How to use getDateForTime method in taiko

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Source:timeField.js Github


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...39 ISOweekStart.setDate(simple.getDate() + 8 - simple.getDay());40 }41 return ISOweekStart;42 } // function getDateForTime(hour, min) {44 let date = new Date();45 date.setHours(hour);46 date.setMinutes(min);47 return date;48 }49 value = new Date(value);50 let setAndDispatchEvent = function (self, value) {51 self.value = value;52 ['change', 'input'].forEach((ev) => {53 let event = new Event(ev, { bubbles: true });54 try {55 self.dispatchEvent(event);56 } catch (e) {57 return {58 error: `Error occurred while dispatching ${ev} event`,59 stack: e.stack,60 };61 }62 });63 return true;64 };65 const validationDateFormat = {66 week: (self) => {67 return {68 max: self.max ? getDateOfISOWeek(self.max.slice(-2), self.max.slice(0, 4)) : null,69 min: self.min ? getDateOfISOWeek(self.min.slice(-2), self.min.slice(0, 4)) : null,70 };71 },72 month: (self) => {73 return {74 max: self.max75 ? new Date(self.max.slice(0, 4), parseInt(self.max.slice(-2)) + 1, 0)76 : null,77 min: self.min78 ? new Date(self.min.slice(0, 4), parseInt(self.min.slice(-2)) + 1, 1)79 : null,80 };81 },82 time: (self) => {83 return {84 max: self.max ? getDateForTime(self.max.slice(0, 2), self.max.slice(-2)) : null,85 min: self.min ? getDateForTime(self.min.slice(0, 2), self.min.slice(-2)) : null,86 };87 },88 };89 let validate = function (self, value) {90 const { min, max } = validationDateFormat[self.type]91 ? validationDateFormat[self.type](self)92 : {93 min: self.min ? new Date(self.min) : null,94 max: self.max ? new Date(self.max) : null,95 };96 if (max && min) {97 return max >= value && min <= value;98 }99 if (max) {...

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Source:main.js Github


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1function todayDay() {2 var getDateForDay = new Date();3 var days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday'];4 var dayName = days[getDateForDay.getDay()];5 document.getElementById('todayShow').innerHTML = dayName;6};7todayDay();8function todayTime() {9 var getDateForTime = new Date();10 var h = getDateForTime.getHours();11 var m = getDateForTime.getMinutes();12 var s = getDateForTime.getSeconds();13 m = checkTime(m); // Tijden apart gemaakt voor checking time om 0 toe te voegen bij tijden met alleen 1 digit14 s = checkTime(s); // Tijden apart gemaakt voor checking time om 0 toe te voegen bij tijden met alleen 1 digit15 var currentTime;16 if (screen.width <= 425) { // Time placeholder width17 currentTime = h + ':' + m;18 } else {19 currentTime = h + ':' + m + ':' + s;20 }21 document.getElementById('timeShow').innerHTML = currentTime;22 var swapImagePlaceholder = document.getElementById('swapImagePlaceholder');23 var visualDateImg = document.getElementById('dayCyclus');24 // // Hours25 var morning = (h >= 6 && m >= 0) && (h <= 11 && m <=59 && s <=58);26 var afternoon = (h >= 12 && m >= 0) && (h <= 17 && m <= 59 && s<=58);27 var evening = (h >= 18 && m >= 0 ) && (h <= 19 && m <= 59 && s<=58);28 var night = (h >= 20 && m >= 0) || (h <= 5 && m <= 59 && s<=58); // Last fix29 switch (true) { // check which fase of the day it is30 case morning: 31 swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');32 visualDateImg.src = 'images/Morning.svg';33 break;34 case afternoon: 35 swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');36 visualDateImg.src = 'images/Afternoon.svg';37 break;38 case evening: 39 swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');40 visualDateImg.src = 'images/Evening.svg';41 break;42 case night: 43 swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');44 visualDateImg.src = 'images/Night.svg';45 break;46 default:47 swapImagePlaceholder.classList.remove('switchImage');48 break; 49 }50// Voor docent: remove comment to test the fullRotation after each fase of the day! :D51 // switch (true) { // check which fase of the day it is52 // case (s >= 0 && s <= 14) : 53 // swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');54 // visualDateImg.src = 'images/Morning.svg';55 // break;56 // case (s >= 16 && s <= 29) : 57 // swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');58 // visualDateImg.src = 'images/Afternoon.svg';59 // break;60 // case (s >= 31 && s <= 44) : 61 // swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');62 // visualDateImg.src = 'images/Evening.svg';63 // break;64 // case (s >= 46 && s <= 58) : 65 // swapImagePlaceholder.classList.add('switchImage');66 // visualDateImg.src = 'images/Night.svg';67 // break;68 // default:69 // swapImagePlaceholder.classList.remove('switchImage');70 // break; 71 // }72 setTimeout(todayTime, 500); // 0.5 seconden73}74todayTime();75function todayDate() {76 var getTodayDate = new Date();77 var y = getTodayDate.getFullYear().toString().substr(-2);78 var m = getTodayDate.getMonth();79 var d = getTodayDate.getDate();80 y = checkTime(y);81 m = checkTime(m);82 d = checkTime(d);83 document.getElementById('dateShow').innerHTML = d + '/' + m + '/' + y;84}85todayDate();86function checkTime(i) {87 if (i < 10) {88 i = "0" + i89 }; // Voegt 0 achter een cijfer 90 return i;...

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await closeBrowser();6 } catch (e) {7 console.error(e);8 } finally {9 }10})();11at ExecutionContext._evaluateInternal (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/ExecutionContext.js:122:13)12at ExecutionContext.evaluate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/ExecutionContext.js:61:12)13at Object.evaluate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:126:23)14at Object. (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:67:17)15at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:778:30)16at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:789:10)17at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32)18at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12)19at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3)20at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:690:17)

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, inputField, write, button, click, link, text, focus, toLeftOf, toRightOf, below, above, near, waitFor, dropDown, evaluate, screenshot, into, $, $$, to, currentURL, reload, title, press, intercept, setConfig, emulate, setViewPort, highlight, scrollDown, scrollUp, scrollRight, scrollLeft, scrollTo, textBox, clear, attach, toBottom, toTop, accept, dismiss, dateField, timeField, dateTimeField } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await click(link("India"));6 await click(link("Kolkata"));7 await click(link("Calcutta"));8 await click(link("Kolkata"));9 await click(l

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, textBox, button, write, click, into, text, link, image, $, $$, waitFor, toLeftOf, toRightOf, below, above, near, intercept, setConfig, evaluate } = require('taiko');2const assert = require("assert");3const { default: axios } = require('axios');4const { default: fetch } = require('node-fetch');5const { default: JSDOM } = require('jsdom');6const { URLSearchParams } = require('url');7const { create } = require('domain');8const { get } = require('http');9setConfig({10});11(async () => {12 try {13 await openBrowser();14 await click("Google apps");15 await click("Gmail");16 await waitFor(2000);17 await click("Sign in");18 await waitFor(2000);19 await write("seleniumtestuser", into(textBox(below("Email or phone"))));20 await click("Next");21 await waitFor(2000);22 await write("seleniumtestuser", into(textBox(below("Enter your password"))));23 await click("Next");24 await waitFor(2000);25 await click("COMPOSE");26 await waitFor(2000);27 await write("

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, write, click, text, focus, textBox, button, toRightOf, into, waitFor, below, link, toLeftOf, dropDown, radioButton, image, toLeftOf, listItem, screen, dateField } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false });5 await click("Google Search");6 await click(" › time-difference › india");7 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (New York)");8 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Los Angeles)");9 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Chicago)");10 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Washington)");11 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (San Francisco)");12 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Houston)");13 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Phoenix)");14 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Philadelphia)");15 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (San Antonio)");16 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Dallas)");17 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (San Diego)");18 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Las Vegas)");19 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Denver)");20 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Detroit)");21 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (San Jose)");22 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Seattle)");23 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Miami)");24 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Atlanta)");25 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Minneapolis)");26 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Baltimore)");27 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Boston)");28 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (Tampa)");29 await click("India (New Delhi) and United States (New Orleans)");

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, text, click, button, toRightOf, image, focus, write, into, textBox, toLeftOf, link, below, above, near, to, waitFor, $ } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({ headless: false });5 await click(textBox({ id: 'lst-ib' }));6 await write("taiko");7 await click("Google Search");8 await click("Taiko: Test Automation for modern web applications");9 await click("Documentation");10 await click("API Reference");11 await click("click");12 await click("Arguments");13 await click("Options");14 await click("selector");15 await click("string");16 await click("Description");17 await click("Clicks on the element matching the selector.");18 await click("Example");19 await click("Clicks on the element matching the selector.");20 await click("Parameters");21 await click("selector");22 await click("string");23 await click("The selector to match the element.");24 await click("Options");25 await click("options");26 await click("object");27 await click("Additional options to control click behavior.");28 await click("Examples");29 await click("Clicks on the element matching the selector.");30 await click("Clicks on the element matching the s

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1const {openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, textBox, button, write, click, text, dropDown, link, waitFor, toLeftOf, toRightOf, image, focus, accept, dismiss, below, above, rightOf, leftOf, into, $, to} = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser({headless:false});5 await write("taiko",into(textBox({"placeholder":"Search"})));6 await click("Google Search");7 await click("Taiko - A Node.js library for browser automation");8 await click(link("Documentation"));9 await click(link("API"));10 await click(link("DateTime"));11 await click(link("getDateForTime"));12 await click(link("Examples"));13 await click(link("Example 1"));14 await click("Run");15 await click(link("Example 2"));16 await click("Run");17 await click(link("Example 3"));18 await click("Run");19 await click(link("Example 4"));20 await click("Run");21 await click(link("Example 5"));22 await click("Run");23 await click(link("Example 6"));24 await click("Run");25 await click(link("Example 7"));26 await click("Run");27 await closeBrowser();28 } catch (error) {29 console.error(error);30 } finally {31 }32})();

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, inputField, button, link, write, press, screenshot, text, focus, scrollDown, waitFor, click, evaluate, into, $, toRightOf, below, above, toLeftOf, near, to, waitForNavigation } = require('taiko');2(async () => {3 try {4 await openBrowser();5 await write("hello");6 await press("Enter");7 await click("Images");8 await click("Search by image");9 await click("Upload an image");10 await attach("C:\Users\Public\Downloads\test.jpg", to(fileField()));11 await click("Search by image");12 await screenshot({ path: 'C:\Users\Public\Downloads\test.jpg' });13 } catch (e) {14 console.error(e);15 } finally {16 await closeBrowser();17 }18})();19 at ExecutionContext._evaluateInternal (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/ExecutionContext.js:122:19)20 at runMicrotasks (<anonymous>)21 at processTicksAndRejections (internal/process/task_queues.js:93:5)22 at async ExecutionContext.evaluate (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/node_modules/puppeteer/lib/ExecutionContext.js:48:12)23 at async fileField (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:161:15)24 at async attach (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:306:5)25 at async eval (eval at <anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:101:3), <anonymous>:4:5)26 at async eval (eval at <anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:101:3), <anonymous>:5:5)27 at async eval (eval at <anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/taiko/lib/taiko.js:101:3), <anonymous>:6:5)

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1const { openBrowser, goto, closeBrowser, button, waitFor, textBox, write, clear, click, toLeftOf, near, image, toRightOf, $, evaluate, link, text, waitForNavigation, into, attach, fileField, setConfig, intercept } = require('taiko');2const assert = require("assert");3const headless = false;4(async () => {5 try {6 await setConfig({7 });8 await openBrowser({ headless: headless });9 await write("Taiko", into(textBox(toLeftOf(button("Google Search")))));10 await click(button("Google Search"));11 await click(link("Taiko: A Node.js library for browser automation"));12 await click(link("Documentation"));13 await click(link("API"));14 await click(link("text"));15 await click(link("text"));

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