How to use addOptionRadio method in wpt

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Source:FotoRadio.js Github


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...12 }13 deleteOption = (evt) => {14 evt.preventDefault();15 const { index, position } = this.props;16 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: null }))17 }18 addOption = (evt) => {19 evt.preventDefault();20 const { counter, index, position } = this.props;21 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex: counter, value: { description: '', url: null } }))22 }23 setOptionFoto = (evt) => {24 evt.preventDefault();25 const { index, position } = this.props;26 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: { description: } }))27 }28 setUrlImg = (evt) => {29 evt.preventDefault();30 //Посмотреть нужен ли try catch31 try {32 const { index, position } = this.props;33 const { name } =;34 const optionIndex = Number(name.substr(3, 2));35 const file = this[name].current.files[0];36 //Сделать проверку на тип файла что бы загрузать только картинки37 // if (file.type === 'image/jpeg' || file.type === 'image/png')38 console.log('file.type', file.type)39 let reader = new FileReader();40 reader.onload = (event) => {41 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex, value: { url: } }))42 }43 reader.onerror = (event) => {44 console.log("ошибка", event)45 this.setState({ warning: <div><p>Что-то пошло не так!</p><p>Попрбуйте еще раз загрузить картинку!</p></div> })46 setTimeout(this.setState({ warning: null }), 2000)47 }48 reader.readAsDataURL(file);49 } catch (error) {50 console.log("ошибка", error)51 this.setState({ warning: <div><p>Что-то пошло не так!</p><p>Попрбуйте еще раз загрузить картинку!</p></div> })52 setTimeout(this.setState({ warning: null }), 2000)53 }54 }55 deleteImg = (evt) => {56 evt.preventDefault();57 const { index, position } = this.props;58 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: { url: null } }))59 }60 render() {61 const { options } = this.props;62 //рефы для отслеживания инпутов63 for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {64 this['ref' + i] = React.createRef();65 }66 const out = [];67 for (let i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {68 if (options[i] !== null && options[i] !== undefined) {69 if (options[i].url === null) {70 out.push(<div className={`foto-radio__wrapper ${this.props.class}`} key={i}>71 <input type="text" name={i} onChange={this.setOptionFoto} value={options[i].description} className="foto-radio__input input" />72 <label className="foto-radio__label-file button--add-img">...

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Source:Radio.js Github


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...6class Radio extends Component {7 setOptionRadio = (evt) => {8 evt.preventDefault();9 const { index, position } = this.props;10 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: }))11 }12 deleteInput = (evt) => {13 evt.preventDefault();14 const { index, position } = this.props;15 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: null }))16 }17 addInput = (evt) => {18 evt.preventDefault();19 const { counter, index, position } = this.props;20 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, value: '', optionIndex: counter }))21 }22 addOther = (evt) => {23 evt.preventDefault();24 const { index, position } = this.props;25 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex: 99, value: 'other' }))26 }27 render() {28 const { options } = this.props;29 const out = [];30 for (let i = 1; i < options.length; i++) {31 if (i === 99 && options[i] !== null) {32 out.push(<div className={`radio__input-wrapper radio__input-wrapper--other ${this.props.class}`} key={i} > Другое <button name={i} className="button--del" onClick={this.deleteInput}></button></div>);33 break;34 }35 if (options[i] !== null && options[i] !== undefined) {36 out.push(<div className={`radio__input-wrapper ${this.props.class}`} key={i}>37 <input type="text" name={i} className="input radio__input" placeholder="Введите вариант ответа" onChange={this.setOptionRadio} value={options[i]} />38 <button name={i} className="button--del" onClick={this.deleteInput}></button>39 </div>)...

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Source:Scale.js Github


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...6class Scale extends Component {7 setOption = (evt) => {8 evt.preventDefault();9 const { index, position } = this.props;10 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: { value: } }));11 }12 setDescription = (evt) => {13 const { index, position } = this.props;14 this.props.dispatch(elementActions.addOptionRadio({ elementIndex: index, position, optionIndex:, value: { description: } }));15 }16 render() {17 const { options } = this.props;18 return (19 <div className="scale">20 <div className="scale__wrapper">21 <input onChange={this.setOption} value={options[0].value} className="input scale__input" placeholder="Введите минимальное значение" name="0" min="0" max="9" type="number" />22 <input onChange={this.setOption} value={options[1].value} className="input scale__input" placeholder="Введите максимальное значение" name="1" min="1" max="10" type="number" />23 </div>24 <div className="scale__description">25 <p> {options[0].value}</p>26 <input onChange={this.setDescription} name="0" type="text" className="input scale__input--description" />27 </div>28 <div className="scale__description">...

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1var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');2wptbDropdownElement.addOptionRadio('Option 1');3wptbDropdownElement.addOptionRadio('Option 2');4wptbDropdownElement.addOptionRadio('Option 3');5var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');6wptbDropdownElement.addOptionCheckbox('Option 1');7wptbDropdownElement.addOptionCheckbox('Option 2');8wptbDropdownElement.addOptionCheckbox('Option 3');9var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');10wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelect('Option 1');11wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelect('Option 2');12wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelect('Option 3');13var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');14wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelectMultiple('Option 1');15wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelectMultiple('Option 2');16wptbDropdownElement.addOptionSelectMultiple('Option 3');17var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');18wptbDropdownElement.removeOptionRadio(0);19var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');20wptbDropdownElement.removeOptionCheckbox(0);21var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');22wptbDropdownElement.removeOptionSelect(0);23var wptbDropdownElement = document.querySelector('.wptb-dropdown-element');24wptbDropdownElement.removeOptionSelectMultiple(0);

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1var wptbElementOptions = new wptbElementOptions();2wptbElementOptions.addOptionRadio( 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );3WptbElementOptions.prototype.addOptionRadio = function( optionName, optionTitle, optionValue, optionClass, optionNameFor, optionId, optionChecked, optionDisabled ) {4 var option = document.createElement( 'input' );5 option.type = 'radio';6 = optionName;7 option.value = optionValue;8 option.className = optionClass;9 = optionId;10 option.checked = optionChecked;11 option.disabled = optionDisabled;12 var label = document.createElement( 'label' );13 label.innerHTML = optionTitle;14 label.htmlFor = optionNameFor;15 var div = document.createElement( 'div' );16 div.className = 'wptb-option-radio';17 div.appendChild( option );18 div.appendChild( label );19 return div;20}21WptbElementOptions.prototype.addOptionRadio = function( optionName, optionTitle, optionValue, optionClass, optionNameFor, optionId, optionChecked, optionDisabled ) {22 var option = document.createElement( 'input' );23 option.type = 'radio';24 = optionName;25 option.value = optionValue;26 option.className = optionClass;27 = optionId;28 option.checked = optionChecked;29 option.disabled = optionDisabled;30 var label = document.createElement( 'label' );31 label.innerHTML = optionTitle;32 label.htmlFor = optionNameFor;33 var div = document.createElement( 'div' );34 div.className = 'wptb-option-radio';35 div.appendChild( option );36 div.appendChild( label );37 return div;38}39WptbElementOptions.prototype.addOptionRadio = function( optionName, optionTitle, optionValue, optionClass, optionNameFor, optionId, optionChecked, optionDisabled ) {

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1wptbTableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );2wptbTableSetup.addOptionSelect( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );3wptbTableSetup.addOptionCheckbox( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );4wptbTableSetup.addOptionInput( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );5wptbTableSetup.addOptionTextarea( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );6wptbTableSetup.addOptionColor( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );7wptbTableSetup.addOptionImage( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );8wptbTableSetup.addOptionFile( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );9wptbTableSetup.addOptionRange( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );10wptbTableSetup.addOptionButton( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );11wptbTableSetup.addOptionHidden( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );12wptbTableSetup.addOptionCustom( 'test', 'Test', 'test', 'test', 'test' );

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1var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();2tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );3var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();4tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );5var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();6tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );7var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();8tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );9var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();10tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );11var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();12tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );13var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();14tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );15var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();16tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );17var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();18tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border-style', 'solid', 'border-color', 'red', 'border-width', '1px' );

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1var tableSetup = new wptbTableSetup();2tableSetup.addOptionRadio( 'border_style', 'solid' );3addOptionRadio: function( optionName, optionValue ) {4 this.options[ optionName ] = optionValue;5 var option = document.getElementById( optionName );6 if( option ) {7 var radioOptions = option.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="radio"]' );8 for( var i = 0; i < radioOptions.length; i++ ) {9 if( radioOptions[i].value == optionValue ) {10 radioOptions[i].checked = true;11 }12 }13 }14},15addOptionCheckbox: function( optionName, optionValue ) {16 this.options[ optionName ] = optionValue;17 var option = document.getElementById( optionName );18 if( option ) {19 var checkboxOptions = option.querySelectorAll( 'input[type="checkbox"]' );20 for( var i = 0; i < checkboxOptions.length; i++ ) {21 if( checkboxOptions[i].value == optionValue ) {22 checkboxOptions[i].checked = true;23 }24 }25 }26},27addOptionSelect: function( optionName, optionValue ) {28 this.options[ optionName ] = optionValue;29 var option = document.getElementById( optionName );30 if( option ) {31 var selectOptions = option.querySelectorAll( 'option' );32 for( var i = 0; i < selectOptions.length; i++ ) {33 if( selectOptions[i].value == optionValue ) {34 selectOptions[i].selected = true;35 }36 }37 }38},39addOptionNumber: function( optionName, optionValue ) {40 this.options[ optionName ] = optionValue;41 var option = document.getElementById( optionName );42 if( option ) {43 option.value = optionValue;44 }45},46addOptionText: function( optionName, optionValue ) {47 this.options[ optionName ] = optionValue;48 var option = document.getElementById(

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1var table = new wptbTableSetup( 'table' );2table.addOptionRadio( 'table', 'table' );3 * @param {string} element - element name4 * @param {string} type - type of element5wptbTableSetup.prototype.addOptionRadio = function( element, type ) {6 var thisClass = this;7 var element = thisClass.table.getElementsByClassName( element )[0];8 var radio = document.createElement( 'input' );9 radio.type = 'radio';10 = type;11 radio.className = type;12 element.appendChild( radio );13}

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