How to use isSpekSubclass method of org.spekframework.intellij.domain.ScopeDescriptorCache class

Best Spek code snippet using org.spekframework.intellij.domain.ScopeDescriptorCache.isSpekSubclass


Source:ScopeDescriptorCache.kt Github


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...26 }27 return null28 }29 fun fromClassOrObject(clz: KtClassOrObject): ScopeDescriptor.Group? {30 if (clz.isAbstract() || clz.isObjectLiteral() || !isSpekSubclass(clz)) {31 return null32 }33 val fqName = checkNotNull(clz.fqName).asString()34 var cached = cache.getOrDefault(fqName, null)35 if (cached == null || cached.first < clz.modificationStamp) {36 cached = clz.modificationStamp to buildDescriptor(clz)37 cache[fqName] = cached38 }39 return checkNotNull(cached).second40 }41 private fun buildDescriptor(clz: KtClassOrObject): ScopeDescriptor.Group {42 val info = KtClassInfoUtil.createClassOrObjectInfo(clz)43 val builder = PathBuilder()44 if (info.containingPackageFqName.asString().isNotBlank()) {45 builder.appendPackage(info.containingPackageFqName.asString())46 }47 val path = builder48 .append(checkNotNull(clz.fqName).shortName().asString())49 .build()50 val superTypeCall = clz.superTypeListEntries.filterIsInstance<KtSuperTypeCallEntry>()51 .firstOrNull()52 val children = mutableListOf<ScopeDescriptor>()53 if (superTypeCall != null) {54 val lambda = { it.getArgumentExpression() }55 .filterIsInstance<KtLambdaExpression>()56 .firstOrNull()57 if (lambda != null) {58 lambda.bodyExpression?.let { body ->59 children.addAll(buildScopes(path, body))60 }61 }62 }63 return ScopeDescriptor.Group(path, clz, false, true, children.toList()).apply {64 index[path.serialize()] = this65 }66 }67 private fun buildScopes(parent: Path, block: KtBlockExpression): List<ScopeDescriptor> {68 val callExpressions = PsiTreeUtil.getChildrenOfTypeAsList(block, return callExpressions.mapNotNull { callExpression ->70 val synonymContext = fetchSynonymContext(callExpression)71 when {72 synonymContext != null -> callExpression to synonymContext73 else -> null74 }75 }.mapNotNull { (callExpression, synonymContext) ->76 try {77 val description = synonymContext.constructDescription(callExpression)78 val path = PathBuilder(parent)79 .append(description)80 .build()81 val descriptor = when (synonymContext.synonym.type) {82 PsiSynonymType.GROUP -> {83 val lambdaArgument = callExpression.lambdaArguments.firstOrNull()84 val children = mutableListOf<ScopeDescriptor>()85 if (lambdaArgument != null) {86 val lambdaExpression = lambdaArgument.getLambdaExpression()87 if (lambdaExpression != null) {88 lambdaExpression.bodyExpression?.let { body ->89 children.addAll(buildScopes(path, body))90 }91 }92 }93 ScopeDescriptor.Group(94 path, callExpression, synonymContext.isExcluded(),95 synonymContext.isRunnable(), children.toList()96 )97 }98 PsiSynonymType.TEST -> ScopeDescriptor.Test(99 path, callExpression, synonymContext.isExcluded(), synonymContext.isRunnable()100 )101 }102 index[path.serialize()] = descriptor103 descriptor104 } catch (e: UnsupportedFeatureException) {105 // avoid ide from throwing up106 null107 }108 }109 }110 private fun fetchSynonymContext(callExpression: KtCallExpression): SynonymContext? {111 return fetchNamedFunction(callExpression)?.let(::extractSynonymContext)112 }113 private fun fetchNamedFunction(callExpression: KtCallExpression): KtNamedFunction? {114 val mainReference = callExpression.calleeExpression?.mainReference115 val resolved = mainReference?.resolve()116 if (resolved is KtNamedFunction) {117 return resolved118 }119 return null120 }121 private fun extractSynonymContext(function: KtNamedFunction): SynonymContext? {122 val lightMethod = function.toLightMethods().firstOrNull()123 if (lightMethod != null) {124 val synonym = lightMethod.annotations125 .filter { SYNONYM_CLASSES.contains(it.qualifiedName) }126 .map(::PsiSynonym)127 .firstOrNull()128 if (synonym != null) {129 val descriptions = lightMethod.annotations130 .filter { DESCRIPTIONS_CLASSES.contains(it.qualifiedName) }131 .map(::PsiDescriptions)132 .firstOrNull()133 if (descriptions != null) {134 return SynonymContext(synonym, descriptions)135 }136 }137 }138 return null139 }140 private fun isSpekSubclass(element: KtClassOrObject): Boolean {141 val superClass = getSuperClass(element)142 val fqName = superClass?.getKotlinFqName()143 if (fqName != null) {144 if (SPEK_CLASSES.contains(fqName.toString())) {145 return true146 } else {147 return isSpekSubclass(superClass)148 }149 }150 return false151 }152 private fun getSuperClass(element: KtClassOrObject): KtClassOrObject? {153 val superTypes = element.superTypeListEntries154 var superClass: KtClassOrObject? = null155 for (entry in superTypes) {156 if (entry is KtSuperTypeCallEntry) {157 val ref = entry.calleeExpression.constructorReferenceExpression158 ?.mainReference159 ?.resolve()160 superClass = when (ref) {161 is KtPrimaryConstructor -> ref.getContainingClassOrObject()...

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