How to use short method of test.Open class

Best Mockito-kotlin code snippet using test.Open.short


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1'when (sequence) {2 is IntProgression -> {3 first = sequence.first4 last = sequence.last5 increment = sequence.step6 }7 is LongProgression -> {8 first = sequence.first9 last = sequence.last10 increment = sequence.step11 }12 is CharProgression -> {13 first = sequence.first14 last = sequence.last15 increment = sequence.step16 }17 else -> throw IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported sequence type: $sequence")18 }' @ [19:9] ==> public final fun <`<TYPE-PARAMETER-FOR-WHEN-RESOLVE>`> `<SPECIAL-FUNCTION-FOR-WHEN-RESOLVE>`(entry0: Unit, entry1: Unit, entry2: Unit, entry3: Unit): Unit[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]19Inferred types:20 <`<TYPE-PARAMETER-FOR-WHEN-RESOLVE>`> -> Unit21'sequence' @ [19:15] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]22'first' @ [21:17] ==> val first: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]23'sequence' @ [21:25] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]24'first' @ [21:34] ==> public final val first: Int defined in kotlin.ranges.IntProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]25'last' @ [22:17] ==> val last: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]26'sequence' @ [22:24] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]27'last' @ [22:33] ==> public final val last: Int defined in kotlin.ranges.IntProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]28'increment' @ [23:17] ==> val increment: Number defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]29'sequence' @ [23:29] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]30'step' @ [23:38] ==> public final val step: Int defined in kotlin.ranges.IntProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]31'first' @ [26:17] ==> val first: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]32'sequence' @ [26:25] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]33'first' @ [26:34] ==> public final val first: Long defined in kotlin.ranges.LongProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]34'last' @ [27:17] ==> val last: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]35'sequence' @ [27:24] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]36'last' @ [27:33] ==> public final val last: Long defined in kotlin.ranges.LongProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]37'increment' @ [28:17] ==> val increment: Number defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]38'sequence' @ [28:29] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]39'step' @ [28:38] ==> public final val step: Long defined in kotlin.ranges.LongProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]40'first' @ [31:17] ==> val first: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]41'sequence' @ [31:25] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]42'first' @ [31:34] ==> public final val first: Char defined in kotlin.ranges.CharProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]43'last' @ [32:17] ==> val last: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]44'sequence' @ [32:24] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]45'last' @ [32:33] ==> public final val last: Char defined in kotlin.ranges.CharProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]46'increment' @ [33:17] ==> val increment: Number defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]47'sequence' @ [33:29] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]48'step' @ [33:38] ==> public final val step: Int defined in kotlin.ranges.CharProgression[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]49'IllegalArgumentException' @ [35:27] ==> public final fun <init>(p0: (String..String?)): IllegalArgumentException /* = IllegalArgumentException */ defined in kotlin.IllegalArgumentException[TypeAliasConstructorDescriptorImpl]50'sequence' @ [35:81] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]51'assertEquals' @ [38:9] ==> public fun <@OnlyInputTypes T> assertEquals(expected: Any, actual: Any, message: String? = ...): Unit defined in kotlin.test[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]52Inferred types:53 <@OnlyInputTypes T> -> Any54'expectedFirst' @ [38:22] ==> value-parameter expectedFirst: N defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]55'first' @ [38:37] ==> val first: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]56'assertEquals' @ [39:9] ==> public fun <@OnlyInputTypes T> assertEquals(expected: Any, actual: Any, message: String? = ...): Unit defined in kotlin.test[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]57Inferred types:58 <@OnlyInputTypes T> -> Any59'expectedLast' @ [39:22] ==> value-parameter expectedLast: N defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]60'last' @ [39:36] ==> val last: Any defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]61'assertEquals' @ [40:9] ==> public fun <@OnlyInputTypes T> assertEquals(expected: Number, actual: Number, message: String? = ...): Unit defined in kotlin.test[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]62Inferred types:63 <@OnlyInputTypes T> -> Number64'expectedIncrement' @ [40:22] ==> value-parameter expectedIncrement: Number defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]65'increment' @ [40:41] ==> val increment: Number defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[LocalVariableDescriptor]66'if (expectedElements.isEmpty())67 assertTrue(sequence.none())68 else69 assertEquals(expectedElements, sequence.toList())' @ [42:9] ==> public final fun <`<TYPE-PARAMETER-FOR-IF-RESOLVE>`> `<SPECIAL-FUNCTION-FOR-IF-RESOLVE>`(thenBranch: Unit, elseBranch: Unit): Unit[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]70Inferred types:71 <`<TYPE-PARAMETER-FOR-IF-RESOLVE>`> -> Unit72'expectedElements' @ [42:13] ==> value-parameter expectedElements: List<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]73'isEmpty' @ [42:30] ==> public abstract fun isEmpty(): Boolean defined in kotlin.collections.List[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]74'assertTrue' @ [43:13] ==> public fun assertTrue(actual: Boolean, message: String? = ...): Unit defined in kotlin.test[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]75'sequence' @ [43:24] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]76'none' @ [43:33] ==> public fun <T> Iterable<N>.none(): Boolean defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]77Inferred types:78 <T> -> N79'assertEquals' @ [45:13] ==> public fun <@OnlyInputTypes T> assertEquals(expected: List<N>, actual: List<N>, message: String? = ...): Unit defined in kotlin.test[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]80Inferred types:81 <@OnlyInputTypes T> -> List<N>82'expectedElements' @ [45:26] ==> value-parameter expectedElements: List<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]83'sequence' @ [45:44] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]84'toList' @ [45:53] ==> public fun <T> Iterable<N>.toList(): List<N> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]85Inferred types:86 <T> -> N87'compare' @ [47:9] ==> public fun <T> compare(expected: Iterator<N>, actual: Iterator<N>, block: CompareContext<Iterator<N>>.() -> Unit): Unit defined in test.collections[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]88Inferred types:89 <T> -> Iterator<N>90'expectedElements' @ [47:17] ==> value-parameter expectedElements: List<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]91'iterator' @ [47:34] ==> public abstract fun iterator(): Iterator<N> defined in kotlin.collections.List[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]92'sequence' @ [47:46] ==> value-parameter sequence: Iterable<N> defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase.doTest[ValueParameterDescriptorImpl]93'iterator' @ [47:55] ==> public abstract operator fun iterator(): Iterator<N> defined in kotlin.collections.Iterable[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]94'iteratorBehavior' @ [48:13] ==> public fun <T> CompareContext<Iterator<N>>.iteratorBehavior(): Unit defined in test.collections.behaviors[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]95Inferred types:96 <T> -> N97'RangeIterationTestBase' @ [55:35] ==> public constructor RangeIterationTestBase() defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTestBase[ClassConstructorDescriptorImpl]98'Test' @ [57:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]99'doTest' @ [58:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]100Inferred types:101 <N : Any> -> Int102'IntRange' @ [58:16] ==> public companion object defined in kotlin.ranges.IntRange[FakeCallableDescriptorForObject]103'EMPTY' @ [58:25] ==> public final val EMPTY: IntRange defined in kotlin.ranges.IntRange.Companion[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]104'listOf' @ [58:41] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]105Inferred types:106 <T> -> Int107'doTest' @ [59:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]108Inferred types:109 <N : Any> -> Long110'LongRange' @ [59:16] ==> public companion object defined in kotlin.ranges.LongRange[FakeCallableDescriptorForObject]111'EMPTY' @ [59:26] ==> public final val EMPTY: LongRange defined in kotlin.ranges.LongRange.Companion[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]112'toLong' @ [59:35] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]113'toLong' @ [59:47] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]114'toLong' @ [59:59] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]115'listOf' @ [59:69] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]116Inferred types:117 <T> -> Long118'doTest' @ [61:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]119Inferred types:120 <N : Any> -> Char121'CharRange' @ [61:16] ==> public companion object defined in kotlin.ranges.CharRange[FakeCallableDescriptorForObject]122'EMPTY' @ [61:26] ==> public final val EMPTY: CharRange defined in kotlin.ranges.CharRange.Companion[DeserializedPropertyDescriptor]123'toChar' @ [61:35] ==> public open fun toChar(): Char defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]124'toChar' @ [61:47] ==> public open fun toChar(): Char defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]125'listOf' @ [61:60] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]126Inferred types:127 <T> -> Char128'Test' @ [64:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]129'doTest' @ [65:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]130Inferred types:131 <N : Any> -> Int132'..' @ [65:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]133'listOf' @ [65:33] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]134Inferred types:135 <T> -> Int136'doTest' @ [66:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]137Inferred types:138 <N : Any> -> Int139'..' @ [66:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]140'toByte' @ [66:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]141'-' @ [66:30] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]142'toByte' @ [66:34] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]143'-' @ [66:49] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]144'listOf' @ [66:57] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]145Inferred types:146 <T> -> Int147'doTest' @ [67:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]148Inferred types:149 <N : Any> -> Int150'..' @ [67:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]151'toShort' @ [67:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]152'-' @ [67:31] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]153'toShort' @ [67:35] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]154'-' @ [67:51] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]155'listOf' @ [67:59] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]156Inferred types:157 <T> -> Int158'doTest' @ [68:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]159Inferred types:160 <N : Any> -> Long161'..' @ [68:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]162'toLong' @ [68:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]163'-' @ [68:29] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]164'toLong' @ [68:32] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]165'toLong' @ [68:45] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]166'-' @ [68:55] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]167'toLong' @ [68:58] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]168'toLong' @ [68:70] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]169'listOf' @ [68:80] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]170Inferred types:171 <T> -> Long172'doTest' @ [70:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]173Inferred types:174 <N : Any> -> Char175'..' @ [70:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]176'listOf' @ [70:39] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]177Inferred types:178 <T> -> Char179'Test' @ [73:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]180'doTest' @ [74:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]181Inferred types:182 <N : Any> -> Int183'..' @ [74:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]184'listOf' @ [74:31] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]185Inferred types:186 <T> -> Int187'doTest' @ [75:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]188Inferred types:189 <N : Any> -> Int190'..' @ [75:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]191'toByte' @ [75:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]192'toByte' @ [75:30] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]193'listOf' @ [75:49] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]194Inferred types:195 <T> -> Int196'doTest' @ [76:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]197Inferred types:198 <N : Any> -> Int199'..' @ [76:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]200'toShort' @ [76:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]201'toShort' @ [76:31] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]202'listOf' @ [76:51] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]203Inferred types:204 <T> -> Int205'doTest' @ [77:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]206Inferred types:207 <N : Any> -> Long208'..' @ [77:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]209'toLong' @ [77:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]210'toLong' @ [77:30] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]211'toLong' @ [77:42] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]212'toLong' @ [77:54] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]213'toLong' @ [77:66] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]214'listOf' @ [77:76] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]215Inferred types:216 <T> -> Long217'toLong' @ [77:85] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]218'doTest' @ [79:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]219Inferred types:220 <N : Any> -> Char221'..' @ [79:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]222'listOf' @ [79:39] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]223Inferred types:224 <T> -> Char225'Test' @ [82:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]226'doTest' @ [83:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]227Inferred types:228 <N : Any> -> Int229'..' @ [83:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]230'listOf' @ [83:31] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]231Inferred types:232 <T> -> Int233'doTest' @ [84:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]234Inferred types:235 <N : Any> -> Int236'..' @ [84:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]237'toByte' @ [84:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]238'toByte' @ [84:30] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]239'listOf' @ [84:49] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]240Inferred types:241 <T> -> Int242'doTest' @ [85:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]243Inferred types:244 <N : Any> -> Int245'..' @ [85:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]246'toShort' @ [85:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]247'toShort' @ [85:31] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]248'listOf' @ [85:51] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]249Inferred types:250 <T> -> Int251'doTest' @ [86:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]252Inferred types:253 <N : Any> -> Long254'..' @ [86:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]255'toLong' @ [86:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]256'toLong' @ [86:30] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]257'toLong' @ [86:42] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]258'toLong' @ [86:54] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]259'toLong' @ [86:66] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]260'listOf' @ [86:76] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]261Inferred types:262 <T> -> Long263'doTest' @ [88:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]264Inferred types:265 <N : Any> -> Char266'..' @ [88:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]267'listOf' @ [88:39] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]268Inferred types:269 <T> -> Char270'Test' @ [92:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]271'doTest' @ [93:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]272Inferred types:273 <N : Any> -> Int274'..' @ [93:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]275'+' @ [93:17] ==> public final operator fun plus(other: Int): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]276'-' @ [93:26] ==> public final operator fun minus(other: Int): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]277'listOf' @ [93:44] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]278Inferred types:279 <T> -> Int280'doTest' @ [94:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]281Inferred types:282 <N : Any> -> Int283'..' @ [94:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]284'+' @ [94:17] ==> public final operator fun plus(other: Byte): Int defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]285'toByte' @ [94:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]286'toByte' @ [94:32] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]287'toByte' @ [94:42] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]288'-' @ [94:53] ==> public final operator fun minus(other: Byte): Int defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]289'toByte' @ [94:56] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]290'toByte' @ [94:69] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]291'toByte' @ [94:79] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]292'listOf' @ [94:98] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]293Inferred types:294 <T> -> Int295'doTest' @ [95:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]296Inferred types:297 <N : Any> -> Int298'..' @ [95:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]299'+' @ [95:17] ==> public final operator fun plus(other: Short): Int defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]300'toShort' @ [95:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]301'toShort' @ [95:33] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]302'toShort' @ [95:44] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]303'-' @ [95:56] ==> public final operator fun minus(other: Short): Int defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]304'toShort' @ [95:59] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]305'toShort' @ [95:73] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]306'toShort' @ [95:84] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]307'listOf' @ [95:104] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]308Inferred types:309 <T> -> Int310'doTest' @ [96:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]311Inferred types:312 <N : Any> -> Long313'..' @ [96:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]314'+' @ [96:17] ==> public final operator fun plus(other: Long): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]315'toLong' @ [96:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]316'toLong' @ [96:32] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]317'-' @ [96:44] ==> public final operator fun minus(other: Long): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]318'toLong' @ [96:47] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]319'toLong' @ [96:60] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]320'toLong' @ [96:73] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]321'toLong' @ [96:85] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]322'toLong' @ [96:97] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]323'listOf' @ [96:107] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]324Inferred types:325 <T> -> Long326'doTest' @ [98:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]327Inferred types:328 <N : Any> -> Char329'..' @ [98:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]330'"ace"[1]' @ [98:17] ==> public open fun get(index: Int): Char defined in kotlin.String[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]331'"age"[1]' @ [98:29] ==> public open fun get(index: Int): Char defined in kotlin.String[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]332'listOf' @ [98:53] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]333Inferred types:334 <T> -> Char335'Test' @ [101:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]336'doTest' @ [102:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]337Inferred types:338 <N : Any> -> Int339'until' @ [102:16] ==> public infix fun Int.until(to: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]340'listOf' @ [102:36] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]341Inferred types:342 <T> -> Int343'doTest' @ [103:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]344Inferred types:345 <N : Any> -> Int346'until' @ [103:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.until(to: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]347'toByte' @ [103:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]348'toByte' @ [103:35] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]349'listOf' @ [103:54] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]350Inferred types:351 <T> -> Int352'doTest' @ [104:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]353Inferred types:354 <N : Any> -> Int355'until' @ [104:16] ==> public infix fun Short.until(to: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]356'toShort' @ [104:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]357'toShort' @ [104:36] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]358'listOf' @ [104:56] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]359Inferred types:360 <T> -> Int361'doTest' @ [105:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]362Inferred types:363 <N : Any> -> Long364'until' @ [105:16] ==> public infix fun Long.until(to: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]365'toLong' @ [105:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]366'toLong' @ [105:35] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]367'listOf' @ [105:57] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]368Inferred types:369 <T> -> Long370'doTest' @ [106:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]371Inferred types:372 <N : Any> -> Char373'until' @ [106:16] ==> public infix fun Char.until(to: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]374'listOf' @ [106:44] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]375Inferred types:376 <T> -> Char377'Test' @ [110:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]378'doTest' @ [111:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]379Inferred types:380 <N : Any> -> Int381'downTo' @ [111:16] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]382'-' @ [111:36] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]383'listOf' @ [111:40] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]384Inferred types:385 <T> -> Int386'doTest' @ [112:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]387Inferred types:388 <N : Any> -> Int389'downTo' @ [112:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]390'toByte' @ [112:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]391'toByte' @ [112:37] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]392'-' @ [112:54] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]393'listOf' @ [112:58] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]394Inferred types:395 <T> -> Int396'doTest' @ [113:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]397Inferred types:398 <N : Any> -> Int399'downTo' @ [113:16] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]400'toShort' @ [113:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]401'toShort' @ [113:38] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]402'-' @ [113:56] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]403'listOf' @ [113:60] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]404Inferred types:405 <T> -> Int406'doTest' @ [114:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]407Inferred types:408 <N : Any> -> Long409'downTo' @ [114:16] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]410'toLong' @ [114:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]411'toLong' @ [114:37] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]412'toLong' @ [114:49] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]413'toLong' @ [114:62] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]414'-' @ [114:72] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]415'toLong' @ [114:75] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]416'listOf' @ [114:85] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]417Inferred types:418 <T> -> Long419'doTest' @ [116:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]420Inferred types:421 <N : Any> -> Char422'downTo' @ [116:16] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]423'-' @ [116:42] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]424'listOf' @ [116:46] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]425Inferred types:426 <T> -> Char427'Test' @ [119:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]428'doTest' @ [120:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]429Inferred types:430 <N : Any> -> Int431'downTo' @ [120:16] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]432'-' @ [120:34] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]433'listOf' @ [120:38] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]434Inferred types:435 <T> -> Int436'doTest' @ [121:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]437Inferred types:438 <N : Any> -> Int439'downTo' @ [121:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]440'toByte' @ [121:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]441'toByte' @ [121:36] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]442'-' @ [121:52] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]443'listOf' @ [121:56] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]444Inferred types:445 <T> -> Int446'doTest' @ [122:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]447Inferred types:448 <N : Any> -> Int449'downTo' @ [122:16] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]450'toShort' @ [122:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]451'toShort' @ [122:37] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]452'-' @ [122:54] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]453'listOf' @ [122:58] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]454Inferred types:455 <T> -> Int456'doTest' @ [123:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]457Inferred types:458 <N : Any> -> Long459'downTo' @ [123:16] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]460'toLong' @ [123:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]461'toLong' @ [123:36] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]462'toLong' @ [123:48] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]463'toLong' @ [123:60] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]464'-' @ [123:70] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]465'toLong' @ [123:73] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]466'listOf' @ [123:83] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]467Inferred types:468 <T> -> Long469'toLong' @ [123:92] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]470'doTest' @ [125:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]471Inferred types:472 <N : Any> -> Char473'downTo' @ [125:16] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]474'-' @ [125:42] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]475'listOf' @ [125:46] ==> public fun <T> listOf(element: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]476Inferred types:477 <T> -> Char478'Test' @ [128:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]479'doTest' @ [129:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]480Inferred types:481 <N : Any> -> Int482'downTo' @ [129:16] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]483'-' @ [129:34] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]484'listOf' @ [129:38] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]485Inferred types:486 <T> -> Int487'doTest' @ [130:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]488Inferred types:489 <N : Any> -> Int490'downTo' @ [130:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]491'toByte' @ [130:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]492'toByte' @ [130:36] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]493'-' @ [130:52] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]494'listOf' @ [130:56] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]495Inferred types:496 <T> -> Int497'doTest' @ [131:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]498Inferred types:499 <N : Any> -> Int500'downTo' @ [131:16] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]501'toShort' @ [131:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]502'toShort' @ [131:37] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]503'-' @ [131:54] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]504'listOf' @ [131:58] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]505Inferred types:506 <T> -> Int507'doTest' @ [132:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]508Inferred types:509 <N : Any> -> Long510'downTo' @ [132:16] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]511'toLong' @ [132:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]512'toLong' @ [132:36] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]513'toLong' @ [132:48] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]514'toLong' @ [132:60] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]515'-' @ [132:70] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]516'toLong' @ [132:73] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]517'listOf' @ [132:83] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]518Inferred types:519 <T> -> Long520'doTest' @ [134:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]521Inferred types:522 <N : Any> -> Char523'downTo' @ [134:16] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]524'-' @ [134:42] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]525'listOf' @ [134:46] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]526Inferred types:527 <T> -> Char528'Test' @ [138:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]529'doTest' @ [139:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]530Inferred types:531 <N : Any> -> Int532'..' @ [139:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]533'listOf' @ [139:38] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]534Inferred types:535 <T> -> Int536'doTest' @ [140:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]537Inferred types:538 <N : Any> -> Int539'..' @ [140:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]540'toByte' @ [140:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]541'toByte' @ [140:30] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]542'listOf' @ [140:56] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]543Inferred types:544 <T> -> Int545'doTest' @ [141:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]546Inferred types:547 <N : Any> -> Int548'..' @ [141:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]549'toShort' @ [141:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]550'toShort' @ [141:31] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]551'listOf' @ [141:58] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]552Inferred types:553 <T> -> Int554'doTest' @ [142:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]555Inferred types:556 <N : Any> -> Long557'..' @ [142:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]558'toLong' @ [142:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]559'toLong' @ [142:30] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]560'toLong' @ [142:46] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]561'toLong' @ [142:58] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]562'toLong' @ [142:70] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]563'toLong' @ [142:82] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]564'listOf' @ [142:92] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]565Inferred types:566 <T> -> Long567'doTest' @ [144:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]568Inferred types:569 <N : Any> -> Char570'..' @ [144:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]571'listOf' @ [144:46] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]572Inferred types:573 <T> -> Char574'Test' @ [147:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]575'doTest' @ [148:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]576Inferred types:577 <N : Any> -> Int578'downTo' @ [148:16] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]579'-' @ [148:41] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]580'listOf' @ [148:45] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]581Inferred types:582 <T> -> Int583'doTest' @ [149:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]584Inferred types:585 <N : Any> -> Int586'downTo' @ [149:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]587'toByte' @ [149:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]588'toByte' @ [149:36] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]589'-' @ [149:59] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]590'listOf' @ [149:63] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]591Inferred types:592 <T> -> Int593'doTest' @ [150:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]594Inferred types:595 <N : Any> -> Int596'downTo' @ [150:16] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]597'toShort' @ [150:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]598'toShort' @ [150:37] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]599'-' @ [150:61] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]600'listOf' @ [150:65] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]601Inferred types:602 <T> -> Int603'doTest' @ [151:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]604Inferred types:605 <N : Any> -> Long606'downTo' @ [151:16] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]607'toLong' @ [151:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]608'toLong' @ [151:36] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]609'toLong' @ [151:52] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]610'toLong' @ [151:64] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]611'toLong' @ [151:76] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]612'-' @ [151:86] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]613'toLong' @ [151:89] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]614'listOf' @ [151:99] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]615Inferred types:616 <T> -> Long617'doTest' @ [153:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]618Inferred types:619 <N : Any> -> Char620'downTo' @ [153:16] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]621'-' @ [153:49] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]622'listOf' @ [153:53] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]623Inferred types:624 <T> -> Char625'Test' @ [158:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]626'doTest' @ [159:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]627Inferred types:628 <N : Any> -> Int629'..' @ [159:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]630'listOf' @ [159:38] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]631Inferred types:632 <T> -> Int633'doTest' @ [160:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]634Inferred types:635 <N : Any> -> Int636'..' @ [160:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]637'toByte' @ [160:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]638'toByte' @ [160:30] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]639'listOf' @ [160:56] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]640Inferred types:641 <T> -> Int642'doTest' @ [161:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]643Inferred types:644 <N : Any> -> Int645'..' @ [161:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]646'toShort' @ [161:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]647'toShort' @ [161:31] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]648'listOf' @ [161:58] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]649Inferred types:650 <T> -> Int651'doTest' @ [162:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]652Inferred types:653 <N : Any> -> Long654'..' @ [162:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]655'toLong' @ [162:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]656'toLong' @ [162:30] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]657'toLong' @ [162:46] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]658'toLong' @ [162:58] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]659'toLong' @ [162:70] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]660'toLong' @ [162:82] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]661'listOf' @ [162:92] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]662Inferred types:663 <T> -> Long664'doTest' @ [164:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]665Inferred types:666 <N : Any> -> Char667'..' @ [164:16] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]668'listOf' @ [164:46] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]669Inferred types:670 <T> -> Char671'Test' @ [168:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]672'doTest' @ [169:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]673Inferred types:674 <N : Any> -> Int675'downTo' @ [169:16] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]676'-' @ [169:41] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]677'listOf' @ [169:45] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]678Inferred types:679 <T> -> Int680'doTest' @ [170:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]681Inferred types:682 <N : Any> -> Int683'downTo' @ [170:16] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]684'toByte' @ [170:18] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]685'toByte' @ [170:36] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]686'-' @ [170:59] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]687'listOf' @ [170:63] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]688Inferred types:689 <T> -> Int690'doTest' @ [171:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]691Inferred types:692 <N : Any> -> Int693'downTo' @ [171:16] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]694'toShort' @ [171:18] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]695'toShort' @ [171:37] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]696'-' @ [171:61] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]697'listOf' @ [171:65] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]698Inferred types:699 <T> -> Int700'doTest' @ [172:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]701Inferred types:702 <N : Any> -> Long703'downTo' @ [172:16] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]704'toLong' @ [172:18] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]705'toLong' @ [172:36] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]706'toLong' @ [172:52] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]707'toLong' @ [172:64] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]708'toLong' @ [172:76] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]709'-' @ [172:86] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]710'toLong' @ [172:89] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]711'listOf' @ [172:99] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]712Inferred types:713 <T> -> Long714'doTest' @ [174:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]715Inferred types:716 <N : Any> -> Char717'downTo' @ [174:16] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]718'-' @ [174:49] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]719'listOf' @ [174:53] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]720Inferred types:721 <T> -> Char722'Test' @ [178:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]723'doTest' @ [179:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]724Inferred types:725 <N : Any> -> Int726'..' @ [179:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]727'reversed' @ [179:23] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]728'-' @ [179:41] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]729'listOf' @ [179:45] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]730Inferred types:731 <T> -> Int732'doTest' @ [180:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]733Inferred types:734 <N : Any> -> Int735'..' @ [180:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]736'toByte' @ [180:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]737'toByte' @ [180:31] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]738'reversed' @ [180:41] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]739'-' @ [180:59] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]740'listOf' @ [180:63] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]741Inferred types:742 <T> -> Int743'doTest' @ [181:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]744Inferred types:745 <N : Any> -> Int746'..' @ [181:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]747'toShort' @ [181:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]748'toShort' @ [181:32] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]749'reversed' @ [181:43] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]750'-' @ [181:61] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]751'listOf' @ [181:65] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]752Inferred types:753 <T> -> Int754'doTest' @ [182:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]755Inferred types:756 <N : Any> -> Long757'..' @ [182:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]758'toLong' @ [182:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]759'toLong' @ [182:31] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]760'reversed' @ [182:41] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]761'toLong' @ [182:55] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]762'toLong' @ [182:67] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]763'-' @ [182:77] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]764'toLong' @ [182:80] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]765'listOf' @ [182:90] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]766Inferred types:767 <T> -> Long768'doTest' @ [184:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]769Inferred types:770 <N : Any> -> Char771'..' @ [184:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]772'reversed' @ [184:27] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]773'-' @ [184:49] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]774'listOf' @ [184:53] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]775Inferred types:776 <T> -> Char777'Test' @ [187:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]778'doTest' @ [188:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]779Inferred types:780 <N : Any> -> Int781'downTo' @ [188:17] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]782'reversed' @ [188:29] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]783'listOf' @ [188:50] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]784Inferred types:785 <T> -> Int786'doTest' @ [189:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]787Inferred types:788 <N : Any> -> Int789'downTo' @ [189:17] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]790'toByte' @ [189:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]791'toByte' @ [189:37] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]792'reversed' @ [189:47] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]793'listOf' @ [189:68] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]794Inferred types:795 <T> -> Int796'doTest' @ [190:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]797Inferred types:798 <N : Any> -> Int799'downTo' @ [190:17] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]800'toShort' @ [190:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]801'toShort' @ [190:38] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]802'reversed' @ [190:49] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]803'listOf' @ [190:70] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]804Inferred types:805 <T> -> Int806'doTest' @ [191:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]807Inferred types:808 <N : Any> -> Long809'downTo' @ [191:17] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]810'toLong' @ [191:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]811'toLong' @ [191:37] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]812'reversed' @ [191:47] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]813'toLong' @ [191:61] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]814'toLong' @ [191:73] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]815'toLong' @ [191:85] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]816'listOf' @ [191:95] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]817Inferred types:818 <T> -> Long819'doTest' @ [193:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]820Inferred types:821 <N : Any> -> Char822'downTo' @ [193:17] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]823'reversed' @ [193:33] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]824'listOf' @ [193:58] ==> @InlineOnly public inline fun <T> listOf(): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]825Inferred types:826 <T> -> Char827'Test' @ [196:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]828'doTest' @ [197:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]829Inferred types:830 <N : Any> -> Int831'..' @ [197:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]832'reversed' @ [197:23] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]833'-' @ [197:41] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]834'listOf' @ [197:45] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]835Inferred types:836 <T> -> Int837'doTest' @ [198:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]838Inferred types:839 <N : Any> -> Int840'..' @ [198:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]841'toByte' @ [198:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]842'toByte' @ [198:31] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]843'reversed' @ [198:41] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]844'-' @ [198:58] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]845'listOf' @ [198:62] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]846Inferred types:847 <T> -> Int848'doTest' @ [199:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]849Inferred types:850 <N : Any> -> Int851'..' @ [199:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]852'toShort' @ [199:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]853'toShort' @ [199:32] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]854'reversed' @ [199:43] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]855'-' @ [199:61] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]856'listOf' @ [199:65] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]857Inferred types:858 <T> -> Int859'doTest' @ [200:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]860Inferred types:861 <N : Any> -> Long862'..' @ [200:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]863'toLong' @ [200:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]864'toLong' @ [200:31] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]865'reversed' @ [200:41] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]866'toLong' @ [200:55] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]867'toLong' @ [200:67] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]868'-' @ [200:77] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]869'toLong' @ [200:80] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]870'listOf' @ [200:90] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]871Inferred types:872 <T> -> Long873'doTest' @ [202:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]874Inferred types:875 <N : Any> -> Char876'..' @ [202:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]877'reversed' @ [202:27] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]878'-' @ [202:49] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]879'listOf' @ [202:53] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]880Inferred types:881 <T> -> Char882'Test' @ [205:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]883'doTest' @ [206:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]884Inferred types:885 <N : Any> -> Int886'downTo' @ [206:17] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]887'reversed' @ [206:29] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]888'listOf' @ [206:50] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]889Inferred types:890 <T> -> Int891'doTest' @ [207:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]892Inferred types:893 <N : Any> -> Int894'downTo' @ [207:17] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]895'toByte' @ [207:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]896'toByte' @ [207:37] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]897'reversed' @ [207:47] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]898'listOf' @ [207:68] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]899Inferred types:900 <T> -> Int901'doTest' @ [208:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]902Inferred types:903 <N : Any> -> Int904'downTo' @ [208:17] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]905'toShort' @ [208:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]906'toShort' @ [208:38] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]907'reversed' @ [208:49] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]908'listOf' @ [208:70] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]909Inferred types:910 <T> -> Int911'doTest' @ [209:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]912Inferred types:913 <N : Any> -> Long914'downTo' @ [209:17] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]915'toLong' @ [209:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]916'toLong' @ [209:37] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]917'reversed' @ [209:47] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]918'toLong' @ [209:61] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]919'toLong' @ [209:73] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]920'toLong' @ [209:85] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]921'listOf' @ [209:95] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]922Inferred types:923 <T> -> Long924'doTest' @ [211:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]925Inferred types:926 <N : Any> -> Char927'downTo' @ [211:17] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]928'reversed' @ [211:33] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]929'listOf' @ [211:58] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]930Inferred types:931 <T> -> Char932'Test' @ [215:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]933'doTest' @ [216:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]934Inferred types:935 <N : Any> -> Int936'..' @ [216:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Int): IntRange defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]937'reversed' @ [216:30] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]938'-' @ [216:48] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]939'listOf' @ [216:52] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]940Inferred types:941 <T> -> Int942'doTest' @ [217:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]943Inferred types:944 <N : Any> -> Int945'..' @ [217:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Byte): IntRange defined in kotlin.Byte[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]946'toByte' @ [217:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]947'toByte' @ [217:31] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]948'reversed' @ [217:48] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]949'-' @ [217:66] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]950'listOf' @ [217:70] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]951Inferred types:952 <T> -> Int953'doTest' @ [218:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]954Inferred types:955 <N : Any> -> Int956'..' @ [218:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Short): IntRange defined in kotlin.Short[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]957'toShort' @ [218:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]958'toShort' @ [218:32] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]959'reversed' @ [218:50] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]960'-' @ [218:68] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]961'listOf' @ [218:72] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]962Inferred types:963 <T> -> Int964'doTest' @ [219:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]965Inferred types:966 <N : Any> -> Long967'..' @ [219:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Long): LongRange defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]968'toLong' @ [219:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]969'toLong' @ [219:31] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]970'toLong' @ [219:47] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]971'reversed' @ [219:57] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]972'toLong' @ [219:71] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]973'toLong' @ [219:83] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]974'-' @ [219:93] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Long defined in kotlin.Long[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]975'toLong' @ [219:96] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]976'listOf' @ [219:106] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]977Inferred types:978 <T> -> Long979'doTest' @ [221:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]980Inferred types:981 <N : Any> -> Char982'..' @ [221:17] ==> public final operator fun rangeTo(other: Char): CharRange defined in kotlin.Char[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]983'reversed' @ [221:34] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]984'-' @ [221:56] ==> public final operator fun unaryMinus(): Int defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]985'listOf' @ [221:60] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]986Inferred types:987 <T> -> Char988'Test' @ [226:5] ==> public constructor Test(expected: KClass<out (Throwable..Throwable?)> = ..., timeout: Long = ...) defined in org.junit.Test[JavaClassConstructorDescriptor]989'doTest' @ [227:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]990Inferred types:991 <N : Any> -> Int992'downTo' @ [227:17] ==> public infix fun Int.downTo(to: Int): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]993'reversed' @ [227:36] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]994'listOf' @ [227:57] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]995Inferred types:996 <T> -> Int997'doTest' @ [228:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]998Inferred types:999 <N : Any> -> Int1000'downTo' @ [228:17] ==> public infix fun Byte.downTo(to: Byte): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1001'toByte' @ [228:19] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1002'toByte' @ [228:37] ==> public open fun toByte(): Byte defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1003'reversed' @ [228:54] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1004'listOf' @ [228:75] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1005Inferred types:1006 <T> -> Int1007'doTest' @ [229:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Int>, expectedFirst: Int, expectedLast: Int, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Int>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]1008Inferred types:1009 <N : Any> -> Int1010'downTo' @ [229:17] ==> public infix fun Short.downTo(to: Short): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1011'toShort' @ [229:19] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1012'toShort' @ [229:38] ==> public open fun toShort(): Short defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1013'reversed' @ [229:56] ==> public fun IntProgression.reversed(): IntProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1014'listOf' @ [229:77] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Int): List<Int> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1015Inferred types:1016 <T> -> Int1017'doTest' @ [230:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Long>, expectedFirst: Long, expectedLast: Long, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Long>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]1018Inferred types:1019 <N : Any> -> Long1020'downTo' @ [230:17] ==> public infix fun Long.downTo(to: Long): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1021'toLong' @ [230:19] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1022'toLong' @ [230:37] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1023'toLong' @ [230:53] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1024'reversed' @ [230:63] ==> public fun LongProgression.reversed(): LongProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1025'toLong' @ [230:77] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1026'toLong' @ [230:89] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1027'toLong' @ [230:101] ==> public open fun toLong(): Long defined in kotlin.Int[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1028'listOf' @ [230:111] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Long): List<Long> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1029Inferred types:1030 <T> -> Long1031'doTest' @ [232:9] ==> public final fun <N : Any> doTest(sequence: Iterable<Char>, expectedFirst: Char, expectedLast: Char, expectedIncrement: Number, expectedElements: List<Char>): Unit defined in test.ranges.RangeIterationTest[SimpleFunctionDescriptorImpl]1032Inferred types:1033 <N : Any> -> Char1034'downTo' @ [232:17] ==> public infix fun Char.downTo(to: Char): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1035'reversed' @ [232:40] ==> public fun CharProgression.reversed(): CharProgression defined in kotlin.ranges[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1036'listOf' @ [232:65] ==> public fun <T> listOf(vararg elements: Char): List<Char> defined in kotlin.collections[DeserializedSimpleFunctionDescriptor]1037Inferred types:1038 <T> -> Char...

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Source:TestTradingBot.kt Github


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...28 fun testSimpleLongStrategy(){29 val orderDocumentReference: DocumentReference = mockk()30 val orderDocumentReferenceA: DocumentReference = mockk()31 val orderDocumentReferenceB: DocumentReference = mockk()32 val openSellResponse: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "shortA")33 val buyOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderA")34 val buyOrderResponseB: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderB")35 val initialClosedState = State (36 exchange = "binance",37 symbol = "SOLBTC",38 open_position = null,39 position_size = 5.0,40 remaining_position = 0.0,41 direction = Direction.NONE,42 timestamp = 0L,43 last_event = SignalEvent.NONE44 )45 val eventUpdatedState = State (46 exchange = "binance",47 symbol = "SOLBTC",48 open_position = null,49 position_size = 5.0,50 remaining_position = 0.0,51 direction = Direction.NONE,52 timestamp = 0L,53 last_event = SignalEvent.LONG54 )55 val finalLongState = State (56 exchange = "binance",57 symbol = "SOLBTC",58 open_position = orderDocumentReferenceB,59 position_size = 5.0,60 remaining_position = 5.0,61 direction = Direction.LONG,62 timestamp = 0L,63 last_event = SignalEvent.LONG64 )65 val bot = TradingBot(66 binanceTradeClient = tradeClient,67 bybitTradeClient = bybitClient,68 stateRepository = stateRepository,69 openTradeRepository = openTradeRepository,70 openTradeService = openTradeService71 )72 // update state with event73 every { stateRepository.updateStateWithEvent("SOLBTC", SignalEvent.LONG)} returns Mono.just(eventUpdatedState)74 // close short and complete trade orders75 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseA) andThen Mono.just(buyOrderResponseB)76 // initial state77 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialClosedState)78 // open new long79 every { stateRepository.updateState(finalLongState)} returns Mono.just(finalLongState)80 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTrigger("SOLBTC")81 StepVerifier82 .create(botSrc)83 .expectNext(finalLongState)84 .expectComplete()85 .verify()86 // initial get state87 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }88 // closing shot and opening long - 2x long trades89 verify(exactly = 2) { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any()) }90 // save short closing long trade91 // save new long trade92 // completed trade repository, close short position93 // finally, update state with new long position94 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalLongState) }95 }96 @Test97 @Ignore98 fun testTradingBotLongTriggerWithOpenShortPosition(){99 val orderDocumentReference: DocumentReference = mockk()100 val orderDocumentReferenceA: DocumentReference = mockk()101 val orderDocumentReferenceB: DocumentReference = mockk()102 val openSellResponse: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "shortA")103 val buyOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderA")104 val buyOrderResponseB: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderB")105 val initialShortState = State (106 exchange = "binance",107 symbol = "SOLBTC",108 open_position = orderDocumentReference,109 position_size = 1.0,110 remaining_position = 1.0,111 direction = Direction.SHORT,112 timestamp = 0L113 )114 val finalLongState = State (115 exchange = "binance",116 symbol = "SOLBTC",117 open_position = orderDocumentReferenceB,118 position_size = 1.0,119 remaining_position = 1.0,120 direction = Direction.LONG,121 timestamp = 0L122 )123 val bot = TradingBot(124 binanceTradeClient = tradeClient,125 bybitTradeClient = bybitClient,126 stateRepository = stateRepository,127 openTradeRepository = openTradeRepository,128 openTradeService = openTradeService129 )130 // close short and complete trade orders131 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseA) andThen Mono.just(buyOrderResponseB)132 // initial state133 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)134// every { stateRepository.getTrade(initialShortState) } returns Mono.just(openSellResponse)135 // open new long136 every { stateRepository.updateState(finalLongState)} returns Mono.just(finalLongState)137 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTrigger("SOLBTC")138 StepVerifier139 .create(botSrc)140 .expectNext(finalLongState)141 .expectComplete()142 .verify()143 // initial get state144 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }145 // closing shot and opening long - 2x long trades146 verify(exactly = 2) { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any()) }147 // save short closing long trade148 // save new long trade149 // completed trade repository, close short position150 // finally, update state with new long position151 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalLongState) }152 }153 /*154 @Test155 fun testTradingBotLongTriggerWithNoShortPosition(){156 val buyOrderResponseB: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderB")157 val initialShortState = State (158 exchange = "binance",159 symbol = "SOLBTC",160 long_position = "",161 short_position = ""162 )163 val finalLongState = State (164 exchange = "binance",165 symbol = "SOLBTC",166 long_position = "new-position-doc-id",167 short_position = ""168 )169 val bot = TradingBot(170 tradeClient = tradeClient,171 positionRepository = positionRepository,172 stateRepository = stateRepository,173 tradeRepository = tradeRepository174 )175 val position = Position(176 exchange = "binance",177 symbol = "SOLBTC",178 )179 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseB)180 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)181 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseB)} returns Mono.just("document-id")182 every { positionRepository.createPosition(Position(exchange = "binance", symbol = "SOLBTC")) } returns Mono.just("new-position-doc-id")183 every { positionRepository.addOpenOrder( documentId = "new-position-doc-id", orderResponse = buyOrderResponseB) } returns Mono.just(position)184 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="new-position-doc-id", short_position="")) } returns Mono.just(finalLongState)185 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTrigger()186 StepVerifier187 .create(botSrc)188 .expectNext(finalLongState)189 .expectComplete()190 .verify()191 // initial get state192 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }193 // create the new long position194 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.createPosition(any()) }195 // position repository, open long position196 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.addOpenOrder("new-position-doc-id", buyOrderResponseB) }197 // finally, update state with new long position198 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalLongState) }199 }200 @Test201 fun testTradingBotShortTriggerWithOpenLongPosition(){202 val buyOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")203 val buyOrderResponseB: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderB")204 val initialLongState = State (205 exchange = "binance",206 symbol = "SOLBTC",207 long_position = "long_pos_123",208 short_position = ""209 )210 val intermediateIdleState = State (211 exchange = "binance",212 symbol = "SOLBTC",213 long_position = "",214 short_position = ""215 )216 val finalShortState = State (217 exchange = "binance",218 symbol = "SOLBTC",219 long_position = "",220 short_position = "new-short-position-doc"221 )222 val bot = TradingBot(223 tradeClient = tradeClient,224 positionRepository = positionRepository,225 stateRepository = stateRepository,226 tradeRepository = tradeRepository227 )228 val position = Position(229 exchange = "binance",230 symbol = "SOLBTC",231 )232 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseA) andThen Mono.just(buyOrderResponseB)233 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialLongState)234 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseA)} returns Mono.just("document-id")235 every { positionRepository.addCloseOrder( documentId = "long_pos_123", orderResponse = buyOrderResponseA) } returns Mono.just(position)236 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="", short_position="")) } returns Mono.just(intermediateIdleState)237 every { positionRepository.createPosition(Position(exchange = "binance", symbol = "SOLBTC")) } returns Mono.just("new-short-position-doc")238 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseB)} returns Mono.just("document-id")239 every { positionRepository.addOpenOrder( documentId = "new-short-position-doc", orderResponse = buyOrderResponseB) } returns Mono.just(position)240 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="", short_position="new-short-position-doc")) } returns Mono.just(finalShortState)241 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.shortTrigger()242 StepVerifier243 .create(botSrc)244 .expectNext(finalShortState)245 .expectComplete()246 .verify()247 // initial get state248 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }249 // closing shot and opening long - 2x long trades250 verify(exactly = 2) { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any()) }251 // save short closing long trade252 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseA) }253 // save new long trade254 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseB) }255 // position repository, close short position256 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.addCloseOrder(any(), any()) }257 // create new empty position258 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.createPosition(any()) }259 // position repository, open long position260 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.addOpenOrder("new-short-position-doc", buyOrderResponseB) }261 // finally, update state with new long position262 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalShortState) }263 }264 @Test265 fun testTradingBotShortTriggerWithNoLongPosition(){266 val buyOrderResponseB: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderB")267 val initialLongState = State (268 exchange = "binance",269 symbol = "SOLBTC",270 long_position = "",271 short_position = ""272 )273 val finalShortState = State (274 exchange = "binance",275 symbol = "SOLBTC",276 long_position = "",277 short_position = "new-short-position-doc"278 )279 val bot = TradingBot(280 tradeClient = tradeClient,281 positionRepository = positionRepository,282 stateRepository = stateRepository,283 tradeRepository = tradeRepository284 )285 val position = Position(286 exchange = "binance",287 symbol = "SOLBTC",288 )289 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseB)290 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialLongState)291 every { positionRepository.createPosition(Position(exchange = "binance", symbol = "SOLBTC")) } returns Mono.just("new-short-position-doc")292 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseB)} returns Mono.just("document-id")293 every { positionRepository.addOpenOrder( documentId = "new-short-position-doc", orderResponse = buyOrderResponseB) } returns Mono.just(position)294 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="", short_position="new-short-position-doc")) } returns Mono.just(finalShortState)295 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.shortTrigger()296 StepVerifier297 .create(botSrc)298 .expectNext(finalShortState)299 .expectComplete()300 .verify()301 // initial get state302 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }303 // create new empty position304 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.createPosition(any()) }305 // position repository, open long position306 verify(exactly = 1) { positionRepository.addOpenOrder("new-short-position-doc", buyOrderResponseB) }307 // finally, update state with new long position308 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalShortState) }309 }310 @Test311 fun testTradingBotShortTP(){312 val buyOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.BUY, "orderA")313 val initialShortState = State (314 exchange = "binance",315 symbol = "SOLBTC",316 long_position = "",317 short_position = "short_pos_123"318 )319 val finalState = State (320 exchange = "binance",321 symbol = "SOLBTC",322 long_position = "",323 short_position = ""324 )325 val bot = TradingBot(326 tradeClient = tradeClient,327 positionRepository = positionRepository,328 stateRepository = stateRepository,329 tradeRepository = tradeRepository330 )331 val position = Position(332 exchange = "binance",333 symbol = "SOLBTC",334 )335 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(buyOrderResponseA)336 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)337 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseA)} returns Mono.just("document-id")338 every { positionRepository.addCloseOrder( documentId = "short_pos_123", orderResponse = buyOrderResponseA) } returns Mono.just(position)339 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="", short_position="")) } returns Mono.just(finalState)340 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.shortTakeProfit()341 StepVerifier342 .create(botSrc)343 .expectNext(finalState)344 .expectComplete()345 .verify()346 // initial get state347 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }348 // closing shot and opening long - 2x long trades349 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any()) }350 // save short closing long trade351 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(buyOrderResponseA) }352 // finally, update state with new long position353 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalState) }354 }355 @Test356 fun testTradingBotLongTP(){357 val sellOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")358 val initialShortState = State (359 exchange = "binance",360 symbol = "SOLBTC",361 long_position = "long_pos_123",362 short_position = ""363 )364 val finalState = State (365 exchange = "binance",366 symbol = "SOLBTC",367 long_position = "",368 short_position = ""369 )370 val bot = TradingBot(371 tradeClient = tradeClient,372 positionRepository = positionRepository,373 stateRepository = stateRepository,374 tradeRepository = tradeRepository375 )376 val position = Position(377 exchange = "binance",378 symbol = "SOLBTC",379 )380 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(sellOrderResponseA)381 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)382 every { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(sellOrderResponseA)} returns Mono.just("document-id")383 every { positionRepository.addCloseOrder( documentId = "long_pos_123", orderResponse = sellOrderResponseA) } returns Mono.just(position)384 every { stateRepository.updateState(State(exchange = "binance", symbol="SOLBTC", long_position="", short_position="")) } returns Mono.just(finalState)385 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTakeProfit()386 StepVerifier387 .create(botSrc)388 .expectNext(finalState)389 .expectComplete()390 .verify()391 // initial get state392 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }393 // closing shot and opening long - 2x long trades394 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any()) }395 // save short closing long trade396 verify(exactly = 1) { tradeRepository.saveOrderResponse(sellOrderResponseA) }397 // finally, update state with new long position398 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.updateState(finalState) }399 }400 @Test401 fun testTradingBotLongTP_noLong(){402 val sellOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")403 val initialShortState = State (404 exchange = "binance",405 symbol = "SOLBTC",406 long_position = "",407 short_position = ""408 )409 val finalState = State (410 exchange = "binance",411 symbol = "SOLBTC",412 long_position = "",413 short_position = ""414 )415 val bot = TradingBot(416 tradeClient = tradeClient,417 positionRepository = positionRepository,418 stateRepository = stateRepository,419 tradeRepository = tradeRepository420 )421 val position = Position(422 exchange = "binance",423 symbol = "SOLBTC",424 )425 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(sellOrderResponseA)426 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)427 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTakeProfit()428 StepVerifier429 .create(botSrc)430 .expectNext(finalState)431 .expectComplete()432 .verify()433 // initial get state434 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }435 }436 @Test437 fun testTradingBotShortTP_noShort(){438 val sellOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")439 val initialShortState = State (440 exchange = "binance",441 symbol = "SOLBTC",442 long_position = "",443 short_position = ""444 )445 val finalState = State (446 exchange = "binance",447 symbol = "SOLBTC",448 long_position = "",449 short_position = ""450 )451 val bot = TradingBot(452 tradeClient = tradeClient,453 positionRepository = positionRepository,454 stateRepository = stateRepository,455 tradeRepository = tradeRepository456 )457 val position = Position(458 exchange = "binance",459 symbol = "SOLBTC",460 )461 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(sellOrderResponseA)462 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)463 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.shortTakeProfit()464 StepVerifier465 .create(botSrc)466 .expectNext(finalState)467 .expectComplete()468 .verify()469 // initial get state470 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }471 }472 @Test473 fun testTradingBotLong_alreadyLong(){474 val sellOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")475 val initialShortState = State (476 exchange = "binance",477 symbol = "SOLBTC",478 long_position = "existing-long-123",479 short_position = ""480 )481 val finalState = State (482 exchange = "binance",483 symbol = "SOLBTC",484 long_position = "existing-long-123",485 short_position = ""486 )487 val bot = TradingBot(488 tradeClient = tradeClient,489 positionRepository = positionRepository,490 stateRepository = stateRepository,491 tradeRepository = tradeRepository492 )493 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(sellOrderResponseA)494 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)495 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.longTrigger()496 StepVerifier497 .create(botSrc)498 .expectNext(finalState)499 .expectComplete()500 .verify()501 // initial get state502 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }503 }504 @Test505 fun testTradingBotShort_alreadyShort(){506 val sellOrderResponseA: OrderResponse = TestDataHelper.createOrderResponse(OrderSide.SELL, "orderA")507 val initialShortState = State (508 exchange = "binance",509 symbol = "SOLBTC",510 long_position = "",511 short_position = "existing-short-123"512 )513 val finalState = State (514 exchange = "binance",515 symbol = "SOLBTC",516 long_position = "",517 short_position = "existing-short-123"518 )519 val bot = TradingBot(520 tradeClient = tradeClient,521 positionRepository = positionRepository,522 stateRepository = stateRepository,523 tradeRepository = tradeRepository524 )525 every { tradeClient.placeNewOrder(any())} returns Mono.just(sellOrderResponseA)526 every { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") } returns Mono.just(initialShortState)527 val botSrc: Mono<State> = bot.shortTrigger()528 StepVerifier529 .create(botSrc)530 .expectNext(finalState)531 .expectComplete()532 .verify()533 // initial get state534 verify(exactly = 1) { stateRepository.getState("SOLBTC") }535 }536 */537}...

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...55 assertFalse(10.toByte() in openRange)56 // byte arguments now construct IntRange so no overflow here57 // assertTrue(assertFails { 0.toByte() until Byte.MIN_VALUE } is IllegalArgumentException)58 }59 @test fun shortRange() {60 val range = (-5).toShort()..9.toShort()61 assertFalse((-1000).toShort() in range)62 assertFalse((-6).toShort() in range)63 assertTrue((-5).toShort() in range)64 assertTrue((-4).toShort() in range)65 assertTrue(0.toShort() in range)66 assertTrue(3.toShort() in range)67 assertTrue(8.toShort() in range)68 assertTrue(9.toShort() in range)69 assertFalse(10.toShort() in range)70 assertFalse(239.toShort() in range)71 72 assertFalse(range.isEmpty())73 assertTrue(1.toByte() in range)74 assertTrue(1.toInt() in range)75 assertTrue(1.toLong() in range)76 assertTrue(1.toFloat() in range)77 assertTrue(1.toDouble() in range)78 assertFalse(Long.MAX_VALUE in range)79 val openRange = 1.toShort() until 10.toShort()80 assertTrue(9.toShort() in openRange)81 assertFalse(10.toShort() in openRange)82 // short arguments now construct IntRange so no overflow here83 // assertTrue(assertFails { 0.toShort() until Short.MIN_VALUE } is IllegalArgumentException)84 }85 @test fun longRange() {86 val range = -5L..9L87 assertFalse(-10000000L in range)88 assertFalse(-6L in range)89 assertTrue(-5L in range)90 assertTrue(-4L in range)91 assertTrue(0L in range)92 assertTrue(3L in range)93 assertTrue(8L in range)94 assertTrue(9L in range)95 assertFalse(10L in range)96 assertFalse(10000000L in range)...

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Source:ArgsParserTest.kt Github


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...128 open var string: String = ""129 @Option130 open var byte: Byte = 0131 @Option132 open var short: Short = 0133 @Option134 open var float: Float = 0.0f135 @Option136 open var double: Double = 0.0137 @Option138 open var bool: Boolean = false139 @Option(alias = "someAlias")140 open var withAlias: Int = 0141 @Option(required = true)142 open var required: Int = 0143 fun toArgs(): List<String> {144 val list = mutableListOf(145 "-int", "$int",146 "-string", string,147 "-byte", "$byte",148 "-short", "$short",149 "-float", "$float",150 "-double", "$double",151 "-someAlias", "$withAlias",152 "-required", "$required",153 )154 if (bool) {155 list.add("-bool")156 }157 return list158 }159 fun toArgsWithGarbage(): List<String> {160 val list = mutableListOf(161 "-int", "$int",162 "-string", string,163 "-byte", "$byte",164 "-short", "$short",165 "-garbage", "garbage",166 "-float", "$float",167 "--garbage2", "garbage2",168 "-double", "$double",169 "-someAlias", "$withAlias",170 "-required", "$required",171 )172 if (bool) {173 list.add("-bool")174 }175 return list176 }177 fun toBadArgsNoRequired(): List<String> {178 val list = mutableListOf(179 "-int", "$int",180 "-string", string,181 "-byte", "$byte",182 "-short", "$short",183 "-float", "$float",184 "-double", "$double",185 "-someAlias", "$withAlias",186// Removed required property187// "-required", "$required",188 )189 if (bool) {190 list.add("-bool")191 }192 return list193 }194 fun toBadArgsMalformedValue(): List<String> {195 val list = mutableListOf(196 "-int", "fooBar$int",197 "-string", string,198 "-byte", "$byte",199 "-short", "$short",200 "-float", "$float",201 "-double", "$double",202 "-someAlias", "$withAlias",203 "-required", "$required",204 )205 if (bool) {206 list.add("-bool")207 }208 return list209 }210 fun toBadArgsNoValue(): List<String> {211 val list = mutableListOf(212 "-int", "fooBar$int",213 "-string", string,214 "-byte", "$byte",215 "-short", "$short",216 "-float", "$float",217 "-double", "$double",218 "-someAlias", "$withAlias",219 )220 if (bool) {221 list.add("-bool")222 }223 list.add("-required") // No value provided224 return list225 }226 override fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean {227 if (this === other) return true228 if (other == null) return false229 if (other is OptionsOk) {230 if (int != return false231 if (string != other.string) return false232 if (byte != other.byte) return false233 if (short != other.short) return false234 if (float != other.float) return false235 if (double != other.double) return false236 if (bool != other.bool) return false237 if (withAlias != other.withAlias) return false238 if (required != other.required) return false239 return true240 }241 return false242 }243 override fun hashCode(): Int {244 var result = int245 result = 31 * result + string.hashCode()246 result = 31 * result + byte247 result = 31 * result + short248 result = 31 * result + float.hashCode()249 result = 31 * result + double.hashCode()250 result = 31 * result + bool.hashCode()251 result = 31 * result + withAlias252 result = 31 * result + required253 return result254 }255 object ExpectedPositive : OptionsOk() {256 override var int = 42257 override var string = "hello_there"258 override var byte: Byte = 33259 override var short: Short = 54260 override var float: Float = 12.5f261 override var double: Double = 135.245262 override var bool: Boolean = true263 override var withAlias: Int = 55264 override var required: Int = 44265 }266 object ExpectedNegative : OptionsOk() {267 override var int = -42268 override var string = "hello_there"269 override var byte: Byte = -33270 override var short: Short = -54271 override var float: Float = -12.5f272 override var double: Double = -135.245273 override var bool: Boolean = false274 override var withAlias: Int = -55275 override var required: Int = -44276 }277}...

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Source:TransformerEndInfo.kt Github


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...26 * 'phaseAngleClock' = 11.27 * @property r DC resistance in ohms.28 * @property ratedS Normal apparent power rating in volt amperes (VA).29 * @property ratedU Rated voltage: phase-phase for three-phase windings, and either phase-phase or phase-neutral for single-phase windings in volts (V).30 * @property shortTermS Apparent power that this winding can carry for a short period of time (in emergency) in volt amperes (VA).31 * @property transformerTankInfo Transformer tank data that this end description is part of.32 * @property transformerStarImpedance Transformer star impedance calculated from this transformer end datasheet.33 * @property energisedEndNoLoadTests All no-load test measurements in which this transformer end was energised.34 * @property energisedEndShortCircuitTests All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was short-circuited.35 * @property groundedEndShortCircuitTests All short-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was energised.36 * @property openEndOpenCircuitTests All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was not excited.37 * @property energisedEndOpenCircuitTests All open-circuit test measurements in which this transformer end was excited.38 */39class TransformerEndInfo(mRID: String = "") : AssetInfo(mRID) {40 var connectionKind: WindingConnection = WindingConnection.UNKNOWN_WINDING41 var emergencyS: Int? = null42 var endNumber: Int = 043 var insulationU: Int? = null44 var phaseAngleClock: Int? = null45 var r: Double? = null46 var ratedS: Int? = null47 var ratedU: Int? = null48 var shortTermS: Int? = null49 var transformerTankInfo: TransformerTankInfo? = null50 var transformerStarImpedance: TransformerStarImpedance? = null51 var energisedEndNoLoadTests: NoLoadTest? = null52 var energisedEndShortCircuitTests: ShortCircuitTest? = null53 var groundedEndShortCircuitTests: ShortCircuitTest? = null54 var openEndOpenCircuitTests: OpenCircuitTest? = null55 var energisedEndOpenCircuitTests: OpenCircuitTest? = null56 /**57 * Get the [ResistanceReactance] for this [TransformerEndInfo] from either the pre-calculated [transformerStarImpedance] or58 * calculated from the associated test data.59 */60 fun resistanceReactance(): ResistanceReactance? =61 transformerStarImpedance?.resistanceReactance()?.mergeIfIncomplete {62 calculateResistanceReactanceFromTests()63 } ?: calculateResistanceReactanceFromTests()64 private fun round2dp(value: Double): Double =65 round(value * 100) / 10066 internal fun calculateResistanceReactanceFromTests(): ResistanceReactance? {67 // NOTE: The conversion to doubles below is to stop int overflow in the following maths.68 val rU = ratedU?.toDouble() ?: return null69 val rS = ratedS?.toDouble() ?: return null70 fun calculateX(voltage: Double?, r: Double?): Double? {71 voltage ?: return null72 r ?: return null73 val zMag: Double = (voltage / 100) * (rU * rU) / rS74 return round2dp(sqrt((zMag * zMag) - (r * r)))75 }76 fun calculateRXFromTest(shortCircuitTest: ShortCircuitTest?): Pair<Double?, Double?> {77 shortCircuitTest ?: return Pair(null, null)78 val r = shortCircuitTest.voltageOhmicPart?.let {79 round2dp((it * (rU * rU)) / (rS * 100))80 } ?: shortCircuitTest.loss?.let {81 val ratedR = (rU / rS)82 round2dp(it * (ratedR * ratedR))83 } ?: return Pair(null, null)84 return Pair(r, calculateX(shortCircuitTest.voltage, r))85 }86 val (r, x) = calculateRXFromTest(energisedEndShortCircuitTests)87 val (r0, x0) = calculateRXFromTest(groundedEndShortCircuitTests)88 return ResistanceReactance(r, x, r0, x0).takeUnless { it.isEmpty() }89 }90}...

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Source:OpenSeaOrderItemCleanupJobIt.kt Github


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...36 )37 coEvery { listener.onEvent(any()) } returns Unit38 coEvery { filter.isOld(any(), any(), any()) } returns false39 coEvery { itemService.enrichItem(any()) } answers {40 val shortItem = it.invocation.args[0] as ShortItem41 EnrichedItemConverter.convert(randomUnionItem(, shortItem)42 }43 }44 @Test45 fun `cleanup openSea best sells`() = runBlocking<Unit> {46 val bestSellOs = ShortOrderConverter.convert(randomUnionSellOrderDto().copy(platform = PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA))47 val bestBidOs = ShortOrderConverter.convert(randomUnionBidOrderDto())48 val withOpenSea = ShortItemConverter.convert(randomUnionItem(randomEthItemId())).copy(49 bestSellOrder = bestSellOs,50 bestBidOrder = bestBidOs,51 bestSellOrders = mapOf("123" to bestSellOs),52 bestBidOrders = mapOf("321" to bestBidOs)53 )54 val bestSell = ShortOrderConverter.convert(randomUnionSellOrderDto())55 val bestBid = ShortOrderConverter.convert(randomUnionBidOrderDto())...

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Source:ItemRepositoryIt.kt Github


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1package com.rarible.protocol.union.listener.job2import com.rarible.protocol.union.dto.BlockchainDto3import com.rarible.protocol.union.dto.PlatformDto4import com.rarible.protocol.union.enrichment.converter.ShortOrderConverter5import com.rarible.protocol.union.enrichment.model.ShortOrder6import com.rarible.protocol.union.enrichment.repository.ItemRepository7import com.rarible.protocol.union.listener.test.AbstractIntegrationTest11import com.rarible.protocol.union.listener.test.IntegrationTest12import kotlinx.coroutines.flow.toList13import kotlinx.coroutines.runBlocking14import org.assertj.core.api.Assertions.assertThat15import org.junit.jupiter.api.BeforeEach16import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test17import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired18@IntegrationTest19internal class ItemRepositoryIt : AbstractIntegrationTest() {20 @Autowired21 private lateinit var itemRepository: ItemRepository22 @BeforeEach23 fun beforeEach() = runBlocking<Unit> {24 itemRepository.createIndices()25 }26 @Test27 fun `should find all items with target platform`() = runBlocking<Unit> {28 val item1 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA)))29 val item2 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.RARIBLE)))30 val item3 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA)))31 val item4 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.RARIBLE)))32 val item5 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA)))33 val item6 = = randomSellOrder(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA)))34 val item7 = = null))35 val openSeaItems = itemRepository.findByPlatformWithSell(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA, null, null).toList()36 assertThat( { }).containsExactlyInAnyOrder(,,, val fromOpenSeaItems = itemRepository.findByPlatformWithSell(PlatformDto.OPEN_SEA, openSeaItems[1].id, null)38 .toList()39 assertThat(fromOpenSeaItems.size).isEqualTo(2)40 assertThat( { }).contains(openSeaItems[2].id, openSeaItems[3].id)41 }42 @Test43 fun `find all by blockchain`() = runBlocking<Unit> {44 val item1 = = BlockchainDto.ETHEREUM, itemId = "aaa:1"))45 val item2 = = BlockchainDto.ETHEREUM, itemId = "bbb:2"))46 val item3 = = BlockchainDto.ETHEREUM, itemId = "ccc:3"))47 = BlockchainDto.FLOW))48 val firstPage = itemRepository.findByBlockchain(null, BlockchainDto.ETHEREUM, 2).toList()49 assertThat(firstPage).isEqualTo(listOf(item1, item2))50 val withOffset = itemRepository.findByBlockchain(, BlockchainDto.ETHEREUM, 3).toList()51 assertThat(withOffset).isEqualTo(listOf(item2, item3))52 }53 private fun randomSellOrder(platform: PlatformDto): ShortOrder {54 val randomSellOrder = randomUnionSellOrderDto(randomEthItemId())55 .copy(platform = platform)56 return ShortOrderConverter.convert(randomSellOrder)57 }58}...

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Source:VanityServiceTests.kt Github


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1/*2 *******************************************3 *** Urlshortener - Web Engineering ********4 *** Authors: Name ************************5 *** Andrew Mackay - 737069 ****************6 *** Ruben Rodríguez Esteban - 737215 ******7 *** Diego Royo Meneses - 740388 ***********8 *** Course: 2019 - 2020 *******************9 *******************************************10 */11package urlshortener.web12import org.mockito.InjectMocks13import org.mockito.Mock14import org.mockito.Mockito.`when`15import reactor.core.publisher.Mono16import urlshortener.domain.ShortURL17import urlshortener.repository.ShortURLRepository18import urlshortener.service.ShortURLService19import org.junit.Test20import org.junit.Assert.assertEquals21import urlshortener.util.*22import urlshortener.exception.*23import org.junit.runner.RunWith24import org.springframework.test.context.junit4.SpringJUnit4ClassRunner25import org.mockito.Mockito26@RunWith(SpringJUnit4ClassRunner::class)27open class VanityServiceTests {28 @Mock29 private val shortUrlRepository: ShortURLRepository? = null30 @InjectMocks31 private val shortUrlService: ShortURLService? = null32 private fun <T> any(type: Class<T>): T = Mockito.any<T>(type)33 @Test34 open fun saveValidVanity() {35 // Create a example URL36 val su = exampleURL()37 // When we save a URL, return the same URL38 `when`(shortUrlRepository!!.save(any( { Mono.just<ShortURL>(it.getArgument(0)) }39 // Save another URL with the same values40 val other1 = shortUrlService!!.save(!!, su.IP!!,!!).block()!!41 // Check that the returned URL and the first one are equal42 assertEquals(, assertEquals(, }45 @Test(expected=ConflictError::class)46 open fun saveInvalidVanity() {47 // Create an example URL48 val su = exampleURL()49 // When the URL is saved, it should return an exception50 `when`(shortUrlRepository!!.save(any( { throw ConflictError("There is already an URL with that vanity") }51 // Save the invalid URL52 shortUrlService!!.save(!!, su.IP!!, vanity =!!).block()!!53 }54 @Test55 open fun saveValidTemplate1() {56 // Generate valid URL with template57 val su = genURL("vanity/{0}", "{0}")58 // When we save an URL, return the same URL59 `when`(shortUrlRepository!!.save(any( { Mono.just<ShortURL>(it.getArgument(0)) }60 // Save a URL with the same template as the first one61 val other1 = shortUrlService!!.save("{template}", "", vanity="vanity/{template}").block()!!62 // Check that the returned URL has the same vanity and url as the first URL63 assertEquals(, assertEquals(, }66 @Test(expected = BadRequestError::class)67 open fun saveInvalidTemplate1() {68 // Should return an exception, since the templates dont match69 shortUrlService!!.save("{template}", "", vanity="vanity/{dontmatch}")70 }71 @Test(expected = BadRequestError::class)72 open fun saveInvalidTemplate2() {73 // Should return an exception, since the templates dont match74 shortUrlService!!.save("{template}", "", vanity="vanity/{groupa}/{groupb}")75 }76 @Test(expected = BadRequestError::class)77 open fun saveInvalidTemplate3() {78 // Should return an exception, since the URLs dont match79 shortUrlService!!.save("{template}", "", vanity="api/{template}")80 }81}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1public void test() {2 }3public void test() {4 }5public void test() {6 }7public void test() {8 }9public void test() {10 }11public void test() {12 }13public void test() {14 }15public void test() {16 }17public void test() {18 }19public void test() {20 }21public void test() {22 }23public void test() {24 }25public void test() {26 }

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Using AI Code Generation


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1import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2() { System.out.println("This is test2"); } }2import java.util.*; import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.test1(); t.test2(); } }3import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2() { System.out.println("This is test2"); } }4import java.util.*; import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.test1(); t.test2(); } }5import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2() { System.out.println("This is test2"); } }6import java.util.*; import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.test1(); t.test2(); } }7import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2() { System.out.println("This is test2"); } }8import java.util.*; import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.test1(); t.test2(); } }9import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2() { System.out.println("This is test2"); } }10import java.util.*; import*; public class Test { public static void main(String[] args) { test t = new test(); t.test1(); t.test2(); } }11import java.util.*; import*; public class test { public void test1() { System.out.println("This is test1"); } public void test2

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Using AI Code Generation


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1If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then2lstObjects.Add(obj)3If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then4lstObjects.Add(obj)5If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then6lstObjects.Add(obj)7If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then8lstObjects.Add(obj)9If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then10lstObjects.Add(obj)11If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then12lstObjects.Add(obj)13If Not lstObjects.Contains(obj) Then14lstObjects.Add(obj)

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