How to use arrange method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:arrange-module.js Github


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1var arrangeModule = slidesApp.module('ArrangeModule', function (ArrangeModule, slidesApp, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) {2 ArrangeModule.startWithParent = false;3 ArrangeModule.subAction = 'default';4 ArrangeModule.sortableEnabled = true;5 ArrangeModule.dragStarted = false;6 ArrangeModule.isChanged = false;7 ArrangeModule.slideOrder =[];8 var getSlideId = function($el){9 return parseInt($el.attr('id').slice($el.attr('id').indexOf('_') + 1));10 };11 ArrangeModule.View = Marionette.ItemView.extend({12 template: '#arrangeTemplate',13 id: 'arrangeSlides'14 });15 var arrangeView = new ArrangeModule.View();16 ArrangeModule.tileListView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({17 tagName: 'td',18 template: '#arrangeListTemplate',19 className: 'tileListTemp js-sortable-slide-list'20 });21 ArrangeModule.tileView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({22 template: '#arrangeTileTemplate',23 className: 'slides-arrange-tile js-slides-arrange-tile text-center',24 events: {25 'mouseover': 'onMouseOver',26 'mouseout': 'onMouseOut',27 'click .js-arrange-tile-cover': 'onClick',28 'click .js-arrange-tile-preview': 'goToSlide',29 'click .js-arrange-tile-edit': 'editSlide',30 'click .js-arrange-tile-delete': 'deleteSlide',31 'click .js-arrange-tile-select': 'selectSlide'32 },33 onRender: function(){34 this.$('.valamis-tooltip')35 .tooltip({36 placement: 'right',37 trigger: 'manual'38 })39 .bind('mouseenter', function(){40 $(this).tooltip('show');41 var tooltip = $(this).data('bs.tooltip').$tip;42 tooltip43 .css({44 whiteSpace: 'nowrap',45 left: '+=20'46 });47 })48 .bind('mouseleave', function(){49 $(this).tooltip('hide');50 })51 .parent().css('position','relative');52 },53 onMouseOver: function (e) {54 if( _.indexOf(['select','select-incorrect'], arrangeModule.subAction) > -1 ) {55 this.$('.js-arrange-tile-controls > div').addClass('hidden');56 this.$('.js-arrange-tile-controls').find('.js-arrange-tile-select').parent().removeClass('hidden');57 this.$('.js-arrange-tile-controls').show();58 $('#arrangeContainer .js-slides-arrange-tile').removeClass('arrange-tile-active');59 this.$el.addClass('arrange-tile-active');60 }61 else{62 this.$('.js-arrange-tile-controls').show();63 }64 },65 onMouseOut: function (e) {66 this.$('.js-arrange-tile-controls').hide();67 },68 onClick: function (e) {69 if( !ArrangeModule.dragStarted ){70 if( $('.arrange-tile-cover') && _.indexOf(['select','select-incorrect'], arrangeModule.subAction) > -1 ){71 this.selectSlide();72 } else {73 this.goToSlide();74 }75 }76 },77 goToSlide: function (e) {78 if(e) e.preventDefault();79 var slideId = getSlideId(this.$el);80 slidesApp.switchMode('preview', false, slideId);81 },82 editSlide: function (e) {83 if(e) e.preventDefault();84 var slideId = getSlideId(this.$el);85 slidesApp.switchMode('edit', false, slideId);86 },87 deleteSlide: function (e) {88 if(e) e.preventDefault();89 var slides = slidesApp.slideCollection.where({toBeRemoved: false});90 if(slides.length > 1) {91 var slideId = getSlideId(this.$el);92 var slideModel = slidesApp.getSlideModel(slideId);93 slideModel.set('toBeRemoved', true);94 }95 },96 selectSlide: function(e){97 if(e) e.preventDefault();98 var slideId = getSlideId(this.$el),99 selectedEntityId = || slidesApp.selectedItemView.model.get('tempId'),100 linkTypeName = window.editorMode == 'arrange:select' ? 'correctLinkedSlideId' : 'incorrectLinkedSlideId';101 slidesApp.getSlideElementModel(selectedEntityId).set(linkTypeName, slideId);102 slidesApp.newValue = { linkType: linkTypeName, linkedSlideId: slideId };103 slidesApp.execute('action:push');104 slidesApp.switchMode('edit');105 }106 });107 ArrangeModule.slideThumbnailView = Marionette.ItemView.extend({108 template: '#slideThumbnailTemplate',109 className: 'slides-thumbnail js-slides-thumbnail'110 });111 ArrangeModule.initSortable = function(elem) {112 if( !ArrangeModule.sortableEnabled ){113 return;114 }115 elem.sortable({116 placeholder: 'slides-arrange-placeholder',117 revert: true,118 delay: 50,119 sort: function(e, ui) {120 var placeholderBackground = $('<div></div>').css({121 'width': '196px',122 'height': '146px'123 });124 $(ui.placeholder).html('');125 $(ui.placeholder).append(placeholderBackground);126 $(ui.placeholder).addClass('slides-arrange-placeholder');127 },128 start: function(e, ui) {129 ArrangeModule.slideSourceList = $(e.currentTarget);130 ArrangeModule.dragStarted = true;131 },132 stop: function(e, ui) {133 $(ui.placeholder).html('');134 $(ui.placeholder).removeClass('slides-arrange-placeholder');135 ArrangeModule.dragStarted = false;136 },137 update: function(e, ui) {138 if(ui.sender === null) {139 ArrangeModule.updateSlideRefs();140 ArrangeModule.initDraggable();141 slidesApp.slideSetModel.set('slideOrder', ArrangeModule.slideOrder);142 }143 ArrangeModule.isChanged = true;144 }145 }).disableSelection();146 var connectWithClass = (slidesApp.slideSetModel.get('topDownNavigation'))147 ? '.js-sortable-slide-list'148 : '.js-sortable-slide-list.empty-arrange-list';149 elem.sortable('option', 'connectWith', connectWithClass);150 };151 ArrangeModule.manageSortableLists = function() {152 if(ArrangeModule.slideSourceList && ArrangeModule.slideSourceList.children().length === 0) {153 if(ArrangeModule.slideSourceList.prev().children().length === 0)154 ArrangeModule.slideSourceList.prev().remove();155 ArrangeModule.slideSourceList.remove();156 }157 // If the target list was empty before current item appeared in it158 if(ArrangeModule.slideTargetList.children().length === 1) {159 ArrangeModule.slideTargetList.removeClass('empty-arrange-list');160 var $prevElements = ArrangeModule.slideTargetList.prev();161 if ($prevElements.length === 0 || $prevElements.children().length > 0) {162 var arrangeList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;163 arrangeList.addClass('empty-arrange-list');164 arrangeList.insertBefore(ArrangeModule.slideTargetList);165 ArrangeModule.initSortable(arrangeList);166 }167 var $nextElements =;168 if ($nextElements.length === 0 || $nextElements.children().length > 0) {169 var arrangeList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;170 arrangeList.addClass('empty-arrange-list');171 arrangeList.insertAfter(ArrangeModule.slideTargetList);172 ArrangeModule.initSortable(arrangeList);173 }174 }175 };176 ArrangeModule.createSortableLists = function() {177 // Create a sortable list for each stack of slides178 $('.slides > section').each(function() {179 var arrangeList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;180 $('#arrangeSlides tr:first').append(arrangeList);181 $(this).find('> section').each(function() {182 if(!$(this).attr('id')) return;183 ArrangeModule.renderSlide(parseInt($(this).attr('id').slice(6)), arrangeList)184 });185 ArrangeModule.initSortable(arrangeList);186 // Create an empty sortable list after each list187 ArrangeModule.createEmptyList(arrangeList);188 });189 ArrangeModule.createFirstEmptyList();190 if($('.js-slides-arrange-tile').length == 1)191 $('.js-arrange-tile-delete').hide();192 slidesApp.vent.trigger('arrange-module-ready');193 };194 ArrangeModule.renderSortableLists = function (slideOrder) {195 var $firstTr = $('#arrangeSlides tr:first');196 $firstTr.empty();197 _.each(slideOrder, function (ids) {198 var arrangeList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;199 $firstTr.append(arrangeList);200 _.each(ids, function (id) {201 ArrangeModule.renderSlide(id, arrangeList)202 });203 ArrangeModule.initSortable(arrangeList);204 ArrangeModule.createEmptyList(arrangeList);205 });206 ArrangeModule.createFirstEmptyList();207 if ($('.js-slides-arrange-tile').length == 1)208 $('.js-arrange-tile-delete').hide();209 slidesApp.vent.trigger('arrange-module-ready');210 };211 ArrangeModule.renderSlide = function(slideId, arrangeList){212 var arrangeTile = new ArrangeModule.tileView({ id: 'slidesArrangeTile_' + slideId }).render().$el;213 arrangeList.append(arrangeTile);214 // Create a thumbnail for the slide215 var slideThumbnail = new ArrangeModule.slideThumbnailView().render().$el;216 ArrangeModule.changeFont(slideId, slideThumbnail);217 slideThumbnail.find('section').show().removeAttr('aria-hidden');//show if hidden218 ArrangeModule.changeBackgroundColor(slideId, slideThumbnail);219 ArrangeModule.changeBackgroundImage(slideId, slideThumbnail);220 slideThumbnail.insertBefore(arrangeTile.find('.js-arrange-tile-controls'));221 };222 ArrangeModule.createEmptyList = function(arrangeList) {223 arrangeList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;224 arrangeList.addClass('empty-arrange-list');225 $('#arrangeSlides tr:first').append(arrangeList);226 ArrangeModule.initSortable(arrangeList);227 };228 ArrangeModule.createFirstEmptyList = function() {229 var firstList = new ArrangeModule.tileListView().render().$el;230 firstList.addClass('empty-arrange-list');231 firstList.insertBefore($('.js-sortable-slide-list').first());232 ArrangeModule.initSortable(firstList);233 };234 ArrangeModule.changeBackgroundColor = function (slideId, slideThumbnail) {235 var thumbnail = slideThumbnail || $('#arrangeContainer #slidesArrangeTile_' + slideId + ' .slides-thumbnail');236 var slide = $('#slide_' + slideId);237 var bgColor = slide.attr('data-background-color');238 thumbnail.css({239 'background-color': bgColor240 });241 };242 ArrangeModule.changeBackgroundImage = function (slideId, slideThumbnail) {243 var thumbnail = slideThumbnail || $('#arrangeContainer #slidesArrangeTile_' + slideId + ' .slides-thumbnail');244 var slide = $('#slide_' + slideId);245 var bgImage = slide.attr('data-background-image');246 var bgSize = slide.attr('data-background-size');247 thumbnail.css({248 'background-image': (bgImage) ? 'url("' + bgImage + '")' : '',249 'background-size': (bgImage) ? bgSize : '',250 'background-repeat': (bgImage) ? 'no-repeat' : '',251 'background-position': (bgImage) ? 'center' : ''252 });253 };254 ArrangeModule.changeFont = function (slideId, slideThumbnail) {255 var thumbnail = slideThumbnail || $('#arrangeContainer #slidesArrangeTile_' + slideId + ' .slides-thumbnail');256 var slide = $('#slide_' + slideId);257 thumbnail.find('section').remove();258 slide.clone().attr('id', 'slideThumbnail_' + slideId).appendTo(thumbnail);259 };260 ArrangeModule.updateSlideRefs = function() {261 var lists = $('.js-sortable-slide-list:has(>div)'), i = 0, j = 0;262 ArrangeModule.slideOrder = [];263 lists.each(function() {264 j = 0;265 var list = $(this);266 var listOrder = [];267 list.find('.js-slides-arrange-tile').each(function() {268 var listElement = $(this),269 listElementId = parseInt(listElement.attr('id').slice(listElement.attr('id').indexOf('_') + 1)),270 slideModel = slidesApp.getSlideModel(listElementId),271 topListElement = listElement.prev(),272 leftListElement = listElement.parent().prevAll('.js-sortable-slide-list:has(>div)').first().children().first(),273 topListElementId = topListElement.length > 0274 ? getSlideId(topListElement)275 : undefined,276 leftListElementId = leftListElement.length > 0277 ? getSlideId(leftListElement)278 : undefined;279 listOrder.push(listElementId);280 if(slideModel){281 //Only top row slides can have left one and we set them later282 slideModel.unset('leftSlideId', { silent: true });283 slideModel.unset('topSlideId', { silent: true });284 if(topListElementId)285 slideModel.set('topSlideId', topListElementId, {silent: true});286 if(j === 0) {287 // If it is a slide from the top row (where slides CAN refer to the left)288 if(leftListElementId) {289 slideModel.set('leftSlideId', leftListElementId, {silent: true});290 }291 }292 }293 j++;294 });295 i++;296 ArrangeModule.slideOrder.push(listOrder)297 });298 if($('.js-slides-arrange-tile').length == 1)299 $('.js-arrange-tile-delete').hide();300 else301 $('.js-arrange-tile-delete').show();302 };303 ArrangeModule.initDraggable = function() {304 var $arrangeContainer = $('#arrangeContainer');305 var $arrangeSlides= $('#arrangeSlides');306 var $arrangeSlideTable = $arrangeSlides.find('table');307 $arrangeContainer.find('table').css('width', 'auto');308 var sortableListContainerWidth = $arrangeContainer.width(),309 sortableListContainerHeight = $arrangeContainer.height();310 var sortableListTableWidth = Math.max($arrangeSlideTable.width(), $arrangeContainer.width()),311 sortableListTableHeight = $arrangeSlideTable.height();312 var containmentStartX = 0 - Math.abs(sortableListContainerWidth - sortableListTableWidth),313 containmentStartY = 0 - Math.abs(sortableListContainerHeight - sortableListTableHeight),314 containmentEndX = 0,315 containmentEndY = 0,316 scrollTop = $( document ).scrollTop();317 if(sortableListTableWidth < sortableListContainerWidth) {318 containmentStartX = Math.abs(sortableListContainerWidth - sortableListTableWidth) / 2;319 containmentEndX = containmentStartX;320 }321 if(sortableListTableHeight < sortableListContainerHeight) {322 containmentStartY = containmentEndY = 0;323 }324 containmentEndY += $('.js-slides-editor-topbar').outerHeight();325 containmentStartY += scrollTop + lessonStudio.fixedSizes.TOPBAR_HEIGHT;326 containmentEndY += scrollTop;327 if(sortableListTableWidth > sortableListContainerWidth || sortableListTableHeight > sortableListContainerHeight) {328 if(!$'uiDraggable')){329 $arrangeSlides.draggable();330 }331 $arrangeSlides332 .draggable("option", "containment", [ containmentStartX, containmentStartY, containmentEndX, containmentEndY ]);333 }334 };335 ArrangeModule.onSlidesUpdated = function(){336 _.defer(function(){337 $('#arrangeSlides tr:first').empty();338 ArrangeModule.createSortableLists();339 });340 };341 ArrangeModule.onSlidesOrderUpdated = function() {342 if (slidesApp.slideSetModel.get('slideOrder')) {343 ArrangeModule.renderSortableLists(slidesApp.slideSetModel.get('slideOrder'));344 } else {345 $('#arrangeSlides tr:first').empty();346 ArrangeModule.createSortableLists();347 }348 };349 ArrangeModule.onSlideRemove = function(model, toBeRemoved){350 if( toBeRemoved ) {351 var listElement = jQueryValamis('#slidesArrangeTile_' + model.getId());352 if (listElement.siblings().length === 0) {353 listElement.parent().prev().remove();354 listElement.parent().remove();355 }356 listElement.remove();357 } else {358 //When undo action complete359 slidesApp.historyManager360 .once('undo:after', arrangeModule.onSlidesUpdated, arrangeModule);361 }362 };363 ArrangeModule.onStart = function(){364 var arrangeModule = this;365 setTimeout(function() {366 valamisApp.execute('notify', 'info', Valamis.language['lessonModeSwitchingLabel'], { 'timeOut': '0', 'extendedTimeOut': '0' });367 }, 0);368 setTimeout(function() {369 $arrangeContainer = $('#arrangeContainer');370 slidesApp.vent.on('arrange-module-ready', function(){371 setTimeout(function () {372 $;373 $arrangeContainer.prevAll().hide();374 valamisApp.execute('notify', 'clear');375 arrangeModule.initDraggable();376 }, 0);377 });378 $arrangeContainer.append(arrangeView.render().el);379 var $parent = $(window.parent);380 $arrangeContainer.height($parent.height() - $('.js-slides-editor-topbar').outerHeight());381 $arrangeContainer.width($parent.width());382 //TODO remove it383 //$('body').css('background-color', '#f2f2f2');384 arrangeModule.subAction = window.editorMode && window.editorMode.indexOf(':') > -1385 ? _.last(window.editorMode.split(':'))386 : 'default';387 arrangeModule.sortableEnabled = _.indexOf(['select', 'select-incorrect'], arrangeModule.subAction) == -1;388 arrangeModule.createSortableLists();389 }, 500);390 slidesApp.slideSetModel391 .on('change:slideOrder', arrangeModule.onSlidesOrderUpdated, arrangeModule);392 slidesApp.slideCollection393 .on('change:toBeRemoved', arrangeModule.onSlideRemove, arrangeModule);394 arrangeModule.isChanged = false;395 };396 ArrangeModule.onStop = function(){397 var arrangeModule = this;398'arrange-module-ready');399 arrangeModule.updateSlideRefs();400 window.editorMode = null;401 arrangeModule.isChanged = false;402 $('#arrangeContainer').hide();403 slidesApp.slideSetModel404 .off('change:slideOrder', arrangeModule.onSlidesOrderUpdated);405 slidesApp.slideCollection406 .off('change:toBeRemoved', arrangeModule.onSlideRemove);407 if(slidesApp.historyManager){408'undo:after', arrangeModule.onSlidesUpdated);409 }410 }...

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Source:arrange_fields_dialog.js Github


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1// This script is always meant to be loaded in conjunction with arrange_fields.js.2// It contains the functions dealing with jquery dialogs, which, because of their3// size, makes more sense to have in its own script file.4// This script will be making use of global variables defined in arrange_fields.js.5// Make sure it is loaded *after* arrange_fields.js.6 Drupal.behaviors.arrangeFieldsDialogStartup = {7 attach: function (context, settings) {8 9 //Set up the config dialog....10 jQuery("#arrange-fields-config-dialog").dialog({11 autoOpen: false,12 height: 300,13 width: 300,14 buttons: {15 "Apply" : function() {16 arrangeFieldsApplyDialogConfigChanges();17 },18 "Cancel" : function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); }19 } 20 });21 22 //Set up the markup dialog....23 jQuery("#arrange-fields-markup-dialog").dialog({24 autoOpen: false,25 height: 400,26 width: 400,27 buttons: {28 "Apply" : function() {29 arrangeFieldsApplyDialogMarkupChanges();30 },31 "Cancel" : function() { jQuery(this).dialog("close"); } 32 } 33 });34 35 } 36 };37 38 39 /**40 * We are opening the config dialog. Let's reset the values41 *42 **/ 43 function arrangeFieldsDialogConfigureField(field, fieldType) {44 var dia = jQuery("#arrange-fields-config-dialog");45 dia.dialog("option", "title", "Configure " + field);46 47 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigField = field;48 var fieldId = "edit-" + field + "-draggable-wrapper";49 // if this is a fieldset, the fieldId is slightly different.50 if (fieldType == "fieldset") {51 fieldId = "edit-" + field + "-fieldset-draggable-wrapper";52 }53 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigFieldId = fieldId;54 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigFieldType = fieldType;55 56 // Is this field in the dialog config obj yet?57 if (arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId] == null) {58 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId] = new Object();59 }60 61 // Make sure the properties have initial, non-null values.62 if (arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperHeight"] == null) {63 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperHeight"] = "";64 }65 if (arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperWidth"] == null) {66 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperWidth"] = "";67 }68 if (arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"] == null) {69 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"] = "";70 }71 if (arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelVerticalAlign"] == null) {72 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelVerticalAlign"] = "";73 }74 75 76 // Let's reset the inputs in the dialog to use whatever is in the77 // config obj.78 dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-width]").val(arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperWidth"]);79 dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-height]").val(arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperHeight"]);80 dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-label-display]").each(function() {81 if (jQuery(this).val() == arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"]82 || jQuery(this).val() == arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"] + "-block") {83 jQuery(this).attr("checked", "checked");84 }85 });86 87 88 // Should we hide the label config controls (based on what field type this is)?89 if (fieldType == "vertical_tabs" || fieldType == "fieldset") {90 jQuery("#arrange-fields-config-dialog-labels").hide();91 }92 else {93 jQuery("#arrange-fields-config-dialog-labels").show();94 }95 96 97 dia.dialog('open');98 }99 100 101 102 /**103 * Apply the changes the user has entered into the config dialog.104 **/105 function arrangeFieldsApplyDialogConfigChanges() {106 var dia = jQuery("#arrange-fields-config-dialog");107 108 var wrapperWidth = dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-width]").val();109 var wrapperHeight = dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-height]").val();110 var labelDisplay = dia.find("input[name=af-dialog-label-display]:checked").val();111 112 // Remove trouble characters, if they exist.113 wrapperWidth = wrapperWidth.replace(";", "");114 wrapperHeight = wrapperHeight.replace(";", "");115 116 // Save these values to the config obj117 var field = arrangeFieldsDialogConfigField;118 var fieldId = arrangeFieldsDialogConfigFieldId;119 var fieldType = arrangeFieldsDialogConfigFieldType;120 121 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperWidth"] = wrapperWidth;122 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["wrapperHeight"] = wrapperHeight;123 if (wrapperWidth == "") { wrapperWidth = "auto"; }124 if (wrapperHeight == "") { wrapperHeight = "auto"; }125 126 if (fieldType != "vertical_tabs" && fieldType != "fieldset") {127 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"] = labelDisplay;128 if (labelDisplay == "") { labelDisplay = "block"; } 129 }130 131 // Let's actually affect these changes on the page.132 jQuery("#" + fieldId).css("width", wrapperWidth);133 jQuery("#" + fieldId).css("height", wrapperHeight);134 135 136 var valign = "top";137 // Because of the way IE handles inline-block displays with radio buttons,138 // we have to change inline-block to simply inline for radios and checkboxes.139 // Isn't IE great?140 var radioDisplay = labelDisplay;141 if (labelDisplay == "inline-block") { 142 radioDisplay = "inline"; 143 }144 if (radioDisplay == "block") {145 // Unset the style for radio buttons/checkboxes, so it goes back to default146 radioDisplay = "";147 }148 149 var boolRadio = false;150 151 // Grab all the sibling elements under the wrapper and make them152 // have this display property.153 jQuery("#" + fieldId + " .form-item").children(":not(.description)").each(function() {154 155 // If these are radios/checkboxes, then also apply this style to the div's there.156 jQuery("#" + fieldId + " .form-item .form-radios, #" + fieldId + " .form-item .form-checkboxes").children().each(function () {157 jQuery(this).css("display", radioDisplay);158 valign = "middle";159 boolRadio = true;160 });161 162 if (!boolRadio) {163 jQuery(this).css("display", labelDisplay);164 }165 else { // we are dealing with radio buttons or checkboxes.166 jQuery(this).css("display", radioDisplay);167 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelDisplay"] = radioDisplay;168 }169 170 });171 172 // Make the label look right... 173 jQuery("#" + fieldId + " .form-item label").css("vertical-align", valign);174 175 176 arrangeFieldsDialogConfigObj[fieldId]["labelVerticalAlign"] = valign;177 178 dia.dialog('close');179 }180 181 182 /**183 * This function opens the dialog to let us edit a particular markup element.184 **/185 function arrangeFieldsDialogEditMarkup(markupId) {186 var dia = jQuery("#arrange-fields-markup-dialog");187 188 // Make sure we have properties have initial, non-null values.189 if (arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId] == null) {190 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId] = new Object();191 }192 if (arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["markupBody"] == null) {193 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["markupBody"] = "";194 }195 if (arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["wrapperStyle"] == null) {196 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["wrapperStyle"] = "";197 }198 if (arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["zIndex"] == null) {199 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["zIndex"] = "201";200 }201 202 203 // Clear or re-load the dialog's inputs with values from our204 // obj.205 dia.find("textarea[name=af-markup-body]").val(arrangeFieldsUnconvertUnsafeChars(arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["markupBody"]));206 dia.find("input[name=af-wrapper-style]").val(arrangeFieldsUnconvertUnsafeChars(arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["wrapperStyle"]));207 dia.find("input[name=af-markup-z-index]").each(function() {208 if (jQuery(this).val() == arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["zIndex"]) {209 jQuery(this).attr("checked", "checked");210 }211 });212 213 214 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupId = markupId;215 dia.dialog('open'); 216 }217 218 219 /**220 * Applies the changes from the markup dialog.221 **/222 function arrangeFieldsApplyDialogMarkupChanges() {223 var dia = jQuery("#arrange-fields-markup-dialog");224 225 var markupId = arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupId;226 227 if (markupId == "new") {228 // This is a new field! So, create a random ID for it.229 markupId = "markup_element_" + arrangeFieldsRandomString();230 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId] = new Object();231 232 // Create this element on the form itself, as a draggable, resizable div.233 // Give it a random-ish top and left position, so if you add several at a time,234 // they won't all be on top of each other.235 var ptop = 10 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);236 var pleft = 10 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 20);237 238 var newElements = "<div class='draggable-form-item arrange-fields-draggable-markup' id='" + markupId + "' style='top: " + ptop + "px; left: " + pleft + "px; z-index: 201;'>";239 newElements += "<div class='arrange-fields-control-handle arrange-fields-control-handle-markup'><span class='arrange-fields-handle-region'> &nbsp; &nbsp; </span>";240 newElements += " <a href='javascript: arrangeFieldsDialogEditMarkup(\"" + markupId + "\");' class='arrange-fields-config-markup-link' title='Configure this markup'>&nbsp;</a>";241 newElements += "</div>";242 newElements += "<div class='arrange-fields-markup-body form-item' id='" + markupId + "_body'></div>";243 newElements += "</div>";244 245 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container").append(newElements);246 247 // Now, make the new element draggable.248 // This is the same code from arrange_fields.js.249 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).draggable({250 stop: function(event, ui) { arrangeFieldsRepositionToGrid(false); },251 containment: ".arrange-fields-container", 252 scroll: true,253 grid : [10,10],254 start: function(event, ui) {arrangeFieldsDragging = true;},255 stop: function(event, ui) {arrangeFieldsDragging = false;} 256 });257 258 259 // Let's also make it resizable.260 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).resizable(); 261 262 263 // Add in the hide/show behavior for the handle...264 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).bind("mouseenter", function(event) {265 var hand = jQuery(this).find(".arrange-fields-control-handle");266 if (arrangeFieldsDragging != true) {267 jQuery(hand).show();268 }269 });270 271 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).bind("mouseleave", function(event) {272 var hand = jQuery(this).find(".arrange-fields-control-handle");273 if (arrangeFieldsDragging != true) {274 jQuery(hand).hide();275 }276 });277 278 // Snap everything back to the grid.279 arrangeFieldsRepositionToGrid();280 281 }282 283 284 var markupBody = dia.find("textarea[name=af-markup-body]").val();285 var safeMarkupBody = arrangeFieldsConvertUnsafeChars(markupBody);286 287 var wrapperStyle = dia.find("input[name=af-wrapper-style]").val();288 var safeWrapperStyle = arrangeFieldsConvertUnsafeChars(wrapperStyle);289 290 var zIndex = dia.find("input[name=af-markup-z-index]:checked").val();291 292 // Save into the obj.293 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["markupBody"] = safeMarkupBody;294 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["wrapperStyle"] = safeWrapperStyle;295 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId]["zIndex"] = zIndex;296 297 // Apply it to the page.298 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId + "_body").html(markupBody);299 var tempStyle = jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).attr("style");300 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).attr("style", tempStyle + " ; " + wrapperStyle);301 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).css("z-index", zIndex);302 303 dia.dialog('close'); 304 }305 306 307 function arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupDelete() {308 var x = confirm("Are you sure you wish to delete this markup element? This action cannot be undone.");309 if (!x) {return;}310 311 var markupId = arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupId;312 // Remove it from our object.313 arrangeFieldsDialogMarkupObj[markupId] = null;314 315 // Also, remove it from the page!316 jQuery(".arrange-fields-container #" + markupId).remove();317 318 var dia = jQuery("#arrange-fields-markup-dialog");319 dia.dialog('close');320 321 }322 323 /**324 * Replace "unsafe" characters with codes which we can decode later.325 * I am trying to make the codes random enough so that no one would actually326 * have typed them into the field.327 **/328 function arrangeFieldsConvertUnsafeChars(str) {329 330 // Must use regex with the "g" to replace all occurances (like in PHP)331 str = str.replace(/,/g, "_~!co%~_");332 str = str.replace(/;/g, "_~!sc%~_");333 str = str.replace(/'/g, "_~!sq%~_"); //'334 str = str.replace(/"/g, "_~!dq%~_"); //"335 str = str.replace(/\n/g, "_~!nl%~_");336 337 338 return str;339 }340 341 /**342 * The opposite of ConvertUnsafeChars343 **/344 function arrangeFieldsUnconvertUnsafeChars(str) {345 346 // Must use regex with the "g" to replace all occurances (like in PHP)347 str = str.replace(/_~!co%~_/g, ",");348 str = str.replace(/_~!sc%~_/g, ";");349 str = str.replace(/_~!sq%~_/g, "'");350 str = str.replace(/_~!dq%~_/g, '"');351 str = str.replace(/_~!nl%~_/g, "\n");352 353 return str;354 }355 356 357 function arrangeFieldsRandomString() {358 var chars = "0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz";359 var length = 10;360 var randomstring = '';361 for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {362 var rnum = Math.floor(Math.random() * chars.length);363 randomstring += chars.substring(rnum,rnum+1);364 }365 return randomstring;366 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var parent = require('stryker-parent');2var child = require('stryker-child');3var child2 = require('stryker-child2');4var child3 = require('stryker-child3');5var child4 = require('stryker-child4');6var child5 = require('stryker-child5');7var child6 = require('stryker-child6');8var child7 = require('stryker-child7');9var child8 = require('stryker-child8');10var child9 = require('stryker-child9');11var child10 = require('stryker-child10');12var child11 = require('stryker-child11');13var child12 = require('stryker-child12');14var child13 = require('stryker-child13');15var child14 = require('stryker-child14');16var child15 = require('stryker-child15');17var child16 = require('stryker-child16');18var child17 = require('stryker-child17');19var child18 = require('stryker-child18');20var child19 = require('stryker-child19');21var child20 = require('stryker-child20');22var child21 = require('stryker-child21');23var child22 = require('stryker-child22');24var child23 = require('stryker-child23');25var child24 = require('stryker-child24');26var child25 = require('stryker-child25');27var child26 = require('stryker-child26');28var child27 = require('stryker-child27');29var child28 = require('stryker-child28');30var child29 = require('stryker-child29');31var child30 = require('stryker-child30');32var child31 = require('stryker-child31');33var child32 = require('stryker-child32');34var child33 = require('stryker-child33');35var child34 = require('stryker-child34');36var child35 = require('stryker-child35');37var child36 = require('stryker-child36');38var child37 = require('stryker-child37');39var child38 = require('stryker-child38');40var child39 = require('stryker-child39');41var child40 = require('stryker-child40');42var child41 = require('stryker-child41');43var child42 = require('stryker-child42');44var child43 = require('stryker-child43');45var child44 = require('stryker-child44');46var child45 = require('stryker

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1const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');2describe('My test', () => {3 arrange(() => {4 });5 it('should do something', () => {6 });7});8const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');9describe('My test', () => {10 arrange(() => {11 });12 it('should do something', () => {13 });14});15const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');16describe('My test', () => {17 arrange(() => {18 });19 it('should do something', () => {20 });21});22const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');23describe('My test', () => {24 arrange(() => {25 });26 it('should do something', () => {27 });28});29const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');30describe('My test', () => {31 arrange(() => {32 });33 it('should do something', () => {34 });35});36const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');37describe('My test', () => {38 arrange(() => {39 });40 it('should do something', () => {41 });42});43const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');44describe('My test', () => {45 arrange(() => {46 });47 it('should do something', () => {48 });49});50const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');51describe('My test',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const strykerConfig = strykerParent.arrange({3});4module.exports = strykerConfig;5module.exports = require('./test.js');6{7}8import * as strykerParent from 'stryker-parent';9export = strykerParent.arrange({10});11const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');12const strykerConfig = strykerParent.arrange({13 jest: {14 config: require('./jest.config.js')15 }16});17module.exports = strykerConfig;18module.exports = require('./test.js');19{20}21import * as strykerParent from 'stryker-parent';22export = strykerParent.arrange({23 jest: {24 config: require('./jest.config.js')25 }26});27const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');28const strykerConfig = strykerParent.arrange({

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = {2 arrange: function(){3 },4 act: function(){5 },6 assert: function(){7 }8};9module.exports = strykerParent;10const mockery = require('mockery');11mockery.enable({12});13mockery.registerMock('request', {14 get: function (url, callback) {15 callback(null, null, {statusCode: 200});16 }17});18mockery.registerAllowable('../src/MyModule');19const MyModule = require('../src/MyModule');20MyModule.getSomething();21 at Object.registerAllowable (node_modules/mockery/lib/mockery.js:132:23)22 at Context.<anonymous> (test/MyModule.spec.js:10:0)23const sinon = require('sinon');24const request = require('request');25const chai = require('chai');26const expect = chai.expect;27const MyModule = require('../src/MyModule');28describe('MyModule', function () {29 describe('getSomething', function () {30 it('should call the callback',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var stryker = require('stryker-parent');2var fs = require('fs');3var path = require('path');4var config = require('./stryker.conf.js');5var files = fs.readdirSync(path.join(__dirname, 'src'));6var filesToMutate = (file) {7 return path.join(__dirname, 'src', file);8});9var filesToMutate = filesToMutate.concat(['test.js']);10config.mutate = filesToMutate;11var mutationTestReport = stryker.arrange(config);12console.log(mutationTestReport);13module.exports = function (config) {14 config.set({15 karma: {16 config: {17 }18 }19 });20};21function sum(a, b) {22 return a + b;23}24module.exports = sum;25function sub(a, b) {26 return a - b;27}28module.exports = sub;29var sum = require('./src/sum.js');30var sub = require('./src/sub.js');31describe('sum', function () {32 it('should be able to add two numbers', function () {33 expect(sum(1, 2)).toBe(3);34 });35});36describe('sub', function () {37 it('should be able to subtract two numbers', function () {38 expect(sub(1, 2)).toBe(-1);39 });40});41{ files: 42 [ { name: 'src/sum.js',43 source: 'function sum(a, b) {\n return a + b;\n}\nmodule.exports = sum;\n',44 included: true },45 { name: 'src/sub.js',46 source: 'function sub(a, b) {\n return a - b;\n}\nmodule.exports = sub;\n',47 included: true },48 { name: 'test.js',49 source: 'var sum = require(\'./src/sum.js\');\nvar sub = require(\'./src/sub.js\');\

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');2const { expect } = require('chai');3describe('test', () => {4 arrange(() => {5 const foo = 'bar';6 });7 it('should be able to use foo', () => {8 expect(foo).eq('bar');9 });10});11const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');12const { expect } = require('chai');13describe('test', () => {14 arrange(() => {15 const foo = 'bar';16 });17 it('should be able to use foo', () => {18 expect(foo).eq('bar');19 });20});21const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');22const { expect } = require('chai');23describe('test', () => {24 arrange(() => {25 const foo = 'bar';26 });27 it('should be able to use foo', () => {28 expect(foo).eq('bar');29 });30});31const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');32const { expect } = require('chai');33describe('test', () => {34 arrange(() => {35 const foo = 'bar';36 });37 it('should be able to use foo', () => {38 expect(foo).eq('bar');39 });40});41const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');42const { expect } = require('chai');43describe('test', () => {44 arrange(() => {45 const foo = 'bar';46 });47 it('should be able to use foo', () => {48 expect(foo).eq('bar');49 });50});51const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');52const { expect } = require('chai');53describe('test', () => {54 arrange(() => {55 const foo = 'bar';56 });57 it('should be able to use foo', () => {58 expect(foo).eq('bar');59 });60});

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1const { arrange } = require('stryker-parent');2describe('test', () => {3 it('should arrange', () => {4 arrange();5 });6});7[2018-11-27 18:22:20.791] [INFO] SandboxPool - Creating 1 test runners (based on CPU count)8[2018-11-27 18:22:20.792] [INFO] Sandbox - Starting initial test run in sandbox { path: 'C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\stryker\\sandbox-7d6b5f6a5a6c4a6f', timeout: 5000 }

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1var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;2arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {3 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');4 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');5});6var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;7arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {8 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');9 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');10});11var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;12arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {13 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');14 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');15});16var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;17arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {18 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');19 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');20});21var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;22arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {23 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');24 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');25});26var arrange = require('stryker-parent').arrange;27arrange('test.js', function (arrange) {28 arrange.set('foo', 'bar');29 arrange.set('bar', 'baz');30});

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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const strykerConfig = strykerParent.configs.base();3const customConfig = {4};5module.exports = strykerConfig(customConfig);6{7 "scripts": {8 },9 "devDependencies": {10 }11}

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