How to use pending_promise method in wpt

Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt


Source:testdriver-extra.js Github


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1"use strict";2(function(){3 let pending_resolve = null;4 let pending_reject = null;5 let result = null;6 window.addEventListener("message", function(event) {7 const data =;8 if (typeof data !== "object" && data !== null) {9 return;10 }11 if (data.type !== "testdriver-complete") {12 return;13 }14 if (data.status === "success") {15 result = JSON.parse(data.message).result16 pending_resolve(result);17 } else {18 pending_reject(`${data.status}: ${data.message}`);19 }20 });21 const get_frame = function(element, frame) {22 let foundFrame = frame;23 let frameDocument = frame == window ? window.document : frame.contentDocument;24 if (!frameDocument.contains(element)) {25 foundFrame = null;26 let frames = document.getElementsByTagName("iframe");27 for (let i = 0; i < frames.length; i++) {28 if (get_frame(element, frames[i])) {29 foundFrame = frames[i];30 break;31 }32 }33 }34 return foundFrame;35 };36 const get_selector = function(element) {37 let selector;38 if ( {39 const id =;40 selector = "#";41 // escape everything, because it's easy to implement42 for (let i = 0, len = id.length; i < len; i++) {43 selector += '\\' + id.charCodeAt(i).toString(16) + ' ';44 }45 } else {46 // push and then reverse to avoid O(n) unshift in the loop47 let segments = [];48 for (let node = element;49 node.parentElement;50 node = node.parentElement) {51 let segment = "*|" + node.localName;52 let nth =, node) + 1;53 segments.push(segment + ":nth-child(" + nth + ")");54 }55 segments.push(":root");56 segments.reverse();57 selector = segments.join(" > ");58 }59 return selector;60 };61 window.test_driver_internal.in_automation = true;62 = function(element) {63 const selector = get_selector(element);64 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {65 pending_resolve = resolve;66 pending_reject = reject;67 });68 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "click", "selector": selector});69 return pending_promise;70 };71 window.test_driver_internal.send_keys = function(element, keys) {72 const selector = get_selector(element);73 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {74 pending_resolve = resolve;75 pending_reject = reject;76 });77 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "send_keys", "selector": selector, "keys": keys});78 return pending_promise;79 };80 window.test_driver_internal.action_sequence = function(actions) {81 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {82 pending_resolve = resolve;83 pending_reject = reject;84 });85 for (let actionSequence of actions) {86 if (actionSequence.type == "pointer") {87 for (let action of actionSequence.actions) {88 // The origin of each action can only be an element or a string of a value "viewport" or "pointer".89 if (action.type == "pointerMove" && typeof(action.origin) != 'string') {90 let frame = get_frame(action.origin, window);91 if (frame != null) {92 if (frame == window)93 action.frame = {frame: "window"};94 else95 action.frame = {frame: frame};96 action.origin = {selector: get_selector(action.origin)};97 }98 }99 }100 }101 }102 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "action_sequence", "actions": actions});103 return pending_promise;104 };105 window.test_driver_internal.generate_test_report = function(message) {106 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {107 pending_resolve = resolve;108 pending_reject = reject;109 });110 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "generate_test_report", "message": message});111 return pending_promise;112 };113 window.test_driver_internal.set_permission = function(permission_params) {114 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {115 pending_resolve = resolve;116 pending_reject = reject;117 });118 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "set_permission", permission_params});119 return pending_promise;120 };121 window.test_driver_internal.add_virtual_authenticator = function(config) {122 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {123 pending_resolve = resolve;124 pending_reject = reject;125 });126 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "add_virtual_authenticator", config});127 return pending_promise;128 };129 window.test_driver_internal.remove_virtual_authenticator = function(authenticator_id) {130 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {131 pending_resolve = resolve;132 pending_reject = reject;133 });134 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "remove_virtual_authenticator", authenticator_id});135 return pending_promise;136 };137 window.test_driver_internal.add_credential = function(authenticator_id, credential) {138 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {139 pending_resolve = resolve;140 pending_reject = reject;141 });142 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "add_credential", authenticator_id, credential});143 return pending_promise;144 };145 window.test_driver_internal.get_credentials = function(authenticator_id) {146 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {147 pending_resolve = resolve;148 pending_reject = reject;149 });150 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "get_credentials", authenticator_id});151 return pending_promise;152 };153 window.test_driver_internal.remove_credential = function(authenticator_id, credential_id) {154 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {155 pending_resolve = resolve;156 pending_reject = reject;157 });158 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "remove_credential", authenticator_id, credential_id});159 return pending_promise;160 };161 window.test_driver_internal.remove_all_credentials = function(authenticator_id) {162 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {163 pending_resolve = resolve;164 pending_reject = reject;165 });166 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "remove_all_credentials", authenticator_id});167 return pending_promise;168 };169 window.test_driver_internal.set_user_verified = function(authenticator_id, uv) {170 const pending_promise = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {171 pending_resolve = resolve;172 pending_reject = reject;173 });174 window.__wptrunner_message_queue.push({"type": "action", "action": "set_user_verified", authenticator_id, uv});175 return pending_promise;176 };...

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Source:index.js Github


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1import { queue_ } from '../queue_/index.js'2const default_queue_size = 43export function batch_queue_(queue_size = default_queue_size, batch_queue_size = queue_size) {4 if (!queue_size) queue_size = default_queue_size5 if (!batch_queue_size) batch_queue_size = queue_size6 const queue = queue_(queue_size)7 const pending_set = new Set()8 const waiting_fifo = []9 return {10 add(fn) {11 if (pending_set.size < batch_queue_size) {12 return Promise.resolve([fn, pending_promise_(fn)])13 } else {14 return new Promise(resolve=>{15 waiting_fifo.push(()=>{16 resolve([fn, pending_promise_(fn)])17 })18 })19 }20 },21 close() {22 return queue.close()23 }24 }25 function pending_promise_(fn) {26 const pending_promise = queue.add(fn).then(v=>{27 try {28 return v29 } finally {30 next(pending_promise)31 }32 }).catch(()=>{33 next(pending_promise)34 })35 pending_set.add(pending_promise)36 return pending_promise37 }38 function next(pending_promise) {39 pending_set.delete(pending_promise)40 if (waiting_fifo.length) {41 waiting_fifo.shift()()42 }43 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var webpagetest = new wpt('API_KEY');3 if (err) return console.error(err);4 var testId =;5 webpagetest.getTestResults(testId, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log(data);8 });9});10[MIT License](LICENSE)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var options = {3 videoParams: {4 },5 timelineParams: {6 },7 mobileDeviceUA: 'Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; CPU iPhone OS 8_1 like Mac OS X) AppleWebKit/600.1.4 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/8.0 Mobile/12B411 Safari/600.1.4',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3wpt.pending_promise(url)4 .then(function(data) {5 console.log(data)6 })7 .catch(function(error) {8 console.log(error)9 });10{ statusCode: 200,11 { statusCode: 200,12 runs: undefined } }13var wpt = require('webpagetest');14var wpt = new WebPageTest('');15wpt.pending_callback(url, function(error, data) {16 if (error) {17 console.log(error);18 } else {19 console.log(data);20 }21});22{ statusCode: 200,23 { statusCode: 200,24 runs: undefined } }25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var wpt = new WebPageTest('');27wpt.getLocations()28 .then(function(data) {29 console.log(data)30 })31 .catch(function(error) {32 console.log(error)33 });34{ statusCode: 200,35 { statusCode: 200,36 { locations:37 { 'Dulles:Chrome':38 { label: 'Chrome',39 'server': '' },40 { label: 'Firefox',

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('');3var options = {4};5wpt.runTest(test_url, options, function(err, data) {6 if (err) return console.error(err);7 console.log(data);8 wpt.getTestResults(, function(err, data) {9 if (err) return console.error(err);10 console.log(data);11 console.log("Test completed");12 });13});14### runTest(url, options, callback)15 * `location` - The location to test from (see [Locations](#locations) below)16 * `connectivity` - The connection type (see [Connectivity](#connectivity) below)17 * `pollResults` - How often to poll for test results (in seconds)18 * `firstViewOnly` - Only test the first view (omit repeat view)19 * `runs` - Number of test runs to average together (1-10)20 * `video` - Capture video (1=on, 0=off)21 * `mobile` - Test as a mobile device (1=on, 0=off)22 * `private` - Keep test private (requires a private instance, 1=on, 0=off)23 * `k` - API key (if not provided in the constructor)24 * `f` - Force test even if the test URL is in the test log (1=on, 0=off)25 * `lighthouse` - Run a Lighthouse performance test (1=on, 0=off)26 * `timeline` - Capture a Chrome trace timeline (1=on, 0=off)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1const wpt = require('wpt-api');2const wpt_api = new wpt('API_KEY');3const options = {4};5wpt_api.pending_promise(url, options)6.then((data) => {7 console.log(data);8})9.catch((err) => {10 console.log(err);11});12MIT © [Prajwal Koirala](

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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var client = wpt('');3client.pending_promise().then(function(data) {4 console.log(data);5});6### getLocationsPromise()7var wpt = require('webpagetest');8var client = wpt('');9client.getLocationsPromise().then(function(data) {10 console.log(data);11});12### getLocations()13var wpt = require('webpagetest');14var client = wpt('');15client.getLocations(function(err, data) {16 console.log(data);17});18### getTestersPromise()19var wpt = require('webpagetest');20var client = wpt('');21client.getTestersPromise().then(function(data) {22 console.log(data);23});24### getTesters()25var wpt = require('webpagetest');26var client = wpt('');27client.getTesters(function(err, data) {28 console.log(data);29});30### getTestStatusPromise(testId)31var wpt = require('webpagetest');32var client = wpt('');33client.getTestStatusPromise(testId).then(function(data) {34 console.log(data);35});36### getTestStatus(testId, callback)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var wpt = require('webpagetest');2var wpt = new WebPageTest('', 'A.1e7e8c6f0d6d1a6db3b6f8b5c5d5e5f5');3promise.then(function(data) {4 console.log(data);5}, function(error) {6 console.log(error);7});8### new WebPageTest([server], [apiKey])9### .runTest(url, [options], [callback])10### .getLocations([options], [callback])11### .getTestStatus(testId, [callback])12### .getTestResults(testId, [callback])13### .getHAR(testId, [callback])

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