How to use EventRecord method in wpt

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Source:bike-event-popup-renderer.js Github


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1import moment from 'moment';2import './bike-event-popup.css';3function badgeRenderer({ eventRecord, translations }) {4 const { isPending, isAccepted } = eventRecord;5 let badgeModifiers = '';6 let icon = '';7 let label = '';8 if (isPending) {9 badgeModifiers += 'booking-calendar__badge--blue';10 icon += '<i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>';11 label += translations['booking-calendar.event.waiting'];12 }13 if (isAccepted) {14 badgeModifiers += 'booking-calendar__badge--green';15 label += translations['booking-calendar.event.accepted'];16 }17 return `18 <span class="booking-calendar__badge ${badgeModifiers}">19 ${icon} ${label}20 </span>21 `;22}23function bookingConfirmationRenderer({ eventRecord, translations }) {24 const { isPending } = eventRecord;25 if (!isPending) {26 return '';27 }28 return `29 <section class="bike-event-popup__section">30 <button31 type="button"32 data-id="reject-booking"33 class="md-button md-raised md-ink-ripple md-warn bike-event-popup__confirmation-button"34 hide-on-click>35 ${translations['message.reject']}36 </button>37 <button38 type="button"39 data-id="accept-booking"40 class="md-button md-raised md-ink-ripple md-primary bike-event-popup__confirmation-button"41 hide-on-click>42 ${translations['message.accept']}43 </button>44 </section>45 `;46}47function bikeDetailsRenderer({ eventRecord, translations, getters }) {48 const datesFormat = 'DD.MM.YYYY';49 const pickupFormat = 'HH:mm';50 const { name, size, category, sizeLabel } = eventRecord.resource;51 const {52 startDate,53 endDate,54 rawStartDate,55 rawEndDate,56 bookingId,57 rider,58 contact59 } = eventRecord;60 const formattedStart = moment.utc(rawStartDate).format(datesFormat);61 const formattedEnd = moment.utc(rawEndDate).format(datesFormat);62 return `63 <div class="bike-event-popup__name-wrap">64 <span class="bike-event-popup__name">65 ${name} - ${getters.getCategoryLabel(category)}66 </span>67 ${badgeRenderer({ eventRecord, translations })}68 </div>69 <section class="bike-event-popup__section">70 <div>71 <div>${translations['booking.overview.size']}</div>72 <div>${translations['']}</div>73 <div>${translations['booking-calendar.event.pickup']}</div>74 <div>${translations['booking.calendar.return-time']}</div>75 <div>${translations['']}</div>76 </div>77 <div>78 <div>${sizeLabel}</div>79 <div>${formattedStart} - ${formattedEnd}</div>80 <div>${moment.utc(rawStartDate).format(pickupFormat)}</div>81 <div>${moment.utc(rawEndDate).format(pickupFormat)}</div>82 <div>${bookingId}</div>83 </div>84 </section>85 <section class="bike-event-popup__section">86 <div>87 <div>${translations['booking-calendar.event.rider']}</div>88 <div>${translations['']}</div>89 </div>90 <div>91 <div>${rider}</div>92 <div>${contact}</div>93 </div>94 </section>95 ${bookingConfirmationRenderer({ eventRecord, translations })}96 <a97 class="bike-event-popup__link"98 href="${getters.getBookingHref(bookingId)}"99 hide-on-click>100 ${translations['booking-calendar.event.view-booking']}101 </a>102 `;103}104function notAvailableEventPopupRenderer({ translations, getters, eventRecord }) {105 const datesFormat = 'DD.MM.YYYY, HH:mm';106 const {107 startDate,108 duration,109 } = eventRecord;110 const formattedStart = moment(startDate).format(datesFormat);111 const formattedEnd = moment(startDate).add(duration, 'seconds').format(datesFormat);112 return `113 <header class="bike-event-popup__header">114 ${translations['booking-calendar.event.not-available-header']}115 </header>116 <p class="bike-event-popup__description">117 ${translations['']} : ${formattedStart} - ${formattedEnd}118 <br>119 ${eventRecord.reason ? translations['booking-calendar.reason'] + ': ' + translations[eventRecord.reason] : ''}120 <br>121 ${eventRecord.comment ? eventRecord.comment : translations['booking-calendar.event.not-available-text']}122 </p>123 <a124 class="bike-event-popup__link ng-hide"125 href="${getters.getBikeListingsHref()}">126 ${translations['booking-calendar.event.see-settings']}127 </a>128 `;129}130export function bikeEventPopupRenderer({ eventRecord, translations, getters }) {131 const {132 isPending,133 isAccepted,134 isNotAvailable,135 isChangingStatus,136 isCluster137 } = eventRecord;138 if (isChangingStatus || isCluster) {139 /* do not draw a popup */140 return;141 }142 if (isPending || isAccepted) {143 return bikeDetailsRenderer({ eventRecord, translations, getters });144 }145 if (isNotAvailable) {146 return notAvailableEventPopupRenderer({147 translations,148 getters,149 eventRecord150 });151 }...

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Source:S3Service.ts Github


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1import { S3 } from "aws-sdk";2import { S3EventRecord } from "aws-lambda";3import DateUtility from "../../infrastructure/DateUtility";4import * as path from "path";5import { AWSError } from "aws-sdk/lib/error";6/**7 * S3Service8 *9 * @author keitakn10 * @since 2018-08-1311 */12export default class S3Service {13 /**14 * S3 Client15 */16 private readonly _s3Client: S3;17 /**18 * @param {S3} s3Client19 */20 constructor(s3Client: S3) {21 this._s3Client = s3Client;22 }23 /**24 * @return {S3}25 */26 get s3Client(): S3 {27 return this._s3Client;28 }29 /**30 * @param {S3EventRecord[]} eventRecords31 * @return {Promise<Promise<Promise<void> | S3.CopyObjectOutput>[]>}32 */33 async convertToHiveFormat(eventRecords: S3EventRecord[]) {34 return (eventRecord: S3EventRecord) => {35 const copySource = S3Service.extractCopySourceFromS3(eventRecord);36 if (S3Service.isDir(copySource)) {37 console.log(`Skip, because ${copySource} is directory.`);38 return Promise.resolve();39 }40 const toBucket =;41 const destKey = S3Service.createDestKey(eventRecord);42 const params = {43 CopySource: copySource,44 Bucket: toBucket,45 Key: destKey46 };47 return await this.s3Client48 .copyObject(params)49 .promise()50 .then(async (data: S3.Types.CopyObjectOutput) => {51 console.log(`s3://${copySource} copy to s3://${toBucket}/${destKey}`);52 return Promise.resolve(data);53 })54 .catch(async (error: AWSError) => {55 console.error(error);56 return Promise.reject(error);57 });58 });59 }60 /**61 * e.g. "dt=2018-06-26/hour=07"62 *63 * @return {string}64 */65 private static createTodayPartition() {66 const moment = DateUtility.nowDateInMomentObject();67 const year = moment.format("YYYY");68 const month = moment.format("MM");69 const day = moment.format("DD");70 const hour = moment.format("HH");71 return `dt=${year}-${month}-${day}/hour=${hour}`;72 }73 /**74 * @param {S3EventRecord} eventRecord75 * @return {string}76 */77 private static formatS3ObjectKey(eventRecord: S3EventRecord): string {78 return decodeURIComponent(eventRecord.s3.object.key.replace(/\+/g, " "));79 }80 /**81 * @param {S3EventRecord} eventRecord82 * @return {string}83 */84 private static extractCopySourceFromS3(eventRecord: S3EventRecord) {85 const bucketName =;86 const objectKey = S3Service.formatS3ObjectKey(eventRecord);87 return `${bucketName}/${objectKey}`;88 }89 /**90 * @param {string} copySource91 * @return {boolean}92 */93 private static isDir(copySource: string) {94 return copySource.endsWith("/");95 }96 /**97 * @param {S3EventRecord} eventRecord98 * @return {string}99 */100 private static createDestKey(eventRecord: S3EventRecord) {101 const objectKey = S3Service.formatS3ObjectKey(eventRecord);102 const fileName = path.basename(objectKey);103 const todayPartition = S3Service.createTodayPartition();104 return `hive/${todayPartition}/${fileName}`;105 }...

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Source:sqsEventParser.js Github


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1const AWS = require('aws-sdk');2const pubSubBucket = 'PubSub_S3Bucket';3const pubSubKey = 'PubSub_S3Key';4const s3 = new AWS.S3();5function shouldDownload(eventRecord) {6 return (7 eventRecord &&8 eventRecord.body &&9 eventRecord.body === '#' &&10 eventRecord.messageAttributes &&11 eventRecord.messageAttributes[pubSubBucket]12 );13}14function getS3Params(eventRecord) {15 const bucket = eventRecord.messageAttributes[pubSubBucket].stringValue;16 const key = eventRecord.messageAttributes[pubSubKey].stringValue;17 return { Bucket: bucket, Key: key };18}19function convertResponse(data) {20 const messageObject = data.toString('utf-8');21 const json = JSON.parse(messageObject);22 return json.Message;23}24async function parse(eventRecord) {25 if (!shouldDownload(eventRecord)) return Promise.resolve(eventRecord.body);26 const params = getS3Params(eventRecord);27 try {28 const data = await s3.getObject(params).promise();29 const dataBuffer = data.Body;30 return convertResponse(dataBuffer);31 } catch (e) {32 throw new Error(`Could not retrieve file from S3: ${e.message}`);33 }34}35module.exports = {36 convertResponse,37 getS3Params,38 parse,39 shouldDownload...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.runTest(url, {4}, function(err, data) {5 if (err) {6 console.log('Error: ' + err);7 } else {8 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);9 console.log('Test ID: ' +;10 var testId =;11 wpt.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {12 if (err) {13 console.log('Error: ' + err);14 } else {15 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);16 var testStatus = data.statusText;17 if (testStatus == 'Test Complete') {18 var events =;19 console.log(events);20 }21 }22 });23 }24});25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27wpt.runTest(url, {28}, function(err, data) {29 if (err) {30 console.log('Error: ' + err);31 } else {32 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);33 console.log('Test ID: ' +;34 var testId =;35 wpt.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {36 if (err) {37 console.log('Error: ' + err);38 } else {39 console.log('Test status: ' + data.statusText);40 var testStatus = data.statusText;41 if (testStatus == 'Test Complete') {42 var events =;43 console.log(events);44 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptdriver = require('wptdriver');2wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category');3wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1);4wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1);5wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1);6wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1);7wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);8wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);9wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);10wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);11wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1);12wptdriver.EventRecord('event', 'value', 'label', 'category', 1

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var eventRecord = new EventRecord();2eventRecord.recordEvents();3window.onbeforeunload = function() {4 eventRecord.sendEvents();5}6function EventRecord() {7 = [];8 this.recordEvents = function() {9 document.addEventListener("click", this.recordEvent, false);10 document.addEventListener("mousemove", this.recordEvent, false);11 document.addEventListener("keypress", this.recordEvent, false);12 }13 this.recordEvent = function(event) {14 event.time = new Date().getTime();15;16 }17 this.sendEvents = function() {18 var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();19 xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {20 if (xhr.readyState == 4) {21 var response = xhr.responseText;22 alert(response);23 }24 }25 xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "application/json");26 xhr.send(JSON.stringify(;27 }28}29var http = require('http');30var server = http.createServer(function(request, response) {31 if (request.method == "POST") {32 var body = "";33 request.on('data', function(data) {34 body += data;35 });36 request.on('end', function() {37 var events = JSON.parse(body);38 console.log(events);39 response.writeHead(200, {40 });41 response.end("Events received");42 });

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