How to use awaitUnit method of com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.private class

Best Fuel code snippet using com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.private.awaitUnit


Source:Deserializable.kt Github


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...221 *222 * Use this method to avoid huge memory allocation when using []223 * to a large file without using response result224 *225 * To run method in different coroutine context, use `com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitUnit` in `fuel-coroutines` module226 */227@Throws(FuelError::class)228suspend fun Request.awaitUnit(): Unit = await(EmptyDeserializer)229/**230 * Await [T] or [FuelError]231 * @return [ResponseOf<T>] the [Result] of [T]232 */233@Throws(FuelError::class)234suspend fun <T : Any, U : Deserializable<T>> Request.awaitResponse(deserializable: U): ResponseOf<T> {235 val response = suspendable().await()236 return runCatching { Triple(this, response, deserializable.deserialize(response)) }237 .onFailure { throw FuelError.wrap(it, response) }238 .getOrThrow()239}240/**241 * Await [T] or [FuelError]242 * @return [Result<T>] the [Result] of [T]...

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Source:JenkinsUpdateTask.kt Github


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...33import com.fasterxml.jackson.datatype.jsr310.JavaTimeModule34import com.fasterxml.jackson.module.kotlin.registerKotlinModule35import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FuelManager36import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request37import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.awaitUnit38import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitObject39import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.jackson.jacksonDeserializerOf40import java.time.Instant42import org.slf4j.kotlin.debug43import org.slf4j.kotlin.getLogger44import org.slf4j.kotlin.info45import kotlin.math.ln46import kotlin.math.pow47class JenkinsUpdateTask(48 jenkinsUrl: String = "",49 jenkinsProject: String = "job/solo-studios/job/PolyBot",50 ) : UpdateTask {51 private val logger by getLogger()52 53 private val baseUrl = "$jenkinsUrl/$jenkinsProject"54 55 private val fuel = FuelManager().also {56 it.basePath = baseUrl57 }58 private val mapper = ObjectMapper().registerKotlinModule().also {59 it.configure(DeserializationFeature.FAIL_ON_UNKNOWN_PROPERTIES, false)60 it.configure(DeserializationFeature.UNWRAP_SINGLE_VALUE_ARRAYS, true)61 it.registerModule(JavaTimeModule())62 }63 64 override suspend fun update(file: File) {65 { "Downloading the latest jar from Jenkins." }66 logger.debug { "Querying Jenkins at url $baseUrl for the latest successful build." }67 val build = fuel.get("${lastSuccessfulBuildUrl}/${jsonApiUrl}")68 .awaitObject<JenkinsBuild>(mapper)69 70 val artifact = build.artifacts.find { it.fileName.endsWith("-all.jar") } ?: error("Could not find an artifact ending in -all.jar.")71 72 logger.debug { "Latest successful build artifact found: ${artifact.fileName}, ${artifact.relativePath}" }73 74 var lastUpdate = 0L75 76"${lastSuccessfulBuildUrl}/$artifactUrl/${artifact.relativePath}")77 .fileDestination { _, _ -> file }78 .progress { readBytes, totalBytes ->79 if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastUpdate > 100) {80 lastUpdate = System.currentTimeMillis()81 val progress = (readBytes.toDouble() / totalBytes.toDouble()) * 10082 { "Downloading: [%.2f%%] %s/%s".format(progress, readBytes.humanBytes(), totalBytes.humanBytes()) }83 }84 }.awaitUnit()85 86 logger.debug { "Downloaded the latest jar artifact." }87 }88 89 @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)90 private data class JenkinsBuild(91 val id: Long,92 val fullDisplayName: String,93 val timestamp: Instant,94 val url: String,95 val artifacts: List<JenkinsArtifact>96 )97 98 @JsonIgnoreProperties(ignoreUnknown = true)...

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Source:ObjectTest.kt Github


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...101 assertThat(error.response.statusCode, equalTo(response.statusCode))102 assertThat(error.response.body(), equalTo(response.body()))103 }104 @Test105 fun awaitUnit() = runBlocking {106 runCatching {107 val data = randomUuid().awaitUnit()108 assertThat(data, notNullValue())109 assertThat(data, equalTo(Unit))110 }.getOrElse {111 fail("Expected pass, actual error $it")112 }113 }114 @Test115 fun captureDeserializationException() = runBlocking {116 val (request, response, result) = reflectedRequest(Method.GET, "reflected")117 .awaitObjectResponseResult(object : ResponseDeserializable<Unit> {118 override fun deserialize(content: String): Unit? {119 throw IllegalStateException("some deserialization exception")120 }121 })...

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Source:LogDownloader.kt Github


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...5import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.option6import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.options.required7import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.int8import com.github.ajalt.clikt.parameters.types.path9import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.awaitUnit10import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.extensions.jsonBody11import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.requests.download12import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpGet13import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpPost14import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.serialization.responseObject15import com.github.kittinunf.result.getOrElse16import kotlinx.coroutines.GlobalScope17import kotlinx.coroutines.launch18import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking19import java.nio.file.Path21import java.text.SimpleDateFormat22import java.util.Date23import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger24import kotlin.system.exitProcess25class LogDownloader : CirrusCommand() {26 val branch: String? by option(27 "-b", "--branch",28 help = "The branch from which to get the logs from. If not provided, quirrus will not filter for branches."29 )30 val numberOfTasks: Int by option(31 "-n", "--number-of-tasks",32 help = "The number of tasks for which to fetch the logs, starting and including the newest task, going backwards in time."33 ).int().default(0)34 val tasks: List<String>? by option(35 "-k", "--tasks",36 help = "A comma-separated list of the name(s) of the task(s) to download logs for. Not providing a value here will attempt to " +37 "download the logs for all tasks."38 ).convert { it.split(",") }39 val taskIds: List<String>? by option(40 "--taskIds",41 help = "A comma-separated list of task IDs of the concrete tasks of which to get the logs."42 ).convert { it.split(",") }43 val logFileName: String by option(44 "-l", "--logfile",45 help = "The name of the log file to download."46 ).required()47 val targetDirectory: Path by argument().path(mustExist = true, canBeFile = false)48 override fun run() {49 val discoveredTasks = getLastNBuilds(numberOfTasks).let { (req, _, result) ->50 result.getOrElse { e ->51 logger.error("Could not fetch last $numberOfTasks builds: $e")52 exitProcess(1)53 }.let { apiResponse ->54 tasks55 { edge ->56 edge.node.let { buildNode ->57 buildNode.tasks.filter { task ->58 tasks?.contains( ?: true59 }.map { it to buildNode }60 }61 } ?: run {62 logger.error("Got invalid response while trying to get last $numberOfTasks builds: $apiResponse")63 exitProcess(1)64 }65 }66 }67 runBlocking {68 downloadLogs((taskIds?.map { Task(it, "UNKNOWN", 0) to null } ?: emptyList()) + discoveredTasks)69 }70 }71 fun getLastNBuilds(numberOfBuilds: Int) =72 apiUrl.httpPost()73 .authenticate()74 .let { request ->75 requestTimeout?.let {76 request.timeout(it * 1000)77 request.timeoutRead(it * 1000)78 } ?: request79 }80 .jsonBody(RequestBuilder.tasksQuery(repositoryId, branch, numberOfBuilds).toRequestString())81 .responseObject<RepositoryApiResponse>(json)82 val dateFormat = SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd_HH-mm")83 private suspend fun downloadLogs(taskIds: List<Pair<Task, BuildNode?>>) {84 var successful = AtomicInteger()85 var failed = AtomicInteger()86 { (task, buildNode) ->87 GlobalScope.launch {88 val destinationPath = if (buildNode != null) {89 val branchEscaped = buildNode.branch.replace(File.separatorChar, '_').replace(File.pathSeparatorChar, '_')90 val buildTime = dateFormat.format(Date(task.creationTimestamp))91 targetDirectory.resolve("${logFileName}_${buildTime}_${branchEscaped}_${}.log")92 } else {93 targetDirectory.resolve("${logFileName}_${}.log")94 }95 val downloadLink = RequestBuilder.logDownloadLink(, logFileName)96 logger.verbose { "Downloading log for task ${} from $downloadLink..." }97 runCatching {98 downloadLink99 .httpGet()100 .authenticate()101 .download()102 .fileDestination { _, _ -> destinationPath.toFile() }103 .awaitUnit()104 }.onFailure { e ->105 failed.incrementAndGet()106 logger.error("Error downloading $destinationPath from '$downloadLink': ${e.localizedMessage}")107 }.onSuccess {108 successful.incrementAndGet()109 logger.print { "Downloaded $destinationPath." }110 }111 }112 }.forEach {113 it.join()114 }115 logger.print { "Downloaded ${successful.get()} successfully, ${failed.get()} failed." }116 }117}...

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Source:RemoteRoomsManager.kt Github


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...13import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.FuelError14import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.Request15import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.extensions.jsonBody16import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitObjectResponseResult17import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitUnit18import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.serialization.kotlinxDeserializerOf19import kotlinx.serialization.DeserializationStrategy20import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.ListSerializer21import kotlinx.serialization.builtins.serializer22import kotlinx.serialization.encodeToString23import kotlinx.serialization.json.Json24object RemoteRoomsManager {25 suspend fun search(): RemoteResult<List<Room>> =26 catchFuelError { }27 suspend fun create(input: CreateRoomInput): RemoteResult<RoomId> =28 catchFuelError { FuelRoomsManager.create(input) }29 suspend fun join(input: JoinRoomInput): RemoteResult<JoinRoomResult> =30 catchFuelError { FuelRoomsManager.join(input) }31 suspend fun check(input: CheckRoomInput): RemoteResult<CheckRoomResult> =32 catchFuelError { FuelRoomsManager.check(input) }33 suspend fun ready(input: ReadyPlayerInput): RemoteResult<Unit> =34 catchFuelError { FuelRoomsManager.ready(input) }35 suspend fun locations(): RemoteResult<List<GameLocation>> =36 catchFuelError { FuelRoomsManager.locations() }37 private inline fun <T> catchFuelError(call: () -> T): RemoteResult<T> =38 try {39 RemoteResult.Success(call())40 } catch (error: FuelError) {41 RemoteResult.Error42 }43 private object FuelRoomsManager : RoomsManager {44 override suspend fun search(): List<Room> =45 get("/search").await(ListSerializer(Room.serializer()))46 override suspend fun create(input: CreateRoomInput): RoomId =47 post("/create", input).await(RoomId.serializer())48 override suspend fun join(input: JoinRoomInput): JoinRoomResult =49 post("/join", input).await(JoinRoomResult.serializer())50 override suspend fun check(input: CheckRoomInput): CheckRoomResult =51 post("/check", input).await(CheckRoomResult.serializer())52 override suspend fun ready(input: ReadyPlayerInput) =53 post("/ready", input).awaitUnit()54 override suspend fun locations(): List<GameLocation> =55 get("/locations").await(ListSerializer(GameLocation.serializer()))56 private fun get(path: String): Request =57 Fuel.get("$API_HOST$path")58 private inline fun <reified Body> post(path: String, body: Body): Request =59"$API_HOST$path")60 .jsonBody(Json.encodeToString(body))61 private suspend inline fun <reified T : Any> Request.await(62 deserializationStrategy: DeserializationStrategy<T>63 ): T = awaitObjectResponseResult(kotlinxDeserializerOf(deserializationStrategy))64 .let { (_, _, result) -> result.get() }65 }66 const val API_HOST = ""67}...

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Source:Message.kt Github


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...40 + Email.Endpoint.REPLY)41 .body("""{"messageId": $id, "replyBody": $message}""")42 .apply { set("cookie", cookies) }43 .apply { logger.debug { "Sending reply to $sender" } }44 .awaitUnit()45 } catch (e: Exception) {46 logger.error(e) { Email.RESPONSE_EXCEPTION_MSG }47 delay(5_000)48 reply(message)49 }50 }51 /**52 * Forwards this message to sb else53 *54 * @param address email address of person you want to send this message to55 */56 suspend fun forward(address: String) {57 try {58 + Email.Endpoint.FORWARD)59 .body("""{ "messageId": $id, "forwardAddress": $address}""")60 .apply { set("cookie", cookies) }61 .apply { logger.debug { "Forwarding message to $address" } }62 .awaitUnit()63 } catch (e: Exception) {64 logger.error(e) { Email.RESPONSE_EXCEPTION_MSG }65 delay(5_000)66 forward(address)67 }68 }69}

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Source:App.kt Github


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...3 */4package Producer5import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.Fuel6import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitObject7import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.coroutines.awaitUnit8import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.jackson.objectBody9import kotlinx.coroutines.Dispatchers10import kotlinx.coroutines.delay11import kotlinx.coroutines.launch12import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking13import kotlin.random.Random14import kotlin.random.nextInt15import kotlin.time.DurationUnit16import kotlin.time.toDuration17class MainProducer(private val numberOfPoint: Int,) {18 private suspend fun fetchStations(): List<WeatherStationDTO> {19 val data = Fuel.get("http://localhost:8080/stations").awaitObject(WeatherStationDTODeserializer)20 println("Fetched ${data.size} stations")21 return data22 }23 fun start() {24 runBlocking(Dispatchers.Default) {25 println("Starting producer, getting stations lists ....")26 fetchStations().forEach {27 launch {28 println("Starting producer for station ${}")29 StationProducer( }31 }32 }33 }34}35class StationProducer(private val stationId: String) {36 private val delay = Random.nextInt(100..800).toDuration(DurationUnit.MILLISECONDS)37 private val listWindDirection = listOf(38 "N",39 "NNE",40 "NE",41 "ENE",42 "E",43 "ESE",44 "SE",45 "SSE",46 "S",47 "SSW",48 "SW",49 "WSW",50 "W",51 "WNW",52 "NW",53 "NNW"54 )55 private fun generateWeatherPoint(temp: Double) = WeatherPointDTO(temp, "C", Random.nextInt(1..80).toString() + listWindDirection.random())56 suspend fun generateWeatherPoints(numberOfPoint: Int) {57 var previousTemp = Random.nextDouble(-10.0, 30.0)58 for (i in 1..numberOfPoint) {59 val temp = previousTemp.randomPercent()60 val weatherPoint = generateWeatherPoint(temp)61 println("$i --> $stationId: $weatherPoint")62 sendPoint(weatherPoint)63 previousTemp = temp64 delay(delay)65 }66 }67 private suspend fun sendPoint(weatherPoint: WeatherPointDTO) {68"http://localhost:8080/stations/$stationId/points")69 .objectBody(weatherPoint)70 .awaitUnit()71 }72}73fun main() {74 MainProducer(100).start()75}...

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Source:TvRemote.kt Github


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1package com.pointlessapps.tvremote_client.tv23import android.content.Intent4import android.view.KeyEvent5import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.core.awaitUnit6import com.github.kittinunf.fuel.httpPost7import com.pointlessapps.tvremote_client.models.DeviceWrapper8import com.pointlessapps.tvremote_client.utils.SwipeTouchHandler9import kotlinx.coroutines.delay1011class TvRemote(private val deviceWrapper: DeviceWrapper) {1213 fun sendKeyEvent(keyCode: Int, action: Int) {14 deviceWrapper.device?.sendKeyEvent(keyCode, action)15 }1617 fun sendClick(keyCode: Int) {18 sendKeyEvent(keyCode, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)19 sendKeyEvent(keyCode, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP)20 }2122 suspend fun sendLongClick(keyCode: Int) {23 sendKeyEvent(keyCode, KeyEvent.ACTION_DOWN)24 delay(SwipeTouchHandler.LONG_CLICK_TIME)25 sendKeyEvent(keyCode, KeyEvent.ACTION_UP)26 }2728 fun sendIntent(intent: Intent) {29 deviceWrapper.device?.sendIntent(intent)30 }3132 suspend fun powerOn() {33 runCatching {34 "http://${deviceWrapper.device?.deviceInfo?.uri?.host}:8080/power/on"35 .httpPost().awaitUnit()36 }37 }3839 suspend fun powerOff() {40 runCatching {41 "http://${deviceWrapper.device?.deviceInfo?.uri?.host}:8080/power/off"42 .httpPost().awaitUnit()43 }44 }4546 suspend fun openApp(packageName: String, activityName: String) {47 runCatching {48 "http://${deviceWrapper.device?.deviceInfo?.uri?.host}:8080/open/${packageName}"49 .httpPost().awaitUnit()50 }.onFailure {51 sendIntent(Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN).apply {52 setClassName(packageName, activityName)53 })54 }55 } ...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 fun awaitUnit(request: Request): Unit = runBlocking(dispatcher) {2 val (_, _, result) = request.await()3 result.fold({ }, { throw it })4 }5}6private fun main() {7}8 fun awaitUnit(request: Request): Unit = runBlocking(dispatcher) {9 val (_, _, result) = request.await()10 result.fold({ }, { throw it })11 }12}13private fun main() {14}15 fun awaitUnit(request: Request): Unit = runBlocking(dispatcher) {16 val (_, _, result) = request.await()17 result.fold({ }, { throw it })18 }19}20private fun main() {21}22 fun awaitUnit(request: Request): Unit = runBlocking(dispatcher) {23 val (_, _, result) = request.await()24 result.fold({ }, { throw it })25 }26}27private fun main() {28}29 fun awaitUnit(request: Request): Unit = runBlocking(dispatcher) {30 val (_, _, result) = request.await()31 result.fold({ }, { throw it })32 }33}34private fun main() {35}

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