How to use copyFolder method in ts-auto-mock

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1/**2 * Copy Folder Thunderbird Plugin3 *4 * @version copyfolder.js v2.15 * @copyright Copyright(c) 2014 Jonathan Wolinsky6 * @author Jonathan Wolinsky <>7 * @author Steven Hartland <>8 * @author Yuji Shingai <>9 */1011if(!com) var com = {};12if(!com.crunchmod) com.crunchmod = {};13if(!com.crunchmod.copyfolder) com.crunchmod.copyfolder = {};1415com.crunchmod.copyfolder.__defineGetter__("FolderLookupService", function() {16 delete com.crunchmod.copyfolder.FolderLookupService;17 return com.crunchmod.copyfolder.FolderLookupService =18 Components.classes[';1']19 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIFolderLookupService);20 });212223ChromeUtils.import('resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm');24ChromeUtils.import('resource:///modules/iteratorUtils.jsm');25ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/folderUtils.jsm");2627const Cc = Components.classes;28const Ci = Components.interfaces;2930if ("undefined" == typeof(messenger)) {31 var messenger = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMessenger);32}3334var CopyFolder = {};3536// Preferences37// -----------3839CopyFolder.Prefs = {4041 // const42 preferencePrefix : "extensions.copyfolder.",4344 _prefService: null,4546 get prefService()47 {48 if (!this._prefService)49 this._prefService =50 Components.classes[";1"]51 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);52 return this._prefService;53 },5455 getBoolPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {56 try {57 return this.prefService.getBoolPref(58 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);59 } catch(ex) {60 if (defaultValue != undefined)61 return defaultValue;6263 throw(ex);64 }65 },6667 getCharPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {68 try {69 return this.prefService.getCharPref(70 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);71 } catch(ex) {72 if (defaultValue) {73 return defaultValue;74 }75 throw(ex);76 }77 },7879 getIntPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {80 try {81 return this.prefService.getIntPref(82 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);83 } catch(ex) {84 if (defaultValue)85 return defaultValue;8687 throw(ex);88 }89 },9091 getLocalizedStringPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {92 try {93 return this.prefService94 .getComplexValue(95 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix +96 prefName,Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;97 } catch(ex) {98 if (defaultValue) {99 return defaultValue;100 }101 throw(ex);102 }103 },104105 setBoolPref: function(prefName, val) {106 this.prefService.setBoolPref(107 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);108 },109110 setCharPref: function(prefName, val) {111 this.prefService.setCharPref(112 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);113 },114115 setIntPref: function(prefName, val) {116 this.prefService.setIntPref(117 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);118 },119120 setAppStringPref: function(appPrefName, str) {121 if (BiDiMailUI.App.versionIsAtLeast("58.0b1")) {122 BiDiMailUI.Prefs.prefService.setStringPref(appPrefName, str);123 }124 else125 {126 BiDiMailUI.Prefs.prefService.setComplexValue(127 appPrefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);128 }129 },130131 setLocalizedStringPref: function (prefName, val) {132 var pls =133 Components.classes[";1"]134 .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString);135 = val;136 setAppStringPref(CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix +137 prefName, pls);138 }139}140141142com.crunchmod.copyfolder = {143 logLevel: 4, // 1: Error, 2: Warn, 3: Info, 4+: Debug144 bRunning: {}, // oncommand関数がメニューの深さ回呼ばれるので回避用 == "preclude simultaneous copies to the destination folder"145146 /**147 * Initiates plugin148 *149 * @return void150 */151 init: function() {152 // remove onLoad listener and set attributes153 window.removeEventListener('load', com.crunchmod.copyfolder.init, false);154 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.statusBar = document.getElementById('statusbar-progresspanel');155 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.progressMeter = document.getElementById('statusbar-icon');156 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.copyfolderStatus = document.getElementById('copyfolder-status');157158159 // create datasources for "Copy To" menuitem160// ver 60 以降使えなくなった == "can no longer be used"161/* let menu = document.getElementById('folderPaneContext-copyfolder');162 if (menu) {163 let prefix = ";1?name=";164 let nsIRDFDataSource = Components.interfaces.nsIRDFDataSource;165 //let accountManagerDataSource = Components.classes[prefix + "msgaccountmanager"].getService(nsIRDFDataSource);166 //let folderDataSource = Components.classes[prefix + "mailnewsfolders"].getService(nsIRDFDataSource);167168 //menu.database.AddDataSource(accountManagerDataSource);169 //menu.database.AddDataSource(folderDataSource);170 menu.setAttribute('ref', 'msgaccounts:/');171 } */172 },173174175176 /**177 * Backward compatibility for old getMsgFolderFromUri global function178 *179 * @param uri the URI to convert into a folder180 * @param checkFolderAttributes whether to check that the folder either has181 * a parent or isn't a server182 * @returns the nsIMsgFolder corresponding to this URI, or null if183 * aCheckFolderAttributes is true and the folder doesn't have a184 * parent or is a server185 */186 getMsgFolderFromUri: function(uri, checkFolderAttributes) {187 let msgfolder = null;188 var { MailUtils } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/MailUtils.jsm");189190 if (typeof MailUtils != 'undefined' && MailUtils.getExistingFolder) {191 msgFolder = MailUtils.getExistingFolder(uri);192 return msgFolder;193 }194195 try {196 let resource = GetResourceFromUri(uri);197 msgfolder = resource.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder);198 if (checkFolderAttributes) {199 if (!(msgfolder && (msgfolder.parent || msgfolder.isServer))) {200 msgfolder = null;201 }202 }203 } catch (ex) {204 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError('Failed to get the folder resource: ' + ex);205 }206207 return msgfolder;208 },209210 /**211 * Log an error with a timestamp212 *213 * @param string msg the message to log214 * @return void215 */216 logError: function(msg) {217 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logAtLevel(1, msg);218 },219220 /**221 * Log a warning with a timestamp222 *223 * @param string msg the message to log224 * @return void225 */226 logWarn: function(msg) {227 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logAtLevel(2, msg);228 },229230 /**231 * Log a message with a timestamp232 *233 * @param string msg the message to log234 * @return void235 */236 logInfo: function(msg) {237 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logAtLevel(3, msg);238 },239240 /**241 * Log a debug message with a timestamp242 *243 * @param int lvl debug level244 * @param string msg the message to log245 * @return void246 */247 logDebug: function(lvl, msg) {248 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logAtLevel(lvl + 3, msg);249 },250251 /**252 * Log a message at a level with a timestamp253 *254 * @param int lvl debug level255 * @param string msg the message to log256 * @return void257 */258 logAtLevel: function(lvl, msg) {259 if (lvl > com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logLevel) {260 return;261 }262263 let logFunc;264265 switch(lvl) {266 case 1: // Error267 logFunc = Components.utils.reportError;268 break;269 case 2: // Warning270 // TODO(steve): Should be a warning but that doesn't seem possible.271 // FALLTHROUGH272 logFunc = console.warn;273 break;274 case 3: // Info275 // FALLTHROUGH276 default: // Debug277 // TODO(steve): Should be a debug but that doesn't seem possible.278 logFunc = console.log;279 break;280 }281282 logFunc(new Date().toUTCString() + ': ' + msg);283 },284285 /**286 * Shows confirmation dialog for a copy287 *288 * @param nsIMsgFolder Destination folder.289 * @return void290 */291 copyDialog: function(destFolderSelected) {292 // 複数回呼ばれるので回避策 == "workaround because it is called multiple times"293 if (typeof( com.crunchmod.copyfolder.bRunning[destFolderSelected.URI] ) == "undefined" ) {294 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.bRunning[destFolderSelected.URI] = 1;295 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.transferDialog(destFolderSelected, false);296 }297 return false;298 },299300 /**301 * Shows confirmation dialog for a move302 * Note: move is no yet implemented .303 *304 * @param nsIMsgFolder Destination folder.305 * @return void306 */307 moveDialog: function(destFolderSelected) {308 return com.crunchmod.copyfolder.transferDialog(destFolderSelected, true);309 },310311 /**312 * Shows confirmation dialog for a move or copy313 *314 * @param nsIMsgFolder Destination folder.315 * @param boolean is the transfer a move operation.316 * @return void317 */318 transferDialog: function(destFolderSelected, move) {319 let transfer = new com.crunchmod.copyfolder.transfer(320 gFolderTreeView.getSelectedFolders()[0],321 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.getMsgFolderFromUri(destFolderSelected.URI),322 move);323324 transfer.calculateAndConfirm();325 },326327 /**328 * Sets status message329 *330 * @param string Status message text.331 * @return void332 */333 setStatus: function(text) {334 if (text === null) {335 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.copyfolderStatus.setAttribute('collapsed', true);336 return;337 }338 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.copyfolderStatus.setAttribute('collapsed', false);339 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.copyfolderStatus.setAttribute('label', text);340 },341342 /**343 * Creates a transfer344 *345 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder Folder to copy messages from.346 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder Folder to copy messages to.347 * @param boolean is the transfer a move operation.348 * @return transfer object349 */350 transfer: function(srcFolder, destParent, move) {351 var oSrcFolder = srcFolder;352 var oDestParent = destParent;353 var bMove = move;354 var bTreeCopy = (CopyFolder.Prefs.getCharPref('recurse_copy',355 'recurse') == 'recurse');356 var iSuccessCount = 0;357 var iFailedCount = 0;358 var iInflightCount = 0;359 var iCopyCount = 0360 var iSrcNewCount = 0;361 var iSrcTotalCount = 0;362 var iDestTotalCount = 0;363 var iRef = 0;364 var iCompareFolderMissing = 0;365 var copyService = null;366 var notifyService = null;367 var pendingFolderCreates = {};368 var createdFolders = {};369 var pendingFolders = [];370 var inflightMsgs = {};371 var failedTransfers = {};372 var srcFolderEnumerator = null;373 var destFolderEnumerator = null;374 var lastSrcFolder = null;375 var iHashSeed = 92562;376 var transferWatchdogInterval = null;377 var dLastTransferCallback = null;378 var dLastTransferCallbackComplete = null;379 var bAborted = false;380 var bRetried = false;381 var batchTimeout = null;382 var folderTotals = {383 copies: 0,384 successes: 0,385 failures: 0,386 retries: 0387 };388389 // TODO(steve): make these settings extension preferences390 var iInflightMin = 5;391 var iInflightMax = 15; // try 15, orig is 10;392 var iTransferWatchdogWarning = 300000; // 5m393 var iTransferWatchdogRetry = 600000; // 10m394 var iTransferWatchdogAbort = 900000; // 15m395 var iCompareBatchMax = 500;396 var iMaxRetries = 5;397 var iBatchGap = 150; // 150ms?398399 /**400 * Returns the passed string with the first letter capitalised.401 *402 * @param string msg403 * @return string404 */405 var capitalize = function(msg) {406 return msg.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + msg.slice(1);407 };408409 /**410 * Returns the action verb optionally capitalised411 *412 * @param bool bCaptialize if true capitalize the413 * @return string414 */415 var actionVerb = function(bCapitalize) {416 let verb = bMove ? 'move' : 'copy';417 if (bCapitalize) {418 return capitalize(verb);419 }420421 return verb;422 };423424 /**425 * Returns the success verb optionally capitalised426 *427 * @param bool bCaptialize if true capitalize the428 * @return string429 */430 var successVerb = function(bCapitalize) {431 let verb = bMove ? 'moved' : 'copied';432 if (bCapitalize) {433 return capitalize(verb);434 }435436 return verb;437 };438439 /**440 * Returns the path of the aFolder441 *442 * @param nsIMsgFolder aFolder Folder to return the path of.443 * @param nsIMsgFolder aSubFolder optional sub folder.444 * @return string445 */446 var folderPath = function(aFolder, aSubFolder) {447 // We should the able to use relativePathName but its always blank.448 let parts = [];449 if (typeof aSubFolder !== 'undefined') {450 parts.unshift(aSubFolder.prettyName);451 }452453 while (aFolder !== null) {454 parts.unshift(aFolder.prettyName);455 aFolder = aFolder.parent;456 }457458 return parts.join('/');459 };460461 /**462 * Returns the count messages in aFolder, optionally including sub folders463 *464 * @param nsIMsgFolder aFolder Folder to return the count of.465 * @param bool bRecurse include sub folder counts.466 * @return int467 */468 var folderMessageCount = function(aFolder, bRecurse) {469 // We need a de-duplicated count not a raw one and also nsIMsgFolder.getTotalMessages doesn't470 // always agree with the number of messages we can enumerate from the folder so we use our471 // uniqueMsgEnumerator instead..472 let cnt = uniqueMsgEnumerator(aFolder).msgTotal();473 if (bRecurse && aFolder.hasSubFolders) {474 for (let subFolder of fixIterator(aFolder.subFolders, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder)) {475 cnt += folderMessageCount(subFolder, bRecurse);476 }477 }478479 return cnt;480 };481482 /**483 * JS Implementation of MurmurHash3 (r136) (as of May 20, 2011)484 *485 * @author Gary Court <>486 * @see * @author Austin Appleby <>488 * @see *490 * @param {string} key ASCII only491 * @param {number} seed Positive integer only492 * @return {number} 32-bit positive integer hash493 */494 var murmurhash3 = function (key, seed) {495 let remainder, bytes, h1, h1b, c1, c1b, c2, c2b, k1, i;496497 remainder = key.length & 3; // key.length % 4498 bytes = key.length - remainder;499 h1 = seed;500 c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;501 c2 = 0x1b873593;502 i = 0;503504 while (i < bytes) {505 k1 =506 ((key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff)) |507 ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 8) |508 ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 16) |509 ((key.charCodeAt(++i) & 0xff) << 24);510 ++i;511512 k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;513 k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);514 k1 = ((((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;515516 h1 ^= k1;517 h1 = (h1 << 13) | (h1 >>> 19);518 h1b = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 5) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 5) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;519 h1 = (((h1b & 0xffff) + 0x6b64) + ((((h1b >>> 16) + 0xe654) & 0xffff) << 16));520 }521522 k1 = 0;523524 switch (remainder) {525 case 3: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 2) & 0xff) << 16;526 case 2: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i + 1) & 0xff) << 8;527 case 1: k1 ^= (key.charCodeAt(i) & 0xff);528529 k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c1) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c1) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;530 k1 = (k1 << 15) | (k1 >>> 17);531 k1 = (((k1 & 0xffff) * c2) + ((((k1 >>> 16) * c2) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;532 h1 ^= k1;533 }534535 h1 ^= key.length;536537 h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;538 h1 = (((h1 & 0xffff) * 0x85ebca6b) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0x85ebca6b) & 0xffff) << 16)) & 0xffffffff;539 h1 ^= h1 >>> 13;540 h1 = ((((h1 & 0xffff) * 0xc2b2ae35) + ((((h1 >>> 16) * 0xc2b2ae35) & 0xffff) << 16))) & 0xffffffff;541 h1 ^= h1 >>> 16;542543 return h1 >>> 0;544 };545546 /**547 * Returns an identifier for the message548 *549 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr550 * @return string551 */552 var messageHashCode = function(msgHdr, bIncludeDate) {553 // messageSize and lineCount vary on Gmail, they seem to include the headers when it shouldn't so we cant use them.554 // Messages going through different routes could be the same but have different case on the recipients.555 let parts = [556 msgHdr.subject,557 // subject has re: stripped so include that flag too.558 msgHdr.flags & Components.interfaces.nsMsgMessageFlags.HasRe,559 // This can cause multiple copies as messages can exist without a Date header, which when copied get a new date.560 msgHdr.ccList,561 msgHdr.bccList,562,563 msgHdr.recipients564 ];565566 if (bIncludeDate) {567 parts.push(msgHdr.dateInSeconds);568 }569570 // At least when copying to Gmail:571 // * subject gets tabs replaced by spaces on copy572 // * ccList, bccList and author sometimes have multi spaces removed.573 // So we perform a cleanup before hashing to prevent issues.574 return murmurhash3(parts.join(':').replace(/\s+/gm, ' '), iHashSeed);575 };576577 /**578 * Returns true if the msgHdr has an md5 based messageId579 *580 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr581 * @return bool582 */583 var hasMd5Id = function(msgHdr) {584 return msgHdr.messageId.substring(0, 4) == "md5:";585 };586587 /**588 * Searches for message in folder589 *590 * @param nsIMsgFolder folder591 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr592 * @return boolean593 */594 messageExists = function(folder, msgHdr) {595 if (folder === null) {596 return false;597 }598599 if (destFolderEnumerator !== null && destFolderEnumerator.msgTotal() === 0) {600 return false;601 }602603 let bExists = false;604 try {605 let msgDB = folder.msgDatabase;606 if (msgDB === null) {607 return false;608 }609610 if (msgDB.getMsgHdrForMessageID(msgHdr.messageId) != null) {611 bExists = true;612 } else if (hasMd5Id(msgHdr)) {613 // md5 based messageId's aren't maintained across copies so this message could still exist.614 if (destFolderEnumerator === null) {615 destFolderEnumerator = uniqueMsgEnumerator(folder, true);616 }617618 bExists = destFolderEnumerator.msgExists(msgHdr);619 }620 // Close the db according to:621 // folder.msgDatabase = null;623 } catch (ex) {624 // TODO(steve): deal with better e.g. force an update?625 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError("Failed to check if message exists: ex: " + ex);626 }627628 if (!bExists) {629 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logDebug(5, "messageExists: folder: " + folder.prettyName + ", messageId: " + msgHdr.messageId + ", subject: " + msgHdr.subject + ", dateInSeconds: " + msgHdr.dateInSeconds + ", date: " + + " => " + bExists);630 }631632 return bExists;633 };634635 /**636 * Schedule a batch after the batch gap.637 *638 * @param function processFunc see processBatch639 * @param function completeFunc see processBatch640 * @param function abortedFunc see processBatch641 * @return void642 */643 var scheduleBatch = function(processFunc, completeFunc, abortedFunc) {644 if (batchTimeout) {645 window.clearTimeout(batchTimeout);646 }647 var processBatchFunc = function() {648, processFunc, completeFunc, abortedFunc);649 }650 batchTimeout = window.setTimeout(processBatchFunc.bind(this, processFunc, completeFunc, abortedFunc), iBatchGap);651 };652653 /**654 * Compare a batch of messages between two folders.655 *656 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder657 * @param nsIMsgFolder destParent658 * @return void659 */660 var compareFolderBatch = function(srcFolder, destFolder) {661 if (srcFolderEnumerator === null) {662 try {663 srcFolder.updateFolder(null);664 srcFolder.getNewMessages(null,null);665 }666 catch( error ) {667 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError( "Error: " + + " " + srcFolder.URI + " " + error );668 }669 iCompareFolderMissing = 0;670 srcFolderEnumerator = uniqueMsgEnumerator(srcFolder);671672 // Update the status and schedule a retry to prevent long running script warnings.673 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Comparing ' + folderPath(srcFolder) + ' messages...');674, compareFolderBatch, confirmDialog, null);675676 return false;677 }678679 if (destFolder !== null) {680 if (destFolderEnumerator === null) {681 destFolderEnumerator = uniqueMsgEnumerator(destFolder, true);682 }683684 // Pre load destination folder in batches to avoid stalls685 let batchCount = 0;686 let msgHdr;687 while (msgHdr = destFolderEnumerator.nextMsg()) {688 // nextMsg can process more than it returns so use the count as the batch increment689 batchCount += destFolderEnumerator.nextProcessedCnt();690 if (batchCount >= iCompareBatchMax) {691 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Comparing ' + folderPath(srcFolder) + ' loaded ' + destFolderEnumerator.msgCount() + ' target messages...');692, compareFolderBatch, confirmDialog, null);693694 return false;695 }696 }697 }698699 let batchCount = 0;700 let msgHdr;701 while (msgHdr = srcFolderEnumerator.nextMsg()) {702 // nextMsg can process more than it returns so use the count as the batch increment703 batchCount += srcFolderEnumerator.nextProcessedCnt();704 if (!messageExists(destFolder, msgHdr)) {705 iCompareFolderMissing++;706 }707708 if (batchCount >= iCompareBatchMax) {709 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Comparing ' + folderPath(srcFolder) + ' processed ' + srcFolderEnumerator.msgCount() + ' messages...');710, compareFolderBatch, confirmDialog, null);711712 return false;713 }714 }715716 let srcCnt = srcFolderEnumerator.msgTotal();717 let destCnt = (destFolder === null) ? 0 : destFolderEnumerator.msgTotal();718719 iDestTotalCount += destCnt;720 iSrcTotalCount += srcCnt;721 iSrcNewCount += iCompareFolderMissing;722723 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logDebug(724 1,725 "folderCompare: folder: " + folderPath(srcFolder) +726 ", source: " + srcCnt +727 ", dest: " + destCnt +728 ", diff: " + (srcCnt - destCnt) +729 ", missing: " + iCompareFolderMissing +730 ", srcDups: " + srcFolderEnumerator.duplicateTotal() +731 ", destDups: " + ((destFolder === null) ? 0 : destFolderEnumerator.duplicateTotal())732 );733734 // Clean / reset out enumerators so we free up the memory735 srcFolderEnumerator = null;736 destFolderEnumerator = null;737738 return true;739 };740741 /**742 * Estimates messages in srcFolder that need to be tranfered to destFolder743 *744 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder745 * @param nsIMsgFolder destParent746 * @return void747 */748 var estimateFolders = function(srcFolder, destParent) {749 // Build the folder tree750 iRef++;751 let destFolder;752 if (destParent === null || !destParent.containsChildNamed(srcFolder.prettyName)) {753 destFolder = null;754 } else {755 destFolder = destParent.getChildNamed(srcFolder.prettyName);756 }757 pendingFolders.push({srcFolder: srcFolder, destFolder: destFolder});758 if( destFolder != null )759 console.log("sizeOnDisk: " + decodeURI( destFolder.folderURL ) + " " + destFolder.sizeOnDisk);760761 if (srcFolder.hasSubFolders && bTreeCopy) {762 for (let subFolder of fixIterator(srcFolder.subFolders, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder)) {763, subFolder, destFolder);764 }765 }766767 iRef--;768 if (iRef != 0) {769 return;770 }771772 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Preparing to ' + actionVerb() + " " + iSrcNewCount + " messages...");773774 // Batch creation complete so kick off the compare.775 iRef++;776, compareFolderBatch, confirmDialog, null);777 };778779 /**780 * Displays the user transfer confirmation dialog781 *782 * @return void783 */784 var confirmDialog = function() {785// let question = '';786 let question = new Array();787 if (iSrcNewCount > 0) {788// question = "<vbox><label><html:div>" + actionVerb(true) + " " + iSrcNewCount + " new messages from: <html:div style='padding:5px 10px; font-weight:bold;'>" +789// folderPath(oSrcFolder) +790// "</html:div> to: <html:div style='padding:5px 10px; font-weight:bold;'>" +791// folderPath(oDestParent, oSrcFolder) +792// "</html:div></html:div></label></vbox>";793 question[0] = 0;794 question[1] = actionVerb(true) + " " + iSrcNewCount;795 question[2] = folderPath(oSrcFolder);796 question[3] = folderPath(oDestParent, oSrcFolder);797 } else {798// question = "<vbox><label><html:div>There are no new messages to " + actionVerb() + ".</html:div></label></vbox>";799 question[0] = 1;800 question[1] = actionVerb();801 }802803// let warning = '';804 let warning = new Array();805 if (oDestParent.containsChildNamed(srcFolder.prettyName)) {806// warning = "<vbox><html:div style='margin: 0 3px 2px 3px; background: #3D9EFE; padding: 5px 10px; border: solid 1px #0A88FE; color: #FFF;'>The destination already contains a folder named \"<html:span style='font-weight: bold;'>" +807// oSrcFolder.prettyName +808// "</html:span>\"</html:div></vbox>";809 warning[0] = 0;810 warning[1] = oSrcFolder.prettyName;811 }812813 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus(null);814 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logDebug(1, "confirmDialog: action: " + actionVerb(true) + ", iSrcTotalCount: " + iSrcTotalCount + ", iSrcNewCount: " + iSrcNewCount + ", iDestTotalCount: " + iDestTotalCount + ", diff: " + (iSrcTotalCount - iDestTotalCount));815816 params = {817 title: oSrcFolder.prettyName,818 srcFolderInfo: iSrcTotalCount + " messages" + ((iSrcNewCount != 0) ? (" (" + iSrcNewCount + " not in destination)") : ''),819 destFolderInfo: iDestTotalCount + ' messages',820 newMessages: iSrcNewCount,821 warning: warning,822 question: question,823 callback: com.crunchmod.copyfolder.dialog,824 };825826 window.openDialog("chrome://copyfolder/content/copyfolder-dialog.xul", "copyfolder-dialog", "chrome, dialog, centerscreen, modal", params).focus();827828 if (iSrcNewCount && params.ok) {829;830 }831 delete com.crunchmod.copyfolder.bRunning[oDestParent.URI];832 };833834 /**835 * Calculates the folder differences and the displays the transfer confirmation dialog.836 *837 * @return void838 */839 var calculateAndConfirm = function() {840 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Searching for new messages to ' + actionVerb() + '...');841 // Run the calculate after a small delay to allow the UI to update the status.842 var calculateFunc = function() {843, oSrcFolder, oDestParent);844 };845 window.setTimeout(calculateFunc.bind(this), iBatchGap);846 };847848 /**849 * Sets progress bar percentage and displays the summary dialog if completed850 *851 * @param int Percent of messages copied relative to total messages in account.852 * @return void853 */854 var setProgress = function() {855 let processed = (iFailedCount + iSuccessCount);856 if (processed > iSrcNewCount) {857 iSrcNewCount = processed;858 }859 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.statusBar.setAttribute('collapsed', false);860 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.progressMeter.setAttribute('mode', 'normal');861 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.progressMeter.setAttribute('value', (processed / iSrcNewCount) * 100);862 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Processed ' + processed + ' of ' + iSrcNewCount + ' messages');863;864 };865866867 /**868 * Transfers a messages from to destination folder.869 *870 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder Folder to transfer messages to.871 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr message to transfer.872 * @return bool true if the transfer queued successfully false otherwise.873 */874 var transferMessage = function(destFolder, msgHdr) {875 let messages;876 try {877 messages = Components.classes[';1'].createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIMutableArray);878 messages.appendElement(msgHdr, false);879 // We use copyService as nsIMsgFolder.copyMessages doesn't trigger the OnStopCopy callback.880 copyService.CopyMessages(msgHdr.folder, messages, destFolder, bMove, copyListener(this, msgHdr, destFolder), null, false);881 } catch (ex) {882 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(883 "CopyMessages call failed: msgHdr: " + msgHdr +884 ", folder:" + ((msgHdr) ? msgHdr.folder : 'N/A') +885 ", messages: " + messages +886 ", destFolder: " + destFolder +887 ", ex: " + ex888 );889 return false;890 }891892 iInflightCount++;893 inflightMsgs[msgHdr.messageId] = [destFolder, msgHdr];894 iCopyCount++;895 folderTotals.copies++;896897 return true;898 };899900 /**901 * Return the string key for the message transfer.902 *903 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr message.904 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder for the message.905 * @return string906 */907 var transferKey = function(msgHdr, destFolder) {908 return folderPath(destFolder) + '/' + msgHdr.messageId;909 };910911 /**912 * Stores information about successful transfers.913 *914 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr message to transfer.915 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder to transfer messages to.916 * @return void917 */918 var transferSuccess = function(msgHdr, destFolder) {919 let key = transferKey(msgHdr, destFolder);920 if (failedTransfers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {921 // Retry succeeded.922 delete failedTransfers[key];923 iFailedCount--;924 }925 iSuccessCount++;926 folderTotals.successes++;927 };928929 /**930 * Stores information about failed transfers, retrying it needed.931 *932 * @param nsIMsgDBHdr msgHdr message to transfer.933 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder Folder to transfer messages to.934 * @return void935 */936 var transferFailed = function(msgHdr, destFolder, status) {937 let key = transferKey(msgHdr, destFolder);938 let failure;939 if (failedTransfers.hasOwnProperty(key)) {940 failure = failedTransfers[key];941 failure.failed++;942 } else {943 failure = {944 msgHdr: msgHdr,945 destFolder: destFolder,946 failed: 1947 };948 failedTransfers[key] = failure;949 iFailedCount++;950 }951 folderTotals.failures++;952953 let msg = "Failed to " + actionVerb() + " message (error code: " + status + ")\n" +954 "subject: " + msgHdr.subject + "\n" +955 "messageKey: " + msgHdr.messageKey + "\n" +956 "messageId: " + msgHdr.messageId + "\n" +957 "folder: " + folderPath(msgHdr.folder)958959 if (failure.failed < iMaxRetries) {960 folderTotals.retries++;961 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logWarn(msg + "\nretrying...");962, destFolder, msgHdr);963 } else {964 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(msg);965 }966 };967968 /*969 * Provides nsIMsgCopyServiceListener interface methods for copy notifications.970 */971 var copyListener = function(aTransfer, aMsgHdr, aDestFolder) {972 var transfer = aTransfer;973 var msgHdr = aMsgHdr;974 var destFolder = aDestFolder;975976 return {977 OnStartCopy: function() {978 dLastTransferCallback = new Date();979 },980 OnProgress: function(aProgress, aProgressMax) {981 dLastTransferCallback = new Date();982 },983 SetMessageKey: function(aKey) {},984 GetMessageId: function(aMessageId) {},985 OnStopCopy: function(aStatus) {986 dLastTransferCallback = new Date();987 iInflightCount--;988 delete inflightMsgs[msgHdr.messageId];989 if (Components.isSuccessCode(aStatus)) {990, msgHdr, destFolder);991 console.log("gds: xfer good");992 } else {993 console.log("gds: xfer failed");994, msgHdr, destFolder, aStatus);995 }996;997 if (iRef != 0 && iInflightCount <= iInflightMin && !bAborted) {998, transferFolderBatch, checkDone, checkDone);999 }1000 dLastTransferCallbackComplete = new Date();1001 // If we got here we have potentially recovered from a stall so clear our retried flag.1002 bRetried = false;1003 }1004 }1005 };10061007 /**1008 * Returns a folder message enumerator that only returns unique messages according to messageHashCode.1009 *1010 * @param nsIMsgFolder aFolder Folder to iterate over.1011 * @return uniqueMsgEnumerator1012 */1013 var uniqueMsgEnumerator = function(aFolder, bDateless) {1014 var msgEnumerator = null;1015 var seenHashCodes = {};1016 var dateless = bDateless1017 var msgCnt = 0;1018 var duplicates = 0;1019 var getNextProcessedCnt = 0;10201021 // nsIMsgFolder.messages can throw exceptions e.g. error: 0x80550005 (NS_MSG_ERROR_FOLDER_SUMMARY_OUT_OF_DATE)1022 // if it does so catch it, inform the user and abort as the results would be invalid if we let it continue1023 try {1024 msgEnumerator = aFolder.messages;1025 } catch (ex) {1026 let msg = 'Failed get messages from: ' + folderPath(aFolder)+ ' aborting!';1027 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus(msg);1028 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(msg);1029 alert(msg);10301031 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus(null);1032 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.statusBar.setAttribute('collapsed', true);10331034 // Flag aborted in case we have any scheduled timeouts.1035 abortTransfer();10361037 throw ex;1038 }10391040 var getNext = function() {1041 getNextProcessedCnt = 0;1042 while (msgEnumerator.hasMoreElements()) {1043 getNextProcessedCnt++;1044 let msgHdr = msgEnumerator.getNext().QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgDBHdr);1045 let hashCode = messageHashCode(msgHdr, true);1046 if (!seenHashCodes.hasOwnProperty(hashCode)) {1047 let detail = {msgHdr: msgHdr, hashCode: hashCode, datelessHashCode: null};1048 seenHashCodes[hashCode] = true1049 if (dateless) {1050 let datelessHashCode = messageHashCode(msgHdr, false);1051 if (seenHashCodes.hasOwnProperty(datelessHashCode)) {1052 seenHashCodes[datelessHashCode] = false;1053 } else {1054 seenHashCodes[datelessHashCode] = true;1055 }1056 detail.datelessHashCode = datelessHashCode;1057 }10581059 if (hasMd5Id(msgHdr)) {1060 // md5 hashes are location specific so don't bother checking it1061 msgCnt++;1062 return detail;1063 }10641065 var messageIdHashCode = murmurhash3(msgHdr.messageId, iHashSeed);1066 if (!seenHashCodes.hasOwnProperty(messageIdHashCode)) {1067 seenHashCodes[messageIdHashCode] = true;1068 msgCnt++;1069 return detail;1070 }1071 } else {1072 duplicates++;1073 }1074 }10751076 return null;1077 };10781079 var nextMsg = function() {1080 let aMsgDetail = getNext();1081 if (aMsgDetail === null) {1082 return null;1083 }10841085 return aMsgDetail.msgHdr;1086 };10871088 var msgExists = function(aMsgHdr) {1089 enumerate();1090 if (msgCnt === 0) {1091 return false;1092 }10931094 if (seenHashCodes.hasOwnProperty(messageHashCode(aMsgHdr, true))) {1095 return true;1096 }10971098 if (!dateless) {1099 return false;1100 }11011102 let datelessHashCode = messageHashCode(aMsgHdr, false);1103 if (seenHashCodes.hasOwnProperty(datelessHashCode)) {1104 return seenHashCodes[datelessHashCode];1105 }11061107 return false;1108 };11091110 var enumerate = function() {1111 while (getNext()) {1112 }1113 };11141115 var msgCount = function() {1116 return msgCnt;1117 };11181119 var msgTotal = function() {1120 enumerate();1121 return msgCnt;1122 };11231124 var duplicateTotal = function() {1125 enumerate();1126 return duplicates;1127 };11281129 var nextProcessedCnt = function() {1130 return getNextProcessedCnt;1131 };11321133 return {1134 getNext: getNext,1135 nextMsg: nextMsg,1136 msgExists: msgExists,1137 msgCount: msgCount,1138 msgTotal: msgTotal,1139 enumerate: enumerate,1140 duplicateTotal: duplicateTotal,1141 nextProcessedCnt: nextProcessedCnt1142 }1143 }11441145 /**1146 * Transfers a batch of messages from source folder to destination folder.1147 *1148 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder Folder to transfer messages from.1149 * @param nsIMsgFolder destFolder Folder to transfer messages to.1150 * @return bool true if we completed this folder, false if there is more to go1151 */1152 var transferFolderBatch = function(srcFolder, destFolder) {1153 if (srcFolderEnumerator === null) {1154 srcFolderEnumerator = uniqueMsgEnumerator(srcFolder);1155 }1156 if (destFolderEnumerator === null) {1157 destFolderEnumerator = uniqueMsgEnumerator(destFolder, true);1158 }1159 destFolder.updateSummaryTotals(true);11601161 // Pre load destination folder in batches to avoid stalls1162 let batchCount = 0;1163 let msgHdr;1164 while (msgHdr = destFolderEnumerator.nextMsg()) {1165 // nextMsg can process more than it returns so use the count as the batch increment1166 batchCount += destFolderEnumerator.nextProcessedCnt();1167 if (batchCount >= iCompareBatchMax) {1168 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Transfer ' + folderPath(srcFolder) + ' loaded ' + destFolderEnumerator.msgCount() + ' target messages...');1169, transferFolderBatch, checkDone);11701171 return false;1172 }1173 }11741175 batchCount = 0;1176 while ((msgHdr = srcFolderEnumerator.nextMsg()) && !bAborted) {1177 batchCount += srcFolderEnumerator.nextProcessedCnt();1178 if (folderWasCreated(destFolder) || !messageExists(destFolder, msgHdr)) {1179, destFolder, msgHdr);11801181 if (iInflightCount == iInflightMax) {1182 // Reached the max inflight so return1183 return false;1184 }1185 }11861187 if (batchCount >= iCompareBatchMax) {1188 // Prevent timeout when processing folders with lots of existing messages.1189 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Transfer ' + folderPath(srcFolder) + ' checked ' + destFolderEnumerator.msgCount() + ' messages...');1190, transferFolderBatch, checkDone);11911192 return false;1193 }1194 }11951196 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logInfo(1197 "transferFolderBatch: folder: " + folderPath(destFolder) +1198 ", successes: " + folderTotals.successes +1199 ", failures: " + folderTotals.failures +1200 ", copies: " + folderTotals.copies +1201 ", retries: " + folderTotals.retries +1202 ", expected: " + srcFolderEnumerator.msgTotal() +1203 ", inflight: " + iInflightCount +1204 ", bAborted: " + bAborted +1205 ", have (so far): " + folderMessageCount(destFolder, false)1206 );12071208 folderTotals.failures = 0;1209 folderTotals.successes = 0;1210 folderTotals.copies = 0;1211 folderTotals.retries = 0;12121213 // clean out hash codes cache1214 srcFolderEnumerator = null;1215 destFolderEnumerator = null12161217 try {1218 // Update the folder so hopefully if the user runs a second time they get the right results.1219 // TODO(steve): make this a configable option as doing it by default can cause the TB to become1220 // really unresponsive.1221 //destFolder.setFlag(Components.interfaces.nsMsgFolderFlags.CheckNew);1222 destFolder.updateFolder(null);1223 // Force update summary totals from db too.1224 destFolder.updateSummaryTotals(true);1225 } catch (ex) {1226 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError("Failed to update " + folderPath(updateFolder) + ": " + ex);1227 }12281229 return true;1230 };12311232 /**1233 * Flag the transfer as aborted and cleanup1234 *1235 * @return void1236 */1237 var abortTransfer = function() {1238 bAborted = true;1239 window.clearInterval(transferWatchdogInterval);1240 }12411242 /**1243 * Displays the summary dialog if completed and collapses the statuses areas1244 *1245 * @return void1246 */1247 var transferWatchdog = function() {1248 let now = new Date();1249 let timeDiff = now.getTime() - dLastTransferCallback.getTime();1250 if (timeDiff > iTransferWatchdogWarning) {1251 let errMsg = "No transfer callback since: last: " + dLastTransferCallback.toUTCString() +1252 ", diff: " + timeDiff +1253 ", now: " + now.toUTCString() +1254 ", last complete: " + dLastTransferCallback.toUTCString() +1255 ", iRef: " + iRef +1256 ", iInflightCount: " + iInflightCount +1257 ", iSuccessCount: " + iSuccessCount +1258 ", iFailedCount: " + iFailedCount;12591260 if (timeDiff > iTransferWatchdogAbort) {1261 // Unfortunately it seems like the nsIMsgCopyService does just stop responding or at1262 // least stops calling the nsIMsgCopyServiceListener function.1263 //1264 // At this point we've already retried so there's nothing more we can do :(1265 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(errMsg + " aborting...");1266 iFailedCount = iSrcNewCount - iSuccessCount;1267 abortTransfer();1268;1269 } else if (timeDiff > iTransferWatchdogRetry && !bRetried) {1270 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(errMsg + " retrying...");12711272 // Retry the inflight transfers to see if it fixes the stall.1273 var inflightCopy = {};1274 for (let key in inflightMsgs) {1275 inflightCopy[key] = inflightMsgs[key];1276 }1277 inflightMsgs = {};1278 iInflightCount = 0;12791280 for (let key in inflightCopy) {1281 var entry = inflightCopy[key];1282 if (!, entry[0], entry[1]) && bAborted) {1283 break;1284 }1285 }1286 bRetried = true;1287 } else {1288 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logError(errMsg);1289 }1290 }1291 };12921293 /**1294 * Displays the summary dialog if completed and collapses the statuses areas1295 *1296 * @return void1297 */1298 var checkDone = function() {1299 if ((iRef != 0 || iInflightCount != 0) && !bAborted) {1300 return;1301 }13021303 window.clearInterval(transferWatchdogInterval);1304 notifyService.removeListener(this);13051306 let status = '<html:img src="chrome://copyfolder/skin/images/success.png" style="vertical-align: bottom;" /> Success';1307 let summary = successVerb(true) + ' ' + iSuccessCount + ' message(s) successfully';13081309 if (iFailedCount) {1310 summary += ', failed ' + iFailedCount + ' message(s)';1311 }13121313// let summaryDisplay = summary + ' from: <html:div style="padding:5px 10px; font-weight:bold;">' + folderPath(oSrcFolder) +1314// '</html:div> to: <html:div style="padding:5px 10px; font-weight:bold;">' + folderPath(oDestParent, oSrcFolder) +1315// '</html:div>';1316 summaryDisplay = new Array();1317 summaryDisplay[0] = 0;1318 summaryDisplay[1] = summary;1319 summaryDisplay[2] = folderPath(oSrcFolder);1320 summaryDisplay[3] = folderPath(oDestParent, oSrcFolder);13211322 summary += ' from: ' + folderPath(oSrcFolder) + ' to: ' + folderPath(oDestParent, oSrcFolder);13231324 if (bAborted) {1325 summary += " ABORTED!";1326 summaryDisplay[3] += " ABORTED!";1327 }13281329 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus(summary);1330 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logInfo(summary);13311332 window.openDialog(1333 "chrome://copyfolder/content/copyfolder-summary.xul",1334 "copyfolder-summary",1335 "chrome, dialog, modal, centerscreen",1336 {status: status, summary: summaryDisplay}1337 ).focus();13381339 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus(null);1340 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.statusBar.setAttribute('collapsed', true);1341 };13421343 /**1344 * Creates a folder in the destination.1345 *1346 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder Folder to copy messages from.1347 * @param nsIMsgFolder destParent Parent of where destination folder will be created.1348 * @return void1349 */1350 var createFolder = function(aSrcFolder, aDestParent) {1351 let path = folderPath(aDestParent, aSrcFolder);1352 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logDebug(2, "createFolder: path: " + path);1353 pendingFolderCreates[path] = {srcFolder: aSrcFolder, destParent: aDestParent};1354 aDestParent.createSubfolder(aSrcFolder.prettyName, null);1355 };13561357 /**1358 * Notified after a folder has been added via nsIMsgFolderNotificationService.1359 *1360 * @param aFolder The folder that has just been added1361 * @return void1362 */1363 var folderAdded = function(aFolder) {1364 let path = folderPath(aFolder);1365 // Check that this is the folder we're interested in.1366 if (pendingFolderCreates.hasOwnProperty(path)) {1367 let aCreateFolder = pendingFolderCreates[path];1368 delete pendingFolderCreates[path];1369 // We use URI instead of path here to speed up the check by folderWasCreated.1370 createdFolders[aFolder.URI] = true;1371 iRef--;1372, aCreateFolder.srcFolder, aCreateFolder.destParent);1373 }1374 };13751376 /**1377 * Returns true if we created this folder during the this transfer.1378 *1379 * @param aFolder The folder to check1380 * @return bool1381 */1382 var folderWasCreated = function(aFolder) {1383 return createdFolders.hasOwnProperty(aFolder.URI);1384 };13851386 /**1387 * Iterates over the pending folder pairs, calling the passed function.1388 *1389 * @param function processFunc the function to call on each folder pair1390 * @param function completeFunc the function to call after all pairs have been processed1391 * @param function abortedFunc the function to call if processing is aborted1392 * @return void1393 */1394 var processBatch = function(processFunc, completeFunc, abortedFunc) {1395 while (pendingFolders.length != 0 && !bAborted) {1396 let folders = pendingFolders[0];1397 if (!, folders.srcFolder, folders.destFolder)) {1398 // still more to go1399 return;1400 }1401 pendingFolders.splice(0, 1);1402 }1403 iRef--;14041405 if (bAborted) {1406 pendingFolders = [];1407 if (abortedFunc !== null) {1408;1409 }1410 return;1411 }14121413 if (completeFunc !== null) {1414;1415 }1416 };14171418 /**1419 * Builds the list of folders to transfer ensuring all destination folders exist and then transfers them.1420 *1421 * @param nsIMsgFolder srcFolder Folder to create from.1422 * @param nsIMsgFolder destParent Parent of where destination folders will be created.1423 * @return void1424 */1425 var transferFolders = function(srcFolder, destParent) {1426 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.logDebug(2, "transferFolders: " + folderPath(srcFolder) + ", destParent: " + folderPath(destParent));1427 iRef++;1428 if (!destParent.containsChildNamed(srcFolder.prettyName)) {1429 // transferFolders will continue when the folder creation notification (folderAdded) fires.1430 createFolder(srcFolder, destParent);1431 return;1432 }14331434 let destFolder = destParent.getChildNamed(srcFolder.prettyName);1435 pendingFolders.push({srcFolder: srcFolder, destFolder: destFolder});14361437 if (srcFolder.hasSubFolders && bTreeCopy) {1438 for (let subFolder of fixIterator(srcFolder.subFolders, Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolder)) {1439, subFolder, destFolder);1440 }1441 }1442 iRef--;1443 if (iRef != 0) {1444 return;1445 }14461447 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Preparing to ' + actionVerb() + " " + iSrcNewCount + " messages...");14481449 // Batch creation complete so kick off the transfer.1450 iRef++;1451 var transferWatchdogFunc = function() {1452;1453 }1454 transferWatchdogInterval = window.setInterval(transferWatchdogFunc.bind(this), 30000);1455 dLastTransferCallback = new Date();1456 dLastTransferCallbackComplete = new Date();1457, transferFolderBatch, checkDone, checkDone);1458 };14591460 /**1461 * Processes the transfer1462 *1463 * @return void1464 */1465 var process = function() {1466 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Processing ' + actionVerb() + " between " + folderPath(oSrcFolder) + " and " + folderPath(oDestParent) + "...");1467 copyService = Components.classes[';1'].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgCopyService);14681469 notifyService = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgFolderNotificationService);1470 notifyService.addListener(this, notifyService.folderAdded);14711472 com.crunchmod.copyfolder.setStatus('Creating missing destination folders...');1473, oSrcFolder, oDestParent);14741475 // Call done dialog in case we processed really quickly1476;1477 };14781479 return {1480 calculateAndConfirm: calculateAndConfirm,1481 folderAdded: folderAdded1482 };1483 },1484 dialog: function(document, args) {1485 var srcFolderInfo = document.getElementById("srcFolderInfo");1486 var destFolderInfo = document.getElementById("destFolderInfo");14871488 srcFolderInfo.value = args.srcFolderInfo;1489 destFolderInfo.value = args.destFolderInfo;1490 if(args.newMessages == 0) {1491 document.documentElement.getButton("accept").style.visibility = 'hidden';1492 document.documentElement.getButton("cancel").label = 'Ok';1493 } else {1494 document.documentElement.getButton("accept").style.visibility = 'visible';1495 document.documentElement.getButton("cancel").label = 'Cancel';1496 }1497 document.getElementById("copyfolder-dialog").setAttribute("title", args.title + " - Copy Folder");1498 //document.getElementById("warning").innerHTML = args.warning;1499 //document.getElementById("question").innerHTML = args.question;1500 if( args.warning.length == 0 ) {1501 document.getElementById("warning").style.visibility = 'hidden';1502 } else {1503 document.getElementById("warning0").textContent = args.warning[1];1504 }1505 if( args.question.length == 0 ) {1506 document.getElementById("question0").style.visibility = 'hidden';1507 document.getElementById("question1").style.visibility = 'hidden';1508 } else {1509 switch( args.question[0] ) {1510 case 0:1511 document.getElementById("question1").style.visibility = 'hidden';1512 document.getElementById("question01").textContent = args.question[1];1513 document.getElementById("question02").textContent = args.question[2];1514 document.getElementById("question03").textContent = args.question[3];1515 break;1516 case 1:1517 document.getElementById("question0").style.visibility = 'hidden';1518 document.getElementById("question11").textContent = args.question[1];1519 break;1520 }1521 }1522 },1523};1524 ...

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Source:postinstall.js Github


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1const fs = require("fs-extra");2var productName3var xtype4var xtypeFileName5function doXtype() {6 fs.copySync(`../ext-web-components-${xtype}/ext-runtime/${xtypeFileName}`,`../../../${copyFolder}ext-runtime/${xtypeFileName}`);7 console.log(`${prefix} ${xtypeFileName} copied to ./${copyFolder}ext-runtime`);8}9var packageNameThis = './package.json';10var packageThis = fs.readFileSync(packageNameThis, 'utf8');11const packageJsonThis = JSON.parse(packageThis);12function boldGreen (s) {13 var boldgreencolor = `\x1b[32m\x1b[1m`14 var endMarker = `\x1b[0m`15 return (`${boldgreencolor}${s}${endMarker}`)16}17var prefix =(`${boldGreen( + ':')}`)18var dashCount = ( || []).length;19if (dashCount == 2) {20 var last ='-');21 productName =,last);22 xtype =;23 xtypeFileName = `ext.${xtype}.js`;24}25else {26 productName =;27 xtype = '';28 xtypeFileName = ``;29}30var copyFolder = '';31switch(productName) {32 case '@sencha/ext-react':33 copyFolder = 'public/';34 if (!fs.existsSync(`../../../${copyFolder}index.html`)) {35 console.log(`${prefix} ./${copyFolder}index.html does not exist, not creating ext-runtime folder`);36 return37 }38 break;39 case '@sencha/ext-angular':40 copyFolder = '';41 if (!fs.existsSync('../../../angular.json')) {42 console.log(`${prefix} ./angular.json does not exist, not creating ext-runtime folder`);43 return44 }45 break;46 default:47 copyFolder = '';48}49if (fs.existsSync(`../../../${copyFolder}ext-runtime`)) {50 console.log(`${prefix} ./${copyFolder}ext-runtime exists`);51 if (xtype != '') {doXtype()}52 console.log('');53 return54}55const packageJsonApp = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(`../../../package.json`, 'utf8'));56if (packageJsonApp.dependencies != undefined) {57 var dependencies = packageJsonApp.dependencies['@sencha/ext-webpack-plugin'];58 if (dependencies != undefined) {59 console.log(`${prefix} @sencha/ext-webpack-plugin is defined, not creating ext-runtime folder`);60 return61 }62}63if (packageJsonApp.devDependencies != undefined) {64 var devDependencies = packageJsonApp.devDependencies['@sencha/ext-webpack-plugin'];65 if (devDependencies != undefined) {66 console.log(`${prefix} @sencha/ext-webpack-plugin is defined, not creating ext-runtime folder`);67 return68 }69}70if (fs.existsSync('../../../webpack.config.js')) {71 console.log(`${prefix} ./webpack.config.js exists, not creating ext-runtime folder`);72 return73}74try {75 var theme;76 if(packageJsonApp.extTheme != undefined) {77 var themes = ['material', 'neptune'];78 if(themes.includes(packageJsonApp.extTheme)) {79 theme = packageJsonApp.extTheme;80 console.log(`${prefix} "extTheme": ${theme} found in ./package.json`);81 }82 else {83 theme = 'material';84 }85 }86 else {87 theme = 'material';88 }89 fs.copySync(`../ext-runtime-base/theme/${theme}`,`../../../${copyFolder}ext-runtime/theme/${theme}`);90 console.log(`${prefix} created ./${copyFolder}ext-runtime/theme/${theme} folder`);91 fs.copySync('../ext-runtime-base/engine.js',`../../../${copyFolder}ext-runtime/engine.js`);92 console.log(`${prefix} created ./${copyFolder}ext-runtime/engine.js`);93 switch(productName) {94 case '@sencha/ext-react':95 var indexHtml = fs.readFileSync(`../../../${copyFolder}index.html`, 'utf8');96 //var position = indexHtml.indexOf('<title>');97 var position = indexHtml.indexOf('</head>');98 var styles = `99 <!-->100 <style>101 :root {102 --base-color: #024059;103 --base-foreground-color: white;104 --background-color: white;105 --color: black;106 }107 </style>108 `109 var b =110 `111 <link112 href="%PUBLIC_URL%/ext-runtime/theme/${theme}/${theme}-all.css"113 rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"114 >115 <script src="%PUBLIC_URL%/ext-runtime/engine.js"></script>116${styles}117 `118 fs.copySync(`../../../${copyFolder}index.html`,`../../../${copyFolder}indexBack.html`);119 var indexHtmlNew = indexHtml.substring(0, position) + b + indexHtml.substring(position);120 fs.writeFileSync(`../../../${copyFolder}index.html`, indexHtmlNew);121 console.log(`${prefix} updated ./${copyFolder}index.html`);122 console.log(`${prefix} backup in ./${copyFolder}indexBack.html`);123 break;124 case '@sencha/ext-angular':125 var angularName = '../../../angular.json';126 var angular = fs.readFileSync(angularName, 'utf8');127 const angularJson = JSON.parse(angular);128 var style = `ext-runtime/theme/${theme}/${theme}-all.css`;129 var script = "ext-runtime/engine.js";130 angularJson.projects[];131 angularJson.projects[];132 const angularString = JSON.stringify(angularJson, null, 2);133 fs.writeFileSync(angularName, angularString);134 console.log(`${prefix} added ${style} to styles array in ./angular.json`);135 console.log(`${prefix} added ${script} to scripts array in ./angular.json`);136 break;137 default:138 }139 if (xtype != '') {doXtype()}140}...

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Source:copyfolder-common.js Github


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1var EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["CopyFolder"];2const Cc = Components.classes;3const Ci = Components.interfaces;4if ("undefined" == typeof(messenger)) {5 var messenger = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsIMessenger);6}7var CopyFolder = {};8// Preferences9// -----------10CopyFolder.Prefs = {11 // const12 preferencePrefix : "extensions.copyfolder.",13 _prefService: null,14 get prefService()15 {16 if (!this._prefService)17 this._prefService =18 Components.classes[";1"]19 .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch);20 return this._prefService;21 },22 getBoolPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {23 try {24 return this.prefService.getBoolPref(25 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);26 } catch(ex) {27 if (defaultValue != undefined)28 return defaultValue;29 throw(ex);30 }31 },32 getCharPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {33 try {34 return this.prefService.getCharPref(35 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);36 } catch(ex) {37 if (defaultValue) {38 return defaultValue;39 }40 throw(ex);41 }42 },43 getIntPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {44 try {45 return this.prefService.getIntPref(46 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName);47 } catch(ex) {48 if (defaultValue)49 return defaultValue;50 throw(ex);51 }52 },53 getLocalizedStringPref: function(prefName, defaultValue) {54 try {55 return this.prefService56 .getComplexValue(57 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix +58 prefName,Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data;59 } catch(ex) {60 if (defaultValue) {61 return defaultValue;62 }63 throw(ex);64 }65 },66 setBoolPref: function(prefName, val) {67 this.prefService.setBoolPref(68 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);69 },70 setCharPref: function(prefName, val) {71 this.prefService.setCharPref(72 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);73 },74 setIntPref: function(prefName, val) {75 this.prefService.setIntPref(76 CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix + prefName, val);77 },78 setAppStringPref: function(appPrefName, str) {79 if (BiDiMailUI.App.versionIsAtLeast("58.0b1")) {80 BiDiMailUI.Prefs.prefService.setStringPref(appPrefName, str);81 }82 else83 {84 BiDiMailUI.Prefs.prefService.setComplexValue(85 appPrefName, Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString, str);86 }87 },88 setLocalizedStringPref: function (prefName, val) {89 var pls =90 Components.classes[";1"]91 .createInstance(Components.interfaces.nsIPrefLocalizedString);92 = val;93 setAppStringPref(CopyFolder.Prefs.preferencePrefix +94 prefName, pls);95 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';2copyFolder('src', 'dist');3import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';4copyFolder('src', 'dist');5import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';6copyFolder('src', 'dist');7import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';8copyFolder('src', 'dist');9import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';10copyFolder('src', 'dist');11import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';12copyFolder('src', 'dist');13import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';14copyFolder('src', 'dist');15import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';16copyFolder('src', 'dist');17import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';18copyFolder('src', 'dist');19import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';20copyFolder('src', 'dist');21import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';22copyFolder('src', 'dist');23import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';24copyFolder('src', 'dist');25import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';26copyFolder('src', '

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');2tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');3const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');4tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');5const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');6tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');7const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');8tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');9const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');10tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');11const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');12tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');13const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');14tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');15const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');16tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');17const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');18tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');19const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');20tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');21const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');22tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');23const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');24tsAutoMock.copyFolder('src', 'dist');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');2tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist');3const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');4tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist', { 5});6const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');7tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist', { 8}, (err, files) => {9 if (err) {10 console.log('Error while copying files', err);11 return;12 }13 console.log('Files copied successfully', files);14});15const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');16tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist', { 17}, (err, files) => {18 if (err) {19 console.log('Error while copying files', err);20 return;21 }22 console.log('Files copied successfully', files);23}, true);24const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');25tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist', { 26}, (err, files) => {27 if (err) {28 console.log('Error while copying files', err);29 return;30 }31 console.log('Files copied successfully', files);32}, false);33const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');34tsAutoMock.copyFolder('./src', './dist', {

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import { copyFolder } from 'ts-auto-mock';2import * as path from 'path';3const sourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src');4const destinationPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist');5copyFolder(sourcePath, destinationPath);6import { copyFile } from 'ts-auto-mock';7import * as path from 'path';8const sourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'file.ts');9const destinationPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'file.ts');10copyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath);11import { copyFile } from 'ts-auto-mock';12import * as path from 'path';13const sourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'file.ts');14const destinationPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'file.ts');15copyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath, { overwrite: true });16import { copyFile } from 'ts-auto-mock';17import * as path from 'path';18const sourcePath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'src', 'file.ts');19const destinationPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'dist', 'file.ts');20copyFile(sourcePath, destinationPath, { overwrite: false });

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');2copyFolder('src', 'mocks');3const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');4copyFolder('src', 'mocks');5const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');6copyFolder('src', 'mocks');7const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');8copyFolder('src', 'mocks');9const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');10copyFolder('src', 'mocks');11const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');12copyFolder('src', 'mocks');13const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');14copyFolder('src', 'mocks');15const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');16copyFolder('src', 'mocks');17const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');18copyFolder('src', 'mocks');19const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');20copyFolder('src', 'mocks');21const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');22copyFolder('src', 'mocks');23const { copyFolder } = require('ts-auto-mock');24copyFolder('src', 'mocks');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';2copyFolder('src', 'dist');3import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';4copyFolder('src', 'dist');5import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';6copyFolder('src', 'dist');7import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';8copyFolder('src', 'dist');9import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';10copyFolder('src', 'dist');11import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';12copyFolder('src', 'dist');13import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';14copyFolder('src', 'dist');15import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';16copyFolder('src', 'dist');17import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';18copyFolder('src', 'dist');19import {copyFolder} from 'ts-auto-mock';20copyFolder('src', 'dist');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const copyFolder = require('ts-auto-mock/copyFolder').copyFolder;2copyFolder({3 callback: () => {4 console.log('done!');5 }6});7{8 "scripts": {9 },10}11module.exports = {12};13const tsAutoMock = require('ts-auto-mock');14tsAutoMock.setOptions({15 callback: () => {16 console.log('done!');17 }18});19tsAutoMock.enable();

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