How to use intervalSignal method in testing-library-react-hooks

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Source:IntervalHandler.spec.ts Github


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1import IntervalController, { IntervalSignal } from '@/utils/IntervalController';2jest.useFakeTimers();3describe('IntervalController', () => {4 it('can be created', () => {5 const controller = new IntervalController(6 1,7 2,8 1,9 1,10 () => undefined11 );12 expect(controller).toBeDefined();13 });14});15describe('IntervalController', () => {16 it('triggers events in the right order', async () => {17 let events: IntervalSignal[] = [];18 const controller = new IntervalController(19 50,20 52,21 1,22 1,23 (signal: IntervalSignal) => {24 events.push(signal);25 }26 );27 controller.setLimitTime(undefined);28 controller.start();29 jest.advanceTimersByTime(60);30 expect(events[0]).toBe(IntervalSignal.SHORT_INTERVAL_END);31 expect(events[1]).toBe(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);32 expect(events[2]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);33 expect(events[3]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);34 expect(events[4]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);35 expect(events[5]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);36 expect(events[6]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);37 expect(events[7]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK_LIMIT_REACHED);38 });39 it('should reset long time when duration is changed', async () => {40 let events: IntervalSignal[] = [];41 const controller = new IntervalController(42 100000,43 100000,44 1,45 1,46 (signal: IntervalSignal) => {47 events.push(signal);48 }49 );50 controller.setLimitTime(undefined);51 controller.longIntervalHandler.setDuration(50)52 controller.start();53 jest.advanceTimersByTime(150);54 expect(events[0]).toBe(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);55 expect(events[1]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);56 expect(events[2]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);57 expect(events[3]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);58 expect(events[4]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);59 expect(events[5]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);60 expect(events[6]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK_LIMIT_REACHED);61 expect(events[7]).toBe(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);62 });63 it('should break when ack break received', async () => {64 let events: IntervalSignal[] = [];65 const controller = new IntervalController(66 50,67 51,68 1,69 1,70 (signal: IntervalSignal) => {71 events.push(signal);72 }73 );74 controller.setLimitTime(undefined);75 controller.start();76 jest.advanceTimersByTime(53);77 controller.startBreak();78 jest.advanceTimersByTime(55);79 expect(events[0]).toBe(IntervalSignal.SHORT_INTERVAL_END);80 expect(events[1]).toBe(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);81 expect(events[2]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);82 expect(events[3]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);83 expect(events[4]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);84 expect(events[5]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_START);85 expect(events[6]).toBe(IntervalSignal.BREAK_END);86 expect(events[7]).toBe(IntervalSignal.SHORT_INTERVAL_END);87 expect(events[8]).toBe(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);88 });89});90// describe('HelloWorld.vue', () => {91// it('renders props.msg when passed', () => {92// const msg = 'new message';93// const wrapper = shallowMount(HelloWorld, {94// propsData: { msg }95// });96// expect(wrapper.text()).toMatch(msg);97// });...

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Source:IntervalController.ts Github


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1import { TimeHandler, WorkHours } from './TimeHandler';2export enum IntervalSignal {3 SHORT_INTERVAL_END,4 LONG_INTERVAL_END,5 BREAK_NO_ACK,6 BREAK_NO_ACK_LIMIT_REACHED,7 BREAK_START,8 BREAK_END,9}10export default class IntervalController {11 public shortIntervalHandler: TimeHandler;12 public longIntervalHandler: TimeHandler;13 public breakTimer: TimeHandler;14 public breakAckTimer: TimeHandler;15 private ackBreak: boolean = false;16 private breakCount = 0;17 constructor(18 shortIntervalDuration: number,19 longIntervalDuration: number,20 longBreakDuration: number,21 breakReminderDuration: number,22 private callback: (signal: IntervalSignal) => void,23 workHours: WorkHours = {startHour: 8, startMin: 0, endHour: 17, endMin: 0},24 ) {25 this.shortIntervalHandler = new TimeHandler(26 shortIntervalDuration,27 this.shortIntervalTimeout.bind(this),28 );29 this.longIntervalHandler = new TimeHandler(30 longIntervalDuration,31 this.longIntervalTimeout.bind(this),32 false33 );34 this.shortIntervalHandler.setWorkHours(workHours);35 this.longIntervalHandler.setWorkHours(workHours);36 this.breakTimer = new TimeHandler(37 longBreakDuration,38 this.breakTimeout.bind(this),39 false,40 );41 this.breakAckTimer = new TimeHandler(42 breakReminderDuration,43 this.breakHandler.bind(this),44 false,45 );46 }47 public start() {48 this.shortIntervalHandler.start();49 this.longIntervalHandler.start();50 }51 public restart() {52 this.shortIntervalHandler.stop();53 this.longIntervalHandler.stop();54 this.breakTimer.stop();55 this.breakAckTimer.stop();56 this.breakCount = 0;57 this.ackBreak = false;58 this.start();59 }60 public setLimitTime(61 workHours?: WorkHours,62 ) {63 this.shortIntervalHandler.setWorkHours(workHours);64 this.longIntervalHandler.setWorkHours(workHours);65 }66 public startBreak() {67 if (this.breakAckTimer.isRunning()) {68 this.ackBreak = true;69 this.breakAckTimer.stop();70 this.breakHandler();71 }72 }73 private longIntervalTimeout() {74 console.log("long break")75 this.shortIntervalHandler.stop();76 this.callback(IntervalSignal.LONG_INTERVAL_END);77 this.breakHandler();78 }79 private shortIntervalTimeout() {80 this.callback(IntervalSignal.SHORT_INTERVAL_END);81 }82 private breakTimeout() {83 this.start();84 this.callback(IntervalSignal.BREAK_END);85 }86 private breakHandler() {87 if (this.breakCount >= 5) {88 this.restart();89 this.callback(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK_LIMIT_REACHED);90 return;91 }92 if (this.ackBreak) {93 this.breakTimer.start();94 this.ackBreak = false;95 this.callback(IntervalSignal.BREAK_START);96 return;97 }98 this.breakCount++;99 this.breakAckTimer.start();100 this.callback(IntervalSignal.BREAK_NO_ACK);101 }...

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Source:automation.ts Github


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1import { BinauralGenerator } from './binaural-generator'2import { UpdateTimer } from './update-timer'3function now(): number {4 return new Date().getTime()5}6export class Automation7{8 private intervalSignal: Rx.Observable<number>;9 private intervalSignalDisposable: Rx.Disposable;10 private updateTimer = new UpdateTimer()11 constructor(private duration: number,12 private startValue: number,13 private endValue: number,14 private interval: number,15 private block: (paramValue:number) => void) {16 this.intervalSignal = Rx.Observable.interval(interval)17 }18 start(): void {19 this.intervalSignalDisposable = this.intervalSignal20 .takeUntilWithTime(this.duration)21 .forEach((_) => {22 this.updateTimer.update(now())23 let paramValue = this.paramValueForTime(this.updateTimer.timeSinceFirstUpdate)24 this.block(paramValue)25 })26 }27 stop(): void {28 this.intervalSignalDisposable.dispose()29 this.intervalSignal = null30 this.intervalSignalDisposable = null31 }32 paramValueForTime (t:number): number {33 let valuePerTime = (this.endValue - this.startValue) / this.duration34 let paramValue = valuePerTime * t + this.startValue35 return paramValue36 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { intervalSignal } from "testing-library-react-hooks";2import { renderHook } from "@testing-library/react-hooks";3import { useInterval } from "./useInterval";4describe("useInterval", () => {5 it("should call the callback after the specified interval", async () => {6 const callback = jest.fn();7 const { result } = renderHook(() =>8 useInterval(callback, 1000, { immediate: true })9 );10 await intervalSignal(1000);11 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);12 await intervalSignal(1000);13 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(2);14 await intervalSignal(1000);15 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(3);16 result.current.clear();17 });18});19import { useEffect, useRef } from "react";20export const useInterval = (callback, delay, options = {}) => {21 const savedCallback = useRef();22 useEffect(() => {23 savedCallback.current = callback;24 }, [callback]);25 useEffect(() => {26 const tick = () => {27 savedCallback.current();28 };29 if (delay !== null) {30 if (options.immediate) {31 tick();32 }33 const id = setInterval(tick, delay);34 return () => clearInterval(id);35 }36 }, [delay, options.immediate]);37};38{39 "scripts": {40 },41 "dependencies": {42 },43 "devDependencies": {44 }45}46import React from "react

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1import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';2import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';3import { useInterval } from './useInterval';4describe('useInterval', () => {5 it('should run the callback every 100ms', () => {6 const callback = jest.fn();7 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval(callback, 100));8 expect(callback).not.toBeCalled();9 intervalSignal.advanceTimeBy(100);10 expect(callback).toBeCalledTimes(1);11 intervalSignal.advanceTimeBy(100);12 expect(callback).toBeCalledTimes(2);13 });14});15import { useEffect, useRef } from 'react';16export function useInterval(callback, delay) {17 const savedCallback = useRef();18 useEffect(() => {19 savedCallback.current = callback;20 }, [callback]);21 useEffect(() => {22 function tick() {23 savedCallback.current();24 }25 if (delay !== null) {26 let id = setInterval(tick, delay);27 return () => clearInterval(id);28 }29 }, [delay]);30}

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1import { intervalSignal } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'2import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'3import useInterval from '../useInterval'4describe('useInterval', () => {5 it('should return a value', () => {6 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval())7 expect(result.current).toBe('value')8 })9})10import { useEffect } from 'react'11export default function useInterval() {12 useEffect(() => {13 const interval = setInterval(() => {14 console.log('interval')15 }, 1000)16 return () => clearInterval(interval)17 }, [])18}19import { intervalSignal } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'20import { renderHook } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'21import useInterval from '../useInterval'22describe('useInterval', () => {23 it('should return a value', () => {24 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval())25 expect(result.current).toBe('value')26 })27})28import { useEffect } from 'react'29export default function useInterval() {30 useEffect(() => {31 const interval = setInterval(() => {32 console.log('interval')33 }, 1000)34 return () => clearInterval(interval)35 }, [])36}37 6 | describe('useInterval', () => {38 7 | it('should return a value', () => {39 > 8 | expect(result.current).toBe('value')40 9 | })41 10 | })42 at Object.<anonymous> (test1.js:8:27)43I have tried both of the following options for importing the intervalSignal method:44import { intervalSignal } from '@testing-library/react-hooks'45const { intervalSignal } = require('@testing-library/react-hooks')

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1import {renderHook, act} from '@testing-library/react-hooks';2import {useInterval} from './useInterval';3it('should update the state after 100ms', async () => {4 const {result, intervalSignal} = renderHook(() => useInterval());5 expect(result.current.count).toBe(0);6 act(() => {7 intervalSignal(100);8 });9 await act(async () => {10 await new Promise(resolve => {11 setTimeout(() => {12 expect(result.current.count).toBe(1);13 resolve();14 }, 100);15 });16 });17});18import {useState} from 'react';19import {useInterval} from 'use-interval-hook';20export function useInterval() {21 const [count, setCount] = useState(0);22 useInterval(() => {23 setCount(prevCount => prevCount + 1);24 }, 100);25 return {26 };27}28import {useEffect, useRef} from 'react';29export function useInterval(callback, delay) {30 const savedCallback = useRef();31 useEffect(() => {32 savedCallback.current = callback;33 }, [callback]);34 useEffect(() => {35 function tick() {36 savedCallback.current();37 }38 if (delay !== null) {39 const id = setInterval(tick, delay);40 return () => clearInterval(id);41 }42 }, [delay]);43}44{45 "dependencies": {46 },47 "devDependencies": {48 },49 "scripts": {50 },51 "eslintConfig": {52 },

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1import { act, intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';2import useTest from '../useTest';3test('useTest', () => {4 const { result } = renderHook(() => useTest());5 expect(result.current).toBe('test');6 act(() => {7 intervalSignal(1000);8 });9 expect(result.current).toBe('test1');10});11import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';12const useTest = () => {13 const [test, setTest] = useState('test');14 useEffect(() => {15 const interval = setInterval(() => {16 setTest('test1');17 }, 1000);18 return () => clearInterval(interval);19 }, []);20 return test;21};22export default useTest;

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1import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';2import { useInterval } from './useInterval';3describe('useInterval', () => {4 it('should call the callback after the specified interval', () => {5 const callback = jest.fn();6 const interval = 1000;7 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval(callback, interval));8 intervalSignal(result.current, interval);9 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);10 });11});12import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';13import { useInterval } from './useInterval';14describe('useInterval', () => {15 it('should call the callback after the specified interval', () => {16 const callback = jest.fn();17 const interval = 1000;18 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval(callback, interval));19 intervalSignal(result.current, interval);20 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);21 });22});23import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';24import { useInterval } from './useInterval';25describe('useInterval', () => {26 it('should call the callback after the specified interval', () => {27 const callback = jest.fn();28 const interval = 1000;29 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval(callback, interval));30 intervalSignal(result.current, interval);31 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);32 });33});34import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';35import { useInterval } from './useInterval';36describe('useInterval', () => {37 it('should call the callback after the specified interval', () => {38 const callback = jest.fn();39 const interval = 1000;40 const { result } = renderHook(() => useInterval(callback, interval));41 intervalSignal(result.current, interval);42 expect(callback).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(1);43 });44});

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1import { renderHook, act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';2import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';3describe('intervalSignal', () => {4 it('should increment value every 1000ms', () => {5 const { result } = renderHook(() => useCounter());6 act(() => {7 intervalSignal();8 });9 expect(result.current.count).toBe(1);10 act(() => {11 intervalSignal();12 });13 expect(result.current.count).toBe(2);14 });15});16import { useState, useEffect } from 'react';17export const useCounter = () => {18 const [count, setCount] = useState(0);19 useEffect(() => {20 const interval = setInterval(() => {21 setCount((count) => count + 1);22 }, 1000);23 return () => clearInterval(interval);24 }, []);25 return {26 };27};28import { renderHook, act } from '@testing-library/react-hooks';29import { intervalSignal } from 'testing-library-react-hooks';30afterEach(() => {31 jest.clearAllTimers();32});33describe('intervalSignal', () => {34 it('should increment value every 1000ms', () => {35 const { result } = renderHook(() => useCounter());36 act(() => {37 intervalSignal();38 });39 expect(result.current.count).toBe(1);40 act(() => {41 intervalSignal();42 });43 expect(result.current.count).toBe(2);44 });45});

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { intervalSignal } from "../src/index";2describe("intervalSignal method", () => {3 const intervalSignalMethod = intervalSignal(1000);4 test("it should return a signal of intervals", () => {5 const intervalSignalMethod = intervalSignal(1000);6 });7});8import { useInterval } from "../src/index";9describe("useInterval hook", () => {10 test("it should return a signal of intervals", () => {11 const useIntervalHook = useInterval(1000);12 });13});14import { useInterval } from "../src/index";15describe("useInterval hook", () => {16 test("it should return a signal of intervals", () => {17 const useIntervalHook = useInterval(1000);18 });19});20import { useInterval } from "../src/index";21describe("useInterval hook", () => {22 test("it should return a signal of intervals", () => {23 const useIntervalHook = useInterval(1000);24 });25});26import { useInterval } from "../src/index";27describe("useInterval hook", () => {28 test("it should return a signal of intervals", () => {29 const useIntervalHook = useInterval(1000);30 });31});

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