How to use responseProgress method of com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request class

Best Fuel code snippet using com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request.responseProgress


Source:DefaultRequest.kt Github


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...282 * @see com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.requests.DownloadRequest.progress283 *284 * @return self285 */286 override fun responseProgress(handler: ProgressCallback): Request {287 executionOptions.responseProgress += handler288 return request289 }290 /**291 * Add a [InterruptCallback] to the [RequestExecutionOptions]292 *293 * @see RequestExecutionOptions.interruptCallbacks294 *295 * @return self296 */297 override fun interrupt(interrupt: InterruptCallback) = request.also {298 it.executionOptions.interruptCallbacks.plusAssign(interrupt)299 }300 /**301 * Overwrite the [Request] [timeout] in milliseconds...

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Source:MainActivity.kt Github


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...111 .requestProgress{readBytes, totalBytes ->112 val progress = readBytes.toFloat() / totalBytes.toFloat() * 50113 {progressBar.progress = progress.toInt()}114 }115 .responseProgress {readBytes, totalBytes ->116 val progress = readBytes.toFloat() / totalBytes.toFloat() * 50 + 50117 {progressBar.progress = progress.toInt()}118 }119 .response { result ->120 val (bytes, error) = result121 if (error != null) {122 println("[error] $error")123 } else {124 val res = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes!!.count())125 //runOnUiThread {imagePreview.setImageBitmap(res)}126 {127 imagePreview.setImageBitmap(res)128 progressBar.visibility = GONE129 if (res.width > res.height) {130 imageWidth = 600131 imageHeight = res.height * imageWidth / res.width132 } else {133 imageHeight = 600134 imageWidth = res.width * imageHeight / res.height135 }136 currentState = "view"137 }138 }139 }140 }141 else if (currentState == "view") {142 Fuel.upload("$serverAddress/view")143 .add(BlobDataPart(bis, name = "data", filename = "image.jpg", contentLength = length.toLong()))144 .add(InlineDataPart(imageHeight.toString(), name = "height"))145 .add(InlineDataPart(imageWidth.toString(), name = "width"))146 .requestProgress{readBytes, totalBytes ->147 val progress = readBytes.toFloat() / totalBytes.toFloat() * 50148 {progressBar.progress = progress.toInt()}149 }150 .responseProgress {readBytes, totalBytes ->151 val progress = readBytes.toFloat() / totalBytes.toFloat() * 50 + 50152 {progressBar.progress = progress.toInt()}153 }154 .response { result ->155 val (bytes, error) = result156 if (error != null) {157 println("[error] $error")158 } else {159 {160 imagePreview.setImageDrawable(null)161 progressBar.visibility = GONE162 currentState = "image"163 }164 }...

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Source:CancellableRequestTest.kt Github


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...55 response = mock.response().withBody(bytes).withDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 200)56 )57 val running ="cancel-response"))58 .fileDestination { _, _ -> file }59 .responseProgress { readBytes, _ ->60 responseWrittenSemaphore.release()61 Thread.sleep(200)62 if (readBytes > 9 * manager.progressBufferSize)63 fail("Expected request to be cancelled by now")64 }65 .interrupt { interruptedSemaphore.release() }66 .response(expectNoResponseCallbackHandler())67 if (!responseWrittenSemaphore.tryAcquire(3, 5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {68 fail("Expected body to be at least ${3 * manager.progressBufferSize} bytes")69 }70 // Cancel while writing body71 running.cancel()72 // Run the request73 if (!interruptedSemaphore.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {74 fail("Expected request to be cancelled via interruption")75 }76 assertThat(running.isDone, equalTo(true))77 assertThat(running.isCancelled, equalTo(true))78 assertThat("Expected file to be incomplete", file.length() < bytes.size, equalTo(true))79 }80 // Random Test Failure when interruptSemaphore didn't acquired on 5 secs81 @Test82 fun testCancellationInline() {83 val interruptSemaphore = Semaphore(0)84 val bodyReadSemaphore = Semaphore(0)85 mock.chain(86 request = mock.request().withMethod(Method.POST.value).withPath("/cancel-inline"),87 response = mock.reflect().withDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 200)88 )89 val running = FuelManager()90 .request(Method.POST, mock.path("cancel-inline"), listOf("foo" to "bar"))91 .authentication().basic("username", "password")92 .body(93 { ByteArrayInputStream("my-body".toByteArray()).also { bodyReadSemaphore.release() } },94 { "my-body".length.toLong() }95 )96 .interrupt { interruptSemaphore.release() }97 .response(expectNoResponseCallbackHandler())98 if (!bodyReadSemaphore.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {99 fail("Expected body to be serialized")100 }101 running.cancel()102 if (!interruptSemaphore.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {103 fail("Expected request to be cancelled via interruption")104 }105 assertThat(running.isDone, equalTo(true))106 assertThat(running.isCancelled, equalTo(true))107 }108 @Test109 fun interruptCallback() {110 val manager = FuelManager()111 val interruptSemaphore = Semaphore(0)112 val responseWrittenCallback = Semaphore(0)113 val bytes = ByteArray(10 * manager.progressBufferSize).apply { Random().nextBytes(this) }114 mock.chain(115 request = mock.request().withMethod(Method.GET.value).withPath("/bytes"),116 response = mock.response()117 .withBody(BinaryBody(bytes, MediaType.OCTET_STREAM))118 .withDelay(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, 200)119 )120 val file = File.createTempFile(bytes.toString(), null)121 val running = FuelManager()122 .download(mock.path("bytes"))123 .fileDestination { _, _ -> file }124 .header(Headers.CONTENT_TYPE, "application/octet-stream")125 .responseProgress { _, _ ->126 responseWrittenCallback.release()127 Thread.sleep(200)128 }129 .interrupt { interruptSemaphore.release() }130 .response(expectNoResponseCallbackHandler())131 if (!responseWrittenCallback.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {132 fail("Expected response to be partially written")133 }134 running.cancel()135 if (!interruptSemaphore.tryAcquire(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) {136 fail("Expected request to be cancelled via interruption")137 }138 assertThat(running.isDone, equalTo(true))139 assertThat(running.isCancelled, equalTo(true))...

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Source:ExampleInstrumentedTest.kt Github


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...124 Fuel.get("$url/json")125 .requestProgress { _, _ ->126 println("Request wait")127 }128 .responseProgress{ _, _ ->129 println("Response wait")130 }131 .responseJson{ _, _, result ->132 println(result)133 println("OK")134 }135 }136 @Test137 fun testAsync() {138 println("Waiting test")139 val (_, _, result) = Fuel.get("$url/json")140 .responseJson()141 result.fold(success = { json ->142 val jsonobj = json.obj()...

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Source:YukiTexture.kt Github


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...37 next(req)38 }39 }40 .get(tex)41 .responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->42 val percent = readBytes.toFloat().div(totalBytes).times(100)43 JSONMessage.actionbar("リソースパックをダウンロード中... ($percent %)", player)44 }45 .response()46 JSONMessage.create()47 .then("$prefix レスポンスは ")48 .then("${response.statusCode} (${response.responseMessage})")49 .tooltip(buildString {50 append("${CC.YELLOW}URL: ${CC.RESET}${response.url}")51 append("\n")52 append(response.headers53 .map { "${CC.AQUA}${it.key}: ${CC.RESET}${it.value.joinToString(" ")}" }54 .joinToString("\n"))55 })...

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Source:DownloadRequest.kt Github


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...47 fun streamDestination(destination: StreamDestinationCallback): DownloadRequest {48 destinationCallback = destination49 return request50 }51 fun progress(progress: ProgressCallback) = responseProgress(progress)52 private fun transformResponse(request: Request, response: Response): Response {53 val (output, inputCallback) = this.destinationCallback(response, request)54 output.use { outputStream ->55 response.body.toStream().use { inputStream ->56 inputStream.copyTo(out = outputStream)57 }58 }59 // This allows the stream to be written to disk first and then return the written file.60 // We can not calculate the length here because inputCallback might not return the actual output as we write it.61 return response.copy(body = DefaultBody.from(inputCallback, null))62 }63 companion object {64 val FEATURE: String = fun enableFor(request: Request) = request.enabledFeatures...

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Source:ResponseProgressTest.kt Github


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...46 response = mock.response().withDelay(Delay.seconds(1)).withBody(BinaryBody(downloadData, MediaType.OCTET_STREAM))47 )48 var progressCalls = 049 val (request, response, result) = threadSafeFuel.request(Method.GET, mock.path("download"))50 .responseProgress { _, _ -> progressCalls += 1 }51 .also { println("Downloading $length bytes to memory") }52 .responseString()53 val (data, error) = result54 assertThat(request, notNullValue())55 assertThat(response, notNullValue())56 assertThat("Expected data, actual error $error.", data, notNullValue())57 // Probably around 9 (8 times a buffer write, and the final closing -1 write)58 assertThat("Expected progress to be called at least (total size/buffer size), actual $progressCalls calls",59 progressCalls > length / threadSafeFuel.progressBufferSize,60 equalTo(true)61 )62 }63}...

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Source:RedirectionInterceptor.kt Github


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...39 if ( != it.headers.remove(Headers.AUTHORIZATION)41 }42 .requestProgress(request.executionOptions.requestProgress)43 .responseProgress(request.executionOptions.responseProgress)44 .let {45 if (newMethod === request.method && !request.body.isEmpty() && !request.body.isConsumed())46 it.body(request.body)47 else48 it49 }50 // Redirect51 next(request, newRequest.response().second)52 }53 }...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 println("readBytes: $readBytes")2 println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")3}.response { _, _, result ->4 result.fold({ d ->5 println(d)6 }, { err ->7 println(err)8 })9}10 println("readBytes: $readBytes")11 println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")12}.response { _, _, result ->13 result.fold({ d ->14 println(d)15 }, { err ->16 println(err)17 })18}19 println("readBytes: $readBytes")20 println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")21}.response { _, _, result ->22 result.fold({ d ->23 println(d)24 }, { err ->25 println(err)26 })27}28 println("readBytes: $readBytes")29 println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")30}.response { _, _, result ->31 result.fold({ d ->32 println(d)33 }, { err ->34 println(err)35 })36}37 println("readBytes: $readBytes")38 println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")39}.response { _, _, result ->40 result.fold({ d ->41 println(d)42 }, { err ->43 println(err)44 })45}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1println("readBytes: $readBytes")2println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")3}4println("readBytes: $readBytes")5println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")6}.third7println("readBytes: $readBytes")8println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")9}10println("readBytes: $readBytes")11println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")12}13println("readBytes: $readBytes")14println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")15}16println("readBytes: $readBytes")17println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")18}19println("readBytes: $readBytes")20println("totalBytes: $totalBytes")21}

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1val (request, response, result) = Fuel.upload(url)2        .source { request, url ->3            val file = File(url)4            file.inputStream()5        }6        .fileBody(file)7        .responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->8            println("percentage: $percentage")9        }10        .response()11val (request, response, result) = Fuel.upload(url)12        .source { request, url ->13            val file = File(url)14            file.inputStream()15        }16        .fileBody(file)17        .response()18        .responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->19            println("percentage: $percentage")20        }21val (request, response, result) = Fuel.upload(url)22        .source { request, url ->23            val file = File(url)24            file.inputStream()25        }26        .fileBody(file)27        .response()28        .responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->29            println("percentage: $percentage")30        }31val (request, response, result) = Fuel.upload(url)32        .source { request, url ->33            val file = File(url)34            file.inputStream()35        }36        .fileBody(file)37        .response()38        .component3()39        .responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->40            println("percentage: $percentage")41        }42val (request, response, result) = Fuel.upload(url)43        .source { request, url ->44            val file = File(url)45            file.inputStream()46        }47        .fileBody(file)48        .response()49        .responseProgress { readBytes

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Using AI Code Generation


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1val (request, response, result) = FuelManager.instance.get("f=sl1d1t1&s=MSFT+GOOG+AAPL+FB+TWTR", listOf("f" to "sl1d1t1", "s" to "MSFT+GOOG+AAPL+FB+TWTR")).responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->2 Log.d(TAG, "readBytes: $readBytes, totalBytes: $totalBytes")3}4Log.d(TAG, "request: $request")5Log.d(TAG, "response: $response")6Log.d(TAG, "result: $result")7Log.d(TAG, "request: $request")8Log.d(TAG, "response: $response")9Log.d(TAG, "result: $result")10val (request, response, result) = FuelManager.instance.get("f=sl1d1t1&s=MSFT+GOOG+AAPL+FB+TWTR", listOf("f" to "sl1d1t1", "s" to "MSFT+GOOG+AAPL+FB+TWTR")).responseProgress { readBytes, totalBytes ->11 Log.d(TAG, "readBytes: $readBytes, totalBytes: $totalBytes")12}13Log.d(TAG, "request: $request")14Log.d(TAG, "response: $response")15Log.d(TAG, "result: $result")16Log.d(TAG, "request: $request")17Log.d(TAG, "response: $response")18Log.d(TAG, "result: $result")19val (request, response, result) = Fuel

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