Best Atoum code snippet using hash.__get
...89 * @param string $attribute The name of the attribute to accesss.90 * @throws PHPTracker_Error When trying to access non-existent attribute.91 * @return mixed92 */93 public function __get( $attribute )94 {95 switch ( $attribute )96 {97 case 'pieces':98 if ( !isset( $this->pieces ) )99 {100 $this->pieces = $this->file->getHashesForPieces( $this->size_piece );101 }102 return $this->pieces;103 break;104 case 'length':105 if ( !isset( $this->length ) )106 {107 $this->length = $this->file->size();108 }109 return $this->length;110 break;111 case 'name':112 if ( !isset( $this->name ) )113 {114 $this->name = $this->file->basename();115 }116 return $this->name;117 break;118 case 'file_path':119 if ( !isset( $this->file_path ) )120 {121 $this->file_path = $this->file . '';122 }123 return $this->file_path;124 break;125 case 'info_hash':126 if ( !isset( $this->info_hash ) )127 {128 $this->info_hash = $this->calculateInfoHash();129 }130 return $this->info_hash;131 break;132 case 'size_piece':133 return $this->size_piece;134 break;135 default:136 throw new PHPTracker_Error( "Can't access attribute $attribute of " . __CLASS__ );137 }138 }139 /**140 * Telling that "read-only" attributes are set, see __get.141 *142 * All properties accessible via __get should be added here and return true.143 *144 * @param string $attribute The name of the attribute to accesss.145 * @return boolean146 */147 public function __isset( $attribute )148 {149 switch( $attribute )150 {151 case 'pieces':152 case 'length':153 case 'name':154 case 'size_piece':155 case 'info_hash':156 case 'file_path':157 return true;158 break;159 }160 return false;161 }162 /**163 * Calculates info hash (uniue identifier) of the torrent.164 *165 * @return string166 */167 protected function calculateInfoHash()168 {169 // We need to use __get magic method in order to lazy-load attributes.170 return sha1( PHPTracker_Bencode_Builder::build( array(171 'piece length' => $this->size_piece,172 'pieces' => $this->__get( 'pieces' ),173 'name' => $this->__get( 'name' ),174 'length' => $this->__get( 'length' ),175 ) ), true );176 }177 /**178 * Returns a bencoded string that represents a .torrent file and can be179 * read by Bittorrent clients.180 *181 * First item in the $announce_list will be used in the 'announce' key of182 * the .torrent file, which is compatible with the Bittorrent specification183 * ('announce-list' is an unofficial extension).184 *185 * @param array $announce_list List of URLs to make announcemenets to.186 * @return string187 */188 public function createTorrentFile( array $announce_list )189 {190 // Announce-list is a list of lists of strings.191 foreach ( $announce_list as &$announce_item )192 {193 if ( is_array( $announce_item ) ) continue;194 $announce_item = array( $announce_item );195 }196 $torrent_data = array(197 'info' => array(198 'piece length' => $this->size_piece,199 'pieces' => $this->__get( 'pieces' ),200 'name' => $this->__get( 'name' ),201 'length' => $this->__get( 'length' ),202 ),203 'announce' => reset( reset( $announce_list ) ),204 'announce-list' => $announce_list,205 );206 return PHPTracker_Bencode_Builder::build( $torrent_data );207 }208 /**209 * Reads a block of the physical file that the torrent represents.210 *211 * @param integer $piece_index Index of the piece containing the block.212 * @param integer $block_begin Beginning of the block relative to the piece in byets.213 * @param integer $length Length of the block in bytes.214 * @return string215 */216 public function readBlock( $piece_index, $block_begin, $length )217 {218 if ( $piece_index > ceil( $this->__get( 'length' ) / $this->size_piece ) - 1 )219 {220 throw new PHPTracker_Error( 'Invalid piece index: ' . $piece_index );221 }222 if ( $block_begin + $length > $this->size_piece )223 {224 throw new PHPTracker_Error( 'Invalid block boundary: ' . $block_begin . ', ' . $length );225 }226 return $this->file->readBlock( ( $piece_index * $this->size_piece ) + $block_begin , $length );227 }228}...
...11 private $edit;12 private $hash;13 private $requestType;14 //getters and setters15 public function __get($attr){16 return $this->$attr;17 }18 public function __set($attr, $value){19 $this->$attr = $value;20 }21 //get user per email to verify if this email passed already exists in database22 public function userExists(){23 $query = "24 SELECT25 email26 FROM27 users28 WHERE29 email = :email30 ";31 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);32 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));33 $stmt->execute();34 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);35 }36 //registering that the user requested a password change37 public function recoverPass(){38 $query = "39 INSERT INTO40 email_request (email, hash, type)41 VALUES (:email, :hash, :type)42 ";43 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);44 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));45 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));46 $stmt->bindValue(':type', $this->__get('requestType'));47 $stmt->execute();48 }49 //verifying if the requested hash exists and if the hash is valid by status50 public function getHash(){51 $query = "52 SELECT 53 *54 FROM 55 email_request56 WHERE57 hash = :hash AND status = 058 ";59 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);60 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));61 $stmt->execute();62 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);63 }64 //getting status65 public function getStatus(){66 $query = "67 SELECT 68 status69 FROM 70 email_request71 WHERE72 hash = :hash73 ";74 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);75 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));76 $stmt->execute();77 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);78 }79 //getting status80 public function setStatus(){81 $query = "82 UPDATE83 email_request84 SET85 STATUS = !STATUS86 WHERE87 hash = :hash88 ";89 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);90 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));91 $stmt->execute();92 }93 //defining the new pass for the requested user94 public function newPass(){95 $query = "96 UPDATE97 users98 SET99 pass = :pass100 WHERE101 email = (select email from email_request where hash = :hash AND type = :type)102 ";103 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);104 $stmt->bindValue(':pass', $this->__get('pass'));105 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));106 $stmt->bindValue(':type', $this->__get('requestType'));107 $stmt->execute();108 //setting status to 1 to don't allow the system to use the same register109 $this->setStatus();110 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);111 }112 113 //verifying if the old pass passed by POST is correct114 public function oldPass(){115 $query = "116 SELECT117 count(*) as user118 FROM119 users120 WHERE121 email = (122 SELECT 123 email 124 FROM 125 email_request 126 WHERE 127 hash = :hash)128 AND pass = :oldPass129 ";130 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);131 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));132 $stmt->bindValue(':oldPass', $this->__get('oldPass'));133 $stmt->execute();134 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);135 }136 //inserting the request in database137 public function confirmEmail(){138 $query = "139 INSERT INTO140 email_request (email, hash, type, status)141 VALUES (:email, :hash, :type, :status)142 ";143 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);144 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));145 $stmt->bindValue(':hash', $this->__get('hash'));146 $stmt->bindValue(':type', $this->__get('requestType'));147 $stmt->bindValue(':status', '0');148 $stmt->execute();149 }150 //function to verify if the account is confirmed151 public function getEmailConfirmation(){152 $query = "153 SELECT154 status155 FROM156 email_request157 WHERE158 email = (159 SELECT160 email161 FROM162 users163 WHERE164 email = :email165 ) AND type = 'confirmAccount'166 ";167 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);168 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));169 $stmt->execute();170 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);171 }172 //to verify if the the request already exists173 public function requestAlreadyExists(){174 $query = "175 SELECT176 *177 FROM178 email_request179 WHERE180 email = :email AND type = :type181 ";182 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);183 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));184 $stmt->bindValue(':type', $this->__get('requestType'));185 $stmt->execute();186 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);187 }188 //to get the hash by email189 public function getHashPerEmail(){190 $query = "191 SELECT192 hash193 FROM194 email_request195 WHERE196 email = :email AND type = :type197 ";198 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);199 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));200 $stmt->bindValue(':type', $this->__get('requestType'));201 $stmt->execute();202 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);203 }204 //function to update all the request for the related email205 public function updateEmail(){206 $query="207 UPDATE208 email_request209 SET210 email = :email211 WHERE212 email = (213 SELECT214 email215 FROM216 users217 WHERE218 id = :id219 )220 ";221 $stmt = $this->db->prepare($query);222 $stmt->bindValue(':email', $this->__get('email'));223 $stmt->bindValue(':id', $this->__get('id'));224 $stmt->execute();225 echo $query;226 return $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);227 }228 }229?>...
...6 private $id;7 private $userId;8 private $userEmail;9 private $securityCode;10 public function __get($attribute) {11 return $this->$attribute;12 }13 public function __set($attribute, $value) {14 $this->$attribute = $value;15 }16 public function registrarNovaRequisicao() {17 echo '<h4>registrarNovaRequisicao()</h4> registrando <hr>';18 $this->__set('securityCode', md5(rand(0,10000)));19 $query = '20 INSERT INTO21 reset_password_requests_table22 (requesting_user_id, requesting_user_email, request_hash_validation) 23 VALUES24 (?, ?, ?)25 ';26 $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);27 $statement->bindValue(1, $this->__get('userId'));28 $statement->bindValue(2, md5($this->__get('userEmail')));29 $statement->bindValue(3, $this->__get('securityCode'));30 $success = $statement->execute();31 if ($success) {32 echo '<h4>registrarNovaRequisicao()</h4> sucesso executando query de registro de requisicao no banco <hr>';33 echo 'id: ' . $this->__get('userId') . '<br>';34 echo 'em: ' . $this->__get('userEmail') . '<br>';35 echo 'cd: ' . $this->__get('securityCode') . '<br>';36 MailController::enviarRedefinicaoDeSenha(37 $this->__get('userEmail'), 38 $this->__get('userId'), 39 $this->__get('securityCode')40 );41 } else {42 echo '<h4>registrarNovaRequisicao()</h4> erro executando query de registro de requisicao no banco <hr>';43 44 echo 'id: ' . $this->__get('userId') . '<br>';45 echo 'em: ' . $this->__get('userEmail') . '<br>';46 echo 'cd: ' . $this->__get('securityCode') . '<br>';47 }48 // return $success;49 }50 public function removerDoBanco() {51 if ($this->requisicaoExiste()) {52 $query = '53 DELETE FROM54 reset_password_requests_table55 WHERE56 requesting_user_id = ?57 AND58 requesting_user_email = ?59 AND60 request_hash_validation = ?61 ';62 $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);63 $statement->bindValue(1, $this->__get('userId'));64 $statement->bindValue(2, $this->__get('userEmail'));65 $statement->bindValue(3, $this->__get('securityCode'));66 $sucesso = $statement->execute();67 echo $sucesso;68 } else {69 echo 'não pude remover o request do banco pois requisicaoExiste() retornou <strong>false</strong>. <br>';70 }71 }72 public function requisicaoExiste() {73 $query = '74 SELECT 75 requesting_user_id,76 requesting_user_email,77 request_hash_validation78 FROM79 reset_password_requests_table80 WHERE81 request_hash_validation = ?82 AND83 requesting_user_email = ?84 ';85 $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);86 $statement->bindValue(1, $this->__get('securityCode'));87 $statement->bindValue(2, $this->__get('userEmail'));88 $statement->execute();89 $result = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);90 return ($result != null);91 }92 private function requisicaoValida() {93 $query = '94 SELECT 95 requesting_user_id,96 requesting_user_email,97 request_hash_validation98 FROM99 reset_password_requests_table100 WHERE101 requesting_user_id = ?102 AND103 requesting_user_email = ?104 AND105 request_hash_validation = ?106 ';107 $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);108 $statement->bindValue(1, $this->__get('userId'));109 $statement->bindValue(2, $this->__get('userEmail'));110 $statement->bindValue(3, $this->__get('securityCode'));111 $statement->execute();112 $result = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);113 return ($result != null);114 }115 public function fetchUserId() {116 $query = '117 SELECT 118 requesting_user_id119 FROM120 reset_password_requests_table121 WHERE122 request_hash_validation = ?123 ';124 $statement = $this->connection->prepare($query);125 $statement->bindValue(1, $this->__get('securityCode'));126 $statement->execute();127 $result = $statement->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);128 $this->__set('userId', $result['requesting_user_id']);129 }130}...
Using AI Code Generation
1$hash = new Hash();2$hash->a = 1;3$hash->b = 2;4$hash->c = 3;5echo $hash->a;6echo $hash->b;7echo $hash->c;8$array = new Array();9$array[0] = 1;10$array[1] = 2;11$array[2] = 3;12echo $array[0];13echo $array[1];14echo $array[2];15$array = new Array();16$array[0] = 1;17$array[1] = 2;18$array[2] = 3;19echo $array[0];20echo $array[1];21echo $array[2];22$array = new Array();23$array[0] = 1;24$array[1] = 2;25$array[2] = 3;26echo $array[0];27echo $array[1];28echo $array[2];29$array = new Array();30$array[0] = 1;31$array[1] = 2;32$array[2] = 3;33echo $array[0];34echo $array[1];35echo $array[2];36$array = new Array();37$array[0] = 1;38$array[1] = 2;39$array[2] = 3;40echo $array[0];41echo $array[1];42echo $array[2];43$array = new Array();44$array[0] = 1;45$array[1] = 2;46$array[2] = 3;47echo $array[0];48echo $array[1];49echo $array[2];50$array = new Array();51$array[0] = 1;52$array[1] = 2;53$array[2] = 3;54echo $array[0];55echo $array[1];56echo $array[2];57$array = new Array();58$array[0] = 1;59$array[1] = 2;60$array[2] = 3;
Using AI Code Generation
1$hash = new hash();2$hash->name = 'hash';3$hash->id = 1;4echo $hash->name;5echo $hash->id;6$hash = new hash();7$hash->name = 'hash';8$hash->id = 1;9echo $hash->name;10echo $hash->id;11$hash = new hash();12$hash->name = 'hash';13$hash->id = 1;14echo $hash->name;15echo $hash->id;16$hash = new hash();17$hash->name = 'hash';18$hash->id = 1;19echo $hash->name;20echo $hash->id;21$hash = new hash();22$hash->name = 'hash';23$hash->id = 1;24echo $hash->name;25echo $hash->id;26$hash = new hash();27$hash->name = 'hash';28$hash->id = 1;29echo $hash->name;30echo $hash->id;31$hash = new hash();32$hash->name = 'hash';33$hash->id = 1;34echo $hash->name;35echo $hash->id;36$hash = new hash();37$hash->name = 'hash';38$hash->id = 1;39echo $hash->name;40echo $hash->id;41$hash = new hash();42$hash->name = 'hash';43$hash->id = 1;44echo $hash->name;45echo $hash->id;46$hash = new hash();47$hash->name = 'hash';48$hash->id = 1;49echo $hash->name;
Using AI Code Generation
1require_once 'hash.php';2$hash = new Hash();3$hash->a = "hello";4echo $hash->a;5Related Posts: PHP | __get() magic method6PHP | __isset() magic method7PHP | __unset() magic method8PHP | __set() magic method9PHP | __call() magic method10PHP | __callStatic() magic method11PHP | __toString() magic method12PHP | __invoke() magic method13PHP | __set_state() magic method14PHP | __debugInfo() magic method15PHP | __clone() magic method16PHP | __sleep() magic method17PHP | __wakeup() magic method18PHP | __serialize() magic method19PHP | __unserialize() magic method20PHP | __autoload()
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