.createLiteral(node.declarations[0].init.args[0].value)154 );155 }156 return ts.createVariableStatement(undefined, tsTransform(node.declarations, context));157 }158 if (node.type === "VariableDeclarator") {159 let typeNode: ts.TypeNode | undefined;160 // Special case for `var marko_template = ...`161 // add type annotation162 if ( === "Identifier" && === "marko_template") {163 typeNode = ts.createLiteralTypeNode(ts.createIdentifier("Template"));164 }165 return ts.createVariableDeclaration(166 tsTransform(, context),167 typeNode,168 tsTransform(node.init, context)169 );170 }171 if (node.type === "Assignment") {172 // Special case of `module.exports = ...;`173 if (174 node.left.type === "MemberExpression" &&175 node.left.object.type === "Identifier" &&176 === "module" &&177 === "Identifier" &&178 === "exports"179 ) {180 return ts.createExportDefault(181 tsTransform(node.right, context)182 );183 }184 return ts.createAssignment(185 tsTransform(node.left, context),186 tsTransform(node.right, context)187 );188 }189 if (node.type === "Scriptlet") {190 const code = ts.createSourceFile("Scriptlet.ts", node.code, ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, false, ts.ScriptKind.TS);191 return code.statements;192 }193 if (node.type === "Code") {194 let lines = node.value.split("\n");195 if (!lines.length) {196 return;197 }198 // TODO: Only remove first and last lines, throw an error if not199 // this allows for inline JSDocs etc.200 lines = lines.reduce((acc: Array<string>, l: string) => {201 if (l.indexOf("/**@ts") > -1 || l.indexOf("*/") > -1) {202 return acc;203 }204 acc.push(l);205 return acc;206 }, []);207 const code = ts.createSourceFile("Code.ts", lines.join("\n"), ts.ScriptTarget.Latest, false, ts.ScriptKind.TS);208 return code.statements;209 }210}211const TYPESCRIPT_CONTEXT_KEY = "tsContext";212function transformMarkoAst(root: any, context: any) {213 const builder = context.builder;214 const tsContext = context[TYPESCRIPT_CONTEXT_KEY] || (context[TYPESCRIPT_CONTEXT_KEY] = {215 extractedRequires: []216 });217 const walker = context.createWalker({218 enter(node: any) {219 if (node.type === "Vars" && node.parentNode === null) {220 // Top-level vars, let's transform them221 const newDeclarations: Array<any> = [];222 node.declarations.forEach((declaration: any) => {223 if (224 declaration.type === "VariableDeclarator" &&225 === "Identifier" &&226 === "marko_template"227 ) {228 // Replace `var marko_template = module.exports = require("marko/src/html").t(__filename)`229 // with just `var marko_template = marko_html.t(__filename)`230 // (import will be hoisted to top, exports to the bottom)231 declaration = builder.variableDeclarator(232 "marko_template",233 builder.functionCall(234 builder.memberExpression(builder.identifier("marko_runtime"), builder.identifier("t")),235 [builder.identifier("__filename")]236 )237 );238 tsContext.extractedRequires.push(239 builder.var(240 builder.identifier("marko_runtime"),241 builder.require(242 builder.literal(context.getModuleRuntimeTarget())243 )244 )245 );246 newDeclarations.push(declaration);247 return;248 }249 if (250 declaration.type === "VariableDeclarator" &&251 declaration.init.type === "FunctionCall" &&252 declaration.init.callee.type === "Identifier" &&253 === "require"254 ) {255 // Extract require statements like `marko_helpers = require("marko/dist/runtime/html/helpers")`256 tsContext.extractedRequires.push(257 builder.var(258,259 declaration.init260 )261 );262 return;263 }264 newDeclarations.push(declaration);265 });266 node.declarations = newDeclarations;267 return node;268 }269 },270 exit(node: any) {271 if (node.type === "Program") {272 let body: Array<any> = [];273 body = body.concat(tsContext.extractedRequires);274 body = body.concat(node.body);275 body = body.filter((n: any) => {276 if (n.type === "Literal" && n.value === "use strict") {277 return false;278 }279 return true;280 });281 body.push(282 builder.assignment(283 builder.moduleExports(),284 builder.identifier("marko_template")285 )286 );287 node.body = body;288 return node;289 }290 }291 });292 walker.walk(root);293}294export function compileFile(filename: string): string {295 const compiled = markoCompiler.compileFile(filename, {296 sourceOnly: false,297 writeVersionComment: false298 });299 transformMarkoAst(compiled.ast, compiled.context);300 const markoAst = compiled.ast;301 const resultFile = ts.createSourceFile(302 "product.marko.ts",303 "",304 ts.ScriptTarget.Latest,305 false,306 ts.ScriptKind.TS307 );308 const printer = ts.createPrinter({309 newLine: ts.NewLineKind.LineFeed,310 });311 const rootNode = tsTransform(markoAst, {});312 let result = printer.printNode(ts.EmitHint.Unspecified, rootNode, resultFile);313 result = "/* tslint:disable */\n" + result;314 return result;...

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Source:table.js Github


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...66 default:67 return o.toString();68 }69}70function tsTransform(ts) {71 // var date = [ts.getFullYear(), ts.getMonth() + 1, ts.getDate()].map(leftPadNum).join("-");72 var time = [ts.getHours(), ts.getMinutes(), ts.getSeconds()].map(leftPadNum).join(":");73 // var tz = (ts.getTimezoneOffset() >= 0 ? "GMT+" : "GMT-") + Math.abs(ts.getTimezoneOffset() / 60);74 // return `${date} ${time} ${tz}`;75 return wrapTag("code", time);76}77LogTableTemplate.onCreated(function() {78 this.tsTransform = (Template.currentData() || {}).tsTransform || tsTransform;79 this.msgTransform = (Template.currentData() || {}).msgTransform || msgTransform80});81LogTableTemplate.helpers({82 parsedData: function() {83 var context = Template.currentData() || {};84 return (context.logEntries || []).map(function(logEntry) {85 var ret = {86 v: logEntry.v,87 ll: logEntry.ll,88 tags: logEntry.tags,89 };90 ret.ts = Template.instance().tsTransform(logEntry.ts);91 ret.msg = EJSON.parse(logEntry.msg).map(Template.instance().msgTransform).join(" ");92 return ret;93 });94 }...

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Source:rollup.config.js Github


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1import sucrase from '@rollup/plugin-sucrase'2import nodeResolve from '@rollup/plugin-node-resolve'3import commonjs from '@rollup/plugin-commonjs'4import dts from 'rollup-plugin-dts'5import pkg from './package.json'6const tsTransform = sucrase({7 transforms: ['typescript'],8})9/** @type {import('rollup').RollupOptions[]} */10const configs = [11 {12 input: './src/index.ts',13 output: {14 format: 'cjs',15 dir: './dist',16 exports: 'named',17 },18 plugins: [tsTransform, commonjs(), nodeResolve()],19 external: [20 ...Object.keys(pkg.dependencies || {}),21 ...Object.keys(pkg.peerDependencies || {}),22 ],23 },24 {25 input: './src/index.ts',26 output: {27 format: 'esm',28 dir: './dist',29 },30 plugins: [dts()],31 },32 {33 input: ['./src/runtime/server.ts', './src/runtime/vercel-render.ts'],34 output: {35 format: 'esm',36 dir: './dist/runtime',37 },38 plugins: [tsTransform, commonjs(), nodeResolve()],39 },40]...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require('@storybook/addon-docs/mdx-compiler-plugin');2module.exports = {3 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],4 webpackFinal: async (config) => {5 config.module.rules.push({6 loader: require.resolve('@storybook/source-loader'),7 options: { parser: 'typescript' },8 });9 config.module.rules.push({10 {11 options: {12 },13 },14 {15 options: {16 },17 },18 });19 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');20 return config;21 },22};23import React from 'react';24import { Story, Meta } from '@storybook/react/types-6-0';25import Button, { ButtonProps } from './Button';26export default {27 argTypes: {28 backgroundColor: { control: 'color' },29 },30} as Meta;31const Template: Story<ButtonProps> = (args) => <Button {...args} />;32export const Primary = Template.bind({});33Primary.args = {34};35export const Secondary = Template.bind({});36Secondary.args = {37};38export const Large = Template.bind({});39Large.args = {40};41export const Small = Template.bind({});42Small.args = {43};44import { Meta, Story, Preview, Props } from '@storybook/addon-docs/blocks';45import Button, { ButtonProps } from './Button';46<Meta title="Example/Button" component={Button} />47import {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root-alias';2module.exports = (config) => {3 config.module.rules.push({4 test: /\.(ts|tsx)$/,5 {6 loader: require.resolve('ts-loader'),7 options: {8 getCustomTransformers: () => ({9 before: [tsTransform(config)],10 }),11 },12 },13 });14 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');15 return config;16};17module.exports = {18 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.mdx', '../src/**/*.stories.@(js|jsx|ts|tsx)'],19 babel: async (options) => ({20 plugins: [...options.plugins, 'babel-plugin-root-import'],21 }),22 webpackFinal: (config) => {23 return require('./test.js')(config);24 },25};26import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';27import { withRootAlias } from 'storybook-root-alias';28addDecorator(withRootAlias());

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require('storybook-root-cause');2const ts = require('typescript');3module.exports = {4 process(src, path) {5 if (path.endsWith('.ts') || path.endsWith('.tsx')) {6 return tsTransform(src, path, ts);7 }8 return src;9 },10};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require('@nrwl/storybook/plugins/root-config');2const { getTsConfigPath } = require('@nrwl/react/plugins/webpack');3module.exports = async ({ config }) => {4 config.module.rules = => {5 if (rule.test.toString() === '/\\.tsx?$/') {6 return {7 {8 loader: require.resolve('ts-loader'),9 options: {10 getCustomTransformers: (program) => ({11 before: [tsTransform(program)],12 }),13 configFile: getTsConfigPath(__dirname),14 },15 },16 };17 }18 return rule;19 });20 return config;21};22module.exports = {23 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx)'],24 core: {25 },26 webpackFinal: require('../test'),27};28export const parameters = {29 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },30};31module.exports = {32 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx)'],33 webpackFinal: async (config) => {34 return config;35 },36};37module.exports = {38 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx)'],39 webpackFinal: async (config) => {40 return config;41 },42};43export const parameters = {44 actions: { argTypesRegex: '^on[A-Z].*' },45};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require('storybook-root-elements');2const { getOptions } = require('loader-utils');3module.exports = function(source) {4 const options = getOptions(this);5 return tsTransform(source, options);6};7const path = require('path');8module.exports = {9 module: {10 {11 loader: path.resolve('test.js'),12 options: {13 },14 },15 },16};17const { tsTransform } = require('storybook-root-elements');18module.exports = function(source) {19 return tsTransform(source, {20 });21};22module.exports = {23 transform: {24 '^.+\\.(ts|js|html)$': path.resolve('test.js'),25 },26};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';2import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';3import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';4import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';5import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';6import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';7import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';8import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';9import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';10import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';11import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';12import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';13import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';14import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';15import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';16import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';17import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';18import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';19import { tsTransform } from 'storybook-root';20import { tsTransform } from '@storybook-root';

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require("storybook-root-alias/lib/transform");2module.exports = {3 process(src, path) {4 return tsTransform(src, path);5 }6};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { tsTransform } = require('storybook-root');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const ts = require('typescript');5const tsConfig = require('./tsconfig.json');6const tsConfigPaths = require('tsconfig-paths');7const tsConfigPath = path.resolve(__dirname, './tsconfig.json');8const tsConfigPathsConfig = tsConfigPaths.loadConfig(tsConfigPath);9const { baseUrl, paths } = tsConfigPathsConfig;10const { compilerOptions } = tsConfig;11const tsConfigOptions = {12};13const jsFilePath = tsTransform('src/index.ts', tsConfigOptions);14console.log('jsFilePath', jsFilePath);15MIT © [sauravhiremath](

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const tsTransform = require('storybook-root-alias/tsTransform').default;2const { tsConfigPaths } = require('storybook-root-alias/tsConfigPaths');3module.exports = {4 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx|js|jsx|mdx)'],5 webpackFinal: async (config) => {6 config.resolve.plugins = [new TsconfigPathsPlugin({ configFile: './tsconfig.json' })];7 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');8 tsTransform(tsConfigPaths('./tsconfig.json')),9 ];10 return config;11 },12};13{14 "compilerOptions": {15 "paths": {16 }17 }18}19{20 "scripts": {21 },22 "devDependencies": {23 }24}25module.exports = {26 stories: ['../src/**/*.stories.@(ts|tsx|js|jsx|mdx)'],27 webpackFinal: async (config) => {28 config.resolve.plugins = [new TsconfigPathsPlugin({ configFile: './tsconfig.json' })];29 config.resolve.extensions.push('.ts', '.tsx');30 tsTransform(tsConfigPaths('./tsconfig.json')),31 ];32 return config;33 },34};35import { addDecorator } from '@storybook/react';36import { withA11y } from '@storybook/addon-a11y';37addDecorator(withA11y);38import { addons } from '@storybook/addons';39import { themes } from '@storybook/theming';40addons.setConfig({41});

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