How to use onGoingCall method in stryker-parent

Best JavaScript code snippet using stryker-parent


Source:script.js Github


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1const registerButton = document.getElementById('register')2const callButton = document.getElementById('call')3const unregisterButton = document.getElementById('unregister')4const answerButton = document.getElementById('answer')5const rejectButton = document.getElementById('reject')6const hangupButton = document.getElementById('hangup')7const ringtone = document.getElementById('ringtone')8const ringbacktone = document.getElementById('ringbacktone')9const server = 'wss://'10const localVideo = document.getElementById('localVideo')11const remoteVideo = document.getElementById('remoteVideo')12var simpleUser13var options14var realm15const delegate = {16 // onCallCreated: makeCallCreatedCallback(simpleUser),17 onCallReceived: makeCallReceivedCallback(),18 onCallHangup: makeCallHangupCallback()19 //onRegistered: makeRegisteredCallback(simpleUser),20 //onUnregistered: makeUnregisteredCallback(simpleUser),21 //onServerConnect: makeServerConnectCallback(simpleUser),22 //onServerDisconnect: makeServerDisconnectCallback(simpleUser)23}24registerButton.addEventListener(25 'click',26 async function () {27 document.getElementById('login').hidden = true28 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = false29 unregisterButton.hidden = false30 realm = document.getElementById('realm').value31 createSimpleUser()32 await simpleUser.connect()33 await simpleUser.register()34 },35 false36)37callButton.addEventListener(38 'click',39 async function () {40 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.remove('hidden')41 document.getElementById('hangupBox').hidden = false42 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = true43 unregisterButton.hidden = true44 let destination = document.getElementById('phonenumber').value45 await'sip:' + destination + '@' + realm)46 document.getElementById('destinationNumber').hidden = false47 document.getElementById('callerNumber').hidden = true48 document.getElementById('destinationNumber').innerHTML = destination49 },50 false51)52hangupButton.addEventListener(53 'click',54 async function () {55 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.add('hidden')56 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = false57 unregisterButton.hidden = false58 await simpleUser.hangup()59 },60 false61)62unregisterButton.addEventListener(63 'click',64 async function () {65 document.getElementById('login').hidden = false66 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = true67 unregisterButton.hidden = true68 if (!document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.contains('hidden')) {69 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.add('hidden')70 }71 await simpleUser.unregister()72 await simpleUser.disconnect()73 },74 false75)76function createSimpleUser() {77 options = {78 media: {79 constraints: {80 audio: true,81 video: true82 },83 local: {84 video: localVideo85 },86 remote: {87 video: remoteVideo88 }89 },90 aor: 'sip:' + document.getElementById('username').value + '@' + realm,91 userAgentOptions: {92 authorizationUsername: document.getElementById('username').value,93 authorizationPassword: document.getElementById('password').value94 }95 }96 simpleUser = new SIP.Web.SimpleUser(server, options)97 simpleUser.delegate = delegate98}99//async function makeCallCreatedCallback(user) {}100function makeCallReceivedCallback() {101 return async function () {102 if (document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.contains('hidden')) {103 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.remove('hidden')104 }105 document.getElementById('incomingBox').hidden = false106 startRingTone()107 answerButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {108 stopRingTone()109 await simpleUser.answer()110 document.getElementById('hangupBox').hidden = false111 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = true112 document.getElementById('incomingBox').hidden = true113 unregisterButton.hidden = true114 document.getElementById('destinationNumber').hidden = true115 document.getElementById('callerNumber').hidden = false116 document.getElementById('callerNumber').innerHTML = destination117 })118 rejectButton.addEventListener('click', async function () {119 stopRingTone()120 await simpleUser.decline()121 document.getElementById('incomingBox').hidden = true122 if (123 !document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.contains('hidden')124 ) {125 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.add('hidden')126 }127 })128 }129}130function makeCallHangupCallback() {131 return async function () {132 document.getElementById('callBox').hidden = false133 document.getElementById('hangupBox').hidden = true134 unregisterButton.hidden = false135 if (!document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.contains('hidden')) {136 document.getElementById('ongoingCall').classList.add('hidden')137 }138 }139}140//async function makeRegisteredCallback(user) {}141//async function makeUnregisteredCallback(user) {}142//async function makeServerConnectCallback(user) {}143//async function makeServerDisconnectCallback(user) {}144function startRingTone() {145 try {146 } catch (error) {}148}149function stopRingTone() {150 try {151 ringtone.pause()152 } catch (error) {}153}154function startRingBackTone() {155 try {156 } catch (error) {}158}159function stopRingBackTone() {160 try {161 ringbacktone.pause()162 } catch (error) {}...

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Source:pagedApiCaller.d.ts Github


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1/**2 * Copyright 2020 Google LLC3 *4 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");5 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.6 * You may obtain a copy of the License at7 *8 * *10 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software11 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,12 * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.13 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and14 * limitations under the License.15 */16import { APICaller } from '../apiCaller';17import { GRPCCall, SimpleCallbackFunction, RequestType } from '../apitypes';18import { APICallback } from '../apitypes';19import { OngoingCall, OngoingCallPromise } from '../call';20import { CallOptions } from '../gax';21import { GoogleError } from '../googleError';22import { PageDescriptor } from './pageDescriptor';23export declare class PagedApiCaller implements APICaller {24 pageDescriptor: PageDescriptor;25 /**26 * Creates an API caller that returns a stream to performs page-streaming.27 *28 * @private29 * @constructor30 * @param {PageDescriptor} pageDescriptor - indicates the structure31 * of page streaming to be performed.32 */33 constructor(pageDescriptor: PageDescriptor);34 /**35 * This function translates between regular gRPC calls (that accepts a request and returns a response,36 * and does not know anything about pages and page tokens) and the users' callback (that expects37 * to see resources from one page, a request to get the next page, and the raw response from the server).38 *39 * It generates a function that can be passed as a callback function to a gRPC call, will understand40 * pagination-specific fields in the response, and call the users' callback after having those fields41 * parsed.42 *43 * @param request Request object. It needs to be passed to all subsequent next page requests44 * (the main content of the request object stays unchanged, only the next page token changes)45 * @param callback The user's callback that expects the page content, next page request, and raw response.46 */47 private generateParseResponseCallback;48 /**49 * Adds a special ability to understand pagination-specific fields to the existing gRPC call.50 * The original gRPC call just calls callback(err, result).51 * The wrapped one will call callback(err, resources, nextPageRequest, rawResponse) instead.52 *53 * @param func gRPC call (normally, a service stub call). The gRPC call is expected to accept four parameters:54 * request, metadata, call options, and callback.55 */56 wrap(func: GRPCCall): GRPCCall;57 /**58 * Makes it possible to use both callback-based and promise-based calls.59 * Returns an OngoingCall or OngoingCallPromise object.60 * Regardless of which one is returned, it always has a `.callback` to call.61 *62 * @param settings Call settings. Can only be used to replace Promise with another promise implementation.63 * @param [callback] Callback to be called, if any.64 */65 init(callback?: APICallback): OngoingCall;66 /**67 * Implements auto-pagination logic.68 *69 * @param apiCall A function that performs gRPC request and calls its callback with a response or an error.70 * It's supposed to be a gRPC service stub function wrapped into several layers of wrappers that make it71 * accept just two parameters: (request, callback).72 * @param request A request object that came from the user.73 * @param settings Call settings. We are interested in `maxResults`, autoPaginate`, `pageToken`, and `pageSize`74 * (they are all optional).75 * @param ongoingCall An instance of OngoingCall or OngoingCallPromise that can be used for call cancellation,76 * and is used to return results to the user.77 */78 call(apiCall: SimpleCallbackFunction, request: RequestType, settings: CallOptions, ongoingCall: OngoingCall): void;79 fail(ongoingCall: OngoingCallPromise, err: GoogleError): void;80 result(ongoingCall: OngoingCallPromise): import("../call").CancellablePromise<import("../apitypes").ResultTuple>;...

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Source:HandleCallEvents.test.js Github


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1describe('HandleCallEvents', function () {2 const { mock } = require('sinon')3 const { expect } = require('chai')4 const { random } = require('faker')5 const HandleCallEvents = require('./HandleCallEvents')6 let dependencies = {}7 const callId = random.uuid().toString()8 const onGoingCall = {9 registeredCustomer: true10 }11 it('handle new call', async function () {12 const expectedResult = true13 const callData = {14 type: '',15 call_id: callId16 }17 const updatedCall = Object.assign({}, onGoingCall, callData)18 dependencies.StateClient = {19 getItem: mock()20 .once()21 .withExactArgs(callId)22 .resolves(onGoingCall),23 setItem: mock()24 .once()25 .withExactArgs(callId, updatedCall)26 .resolves(expectedResult)27 }28 dependencies.StartCall = mock()29 .once()30 .withExactArgs(callData)31 .resolves(expectedResult)32 dependencies.DelegateCall = mock().never()33 dependencies.FinishCall = mock().never()34 const callEventResult = await HandleCallEvents(callData, dependencies)35 expect(callEventResult).to.equal(expectedResult)36 })37 it('handle standby call', async function () {38 const expectedResult = true39 const callData = {40 type: 'call.standby',41 call_id: callId42 }43 const updatedCall = Object.assign({}, onGoingCall, callData)44 dependencies.StateClient = {45 getItem: mock()46 .once()47 .withExactArgs(callId)48 .resolves(onGoingCall),49 setItem: mock()50 .once()51 .withExactArgs(callId, updatedCall)52 .resolves(expectedResult)53 }54 dependencies.StartCall = mock().never()55 dependencies.DelegateCall = mock()56 .once()57 .withExactArgs({ callId })58 .resolves(expectedResult)59 dependencies.FinishCall = mock().never()60 const callEventResult = await HandleCallEvents(callData, dependencies)61 expect(callEventResult).to.equal(expectedResult)62 })63 it('handle finish call', async function () {64 const expectedResult = true65 const callData = {66 type: 'call.finished',67 call_id: callId68 }69 const updatedCall = Object.assign({}, onGoingCall, callData)70 dependencies.StateClient = {71 getItem: mock()72 .once()73 .withExactArgs(callId)74 .resolves(onGoingCall),75 setItem: mock()76 .once()77 .withExactArgs(callId, updatedCall)78 .resolves(expectedResult)79 }80 dependencies.StartCall = mock().never()81 dependencies.DelegateCall = mock().never()82 dependencies.FinishCall = mock()83 .once()84 .withExactArgs({ callId })85 .resolves(expectedResult)86 const callEventResult = await HandleCallEvents(callData, dependencies)87 expect(callEventResult).to.equal(expectedResult)88 })...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2strykerParent.onGoingCall();3const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');4strykerParent.onGoingCall();5const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');6strykerParent.onGoingCall();7const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8strykerParent.onGoingCall();9const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');10strykerParent.onGoingCall();11const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');12strykerParent.onGoingCall();13const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');14strykerParent.onGoingCall();15const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');16strykerParent.onGoingCall();17const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');18strykerParent.onGoingCall();19const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');20strykerParent.onGoingCall();21const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');22strykerParent.onGoingCall();23const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');24strykerParent.onGoingCall();25const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');26strykerParent.onGoingCall();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const onGoingCall = require('stryker-parent').onGoingCall;2const result = onGoingCall('test.js');3console.log(result);4const onGoingCall = require('stryker-parent').onGoingCall;5const result = onGoingCall('test2.js');6console.log(result);7module.exports = function(config) {8 config.set({9 });10};11const assert = require('assert');12const onGoingCall = require('stryker-parent').onGoingCall;13describe('test.js', function() {14 it('should mutate to true', function() {15 return onGoingCall('test.js').then(function(result) {16 assert.equal(result, true);17 });18 });19});20const assert = require('assert');21const onGoingCall = require('stryker-parent').onGoingCall;22describe('test2.js', function() {23 it('should mutate to true', function() {24 return onGoingCall('test2.js').then(function(result) {25 assert.equal(result, true);26 });27 });28});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var parent = require('stryker-parent');2parent.onGoingCall('test');3var onGoingCall = require('stryker-ongoingcall');4module.exports = {5};6module.exports = function onGoingCall (param) {7 console.log(param);8};9module.exports = function onGoingCall (param) {10 console.log(param);11};12var parent = require('stryker-parent');13parent.onGoingCall('test');14var onGoingCall = require('stryker-ongoingcall');15module.exports = {16};17module.exports = function onGoingCall (param) {18 console.log(param);19};20var parent = require('stryker-parent');21parent.onGoingCall('test');22var onGoingCall = require('stryker-ongoingcall');23module.exports = {24};

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const stryker = require('stryker-parent');2const path = require('path');3const fs = require('fs');4const config = {5 {6 },7 {8 }9 mutator: {10 },11 htmlReporter: {12 }13};14 .on('testRunComplete', function (result) {15 console.log('Test run complete! Results: ', result);16 })17 .on('error', function (error) {18 console.error('An error occurred!', error);19 })20 .on('complete', function (report) {21 console.log('All done. Check out the reports!');22 })23 .run(config);24const stryker = require('stryker-parent');25const path = require('path');26const fs = require('fs');27const config = {28 {29 },30 {31 }32 mutator: {33 },34 htmlReporter: {35 }36};37 .on('testRunComplete', function (result) {38 console.log('Test run complete! Results: ', result);39 })40 .on('error', function (error) {41 console.error('An error occurred!', error);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2var strykerChild = require('stryker-child');3strykerParent.onGoingCall(function (msg) {4 console.log("Parent received message: " + msg);5 strykerChild.send(msg);6});7var strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');8var strykerChild = require('stryker-child');9strykerChild.onMessage(function (msg) {10 console.log("Child received message: " + msg);11 strykerParent.send(msg);12});13module.exports = function (config) {14 config.set({15 mochaOptions: {16 }17 });18};

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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const strykerParentObject = new strykerParent();3strykerParentObject.onGoingCall();4const strykerChild = require('stryker-child');5const strykerChildObject = new strykerChild();6module.exports = function() {7 this.onGoingCall = function() {8 strykerChildObject.onGoingCall();9 }10}11const strykerGrandChild = require('stryker-grand-child');12const strykerGrandChildObject = new strykerGrandChild();13module.exports = function() {14 this.onGoingCall = function() {15 strykerGrandChildObject.onGoingCall();16 }17}18module.exports = function() {19 this.onGoingCall = function() {20 console.log("The call is ongoing");21 }22}

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