Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent
1import { XeroClientConfiguration } from '../internals/BaseAPIClient';2import { OAuth1HttpClient } from '../internals/OAuth1HttpClient';3import { AccountingAPIClient } from '../AccountingAPIClient';4import { mapState, mapConfig } from '../internals/config-helper';5import { validTestCertPath } from '../internals/__tests__/helpers/privateKey-helpers';6import { InMemoryOAuthLibFactoryFactory } from '../internals/__tests__/helpers/InMemoryOAuthLib';7import { IFixture, IEndPointDetails } from './helpers/IFixture';8describe('AccountingAPI endpoints', () => {9 const guid1 = 'dcb417fc-0c23-4ba3-bc7f-fbc718e7e663';10 const guid2 = '857c9e3f-640a-4df2-99fd-dd0e52a785e7';11 const xeroConfig: XeroClientConfiguration = {12 appType: 'private',13 consumerKey: 'RDGDV41TRLQZDFSDX96TKQ2KRJIW4C',14 consumerSecret: 'DJ3CMGDB0DIIA9DNEEJMRLZG0BWE7Y',15 privateKeyPath: validTestCertPath()16 };17 const inMemoryOAuthLibFF = new InMemoryOAuthLibFactoryFactory();18 const oauthConfig = mapConfig(xeroConfig, { apiBasePath: '/api.xro/2.0/' });19 const accountingBaseUrl = oauthConfig.apiBaseUrl;20 const oauthHttpClient = new OAuth1HttpClient(oauthConfig, mapState(xeroConfig), inMemoryOAuthLibFF.newFactory());21 const xeroClient = new AccountingAPIClient(xeroConfig, null, oauthHttpClient);22 const actionToVerbMap: { [key: string]: string } = {23 create: 'put',24 delete: 'delete',25 update: 'post',26 get: 'get'27 };28 const fixtures: IFixture = {29 accounts: [30 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'accounts' },31 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `accounts/${guid1}?order=TaxType`, args: { AccountID: guid1, order: 'TaxType' } },32 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `accounts` },33 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `accounts/${guid1}`, args: { AccountID: guid1 } },34 { action: 'delete', expectedPath: `accounts/${guid1}`, args: { AccountID: guid1 } },35 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `accounts/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } }36 ],37 bankTransactions: [38 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'banktransactions' },39 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions?page=3`, args: { page: 3 } },40 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions/${guid1}`, args: { BankTransactionID: guid1 } },41 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions?order=something`, args: { order: 'something' } },42 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions?where=Type%3D%3D%22ACCPAY%22&createdByMyApp=true`, args: { where: `Type=="ACCPAY"`, createdByMyApp: true } },43 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions?page=3`, args: { 'page': 3, 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },44 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransactions?page=3&unitdp=4`, args: { page: 3, unitdp: 4 } },45 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'banktransactions?summarizeErrors=false' },46 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'banktransactions?summarizeErrors=false' },47 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'banktransactions?summarizeErrors=true', args: { summarizeErrors: true } }48 ],49 bankTransfers: [50 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'banktransfers' },51 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransfers/${guid1}`, args: { BankTransferID: guid1 } },52 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransfers?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22`, args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },53 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'banktransfers' },54 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `banktransfers?summarizeErrors=false` },55 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `banktransfers/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } }56 ],57 brandingThemes: [58 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'brandingthemes' },59 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `brandingthemes/${guid1}`, args: { BrandingThemeID: guid1 } },60 ],61 contactGroups: [62 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'contactgroups' },63 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'contactgroups?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22', args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },64 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'contactgroups?order=EmailAddress%20DESC', args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },65 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'contactgroups?summarizeErrors=false' },66 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `contactgroups/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ContactGroupID: guid1 } },67 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `contactgroups?summarizeErrors=false` },68 { subResource: 'contacts', action: 'create', expectedPath: `contactgroups/${guid1}/contacts?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ContactGroupID: guid1 } },69 { subResource: 'contacts', action: 'delete', expectedPath: `contactgroups/${guid1}/contacts/${guid2}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ContactGroupID: guid1, ContactID: guid2 } },70 { subResource: 'contacts', action: 'delete', expectedPath: `contactgroups/${guid1}/contacts?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ContactGroupID: guid1 } },71 ],72 contacts: [73 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'contacts' },74 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts/${guid1}`, args: { ContactID: guid1 } },75 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?IDs=${guid1}%2C${guid2}`, args: { IDs: `${guid1},${guid2}` } },76 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22`, args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },77 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?order=EmailAddress%20DESC`, args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },78 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?includeArchived=true`, args: { includeArchived: true } },79 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },80 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22`, args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },81 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?order=EmailAddress%20DESC`, args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },82 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts?page=2`, args: { page: 2 } },83 { subResource: 'CISsettings', action: 'get', expectedPath: `contacts/${guid1}/cissettings`, args: { ContactID: guid1 } },84 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `contacts/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ContactID: guid1 } },85 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `contacts/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { summarizeErrors: true, ContactID: guid1 } },86 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `contacts?summarizeErrors=false` },87 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `contacts?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { summarizeErrors: true } },88 ],89 creditNotes: [90 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'creditnotes' },91 { subResource: 'allocations', action: 'create', expectedPath: `creditnotes/${guid1}/allocations`, args: { CreditNoteID: guid1 } },92 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `creditnotes/${'CRE-123'}`, args: { CreditNoteNumber: 'CRE-123' } },93 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `creditnotes?page=3`, args: { page: 3 } },94 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `creditnotes?order=something`, args: { order: 'something' } },95 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `creditnotes?where=Type%3D%3D%22ACCPAY%22&createdByMyApp=true`, args: { where: `Type=="ACCPAY"`, createdByMyApp: true } },96 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `creditnotes?page=3`, args: { 'page': 3, 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },97 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'creditnotes?summarizeErrors=false' },98 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'creditnotes?summarizeErrors=false' },99 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'creditnotes?summarizeErrors=true', args: { summarizeErrors: true } }100 ],101 currencies: [102 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `currencies` },103 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `currencies?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22`, args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },104 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `currencies?order=EmailAddress%20DESC`, args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },105 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `currencies` },106 ],107 employees: [108 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'employees' },109 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `employees/${guid1}`, args: { EmployeeID: guid1 } },110 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `employees?where=Type%3D%3D%22BANK%22`, args: { where: 'Type=="BANK"' } },111 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `employees?order=EmailAddress%20DESC`, args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },112 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `employees`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },113 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'employees' },114 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'employees' }115 ],116 expenseClaims: [117 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'expenseclaims' },118 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `expenseclaims/${guid1}`, args: { ExpenseClaimID: guid1 } },119 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `expenseclaims?order=Status`, args: { order: 'Status' } },120 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `expenseclaims?summarizeErrors=false` },121 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `expenseclaims?summarizeErrors=false` },122 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `expenseclaims/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ExpenseClaimID: guid1 } },123 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `expenseclaims/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { ExpenseClaimID: guid1, summarizeErrors: true } },124 ],125 invoiceReminders: [126 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'invoicereminders/settings' },127 ],128 invoices: [129 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'invoices' },130 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1 } },131 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices/${'INV-123'}`, args: { InvoiceNumber: 'INV-123' } },132 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}?createdByMyApp=true`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1, createdByMyApp: true } },133 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?where=Type%3D%3D%22ACCPAY%22`, args: { where: `Type=="ACCPAY"` } },134 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?where=Type%3D%3D%22ACCPAY%22&createdByMyApp=true`, args: { where: `Type=="ACCPAY"`, createdByMyApp: true } },135 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?Statuses=DRAFT%2CSUBMITTED`, args: { Statuses: 'DRAFT,SUBMITTED' } },136 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?order=something`, args: { order: 'something' } },137 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?page=3`, args: { page: 3 } },138 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?page=3`, args: { 'page': 3, 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },139 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices?createdByMyApp=true&where=Type%3D%3D%22ACCREC%22&page=5&Statuses=DELETED`, args: { createdByMyApp: true, where: `Type=="ACCREC"`, page: 5, Statuses: 'DELETED' } },140 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } },141 { subResource: 'onlineInvoice', action: 'get', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}/onlineinvoice`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1 } },142 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'invoices?summarizeErrors=false' },143 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1 } },144 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `invoices?summarizeErrors=false` },145 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `invoices/${'INV-123'}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { InvoiceNumber: 'INV-123' } },146 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `invoices/${'INV-123'}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { InvoiceNumber: 'INV-123', summarizeErrors: true } },147 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `invoices/${'INV-123'}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { summarizeErrors: true, InvoiceNumber: 'INV-123' } },148 // { action: 'savePDF', expectedPath: `invoices/${guid1}`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1, savePath: '/dev/null'} },149 // { action: 'savePDF', expectedPath: `invoices/${'INV-123'}`, args: { InvoiceNumber: 'INV-123', savePath: '/dev/null' } },150 ],151 items: [152 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'items' },153 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `items/${guid1}`, args: { ItemID: guid1 } },154 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `items/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { ItemID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },155 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `items?summarizeErrors=false` },156 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `items?summarizeErrors=false` },157 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `items/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { ItemID: guid1, summarizeErrors: true } },158 ],159 journals: [160 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'journals' },161 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `journals/${guid1}`, args: { Recordfilter: guid1 } },162 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `journals?offset=2`, args: { offset: '2' } },163 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `journals?paymentsOnly=true`, args: { paymentsOnly: true } },164 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `journals`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },165 ],166 linkedTransactions: [167 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'linkedtransactions' },168 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions/${guid1}`, args: { LinkedTransactionID: guid1 } },169 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions/${guid1}`, args: { LinkedTransactionID: guid1 } },170 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?page=3`, args: { page: 3 } },171 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?SourceTransactionID=${guid1}`, args: { SourceTransactionID: guid1 } },172 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?ContactID=${guid1}`, args: { ContactID: guid1 } },173 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?Status=${guid1}`, args: { Status: guid1 } },174 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?TargetTransactionID=${guid1}`, args: { TargetTransactionID: guid1 } },175 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions?unitdp=4`, args: { unitdp: 4 } },176 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'linkedtransactions?summarizeErrors=false' },177 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'linkedtransactions?summarizeErrors=false' },178 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { LinkedTransactionID: guid1 } },179 { action: 'update', expectedPath: 'linkedtransactions?summarizeErrors=true', args: { summarizeErrors: true } },180 { action: 'delete', expectedPath: `linkedtransactions/${guid1}`, args: { LinkedTransactionID: guid1 } }181 ],182 manualJournals: [183 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'manualjournals' },184 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `manualjournals/${guid1}`, args: { ManualJournalID: guid1 } },185 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `manualjournals/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { ManualJournalID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },186 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `manualjournals?page=3`, args: { 'page': 3, 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },187 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `manualjournals?summarizeErrors=false` },188 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `manualjournals?summarizeErrors=false` },189 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `manualjournals/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { ManualJournalID: guid1, summarizeErrors: true } },190 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `manualjournals/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } },191 ],192 organisations: [193 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'organisations' },194 { subResource: 'CISSettings', action: 'get', expectedPath: `organisations/${guid1}/CISSettings`, args: { OrganisationID: guid1 } }195 ],196 overpayments: [197 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'overpayments' },198 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `overpayments/${guid1}?order=Date`, args: { OverpaymentID: guid1, order: 'Date' } },199 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `overpayments?page=5`, args: { page: 5 }},200 { subResource: 'allocations', action: 'create', expectedPath: `overpayments/${guid1}/allocations`, args: { OverpaymentID: guid1 } }201 ],202 payments: [203 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'payments' },204 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `payments/${guid1}`, args: { PaymentID: guid1 } },205 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `payments/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { PaymentID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },206 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `payments`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },207 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `payments?summarizeErrors=false` },208 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `payments?summarizeErrors=false` },209 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `payments/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { PaymentID: guid1, summarizeErrors: true } },210 ],211 prepayments: [212 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'prepayments' },213 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `prepayments/${guid1}`, args: { PrepaymentID: guid1 } },214 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `prepayments/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { PrepaymentID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },215 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `prepayments?page=5`, args: { 'page': 5, 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },216 { subResource: 'allocations', action: 'create', expectedPath: `prepayments/${guid1}/allocations`, args: { PrepaymentID: guid1 } },217 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `prepayments/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } },218 ],219 purchaseOrders: [220 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'purchaseorders' },221 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${guid1}`, args: { PurchaseOrderID: guid1 } },222 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${'PO-123'}`, args: { PurchaseOrderNumber: 'PO-123' } },223 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { PurchaseOrderID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },224 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `purchaseorders`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },225 { action: 'create', expectedPath: `purchaseorders?summarizeErrors=false` },226 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `purchaseorders?summarizeErrors=false` },227 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { PurchaseOrderID: guid1, summarizeErrors: true } },228 // { action: 'savePDF', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${guid1}`, args: { InvoiceID: guid1, savePath: '/dev/null'} },229 // { action: 'savePDF', expectedPath: `purchaseorders/${'PO-123'}`, args: { InvoiceNumber: 'PO-123', savePath: '/dev/null' } },230 ],231 receipts: [232 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'receipts' },233 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `receipts/${guid1}`, args: { ReceiptID: guid1 } },234 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `receipts/${guid1}?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { ReceiptID: guid1, order: 'UpdatedDateUTC' } },235 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `receipts?order=UpdatedDateUTC`, args: { 'order': 'UpdatedDateUTC', 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },236 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'receipts?summarizeErrors=false' },237 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `receipts?summarizeErrors=true`, args: { summarizeErrors: true } },238 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `receipts/${guid1}?summarizeErrors=false`, args: { ReceiptID: guid1 } },239 { subResource: 'attachments', action: 'get', expectedPath: `receipts/${guid1}/attachments`, args: { entityId: guid1 } },240 ],241 repeatingInvoices: [242 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'repeatinginvoices' },243 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `repeatinginvoices/${guid1}`, args: { RepeatingInvoiceID: guid1 } },244 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'repeatinginvoices?where=Status%3D%3D%22DRAFT%22', args: { where: 'Status=="DRAFT"' } },245 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'repeatinginvoices?order=Name%20DESC', args: { order: 'Name DESC' } },246 ],247 reports: [248 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'reports' },249 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `reports/${guid1}`, args: { ReportID: guid1 } },250 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'reports/TrialBalance', args: { ReportID: 'TrialBalance' } },251 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'reports/TenNinetyNine?reportYear=2013', args: { ReportID: 'TenNinetyNine', reportYear: 2013 } },252 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'reports/ProfitAndLoss?fromDate=2010-01-01&toDate=2011-01-01', args: { ReportID: 'ProfitAndLoss', fromDate: '2010-01-01', toDate: '2011-01-01' } }253 ],254 // TODO taxRates255 trackingCategories: [256 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'trackingcategories' },257 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'trackingcategories?where=Status%3D%3D%22ACTIVE%22', args: { where: 'Status=="ACTIVE"' } },258 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'trackingcategories?order=Name%20DESC', args: { order: 'Name DESC' } },259 { action: 'create', expectedPath: 'trackingcategories' },260 { action: 'update', expectedPath: `trackingcategories/${guid1}`, args: { TrackingCategoryID: guid1 } },261 { action: 'delete', expectedPath: `trackingcategories/${guid1}`, args: { TrackingCategoryID: guid1 } },262 { subResource: 'trackingOptions', action: 'create', expectedPath: `trackingcategories/${guid1}/Options`, args: { TrackingCategoryID: guid1 } },263 { subResource: 'trackingOptions', action: 'update', expectedPath: `trackingcategories/${guid1}/Options/${guid2}`, args: { TrackingCategoryID: guid1, TrackingOptionID: guid2 } },264 { subResource: 'trackingOptions', action: 'delete', expectedPath: `trackingcategories/${guid1}/Options/${guid2}`, args: { TrackingCategoryID: guid1, TrackingOptionID: guid2 } }265 ],266 users: [267 { action: 'get', expectedPath: 'users' },268 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `users/${guid1}`, args: { UserID: guid1 } },269 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `users?where=IsSubscriber%3D%3Dtrue`, args: { where: 'IsSubscriber==true' } },270 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `users?order=EmailAddress%20DESC`, args: { order: 'EmailAddress DESC' } },271 { action: 'get', expectedPath: `users`, args: { 'If-Modified-Since': 'headerValue' } },272 ]273 };274 Object.keys(fixtures).map((endpoint: string) => {275 (fixtures[endpoint]).map((fixture: IEndPointDetails) => {276 describe(`${endpoint} ${fixture.subResource || ''}.${fixture.action}(${fixture.args ? Object.keys(fixture.args) : ''})`, () => {277 let result: any;278 const mockedResponse = JSON.stringify({ a: 'response' });279 const hasRequestBody = (fixture.action == 'create' || fixture.action == 'update');280 const mockedRequestBody = hasRequestBody ? { a: 'request' } : null;281 beforeAll(async () => {282 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.reset();283 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.setResponse(false, mockedResponse, { statusCode: 200 });284 if (fixture.subResource) {285 mockedRequestBody286 ? result = await (xeroClient as any)[endpoint][fixture.subResource][fixture.action](mockedRequestBody, fixture.args)287 : result = await (xeroClient as any)[endpoint][fixture.subResource][fixture.action](fixture.args);288 } else {289 mockedRequestBody290 ? result = await (xeroClient as any)[endpoint][fixture.action](mockedRequestBody, fixture.args)291 : result = await (xeroClient as any)[endpoint][fixture.action](fixture.args);292 }293 });294 it(`calls the ${fixture.expectedPath} endpoint`, () => {295 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.lastCalledThisURL(accountingBaseUrl + '/api.xro/2.0/' + fixture.expectedPath);296 });297 it(`calls the ${actionToVerbMap[fixture.action]} verb`, () => {298 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.lastCalledThisMethod(actionToVerbMap[fixture.action]);299 });300 if (fixture.args && fixture.args.headers) {301 it(`calls with expected headers`, () => {302 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.lastHadThisHeader(fixture.args.headers);303 });304 }305 it('requested with expected body', () => {306 inMemoryOAuthLibFF.inMemoryOAuthLib.lastRequestedHadBody(mockedRequestBody);307 });308 it('matches the expected response', () => {309 expect(result).toMatchObject(JSON.parse(mockedResponse));310 });311 });312 });313 });...
1// jest.mock('os', () => ({2// currentPlatform: 'win32',3// platform: () => this.currentPlatform,4// setCurrentPlatform: (p) => { this.currentPlatform = p; }5// }))6const path = require('path');7const normalizeFolderPath = require('../normalize-folder-path');8const os = require('os');9const platforms = {10 win32: 'win32',11 mac: 'darwin',12 linux: 'linux'13};14const currentPlatform = os.platform();15describe('Tests for windows platform', () => {16 if (os.platform() != platforms.win32) {17 return;18 }19 test('Folder path starts with file:/', () => {20 const folderPath = 'file:/c:\\src\\localFile.txt';21 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);22 const expectedPath = path.normalize('c:/src/localFile.txt');23 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);24 });25 test('Folder path starts with file://', () => {26 const folderPath = 'file://c:\\src\\localFile.txt';27 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);28 const expectedPath = path.normalize('c:/src/localFile.txt');29 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);30 });31 test('Folder path starts with file:///', () => {32 const folderPath = 'file:///c:\\src\\localFile.txt';33 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);34 const expectedPath = path.normalize('c:/src/localFile.txt');35 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);36 });37 test('Folder path starts with /', () => {38 const folderPath = 'file:///dev/src/localFile.txt';39 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);40 const expectedPath = path.normalize('dev/src/localFile.txt');41 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);42 });43 test('Folder path starts with /./', () => {44 const folderPath = 'file:///./dev/src/localFile.txt';45 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);46 const expectedPath = path.normalize('dev\\src\\localFile.txt');47 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);48 });49 test('Folder path starts with ~', () => {50 const folderPath = 'file://~dev/src/localFile.txt';51 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);52 const expectedPath = path.normalize('~dev\\src\\localFile.txt');53 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);54 });55});56describe('Tests for linux platform', () => {57 if (os.platform() != platforms.linux) {58 return;59 }60 test('Folder path starts with file:/', () => {61 const folderPath = 'file://dev/src/localFile.txt';62 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);63 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');64 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);65 });66 test('Folder path starts with file://', () => {67 const folderPath = 'file:///dev/src/localFile.txt';68 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);69 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');70 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);71 });72 test('Folder path starts with file:///', () => {73 const folderPath = 'file:////dev/src/localFile.txt';74 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);75 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');76 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);77 });78 test('Folder path starts with /', () => {79 const folderPath = '/dev/src/localFile.txt';80 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);81 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');82 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);83 });84 test('Folder path starts with ./', () => {85 const folderPath = './dev/src/localFile.txt';86 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);87 const expectedPath = path.normalize('dev/src/localFile.txt');88 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);89 });90 test('Folder path starts with ~', () => {91 const folderPath = '~/dev/src/localFile.txt';92 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);93 const expectedPath = path.normalize('~/dev/src/localFile.txt');94 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);95 });96});97describe('Tests for mac platform', () => {98 if (os.platform() != platforms.mac) {99 return;100 }101 test('Folder path starts with file:/', () => {102 const folderPath = 'file://dev/src/localFile.txt';103 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);104 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');105 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);106 });107 test('Folder path starts with file://', () => {108 const folderPath = 'file:///dev/src/localFile.txt';109 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);110 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');111 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);112 });113 test('Folder path starts with file:///', () => {114 const folderPath = 'file:////dev/src/localFile.txt';115 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);116 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');117 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);118 });119 test('Folder path starts with /', () => {120 const folderPath = '/dev/src/localFile.txt';121 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);122 const expectedPath = path.normalize('/dev/src/localFile.txt');123 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);124 });125 test('Folder path starts with ./', () => {126 const folderPath = './dev/src/localFile.txt';127 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);128 const expectedPath = path.normalize('dev/src/localFile.txt');129 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);130 });131 test('Folder path starts with ~', () => {132 const folderPath = '~/dev/src/localFile.txt';133 const normalizedPath = normalizeFolderPath(folderPath);134 const expectedPath = path.normalize('~/dev/src/localFile.txt');135 expect(normalizedPath).toBe(expectedPath);136 });...
1import getFilePath from '../../src/utils/getFilePath'2import path from 'path'3describe('getFilePath', () => {4 let basePath = null5 let defaultFilename = null6 beforeAll(() => {7 basePath = process.cwd()8 defaultFilename = 'appium-standalone.txt'9 })10 test('should handle dir "./"', () => {11 const dir = './'12 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, defaultFilename)13 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)14 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)15 })16 test('should handle dir "/', () => {17 const dir = '/'18 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)19 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)appium-standalone\.txt/)20 })21 test('should handle dir "./log"', () => {22 const dir = './log'23 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, dir, defaultFilename)24 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)25 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)26 })27 test('should handle dir "/log', () => {28 const dir = '/log'29 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)30 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)log(\\|\/)appium-standalone\.txt/)31 })32 test('should handle dir "./log/"', () => {33 const dir = './log/'34 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, dir, defaultFilename)35 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)36 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)37 })38 test('should handle dir "/log/', () => {39 const dir = '/log/'40 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)41 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)log(\\|\/)appium-standalone\.txt/)42 })43 test('should handle dir "./log/appium"', () => {44 const dir = './log/appium'45 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, dir, defaultFilename)46 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)47 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)48 })49 test('should handle dir "log"', () => {50 const dir = 'log'51 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, dir, defaultFilename)52 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)53 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)54 })55 test('should handle dir "/log/appium', () => {56 const dir = '/log/appium'57 const filePath = getFilePath(dir, defaultFilename)58 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)log(\\|\/)appium(\\|\/)appium-standalone\.txt/)59 })60 test('should handle file ".log"', () => {61 const file = '.log'62 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)63 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)64 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)65 })66 test('should handle file "./.log"', () => {67 const file = './.log'68 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)69 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)70 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)71 })72 test('should handle file "./log/.log"', () => {73 const file = './log/.log'74 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)75 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)76 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)77 })78 test('should handle file "./appium-log.txt"', () => {79 const file = './appium-log.txt'80 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)81 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)82 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)83 })84 test('should handle file "appium-log.txt"', () => {85 const file = 'appium-log.txt'86 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)87 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)88 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)89 })90 test('should handle file "/appium-log.txt', () => {91 const file = '/appium-log.txt'92 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)93 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)appium-log\.txt/)94 })95 test('should handle file "./log/appium-log.txt"', () => {96 const file = './log/appium-log.txt'97 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)98 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)99 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)100 })101 test('should handle file "log/appium-log.txt"', () => {102 const file = 'log/appium-log.txt'103 const expectedPath = path.join(basePath, file)104 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)105 expect(filePath).toBe(expectedPath)106 })107 test('should handle file "/log/appium-log.txt', () => {108 const file = '/log/appium-log.txt'109 const filePath = getFilePath(file, defaultFilename)110 expect(filePath).toMatch(/(\w:)?(\\|\/)log(\\|\/)appium-log\.txt/)111 })...
Using AI Code Generation
1const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;2const actualPath = require('stryker-parent').actualPath;3const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent/expectedPath');4const actualPath = require('stryker-parent/actualPath');5const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;6const actualPath = require('stryker-parent').actualPath;7const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent/expectedPath');8const actualPath = require('stryker-parent/actualPath');9const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;10const actualPath = require('stryker-parent').actualPath;11const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent/expectedPath');12const actualPath = require('stryker-parent/actualPath');13const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;14const actualPath = require('stryker-parent').actualPath;15const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent/expectedPath');16const actualPath = require('stryker-parent/actualPath');17const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;18const actualPath = require('stryker-parent').actualPath;19const expectedPath = require('stry
Using AI Code Generation
1var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;2var path = require('path');3var expected = expectedPath('test.js');4console.log('expected: ' + expected);5console.log('actual: ' + path.resolve('test.js'));6console.log('are they equal? ' + (expected === path.resolve('test.js')));7exports.expectedPath = function (path) {8 return path;9};
Using AI Code Generation
1var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;2var path = require('path');3var fs = require('fs');4var expected = expectedPath('test.js');5var actual = path.resolve('test.js');6if (expected !== actual) {7 console.log('Expected path to be ' + expected + ' but got ' + actual);8 process.exit(1);9} else {10 console.log('Test passed!');11}12var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;
Using AI Code Generation
1var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;2var path = require('path');3var assert = require('assert');4assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));5var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;6var path = require('path');7var assert = require('assert');8assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));9var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;10var path = require('path');11var assert = require('assert');12assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));13var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;14var path = require('path');15var assert = require('assert');16assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));17var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;18var path = require('path');19var assert = require('assert');20assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));21var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;22var path = require('path');23var assert = require('assert');24assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));25var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;26var path = require('path');27var assert = require('assert');28assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test.js'));29var expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;30var path = require('path');31var assert = require('assert');32assert.equal(expectedPath('test.js'), path.join('test', 'test
Using AI Code Generation
1const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;2const path = require('path');3const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));4console.log(filePath);5const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;6const path = require('path');7const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));8console.log(filePath);9const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;10const path = require('path');11const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));12console.log(filePath);13const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;14const path = require('path');15const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));16console.log(filePath);17const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;18const path = require('path');19const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));20console.log(filePath);21const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;22const path = require('path');23const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));24console.log(filePath);25const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;26const path = require('path');27const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));28console.log(filePath);29const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;30const path = require('path');31const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));32console.log(filePath);33const expectedPath = require('stryker-parent').expectedPath;34const path = require('path');35const filePath = path.resolve(expectedPath('test.js'));36console.log(filePath);
Using AI Code Generation
1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var path = require('path');3module.exports = function(config) {4 config.set({5 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },6 });7};8var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');9var path = require('path');10module.exports = function(config) {11 config.set({12 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },13 });14};15var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');16var path = require('path');17module.exports = function(config) {18 config.set({19 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },20 });21};22var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');23var path = require('path');24module.exports = function(config) {25 config.set({26 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },27 });28};29var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');30var path = require('path');31module.exports = function(config) {32 config.set({33 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },34 });35};36var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');37var path = require('path');38module.exports = function(config) {39 config.set({40 { pattern: strykerParent.expectedPath('test.js'), included: true },
Using AI Code Generation
1import { expectedPath } from 'stryker-parent';2console.log(expectedPath);3export const expectedPath = require.resolve('./index.js');4{5}6module.exports = function(config) {7 config.set({8 });9};10[2017-01-01 00:00:00.000] [INFO] Stryker - Loaded config: {11}12module.exports = function(config) {13 config.set({14 });15};16[2017-01-01 00:00:00.000] [INFO] Stryker - Loaded config: {17}
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