How to use bindEvents method in wpt

Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt


Source:customHome.js Github


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1function CustomHome(host, dispView, bindEvents) {2 var $ = this;3 $.dispId = dispView ? : null;4 $.dispView = dispView;5 $.extObj = jQuery(('#' + $.dispId));6 $.bindEvents = bindEvents;7 8 $.load = function() {9 $.extObj.load('./fingerPlatform/custom/customHome.html', function() {10 // 이벤트등록11 $.onEvent();12 });13 };14 15 $.onEvent = function() {16 if ($.bindEvents) {17 if ($.bindEvents.onApprClick)18 $.extObj.find('.approval').find('dl.first').on('click', $.bindEvents.onApprClick);19 if ($.bindEvents.onDraftClick)20 $.extObj.find('.approval').find('dl.last').on('click', $.bindEvents.onDraftClick);21 if ($.bindEvents.onCardClick)22 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.first').find('dl.card').on('click', $.bindEvents.onCardClick);23 if ($.bindEvents.onDCardClick)24 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.first').find('dl.dcard').on('click', $.bindEvents.onDCardClick);25 if ($.bindEvents.onEseroClick)26 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.last').find('dl.esero').on('click', $.bindEvents.onEseroClick);27 if ($.bindEvents.onDEseroClick)28 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.last').find('dl.desero').on('click', $.bindEvents.onDEseroClick);29 }30 };31 32 /**33 * 결재함/기안함 건수34 */35 $.bindWfCount = function(appr_cnt, draft_cnt) {36 $.extObj.find('.approval').find('dl.first').find('dd').html(appr_cnt);37 $.extObj.find('.approval').find('dl.last').find('dd').html(draft_cnt);38 };39 40 /**41 * 미정산영수증 건수42 */43 $.bindPayCount = function(card_cnt, esero_cnt, dcard_cnt, desero_cnt) {44 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.first').find('dl.card').find('dd').html(card_cnt);45 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.first').find('dl.dcard').find('dd').html(dcard_cnt);46 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.last').find('dl.esero').find('dd').html(esero_cnt);47 $.extObj.find('.receipt').find('div.last').find('dl.desero').find('dd').html(desero_cnt);48 };49 50 /**51 * 게시판 최신글52 */53 $.bindBoard = function(data) {54 var model =55 '<tr> \56 <td class="gubun ellipsis">{0}</td> \57 <td class="title" menu_id="{p1}" board_group="{p2}" post_id="{p3}"><i class="{p4}"></i><span class="ellipsis {p5}">{1}</span></td> \58 <td class="creator ellipsis">{2}</td> \59 <td class="w_date ellipsis">{3}</td> \60 </tr>';61 62 var board = $.extObj.find('.bbs-latest').find('.list-area').find('table.tbl-latest').find('tbody');63 board.empty();64 65 for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {66 var gubun = data[i]['dept3'];67 68 var tmp = jQuery(model.replace('{0}', gubun)69 .replace('{1}', data[i]['post_title'])70 .replace('{p1}', data[i]['menu_id'])71 .replace('{p2}', data[i]['board_group'])72 .replace('{p3}', data[i]['post_id'])73 .replace('{p4}', (data[i]['is_new'] == 'Y' ? 'new' : 'old'))74 .replace('{p5}', (data[i]['is_new'] == 'Y' ? 'new' : 'old'))75 .replace('{2}', data[i]['emp_name'])76 .replace('{3}', extFormat(data[i]['create_date'], 'yyyyMMdd')));77 78 tmp.find('.title').on('click', function() {79 var jqObj = jQuery(this);80 if ($.bindEvents.onBoardTitleClick) {81 $.bindEvents.onBoardTitleClick(jqObj);82 }83 });84 board.append(tmp);85 }86 };87 88 $.getHtml = function() {89 if ($.extObj) {90 return $.extObj.parent().html();91 }92 };93 94 $.getPrintHtml = function() {95 if ($.extObj) {96 var styleSheet = call_sync_ajax('./fingerPlatform/css/CustomHome.css');97 styleSheet = '<style>' + styleSheet + '</style>';98 99 var html = $.extObj.parent().html();100 html = '<html><head>' + styleSheet + '</head><body>' + html + '</body></html>';101 return html;102 }103 }; ...

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Source:main.js Github


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1'use strict';2 //TODO: For 3dmol, at least on personal copy: module-ize3 //TODO: sub a PR for 3dmol repo, publish to NPM4 //TODO: all lib functions should be module-system agnostic...5 //So set to var and use a mod export like mithril does...6 //add 'use strict' to everything7 //TODO: add unit simple unit tests and hook up with gulp8/**9 * @fileoverview main entry point for pqr site.10 * @author (Josh Rogan)11 * @author (Ritwik Gupta)12 * @author (JJ Naughton)13 */14//TODO: this is ugly...15require('./polyfill');16//modernizr/browsernizr tests17require('browsernizr/test/webgl');18require('browsernizr/test/storage/localstorage');19require('browsernizr/test/css/animations');20let //$ = require('jquery'),21 modernizr = require('browsernizr'),22 bindevents = require('./bindevents'),23 autocomplete = require('./autocomplete'),24 qrgen = require('./qrgen'),25 scrollload = require('./scrollload'),26 molecule = require('./molecule'),27 util = require('./util'),28 threeDMole = require('./threeDMole');29/**30 * Initializes the application.31 */32function init() {33 util.FullToolTipOptIn();34 util.initFontSize();35 bindevents.bindFontSwitchers();36 //TODO: lots of stuff runs on all conditions?37 if ($("#main").hasClass("page-home")) {38 threeDMole.initViewers();39 /*40 //is this necessary41 //TODO: is this broken on dev?42 bindevents.moleculeReset('#reset-molecule');43 bindevents.moleculeToggleRotation('#rotationSwitch');44 */45 //autocomplete.init();46 util.updatePropertiesViewer();47 //TODO: should probably pass in DOM instead of accessors...48 //at least should pass in vars instead of strings.49 util.initQuickFit("#molecule-name", {50 min: 12,51 max:3652 });53 bindevents.propertiesViewerHandler();54 bindevents.moleculeStyleChanger();55 bindevents.moleculeReset('#reset-molecule');56 bindevents.moleculeToggleRotation('#rotationSwitch');57 bindevents.moleculeToggleSurface('.surfaceSwitch');58 bindevents.printButton('#print-molecule');59 }60 else if ($("#main").hasClass("page-molecule")) {61 threeDMole.initViewers();62 util.updatePropertiesViewer();63 //TODO: should probably pass in DOM instead of accessors...64 //at least should pass in vars instead of strings.65 util.initQuickFit("#molecule-name", {min: 12, max:36});66 bindevents.propertiesViewerHandler();67 bindevents.moleculeStyleChanger();68 bindevents.moleculeReset('#reset-molecule');69 bindevents.moleculeToggleRotation('#rotationSwitch');70 bindevents.moleculeToggleSurface('.surfaceSwitch');71 bindevents.printButton('#print-molecule');72 qrgen.addQRCodeMolecule(util.getQRURL());73 qrgen.addQRCodePrint(util.getQRURL());74 }75 else if($("#main").hasClass("page-browse")){76 //autocomplete.init();77 //Only Start AJAX if there are results78 if($('#molecule-browser').attr('data-has-results') === "true"){79 scrollload.init();80 molecule.initAjaxSearch();81 $('.molecule-results-masonary').removeClass('translucent');82 bindevents.ajaxTimer();83 bindevents.ajaxLoadButton();84 }85 }86}87// onready: init88$(document).ready(function() {89 //no webgl support90 if (!modernizr.localstorage || !modernizr.webgl) {91 util.redirectNoWebGL();92 }93 else {94 init();95 }...

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Source:EventModule.js Github


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1angular.module('edgefolio.models').factory('EventModule', function(2 JS, _3) {4 var EventModule = new JS.Module({5 $bindEvents: null, // { "eventName": [{ callback:, context: }] }6 /**7 * Binds a callback function to an event which can be called via $trigger(), context is8 *9 * @param {String} eventName10 * @param {Function} callback11 * @param {?Object} context12 */13 $bind: function(eventName, callback, context) {14 this.$bindEvents = this.$bindEvents || {};15 this.$bindEvents[eventName] = this.$bindEvents[eventName] || [];16 if( !_.isFunction(callback) ) {17 console.error("EventModule::$bind(eventName, callback)", "callback is not a function: ", eventName, callback);18 return;19 }20 var bindEntry = { callback: callback, context: context || this };21 if( !_.find(this.$bindEvents[eventName], function(loopBindEntry) {22 return bindEntry.callback === loopBindEntry.callback23 && bindEntry.context === loopBindEntry.context24 })) {25 this.$bindEvents[eventName].push(bindEntry);26 }27 },28 /**29 * Unbinds an eventName. If callback and/or context are passed in, these are used to filter the unbind30 *31 * @param {?String} eventName32 * @param {?Function} callback33 * @param {?Object} context34 */35 $unbind: function(eventName, callback, context) {36 this.$bindEvents = this.$bindEvents || {};37 this.$bindEvents[eventName] = this.$bindEvents[eventName] || [];38 if( callback || context ) {39 this.$bindEvents[eventName] = _.reject(this.$bindEvents[eventName], function(bindEntry) {40 if( callback && context ) {41 return bindEntry.callback === callback && bindEntry.context === context42 }43 else if( callback && !context ) {44 return bindEntry.callback === callback45 }46 else if( !callback && context ) {47 return bindEntry.context === context48 }49 });50 } else {51 this.$bindEvents[eventName] = [];52 }53 },54 /**55 * Triggers all previously bound events with the same eventName, passing in any additional arguments to the callbacks56 *57 * @param {String} eventName58 */59 $trigger: function(eventName /* ,arguments */ ) {60 this.$bindEvents = this.$bindEvents || {};61 this.$bindEvents[eventName] = this.$bindEvents[eventName] || [];62 var restArgs = [], 1); // = _.each(this.$bindEvents[eventName], function(bindEntry) {64 bindEntry.callback.apply(bindEntry.context, restArgs);65 });66 }67 });68 return EventModule;...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('wpt');2wpt.bindEvents();3var wpt = require('wpt');4wpt.bindEvents();5var wpt = require('wpt');6wpt.bindEvents();7var wpt = require('wpt');8wpt.bindEvents();9var wpt = require('wpt');10wpt.bindEvents();11var wpt = require('wpt');12wpt.bindEvents();13var wpt = require('wpt');14wpt.bindEvents();15var wpt = require('wpt');16wpt.bindEvents();17var wpt = require('wpt');18wpt.bindEvents();19var wpt = require('wpt');20wpt.bindEvents();21var wpt = require('wpt');22wpt.bindEvents();23var wpt = require('wpt');24wpt.bindEvents();25var wpt = require('wpt');26wpt.bindEvents();27var wpt = require('wpt');28wpt.bindEvents();29var wpt = require('wpt');30wpt.bindEvents();31var wpt = require('wpt');32wpt.bindEvents();33var wpt = require('wpt');34wpt.bindEvents();35var wpt = require('w

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wptoolkit = require('wptoolkit');2var events = require('events');3var eventEmitter = new events.EventEmitter();4var btn1 = document.getElementById('btn1');5var btn2 = document.getElementById('btn2');6var btn3 = document.getElementById('btn3');7var btn4 = document.getElementById('btn4');8var btn5 = document.getElementById('btn5');9var btn6 = document.getElementById('btn6');10wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn1, 'click', function() {11 console.log('btn1 clicked');12}, eventEmitter);13wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn2, 'click', function() {14 console.log('btn2 clicked');15}, eventEmitter);16wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn3, 'click', function() {17 console.log('btn3 clicked');18}, eventEmitter);19wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn4, 'click', function() {20 console.log('btn4 clicked');21}, eventEmitter);22wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn5, 'click', function() {23 console.log('btn5 clicked');24}, eventEmitter);25wptoolkit.bindEvents(btn6, 'click', function() {26 console.log('btn6 clicked');27}, eventEmitter);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1wptouchPro.bindEvents(function() {2 jQuery('#header-button').click(function() {3 alert('You clicked the header button!');4 });5});6wptouchPro.bindEvents(function() {7 jQuery('#header-button').click(function() {8 alert('You clicked the header button!');9 });10 jQuery('#header-button').click(function() {11 alert('You clicked the button that appears when the header button is clicked!');12 });13});14jQuery(document).ready(function() {15 jQuery('#header-button').click(function() {16 alert('You clicked the header button!');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var test = (function () {2 var handleEvent = function (event) {3 };4 var handleEvent2 = function (event) {5 };6 var handleEvent3 = function (event) {7 };8 var handleEvent4 = function (event) {9 };10 var handleEvent5 = function (event) {11 };12 var handleEvent6 = function (event) {13 };14 var handleEvent7 = function (event) {15 };16 var handleEvent8 = function (event) {17 };18 var handleEvent9 = function (event) {19 };20 var handleEvent10 = function (event) {21 };22 var handleEvent11 = function (event) {23 };24 var handleEvent12 = function (event) {25 };26 var handleEvent13 = function (event) {27 };28 var handleEvent14 = function (event) {29 };30 var handleEvent15 = function (event) {

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