How to use KClass.isAnyException method of org.amshove.kluent.AnyExceptionType class

Best Kluent code snippet using org.amshove.kluent.AnyExceptionType.KClass.isAnyException


Source:Exceptions.kt Github


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1package org.amshove.kluent2import org.amshove.kluent.internal.ComparisonFailedException3import org.junit.ComparisonFailure4import kotlin.reflect.KClass5fun invoking(function: () -> Any?): () -> Any? = function6fun coInvoking(function: suspend () -> Any?): suspend () -> Any? = function7actual infix fun <T : Throwable> (() -> Any?).shouldThrow(expectedException: KClass<T>): ExceptionResult<T> {8 try {9 this.invoke()10 fail("There was an Exception expected to be thrown, but nothing was thrown", "$expectedException", "None")11 return ExceptionResult(expectedException as T)12 } catch (e: Throwable) {13 @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")14 when {15 e.isA(ComparisonFailure::class) -> throw e16 e.isA(ComparisonFailedException::class) -> throw e17 e.isA(expectedException) -> return ExceptionResult(e as T)18 else -> throw ComparisonFailure(19 "Expected ${expectedException.javaObjectType} to be thrown",20 "${expectedException.javaObjectType}",21 "${e.javaClass}"22 )23 }24 }25}26suspend infix fun <T : Throwable> (suspend () -> Any?).shouldThrow(expectedException: KClass<T>): ExceptionResult<T> {27 try {28 this.invoke()29 fail("There was an Exception expected to be thrown, but nothing was thrown", "$expectedException", "None")30 return ExceptionResult(expectedException as T)31 } catch (e: Throwable) {32 @Suppress("UNCHECKED_CAST")33 when {34 e.isA(ComparisonFailure::class) -> throw e35 e.isA(ComparisonFailedException::class) -> throw e36 e.isA(expectedException) -> return ExceptionResult(e as T)37 else -> throw ComparisonFailure(38 "Expected ${expectedException.javaObjectType} to be thrown",39 "${expectedException.javaObjectType}",40 "${e.javaClass}"41 )42 }43 }44}45infix fun <T : Throwable> (() -> Any?).shouldNotThrow(expectedException: KClass<T>): NotThrowExceptionResult {46 return try {47 this.invoke()48 NotThrowExceptionResult(noException)49 } catch (e: Throwable) {50 if (expectedException.isAnyException()) {51 fail("Expected no Exception to be thrown", "No Exception", "${e.javaClass}")52 }53 if (e.isA(expectedException)) {54 fail(55 "Expected no Exception of type ${e::class.qualifiedName} to be thrown",56 "No Exception",57 e.toInformativeString()58 )59 }60 NotThrowExceptionResult(e)61 }62}63suspend infix fun <T : Throwable> (suspend () -> Any?).shouldNotThrow(expectedException: KClass<T>): NotThrowExceptionResult {64 return try {65 this.invoke()66 NotThrowExceptionResult(noException)67 } catch (e: Throwable) {68 if (expectedException.isAnyException()) {69 fail("Expected no Exception to be thrown", "No Exception", "${e.javaClass}")70 }71 if (e.isA(expectedException)) {72 fail(73 "Expected no Exception of type ${e::class.qualifiedName} to be thrown",74 "No Exception",75 e.toInformativeString()76 )77 }78 NotThrowExceptionResult(e)79 }80}81infix fun <T : Throwable> (() -> Any?).shouldThrow(expectedException: T) {82 try {83 this.invoke()84 fail("There was an Exception expected to be thrown, but nothing was thrown", "$expectedException", "None")85 } catch (e: Throwable) {86 if (e != expectedException) {87 throw ComparisonFailure("Expected $expectedException to be thrown", "$expectedException", "${e.javaClass}")88 }89 }90}91suspend infix fun <T : Throwable> (suspend () -> Any?).shouldThrow(expectedException: T) {92 try {93 this.invoke()94 fail("There was an Exception expected to be thrown, but nothing was thrown", "$expectedException", "None")95 } catch (e: Throwable) {96 if (e != expectedException) {97 throw ComparisonFailure("Expected $expectedException to be thrown", "$expectedException", "${e.javaClass}")98 }99 }100}101@Deprecated("Use shouldThrow instead", ReplaceWith("this shouldThrow expectedException"))102infix fun <T : Throwable> (() -> Any).shouldThrowTheException(expectedException: KClass<T>): ExceptionResult<T> =103 this shouldThrow expectedException104@Deprecated("Use shouldNotThrow instead", ReplaceWith("this shouldNotThrow expectedException"))105infix fun <T : Throwable> (() -> Any).shouldNotThrowTheException(expectedException: KClass<T>): NotThrowExceptionResult =106 this.shouldNotThrow(expectedException)107infix fun <T : Throwable> ExceptionResult<T>.withMessage(theMessage: String): ExceptionResult<T> {108 this.exceptionMessage shouldBeEqualTo theMessage109 return this110}111infix fun NotThrowExceptionResult.withMessage(theMessage: String): NotThrowExceptionResult {112 this.exceptionMessage shouldNotBeEqualTo theMessage113 return this114}115infix fun <T : Throwable> ExceptionResult<T>.withCause(expectedCause: KClass<out Throwable>): ExceptionResult<T> {116 this.exceptionCause shouldBeInstanceOf expectedCause.java117 return this118}119infix fun NotThrowExceptionResult.withCause(expectedCause: KClass<out Throwable>): NotThrowExceptionResult {120 this.exceptionCause shouldNotBeInstanceOf expectedCause.java121 return this122}123infix fun <T : Throwable, R> ExceptionResult<T>.with(block: T.() -> R): R = block(exception)124val AnyException = AnyExceptionType::class125class AnyExceptionType : Throwable()126internal val noException = Exception("None")127internal fun Throwable.isA(expected: KClass<out Throwable>) =128 expected.isAnyException() || fun <T : Throwable> KClass<T>.isAnyException() = this.javaObjectType == AnyException.javaObjectType130actual fun fail(message: String, expected: Any?, actual: Any?) {131 errorCollector.collectOrThrow(ComparisonFailedException(message, expected, actual))132}133actual fun fail(message: String?) {134 try {135 throw AssertionError(message)136 } catch (ex: AssertionError) {137 if (errorCollector.getCollectionMode() == ErrorCollectionMode.Soft) {138 errorCollector.pushError(ex)139 } else {140 throw assertionError(ex)141 }142 }143}144internal fun <T> join(theArray: Array<T>): String = theArray.joinToString(", ")145internal fun <T> join(theIterable: Iterable<T>): String = theIterable.joinToString(", ")146internal fun <R, T> join(theMap: Map<R, T>): String = theMap.entries.joinToString(", ")147private fun Throwable.toInformativeString() = when (this.message) {148 null -> "${this::class.qualifiedName}"149 else -> "${this::class.qualifiedName} (Message: \"${this.message}\")"150}...

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1assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()2assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()3assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()4assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()5assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()6assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()7assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()8assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()9assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()10assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()11assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()12assertThat({ throw IllegalArgumentException() }).isAnyException()

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1fun main(args: Array<String>) {2val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)3assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {4}5}6fun main(args: Array<String>) {7val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)8assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {9}10}11fun main(args: Array<String>) {12val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)13assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {14}15}16fun main(args: Array<String>) {17val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)18assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {19}20}21fun main(args: Array<String>) {22val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)23assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {24}25}26fun main(args: Array<String>) {27val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)28assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {29}30}31fun main(args: Array<String>) {32val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)33assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {34}35}36fun main(args: Array<String>) {37val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)38assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {39}40}41fun main(args: Array<String>) {42val list = listOf(1, 2, 3)43assertFailsWith<IndexOutOfBoundsException> {

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1 fun `should throw any exception`() {2 val exception = assertFails {3 throw IllegalArgumentException()4 }5 exception.should.beInstanceOf<IllegalArgumentException>()6 }7 fun `should throw any exception`() {8 val exception = assertFails {9 throw IllegalArgumentException()10 }11 exception.should.beInstanceOf<IllegalArgumentException>()12 }13 fun `should throw any exception`() {14 val exception = assertFails {15 throw IllegalArgumentException()16 }17 exception.should.beInstanceOf<IllegalArgumentException>()18 }

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