How to use randomUUID method of com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.requests.private class

Best Fuel code snippet using com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.requests.private.randomUUID


Source:App.kt Github


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...42 }43 }44 install(CallLogging) {45 callIdMdc("correlation_id")46 mdc("request_id") {"generated-${UUID.randomUUID()}"}47 logRequests(templateQueryParameters = true)48 }49 intercept(ApplicationCallPipeline.Call) {50 if (!call.request.isMonitoringRequest()) {51 if (!call.request.hasValidPath()) {52 call.respondErrorAndLog(HttpStatusCode.BadGateway, "Invalid requested path.")53 } else if (!call.request.isMonitoringRequest()) {54 val destinationApplication = call.request.firstPathSegment()55 logger.trace("destinationApplication = '$destinationApplication'")56 val destinationPath = call.request.pathWithoutFirstPathSegment()57 logger.trace("destinationPath = '$destinationPath'")58 val httpMethod = call.request.httpMethod59 logger.trace("httpMethod = '$httpMethod'")60 if (!mappings.containsKey(destinationApplication)) {...

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Source:ObjectTest.kt Github


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...29 return UUIDResponse(content)30 }31}32class ObjectTest : MockHttpTestCase() {33 private fun randomUUID() = UUID.randomUUID()34 private fun getUUID(uuid: UUID, path: String = "uuid"): Request {35 mock.chain(36 request = mock.request().withPath("/$path"),37 response = mock.response().withBody(uuid.toString())38 )39 return Fuel.request(Method.GET, mock.path(path))40 }41 private fun mocked404(method: Method = Method.GET, path: String = "invalid/url"): Request {42 mock.chain(43 request = mock.request().withPath("/$path"),44 response = mock.response().withStatusCode(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)45 )46 return Fuel.request(method, mock.path(path))47 }48 @Test49 fun response() {50 val uuid = randomUUID()51 val (request, response, result) = getUUID(uuid).response(UUIDResponseDeserializer)52 val (data, error) = result53 assertThat("Expected data, actual error $error", data, notNullValue())54 assertThat(data!!.uuid, equalTo(uuid.toString()))55 assertThat("Expected request to be not null", request, notNullValue())56 assertThat("Expected response to be not null", response, notNullValue())57 }58 @Test59 fun responseFailure() {60 val (_, _, result) = mocked404().responseString()61 val (data, error) = result62 assertThat("Expected error, actual data $data", error, notNullValue())63 }64 @Test65 fun responseHandler() {66 val uuid = randomUUID()67 val running = getUUID(uuid).response(UUIDResponseDeserializer, object : Handler<UUIDResponse> {68 override fun success(value: UUIDResponse) {69 assertThat(value.uuid, equalTo(uuid.toString()))70 }71 override fun failure(error: FuelError) {72 fail("Expected data, actual error $error")73 }74 })75 running.join()76 }77 @Test78 fun responseHandlerFailure() {79 val running = mocked404().response(UUIDResponseDeserializer, object : Handler<UUIDResponse> {80 override fun success(value: UUIDResponse) {81 fail("Expected error, actual data $value")82 }83 override fun failure(error: FuelError) {84 assertThat(error, notNullValue())85 assertThat(error.exception as? HttpException, isA( }87 })88 running.join()89 }90 @Test91 fun responseResponseHandler() {92 val uuid = randomUUID()93 val running = getUUID(uuid).response(UUIDResponseDeserializer, object : ResponseHandler<UUIDResponse> {94 override fun success(request: Request, response: Response, value: UUIDResponse) {95 assertThat("Expected data to be not null", value, notNullValue())96 assertThat(value.uuid, equalTo(uuid.toString()))97 assertThat("Expected request to be not null", request, notNullValue())98 assertThat("Expected response to be not null", response, notNullValue())99 }100 override fun failure(request: Request, response: Response, error: FuelError) {101 fail("Expected data, actual error $error")102 }103 })104 running.join()105 }106 @Test107 fun responseResponseHandlerFailure() {108 val running = mocked404().response(UUIDResponseDeserializer, object : ResponseHandler<UUIDResponse> {109 override fun success(request: Request, response: Response, value: UUIDResponse) {110 fail("Expected error, actual data $value")111 }112 override fun failure(request: Request, response: Response, error: FuelError) {113 assertThat(error, notNullValue())114 assertThat(error.exception as? HttpException, isA( assertThat("Expected request to be not null", request, notNullValue())116 assertThat("Expected response to be not null", response, notNullValue())117 }118 })119 running.join()120 }121 @Test122 fun responseResultHandler() {123 val uuid = randomUUID()124 val running = getUUID(uuid).response(UUIDResponseDeserializer) { result: Result<UUIDResponse, FuelError> ->125 val (data, error) = result126 assertThat("Expected data, actual error $error", data, notNullValue())127 assertThat(data!!.uuid, equalTo(uuid.toString()))128 }129 running.join()130 }131 @Test132 fun responseResultHandlerFailure() {133 val running = mocked404().response(UUIDResponseDeserializer) { result: Result<UUIDResponse, FuelError> ->134 val (data, error) = result135 assertThat("Expected error, actual data $data", error, notNullValue())136 }137 running.join()138 }139 @Test140 fun responseResponseResultHandler() {141 val uuid = randomUUID()142 val running = getUUID(uuid).response(UUIDResponseDeserializer) { request, response, result ->143 val (data, error) = result144 assertThat("Expected data, actual error $error", data, notNullValue())145 assertThat(data!!.uuid, equalTo(uuid.toString()))146 assertThat("Expected request to be not null", request, notNullValue())147 assertThat("Expected response to be not null", response, notNullValue())148 }149 running.join()150 }151 @Test152 fun responseResponseResultHandlerFailure() {153 val running = mocked404().response(UUIDResponseDeserializer) { request, response, result ->154 val (data, error) = result155 assertThat("Expected error, actual data $data", error, notNullValue())...

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Source:StringTest.kt Github


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...17import org.junit.Test18import java.util.UUID20class StringTest : MockHttpTestCase() {21 private fun randomString() = UUID.randomUUID().toString()22 private fun getString(string: String, path: String = "string"): Request {23 mock.chain(24 request = mock.request().withPath("/$path"),25 response = mock.response().withBody(string)26 )27 return Fuel.request(Method.GET, mock.path(path))28 }29 private fun mocked404(method: Method = Method.GET, path: String = "invalid/url"): Request {30 mock.chain(31 request = mock.request().withPath("/$path"),32 response = mock.response().withStatusCode(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NOT_FOUND)33 )34 return Fuel.request(method, mock.path(path))35 }...

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Source:UploadRequest.kt Github


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...14 private fun ensureBoundary() {15 val contentType = this[Headers.CONTENT_TYPE].lastOrNull()16 // Overwrite the current content type17 if (contentType.isNullOrBlank() || !contentType.startsWith("multipart/form-data") || !Regex("boundary=[^\\s]+").containsMatchIn(contentType)) {18 this[Headers.CONTENT_TYPE] = "multipart/form-data; boundary=\"${UUID.randomUUID()}\""19 return20 }21 }22 override fun toString() = "Upload[\n\r\t$wrapped\n\r]"23 /**24 * Add one or multiple [dataParts] callbacks to be invoked to get a [DataPart] to write to the [UploadBody]25 * @param dataParts [LazyDataPart] the callbacks26 */27 fun add(vararg dataParts: LazyDataPart) = dataParts.fold(this, UploadRequest::plus)28 /**29 * Add one or multiple [DataPart]s to the [UploadBody]30 * @param dataParts [DataPart] the parts31 */32 fun add(vararg dataParts: DataPart) = plus(dataParts.toList())...

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Source:CkanResultsConsumer.kt Github


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...66 fileWriter.close()67 return file68 }69 private fun generatePackageName(): String {70 return UUID.randomUUID().toString()71 }72 private fun createPackage(packageName: String, publicationRequest: PublicationRequest) {73 val bodyMap: Map<String, String> = mapOf(74 "name" to packageName,75 "title" to publicationRequest.title,76 "notes" to publicationRequest.description,77 "license_id" to this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.defaultLicense,78 "owner_org" to this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.organization79 )80 val (request, response, result) = "${this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.hostname}/api/action/package_create"81 .httpPost()82 .header("Authorization", this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.apiKey)83 .jsonBody(this.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(bodyMap))84 .responseString()...

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Source:GAENTransportIntegrationTests.kt Github


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...91 every { client.executeRequest(any()).responseMessage } returns "OK"92 every { client.executeRequest(any()).data } returns successJson.toByteArray()93 FuelManager.instance.client = client94 val actionHistory = ActionHistory(TaskAction.send)95 val retryItems = gaenTransport.send(transportType, header, UUID.randomUUID(), null, context, actionHistory)96 assertThat(retryItems).isNull()97 assertThat(actionHistory.action.actionName).isEqualTo(TaskAction.send)98 }99 @Test100 fun `test send and retry`() {101 val header = makeHeader()102 setupTransport()103 // Set up a OK ENVC API response104 val client = mockk<Client>()105 every { client.executeRequest(any()).statusCode } returns 429106 every { client.executeRequest(any()).responseMessage } returns "Too Many Requests"107 every { client.executeRequest(any()).data } returns maintenanceJson.toByteArray()108 FuelManager.instance.client = client109 val actionHistory = ActionHistory(TaskAction.send)110 val retryItems = gaenTransport.send(transportType, header, UUID.randomUUID(), null, context, actionHistory)111 assertThat(RetryToken.isAllItems(retryItems)).isTrue()112 assertThat(actionHistory.action.actionName).isEqualTo(TaskAction.send_warning)113 }114 @Test115 fun `test send and error`() {116 val header = makeHeader()117 setupTransport()118 // Set up a OK ENVC API response119 val client = mockk<Client>()120 every { client.executeRequest(any()).statusCode } returns 400121 every { client.executeRequest(any()).responseMessage } returns "Bad Request"122 every { client.executeRequest(any()).data } returns errorJson.toByteArray()123 FuelManager.instance.client = client124 val actionHistory = ActionHistory(TaskAction.send)125 val retryItems = gaenTransport.send(transportType, header, UUID.randomUUID(), null, context, actionHistory)126 assertThat(retryItems).isNull()127 assertThat(actionHistory.action.actionName).isEqualTo(TaskAction.send_error)128 }129}...

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Source:CkanDataPublisher.kt Github


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...45 fileWriter.close()46 return file47 }48 private fun generatePackageName(): String {49 return UUID.randomUUID().toString()50 }51 private fun createPackage(packageName: String, publicationRequest: PublicationRequest) {52 val (request, response, result) = "${this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.hostname}/api/action/package_create"53 .httpPost()54 .header("Authorization", this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.apiKey)55 .jsonBody("{\n" +56 " \"name\": \"${packageName}\",\n" +57 " \"title\": \"${publicationRequest.title}\",\n" +58 " \"notes\": \"${publicationRequest.description}\",\n" +59 " \"license_id\": \"${this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.defaultLicense}\",\n" +60 " \"owner_org\": \"${this.ckanConnectorConfiguration.organization}\"\n" +61 "}")62 .responseString()63 when (result) {...

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Source:StressTest.kt Github


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...61"/users")62 .header("DB-Connection", .body(64 """65 {"username": "${UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0, 6)}"}66 """.trimIndent()67 )68 .awaitStringResponse()69 } catch (e: Exception) {70 println("Error ${e.message}")71 null72 }73 }.let { (res, duration) ->74 println("Write: $duration, ${res?.second?.header("Connection-Type")?.firstOrNull()}, ${res?.second?.body()?.asString("application/json")?.substring(0..7)}...")75 }76}...

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