Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent
1/**2 * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one3 * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file4 * distributed with this work for additional information5 * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file6 * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the7 * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance8 * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at9 *10 * *12 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software13 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,14 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.15 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and16 * limitations under the License.17 */18var numberUtils = require('utils/number_utils');19describe('', function() {20 describe('#bytesToSize', function() {21 describe('check bytes', function() {22 var tests = Em.A([23 {24 bytes: null,25 precision: null,26 parseType: null,27 multiplyBy: null,28 e: 'n/a',29 m: '"n/a" if bytes is null'30 },31 {32 bytes: undefined,33 precision: null,34 parseType: null,35 multiplyBy: null,36 e: 'n/a',37 m: '"n/a" if bytes is undefined'38 },39 {40 bytes: 200,41 precision: null,42 parseType: undefined,43 multiplyBy: null,44 e: '0 Bytes',45 m: '0 if multiply is `null`'46 },47 {48 bytes: 200,49 precision: null,50 parseType: undefined,51 multiplyBy: undefined,52 e: '200 Bytes',53 m: '"200 Bytes" if `multiplyBy` and `parseType` are `undefined`'54 },55 {56 bytes: 200,57 precision: null,58 parseType: undefined,59 multiplyBy: 1,60 e: '200 Bytes',61 m: '`200 Bytes` if `parsetype` is `undefined`'62 }63 ]);64 tests.forEach(function(test) {65 it(test.m, function() {66 expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy)).to.equal(test.e);67 });68 });69 });70 describe('check sizes', function() {71 var tests = Em.A([72 {73 bytes: 12,74 precision: null,75 parseType: 'parseInt',76 multiplyBy: 1,77 e: 'Bytes',78 m: 'Bytes'79 },80 {81 bytes: 1024 + 12,82 precision: null,83 parseType: 'parseInt',84 multiplyBy: 1,85 e: 'KB',86 m: 'KB'87 },88 {89 bytes: 1024 * 1024 + 12,90 precision: null,91 parseType: 'parseInt',92 multiplyBy: 1,93 e: 'MB',94 m: 'MB'95 },96 {97 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,98 precision: null,99 parseType: 'parseInt',100 multiplyBy: 1,101 e: 'GB',102 m: 'GB'103 },104 {105 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,106 precision: null,107 parseType: 'parseInt',108 multiplyBy: 1,109 e: 'TB',110 m: 'TB'111 },112 {113 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 + 12,114 precision: null,115 parseType: 'parseInt',116 multiplyBy: 1,117 e: 'PB',118 m: 'PB'119 }120 ]);121 tests.forEach(function(test) {122 it(test.m, function() {123 expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy).endsWith(test.e)).to.equal(true);124 });125 });126 });127 describe('check calculated result', function() {128 var tests = Em.A([129 {130 bytes: 42,131 precision: null,132 parseType: 'parseInt',133 multiplyBy: 1,134 e: '42',135 m: 'Bytes'136 },137 {138 bytes: 1024 * 12,139 precision: null,140 parseType: 'parseInt',141 multiplyBy: 1,142 e: '12',143 m: 'KB'144 },145 {146 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 23,147 precision: null,148 parseType: 'parseInt',149 multiplyBy: 1,150 e: '23',151 m: 'MB'152 },153 {154 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 34,155 precision: null,156 parseType: 'parseInt',157 multiplyBy: 1,158 e: '34',159 m: 'GB'160 },161 {162 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 45,163 precision: null,164 parseType: 'parseInt',165 multiplyBy: 1,166 e: '45',167 m: 'TB'168 },169 {170 bytes: 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 56,171 precision: null,172 parseType: 'parseInt',173 multiplyBy: 1,174 e: '56',175 m: 'PB'176 }177 ]);178 tests.forEach(function(test) {179 it(test.m, function() {180 expect(numberUtils.bytesToSize(test.bytes, test.precision, test.parseType, test.multiplyBy).startsWith(test.e)).to.equal(true);181 });182 });183 });184 });185 describe('#validateInteger()', function() {186 var tests = [187 {188 str: null,189 min: null,190 max: null,191 m: 'all params null to' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty'),192 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty')193 },194 {195 str: "string",196 min: null,197 max: null,198 m: 'try to validate `string` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.empty'),199 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')200 },201 {202 str: "string",203 min: null,204 max: null,205 m: 'try to validate `string` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber'),206 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')207 },208 {209 str: "1abc",210 min: null,211 max: null,212 m: 'try to validate `1abc` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber'),213 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.notValidNumber')214 },215 {216 str: "1",217 min: null,218 max: null,219 m: 'try to validate `1` should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.moreThanMaximum').format(null),220 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.moreThanMaximum').format(null)221 },222 {223 str: "1",224 min: 2,225 max: 0,226 m: 'try to validate `1` with max = 0 and min = 2 should return ' + Em.I18n.t('number.validate.lessThanMinumum').format(2),227 e: Em.I18n.t('number.validate.lessThanMinumum').format(2)228 }229 ];230 tests.forEach(function(test) {231 it(test.m, function(){232 expect(numberUtils.validateInteger(test.str, test.min, test.max)).to.eql(test.e);233 });234 });235 });...
1import { Scoreable } from '../shared';2export default class SingleScore implements Scoreable {3 name: String;4 private multiplyBy: number;5 private currNum: number;6 constructor(multiplyBy: number) {7 //default the value of multiplyBy8 this.multiplyBy = multiplyBy;9 }10 setCurrNum(value: number): void {11 this.currNum = value;12 }13 getCurrNum(): number {14 return this.currNum;15 }16 17 calculateScore(value: number): number {18 this.currNum = value;19 return this.multiplyBy * value;20 }21 getScore(): number {22 return this.multiplyBy * this.currNum;23 }24 setMultipleBy(value: number): void {25 this.multiplyBy = value;26 }...
1// currying2let multiply = function(x,y) {3 console.log(x * y)4}5let multiplybyTwo = multiply.bind(this,2) //or let multiplybyTwo = multiply.bind(this,2,3) 6multiplybyTwo(5)7let multiplybyThree = multiply.bind(this,3)8multiplybyThree(8)9// another way of currying using fn closures10let Multiply = function(x) {11 return function (y) {12 console.log(x * y);13 }14}15let MultiplybyTwo = Multiply(2) //or let multiplybyTwo1 = multiply.bind(this,2,3) 16MultiplybyTwo(8)17let MultiplybyThree = Multiply(3)...
Using AI Code Generation
1var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;2console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));3var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;4console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));5var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;6console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));7var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;8console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));9var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;10console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));11var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;12console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));13var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;14console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));15var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;16console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));17var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;18console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));19var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;20console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));21var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;22console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));23var multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;24console.log(multiplyBy(3, 5));
Using AI Code Generation
1const multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;2describe('stryker-parent', () => {3 it('should multiply 2 * 2 = 4', () => {4 expect(multiplyBy(2, 2)).to.equal(4);5 });6});7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 });10};
Using AI Code Generation
1const multiplyBy = require('stryker-parent').multiplyBy;2console.log(multiplyBy(2, 4));3module.exports = function(config) {4 config.set({5 commandRunner: {6 }7 });8};9module.exports.multiplyBy = (a, b) => a * b * b;
Using AI Code Generation
1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 4);3console.log(result);4{5 "scripts": {6 },7 "dependencies": {8 },9 "devDependencies": {10 }11}12module.exports = function(config){13 config.set({14 });15};16"scripts": {17}
Using AI Code Generation
1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 3);3module.exports.multiplyBy = function (a, b) {4 return a * b;5};6{7}8{9 "dependencies": {10 }11}12module.exports = function (config) {13 config.set({14 });15};
Using AI Code Generation
1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 3);3import * as strykerParent from 'stryker-parent';4const result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 3);5import { multiplyBy } from 'stryker-parent';6const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);7const { multiplyBy } = require('stryker-parent');8const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);9import { multiplyBy } from 'stryker-parent';10const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);11import * as strykerParent from 'stryker-parent';12const result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 3);13import { multiplyBy } from 'stryker-parent';14const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);15const { multiplyBy } = require('stryker-parent');16const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);17import { multiplyBy } from 'stryker-parent';18const result = multiplyBy(2, 3);19import * as strykerParent from 'stryker-parent';20const result = strykerParent.multiplyBy(2, 3);
Using AI Code Generation
1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2module.exports = function (input) {3 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);4};5var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');6module.exports = function (input) {7 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);8};9var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');10module.exports = function (input) {11 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);12};13var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14module.exports = function (input) {15 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);16};17var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');18module.exports = function (input) {19 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);20};21var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');22module.exports = function (input) {23 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);24};25var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');26module.exports = function (input) {27 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);28};29var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');30module.exports = function (input) {31 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);32};33var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');34module.exports = function (input) {35 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);36};37var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');38module.exports = function (input) {39 return strykerParent.multiplyBy(input);40};
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