How to use passed method of io.kotest.matchers.internal class

Best Kotest code snippet using io.kotest.matchers.internal.passed


Source:Json.kt Github


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...94infix fun Json.shouldNotContainJsonKey(path: JsonKey) = this shouldNot containJsonKey(path)95fun containJsonKey(path: JsonKey) = object : Matcher<Json> {96 override fun test(value: Json): MatcherResult {97 val sub = if (value.length < 50) value.trim() else value.substring(0, 50).trim() + "..."98 val passed = try {99<String>(value, path) != null100 } catch (t: PathNotFoundException) {101 false102 }103 return MatcherResult(104 passed,105 "${sub.representation} should contain the path '$path'",106 "${sub.representation} should not contain the path '$path'"107 )108 }109}110fun <T> Json?.shouldContainJsonKeyValue(path: JsonKey, value: T) = this should containJsonKeyValue(path, value)111fun <T> Json?.shouldNotContainJsonKeyValue(path: JsonKey, value: T) = this shouldNot containJsonKeyValue(path, value)112fun <T> containJsonKeyValue(path: JsonKey, t: T) = object : Matcher<Json?> {113 override fun test(value: Json?): MatcherResult {114 val sub = value?.let { if (it.length < 50) it.trim() else it.substring(0, 50).trim() + "..." }115 val result: Any? = try {116<T>(value, path)117 } catch (thrown: Throwable) {118 thrown...

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Source:DetailViewModelTest.kt Github


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...11@ExperimentalCoroutinesApi12internal class DetailViewModelTest : StringSpec({13 val viewModel = DetailViewModel()14 val testDateTime = DateTime(2020, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1)15 "when no repo is passed to the ViewModel the View gets empty ViewState" {16 runCollectingSuspend(viewModel.viewState) {} shouldEndWith DetailViewModel.ViewState()17 }18 "name is not taken from the name parameter" {19 forAll(20 row(emptyRepo().copy(name = "1")),21 row(emptyRepo().copy(name = "ABC")),22 row(emptyRepo().copy(name = "@#$%"))23 ) { repo ->24 runCollectingSuspend(viewModel.viewState) {25 viewModel.setRepoDetails(repo, testDateTime)26 } shouldNotEndWith emptyViewState().copy(name = }28 }29 "name is taken from the full name parameter" {...

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Source:EmptyCallStatusCheckTest.kt Github


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...67 }68 }69 context("and then has participants again") {70 every { callPage.isCallEmpty() } returns false71 // Some time passed and the check ran once with no participants72 clock.elapse(30.seconds)73 context("the check") {74 should("never return empty") {75 shouldBe null76 clock.elapse(10.minutes)77 shouldBe null78 }79 }80 }81 }82 }83 context("when a custom timeout is passed") {84 every { callPage.isCallEmpty() } returns true85 val customTimeoutCheck = EmptyCallStatusCheck(logger, Duration.ofMinutes(10), clock)86 context("the check") {87 should("return empty after the timeout") {88 shouldBe null89 clock.elapse(15.seconds)90 shouldBe null91 clock.elapse(45.seconds)92 shouldBe null93 clock.elapse(8.minutes)94 shouldBe null95 clock.elapse(61.seconds)96 shouldBe SeleniumEvent.CallEmpty97 }...

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Source:CurrencyPairTest.kt Github


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...75 }76 }77 it("fail for string") {78 withData(79 "BTC:LTC:DASH" to "The value passed in is not a pair",80 "BTC:LT1" to "Unknown currency: LT1",81 "BT1:LTC" to "Unknown currency: BT1",82 ) { (value, expect) ->83 shouldThrowExactly<IllegalArgumentException> {84 CurrencyPair.getInstanceNotCreate(value)85 }.message shouldBe expect86 }87 }88 }89 }90}...

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Source:uri.kt Github


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...10internal fun <R> uriHas(name: String, extractValue: (Uri) -> R, match: Matcher<R>): Matcher<Uri> = object : Matcher<Uri> {11 override fun test(value: Uri): MatcherResult {12 val testResult = match.test(extractValue(value))13 return MatcherResult(14 testResult.passed(),15 { "Invalid Uri $name: ${testResult.failureMessage()}" },16 { "Invalid Uri $name: ${testResult.negatedFailureMessage()}" }17 )18 }19}20infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(match: Matcher<String?>) = this should havePath(match)21infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(match: Matcher<String?>) = this shouldNot havePath(match)22fun havePath(matcher: Matcher<String?>): Matcher<Uri> = uriHas("path", Uri::path, matcher)23infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(expected: String?) = this should havePath(expected)24infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(expected: String?) = this shouldNot havePath(expected)25fun havePath(expected: String?): Matcher<Uri> = havePath(be(expected))26infix fun Uri.shouldHavePath(expected: Regex) = this should havePath(expected)27infix fun Uri.shouldNotHavePath(expected: Regex) = this shouldNot havePath(expected)28fun havePath(expected: Regex): Matcher<Uri> = havePath(contain(expected))...

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Source:matchers.kt Github


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...7 override fun test(value: ModelNode): MatcherResult {8 val actual = ModelNode.Location(value.parent, value.container)9 val expected = ModelNode.Location(null, null)10 return ComparableMatcherResult(11 passed = actual == expected,12 failureMessageFn = { "Node should be released." },13 negatedFailureMessageFn = { "Node should not be released."},14 actual = actual.toString(),15 expected = expected.toString()16 )17 }18}19internal fun beLocatedAt(parent: ModelNode, container: ModelNode.Container<*>) = object : Matcher<ModelNode> {20 override fun test(value: ModelNode): MatcherResult {21 val actual = ModelNode.Location(value.parent, value.container)22 val expected = ModelNode.Location(parent, container)23 return ComparableMatcherResult(24 passed = actual == expected,25 failureMessageFn = { "Node should be located at $expected." },26 negatedFailureMessageFn = { "Node should not be located at $expected." },27 actual = actual.toString(),28 expected = expected.toString()29 )30 }31}...

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Source:CheckersTest.kt Github


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1package org.eureka.kotlin.fp.ch82import io.kotest.matchers.shouldBe3import org.eureka.kotlin.fp.ch8.Prop.Companion.run4import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test5class CheckersTest {6 @Test7 internal fun `for all`() {8 val gn = Gen.choose(1, 100)9 val listGen = gn.flatMap { a -> Gen.listOfN(gn, Gen.unit(a)) }10 val prop = Checkers.forAll(listGen) { l ->11 l.sum() == l.size * (l.getOrNull(0) ?: 0)12 }13 run(prop) shouldBe Passed14 }15 @Test16 internal fun `and props`() {17 val gn = Gen.choose(1, 100)18 val listGen = gn.flatMap { a -> Gen.listOfN(gn, Gen.unit(a)) }19 val prop =20 Checkers.forAll(listGen) { l ->21 l.sum() == l.size * (l.getOrNull(0) ?: 0)22 }.and(23 Checkers.forAll(listGen) { l ->24 l.all { it == l[0] }25 }26 )27 run(prop) shouldBe Passed28 }29 @Test30 internal fun `or props`() {31 val gn = Gen.choose(1, 100)32 val listGen = gn.flatMap { a -> Gen.listOfN(gn, Gen.unit(a)) }33 val prop =34 Checkers.forAll(listGen) { l ->35 l.sum() == l.size * (l.getOrNull(0) ?: 0) + 136 }.or(37 Checkers.forAll(listGen) { l ->38 l.all { it == l[0] }39 }40 )41 run(prop) shouldBe Passed42 }43}...

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Source:WalletTypeTest.kt Github


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...7import java.lang.IllegalArgumentException8import java.lang.IllegalStateException9internal class WalletTypeTest{10 @Test11 internal fun `should return a valida wallet type when a value is passed`() {12 val value = WalletType.of("PAYPALL")13 value.shouldBeInstanceOf<WalletType>()14 value.shouldBe(WalletType.PAYPALL)15 }16 @Test17 internal fun `should throw an error when an invalid value is passed`() {18 assertThrows<IllegalArgumentException>{19 WalletType.of("CARRETO")20 }.run {21 message.shouldBe("Wallet type not found")22 }23 }24}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 val matcher = Matchers::class.members.first { == "be" }2 val matcherInstance = as Matcher<String>3 val result = matcherInstance.test("hello")4 println(result)5 val matcher2 = Matchers::class.members.first { == "be" }6 val matcherInstance2 = as Matcher<String>7 val result2 = matcherInstance2.test("hello")8 println(result2)9 Result(actual=hello, expected=hello, status=Success)10 Result(actual=hello, expected=hello, status=Success)

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Using AI Code Generation


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1internal inline fun <reified T : Any> T.shouldBe(actual: T, message: String? = null) {2 val matcher = object : Matcher<T> {3 override fun test(value: T): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(value == actual, { "$value should be $actual" }, { "$value should not be $actual" })4 }5 should(matcher, message)6}7internal inline fun <reified T : Any> T.shouldNotBe(actual: T, message: String? = null) {8 val matcher = object : Matcher<T> {9 override fun test(value: T): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(value != actual, { "$value should not be $actual" }, { "$value should be $actual" })10 }11 should(matcher, message)12}13internal fun String.shouldStartWith(prefix: String, message: String? = null) {14 val matcher = object : Matcher<String> {15 override fun test(value: String): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(value.startsWith(prefix), { "$value should start with $prefix" }, { "$value should not start with $prefix" })16 }17 should(matcher, message)18}19internal fun String.shouldNotStartWith(prefix: String, message: String? = null) {20 val matcher = object : Matcher<String> {21 override fun test(value: String): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(!value.startsWith(prefix), { "$value should not start with $prefix" }, { "$value should start with $prefix" })22 }23 should(matcher, message)24}25internal fun String.shouldEndWith(suffix: String, message: String? = null) {26 val matcher = object : Matcher<String> {27 override fun test(value: String): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(value.endsWith(suffix), { "$value should end with $suffix" }, { "$value should not end with $suffix" })28 }29 should(matcher, message)30}31internal fun String.shouldNotEndWith(suffix: String, message: String? = null) {32 val matcher = object : Matcher<String> {33 override fun test(value: String): MatcherResult = MatcherResult(!value.endsWith(suffix), { "$value should not end with $suffix" }, { "$value should end with $suffix" })34 }35 should(matcher, message)36}37internal fun String.shouldContain(substring: String, message: String

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Using AI Code Generation


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1 }2}3import io.kotest.matchers.Matcher4import io.kotest.matchers.MatcherResult5import io.kotest.matchers.should6infix fun <T> T.should(matcher: Matcher<T>) = this should matcher7fun <T> Matcher<T>.invoke(actual: T) = test(actual)8fun <T> Matcher<T>.test(actual: T) = test(actual)9fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldMatch(actual: T) = test(actual).shouldBeTrue()10fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldNotMatch(actual: T) = test(actual).shouldBeFalse()11fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeTrue() = shouldBeTrue(this)12fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeFalse() = shouldBeFalse(this)13fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeTrue(matcher: Matcher<T>) = MatcherResult(matcher.test(this), "$this should match", "$this should not match")14fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeFalse(matcher: Matcher<T>) = MatcherResult(!matcher.test(this), "$this should not match", "$this should match")15fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeTrue(message: String) = MatcherResult(test(this), message, "$this should not match")16fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeFalse(message: String) = MatcherResult(!test(this), message, "$this should match")17fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeTrue(message: String, negatedMessage: String) = MatcherResult(test(this), message, negatedMessage)18fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeFalse(message: String, negatedMessage: String) = MatcherResult(!test(this), message, negatedMessage)19fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeTrue(matcher: Matcher<T>, message: String, negatedMessage: String) = MatcherResult(matcher.test(this), message, negatedMessage)20fun <T> Matcher<T>.shouldBeFalse(matcher: Matcher<T>, message: String, negatedMessage: String) = MatcherResult(!matcher.test(this), message, negatedMessage)

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