How to use SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR method in stryker-parent

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Source:sandbox.spec.ts Github


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1import path from 'path';2import { promises as fsPromises } from 'fs';3import execa from 'execa';4import npmRunPath from 'npm-run-path';5import { expect } from 'chai';6import sinon from 'sinon';7import { testInjector, tick, factory } from '@stryker-mutator/test-helpers';8import { File } from '@stryker-mutator/api/core';9import { normalizeWhitespaces, Task } from '@stryker-mutator/util';10import { Sandbox } from '../../../src/sandbox/sandbox';11import { coreTokens } from '../../../src/di';12import { TemporaryDirectory } from '../../../src/utils/temporary-directory';13import * as fileUtils from '../../../src/utils/file-utils';14import { UnexpectedExitHandler } from '../../../src/unexpected-exit-handler';15describe(, () => {16 let temporaryDirectoryMock: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<TemporaryDirectory>;17 let files: File[];18 let mkdirpStub: sinon.SinonStub;19 let writeFileStub: sinon.SinonStub;20 let symlinkJunctionStub: sinon.SinonStub;21 let findNodeModulesListStub: sinon.SinonStub;22 let execaMock: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<typeof execa>;23 let unexpectedExitHandlerMock: sinon.SinonStubbedInstance<UnexpectedExitHandler>;24 let readFile: sinon.SinonStub;25 let moveDirectoryRecursiveSyncStub: sinon.SinonStub;26 const SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR = path.resolve('.stryker-tmp/sandbox-123');27 const BACKUP_DIR = 'backup-123';28 beforeEach(() => {29 temporaryDirectoryMock = sinon.createStubInstance(TemporaryDirectory);30 temporaryDirectoryMock.createRandomDirectory.withArgs('sandbox').returns(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR).withArgs('backup').returns(BACKUP_DIR);31 mkdirpStub = sinon.stub(fileUtils, 'mkdirp');32 writeFileStub = sinon.stub(fsPromises, 'writeFile');33 symlinkJunctionStub = sinon.stub(fileUtils, 'symlinkJunction');34 findNodeModulesListStub = sinon.stub(fileUtils, 'findNodeModulesList');35 moveDirectoryRecursiveSyncStub = sinon.stub(fileUtils, 'moveDirectoryRecursiveSync');36 readFile = sinon.stub(fsPromises, 'readFile');37 execaMock = {38 command: sinon.stub(),39 commandSync: sinon.stub(),40 node: sinon.stub(),41 sync: sinon.stub(),42 };43 unexpectedExitHandlerMock = {44 registerHandler: sinon.stub(),45 dispose: sinon.stub(),46 };47 symlinkJunctionStub.resolves();48 findNodeModulesListStub.resolves(['node_modules']);49 files = [];50 });51 function createSut(): Sandbox {52 return testInjector.injector53 .provideValue(coreTokens.files, files)54 .provideValue(coreTokens.temporaryDirectory, temporaryDirectoryMock)55 .provideValue(coreTokens.execa, execaMock as unknown as typeof execa)56 .provideValue(coreTokens.unexpectedExitRegistry, unexpectedExitHandlerMock)57 .injectClass(Sandbox);58 }59 describe('init()', () => {60 describe('with inPlace = false', () => {61 beforeEach(() => {62 testInjector.options.inPlace = false;63 });64 it('should have created a sandbox folder', async () => {65 const sut = createSut();66 await sut.init();67 expect(temporaryDirectoryMock.createRandomDirectory).calledWith('sandbox');68 });69 it('should copy regular input files', async () => {70 const fileB = new File(path.resolve('a', 'b.txt'), 'b content');71 const fileE = new File(path.resolve('c', 'd', 'e.log'), 'e content');72 files.push(fileB);73 files.push(fileE);74 const sut = createSut();75 await sut.init();76 expect(writeFileStub).calledWith(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'a', 'b.txt'), fileB.content);77 expect(writeFileStub).calledWith(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'c', 'd', 'e.log'), fileE.content);78 });79 it('should make the dir before copying the file', async () => {80 files.push(new File(path.resolve('a', 'b.js'), 'b content'));81 files.push(new File(path.resolve('c', 'd', 'e.js'), 'e content'));82 const sut = createSut();83 await sut.init();84 expect(mkdirpStub).calledTwice;85 expect(mkdirpStub).calledWithExactly(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'a'));86 expect(mkdirpStub).calledWithExactly(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'c', 'd'));87 });88 it('should be able to copy a local file', async () => {89 files.push(new File('localFile.txt', 'foobar'));90 const sut = createSut();91 await sut.init();92 expect(writeFileStub).calledWith(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'localFile.txt'), Buffer.from('foobar'));93 });94 it('should symlink node modules in sandbox directory if exists', async () => {95 const sut = createSut();96 await sut.init();97 expect(findNodeModulesListStub).calledWith(process.cwd());98 expect(symlinkJunctionStub).calledWith(path.resolve('node_modules'), path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'node_modules'));99 });100 });101 describe('with inPlace = true', () => {102 beforeEach(() => {103 testInjector.options.inPlace = true;104 });105 it('should have created a backup directory', async () => {106 const sut = createSut();107 await sut.init();108 expect(temporaryDirectoryMock.createRandomDirectory).calledWith('backup');109 });110 it('should not override the current file if no changes were detected', async () => {111 const fileB = new File(path.resolve('a', 'b.txt'), 'b content');112 readFile.withArgs(path.resolve('a', 'b.txt')).resolves(Buffer.from('b content'));113 files.push(fileB);114 const sut = createSut();115 await sut.init();116 expect(writeFileStub).not.called;117 });118 it('should override original file if changes were detected', async () => {119 // Arrange120 const fileName = path.resolve('a', 'b.js');121 const originalContent = Buffer.from('b content');122 const fileB = new File(fileName, 'b mutated content');123 readFile.withArgs(fileName).resolves(originalContent);124 files.push(fileB);125 // Act126 const sut = createSut();127 await sut.init();128 // Assert129 expect(writeFileStub).calledWith(, fileB.content);130 });131 it('should override backup the original before overriding it', async () => {132 // Arrange133 const fileName = path.resolve('a', 'b.js');134 const originalContent = Buffer.from('b content');135 const fileB = new File(fileName, 'b mutated content');136 readFile.withArgs(fileName).resolves(originalContent);137 files.push(fileB);138 const expectedBackupDirectory = path.join(BACKUP_DIR, 'a');139 const expectedBackupFileName = path.join(expectedBackupDirectory, 'b.js');140 // Act141 const sut = createSut();142 await sut.init();143 // Assert144 expect(mkdirpStub).calledWith(expectedBackupDirectory);145 expect(writeFileStub).calledWith(expectedBackupFileName, originalContent);146 expect(writeFileStub.withArgs(expectedBackupFileName)).calledBefore(writeFileStub.withArgs(;147 });148 it('should log the backup file location', async () => {149 // Arrange150 const fileName = path.resolve('a', 'b.js');151 const originalContent = Buffer.from('b content');152 const fileB = new File(fileName, 'b mutated content');153 readFile.withArgs(fileName).resolves(originalContent);154 files.push(fileB);155 const expectedBackupFileName = path.join(BACKUP_DIR, 'a', 'b.js');156 // Act157 const sut = createSut();158 await sut.init();159 // Assert160 expect(testInjector.logger.debug).calledWith('Stored backup file at %s', expectedBackupFileName);161 });162 it('should register an unexpected exit handler', async () => {163 // Act164 const sut = createSut();165 await sut.init();166 // Assert167 expect(unexpectedExitHandlerMock.registerHandler).called;168 });169 });170 it('should not open too many file handles', async () => {171 const maxFileIO = 256;172 const fileHandles: Array<{ fileName: string; task: Task }> = [];173 for (let i = 0; i < maxFileIO + 1; i++) {174 const fileName = `file_${i}.js`;175 const task = new Task();176 fileHandles.push({ fileName, task });177 writeFileStub.withArgs(sinon.match(fileName)).returns(task.promise);178 files.push(new File(fileName, ''));179 }180 // Act181 const sut = createSut();182 const initPromise = sut.init();183 await tick();184 expect(writeFileStub).callCount(maxFileIO);185 fileHandles[0].task.resolve();186 await tick();187 // Assert188 expect(writeFileStub).callCount(maxFileIO + 1);189 fileHandles.forEach(({ task }) => task.resolve());190 await initPromise;191 });192 it('should symlink node modules in sandbox directory if node_modules exist', async () => {193 findNodeModulesListStub.resolves(['node_modules', 'packages/a/node_modules']);194 const sut = createSut();195 await sut.init();196 const calls = symlinkJunctionStub.getCalls();197 expect(calls[0]).calledWithExactly(path.resolve('node_modules'), path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'node_modules'));198 expect(calls[1]).calledWithExactly(199 path.resolve('packages', 'a', 'node_modules'),200 path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'packages', 'a', 'node_modules')201 );202 });203 it('should not symlink node modules in sandbox directory if no node_modules exist', async () => {204 findNodeModulesListStub.resolves([]);205 const sut = createSut();206 await sut.init();207 expect(testInjector.logger.warn).calledWithMatch('Could not find a node_modules');208 expect(testInjector.logger.warn).calledWithMatch(process.cwd());209 expect(symlinkJunctionStub).not.called;210 });211 it('should log a warning if "node_modules" already exists in the working folder', async () => {212 findNodeModulesListStub.resolves(['node_modules']);213 symlinkJunctionStub.rejects(factory.fileAlreadyExistsError());214 const sut = createSut();215 await sut.init();216 expect(testInjector.logger.warn).calledWithMatch(217 normalizeWhitespaces(218 `Could not symlink "node_modules" in sandbox directory, it is already created in the sandbox.219 Please remove the node_modules from your sandbox files. Alternatively, set \`symlinkNodeModules\`220 to \`false\` to disable this warning.`221 )222 );223 });224 it('should log a warning if linking "node_modules" results in an unknown error', async () => {225 findNodeModulesListStub.resolves(['basePath/node_modules']);226 const error = new Error('unknown');227 symlinkJunctionStub.rejects(error);228 const sut = createSut();229 await sut.init();230 expect(testInjector.logger.warn).calledWithMatch(231 normalizeWhitespaces('Unexpected error while trying to symlink "basePath/node_modules" in sandbox directory.'),232 error233 );234 });235 it('should not symlink node modules in sandbox directory if `symlinkNodeModules` is `false`', async () => {236 testInjector.options.symlinkNodeModules = false;237 const sut = createSut();238 await sut.init();239 expect(symlinkJunctionStub).not.called;240 expect(findNodeModulesListStub).not.called;241 });242 it('should execute the buildCommand in the sandbox', async () => {243 testInjector.options.buildCommand = 'npm run build';244 const sut = createSut();245 await sut.init();246 expect(execaMock.command).calledWith('npm run build', { cwd: SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, env: npmRunPath.env() });247 expect('Running build command "%s" in "%s".', 'npm run build', SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR);248 });249 it('should not execute a build command when non is configured', async () => {250 testInjector.options.buildCommand = undefined;251 const sut = createSut();252 await sut.init();253 expect(execaMock.command).not.called;254 });255 it('should execute the buildCommand before the node_modules are symlinked', async () => {256 // It is important to first run the buildCommand, otherwise the build dependencies are not correctly resolved257 testInjector.options.buildCommand = 'npm run build';258 const sut = createSut();259 await sut.init();260 expect(execaMock.command).calledBefore(symlinkJunctionStub);261 });262 });263 describe('dispose', () => {264 it("shouldn't do anything when inPlace = false", () => {265 const sut = createSut();266 sut.dispose();267 expect(moveDirectoryRecursiveSyncStub).not.called;268 });269 it('should recover from the backup dir synchronously if inPlace = true', () => {270 testInjector.options.inPlace = true;271 const sut = createSut();272 sut.dispose();273 expect(moveDirectoryRecursiveSyncStub).calledWith(BACKUP_DIR, process.cwd());274 });275 it('should recover from the backup dir if stryker exits unexpectedly while inPlace = true', () => {276 testInjector.options.inPlace = true;277 const errorStub = sinon.stub(console, 'error');278 createSut();279 unexpectedExitHandlerMock.registerHandler.callArg(0);280 expect(moveDirectoryRecursiveSyncStub).calledWith(BACKUP_DIR, process.cwd());281 expect(errorStub).calledWith(`Detecting unexpected exit, recovering original files from ${BACKUP_DIR}`);282 });283 });284 describe('workingDirectory', () => {285 it('should retrieve the sandbox directory when inPlace = false', async () => {286 const sut = createSut();287 await sut.init();288 expect(sut.workingDirectory).eq(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR);289 });290 it('should retrieve the cwd directory when inPlace = true', async () => {291 testInjector.options.inPlace = true;292 const sut = createSut();293 await sut.init();294 expect(sut.workingDirectory).eq(process.cwd());295 });296 });297 describe(, () => {298 it('should return the sandbox file if exists', async () => {299 const originalFileName = path.resolve('src/foo.js');300 files.push(new File(originalFileName, ''));301 const sut = createSut();302 await sut.init();303 const actualSandboxFile = sut.sandboxFileFor(originalFileName);304 expect(actualSandboxFile).eq(path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'src/foo.js'));305 });306 it("should throw when the sandbox file doesn't exists", async () => {307 const notExistingFile = 'src/bar.js';308 files.push(new File(path.resolve('src/foo.js'), ''));309 const sut = createSut();310 await sut.init();311 expect(() => sut.sandboxFileFor(notExistingFile)).throws('Cannot find sandbox file for src/bar.js');312 });313 });314 describe(, () => {315 it('should remap the file to the original', async () => {316 const sut = createSut();317 await sut.init();318 const sandboxFile = path.join(SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR, 'src/foo.js');319 expect(sut.originalFileFor(sandboxFile)).eq(path.resolve('src/foo.js'));320 });321 });...

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1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const sandboxDir = process.env.SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR;4const testDir = path.join(sandboxDir, 'test');5const testFile = path.join(testDir, 'test.js');6const testContent = fs.readFileSync(testFile, 'utf8');7console.log(testContent);8const fs = require('fs');9const path = require('path');10const sandboxDir = process.env.SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR;11const testDir = path.join(sandboxDir, 'test');12const testFile = path.join(testDir, 'test.js');13const testContent = fs.readFileSync(testFile, 'utf8');14console.log(testContent);15{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/stryker/test/test.js'16 path: '/home/stryker/test/test.js' }17{ Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/home/stryker/test/test.js'18 path: '/home/stryker/test/test.js' }

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1const fs = require('fs');2const path = require('path');3const workingDir = process.env.SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR;4const file = path.join(workingDir, 'test.txt');5fs.writeFileSync(file, 'Hello world!');6module.exports = function (config) {7 config.set({8 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true }9 });10};1117:47:42 (3442) INFO InputFileResolver Using 1 of 1 input files +0ms1217:47:42 (3442) INFO Sandbox Creating sandbox for files in /home/stryker/stryker-issue-2019-05-23_17-47-41_3442 +0ms1317:47:42 (3442) INFO Sandbox Creating test runner 0 using command "node" +0ms1417:47:42 (3442) INFO Sandbox Initial test run succeeded. Ran 0 tests in 0 seconds (net 0 ms, overhead 0 ms). +0ms1517:47:42 (3442) INFO InitialTestExecutor Starting initial test run +0ms1617:47:42 (3442) INFO InitialTestExecutor Initial test run succeeded. Ran 0 tests in 0 seconds (net 0 ms, overhead 0 ms). +0ms1717:47:42 (3442) INFO Stryker Done in 0 seconds. +0ms18module.exports = function (config) {19 config.set({20 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true }21 });22};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const {Sandbox} = require('stryker-api/core');2const {SandboxWorkingDir} = require('stryker-parent');3class SandboxWorkingDirTest extends SandboxWorkingDir {4 constructor() {5 super();6 = 'SandboxWorkingDirTest';7 }8}9module.exports = SandboxWorkingDirTest;10module.exports = function(config) {11 config.set({12 commandRunner: {13 },14 sandbox: {15 }16 });17};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var sandbox = require('sandboxed-module');2var module = sandbox.require('../app.js', {3 requires: {4 'fs': {5 'readFile': function (path, cb) {6 cb(null, 'file content');7 }8 }9 },10 globals: {11 'process': {12 'env': {13 }14 }15 }16});17module.exports = function (config) {18 config.set({19 { pattern: 'app.js' },20 preprocessors: {21 },22 customLaunchers: {23 ChromeHeadlessNoSandbox: {24 }25 },26 karmaTypescriptConfig: {27 },28 })29}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR } = require('stryker-parent');2const dir = SANDBOX_WORKING_DIR();3console.log('dir is: ', dir);4module.exports = function(config) {5 config.set({6 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true, mutated: false },7 commandRunner: { command: 'node test.js' },8 });9};10const { SANDBOX_FILE } = require('stryker-parent');11const file = SANDBOX_FILE();12console.log('file is: ', file);13module.exports = function(config) {14 config.set({15 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true, mutated: false },16 commandRunner: { command: 'node test.js' },17 });18};

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