How to use callIsSet method of mock class

Best Atoum code snippet using mock.callIsSet


Source:adapter.php Github


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...117 return ($this->call === null ? null : clone $this->call);118 }119 public function withArguments()120 {121 $this->callIsSet()->call->setArguments(func_get_args());122 return $this;123 }124 public function withIdenticalArguments()125 {126 $this->callIsSet()->call->setArguments(func_get_args())->identical();127 return $this;128 }129 public function withAnyArguments()130 {131 $this->callIsSet()->call->unsetArguments();132 return $this;133 }134 public function withoutAnyArgument()135 {136 $this->callIsSet()->call->setArguments(array());137 return $this;138 }139 public function once($failMessage = null)140 {141 return $this->exactly(1, $failMessage);142 }143 public function twice($failMessage = null)144 {145 return $this->exactly(2, $failMessage);146 }147 public function thrice($failMessage = null)148 {149 return $this->exactly(3, $failMessage);150 }151 public function atLeastOnce($failMessage = null)152 {153 $this->assertOnBeforeAndAfterCalls($calls = $this->callIsSet()->adapter->getCalls($this->call->getFunction(), $this->call->getArguments()));154 if (($callsNumber = sizeof($calls)) >= 1)155 {156 $this->pass();157 }158 else159 {160 $this->fail($failMessage !== null ? $failMessage : sprintf($this->getLocale()->_('function %s is called 0 time'), $this->call) . $this->getCallsAsString());161 }162 return $this;163 }164 public function exactly($number, $failMessage = null)165 {166 $this->assertOnBeforeAndAfterCalls($calls = $this->callIsSet()->adapter->getCalls($this->call->getFunction(), $this->call->getArguments()));167 if (($callsNumber = sizeof($calls)) === $number)168 {169 $this->pass();170 }171 else172 {173 $this->fail($failMessage !== null ? $failMessage : sprintf(174 $this->getLocale()->__(175 'function %s is called %d time instead of %d',176 'function %s is called %d times instead of %d',177 $callsNumber178 ),179 $this->call,180 $callsNumber,181 $number182 ) . $this->getCallsAsString()183 );184 }185 return $this;186 }187 public function never($failMessage = null)188 {189 return $this->exactly(0, $failMessage);190 }191 protected function adapterIsSet()192 {193 if ($this->adapter === null)194 {195 throw new exceptions\logic('Adapter is undefined');196 }197 return $this;198 }199 protected function callIsSet()200 {201 if ($this->adapterIsSet()->call === null)202 {203 throw new exceptions\logic('Called function is undefined');204 }205 return $this;206 }207 protected function assertOnBeforeAndAfterCalls($calls)208 {209 if (sizeof($calls) > 0)210 {211 foreach ($this->beforeMethodCalls as $beforeMethodCall)212 {213 $firstCall = $beforeMethodCall->getFirstCall();...

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Source:mock.php Github


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...55 {56 throw new mock\exceptions\logic('Mock is undefined');57 }58 }59 protected function callIsSet()60 {61 try62 {63 return parent::callIsSet();64 }65 catch (adapter\exceptions\logic $exception)66 {67 throw new mock\exceptions\logic('Call is undefined');68 }69 }70}...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$obj = new mockClass();2$obj->callIsSet();3$obj = new mockClass();4$obj->callIsSet();5$obj = new mockClass();6$obj->callIsSet();7$obj = new mockClass();8$obj->callIsSet();9$obj = new mockClass();10$obj->callIsSet();11$obj = new mockClass();12$obj->callIsSet();13$obj = new mockClass();14$obj->callIsSet();15$obj = new mockClass();16$obj->callIsSet();17$obj = new mockClass();18$obj->callIsSet();19$obj = new mockClass();20$obj->callIsSet();21$obj = new mockClass();22$obj->callIsSet();23$obj = new mockClass();24$obj->callIsSet();25$obj = new mockClass();26$obj->callIsSet();27$obj = new mockClass();28$obj->callIsSet();29$obj = new mockClass();30$obj->callIsSet();31$obj = new mockClass();32$obj->callIsSet();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$obj = new mockClass();2$obj->callIsSet();3$obj = new mockClass();4$obj->callIsSet();5class mockClass {6 public static function __callStatic($method, $args) {7 echo "Called $method with " . implode(', ', $args) . "8";9 }10}11mockClass::callIsSet();12mockClass::callIsSet();13class mockClass {14 public static $instance = null;15 public static function getInstance() {16 if (self::$instance == null) {17 self::$instance = new mockClass();18 }19 return self::$instance;20 }21 public function __call($method, $args) {22 echo "Called $method with " . implode(', ', $args) . "23";24 }25}26$obj = mockClass::getInstance();27$obj->callIsSet();28$obj = mockClass::getInstance();29$obj->callIsSet();

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = new MockClass();2$mock->callIsSet();3class MockClass{4 public function callIsSet(){5 $this->isSet();6 }7 public function isSet(){8 if(isset($this->a)){9 echo "a is set";10 }else{11 echo "a is not set";12 }13 }14}15Here, the method callIsSet() of MockClass calls the method isSet() . And the method isSet() checks whether the property a is set or not. But the problem is that the property a is not defined in the class MockClass . So, the method isSet() will always return false. But, what if we want to test the method isSet() without any dependency on the property a . So, we can mock the method isSet() by using the following code:16$mock = new MockClass();17$mock->callIsSet();18class MockClass{19 public function callIsSet(){20 $this->isSet();21 }22 public function isSet(){23 if(isset($this->a)){24 echo "a is set";25 }else{26 echo "a is not set";27 }28 }29}30Here, the method callIsSet() of MockClass calls the method isSet() . And the method isSet() checks whether the property a is set or not. But the problem is that the property a is not defined in the class MockClass . So, the method isSet() will always return false. But, what if we want to test the method isSet() without any dependency on the property a . So, we can mock the method isSet() by using the following code:31$mock = new MockClass();32$mock->callIsSet();33class MockClass{34 public function callIsSet(){35 $this->isSet();36 }37 public function isSet(){38 if(isset($this->a)){39 echo "a is set";40 }else{41 echo "a is not set";42 }43 }44}45Here, the method callIsSet() of MockClass calls the method isSet() . And the method isSet

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$mock = new MockClass();2$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);3$mock->test = 'test';4$mock = new MockClass();5$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', false);6isset($mock->test);7$mock = new MockClass();8$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);9isset($mock->test);10$mock = new MockClass();11$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);12isset($mock->test);13$mock = new MockClass();14$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);15isset($mock->test);16$mock = new MockClass();17$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);18isset($mock->test);19$mock = new MockClass();20$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);21isset($mock->test);22$mock = new MockClass();23$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);24isset($mock->test);25$mock = new MockClass();26$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);27isset($mock->test);28$mock = new MockClass();29$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);30isset($mock->test);31$mock = new MockClass();32$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);33isset($mock->test);34$mock = new MockClass();35$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);36isset($mock->test);37$mock = new MockClass();38$mock->expectCallIsSet('test', true);39isset($mock->test);40$mock = new MockClass();41$mock->expectCallIsSet('

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