How to use isDebugEnabled method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:wAuth.js Github


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1// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------2// jWebSocket jQuery Authentication Widget (Community Edition, CE)3// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------4// Copyright 2010-2014 Innotrade GmbH ( Alexander Schulze, Germany (NRW)6//7// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");8// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.9// You may obtain a copy of the License at10//11// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software14// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,15// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.16// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and17// limitations under the License.18// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------19/**20 * @author Victor Antonio Barzana Crespo21 */22$.widget("jws.auth", {23 _init: function( ) {24 w.auth = this;2526 // Stores the jWebSocketJSONClient for all the demos27 mWSC = null;28 AUTO_USER_AND_PASSWORD = false;29 this.eLogoffArea = this.element.find("#logoff_area");30 this.eLogonArea = this.element.find("#login_area");31 this.eUsername = this.element.find("#user_text");32 this.ePassword = this.element.find("#user_password");33 this.eClientStatus = this.element.find("#client_status");34 this.eUserInfoName = this.element.find("#user_info_name");35 this.eWebSocketType = this.element.find("#websocket_type");36 this.eClientId = this.element.find("#client_id");37 this.eLoginButton = this.element.find('#login_button');38 this.eLogoffButton = this.element.find('#logoff_button');39 this.eConnectButton = this.element.find('#connect_button');40 this.eDisConnectButton = this.element.find('#disconnect_button');41 this.mUsername = null;4243 this.eDisConnectButton.hide( );44 this.eLogoffArea.hide( );4546 this.mUsername = null;4748 this.checkWebSocketSupport( );4950 this.registerEvents( );51 this.connect();52 },53 checkWebSocketSupport: function( ) {54 if (jws.browserSupportsWebSockets( )) {55 mWSC = new jws.jWebSocketJSONClient( );56 // Setting the type of WebSocket57 w.auth.eWebSocketType.text("WebSocket: " +58 (jws.browserSupportsNativeWebSockets ? "(native)" : "(flashbridge)"));59 } else {60 var lMsg = jws.MSG_WS_NOT_SUPPORTED;61 alert(lMsg);62 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {63 log(lMsg);64 }65 }66 },67 registerEvents: function( ) {68 //adding click functions69 ) {70 // If there is not a connect button71// if (!w.auth.eConnectButton.attr("id")) {72// // we open the connection and then login73// w.auth.logon( );74// } else {75 // must be connected, otherwise it won't work76 w.auth.auth( );77// }78 });79 function( ) {81 w.auth.deauth( );82 if (w.auth.logout) {83 w.auth.logout( );84 }85 // If there is not a connect button86// if (!w.auth.eConnectButton.attr("id")) {87// // logout and close the connection88// w.auth.disconnect( );89// }90 }91 );9293;94;9596 w.auth.eUsername.keypress(w.auth.eUsernameKeypress);97 w.auth.ePassword.keypress(w.auth.ePasswordKeypress);98 },99 // Logs in, only if there is connection with the server, otherwise it won't work100 login: function( ) {101 if (mWSC && mWSC.isConnected( )) {102 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {103 log("Logging in...");104 }105 try {106 // you can choose the username entered by the user or 107 // jWebSocket defalut jws.GUEST_USER_LOGINNAME108 var lUsername = w.auth.eUsername.val( );109 // jWebSocket defalut jws.GUEST_USER_PASSWORD110 var lPassword = w.auth.ePassword.val( );111112 var lRes = mWSC.login(113 lUsername,114 lPassword115 );116117 if (lRes.code === 0) {118 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {119 log("Asychronously waiting for response...");120 }121122 } else {123 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {124 log(lRes.msg);125 }126 }127 } catch (ex) {128 jws.console.log(ex.message);129 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {130 log("Exception: " + ex.message);131 }132 }133 } else {134 log("Not connected, please click 'Connect button'");135 }136 },137 getCallbacks: function( ) {138 var lCallbacks = {139 // use JSON sub protocol140 subProtocol: (w.auth.options.subProtocol) ? w.auth.options.subProtocol : jws.WS_SUBPROT_JSON,141 // connection timeout in ms142 openTimeout: (w.auth.options.timeout) ? w.auth.options.timeout : 3000,143 OnOpen: function(aEvent, aToken) {144 // starting keepAlive mechanism (required)145 mWSC.startKeepAlive();146147 if (w.auth.options.OnOpen) {148 w.auth.options.OnOpen(aEvent, aToken);149 }150 w.auth.setConnected(aToken);151 },152 // OnOpenTimeout callback153 OnOpenTimeout: function(aEvent) {154 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {155 log("Opening timeout exceeded!");156 }157158 if (w.auth.options.OnOpenTimeout) {159 w.auth.options.OnOpenTimeout(aEvent);160 }161 },162 // OnReconnecting callback163 OnReconnecting: function(aEvent) {164 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {165 log("Re-establishing jWebSocket connection...");166 }167 },168 OnWelcome: function(aToken) {169 if (w.auth.options.OnWelcome) {170 w.auth.options.OnWelcome(aToken);171 }172 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {173 log("<font color='green'>jWebSocket Welcome received.</font>");174 log(JSON.stringify(aToken));175 }176 if (aToken.sourceId) {177 w.auth.eClientId.text("Client-ID: " + aToken.sourceId);178 }179 if (aToken.username && aToken.username !== "anonymous") {180 lCallbacks.OnLogon(aToken);181 //w.auth.setLoggedOn(aToken);182 }183 },184 OnLogon: function(aToken) {185 if (w.auth.options.OnLogon) {186 w.auth.options.OnLogon(aToken);187 }188 w.auth.setLoggedOn(aToken);189 },190 OnLogoff: function(aToken) {191 if (w.auth.options.OnLogoff) {192 w.auth.options.OnLogoff(aToken);193 }194 w.auth.setLoggedOff(aToken);195 },196 OnGoodBye: function(aEvent) {197 if (w.auth.options.OnGoodBye) {198 w.auth.options.OnGoodBye(aEvent);199 }200 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {201 log("<font color='green'>jWebSocket GoodBye received.</font>");202 }203 },204 // OnMessage callback205 OnMessage: function(aEvent, aToken) {206 if (!aToken && aEvent && aEvent.type === "message" && {207 aToken = JSON.parse(;208 }209 if (aToken && aToken.code === -1) {210 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {211 log("<font color='red'>The following error" +212 " was returned by the server: " + aToken.msg + "</font>");213 }214 }215216 // Debug if the user doesn't have an OnMessage method217 if (w.auth.options.OnMessage) {218 w.auth.options.OnMessage(aEvent, aToken);219 } else {220 var lDate = "";221 if (aToken.date_val) {222 lDate =;223 }224225 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {226 log("<font color='green'>jWebSocket '" + aToken.type227 + "' token received, full message: </font>'" + + "' "228 + lDate);229 }230 }231 },232 // OnClose callback233 OnClose: function(aEvent) {234 if (w.auth.options.OnClose) {235 w.auth.options.OnClose(aEvent);236 }237 w.auth.setDisconnected(aEvent);238 }239 };240 return lCallbacks;241 },242 // If there is not connection with the server, opens a connection and then 243 // tries to log the user in the system244 logon: function(aUser, aPassword) {245 var lURL = (w.auth.options.lURL) ? w.auth.options.lURL : jws.getAutoServerURL( );246247 var lUsername;248 var lPassword;249 if (AUTO_USER_AND_PASSWORD) {250 lUsername = aUser || jws.DEMO_ROOT_LOGINNAME;251 lPassword = aPassword || jws.DEMO_ROOT_PASSWORD;252 } else {253 lUsername = w.auth.eUsername.val( );254 lPassword = w.auth.ePassword.val( );255 }256257 if (lUsername === "" || lPassword === "") {258 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {259 log("<font color='red'>User or password can not be empty," +260 "please check your login information.</font>");261 }262 return;263 }264265 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {266 log("Connecting to " + lURL + " and logging in as '" + lUsername + "'...");267 }268269 var lRes = mWSC.logon(lURL, lUsername, lPassword, w.auth.getCallbacks( ));270271 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {272 log(mWSC.resultToString(lRes));273 }274 },275 logoff: function( ) {276 if (mWSC) {277 if (mWSC.isLoggedIn() !== "anonymous") {278 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {279 log("Logging off " + (w.auth.mUsername !== null ? "'" +280 w.auth.mUsername + "'" : ""));281 }282283 // the timeout below is optional,284 // if you use it you'll get a good-bye message.285 var lRes = mWSC.logout({286 timeout: 3000287 });288289 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {290 log(mWSC.resultToString(lRes));291 }292 } else {293 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {294 log("You are not logged in");295 }296 }297 }298 },299 connect: function( ) {300 var lURL = (w.auth.options.lURL) ? w.auth.options.lURL : jws.getAutoServerURL( );301 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {302 log("Connecting to " + lURL + " ...");303 }304305 if (mWSC.isConnected( )) {306 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {307 log("Already connected.");308 }309 return;310 }311312 try {313, w.auth.getCallbacks( ));314 } catch (ex) {315 jws.console.log(ex);316 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {317 log("Exception: " + ex.message);318 }319 }320 },321 disconnect: function( ) {322 if (mWSC) {323 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {324 log("Disconnecting...");325 }326 try {327 var lRes = mWSC.close({328 timeout: 3000329 });330331 if (lRes.code !== 0) {332 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {333 log(lRes.msg);334 }335 }336 } catch (ex) {337 jws.console.log(ex);338 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {339 log("Exception: " + ex.message);340 }341 }342 }343 },344 auth: function(aUser, aPassword) {345 if (mWSC) {346 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {347 log("Authenticating...");348 }349 try {350 var lUsername, lPassword;351 if (AUTO_USER_AND_PASSWORD) {352 lUsername = aUser || jws.DEMO_ROOT_LOGINNAME;353 lPassword = aPassword || jws.DEMO_ROOT_PASSWORD;354 } else {355 lUsername = w.auth.eUsername.val( );356 lPassword = w.auth.ePassword.val( );357 }358359 if (lUsername === "" || lPassword === "") {360 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {361 log("<font color='red'>User or password can not be empty," +362 "please check your login information.</font>");363 }364 return;365 }366367 var lRes = mWSC.systemLogon(lUsername, lPassword);368 if (lRes.code === 0) {369 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {370 log("Asychronously waiting for response...");371 }372 } else {373 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {374 log(lRes.msg);375 }376 }377 } catch (ex) {378 jws.console.log(ex.message);379 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {380 log("Exception: " + ex.message);381 }382 }383 }384 },385 deauth: function( ) {386 if (mWSC) {387 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {388 log("Deauthenticating...");389 }390 try {391 var lRes = mWSC.systemLogoff();392 if (lRes.code === 0) {393 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {394 log("Asychronously waiting for response...");395 }396 } else {397 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {398 log(lRes.msg);399 }400 }401 } catch (ex) {402 jws.console.log(ex.message);403 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {404 log("Exception: " + ex.message);405 }406 }407 }408 },409 getAuth: function( ) {410 if (mWSC) {411 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {412 log("Getting authorities...");413 }414 try {415 var lRes = mWSC.systemGetAuthorities( );416 if (lRes.code === 0) {417 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {418 log("Asychronously waiting for response...");419 }420 } else {421 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {422 log(lRes.msg);423 }424 }425 } catch (ex) {426 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {427 log("Exception: " + ex.message);428 }429 }430 }431 },432 /**433 * Automatically shows the logoff button in the top of all demos434 * including the authenticated username435 * @param {Token} aToken The token with the authenticated user436 */437 setLoggedOn: function(aToken) {438 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {439 log("<font color='green'>Successfully authenticated as: "440 + aToken.username + "</font>");441 }442 if (w.auth.eLogonArea) {443 w.auth.eLogonArea.hide( );444 }445 w.auth.eLogoffArea.fadeIn(300);446 w.auth.eUserInfoName.text(aToken.username);447 w.auth.mUsername = aToken.username;448 w.auth.eClientStatus.attr("class", "authenticated").text("authenticated").attr("title", "Authenticated as " + aToken.username);449 },450 setLoggedOff: function(aToken) {451 w.auth.eLogoffArea.hide( );452 if (w.auth.eLogonArea) {453 w.auth.eLogonArea.fadeIn(200);454 }455 w.auth.eConnectButton.hide( );456 );457458 w.auth.mUsername = null;459 w.auth.eUserInfoName.text("");460 w.auth.eClientStatus.attr("class", "online").text("online").attr("title", "");461 },462 setConnected: function(aToken) {463 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {464 log("<font color='green'>jWebSocket connection established.</font>");465 }466467 w.auth.eConnectButton.hide( );468 );469470 mIsConnected = true;471 // Setting the status connected472 w.auth.eClientStatus.attr("class", "online").text("connected").attr("title", "");473 },474 setDisconnected: function(aToken) {475 if (mLog.isDebugEnabled) {476 log("<font color='red'>jWebSocket connection closed.</font>");477 }478 w.auth.eLogoffArea.hide( );479 if (w.auth.eLogonArea) {480 w.auth.eLogonArea.fadeIn(200);481 }482483 w.auth.eDisConnectButton.hide( );484 );485486 mIsConnected = false;487 w.auth.mUsername = null;488 w.auth.eUserInfoName.text("");489 w.auth.eClientId.text("Client-ID: -");490 w.auth.eClientStatus.attr("class", "offline").text("disconnected").attr("title", "");491 w.auth.eUsername.focus( );492 },493 // EVENTS FUNCTIONS494 eUsernameKeypress: function(aEvent) {495 if (aEvent.keyCode === 13 || aEvent.keyChar === 13) {496 w.auth.ePassword.focus( );497 }498 },499 ePasswordKeypress: function(aEvent) {500 if (aEvent.keyCode === 13 || aEvent.keyChar === 13) {501 w.auth.auth( );502 }503 },504 cleanHTML: function(aMsg) {505 var lResult = "", lEnd = aMsg.length, lChar = '';506 for (var lIdx = 0; lIdx < lEnd; lIdx++) {507 lChar = aMsg.charAt(lIdx);508 if (lChar === '<') {509 lResult += '%3c';510 } else if (lChar === '>') {511 lResult += '%3e';512 } else if (lChar === '&') {513 lResult += '%26';514 } else {515 lResult += lChar;516 }517 }518 return lResult;519 } ...

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Source:caramel-core.js Github


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...20 }21 if (name.engine.init) {22 name.engine.init(name);23 }24 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {25 log.debug('Registered new theme : ' + name);26 }27 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {28 log.debug('Loaded theme : ' + name);29 }30 return name;31 };32 /**33 * Constructor of the Engine class.34 * @constructor35 */36 Engine = function (name, options) {37 var option;38 = name;39 for (option in options) {40 if (options.hasOwnProperty(option)) {41 this[option] = options[option];42 }43 }44 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {45 log.debug('Created new engine : ' + stringify(options));46 }47 };48 Engine.prototype = {49 init: function (theme) {50 },51 render: function (data) {52 print(data);53 }54 };55 /**56 * The method to create or register a new engine or57 * extend an existing engine. i.e. If an existing engine can be58 * found with the specified name, new engine will be created by59 * extending it. Otherwise, totally new engine will be created.60 * Further newly created engine will be returned.61 * @param engine Existing engine name or engine object to be extended62 * @param options63 * @return {Engine}64 */65 engine = function (engine, options) {66 var e;67 if (!options) {68 return engines[engine];69 }70 if (engine instanceof Engine) {71 e = new Engine('extended > ' +, options);72 e.__proto__ = engine;73 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {74 log.debug('Extended theme engine : ' +;75 }76 } else {77 e = new Engine(engine, options);78 if (engines[engine]) {79 e.__proto__ = engines[engine];80 } else {81 engines[engine] = e;82 }83 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {84 log.debug('Registered theme engine : ' +;85 }86 }87 return e;88 };89 /**90 * Constructor for the Theme class.91 * @param name92 * @param options93 * @constructor94 */95 Theme = function (name, options) {96 var option,97 config = configs();98 = name;99 this.themesDir = config.themesDir || themesDir;100 var prototype = typeof options['prototype'] === 'string' ? theme(options['prototype']) : options['prototype'];101 if (prototype) {102 this.__proto__ = prototype;103 delete options['prototype'];104 }105 for (option in options) {106 if (options.hasOwnProperty(option)) {107 this[option] = options[option];108 }109 }110 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {111 log.debug('Created new theme : ' + name);112 }113 };114 Theme.prototype = {115 base: function () {116 return this.themesDir + '/' +;117 },118 resolve: function (path) {119 var fn, p;120 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {121 log.debug('Resolving path : ' + path);122 }123 path = (path.charAt(0) !== '/' ? '/' : '') + path;124 p = this.base() + path;125 if (new File(p).isExists() || !(this.__proto__ instanceof Theme)) {126 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {127 log.debug('Resolved path : ' + p);128 }129 return p;130 }131 fn = this.__proto__.base;132 p = fn ? + path : p;133 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {134 log.debug('Inherited path : ' + p);135 }136 return p;137 },138 url: function (path) {139 context = context || caramel.configs().context;140 return context + this.resolve(path);141 }142 };143 /**144 * The method to create/retrieve a theme145 * @param name146 * @return {Theme}147 */148 theme = function (name) {149 var theme;150 name = name || configs().themer();151 theme = themes[name];152 if (theme) {153 return theme;154 }155 load(name);156 return themes[name];157 };158 languagesDir = '/i18n';159 themesDir = '/themes';160 /**161 * Get and set caramel configurations.162 * @param configs163 * @return {*}164 */165 configs = function (configs) {166 if (configs) {167 application.put('caramel', configs);168 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {169 log.debug('Updated configs : ' + stringify(configs));170 }171 } else {172 configs = application.get('caramel');173 }174 return configs;175 };176 /**177 * Generic render method called by pages. This will delegate rendering178 * to the engine.render(data, meta) of the active theme.179 * @param data180 */181 render = function (data) {182 var meta = {183 data: data,184 request: request,185 response: response,186 session: session,187 application: application188 };189 caramel.meta(meta);190 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {191 data = build(data);192 log.debug('Rendering request : ' + stringify(parseRequest(meta.request)));193 log.debug('Rendering data : ' + stringify(data));194 }195 caramel.theme().engine.render(data, meta);196 };197 build = function (obj, depth) {198 var name, type, i, length;199 depth = (depth !== undefined) ? (depth - 1) : 0;200 if (depth <= 0) {201 return obj;202 }203 type = typeof obj;204 if (type === 'function') {205 return build(obj(), depth);206 }207 if (obj instanceof String || type === 'string' ||208 obj instanceof Number || type === 'number' ||209 obj instanceof Boolean || type === 'boolean') {210 return obj;211 }212 if (obj instanceof Array) {213 length = obj.length;214 for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {215 obj[i] = build(obj[i], depth);216 }217 return obj;218 }219 for (name in obj) {220 if (obj.hasOwnProperty(name)) {221 obj[name] = build(obj[name], depth);222 }223 }224 return obj;225 };226 /**227 * Get and set request specific metadata related to caramel.228 * @param meta229 * @return {*}230 */231 meta = function (meta) {232 return meta ? (request.__caramel_page_metadata__ = meta) : request.__caramel_page_metadata__;233 };234 /**235 * Resolves absolute paths by adding app context prefix.236 * @param path237 * @return {*}238 */239 url = function (path) {240 context = context || configs().context;241 return (context !== '/' ? context : '') + path;242 };243 /**244 * Resolves absolute paths by adding theme prefix.245 * @param path246 * @return {*}247 */248 themeUrl = function (path) {249 context = context || configs().context;250 return (context !== '/' ? context : '') + themesDir + '/' + configs().themer() + path;251 };252 parseRequest = function (req) {253 return {254 method: req.getMethod(),255 url: req.getRequestURI(),256 query: req.getQueryString(),257 content: req.getContent(),258 headers: req.getAllHeaders(),259 parameters: req.getAllParameters()260 };261 };262 translate = function (text) {263 var language, dir, path,264 config = configs(),265 code = config.language ? config.language() : 'en';266 language = languages[code];267 if (!language) {268 dir = config.languagesDir || languagesDir;269 path = dir + '/' + code + '.json';270 if (!new File(path).isExists()) {271 return text;272 }273 language = (languages[code] = require(path));274 if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {275 log.debug('Language json loaded : ' + path);276 }277 }278 return language[text];279 };...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;2if (isDebugEnabled()) {3 console.log('Debug mode is enabled');4} else {5 console.log('Debug mode is disabled');6}7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true }10 karma: {11 config: {12 { pattern: 'test.js', included: true }13 }14 }15 });16};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2if (strykerParent.isDebugEnabled()) {3 console.log('debug is enabled');4}5module.exports = {6 isDebugEnabled() {7 return true;8 }9};10module.exports = {11 isDebugEnabled() {12 return false;13 }14};15{16}17module.exports = {18 isDebugEnabled() {19 return false;20 }21};22{23}24module.exports = {25 isDebugEnabled() {26 return false;27 }28};29{30}31module.exports = {32 isDebugEnabled() {33 return false;34 }35};36{37}38module.exports = {39 isDebugEnabled() {40 return false;41 }42};43{44}45module.exports = {46 isDebugEnabled() {47 return false;48 }49};50{51}52module.exports = {53 isDebugEnabled() {54 return false;55 }56};57{58}59module.exports = {60 isDebugEnabled() {61 return false;62 }63};64{65}66module.exports = {67 isDebugEnabled() {68 return false;69 }70};71{

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;2if (isDebugEnabled) {3 console.log('debugging is enabled');4}5const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;6if (isDebugEnabled) {7 console.log('debugging is enabled');8}9const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;10if (isDebugEnabled) {11 console.log('debugging is enabled');12}13const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;14if (isDebugEnabled) {15 console.log('debugging is enabled');16}17const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;18if (isDebugEnabled) {19 console.log('debugging is enabled');20}21const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;22if (isDebugEnabled) {23 console.log('debugging is enabled');24}25const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;26if (isDebugEnabled) {27 console.log('debugging is enabled');28}29const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;30if (isDebugEnabled) {31 console.log('debugging is enabled');32}33const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;34if (isDebugEnabled) {35 console.log('debugging is enabled');36}37const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;38if (isDebugEnabled) {39 console.log('debugging is enabled');40}41const isDebugEnabled = require('stryker-parent').isDebugEnabled;42if (isDebugEnabled) {43 console.log('debugging is enabled');44}45const isDebugEnabled = require('stry

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var logger = require('stryker-parent-logger');2logger.setLogLevel('trace');3logger.debug('test');4logger.trace('test');'test');6logger.warn('test');7logger.error('test');8var logger = require('stryker-parent-logger');9logger.setLogLevel('info');10logger.debug('test');11logger.trace('test');'test');13logger.warn('test');14logger.error('test');15var logger = require('stryker-parent-logger');16logger.setLogLevel('warn');17logger.debug('test');18logger.trace('test');'test');20logger.warn('test');21logger.error('test');22var logger = require('stryker-parent-logger');23logger.setLogLevel('error');24logger.debug('test');25logger.trace('test');'test');27logger.warn('test');28logger.error('test');29var logger = require('stryker-parent-logger');30logger.setLogLevel('off');31logger.debug('test');32logger.trace('test');'test');34logger.warn('test');35logger.error('test');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var log = require('stryker-parent').log4js.getLogger('test');2log.debug('test debug');'test info');4log.error('test error');5var log4js = require('log4js');6log4js.configure({7 {8 }9});10var logger = log4js.getLogger('stryker');11module.exports = {12};13var log = require('stryker-parent').log4js.getLogger('test');14log.debug('test debug');'test info');16log.error('test error');17var log4js = require('log4js');18log4js.configure({19 {20 }21});22var logger = log4js.getLogger('stryker');23module.exports = {24 isDebugEnabled: function() {25 return logger.isDebugEnabled();26 }27};28var log = require('stryker-parent').logger;29log.debug('test debug');'test info');31log.error('test error');32var log = require('stryker-parent').logger;33log.debug('test debug');'test info');35log.error('test error');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {2 log.debug("test");3}4var log4js = require('log4js');5var logger = log4js.getLogger('stryker-parent');6logger.setLevel('DEBUG');7exports.log = logger;8exports.isDebugEnabled = function () {9 return logger.isDebugEnabled();10};11[INFO] --- node-maven-plugin:0.5.0:npm (npm-install) @ stryker-parent ---

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { getLogger } = require('stryker-parent-logger');2const log = getLogger('test');3log.debug('test');4const { getLogger } = require('stryker-parent-logger');5const log = getLogger('test');6log.debug('test');7require('stryker-parent-logger');

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You could also refer to video tutorials over LambdaTest YouTube channel to get step by step demonstration from industry experts.

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