How to use schemaKeys method in stryker-parent

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Source:LocalStore.TEST.ts Github


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1/* eslint-disable jest/no-commented-out-tests */2// TODO :- We will come back to this after the wild wild west phase is over :) Yee haww.3// import Store from 'electron-store';4// import * as localStore from './LocalStore';5// const setup = () => {6// // Mocks7// const mockStoreGet = jest.fn((key: string) => {8// return key;9// });10// const mockStoreSet = jest.fn();11// const mockStore = {12// get: mockStoreGet,13// set: mockStoreSet,14// };15// // @ts-ignore mock16// localStore.setStore(mockStore);17// return {18// localStore,19// mockStoreGet,20// mockStoreSet,21// };22// };23// // TODO: Fix These Tests!!!24// describe('LocalStore', () => {25// // describe('export', () => {26// // test('default export the LocalStore class', () => {27// // expect(typeof localStore).toMatch('function');28// // expect('LocalStore');29// // });30// // });31// describe('constructor', () => {32// setup();33// // test('initalize the electron-store object as by default', () => {34// // setup();35// // expect(;36// // });37// // test('set if given store argument', () => {38// // const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStore } = setup();39// // expect(;40// // });41// // test('set this.schema', () => {42// // const { LocalStoreInstance } = setup();43// // expect(LocalStoreInstance.schema).toBe(schema);44// // });45// });46// describe('functions', () => {47// describe('.getEncryptedEntropy', () => {48// test('return store.get for encryptedEntropy', () => {49// const { localStore, mockStoreGet } = setup();50// expect(localStore.getEncryptedEntropy()).toBe(localStore.schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_ENTROPY);51// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localStore.schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_ENTROPY);52// });53// });54// describe('.getFullServiceLedgerDbPath', () => {55// test('return store.get for ledgerDbPath', () => {56// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();57// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getFullServiceLedgerDbPath()).toBe(58// schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH59// );60// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH);61// });62// });63// describe('.getFullServiceDbPath', () => {64// test('return store.get for fullServiceDbPath', () => {65// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();66// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getFullServiceDbPath()).toBe(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH);67// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH);68// });69// });70// describe('.getGiftCodes', () => {71// test('return store.get for giftCodes', () => {72// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();73// describe('.getGiftCodes', () => {74// test('return store.get for giftCodes', () => {75// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();76// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getGiftCodes()).toBe(localStore.schemaKeys.GIFT_CODES);77// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(localStore.schemaKeys.GIFT_CODES);78// });79// });80// describe('.setGiftCodes', () => {81// test('return store.set for giftCodes', () => {82// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreSet } = setup();83// const fakeGiftCodes = ['fakeGiftCodes'];84// describe('.getLeaveFullServiceRunning', () => {85// test('return store.get for leaveFullServiceRunning', () => {86// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();87// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getLeaveFullServiceRunning()).toBe(88// schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING89// );90// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING);91// });92// });93// describe('.setLeaveFullServiceRunning', () => {94// test('return store.set for leaveFullServiceRunning', () => {95// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreSet } = setup();96// const fakeLeaveFullServiceRunning = false;97// MockLocalStoreInstance.setLeaveFullServiceRunning(fakeLeaveFullServiceRunning);98// expect(mockStoreSet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(99// schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING,100// fakeLeaveFullServiceRunning101// );102// });103// });104// describe('.getFullServiceLedgerDbPath', () => {105// test('return store.get for ledgerDbPath', () => {106// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();107// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getFullServiceLedgerDbPath()).toBe(108// schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH109// );110// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH);111// });112// });113// describe('.getFullServiceDbPath', () => {114// test('return store.get for fullServiceDbPath', () => {115// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();116// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getFullServiceDbPath()).toBe(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH);117// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH);118// });119// });120// describe('.setLedgerDbPath', () => {121// test('return store.set for setLedgerDbPath', () => {122// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreSet } = setup();123// const fakeFullServiceLedgerDbPath = '/fake/full-service/ledger/';124// const fakeFullServiceDbPath = '/fake/path/full-servide/db';125// MockLocalStoreInstance.setDbPaths(126// fakeFullServiceLedgerDbPath,127// fakeFullServiceDbPath,128// fakeFullServiceLedgerDbPath,129// fakeFullServiceDbPath130// );131// expect(mockStoreSet).toHaveBeenCalledWith({132// [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH]: fakeFullServiceLedgerDbPath,133// [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH]: fakeFullServiceDbPath,134// [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH]: fakeFullServiceLedgerDbPath,135// [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH]: fakeFullServiceDbPath,136// });137// });138// });139// MockLocalStoreInstance.setMobilecoindDbPath(fakeMobilecoindDbPath);140// expect(mockStoreSet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(141// schemaKeys.MOBILECOIND_DB_PATH,142// fakeMobilecoindDbPath143// );144// });145// });146// describe('.getName', () => {147// test('return store.get for Name', () => {148// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();149// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getName()).toBe(schemaKeys.NAME);150// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.NAME);151// });152// });153// describe('.setName', () => {154// test('return store.set for Name', () => {155// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreSet } = setup();156// const fakeName = 'Tom Fakery';157// MockLocalStoreInstance.setName(fakeName);158// expect(mockStoreSet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.NAME, fakeName);159// });160// });161// describe('.getSalt', () => {162// test('return store.get for Salt', () => {163// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreGet } = setup();164// expect(MockLocalStoreInstance.getSalt()).toBe(schemaKeys.SALT);165// expect(mockStoreGet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.SALT);166// });167// });168// describe('.setSalt', () => {169// test('return store.set for Salt', () => {170// const { MockLocalStoreInstance, mockStoreSet } = setup();171// const fakeSalt = 'salt/fakery';172// MockLocalStoreInstance.setSalt(fakeSalt);173// expect(mockStoreSet).toHaveBeenCalledWith(schemaKeys.SALT, fakeSalt);174// });175// });176// });...

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Source:LocalStore.ts Github


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1import * as fs from 'fs';2import Store from 'electron-store';3import { SjclCipherEncrypted } from 'sjcl';4import type { StringUInt64 } from '../types/SpecialStrings.d';5interface LocalStoreSchema {6 [key: string]: { type: 'string' | 'array' | 'boolean' };7}8const STORE_NAME = 'mobilecoin_config';9export const schemaKeys = {10 ENCRYPTED_CONTACTS: 'encryptedContacts',11 ENCRYPTED_PASSPHRASE: 'encryptedPassphrase',12 ENCRYPTED_PIN: 'encryptedPin',13 FULL_SERVICE_BINARIES_PATH: 'fullServiceBinariesPath',14 FULL_SERVICE_DB_EXISTS: 'fullServiceDbExists',15 FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH: 'fullServiceDbPath',16 FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH: 'fullServiceLedgerDbPath',17 GIFT_CODES: 'giftCodes',18 LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING: 'leaveFullServiceRunning',19 LEDGER_DB_PATH: 'ledgerDbPath',20 NAME: 'name',21 OFFLINE_START: 'offlineStart',22 PIN_THRESHOLD_PMOB: 'pinThresholdPmob',23 SALT: 'salt',24 THEME: 'theme',25};26export const schema: LocalStoreSchema = {27 [schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_CONTACTS]: { type: 'string' },28 [schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PASSPHRASE]: { type: 'string' },29 [schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PIN]: { type: 'string' },30 [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_BINARIES_PATH]: { type: 'string' },31 [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_EXISTS]: { type: 'string' },32 [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH]: { type: 'string' },33 [schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_LEDGER_DB_PATH]: { type: 'string' },34 [schemaKeys.GIFT_CODES]: { type: 'array' },35 [schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING]: { type: 'boolean' },36 [schemaKeys.LEDGER_DB_PATH]: { type: 'string' },37 [schemaKeys.NAME]: { type: 'string' },38 [schemaKeys.OFFLINE_START]: { type: 'boolean' },39 [schemaKeys.PIN_THRESHOLD_PMOB]: { type: 'string' },40 [schemaKeys.SALT]: { type: 'string' },41 [schemaKeys.THEME]: { type: 'string' },42};43let store = new Store({ name: STORE_NAME, schema });44export const setStore = (newStore: Store): void => {45 store = newStore;46};47export const setOfflineStart = (startOffline: boolean): void =>48 store.set(schemaKeys.OFFLINE_START, startOffline);49export const getOfflineStart = (): boolean => store.get(schemaKeys.OFFLINE_START) as boolean;50export const getEncryptedContacts = (): SjclCipherEncrypted =>51 store.get(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_CONTACTS) as SjclCipherEncrypted;52export const setEncryptedContacts = (encryptedContacts: SjclCipherEncrypted): void =>53 store.set(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_CONTACTS, encryptedContacts);54export const deleteEncryptedContacts = (): void => store.delete(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_CONTACTS);55export const getGiftCodes = (): Array<string> => store.get(schemaKeys.GIFT_CODES) as Array<string>;56export const setGiftCodes = (giftCodes: Array<string>): void =>57 store.set(schemaKeys.GIFT_CODES, giftCodes);58export const getEncryptedPin = (): SjclCipherEncrypted | undefined =>59 store.get(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PIN) as SjclCipherEncrypted | undefined;60export const setEncryptedPin = (encryptedPin: SjclCipherEncrypted): void =>61 store.set(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PIN, encryptedPin);62export const deleteEncryptedPin = (): void => store.delete(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PIN);63export const getLeaveFullServiceRunning = (): boolean =>64 store.get(schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING) as boolean;65export const setLeaveFullServiceRunning = (leaveFullServiceRunning: boolean): void =>66 store.set(schemaKeys.LEAVE_FULL_SERVICE_RUNNING, leaveFullServiceRunning);67export const getPinThresholdPmob = (): StringUInt64 =>68 store.get(schemaKeys.PIN_THRESHOLD_PMOB) as StringUInt64;69export const setPinThresholdPmob = (pinThresholdPmob: StringUInt64): void =>70 store.set(schemaKeys.PIN_THRESHOLD_PMOB, pinThresholdPmob);71export const deletePinThresholdPmob = (): void => store.delete(schemaKeys.PIN_THRESHOLD_PMOB);72// TODO - add type guards to app73// const getLedgerDbPath = (): string => {75 const ledgerDbPath = store.get(schemaKeys.LEDGER_DB_PATH);76 return typeof ledgerDbPath === 'string' ? ledgerDbPath : '';77};78export const getTheme = (): string => {79 const theme = store.get(schemaKeys.THEME);80 return typeof theme === 'string' ? theme : 'system';81};82export const getEncryptedPassphrase = (): SjclCipherEncrypted | undefined =>83 store.get(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PASSPHRASE) as SjclCipherEncrypted | undefined;84export const setEncryptedPassphrase = (encryptedPassphrase: SjclCipherEncrypted): void =>85 store.set({86 [schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PASSPHRASE]: encryptedPassphrase,87 });88export const deleteEncryptedPassphrase = (): void => store.delete(schemaKeys.ENCRYPTED_PASSPHRASE);89export const getFullServiceDbPath = (): string => {90 const fullServiceDbPath = store.get(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH);91 return typeof fullServiceDbPath === 'string' ? fullServiceDbPath : '';92};93export const getWalletDbExists = (): boolean => {94 const path = [getFullServiceDbPath(), 'wallet.db'].join('/');95 return fs.existsSync(path);96};97export const getFullServiceLedgerDbPath = (): string =>98 store.get(schemaKeys.LEDGER_DB_PATH) as string;99export const getFullServiceBinariesPath = (): string =>100 store.get(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_BINARIES_PATH) as string;101export const setFullServiceBinariesPath = (name: string): void =>102 store.set(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_BINARIES_PATH, name);103export const setLedgerDbPath = (name: string): void => store.set(schemaKeys.LEDGER_DB_PATH, name);104export const setFullServiceDbPath = (name: string): void =>105 store.set(schemaKeys.FULL_SERVICE_DB_PATH, name);106export const getName = (): string => store.get(schemaKeys.NAME) as string;107export const setName = (name: string | null): void => store.set(schemaKeys.NAME, name);108export const getSalt = (): string => store.get(schemaKeys.SALT) as string;109export const setSalt = (salt: string): void => store.set(schemaKeys.SALT, salt);110export const setTheme = (theme: 'system' | 'light' | 'dark'): void =>...

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Source:map-schema-keys-to-data-keys.test.js Github


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1'use strict';2const test = require('tape');3const moduleName = 'lib/util/map-schema-keys-to-data-keys';4const self = require(`../../../${moduleName}`);5test(`${moduleName} > schema matches data w/o case insensitivity`, t => {6 const dataKeys = ['keyOne', 'keyTwo'];7 const schemaKeys = [...dataKeys];8 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys, restDataKeys } = self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys });9 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.keys()), [...schemaKeys],10 'the keys map should include all schema keys');11 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.values()), [...dataKeys],12 'schema keys should map to factual dataKeys');13 t.equal(restDataKeys.length, 0, 'should return empty collection of rest keys');14 t.end();15});16test(`${moduleName} > schema matches data with case insensitivity`, t => {17 const dataKeys = ['keyOne', 'keyTwo'];18 const schemaKeys = [...dataKeys];19 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys, restDataKeys } =20 self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys, isCaseInsensitive: true });21 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.keys()), [...schemaKeys],22 'the keys map should include all schema keys');23 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.values()), [...dataKeys],24 'schema keys should map to factual dataKeys');25 t.equal(restDataKeys.length, 0, 'should return empty collection of rest keys');26 t.end();27});28test(`${moduleName} > there are data keys not covered by schema`, t => {29 const schemaKeys = ['keyOne', 'keyTwo'];30 const restKeys = ['keyThree', 'keyFour'];31 const dataKeys = [...schemaKeys, ...restKeys];32 const { restDataKeys } = self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys });33 t.deepEqual(restDataKeys, restKeys,34 'should return correct collection of keys not covered by schema');35 t.end();36});37test(`${moduleName} > the target key is only descoverable with case insensitivity`, t => {38 const restKeys = ['keyThree', 'keyFour'];39 const mappableDataKeys = ['keyOne', 'KeyTWO'];40 const dataKeys = [...mappableDataKeys, ...restKeys];41 const schemaKeys = ['keyOne', 'keyTwo'];42 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys, restDataKeys } =43 self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys, isCaseInsensitive: true });44 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.keys()), [...schemaKeys],45 'the keys map should include all schema keys');46 t.deepEqual(Array.from(schemaKeysToDataKeys.values()), [...mappableDataKeys],47 'schema keys should map to factual dataKeys');48 t.deepEqual(restDataKeys, restKeys,49 'should return correct collection of keys not covered by schema');50 t.end();51});52test(`${moduleName} > there are two similar data keys and case insensitivity is applied`, t => {53 const dataKeys = ['KeyOne', 'keyONE'];54 const schemaKeys = ['keyOne'];55 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys, restDataKeys } =56 self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys, isCaseInsensitive: true });57 t.equal(schemaKeysToDataKeys.get('keyOne'), 'keyONE',58 'schema key should reference the last data key entry');59 t.equal(restDataKeys.length, 0,60 'should not include the first entry to the rest data keys collection');61 t.end();62});63test(`${moduleName} > there are two similar data keys and case insensitivity is not applied`, t => {64 const dataKeys = ['KeyOne', 'keyONE'];65 const schemaKeys = ['keyOne'];66 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys, restDataKeys } =67 self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys, isCaseInsensitive: false });68 t.equal(schemaKeysToDataKeys.get('keyOne'), null,69 'schema key should not reference any data key');70 t.deepEqual(restDataKeys, dataKeys,71 'should include all not matched keys to the rest data keys collection');72 t.end();73});74test(`${moduleName} > schema has a key that data does not have`, t => {75 const dataKeys = [];76 const schemaKeys = ['keyOne'];77 const { schemaKeysToDataKeys } =78 self({ dataKeys, schemaKeys, isCaseInsensitive: false });79 t.equal(schemaKeysToDataKeys.get('keyOne'), null,80 'schema key should not reference any data key');81 t.end();...

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1var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;2var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;3var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;4var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;5var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;6var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;7var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;8var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;9var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;10var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;11var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;12var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;13var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;14var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;15var schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const schemaKeys = require('stryker-parent').schemaKeys;2const schema = require('./schema.json');3const keys = schemaKeys(schema);4console.log(keys);5{6 "definitions": {7 "logLevel": {8 }9 },10 "properties": {11 "name": {12 },13 "description": {14 },15 "files": {16 "items": {17 }18 },19 "testRunner": {20 },21 "mutator": {22 },23 "reporters": {24 "items": {25 }26 },27 "coverageAnalysis": {28 },29 "transpilers": {30 "items": {31 }32 },33 "testFramework": {34 },35 "maxConcurrentTestRunners": {36 },37 "thresholds": {38 "properties": {39 "high": {40 },41 "low": {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const strykerParent = require('stryker-parent');2const schemaKeys = strykerParent.schemaKeys;3const mySchemaKeys = schemaKeys('mySchema');4const schemaKeys = require('./schemaKeys');5module.exports = {6};7module.exports = function(schemaName) {8 return ['key1', 'key2'];9};

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