Best Mockery code snippet using HasKey.match
...72 $this->input = "\n" . str_replace("\r", '', $input); // \n forces indent detection73 $pattern = '~(' . implode(')|(', self::PATTERNS) . ')~Amix';74 $this->tokens = preg_split($pattern, $this->input, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY | PREG_SPLIT_OFFSET_CAPTURE | PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);75 $last = end($this->tokens);76 if ($this->tokens && !preg_match($pattern, $last[0])) {77 $this->pos = count($this->tokens) - 1;78 $this->error();79 }80 $this->pos = 0;81 $res = $this->parse(null);82 while (isset($this->tokens[$this->pos])) {83 if ($this->tokens[$this->pos][0][0] === "\n") {84 $this->pos++;85 } else {86 $this->error();87 }88 }89 return $res;90 }91 /**92 * @param string indentation (for block-parser)93 * @param mixed94 * @return array95 */96 private function parse($indent, $result = null, $key = null, $hasKey = false)97 {98 $inlineParser = $indent === false;99 $value = null;100 $hasValue = false;101 $tokens = $this->tokens;102 $n = &$this->pos;103 $count = count($tokens);104 $mainResult = &$result;105 for (; $n < $count; $n++) {106 $t = $tokens[$n][0];107 if ($t === ',') { // ArrayEntry separator108 if ((!$hasKey && !$hasValue) || !$inlineParser) {109 $this->error();110 }111 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey ? $key : null, $hasValue ? $value : null);112 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;113 } elseif ($t === ':' || $t === '=') { // KeyValuePair separator114 if ($hasValue && (is_array($value) || is_object($value))) {115 $this->error('Unacceptable key');116 } elseif ($hasKey && $key === null && $hasValue && !$inlineParser) {117 $n++;118 $result[] = $this->parse($indent . ' ', [], $value, true);119 $newIndent = isset($tokens[$n], $tokens[$n + 1]) ? (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1) : ''; // not last120 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) {121 $n++;122 $this->error('Bad indentation');123 } elseif (strlen($newIndent) < strlen($indent)) {124 return $mainResult; // block parser exit point125 }126 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;127 } elseif ($hasKey || !$hasValue) {128 $this->error();129 } else {130 $key = (string) $value;131 $hasKey = true;132 $hasValue = false;133 $result = &$mainResult;134 }135 } elseif ($t === '-') { // BlockArray bullet136 if ($hasKey || $hasValue || $inlineParser) {137 $this->error();138 }139 $key = null;140 $hasKey = true;141 } elseif (($tmp = self::BRACKETS) && isset($tmp[$t])) { // Opening bracket [ ( {142 if ($hasValue) {143 if ($t !== '(') {144 $this->error();145 }146 $n++;147 if ($value instanceof Entity && $value->value === Neon::CHAIN) {148 end($value->attributes)->attributes = $this->parse(false, []);149 } else {150 $value = new Entity($value, $this->parse(false, []));151 }152 } else {153 $n++;154 $value = $this->parse(false, []);155 }156 $hasValue = true;157 if (!isset($tokens[$n]) || $tokens[$n][0] !== self::BRACKETS[$t]) { // unexpected type of bracket or block-parser158 $this->error();159 }160 } elseif ($t === ']' || $t === '}' || $t === ')') { // Closing bracket ] ) }161 if (!$inlineParser) {162 $this->error();163 }164 break;165 } elseif ($t[0] === "\n") { // Indent166 if ($inlineParser) {167 if ($hasKey || $hasValue) {168 $this->addValue($result, $hasKey ? $key : null, $hasValue ? $value : null);169 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;170 }171 } else {172 while (isset($tokens[$n + 1]) && $tokens[$n + 1][0][0] === "\n") {173 $n++; // skip to last indent174 }175 if (!isset($tokens[$n + 1])) {176 break;177 }178 $newIndent = (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1);179 if ($indent === null) { // first iteration180 $indent = $newIndent;181 }182 $minlen = min(strlen($newIndent), strlen($indent));183 if ($minlen && (string) substr($newIndent, 0, $minlen) !== (string) substr($indent, 0, $minlen)) {184 $n++;185 $this->error('Invalid combination of tabs and spaces');186 }187 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) { // open new block-array or hash188 if ($hasValue || !$hasKey) {189 $n++;190 $this->error('Bad indentation');191 }192 $this->addValue($result, $key, $this->parse($newIndent));193 $newIndent = isset($tokens[$n], $tokens[$n + 1]) ? (string) substr($tokens[$n][0], 1) : ''; // not last194 if (strlen($newIndent) > strlen($indent)) {195 $n++;196 $this->error('Bad indentation');197 }198 $hasKey = false;199 } else {200 if ($hasValue && !$hasKey) { // block items must have "key"; null key means list item201 break;202 } elseif ($hasKey) {203 $this->addValue($result, $key, $hasValue ? $value : null);204 if ($key !== null && !$hasValue && $newIndent === $indent && isset($tokens[$n + 1]) && $tokens[$n + 1][0] === '-') {205 $result = &$result[$key];206 }207 $hasKey = $hasValue = false;208 }209 }210 if (strlen($newIndent) < strlen($indent)) { // close block211 return $mainResult; // block parser exit point212 }213 }214 } else { // Value215 if ($t[0] === '"' || $t[0] === "'") {216 if (preg_match('#^...\n++([\t ]*+)#', $t, $m)) {217 $converted = substr($t, 3, -3);218 $converted = str_replace("\n" . $m[1], "\n", $converted);219 $converted = preg_replace('#^\n|\n[\t ]*+\z#', '', $converted);220 } else {221 $converted = substr($t, 1, -1);222 }223 if ($t[0] === '"') {224 $converted = preg_replace_callback('#\\\\(?:ud[89ab][0-9a-f]{2}\\\\ud[c-f][0-9a-f]{2}|u[0-9a-f]{4}|x[0-9a-f]{2}|.)#i', [$this, 'cbString'], $converted);225 }226 } elseif (($fix56 = self::SIMPLE_TYPES) && isset($fix56[$t]) && (!isset($tokens[$n + 1][0]) || ($tokens[$n + 1][0] !== ':' && $tokens[$n + 1][0] !== '='))) {227 $converted = constant(self::SIMPLE_TYPES[$t]);228 } elseif (is_numeric($t)) {229 $converted = $t * 1;230 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_HEX, $t)) {231 $converted = hexdec($t);232 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_OCTAL, $t)) {233 $converted = octdec($t);234 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_BINARY, $t)) {235 $converted = bindec($t);236 } elseif (preg_match(self::PATTERN_DATETIME, $t)) {237 $converted = new \DateTimeImmutable($t);238 } else { // literal239 $converted = $t;240 }241 if ($hasValue) {242 if ($value instanceof Entity) { // Entity chaining243 if ($value->value !== Neon::CHAIN) {244 $value = new Entity(Neon::CHAIN, [$value]);245 }246 $value->attributes[] = new Entity($converted);247 } else {248 $this->error();249 }250 } else {...
Using AI Code Generation
1$hasKey = new HasKey();2$hasKey->match('1.php');3$hasKey = new HasKey();4$hasKey->match('1.php');5$hasKey = new HasKey();6$hasKey->match('1.php');7$hasKey = new HasKey();8$hasKey->match('1.php');9$hasKey = new HasKey();10$hasKey->match('1.php');11$hasKey = new HasKey();12$hasKey->match('1.php');13$hasKey = new HasKey();14$hasKey->match('1.php');15$hasKey = new HasKey();16$hasKey->match('1.php');17$hasKey = new HasKey();18$hasKey->match('1.php');19$hasKey = new HasKey();20$hasKey->match('1.php');21$hasKey = new HasKey();22$hasKey->match('1.php');23$hasKey = new HasKey();24$hasKey->match('1.php');25$hasKey = new HasKey();26$hasKey->match('1.php');27$hasKey = new HasKey();28$hasKey->match('1.php');29$hasKey = new HasKey();
Using AI Code Generation
1$hasKey = new HasKey();2$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);3$hasKey = new HasKey();4$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);5$hasKey = new HasKey();6$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);7$hasKey = new HasKey();8$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);9$hasKey = new HasKey();10$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);11$hasKey = new HasKey();12$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);13$hasKey = new HasKey();14$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);15$hasKey = new HasKey();16$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);17$hasKey = new HasKey();18$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);19$hasKey = new HasKey();20$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);21$hasKey = new HasKey();22$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);23$hasKey = new HasKey();24$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);25$hasKey = new HasKey();26$hasKey->match($input, $pattern);27$hasKey = new HasKey();28$hasKey->match($input, $
Using AI Code Generation
1$hasKey = new HasKey();2$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);3$hasKey = new HasKey();4$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);5$hasKey = new HasKey();6$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);7$hasKey = new HasKey();8$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);9$hasKey = new HasKey();10$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);11$hasKey = new HasKey();12$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);13$hasKey = new HasKey();14$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);15$hasKey = new HasKey();16$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);17$hasKey = new HasKey();18$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);19$hasKey = new HasKey();20$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);21$hasKey = new HasKey();22$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);23$hasKey = new HasKey();24$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);25$hasKey = new HasKey();26$hasKey->match($arr, $keys);27$hasKey = new HasKey();28$hasKey->match($arr, $
Using AI Code Generation
1$obj = new HasKey();2$obj->match("1.php");3$obj = new HasKey();4$obj->match("1.php");5$obj = new HasKey();6$obj->match("1.php");
Using AI Code Generation
1$has_key = new HasKey();2if($has_key->match($key, $value, $arr)) {3 echo "Key exists!";4} else {5 echo "Key does not exist!";6}
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