Best JavaScript code snippet using storybook-test-runner
1#!/usr/bin/env node2//@ts-check3'use strict';4const { execSync } = require('child_process');5const fetch = require('node-fetch');6const canBindToHost = require('can-bind-to-host').default;7const fs = require('fs');8const dedent = require('ts-dedent').default;9const path = require('path');10const tempy = require('tempy');11const semver = require('semver');12const { getCliOptions, getStorybookMetadata } = require('../dist/cjs/util');13const { transformPlaywrightJson } = require('../dist/cjs/playwright/transformPlaywrightJson');14// Do this as the first thing so that any code reading it knows the right env.15process.env.BABEL_ENV = 'test';16process.env.NODE_ENV = 'test';17process.env.PUBLIC_URL = '';18// Makes the script crash on unhandled rejections instead of silently19// ignoring them. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will20// terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.21process.on('unhandledRejection', (err) => {22 throw err;23});24const log = (message) => console.log(`[test-storybook] ${message}`);25const error = (message) => console.error(`[test-storybook] ${message}`);26// Clean up tmp files globally in case of control-c27let indexTmpDir;28const cleanup = () => {29 if (indexTmpDir) {30 log(`Cleaning up ${indexTmpDir}`);31 fs.rmSync(indexTmpDir, { recursive: true, force: true });32 }33};34let isWatchMode = false;35async function reportCoverage() {36 if (isWatchMode || process.env.STORYBOOK_COLLECT_COVERAGE !== 'true') {37 return;38 }39 const coverageFolderE2E = path.resolve(process.cwd(), '.nyc_output');40 const coverageFolder = path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'coverage/storybook');41 // in case something goes wrong and .nyc_output does not exist, bail42 if (!fs.existsSync(coverageFolderE2E)) {43 return;44 }45 // if there's no coverage folder, create one46 if (!fs.existsSync(coverageFolder)) {47 fs.mkdirSync(coverageFolder, { recursive: true });48 }49 // move the coverage files from .nyc_output folder (coming from jest-playwright) to coverage, then delete .nyc_output50 fs.renameSync(`${coverageFolderE2E}/coverage.json`, `${coverageFolder}/coverage-storybook.json`);51 fs.rmSync(coverageFolderE2E, { recursive: true });52 // --skip-full in case we only want to show not fully covered code53 // --check-coverage if we want to break if coverage reaches certain threshold54 // .nycrc will be respected for thresholds etc. execSync(`npx nyc report --reporter=text -t ${coverageFolder} --report-dir ${coverageFolder}`, {56 stdio: 'inherit',57 });58}59const onProcessEnd = () => {60 cleanup();61 reportCoverage();62};63process.on('SIGINT', onProcessEnd);64process.on('exit', onProcessEnd);65function sanitizeURL(url) {66 let finalURL = url;67 // prepend URL protocol if not there68 if (finalURL.indexOf('http://') === -1 && finalURL.indexOf('https://') === -1) {69 finalURL = 'http://' + finalURL;70 }71 // remove iframe.html if present72 finalURL = finalURL.replace(/iframe.html\s*$/, '');73 // remove index.html if present74 finalURL = finalURL.replace(/index.html\s*$/, '');75 // add forward slash at the end if not there76 if (finalURL.slice(-1) !== '/') {77 finalURL = finalURL + '/';78 }79 return finalURL;80}81async function executeJestPlaywright(args) {82 // Always prefer jest installed via the test runner. If it's hoisted, it will get it from root node_modules83 const jestPath = path.dirname(84 require.resolve('jest', {85 paths: [path.join(__dirname, '../@storybook/test-runner/node_modules')],86 })87 );88 const jest = require(jestPath);89 let argv = args.slice(2);90 const jestConfigPath = fs.existsSync('test-runner-jest.config.js')91 ? 'test-runner-jest.config.js'92 : path.resolve(__dirname, '../playwright/test-runner-jest.config.js');93 argv.push('--config', jestConfigPath);94 await;95}96async function checkStorybook(url) {97 try {98 const res = await fetch(url, { method: 'HEAD' });99 if (res.status !== 200) throw new Error(`Unxpected status: ${res.status}`);100 } catch (e) {101 console.error(102 dedent`[test-storybook] It seems that your Storybook instance is not running at: ${url}. Are you sure it's running?103 104 If you're not running Storybook on the default 6006 port or want to run the tests against any custom URL, you can pass the --url flag like so:105 106 yarn test-storybook --url http://localhost:9009107 108 More info at`109 );110 process.exit(1);111 }112}113async function getIndexJson(url) {114 const indexJsonUrl = new URL('index.json', url).toString();115 const storiesJsonUrl = new URL('stories.json', url).toString();116 const [indexRes, storiesRes] = await Promise.all([fetch(indexJsonUrl), fetch(storiesJsonUrl)]);117 if (indexRes.ok) {118 try {119 const json = await indexRes.text();120 return JSON.parse(json);121 } catch (err) {}122 }123 if (storiesRes.ok) {124 try {125 const json = await storiesRes.text();126 return JSON.parse(json);127 } catch (err) {}128 }129 throw new Error(dedent`130 Failed to fetch index data from the project.131 Make sure that either of these URLs are available with valid data in your Storybook:132 ${133 // TODO: switch order once index.json becomes more common than stories.json134 storiesJsonUrl135 }136 ${indexJsonUrl}137 More info: `);139}140async function getIndexTempDir(url) {141 let tmpDir;142 try {143 const indexJson = await getIndexJson(url);144 const titleIdToTest = transformPlaywrightJson(indexJson);145 tmpDir =;146 Object.entries(titleIdToTest).forEach(([titleId, test]) => {147 const tmpFile = path.join(tmpDir, `${titleId}.test.js`);148 fs.writeFileSync(tmpFile, test);149 });150 } catch (err) {151 error(err);152 process.exit(1);153 }154 return tmpDir;155}156function ejectConfiguration() {157 const origin = path.resolve(__dirname, '../playwright/test-runner-jest.config.js');158 const destination = path.resolve('test-runner-jest.config.js');159 const fileAlreadyExists = fs.existsSync(destination);160 if (fileAlreadyExists) {161 throw new Error(dedent`Found existing file at:162 163 ${destination}164 165 Please delete it and rerun this command.166 \n`);167 }168 fs.copyFileSync(origin, destination);169 log('Configuration file successfully copied as test-runner-jest.config.js');170}171const main = async () => {172 const { jestOptions, runnerOptions } = getCliOptions();173 if (runnerOptions.eject) {174 ejectConfiguration();175 process.exit(0);176 }177 // set this flag to skip reporting coverage in watch mode178 isWatchMode = || jestOptions.watchAll;179 const rawTargetURL = process.env.TARGET_URL || runnerOptions.url || 'http://localhost:6006';180 await checkStorybook(rawTargetURL);181 const targetURL = sanitizeURL(rawTargetURL);182 process.env.TARGET_URL = targetURL;183 if (runnerOptions.coverage) {184 process.env.STORYBOOK_COLLECT_COVERAGE = 'true';185 }186 if (runnerOptions.junit) {187 process.env.STORYBOOK_JUNIT = 'true';188 }189 if (process.env.REFERENCE_URL) {190 process.env.REFERENCE_URL = sanitizeURL(process.env.REFERENCE_URL);191 }192 // Use TEST_BROWSERS if set, otherwise get from --browser option193 if (!process.env.TEST_BROWSERS && runnerOptions.browsers) {194 process.env.TEST_BROWSERS = runnerOptions.browsers.join(',');195 }196 const { hostname } = new URL(targetURL);197 const isLocalStorybookIp = await canBindToHost(hostname);198 const shouldRunIndexJson = runnerOptions.indexJson !== false && !isLocalStorybookIp;199 if (shouldRunIndexJson) {200 log(201 'Detected a remote Storybook URL, running in index json mode. To disable this, run the command again with --no-index-json\n'202 );203 }204 if (runnerOptions.indexJson || shouldRunIndexJson) {205 indexTmpDir = await getIndexTempDir(targetURL);206 process.env.TEST_ROOT = indexTmpDir;207 process.env.TEST_MATCH = '**/*.test.js';208 }209 process.env.STORYBOOK_CONFIG_DIR = runnerOptions.configDir;210 const { storiesPaths, lazyCompilation } = getStorybookMetadata();211 process.env.STORYBOOK_STORIES_PATTERN = storiesPaths;212 if (lazyCompilation && isLocalStorybookIp) {213 log(214 `You're running Storybook with lazy compilation enabled, and will likely cause issues with the test runner locally. Consider disabling 'lazyCompilation' in ${runnerOptions.configDir}/main.js when running 'test-storybook' locally.`215 );216 }217 await executeJestPlaywright(jestOptions);218};...
1'use strict';2var debug = require('debug')('mirrors:sync:atom-shell');3var urllib = require('urllib');4var util = require('util');5var Syncer = require('./syncer');6module.exports = AtomShellSyncer;7function AtomShellSyncer(options) {8 if (!(this instanceof AtomShellSyncer)) {9 return new AtomShellSyncer(options);10 }11, options);12}13util.inherits(AtomShellSyncer, Syncer);14var proto = AtomShellSyncer.prototype;15proto.listdir = function* (fullname) {16 var PADDING = 'atom-shell/dist/';17 var prefix = PADDING + fullname.substring(1);18 var url = this.disturl + '/?max-keys=10000&delimiter=/&prefix=' + prefix;19 var res = yield urllib.request(url, {20 timeout: 60 * 1000,21 dataType: 'text',22 followRedirect: true,23 });24 debug('listdir %s got %s, %j', url, res.status, res.headers);25 var html = || '';26 var items = [];27 // // <CommonPrefixes><Prefix>atom-shell/dist/0.23.0/</Prefix></CommonPrefixes><CommonPrefixes><Prefix>atom-shell/dist/1.1.0/</Prefix></CommonPrefixes><CommonPrefixes><Prefix>atom-shell/dist/1.4.5/</Prefix></CommonPrefixes>29 // <CommonPrefixes>30 // <Prefix>atom-shell/dist/v1.6.3/</Prefix>31 // </CommonPrefixes>32 var dirRe = /<CommonPrefixes><Prefix>([^<]+)<\/Prefix><\/CommonPrefixes>/g;33 while (true) {34 var match = dirRe.exec(html);35 if (!match) {36 break;37 }38 var name = match[1].replace(PADDING, '');39 if (name[0] === '.' || name[0] !== 'v') {40 // <Prefix>0.23.0/</Prefix>41 // <Prefix>.tmp/</Prefix>42 continue;43 }44 if (!this.versionsMap) {45 // make sure version exists on var indexJSONUrl = '';47 var versions = yield urllib.request(indexJSONUrl, {48 dataType: 'json',49 timeout: 20000,50 });51 this.versionsMap = {};52 for (var i = 0; i < versions.length; i++) {53 var item = versions[i];54 this.versionsMap[item.version] = item;55 }56 }57 // skip not finished version, wait for all files upload success58 var version = name.split('/')[0].substring(1);59 if (!this.versionsMap[version]) {60 continue;61 }62 if (name.indexOf('/x64/') > 0) {63 // <Prefix>v0.16.0/x64/</Prefix>64 name = 'x64/';65 } else if (name.indexOf('/win-x64/') > 0) {66 name = 'win-x64/';67 } else if (name.indexOf('/win-x86/') > 0) {68 name = 'win-x86/';69 }70 debug(name, fullname);71 items.push({72 name: name,73 date: '-',74 size: '-',75 type: 'dir',76 parent: fullname,77 });78 }79 // <Contents><Key>atom-shell/dist/index.json</Key><LastModified>2017-01-24T18:20:12.000Z</LastModified><ETag>"baefa31b950a47a94980399566ecda77"</ETag><Size>40810</Size><StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass></Contents><Contents><Key>atom-shell/dist/nan-1.6.1.tgz</Key><LastModified>2015-04-23T02:29:23.000Z</LastModified><ETag>"13ddf39ad45e4371e92a0157db3b2e61"</ETag><Size>36819</Size><StorageClass>STANDARD</StorageClass></Contents>80 var fileRe = /<Contents><Key>([^<]+)<\/Key><LastModified>([^<]+)<\/LastModified><ETag>([^<]+)<\/ETag><Size>(\d+)<\/Size><StorageClass>[^<]+<\/StorageClass><\/Contents>/g;81 while (true) {82 var match = fileRe.exec(html);83 if (!match) {84 break;85 }86 var names = match[1].split('/');87 var name = names[names.length - 1].trim();88 // <Key>atom-shell/dist/index.json</Key>89 if (!name) {90 continue;91 }92 var date = match[2];93 var size = Number(match[4]);94 // ignore file > 200MB95 if (size > 209715200) {96 continue;97 }98 debug(name, date, size, fullname);99 items.push({100 name: name,101 date: date,102 size: size,103 type: 'file',104 parent: fullname,105 downloadURL: this.disturl + '/atom-shell/dist' + fullname + name,106 });107 }108 return items;109};110proto.check = function (checksums, info) {111 if (!info.size) {112 return true;113 }114 return checksums.size === info.size;...
1import React, { useState, useRef, useEffect, createRef, useCallback } from "react";2import {DhsArticleLink} from "./TextLink"3import {4 useParams,5 useSearchParams6} from "react-router-dom";7import {Alert} from "react-bootstrap"8import {CenteredLayout} from "./Layout"9const NB_MAX_DISPLAYED_ARTICLES = 10010export function ArticlesListItem({articleTitle, dhsId}){11 return <div className="dhs-articles-list-item">12 <DhsArticleLink dhsId={dhsId}>13 <span className="dhs-articles-list-item-id">{dhsId+" "}</span>14 <span className="dhs-articles-list-item-title">{articleTitle}</span>15 </DhsArticleLink>16 </div>17}18export function searchInIndex(completeIndex, searchTerm){19 const lowerCaseSearchTerm = searchTerm.toLowerCase()20 return completeIndex.filter(aid => aid[1].toLowerCase().indexOf(lowerCaseSearchTerm)!=-1)21}22export function ArticlesList({baseurl=""}) {23 const { language } = useParams();24 25 const indexJsonUrl = baseurl+"/data/indices/"+language+".json"26 const [index, setIndex] = useState([])27 const [completeIndex, setCompleteIndex] = useState([])28 const [searchParams] = useSearchParams();29 const query = searchParams.get("q")30 console.log("------ ArticlesList.js language", language, " cIndex.l", completeIndex.length, " index.l", index.length, " ?q=", query, " ------")31 useEffect(() => {32 document.title = "The Linked HDS"33 }, []);34 // filter index based on URL get parameter ?q=XX35 useEffect(()=>{36 if(query){37 console.log("ArticlesList filtering based on query:", query)38 setIndex(searchInIndex(completeIndex, query))39 }else{40 setIndex(completeIndex) 41 }42 }, [query, completeIndex])43 // fetch index json44 useEffect(()=>{45 fetch(indexJsonUrl).then(x=>x.json()).then(loadedIndex=>{46 setCompleteIndex(loadedIndex)47 })48 }, [indexJsonUrl])49 //console.log("ArticlesList indexJsonUrl: ", indexJsonUrl, " index:", index)50 return (51 <CenteredLayout>52 <Alert className="dhs-article-info" variant="info">53 Using the search bar above you can search for articles.<br/>54 Search is only performed on articles' titles (exact match).<br/>55 </Alert>56 {57 completeIndex.length===0? "Loading articles index..." : (58 index.length>0 ?59 index.filter((a,i)=>i<NB_MAX_DISPLAYED_ARTICLES).map((item,i)=> <ArticlesListItem key={i} dhsId={item[0]} articleTitle={item[1]}/>) :60 'No articles with title matching "'+query+'".'61 )62 }63 </CenteredLayout>64 );65}66export default ArticlesList;67// <Form.Label>Search</Form.Label>68/*...
Using AI Code Generation
1import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';3import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';4import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';5import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';6import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';7import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';8import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';9import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';10import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';11import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';12import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';13import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';14import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';15import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';16import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';17import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';18import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook
Using AI Code Generation
1const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');2const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');3const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');4const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');5const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');6const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');7const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');8const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');9const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test
Using AI Code Generation
1import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner';2import storybookTestRunner from 'storybook-test-runner';3storybookTestRunner();4{5 "scripts": {6 }7}8storybookTestRunner('Button');
Using AI Code Generation
1import { indexJsonUrl } from 'storybook-test-runner'2import { run } from './index'3import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'4import { storiesOf as storiesOfM } from '@storybook/react-native'5 run({ storiesOf, storiesOfM })6})7import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/react'8import { storiesOf as storiesOfM } from '@storybook/react-native'9export function run({ storiesOf, storiesOfM }) {10 storiesOf('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <div>Hello</div>)11 storiesOfM('Welcome', module).add('to Storybook', () => <div>Hello</div>)12}13{14 {15 "parameters": {16 "options": {}17 }18 }19}20{21 "scripts": {22 },23 "devDependencies": {
Using AI Code Generation
1const { indexJsonUrl } = require('storybook-test-runner');2const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');3const storybook = getStorybook(indexJsonUrl);4const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');5const storybook = getStorybook();6const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');7const storybook = getStorybook();8const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');9const storybook = getStorybook();10const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');11const storybook = getStorybook();12const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');13const storybook = getStorybook();14const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');15const storybook = getStorybook();16const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');17const storybook = getStorybook();18const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');19const storybook = getStorybook();20const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');21const storybook = getStorybook();22const { getStorybook } = require('storybook-test-runner');23const storybook = getStorybook();
Using AI Code Generation
1var storybookTestRunner = require('storybook-test-runner');2var path = require('path');3var testJsonUrl = path.join(__dirname, 'test.json');4storybookTestRunner.indexJsonUrl(testJsonUrl);5{6 {7 },8 {9 }10}11var storybookTestRunner = require('storybook-test-runner');12storybookTestRunner.indexJsonUrl(testJsonUrl);13{14 {
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