How to use textdecode method in wpt

Best JavaScript code snippet using wpt


Source:content_disposition.js Github


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...28 }29 function toParamRegExp(attributePattern, flags) {30 return new RegExp('(?:^|;)\\s*' + attributePattern + '\\s*=\\s*' + '(' + '[^";\\s][^;\\s]*' + '|' + '"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\"?)+"?' + ')', flags);31 }32 function textdecode(encoding, value) {33 if (encoding) {34 if (!/^[\x00-\xFF]+$/.test(value)) {35 return value;36 }37 try {38 let decoder = new TextDecoder(encoding, {39 fatal: true40 });41 let bytes = Array.from(value, function (ch) {42 return ch.charCodeAt(0) & 0xFF;43 });44 value = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(bytes));45 needsEncodingFixup = false;46 } catch (e) {47 if (/^utf-?8$/i.test(encoding)) {48 try {49 value = decodeURIComponent(escape(value));50 needsEncodingFixup = false;51 } catch (err) {}52 }53 }54 }55 return value;56 }57 function fixupEncoding(value) {58 if (needsEncodingFixup && /[\x80-\xff]/.test(value)) {59 value = textdecode('utf-8', value);60 if (needsEncodingFixup) {61 value = textdecode('iso-8859-1', value);62 }63 }64 return value;65 }66 function rfc2231getparam(contentDisposition) {67 let matches = [],68 match;69 let iter = toParamRegExp('filename\\*((?!0\\d)\\d+)(\\*?)', 'ig');70 while ((match = iter.exec(contentDisposition)) !== null) {71 let [, n, quot, part] = match;72 n = parseInt(n, 10);73 if (n in matches) {74 if (n === 0) {75 break;76 }77 continue;78 }79 matches[n] = [quot, part];80 }81 let parts = [];82 for (let n = 0; n < matches.length; ++n) {83 if (!(n in matches)) {84 break;85 }86 let [quot, part] = matches[n];87 part = rfc2616unquote(part);88 if (quot) {89 part = unescape(part);90 if (n === 0) {91 part = rfc5987decode(part);92 }93 }94 parts.push(part);95 }96 return parts.join('');97 }98 function rfc2616unquote(value) {99 if (value.startsWith('"')) {100 let parts = value.slice(1).split('\\"');101 for (let i = 0; i < parts.length; ++i) {102 let quotindex = parts[i].indexOf('"');103 if (quotindex !== -1) {104 parts[i] = parts[i].slice(0, quotindex);105 parts.length = i + 1;106 }107 parts[i] = parts[i].replace(/\\(.)/g, '$1');108 }109 value = parts.join('"');110 }111 return value;112 }113 function rfc5987decode(extvalue) {114 let encodingend = extvalue.indexOf('\'');115 if (encodingend === -1) {116 return extvalue;117 }118 let encoding = extvalue.slice(0, encodingend);119 let langvalue = extvalue.slice(encodingend + 1);120 let value = langvalue.replace(/^[^']*'/, '');121 return textdecode(encoding, value);122 }123 function rfc2047decode(value) {124 if (!value.startsWith('=?') || /[\x00-\x19\x80-\xff]/.test(value)) {125 return value;126 }127 return value.replace(/=\?([\w-]*)\?([QqBb])\?((?:[^?]|\?(?!=))*)\?=/g, function (_, charset, encoding, text) {128 if (encoding === 'q' || encoding === 'Q') {129 text = text.replace(/_/g, ' ');130 text = text.replace(/=([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g, function (_, hex) {131 return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16));132 });133 return textdecode(charset, text);134 }135 try {136 text = atob(text);137 } catch (e) {}138 return textdecode(charset, text);139 });140 }141 return '';...

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Source:content_disposition.ts Github


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1/**2 * Adapted directly from content-disposition.js at 3 * * which is licensed as:5 * 6 * (c) 2017 Rob Wu <> ( * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public8 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this9 * file, You can obtain one at */11import { toParamRegExp, unquote } from "./headers.ts";12let needsEncodingFixup = false;13function fixupEncoding(value: string): string {14 if (needsEncodingFixup && /[\x80-\xff]/.test(value)) {15 value = textDecode("utf-8", value);16 if (needsEncodingFixup) {17 value = textDecode("iso-8859-1", value);18 }19 }20 return value;21}22const FILENAME_STAR_REGEX = toParamRegExp("filename\\*", "i");23const FILENAME_START_ITER_REGEX = toParamRegExp(24 "filename\\*((?!0\\d)\\d+)(\\*?)",25 "ig",26);27const FILENAME_REGEX = toParamRegExp("filename", "i");28function rfc2047decode(value: string): string {29 if (!value.startsWith("=?") || /[\x00-\x19\x80-\xff]/.test(value)) {30 return value;31 }32 return value.replace(33 /=\?([\w-]*)\?([QqBb])\?((?:[^?]|\?(?!=))*)\?=/g,34 (_: string, charset: string, encoding: string, text: string) => {35 if (encoding === "q" || encoding === "Q") {36 text = text.replace(/_/g, " ");37 text = text.replace(38 /=([0-9a-fA-F]{2})/g,39 (_, hex) => String.fromCharCode(parseInt(hex, 16)),40 );41 return textDecode(charset, text);42 }43 try {44 text = atob(text);45 } catch {}46 return textDecode(charset, text);47 },48 );49}50function rfc2231getParam(header: string): string {51 const matches: [string, string][] = [];52 let match: RegExpExecArray | null;53 while ((match = FILENAME_START_ITER_REGEX.exec(header))) {54 const [, ns, quote, part] = match;55 const n = parseInt(ns, 10);56 if (n in matches) {57 if (n === 0) {58 break;59 }60 continue;61 }62 matches[n] = [quote, part];63 }64 const parts: string[] = [];65 for (let n = 0; n < matches.length; ++n) {66 if (!(n in matches)) {67 break;68 }69 let [quote, part] = matches[n];70 part = unquote(part);71 if (quote) {72 part = unescape(part);73 if (n === 0) {74 part = rfc5987decode(part);75 }76 }77 parts.push(part);78 }79 return parts.join("");80}81function rfc5987decode(value: string): string {82 const encodingEnd = value.indexOf(`'`);83 if (encodingEnd === -1) {84 return value;85 }86 const encoding = value.slice(0, encodingEnd);87 const langValue = value.slice(encodingEnd + 1);88 return textDecode(encoding, langValue.replace(/^[^']*'/, ""));89}90function textDecode(encoding: string, value: string): string {91 if (encoding) {92 try {93 const decoder = new TextDecoder(encoding, { fatal: true });94 const bytes = Array.from(value, (c) => c.charCodeAt(0));95 if (bytes.every((code) => code <= 0xFF)) {96 value = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array(bytes));97 needsEncodingFixup = false;98 }99 } catch {}100 }101 return value;102}103export function getFilename(header: string): string {104 needsEncodingFixup = true;105 // filename*=ext-value ("ext-value" from RFC 5987, referenced by RFC 6266).106 let matches = FILENAME_STAR_REGEX.exec(header);107 if (matches) {108 const [, filename] = matches;109 return fixupEncoding(110 rfc2047decode(rfc5987decode(unescape(unquote(filename)))),111 );112 }113 // Continuations (RFC 2231 section 3, referenced by RFC 5987 section 3.1).114 // filename*n*=part115 // filename*n=part116 const filename = rfc2231getParam(header);117 if (filename) {118 return fixupEncoding(rfc2047decode(filename));119 }120 // filename=value (RFC 5987, section 4.1).121 matches = FILENAME_REGEX.exec(header);122 if (matches) {123 const [, filename] = matches;124 return fixupEncoding(rfc2047decode(unquote(filename)));125 }126 return "";...

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Source:app.js Github


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1function encodeAndDecodeMessages() {2 let buttonSend = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[0];3 let buttonDecode = document.getElementsByTagName('button')[1];4 let textSend = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[0];5 let textDecode = document.getElementsByTagName('textarea')[1];6 buttonSend.addEventListener('click', encode);7 buttonDecode.addEventListener('click', decode);8 function encode(e) {9 if (textSend.value.length > 0) {10 let rawMessage = textSend.value;11 let encodedMessage = rawMessage.split('')12 .map(el => String.fromCharCode(el.charCodeAt() + 1))13 .join('');14 textSend.value = '';15 textDecode.value = encodedMessage;16 }17 }18 function decode(e) {19 if (textDecode.value.length > 0) {20 let decodedMessage = textDecode.value.split('')21 .map(el => String.fromCharCode(el.charCodeAt() - 1))22 .join('')23 textDecode.value = decodedMessage;24 }25 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");2var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);3encoded[0] = 0xE2;4encoded[1] = 0x82;5encoded[2] = 0xAC;6var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);7console.log(decoded);8var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");9var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);10encoded[0] = 0xE2;11encoded[1] = 0x82;12encoded[2] = 0xAC;13var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);14console.log(decoded);15var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");16var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);17encoded[0] = 0xE2;18encoded[1] = 0x82;19encoded[2] = 0xAC;20var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);21console.log(decoded);22var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");23var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);24encoded[0] = 0xE2;25encoded[1] = 0x82;26encoded[2] = 0xAC;27var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);28console.log(decoded);29var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");30var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);31encoded[0] = 0xE2;32encoded[1] = 0x82;33encoded[2] = 0xAC;34var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);35console.log(decoded);36var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");37var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);38encoded[0] = 0xE2;39encoded[1] = 0x82;40encoded[2] = 0xAC;41var decoded = decoder.decode(encoded);42console.log(decoded);43var decoder = new TextDecoder("utf-8");44var encoded = new Uint8Array(3);45encoded[0] = 0xE2;46encoded[1] = 0x82;47encoded[2] = 0xAC;

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8); 2var view = new Uint8Array(buffer); 3view[0] = 0x65; 4view[1] = 0x6e; 5view[2] = 0x67; 6view[3] = 0x6c; 7view[4] = 0x69; 8view[5] = 0x73; 9view[6] = 0x68; 10view[7] = 0x21; 11var decoder = new TextDecoder(); 12var result = decoder.decode(buffer); 13console.log(result);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var decoder = new TextDecoder();2var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));3var decoder = new TextDecoder();4var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));5var decoder = new TextDecoder();6var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));7var decoder = new TextDecoder();8var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));9var decoder = new TextDecoder();10var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));11var decoder = new TextDecoder();12var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));13var decoder = new TextDecoder();14var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));15var decoder = new TextDecoder();16var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));17var decoder = new TextDecoder();18var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));19var decoder = new TextDecoder();20var data = decoder.decode(new Uint8Array([0x74, 0x65, 0x73, 0x74]));

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Using AI Code Generation


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1var textDecoder = new TextDecoder();2var text = textDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array([65,66,67,68]));3console.log(text);4var textDecoder = new TextDecoder();5var text = textDecoder.decode(new Uint8Array([65,66,67,68]));6console.log(text);7TextDecoder([encoding, options])

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