Best Atoum code snippet using stub
...23 $len = 1; // Length of $queue24 $pos = 0; // Number of cloned items past the minimum depth25 $refsCounter = 0; // Hard references counter26 $queue = [[$var]]; // This breadth-first queue is the return value27 $hardRefs = []; // Map of original zval ids to stub objects28 $objRefs = []; // Map of original object handles to their stub object counterpart29 $objects = []; // Keep a ref to objects to ensure their handle cannot be reused while cloning30 $resRefs = []; // Map of original resource handles to their stub object counterpart31 $values = []; // Map of stub objects' ids to original values32 $maxItems = $this->maxItems;33 $maxString = $this->maxString;34 $minDepth = $this->minDepth;35 $currentDepth = 0; // Current tree depth36 $currentDepthFinalIndex = 0; // Final $queue index for current tree depth37 $minimumDepthReached = 0 === $minDepth; // Becomes true when minimum tree depth has been reached38 $cookie = (object) []; // Unique object used to detect hard references39 $a = null; // Array cast for nested structures40 $stub = null; // Stub capturing the main properties of an original item value41 // or null if the original value is used directly42 if (!$gid = self::$gid) {43 $gid = self::$gid = md5(random_bytes(6)); // Unique string used to detect the special $GLOBALS variable44 }45 $arrayStub = new Stub();46 $arrayStub->type = Stub::TYPE_ARRAY;47 $fromObjCast = false;48 for ($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i) {49 // Detect when we move on to the next tree depth50 if ($i > $currentDepthFinalIndex) {51 ++$currentDepth;52 $currentDepthFinalIndex = $len - 1;53 if ($currentDepth >= $minDepth) {54 $minimumDepthReached = true;55 }56 }57 $refs = $vals = $queue[$i];58 foreach ($vals as $k => $v) {59 // $v is the original value or a stub object in case of hard references60 if (\PHP_VERSION_ID >= 70400) {61 $zvalIsRef = null !== \ReflectionReference::fromArrayElement($vals, $k);62 } else {63 $refs[$k] = $cookie;64 $zvalIsRef = $vals[$k] === $cookie;65 }66 if ($zvalIsRef) {67 $vals[$k] = &$stub; // Break hard references to make $queue completely68 unset($stub); // independent from the original structure69 if ($v instanceof Stub && isset($hardRefs[spl_object_id($v)])) {70 $vals[$k] = $refs[$k] = $v;71 if ($v->value instanceof Stub && (Stub::TYPE_OBJECT === $v->value->type || Stub::TYPE_RESOURCE === $v->value->type)) {72 ++$v->value->refCount;73 }74 ++$v->refCount;75 continue;76 }77 $refs[$k] = $vals[$k] = new Stub();78 $refs[$k]->value = $v;79 $h = spl_object_id($refs[$k]);80 $hardRefs[$h] = &$refs[$k];81 $values[$h] = $v;82 $vals[$k]->handle = ++$refsCounter;83 }84 // Create $stub when the original value $v can not be used directly85 // If $v is a nested structure, put that structure in array $a86 switch (true) {87 case null === $v:88 case \is_bool($v):89 case \is_int($v):90 case \is_float($v):91 continue 2;92 case \is_string($v):93 if ('' === $v) {94 continue 2;95 }96 if (!preg_match('//u', $v)) {97 $stub = new Stub();98 $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_STRING;99 $stub->class = Stub::STRING_BINARY;100 if (0 <= $maxString && 0 < $cut = \strlen($v) - $maxString) {101 $stub->cut = $cut;102 $stub->value = substr($v, 0, -$cut);103 } else {104 $stub->value = $v;105 }106 } elseif (0 <= $maxString && isset($v[1 + ($maxString >> 2)]) && 0 < $cut = mb_strlen($v, 'UTF-8') - $maxString) {107 $stub = new Stub();108 $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_STRING;109 $stub->class = Stub::STRING_UTF8;110 $stub->cut = $cut;111 $stub->value = mb_substr($v, 0, $maxString, 'UTF-8');112 } else {113 continue 2;114 }115 $a = null;116 break;117 case \is_array($v):118 if (!$v) {119 continue 2;120 }121 $stub = $arrayStub;122 $stub->class = Stub::ARRAY_INDEXED;123 $j = -1;124 foreach ($v as $gk => $gv) {125 if ($gk !== ++$j) {126 $stub->class = Stub::ARRAY_ASSOC;127 break;128 }129 }130 $a = $v;131 if (Stub::ARRAY_ASSOC === $stub->class) {132 // Copies of $GLOBALS have very strange behavior,133 // let's detect them with some black magic134 if (\PHP_VERSION_ID < 80100 && ($a[$gid] = true) && isset($v[$gid])) {135 unset($v[$gid]);136 $a = [];137 foreach ($v as $gk => &$gv) {138 if ($v === $gv) {139 unset($v);140 $v = new Stub();141 $v->value = [$v->cut = \count($gv), Stub::TYPE_ARRAY => 0];142 $v->handle = -1;143 $gv = &$hardRefs[spl_object_id($v)];144 $gv = $v;145 }146 $a[$gk] = &$gv;147 }148 unset($gv);149 } else {150 $a = $v;151 }152 }153 break;154 case \is_object($v):155 if (empty($objRefs[$h = spl_object_id($v)])) {156 $stub = new Stub();157 $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_OBJECT;158 $stub->class = \get_class($v);159 $stub->value = $v;160 $stub->handle = $h;161 $a = $this->castObject($stub, 0 < $i);162 if ($v !== $stub->value) {163 if (Stub::TYPE_OBJECT !== $stub->type || null === $stub->value) {164 break;165 }166 $stub->handle = $h = spl_object_id($stub->value);167 }168 $stub->value = null;169 if (0 <= $maxItems && $maxItems <= $pos && $minimumDepthReached) {170 $stub->cut = \count($a);171 $a = null;172 }173 }174 if (empty($objRefs[$h])) {175 $objRefs[$h] = $stub;176 $objects[] = $v;177 } else {178 $stub = $objRefs[$h];179 ++$stub->refCount;180 $a = null;181 }182 break;183 default: // resource184 if (empty($resRefs[$h = (int) $v])) {185 $stub = new Stub();186 $stub->type = Stub::TYPE_RESOURCE;187 if ('Unknown' === $stub->class = @get_resource_type($v)) {188 $stub->class = 'Closed';189 }190 $stub->value = $v;191 $stub->handle = $h;192 $a = $this->castResource($stub, 0 < $i);193 $stub->value = null;194 if (0 <= $maxItems && $maxItems <= $pos && $minimumDepthReached) {195 $stub->cut = \count($a);196 $a = null;197 }198 }199 if (empty($resRefs[$h])) {200 $resRefs[$h] = $stub;201 } else {202 $stub = $resRefs[$h];203 ++$stub->refCount;204 $a = null;205 }206 break;207 }208 if ($a) {209 if (!$minimumDepthReached || 0 > $maxItems) {210 $queue[$len] = $a;211 $stub->position = $len++;212 } elseif ($pos < $maxItems) {213 if ($maxItems < $pos += \count($a)) {214 $a = \array_slice($a, 0, $maxItems - $pos, true);215 if ($stub->cut >= 0) {216 $stub->cut += $pos - $maxItems;217 }218 }219 $queue[$len] = $a;220 $stub->position = $len++;221 } elseif ($stub->cut >= 0) {222 $stub->cut += \count($a);223 $stub->position = 0;224 }225 }226 if ($arrayStub === $stub) {227 if ($arrayStub->cut) {228 $stub = [$arrayStub->cut, $arrayStub->class => $arrayStub->position];229 $arrayStub->cut = 0;230 } elseif (isset(self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position])) {231 $stub = self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position];232 } else {233 self::$arrayCache[$arrayStub->class][$arrayStub->position] = $stub = [$arrayStub->class => $arrayStub->position];234 }235 }236 if ($zvalIsRef) {237 $refs[$k]->value = $stub;238 } else {239 $vals[$k] = $stub;240 }241 }242 if ($fromObjCast) {243 $fromObjCast = false;244 $refs = $vals;245 $vals = [];246 $j = -1;247 foreach ($queue[$i] as $k => $v) {248 foreach ([$k => true] as $gk => $gv) {249 }250 if ($gk !== $k) {251 $vals = (object) $vals;252 $vals->{$k} = $refs[++$j];253 $vals = (array) $vals;...
...8 * The name and signature of the console command.9 *10 * @var string11 */12 protected $signature = 'stub:publish {--force : Overwrite any existing files}';13 /**14 * The console command description.15 *16 * @var string17 */18 protected $description = 'Publish all stubs that are available for customization';19 /**20 * Execute the console command.21 *22 * @return void23 */24 public function handle()25 {26 if (! is_dir($stubsPath = $this->laravel->basePath('stubs'))) {27 (new Filesystem)->makeDirectory($stubsPath);28 }29 $files = [30 __DIR__.'/stubs/cast.stub' => $stubsPath.'/cast.stub',31 __DIR__.'/stubs/event.stub' => $stubsPath.'/event.stub',32 __DIR__.'/stubs/job.queued.stub' => $stubsPath.'/job.queued.stub',33 __DIR__.'/stubs/job.stub' => $stubsPath.'/job.stub',34 __DIR__.'/stubs/markdown-notification.stub' => $stubsPath.'/markdown-notification.stub',35 __DIR__.'/stubs/model.pivot.stub' => $stubsPath.'/model.pivot.stub',36 __DIR__.'/stubs/model.stub' => $stubsPath.'/model.stub',37 __DIR__.'/stubs/notification.stub' => $stubsPath.'/notification.stub',38 __DIR__.'/stubs/observer.plain.stub' => $stubsPath.'/observer.plain.stub',39 __DIR__.'/stubs/observer.stub' => $stubsPath.'/observer.stub',40 __DIR__.'/stubs/request.stub' => $stubsPath.'/request.stub',41 __DIR__.'/stubs/resource-collection.stub' => $stubsPath.'/resource-collection.stub',42 __DIR__.'/stubs/resource.stub' => $stubsPath.'/resource.stub',43 __DIR__.'/stubs/test.stub' => $stubsPath.'/test.stub',44 __DIR__.'/stubs/test.unit.stub' => $stubsPath.'/test.unit.stub',45 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Database/Console/Factories/stubs/factory.stub') => $stubsPath.'/factory.stub',46 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Database/Console/Seeds/stubs/seeder.stub') => $stubsPath.'/seeder.stub',47 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Database/Migrations/stubs/migration.create.stub') => $stubsPath.'/migration.create.stub',48 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Database/Migrations/stubs/migration.stub') => $stubsPath.'/migration.stub',49 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Database/Migrations/stubs/migration.update.stub') => $stubsPath.'/migration.update.stub',50 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Foundation/Console/stubs/console.stub') => $stubsPath.'/console.stub',51 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Foundation/Console/stubs/policy.plain.stub') => $stubsPath.'/policy.plain.stub',52 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Foundation/Console/stubs/policy.stub') => $stubsPath.'/policy.stub',53 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Foundation/Console/stubs/rule.stub') => $stubsPath.'/rule.stub',54 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.api.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.api.stub',55 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.invokable.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.invokable.stub',56 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.model.api.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.model.api.stub',57 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.model.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.model.stub',58 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.nested.api.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.nested.api.stub',59 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.nested.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.nested.stub',60 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.plain.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.plain.stub',61 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/controller.stub') => $stubsPath.'/controller.stub',62 realpath(__DIR__.'/../../Routing/Console/stubs/middleware.stub') => $stubsPath.'/middleware.stub',63 ];64 foreach ($files as $from => $to) {65 if (! file_exists($to) || $this->option('force')) {66 file_put_contents($to, file_get_contents($from));67 }68 }69 $this->info('Stubs published successfully.');70 }71}...
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once __DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/autoloader.php';2\mageekguy\atoum\autoloader::get()3 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes')4 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/asserter')5 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/exceptions')6 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/mock')7 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/report')8 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/test')9 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/writer')10 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/adapter')11 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/autoloader')12 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/autoloader')13 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/atoum/classes/call')14 ->addDirectory(__DIR__ . '/a
Using AI Code Generation
1include 'atoum\atoum\classes\autoloader.php';2$autoloader = new \mageekguy\atoum\autoloader();3$autoloader->addNamespace('mageekguy', 'atoum\atoum\classes');4$autoloader->addNamespace('example', 'example\classes');5$autoloader->register();6include 'atoum\atoum\classes\autoloader.php';7$autoloader = new \mageekguy\atoum\autoloader();8$autoloader->addNamespace('mageekguy', 'atoum\atoum\classes');9$autoloader->addNamespace('example', 'example\classes');10$autoloader->register();11include 'atoum\atoum\classes\autoloader.php';12$autoloader = new \mageekguy\atoum\autoloader();13$autoloader->addNamespace('mageekguy', 'atoum\atoum\classes');14$autoloader->addNamespace('example', 'example\classes');15$autoloader->register();16include 'atoum\atoum\classes\autoloader.php';17$autoloader = new \mageekguy\atoum\autoloader();18$autoloader->addNamespace('mageekguy', 'atoum\atoum\classes');19$autoloader->addNamespace('example', 'example\classes');20$autoloader->register();21include 'atoum\atoum\classes\autoloader.php';22$autoloader = new \mageekguy\atoum\autoloader();23$autoloader->addNamespace('mageekguy', 'atoum\atoum\classes');24$autoloader->addNamespace('example', 'example\classes');25$autoloader->register();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'atoum.php';2require_once 'atoum.php';3require_once 'atoum.php';4require_once 'atoum.php';5require_once 'atoum.php';6require_once 'atoum.php';7require_once 'atoum.php';8require_once 'atoum.php';9require_once 'atoum.php';10require_once 'atoum.php';11require_once 'atoum.php';12require_once 'atoum.php';13require_once 'atoum.php';14require_once 'atoum.php';15require_once 'atoum.php';16require_once 'atoum.php';17require_once 'atoum.php';18require_once 'atoum.php';19require_once 'atoum.php';
Using AI Code Generation
1use atoum\atoum;2{3 public function testOnePlusOne()4 {5 ->integer(1+1)6 ->isEqualTo(2)7 ;8 }9}10use atoum\atoum;11{12 public function testOnePlusOne()13 {14 ->integer(1+1)15 ->isEqualTo(2)16 ;17 }18}19use atoum\atoum;20{21 public function testOnePlusOne()22 {23 ->integer(1+1)24 ->isEqualTo(2)25 ;26 }27}28use atoum\atoum;29{30 public function testOnePlusOne()31 {32 ->integer(1+1)33 ->isEqualTo(2)34 ;35 }36}37use atoum\atoum;38{39 public function testOnePlusOne()40 {41 ->integer(1+1)42 ->isEqualTo(2)43 ;44 }45}46use atoum\atoum;47{48 public function testOnePlusOne()49 {50 ->integer(1+1)51 ->isEqualTo(2)52 ;53 }54}55use atoum\atoum;56{57 public function testOnePlusOne()58 {59 ->integer(1+1)60 ->isEqualTo(2)61 ;62 }63}64use atoum\atoum;65{
Using AI Code Generation
1$autoloader = new \Atoum\Autoloader\Autoloader();2$autoloader->register();3$stub = new \Atoum\Autoloader\Autoloader\Stub();4$stub->setAutoloader($autoloader);5$stub->register();6$stub = new \Atoum\Autoloader\Autoloader\Stub();7$stub->register();
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';2require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';3require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';4require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';5require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';6require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';7require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';8require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';9require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';10require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';11require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';12require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';13require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';14require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';15require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';16require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';17require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';18require_once 'atoum/stubs/autoloader.php';
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';2use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;3{4 public function test1()5 {6 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');7 }8}9require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';10use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;11{12 public function test1()13 {14 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');15 }16}17require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';18use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;19{20 public function test1()21 {22 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');23 }24}25require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';26use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;27{28 public function test1()29 {30 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');31 }32}33require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';34use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;35{36 public function test1()37 {38 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');39 }40}41require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';42use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;43{44 public function test1()45 {46 $this->assert->string('test')->isEqualTo('test');47 }48}49require_once 'atoum\tests\units\stub.php';50use Atoum\tests\units\stub as stub;51{52 public function test1()53 {
Using AI Code Generation
1{2 public function test()3 {4 $this->assert->boolean(true);5 }6}7{8 public function test()9 {10 $this->assert->boolean(true);11 }12}13{14 public function test()15 {16 $this->assert->boolean(true);17 }18}19{20 public function test()21 {22 $this->assert->boolean(true);23 }24}25{26 public function test()27 {28 $this->assert->boolean(true);29 }30}31{32 public function test()33 {34 $this->assert->boolean(true);35 }36}37{38 public function test()39 {40 $this->assert->boolean(true);41 }42}43{44 public function test()45 {46 $this->assert->boolean(true);47 }48}
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