How to use executable_in_path method of pts_client class

Best Phoronix-test-suite code snippet using pts_client.executable_in_path


Source:phodevi_system.php Github


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...122 }123 public static function sw_system_layer()124 {125 $layer = null;126 if(phodevi::is_windows() && pts_client::executable_in_path('winecfg.exe') && ($wine = phodevi::read_property('system', 'wine-version')))127 {128 $layer = $wine;129 }130 else131 {132 // Report virtualization133 $layer = phodevi::read_property('system', 'virtualized-mode');134 }135 return $layer;136 }137 public static function sw_hostname()138 {139 $hostname = 'Unknown';140 if(($bin = pts_client::executable_in_path('hostname')))141 {142 $hostname = trim(shell_exec($bin . ' 2>&1'));143 }144 else if(phodevi::is_windows())145 {146 $hostname = getenv('USERDOMAIN');147 }148 return $hostname;149 }150 public static function sw_vendor_identifier()151 {152 // Returns the vendor identifier used with the External Dependencies and other distro-specific features153 $vendor = phodevi::is_linux() ? phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb_distributor_id() : false;154 if(!$vendor)155 {156 $vendor = phodevi::read_property('system', 'operating-system');157 if(($spos = strpos($vendor, ' ')) > 1)158 {159 $vendor = substr($vendor, 0, $spos);160 }161 }162 return str_replace(array(' ', '/'), '', strtolower($vendor));163 }164 public static function sw_filesystem()165 {166 // Determine file-system type167 $fs = null;168 if(phodevi::is_macosx())169 {170 $fs = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSerialATADataType', 'FileSystem');171 if($fs == null && pts_client::executable_in_path('mount'))172 {173 $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');174 if(stripos($mount, ' on / (hfs, local, journaled)') !== false)175 {176 $fs = 'Journaled HFS+';177 }178 else if(stripos($mount, ' on / (hfs') !== false)179 {180 $fs = 'HFS+';181 }182 }183 }184 else if(phodevi::is_bsd())185 {186 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('mount'))187 {188 $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');189 if(($start = strpos($mount, 'on / (')) != false)190 {191 // FreeBSD, DragonflyBSD mount formatting192 /*193 -bash-4.0$ mount194 ROOT on / (hammer, local)195 /dev/da0s1a on /boot (ufs, local)196 /pfs/@@-1:00001 on /var (null, local)197 /pfs/@@-1:00002 on /tmp (null, local)198 /pfs/@@-1:00003 on /usr (null, local)199 /pfs/@@-1:00004 on /home (null, local)200 /pfs/@@-1:00005 on /usr/obj (null, local)201 /pfs/@@-1:00006 on /var/crash (null, local)202 /pfs/@@-1:00007 on /var/tmp (null, local)203 procfs on /proc (procfs, local)204 */205 // TODO: improve this in case there are other partitions, etc206 $fs = substr($mount, $start + 6);207 $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ','));208 }209 else if(($start = strpos($mount, 'on / type')) != false)210 {211 // OpenBSD 5.0 formatting is slightly different from above FreeBSD example212 // TODO: improve this in case there are other partitions, etc213 $fs = substr($mount, $start + 10);214 $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ' '));215 }216 }217 }218 else if(phodevi::is_hurd())219 {220 // Very rudimentary Hurd filesystem detection support but works for at least a clean Debian GNU/Hurd EXT2 install221 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('mount'))222 {223 $mount = shell_exec('mount 2>&1');224 if(($start = strpos($mount, 'on / type')) != false)225 {226 $fs = substr($mount, $start + 10);227 $fs = substr($fs, 0, strpos($fs, ' '));228 if(substr($fs, -2) == 'fs')229 {230 $fs = substr($fs, 0, -2);231 }232 }233 }234 }235 else if(phodevi::is_linux() || phodevi::is_solaris())236 {237 $fs = trim(shell_exec('stat ' . pts_client::test_install_root_path() . ' -L -f -c %T 2> /dev/null'));238 switch($fs)239 {240 case 'ext2/ext3':241 if(isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts))242 {243 $fstab = phodevi::$vfs->mounts;244 $fstab = str_replace('/boot ', 'IGNORE', $fstab);245 $using_ext2 = strpos($fstab, ' ext2') !== false;246 $using_ext3 = strpos($fstab, ' ext3') !== false;247 $using_ext4 = strpos($fstab, ' ext4') !== false;248 if(!$using_ext2 && !$using_ext3 && $using_ext4)249 {250 $fs = 'ext4';251 }252 else if(!$using_ext2 && !$using_ext4 && $using_ext3)253 {254 $fs = 'ext3';255 }256 else if(!$using_ext3 && !$using_ext4 && $using_ext2)257 {258 $fs = 'ext2';259 }260 else if(is_dir('/proc/fs/ext4/'))261 {262 $fs = 'ext4';263 }264 else if(is_dir('/proc/fs/ext3/'))265 {266 $fs = 'ext3';267 }268 }269 break;270 case 'Case-sensitive Journaled HFS+':271 $fs = 'HFS+';272 break;273 case 'MS-DOS FAT32':274 $fs = 'FAT32';275 break;276 case 'UFSD_NTFS_COMPR':277 $fs = 'NTFS';278 break;279 case 'ecryptfs':280 if(isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts))281 {282 // An easy attempt to determine what file-system is underneath ecryptfs if being compared283 // For now just attempt to figure out the root file-system.284 if(($s = strrpos(phodevi::$vfs->mounts, ' / ')) !== false)285 {286 $s = substr(phodevi::$vfs->mounts, ($s + 3));287 $s = substr($s, 0, strpos($s, ' '));288 if($s != null && !isset($s[18]) && $s != 'rootfs'&& pts_strings::string_only_contains($s, pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC))289 {290 $fs = $s . ' (ecryptfs)';291 }292 }293 }294 break;295 default:296 if(substr($fs, 0, 9) == 'UNKNOWN (')297 {298 $magic_block = substr($fs, 9, -1);299 $known_magic_blocks = array(300 '0x9123683e' => 'Btrfs',301 '0x2fc12fc1' => 'zfs', // KQ Infotech ZFS302 '0x482b' => 'HFS+',303 '0x65735546' => 'FUSE',304 '0x565a4653' => 'ReiserFS',305 '0x52345362' => 'Reiser4',306 '0x3434' => 'NILFS2',307 '0x5346414f' => 'OpenAFS',308 '0x47504653' => 'GPFS',309 '0x5941ff53' => 'YAFFS',310 '0xff534d42' => 'CIFS',311 '0x24051905' => 'UBIFS',312 '0x1021994' => 'TMPFS',313 '0x73717368' => 'SquashFS',314 '0xc97e8168' => 'LogFS',315 '0x5346544E' => 'NTFS',316 '0xf15f' => 'eCryptfs',317 '0x61756673' => 'AuFS',318 '0xbd00bd0' => 'Lustre',319 '0xaad7aaea' => 'PanFS', // Panasas FS320 '0xf2f52010' => 'F2FS',321 '0xc36400' => 'CephFS',322 '0xca451a4e' => 'BcacheFS'323 );324 foreach($known_magic_blocks as $hex => $name)325 {326 if($magic_block == $hex)327 {328 $fs = $name;329 break;330 }331 }332 }333 break;334 }335 if(strpos($fs, 'UNKNOWN') !== false && isset(phodevi::$vfs->mounts))336 {337 $mounts = phodevi::$vfs->mounts;338 $fs_r = array();339 $fs_checks = array(340 'squashfs' => 'SquashFS',341 'aufs' => 'AuFS',342 'unionfs' => 'UnionFS'343 );344 foreach($fs_checks as $fs_module => $fs_name)345 {346 if(strpos($mounts, $fs_module) != false)347 {348 array_push($fs_r, $fs_name);349 }350 }351 if(count($fs_r) > 0)352 {353 $fs = implode(' + ', $fs_r);354 }355 }356 }357 else if(phodevi::is_windows())358 {359 return null;360 }361 if(empty($fs))362 {363 $fs = 'Unknown';364 }365 return $fs;366 }367 public static function sw_virtualized_mode()368 {369 // Reports if system is running virtualized370 $virtualized = null;371 $mobo = phodevi::read_name('motherboard');372 $gpu = phodevi::read_name('gpu');373 $cpu = phodevi::read_property('cpu', 'model');374 if(strpos($cpu, 'QEMU') !== false || (is_readable('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor') && pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/bios_vendor') == 'QEMU'))375 {376 $virtualized = 'QEMU';377 if(strpos($cpu, 'QEMU Virtual') !== false)378 {379 $qemu_version = substr($cpu, (strrpos($cpu, ' ') + 1));380 if(pts_strings::is_version($qemu_version))381 {382 $virtualized .= ' ' . $qemu_version;383 }384 }385 }386 else if(stripos($gpu, 'VMware') !== false || (is_readable('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name') && stripos(pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name'), 'VMware') !== false))387 {388 $virtualized = 'VMware';389 }390 else if(stripos($gpu, 'VirtualBox') !== false || stripos(phodevi::read_name('motherboard'), 'VirtualBox') !== false)391 {392 $virtualized = 'VirtualBox';393 if($vbox_manage = pts_client::executable_in_path('VBoxManage'))394 {395 $vbox_manage = trim(shell_exec($vbox_manage . ' --version 2> /dev/null'));396 if(is_numeric(substr($vbox_manage, 0, 1)))397 {398 $virtualized .= ' ' . $vbox_manage;399 }400 }401 else if($modinfo = pts_client::executable_in_path('modinfo'))402 {403 $modinfo = trim(shell_exec('modinfo -F version vboxguest 2> /dev/null'));404 if($modinfo != null && pts_strings::is_version(str_ireplace(array('_', 'RC', 'beta'), null, $modinfo)))405 {406 $virtualized .= ' ' . $modinfo;407 }408 }409 }410 else if(is_file('/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor') && pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/sys_vendor') == 'Xen')411 {412 $virtualized = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_name');413 if(strpos($virtualized, 'Xen') === false)414 {415 $virtualized = 'Xen ' . $virtualized;416 }417 // version string418 $virtualized .= ' ' . pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/dmi/id/product_version');419 // $virtualized should be then e.g. 'Xen HVM domU 4.1.1'420 }421 else if(stripos($gpu, 'Microsoft Hyper-V') !== false)422 {423 $virtualized = 'Microsoft Hyper-V Server';424 }425 else if(stripos($mobo, 'Parallels Software') !== false)426 {427 $virtualized = 'Parallels Virtualization';428 }429 else if(is_file('/sys/hypervisor/type'))430 {431 $type = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/hypervisor/type');432 $version = array();433 foreach(array('major', 'minor', 'extra') as $v)434 {435 if(is_file('/sys/hypervisor/version/' . $v))436 {437 $v = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/hypervisor/version/' . $v);438 }439 else440 {441 continue;442 }443 if($v != null)444 {445 if(!empty($version) && substr($v, 0, 1) != '.')446 {447 $v = '.' . $v;448 }449 array_push($version, $v);450 }451 }452 $virtualized = ucwords($type) . ' ' . implode('', $version) . ' Hypervisor';453 }454 if($systemd_virt = pts_client::executable_in_path('systemd-detect-virt'))455 {456 $systemd_virt = trim(shell_exec($systemd_virt . ' 2> /dev/null'));457 if($systemd_virt != null && $systemd_virt != 'none')458 {459 switch($systemd_virt)460 {461 case 'kvm':462 $systemd_virt = 'KVM';463 break;464 case 'oracle':465 $systemd_virt = 'Oracle';466 break;467 }468 if($virtualized != null && stripos($virtualized, $systemd_virt) === false && stripos($systemd_virt, $virtualized) === false)469 {470 $virtualized = $systemd_virt . ' ' . $virtualized;471 }472 else if($virtualized == null)473 {474 $virtualized = $systemd_virt;475 }476 }477 }478 return $virtualized;479 }480 public static function sw_environment_variables()481 {482 $check_variables = array('LIBGL', '__GL', 'DRI_');483 $to_report = array();484 if(stripos(phodevi::read_property('system', 'opengl-driver'), 'Mesa'))485 {486 array_push($check_variables, 'MESA', 'GALLIUM');487 }488 if(isset($_SERVER))489 {490 foreach($_SERVER as $name => &$value)491 {492 foreach($check_variables as $var)493 {494 if(stripos($name, $var) !== false && $name != '__GL_SYNC_TO_VBLANK')495 {496 array_push($to_report, $name . '=' . $value);497 break;498 }499 }500 }501 }502 return implode(' ', array_unique($to_report));503 }504 public static function sw_compiler()505 {506 // Returns version of the compiler (if present)507 $compilers = array();508 if($gcc = pts_client::executable_in_path('gcc'))509 {510 if(!is_link($gcc) || strpos(readlink($gcc), 'gcc') !== false)511 {512 // GCC513 // If it's a link, ensure that it's not linking to llvm/clang or something514 $version = trim(shell_exec('gcc -dumpversion 2>&1'));515 if(pts_strings::is_version($version))516 {517 $v = shell_exec('gcc -v 2>&1');518 if(($t = strrpos($v, $version . ' ')) !== false)519 {520 $v = substr($v, ($t + strlen($version) + 1));521 $v = substr($v, 0, strpos($v, ' '));522 if($v != null && is_numeric($v))523 {524 // On development versions the release date is expressed525 // e.g. gcc version 4.7.0 20120314 (prerelease) (GCC)526 $version .= ' ' . $v;527 }528 else529 {530 $v = shell_exec('gcc --version 2>&1');531 if(($t = strrpos($v, $version)) !== false)532 {533 $v = substr($v, $t);534 $v = substr($v, 0, strpos(str_replace(PHP_EOL, ' ', $v), ' '));535 if(($t = strpos($v, ')')) !== false)536 {537 $v = substr($v, 0, $t);538 }539 if(pts_strings::is_version($version))540 {541 $version = $v;542 }543 }544 }545 }546 $compilers['gcc'] = 'GCC ' . $version;547 }548 }549 }550 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('opencc'))551 {552 // Open64553 $compilers['opencc'] = 'Open64 ' . trim(shell_exec('opencc -dumpversion 2>&1'));554 }555 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('pathcc'))556 {557 // PathCC / EKOPath / PathScale Compiler Suite558 $compilers['pathcc'] = 'PathScale ' . trim(shell_exec('pathcc -dumpversion 2>&1'));559 }560 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('tcc'))561 {562 // TCC - Tiny C Compiler563 $tcc = explode(' ', trim(shell_exec('tcc -v 2>&1')));564 if($tcc[1] == 'version')565 {566 $compilers['opencc'] = 'TCC ' . $tcc[2];567 }568 }569 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('pcc'))570 {571 // PCC - Portable C Compiler572 $pcc = explode(' ', trim(shell_exec('pcc -version 2>&1')));573 if($pcc[0] == 'pcc')574 {575 $compilers['pcc'] = 'PCC ' . $pcc[1] . (is_numeric($pcc[2]) ? ' ' . $pcc[2] : null);576 }577 }578 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('pgcpp') || pts_client::executable_in_path('pgCC'))579 {580 // The Portland Group Compilers581 $compilers['pgcpp'] = 'PGI C-C++ Workstation';582 }583 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('clang'))584 {585 // Clang586 $compiler_info = shell_exec('clang --version 2> /dev/null');587 if(($cv_pos = stripos($compiler_info, 'clang version')) !== false)588 {589 // With Clang 3.0 and prior, the --version produces output where the first line is:590 // e.g. clang version 3.0 (branches/release_30 142590)591 $compiler_info = substr($compiler_info, ($cv_pos + 14));592 $clang_version = substr($compiler_info, 0, strpos($compiler_info, ' '));593 // XXX: the below check bypass now because e.g. Ubuntu appends '-ubuntuX', etc that breaks check594 if(pts_strings::is_version($clang_version) || true)595 {596 // Also see if there is a Clang SVN tag to fetch597 $compiler_info = substr($compiler_info, 0, strpos($compiler_info, PHP_EOL));598 if(($cv_pos = strpos($compiler_info, ')')) !== false)599 {600 $compiler_info = substr($compiler_info, 0, $cv_pos);601 $compiler_info = substr($compiler_info, (strrpos($compiler_info, ' ') + 1));602 if(is_numeric($compiler_info))603 {604 // Right now Clang/LLVM uses SVN system and their revisions are only numeric605 $clang_version .= ' (SVN ' . $compiler_info . ')';606 }607 }608 $compiler_info = 'Clang ' . $clang_version;609 }610 else611 {612 $compiler_info = null;613 }614 }615 else616 {617 $compiler_info = substr($compiler_info, 0, strpos($compiler_info, PHP_EOL));618 }619 // Clang620 if(empty($compiler_info) && stripos($compiler_info, 'not found'))621 {622 // At least with Clang ~3.0 the -dumpversion is reporting '4.2.1' ratherthan the useful information...623 // This is likely just for GCC command compatibility, so only use this as a fallback624 $compiler_info = 'Clang ' . trim(shell_exec('clang -dumpversion 2> /dev/null'));625 }626 $compilers['clang'] = $compiler_info;627 }628 if(($llvm_ld = pts_client::executable_in_path('llvm-link')) || ($llvm_ld = pts_client::executable_in_path('llvm-ld')))629 {630 // LLVM - Low Level Virtual Machine631 // Reading the version from llvm-ld (the LLVM linker) should be safe as well for finding out version of LLVM in use632 // As of LLVM 3.2svn, llvm-ld seems to be llvm-link633 $info = trim(shell_exec($llvm_ld . ' -version 2> /dev/null'));634 if(($s = strpos($info, 'version')) != false)635 {636 $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, PHP_EOL, $s));637 $info = substr($info, (strrpos($info, ' ') + 1));638 if(pts_strings::is_version(str_replace('svn', null, $info)))639 {640 $compilers['llvmc'] = 'LLVM ' . $info;641 }642 }643 }644 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('llvm-config'))645 {646 // LLVM - Low Level Virtual Machine config647 $info = trim(shell_exec('llvm-config --version 2> /dev/null'));648 if(pts_strings::is_version(str_replace('svn', null, $info)))649 {650 $compilers['llvmc'] = 'LLVM ' . $info;651 }652 }653 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('llvmc'))654 {655 // LLVM - Low Level Virtual Machine (llvmc)656 $info = trim(shell_exec('llvmc -version 2>&1'));657 if(($s = strpos($info, 'version')) != false)658 {659 $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n", $s));660 $info = substr($info, strrpos($info, "\n"));661 $compilers['llvmc'] = trim($info);662 }663 }664 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('suncc'))665 {666 // Sun Studio / SunCC667 $info = trim(shell_exec('suncc -V 2>&1'));668 if(($s = strpos($info, 'Sun C')) != false)669 {670 $info = substr($info, $s);671 $info = substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n"));672 $compilers['suncc'] = $info;673 }674 }675 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('ioc'))676 {677 // Intel Offline Compiler (IOC) SDK for OpenCL678 // -v e.g. : Intel(R) SDK for OpenCL* - Offline Compiler 2012 Command-Line Client, version 1.0.2679 $info = trim(shell_exec('ioc -version 2>&1')) . ' ';680 if(($s = strpos($info, 'Offline Compiler ')) != false)681 {682 $compilers['ioc'] = 'Intel IOC SDK';683 $sv = substr($info, ($s + 17));684 $sv = substr($sv, 0, strpos($sv, ' '));685 if(is_numeric($sv))686 {687 $compilers['ioc'] .= ' ' . $sv;688 }689 if(($s = strpos($info, 'version ')) != false)690 {691 $sv = substr($info, ($s + 8));692 $sv = substr($sv, 0, strpos($sv, ' '));693 if(pts_strings::is_version($sv))694 {695 $compilers['ioc'] .= ' v' . $sv;696 }697 }698 }699 }700 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('icc'))701 {702 // Intel C++ Compiler703 $compilers['icc'] = 'ICC';704 }705 if(phodevi::is_macosx() && pts_client::executable_in_path('xcodebuild'))706 {707 $xcode = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPDeveloperToolsDataType', 'Xcode');708 $xcode = substr($xcode, 0, strpos($xcode, ' '));709 if($xcode)710 {711 $compilers['Xcode'] = 'Xcode ' . $xcode;712 }713 }714 if(($nvcc = pts_client::executable_in_path('nvcc')) || is_executable(($nvcc = '/usr/local/cuda/bin/nvcc')))715 {716 // Check outside of PATH too since by default the CUDA Toolkit goes to '/usr/local/cuda/' and relies upon user to update system717 // NVIDIA CUDA Compiler Driver718 $nvcc = shell_exec($nvcc . ' --version 2>&1');719 if(($s = strpos($nvcc, 'release ')) !== false)720 {721 $nvcc = str_replace(array(','), null, substr($nvcc, ($s + 8)));722 $nvcc = substr($nvcc, 0, strpos($nvcc, ' '));723 if(pts_strings::is_version($nvcc))724 {725 $compilers['CUDA'] = 'CUDA ' . $nvcc;726 }727 }728 }729 // Try to make the compiler that's used by default to appear first730 if(pts_client::read_env('CC') && isset($compilers[basename(pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('CC'), ' '))]))731 {732 $cc_env = basename(pts_strings::first_in_string(pts_client::read_env('CC'), ' '));733 $default_compiler = $compilers[$cc_env];734 unset($compilers[$cc_env]);735 array_unshift($compilers, $default_compiler);736 }737 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('cc') && is_link(pts_client::executable_in_path('cc')))738 {739 $cc_link = basename(readlink(pts_client::executable_in_path('cc')));740 if(isset($compilers[$cc_link]))741 {742 $default_compiler = $compilers[$cc_link];743 unset($compilers[pts_client::read_env('CC')]);744 array_unshift($compilers, $default_compiler);745 }746 }747 return implode(' + ', array_unique($compilers));748 }749 public static function sw_kernel_string()750 {751 return trim(phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel') . ' (' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-architecture') . ') ' . phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel-date'));752 }753 public static function sw_kernel_date()754 {755 $date = null;756 $k = phodevi::read_property('system', 'kernel');757 if(strpos($k, '99') !== false || stripos($k, 'rc') !== false)758 {759 // For now at least only report kernel build date when it looks like it's a devel kernel760 $v = php_uname('v');761 if(($x = stripos($v, 'SMP ')) !== false)762 {763 $v = substr($v, ($x + 4));764 $date = strtotime($v);765 if($date != false)766 {767 $date = date('Ymd', $date);768 }769 }770 }771 return $date;772 }773 public static function sw_kernel()774 {775 return php_uname('r');776 }777 public static function sw_kernel_parameters()778 {779 $parameters = null;780 if(is_file('/proc/cmdline') && is_file('/proc/modules'))781 {782 $modules = array();783 foreach(explode(PHP_EOL, pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/proc/modules')) as $module_line)784 {785 $module_line = explode(' ', $module_line);786 if(isset($module_line[0]) && !empty($module_line[0]))787 {788 array_push($modules, $module_line[0]);789 }790 }791 if(!empty($modules))792 {793 $to_report = array();794 $cmdline = explode(' ', pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/proc/cmdline'));795 foreach($cmdline as $option)796 {797 if(($t = strpos($option, '.')) !== false)798 {799 if(in_array(substr($option, 0, $t), $modules))800 {801 array_push($to_report, $option);802 }803 }804 }805 if(!empty($to_report))806 {807 $parameters = implode(' ', $to_report);808 }809 }810 }811 return $parameters;812 }813 public static function sw_kernel_architecture()814 {815 // Find out the kernel archiecture816 if(phodevi::is_windows())817 {818 //$kernel_arch = strpos($_SERVER['PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE'], 64) !== false || strpos($_SERVER['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'], 64 != false) ? 'x86_64' : 'i686';819 if(isset($_SERVER['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432']))820 {821 $kernel_arch = $_SERVER['PROCESSOR_ARCHITEW6432'] == 'AMD64' ? 'x86_64' : 'i686';822 }823 else824 {825 $kernel_arch = 'x86_64';826 }827 }828 else829 {830 $kernel_arch = php_uname('m');831 switch($kernel_arch)832 {833 case 'X86-64':834 case 'amd64':835 $kernel_arch = 'x86_64';836 break;837 case 'i86pc':838 case 'i586':839 case 'i686-AT386':840 $kernel_arch = 'i686';841 break;842 }843 }844 return $kernel_arch;845 }846 public static function sw_os_version()847 {848 // Returns OS version849 if(phodevi::is_macosx())850 {851 $os = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSoftwareDataType', 'SystemVersion');852 853 $start_pos = strpos($os, '.');854 $end_pos = strrpos($os, '.');855 $start_pos = strrpos(substr($os, 0, $start_pos), ' ');856 $end_pos = strpos($os, ' ', $end_pos);857 858 $os_version = substr($os, $start_pos + 1, $end_pos - $start_pos);859 }860 else if(phodevi::is_linux())861 {862 $os_version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb('Release');863 if($os_version == null)864 {865 if(is_readable('/etc/os-release'))866 $os_release = parse_ini_file('/etc/os-release');867 else if(is_readable('/usr/lib/os-release'))868 $os_release = parse_ini_file('/usr/lib/os-release');869 else870 $os_release = null;871 if(isset($os_release['VERSION_ID']) && !empty($os_release['VERSION_ID']))872 {873 $os_version = $os_release['VERSION_ID'];874 }875 else if(isset($os_release['VERSION']) && !empty($os_release['VERSION']))876 {877 $os_version = $os_release['VERSION'];878 }879 $os_version = pts_strings::keep_in_string($os_version, pts_strings::CHAR_LETTER | pts_strings::CHAR_NUMERIC | pts_strings::CHAR_DECIMAL | pts_strings::CHAR_SPACE | pts_strings::CHAR_DASH | pts_strings::CHAR_UNDERSCORE);880 }881 }882 else883 {884 $os_version = php_uname('r');885 }886 887 return $os_version;888 }889 public static function sw_operating_system()890 {891 if(!PTS_IS_CLIENT)892 {893 // TODO: Figure out why this function is sometimes called from return false;895 }896 // Determine the operating system release897 if(phodevi::is_linux())898 {899 $vendor = phodevi_linux_parser::read_lsb_distributor_id();900 if($vendor == null)901 {902 if(is_readable('/etc/os-release'))903 $os_release = parse_ini_file('/etc/os-release');904 else if(is_readable('/usr/lib/os-release'))905 $os_release = parse_ini_file('/usr/lib/os-release');906 else907 $os_release = null;908 if(isset($os_release['PRETTY_NAME']) && !empty($os_release['PRETTY_NAME']))909 {910 $vendor = $os_release['PRETTY_NAME'];911 }912 else if(isset($os_release['NAME']) && !empty($os_release['NAME']))913 {914 $vendor = $os_release['NAME'];915 }916 }917 if(($x = stripos($vendor, ' for ')) !== false)918 {919 $vendor = substr($vendor, 0, $x);920 }921 $vendor = str_replace(array(' Software'), null, $vendor);922 }923 else if(phodevi::is_hurd())924 {925 $vendor = php_uname('v');926 }927 else928 {929 $vendor = null;930 }931 $version = phodevi::read_property('system', 'os-version');932 if(!$vendor)933 {934 $os = null;935 // Try to detect distro for those not supplying lsb_release936 $files = pts_file_io::glob('/etc/*-version');937 for($i = 0; $i < count($files) && $os == null; $i++)938 {939 $file = file_get_contents($files[$i]);940 if(trim($file) != null)941 {942 $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n"));943 }944 }945 946 if($os == null)947 {948 $files = pts_file_io::glob('/etc/*-release');949 for($i = 0; $i < count($files) && $os == null; $i++)950 {951 $file = file_get_contents($files[$i]);952 if(trim($file) != null)953 {954 $proposed_os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, PHP_EOL));955 if(strpos($proposed_os, '=') == false)956 {957 $os = $proposed_os;958 }959 }960 else if($i == (count($files) - 1))961 {962 $os = ucwords(substr(($n = basename($files[$i])), 0, strpos($n, '-')));963 } 964 }965 }966 if($os == null && is_file('/etc/release'))967 {968 $file = file_get_contents('/etc/release');969 $os = substr($file, 0, strpos($file, "\n"));970 }971 if($os == null && is_file('/etc/palm-build-info'))972 {973 // Palm / webOS Support974 $os = phodevi_parser::parse_equal_delimited_file('/etc/palm-build-info', 'PRODUCT_VERSION_STRING');975 }976 if($os == null)977 {978 if(phodevi::is_windows())979 {980 $os = trim(exec('ver'));981 }982 if(is_file('/etc/debian_version'))983 {984 $os = 'Debian ' . php_uname('s') . ' ' . ucwords(pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/etc/debian_version'));985 }986 else987 {988 $os = php_uname('s');989 }990 }991 else if(strpos($os, ' ') === false)992 {993 // The OS string is only one word, likely a problem...994 if(is_file('/etc/arch-release') && stripos($os, 'Arch') === false)995 {996 // On at least some Arch installs (ARM) the file is empty so would have missed above check997 $os = trim('Arch Linux ' . $os);998 }999 }1000 }1001 else if(stripos($vendor, $version) === false)1002 {1003 $os = $vendor . ' ' . $version;1004 }1005 else1006 {1007 $os = $vendor;1008 }1009 if(($break_point = strpos($os, ':')) > 0)1010 {1011 $os = substr($os, $break_point + 1);1012 }1013 1014 if(phodevi::is_macosx())1015 {1016 $os = phodevi_osx_parser::read_osx_system_profiler('SPSoftwareDataType', 'SystemVersion');1017 }1018 if(($break_point = strpos($os, '(')) > 0)1019 {1020 $os = substr($os, 0, $break_point);1021 }1022 $os = trim($os);1023 return $os;1024 }1025 public static function sw_desktop_environment()1026 {1027 $desktop = null;1028 $desktop_environment = null;1029 $desktop_version = null;1030 $desktop_session = pts_client::read_env('DESKTOP_SESSION');1031 if(pts_client::is_process_running('gnome-shell'))1032 {1033 // GNOME 3.0 / GNOME Shell1034 $desktop_environment = 'GNOME Shell';1035 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('gnome-shell'))1036 {1037 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('gnome-shell --version 2> /dev/null')));1038 }1039 }1040 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('gnome-panel') || $desktop_session == 'gnome')1041 {1042 // GNOME1043 $desktop_environment = 'GNOME';1044 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('gnome-about'))1045 {1046 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('gnome-about --version 2> /dev/null')));1047 }1048 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('gnome-session'))1049 {1050 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('gnome-session --version 2> /dev/null')));1051 }1052 }1053 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('unity-2d-panel') || $desktop_session == 'ubuntu-2d')1054 {1055 // Canonical / Ubuntu Unity 2D Desktop1056 $desktop_environment = 'Unity 2D';1057 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('unity'))1058 {1059 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('unity --version 2> /dev/null')));1060 }1061 }1062 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('unity-panel-service') || $desktop_session == 'ubuntu')1063 {1064 // Canonical / Ubuntu Unity Desktop1065 $desktop_environment = 'Unity';1066 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('unity'))1067 {1068 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('unity --version 2> /dev/null')));1069 }1070 }1071 else if($desktop_session == 'mate')1072 {1073 $desktop_environment = 'MATE';1074 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('mate-about'))1075 {1076 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('mate-about --version 2> /dev/null')));1077 }1078 }1079 else if(($kde5 = pts_client::is_process_running('kded5')))1080 {1081 // KDE 5.x1082 $desktop_environment = 'KDE Frameworks 5';1083 $desktop_version = null; // TODO XXX1084 }1085 else if(($dde = pts_client::is_process_running('dde-desktop')))1086 {1087 // KDE 5.x1088 $desktop_environment = 'Deepin Desktop Environment';1089 $desktop_version = null; // TODO XXX1090 }1091 else if(($kde4 = pts_client::is_process_running('kded4')) || pts_client::is_process_running('kded'))1092 {1093 // KDE 4.x1094 $desktop_environment = 'KDE';1095 $kde_output = trim(shell_exec(($kde4 ? 'kde4-config' : 'kde-config') . ' --version 2>&1'));1096 $kde_lines = explode("\n", $kde_output);1097 for($i = 0; $i < count($kde_lines) && empty($desktop_version); $i++)1098 {1099 $line_segments = pts_strings::colon_explode($kde_lines[$i]);1100 if(in_array($line_segments[0], array('KDE', 'KDE Development Platform')) && isset($line_segments[1]))1101 {1102 $v = trim($line_segments[1]);1103 if(($cut = strpos($v, ' ')) > 0)1104 {1105 $v = substr($v, 0, $cut);1106 }1107 $desktop_version = $v;1108 }1109 }1110 }1111 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('chromeos-wm'))1112 {1113 $chrome_output = trim(shell_exec('chromeos-wm -version'));1114 if($chrome_output == 'chromeos-wm')1115 {1116 // No version actually reported1117 $chrome_output = 'Chrome OS';1118 }1119 $desktop_environment = $chrome_output;1120 }1121 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('lxsession') || $desktop_session == 'lxde')1122 {1123 $lx_output = trim(shell_exec('lxpanel --version'));1124 $version = substr($lx_output, strpos($lx_output, ' ') + 1);1125 $desktop_environment = 'LXDE';1126 $desktop_version = $version;1127 }1128 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('xfce4-session') || pts_client::is_process_running('xfce-mcs-manager') || $desktop_session == 'xfce')1129 {1130 // Xfce 4.x1131 $desktop_environment = 'Xfce';1132 $xfce_output = trim(shell_exec('xfce4-session-settings --version 2>&1'));1133 if(($open = strpos($xfce_output, '(Xfce')) > 0)1134 {1135 $xfce_output = substr($xfce_output, strpos($xfce_output, ' ', $open) + 1);1136 $desktop_version = substr($xfce_output, 0, strpos($xfce_output, ')'));1137 }1138 }1139 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('sugar-session'))1140 {1141 // Sugar Desktop Environment (namely for OLPC)1142 $desktop_environment = 'Sugar';1143 $desktop_version = null; // TODO: where can the Sugar version be figured out?1144 }1145 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('openbox'))1146 {1147 $desktop_environment = 'Openbox';1148 $openbox_output = trim(shell_exec('openbox --version 2>&1'));1149 if(($openbox_d = stripos($openbox_output, 'Openbox ')) !== false)1150 {1151 $openbox_output = substr($openbox_output, ($openbox_d + 8));1152 $desktop_version = substr($openbox_output, 0, strpos($openbox_output, PHP_EOL));1153 }1154 }1155 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('cinnamon'))1156 {1157 $desktop_environment = 'Cinnamon';1158 $desktop_version = pts_strings::last_in_string(trim(shell_exec('cinnamon --version 2> /dev/null')));1159 }1160 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('enlightenment'))1161 {1162 $desktop_environment = 'Enlightenment';1163 $desktop_version = null; // No known -v / --version command on any Enlightenment component1164 }1165 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('consort-panel'))1166 {1167 $desktop_environment = 'Consort';1168 $desktop_version = null; // TODO: Haven't tested Consort Desktop yet1169 }1170 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('razor-desktop'))1171 {1172 $desktop_environment = 'Razor-qt';1173 $desktop_version = null; // TODO: Figure out how to determine razor version1174 }1175 else if(pts_client::is_process_running('icewm'))1176 {1177 $desktop_environment = 'IceWM';1178 $desktop_version = null;1179 }1180 if(!empty($desktop_environment))1181 {1182 $desktop = $desktop_environment;1183 if(!empty($desktop_version) && pts_strings::is_version($desktop_version))1184 {1185 $desktop .= ' ' . $desktop_version;1186 }1187 }1188 return $desktop;1189 }1190 public static function sw_display_server()1191 {1192 $display_servers = array();1193 if(phodevi::is_windows())1194 {1195 // TODO: determine what to do for Windows support1196 }1197 else1198 {1199 if(pts_client::is_process_running('weston'))1200 {1201 $info = 'Wayland Weston';1202 $vinfo = trim(shell_exec('weston --version 2>&1'));1203 if(pts_strings::last_in_string($vinfo) && pts_strings::is_version(pts_strings::last_in_string($vinfo)))1204 {1205 $info .= ' ' . pts_strings::last_in_string($vinfo);1206 }1207 array_push($display_servers, $info);1208 }1209 if(pts_client::is_process_running('unity-system-compositor'))1210 {1211 $unity_system_comp = trim(str_replace('unity-system-compositor', null, shell_exec('unity-system-compositor --version 2>&1')));1212 if(pts_strings::is_version($unity_system_comp))1213 {1214 array_push($display_servers, 'Unity-System-Compositor ' . $unity_system_comp);1215 }1216 }1217 if(($x_bin = (is_executable('/usr/libexec/Xorg.bin') ? '/usr/libexec/Xorg.bin' : false)) || ($x_bin = pts_client::executable_in_path('Xorg')) || ($x_bin = pts_client::executable_in_path('X')))1218 {1219 // Find graphics subsystem version1220 $info = shell_exec($x_bin . ' ' . (phodevi::is_solaris() ? ':0' : '') . ' -version 2>&1');1221 $pos = (($p = strrpos($info, 'Release Date')) !== false ? $p : strrpos($info, 'Build Date'));1222 $info = trim(substr($info, 0, $pos));1223 if($pos === false || getenv('DISPLAY') == false)1224 {1225 $info = null;1226 }1227 else if(($pos = strrpos($info, '(')) === false)1228 {1229 $info = trim(substr($info, strrpos($info, ' ')));1230 }1231 else1232 {1233 $info = trim(substr($info, strrpos($info, 'Server') + 6));1234 }1235 if($info != null)1236 {1237 array_push($display_servers, 'X Server ' . $info);1238 }1239 }1240 if(pts_client::is_process_running('surfaceflinger'))1241 {1242 array_push($display_servers, 'SurfaceFlinger');1243 }1244 if(pts_client::is_process_running('gnome-shell-wayland'))1245 {1246 array_push($display_servers, 'GNOME Shell Wayland');1247 }1248 if(empty($display_servers) && getenv('WAYLAND_DISPLAY') != false)1249 {1250 array_push($display_servers, 'Wayland');1251 }1252 }1253 return implode(' + ', $display_servers);1254 }1255 public static function sw_display_driver($with_version = true)1256 {1257 if(phodevi::is_windows())1258 {1259 return null;1260 }1261 $display_driver = phodevi::read_property('system', 'dri-display-driver');1262 if(empty($display_driver))1263 {1264 if(phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && phodevi::is_linux())1265 {1266 $display_driver = 'fglrx';1267 }1268 else if(phodevi::is_nvidia_graphics() || is_file('/proc/driver/nvidia/version'))1269 {1270 $display_driver = 'nvidia';1271 }1272 else if((phodevi::is_mesa_graphics() || phodevi::is_bsd()) && stripos(phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model'), 'NVIDIA') !== false)1273 {1274 if(is_file('/sys/class/drm/version'))1275 {1276 // If there's DRM loaded and NVIDIA, it should be Nouveau1277 $display_driver = 'nouveau';1278 }1279 else1280 {1281 // The dead xf86-video-nv doesn't use any DRM1282 $display_driver = 'nv';1283 }1284 }1285 else1286 {1287 // Fallback to hopefully detect the module, takes the first word off the GPU string and sees if it is the module1288 // This works in at least the case of the Cirrus driver1289 $display_driver = strtolower(pts_strings::first_in_string(phodevi::read_property('gpu', 'model')));1290 }1291 }1292 if(!empty($display_driver))1293 {1294 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($display_driver . '_drv');1295 if($driver_version == false || $driver_version == '1.0.0')1296 {1297 switch($display_driver)1298 {1299 case 'amd':1300 // See if it's radeon driver1301 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('radeon_drv');1302 if($driver_version != false)1303 {1304 $display_driver = 'radeon';1305 }1306 // See if it's the newer AMDGPU driver1307 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('amdgpu_drv');1308 if($driver_version != false)1309 {1310 $display_driver = 'amdgpu';1311 }1312 break;1313 case 'vmwgfx':1314 // See if it's VMware driver1315 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('vmware_drv');1316 if($driver_version != false)1317 {1318 $display_driver = 'vmware';1319 }1320 break;1321 case 'radeon':1322 // RadeonHD driver also reports DRI driver as 'radeon', so try reading that instead1323 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('radeonhd_drv');1324 if($driver_version != false)1325 {1326 $display_driver = 'radeonhd';1327 }1328 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version('amdgpu_drv');1329 if($driver_version != false)1330 {1331 $display_driver = 'amdgpu';1332 }1333 break;1334 case 'nvidia':1335 case 'NVIDIA':1336 case 'nouveau':1337 // NVIDIA's binary driver usually ends up reporting 1.0.01338 if(($nvs_value = phodevi_parser::read_nvidia_extension('NvidiaDriverVersion')))1339 {1340 $display_driver = 'NVIDIA';1341 $driver_version = $nvs_value;1342 }1343 else1344 {1345 // NVIDIA's binary driver appends their driver version on the end of the OpenGL version string1346 $glxinfo = phodevi_parser::software_glxinfo_version();1347 if(($pos = strpos($glxinfo, 'NVIDIA ')) != false)1348 {1349 $display_driver = 'NVIDIA';1350 $driver_version = substr($glxinfo, ($pos + 7));1351 }1352 }1353 break;1354 default:1355 if(is_readable('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name'))1356 {1357 // This path works for at least finding NVIDIA Tegra 2 DDX (via tegra_fb)1358 $display_driver = file_get_contents('/sys/class/graphics/fb0/name');1359 $display_driver = str_replace(array('drm', '_fb'), null, $display_driver);1360 $driver_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($display_driver . '_drv');1361 }1362 break;1363 }1364 }1365 if($driver_version == false)1366 {1367 // If the version is empty, chances are the DDX driver string is incorrect1368 $display_driver = null;1369 // See if the VESA or fbdev driver is in use1370 foreach(array('modesetting', 'fbdev', 'vesa') as $drv)1371 {1372 $drv_version = phodevi_parser::read_xorg_module_version($drv . '_drv');1373 if($drv_version)1374 {1375 $display_driver = $drv;1376 $driver_version = $drv_version;1377 break;1378 }1379 }1380 }1381 if(!empty($driver_version) && $with_version && $driver_version != '0.0.0')1382 {1383 $display_driver .= ' ' . $driver_version;1384 // XXX: The below check is disabled since the Catalyst Version no longer seems reliably reported (circa Catalyst 13.x)1385 if(false && phodevi::is_ati_graphics() && strpos($display_driver, 'fglrx') !== false)1386 {1387 $catalyst_version = phodevi_linux_parser::read_amd_pcsdb('AMDPCSROOT/SYSTEM/LDC,Catalyst_Version');1388 if($catalyst_version != null && $catalyst_version > 10.1 && $catalyst_version != 10.5 && $catalyst_version != 11.8)1389 {1390 // This option was introduced around Catalyst 10.5 but seems to not be updated properly until Catalyst 10.11/10.121391 $display_driver .= ' Catalyst ' . $catalyst_version . '';1392 }1393 }1394 }1395 }1396 return $display_driver;1397 }1398 public static function sw_opengl_driver()1399 {1400 // OpenGL version1401 $info = null;1402 if(phodevi::is_windows())1403 {1404 $info = null; // TODO: Windows support1405 }1406 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('nvidia-settings'))1407 {1408 $info = phodevi_parser::read_nvidia_extension('OpenGLVersion');1409 }1410 if($info == null)1411 {1412 $info = phodevi_parser::software_glxinfo_version();1413 if($info && ($pos = strpos($info, ' ')) != false && strpos($info, 'Mesa') === false)1414 {1415 $info = substr($info, 0, $pos);1416 }1417 $renderer = phodevi_parser::read_glx_renderer();1418 if($renderer && ($s = strpos($renderer, 'Gallium')) !== false)1419 {1420 $gallium = substr($renderer, $s);1421 $gallium = substr($gallium, 0, strpos($gallium, ' ', strpos($gallium, '.')));1422 $info .= ' ' . $gallium . '';1423 }1424 if($renderer && ($s = strpos($renderer, 'LLVM ')) !== false)1425 {1426 $llvm = substr($renderer, $s);1427 $llvm = substr($llvm, 0, strpos($llvm, ')'));1428 $info .= ' (' . $llvm . ')';1429 }1430 }1431 return $info;1432 }1433 public static function sw_vulkan_driver()1434 {1435 // Vulkan driver/version1436 $info = null;1437 if(isset(phodevi::$vfs->vulkaninfo))1438 {1439 if(($pos = strpos(phodevi::$vfs->vulkaninfo, 'Vulkan API Version:')) !== false)1440 {1441 $info = substr(phodevi::$vfs->vulkaninfo, $pos + 20);1442 $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n")));1443 }1444 }1445 if($info == null)1446 {1447 // A less than ideal fallback for some detection now1448 foreach(array_merge(pts_file_io::glob('/etc/vulkan/icd.d/*.json'), pts_file_io::glob('/usr/share/vulkan/icd.d/*.json')) as $icd_json)1449 {1450 $icd_json = json_decode(file_get_contents($icd_json), true);1451 if(isset($icd_json['ICD']['api_version']) && !empty($icd_json['ICD']['api_version']))1452 {1453 $info = trim($icd_json['ICD']['api_version']);1454 break;1455 }1456 }1457 }1458 return $info;1459 }1460 public static function sw_opencl_driver()1461 {1462 // OpenCL driver/version1463 $info = array();1464 if(isset(phodevi::$vfs->clinfo))1465 {1466 $sea = phodevi::$vfs->clinfo;1467 while(($pos = strpos($sea, 'Platform Version')) != false)1468 {1469 $sea = substr($sea, $pos + 18);1470 $info[] = trim(substr($sea, 0, strpos($sea, "\n")));1471 }1472 }1473 return implode(' + ', $info);1474 }1475 public static function sw_opengl_vendor()1476 {1477 // OpenGL version1478 $info = null;1479 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('glxinfo'))1480 {1481 $info = shell_exec('glxinfo 2>&1 | grep vendor');1482 if(($pos = strpos($info, 'OpenGL vendor string:')) !== false)1483 {1484 $info = substr($info, $pos + 22);1485 $info = trim(substr($info, 0, strpos($info, "\n")));1486 }1487 }1488 else if(is_readable('/dev/nvidia0'))1489 {1490 $info = 'NVIDIA';1491 }1492 else if(is_readable('/sys/module/fglrx/initstate') && pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/module/fglrx/initstate') == 'live')1493 {1494 $info = 'ATI';1495 }1496 else if(is_readable('/dev/dri/card0'))1497 {1498 $info = 'Mesa';1499 }1500 else if(phodevi::is_bsd() && phodevi_bsd_parser::read_sysctl('dev.nvidia.0.%driver'))1501 {1502 $info = 'NVIDIA';1503 }1504 return $info;1505 }1506 public static function sw_compiler_build_configuration($compiler)1507 {1508 $cc = shell_exec($compiler . ' -v 2>&1');1509 if(($t = stripos($cc, 'Configured with: ')) !== false)1510 {1511 $cc = substr($cc, ($t + 18));1512 $cc = substr($cc, 0, strpos($cc, PHP_EOL));1513 $cc = explode(' ', $cc);1514 array_shift($cc); // this should just be the configure call (i.e. ../src/configure)1515 $drop_arguments = array(1516 '--with-pkgversion=',1517 '--with-bugurl=',1518 '--prefix=',1519 '--program-suffix=',1520 '--libexecdir=',1521 '--infodir=',1522 '--libdir=',1523 '--with-cloog=',1524 '--with-isl=',1525 '--with-java-home=',1526 '--manddir=',1527 '--with-ecj-jar=',1528 '--with-jvm-jar-dir=',1529 '--with-jvm-root-dir=',1530 '--with-sysroot=',1531 '--with-gxx-include-dir=',1532 '--with-system-zlib',1533 '--enable-linker-build-id',1534 '--without-included-gettext'1535 );1536 foreach($cc as $i => $argument)1537 {1538 $arg_length = strlen($argument);1539 if($argument[0] != '-')1540 {1541 unset($cc[$i]);1542 }1543 else1544 {1545 foreach($drop_arguments as $check_to_drop)1546 {1547 $len = strlen($check_to_drop);1548 if($len <= $arg_length && substr($argument, 0, $len) == $check_to_drop)1549 {1550 unset($cc[$i]);1551 }1552 }1553 }1554 }1555 sort($cc);1556 $cc = implode(' ', $cc);1557 }1558 else if(($t = stripos($cc, 'clang')) !== false)1559 {1560 $cc = null;1561 // Clang doesn't report "configured with" but has other useful tid-bits...1562 if(($c = pts_client::executable_in_path('llvm-ld')) || ($c = pts_client::executable_in_path('llvm-link')))1563 {1564 $llvm_ld = shell_exec($c . ' -version 2>&1');1565 /*1566 EXAMPLE OUTPUT:1567 LLVM ( LLVM version 3.1svn1569 Optimized build.1570 Built Mar 23 2012 (08:53:34).1571 Default target: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu1572 Host CPU: corei7-avx1573 */1574 if(stripos($llvm_ld, 'build') && (stripos($llvm_ld, 'host') || stripos($llvm_ld, 'target')))1575 {1576 $llvm_ld = explode(PHP_EOL, $llvm_ld);1577 if(stripos($llvm_ld[0], 'http://'))1578 {1579 array_shift($llvm_ld);1580 }1581 if(stripos($llvm_ld[0], 'version'))1582 {1583 array_shift($llvm_ld);1584 }1585 foreach($llvm_ld as $i => &$line)1586 {1587 $line = trim($line);1588 if(substr($line, -1) == '.')1589 {1590 $line = substr($line, 0, -1);1591 }1592 if($line == null)1593 {1594 unset($llvm_ld[$i]);1595 }1596 }1597 $cc = implode('; ', $llvm_ld);1598 }1599 }1600 }1601 else1602 {1603 $cc = null;1604 }1605 return $cc;1606 }1607 public static function sw_dri_display_driver()1608 {1609 $dri_driver = false;1610 if(is_file('/proc/driver/nvidia/version'))1611 {1612 $dri_driver = 'nvidia';1613 }1614 else if(is_file('/proc/dri/0/name'))1615 {1616 $driver_info = file_get_contents('/proc/dri/0/name');1617 $dri_driver = substr($driver_info, 0, strpos($driver_info, ' '));1618 if(in_array($dri_driver, array('i915', 'i965')))1619 {1620 $dri_driver = 'intel';1621 }1622 }1623 else if(is_file('/sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor'))1624 {1625 $vendor_id = pts_file_io::file_get_contents('/sys/class/drm/card0/device/vendor');1626 switch($vendor_id)1627 {1628 case 0x1002:1629 $dri_driver = 'radeon';1630 break;1631 case 0x8086:1632 $dri_driver = 'intel';1633 break;1634 case 0x10de:1635 // NVIDIA1636 $dri_driver = 'nouveau';1637 break;1638 }1639 }1640 return $dri_driver;1641 }1642 public static function sw_java_version()1643 {1644 $java_version = trim(shell_exec('java -version 2>&1'));1645 if(strpos($java_version, 'not found') == false && strpos($java_version, 'Java') !== FALSE)1646 {1647 $java_version = explode("\n", $java_version);1648 if(($cut = count($java_version) - 2) > 0)1649 {1650 $v = $java_version[$cut];1651 }1652 else1653 {1654 $v = array_pop($java_version);1655 }1656 $java_version = trim($v);1657 }1658 else1659 {1660 $java_version = null;1661 }1662 return $java_version;1663 }1664 public static function sw_python_version()1665 {1666 $python_version = null;1667 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('python') != false)1668 {1669 $python_version = trim(shell_exec('python -V 2>&1'));1670 }1671 return $python_version;1672 }1673 public static function sw_wine_version()1674 {1675 $wine_version = null;1676 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('wine') != false)1677 {1678 $wine_version = trim(shell_exec('wine --version 2>&1'));1679 }1680 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('winecfg.exe') != false && pts_client::read_env('WINE_VERSION'))1681 {1682 $wine_version = trim(pts_client::read_env('WINE_VERSION'));1683 if(stripos($wine_version, 'wine') === false)1684 {1685 $wine_version = 'wine-' . $wine_version;1686 }1687 }1688 return $wine_version;1689 }1690}1691?>...

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Source:pts_network.php Github


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...365 public static function get_active_network_interface()366 {367 $dev = '';368 // try and get the device with the default route369 if ($ip = pts_client::executable_in_path('ip'))370 {371 $out = shell_exec("$ip route 2>&1");372 $start = strpos($out, ' dev ');373 if($start !== false)374 {375 $start += 5; // length of ' dev '376 if(($xx = strpos($out, ' ', $start)) !== false)377 {378 $dev = substr($out, $start, $xx - $start);379 }380 }381 }382 // we grab the last field of the `netstat -nr` output, betting on *bsd not expiring it's default route383 if(empty($dev) && $netstat = pts_client::executable_in_path('netstat')) {384 $out = shell_exec("$netstat -rn 2>&1");385 $lines = explode("\n", $out);386 foreach ($lines as $line) {387 $start = substr($line,0,7);388 if ($start == '' || $start === 'default') {389 $dev = trim(substr(trim($line),strrpos($line,' ')));390 return $dev;391 }392 }393 }394 return $dev;395 }396 public static function get_local_ip()397 {398 $local_ip = false;399 $interface = self::get_active_network_interface();400 if(($ifconfig = pts_client::executable_in_path('ifconfig')))401 {402 $ifconfig = shell_exec($ifconfig . " $interface 2>&1");403 $offset = 0;404 while(($ipv4_pos = strpos($ifconfig, 'inet addr:', $offset)) !== false)405 {406 $ipv4 = substr($ifconfig, $ipv4_pos + strlen('inet addr:'));407 $ipv4 = substr($ipv4, 0, strpos($ipv4, ' '));408 $local_ip = $ipv4;409 if($local_ip != '' && $local_ip != null)410 {411 break;412 }413 $offset = $ipv4_pos + 1;414 }415 if($local_ip == null)416 {417 while(($ipv4_pos = strpos($ifconfig, 'inet ', $offset)) !== false)418 {419 $ipv4 = substr($ifconfig, $ipv4_pos + strlen('inet '));420 $ipv4 = substr($ipv4, 0, strpos($ipv4, ' '));421 $local_ip = $ipv4;422 if($local_ip != '' && $local_ip != null)423 {424 break;425 }426 $offset = $ipv4_pos + 1;427 }428 }429 }430 else if(phodevi::is_windows())431 {432 $ipconfig = shell_exec('ipconfig');433 $offset = 0;434 while(($ipv4_pos = strpos($ipconfig, 'IPv4 Address.', $offset)) !== false)435 {436 $ipv4 = substr($ipconfig, $ipv4_pos);437 $ipv4 = substr($ipv4, strpos($ipv4, ': ') + 2);438 $ipv4 = substr($ipv4, 0, strpos($ipv4, "\n"));439 $local_ip = trim($ipv4);440 if($local_ip != '' && $local_ip != null && strpos($local_ip, '169.254') === false)441 {442 break;443 }444 $offset = $ipv4_pos + 3;445 }446 }447 else if(pts_client::executable_in_path('hostname'))448 {449 $hostname_i = explode(' ', trim(shell_exec('hostname -I 2>&1')));450 $hostname_i = array_shift($hostname_i);451 if(count(explode('.', $hostname_i)) == 4)452 {453 $local_ip = $hostname_i;454 }455 }456 if(empty($local_ip) && function_exists('net_get_interfaces'))457 {458 // The below code should work as of net_get_interfaces() as of PHP 7.3 in cross-platform manner459 $net_interfaces = net_get_interfaces();460 foreach($net_interfaces as $interface => $interface_info)461 {462 if(isset($interface_info['unicast'][1]['address']) && !empty($interface_info['unicast'][1]['address']) && $interface_info['unicast'][1]['address'] != '')463 {464 $local_ip = $interface_info['unicast'][1]['address'];465 break;466 }467 }468 }469 return $local_ip;470 }471 public static function get_network_mac()472 {473 $mac = false;474 if(phodevi::is_linux())475 {476 if($interface = self::get_active_network_interface())477 {478 $addr = "/sys/class/net/$interface/address";479 if(is_file($addr))480 {481 $mac = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($addr);482 }483 }484 if(empty($mac))485 {486 foreach(pts_file_io::glob('/sys/class/net/*/operstate') as $net_device_state)487 {488 if(pts_file_io::file_get_contents($net_device_state) == 'up')489 {490 $addr = dirname($net_device_state) . '/address';491 if(is_file($addr))492 {493 $mac = pts_file_io::file_get_contents($addr);494 break;495 }496 }497 }498 }499 }500 else if(phodevi::is_windows())501 {502 $getmac = shell_exec('getmac');503 $getmac = trim(substr($getmac, strpos($getmac, "\n", strpos($getmac, '======='))));504 $getmac = substr($getmac, 0, strpos($getmac, ' '));505 if(strlen($getmac) <= 17)506 {507 $mac = str_replace('-', ':', $getmac);508 }509 }510 if(empty($mac) && ($ifconfig = pts_client::executable_in_path('ifconfig')))511 {512 $ifconfig = shell_exec($ifconfig . ' 2>&1');513 $offset = 0;514 while(($hwaddr_pos = strpos($ifconfig, 'HWaddr ', $offset)) !== false || ($hwaddr_pos = strpos($ifconfig, 'ether ', $offset)) !== false)515 {516 $hw_addr = substr($ifconfig, $hwaddr_pos);517 $hw_addr = substr($hw_addr, (strpos($hw_addr, ' ') + 1));518 $hw_addr = substr($hw_addr, 0, strpos($hw_addr, ' '));519 if(($x = strpos($hw_addr, PHP_EOL)) != false)520 {521 $hw_addr = substr($hw_addr, 0, $x);522 }523 $mac = $hw_addr;524 if($mac != null)525 {526 break;527 }528 $offset = $hwaddr_pos + 1;529 }530 }531 if(empty($mac) && ($netstat = pts_client::executable_in_path('netstat')))532 {533 // Needed on at least OpenBSD as their `ifconfig` does not expose the MAC address534 $netstat = shell_exec($netstat . ' -in 2>&1');535 foreach(explode(PHP_EOL, $netstat) as $line)536 {537 $line = explode(' ', $line);538 foreach($line as $i => $r)539 {540 if($r == null)541 unset($line[$i]);542 }543 $line = array_values($line);544 if(!isset($line[3]))545 {546 continue;547 }548 $address = explode(':', $line[3]);549 if(count($address) == 6 && $address[0] != '00' && $address[5] != '00')550 {551 foreach($address as $seg)552 {553 if(strlen($seg) != 2)554 {555 continue;556 }557 }558 $mac = $line[3];559 }560 }561 }562 return $mac;563 }564 public static function get_network_wol()565 {566 static $wol_support = null;567 if($wol_support === null)568 {569 $wol_support = array();570 if(is_dir('/sys/class/net'))571 {572 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('ethtool'))573 {574 foreach(pts_file_io::glob('/sys/class/net/*') as $net_device)575 {576 if(!is_readable($net_device . '/operstate') || trim(file_get_contents($net_device . '/operstate')) != 'up')577 {578 continue;579 }580 $net_name = basename($net_device);581 $ethtool_output = shell_exec('ethtool ' . $net_name . ' 2>&1');582 if(($x = stripos($ethtool_output, 'Supports Wake-on: ')) !== false)583 {584 $ethtool_output = substr($ethtool_output, $x + strlen('Supports Wake-on: '));585 $ethtool_output = trim(substr($ethtool_output, 0, strpos($ethtool_output, PHP_EOL)));586 $wol_support[$net_name] = $net_name . ': ' . $ethtool_output;587 }588 }589 }590 if(empty($wol_support) && pts_client::executable_in_path('nmcli'))591 {592 foreach(pts_file_io::glob('/sys/class/net/*') as $net_device)593 {594 if(!is_readable($net_device . '/operstate') || trim(file_get_contents($net_device . '/operstate')) != 'up')595 {596 continue;597 }598 $net_name = basename($net_device);599 $ethtool_output = shell_exec('nmcli c show ' . $net_name . ' 2>&1');600 if(($x = stripos($ethtool_output, '.wake-on-lan:')) !== false)601 {602 $ethtool_output = substr($ethtool_output, $x + strlen('.wake-on-lan:'));603 $ethtool_output = trim(substr($ethtool_output, 0, strpos($ethtool_output, PHP_EOL)));604 if(strpos($ethtool_output, '1') || strpos($ethtool_output, 'default'))605 {606 shell_exec('nmcli connection modify ' . $net_name . ' 802-3-ethernet.wake-on-lan magic 2>&1'); // TODO this really needed?607 $wol_support[$net_name] = $net_name . ': g';608 }609 }610 }611 }612 }613 }614 return $wol_support;615 }616 public static function send_wol_packet($ip_address, $mac_address)617 {618 $hwaddr = null;619 foreach(explode(':', $mac_address) as $o)620 {621 $hwaddr .= chr(hexdec($o));622 }623 $packet = null;624 for($i = 1; $i <= 6; $i++)625 {626 $packet .= chr(255);627 }628 for($i = 1; $i <= 16; $i++)629 {630 $packet .= $hwaddr;631 }632 $sock = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP);633 if($sock)634 {635 $options = socket_set_option($sock, 1, 6, true);636 if($options >= 0)637 {638 $sendto = socket_sendto($sock, $packet, strlen($packet), 0, $ip_address, 7);639 socket_close($sock);640 return $sendto;641 }642 }643 return false;644 }645 public static function find_zeroconf_phoromatic_servers($find_multiple = false)646 {647 $hosts = $find_multiple ? array() : null;648 if(!pts_network::network_support_available())649 {650 return $hosts;651 }652 if(PTS_IS_CLIENT && pts_client::executable_in_path('avahi-browse'))653 {654 $avahi_browse = explode(PHP_EOL, shell_exec('avahi-browse -p -r -t _http._tcp 2>&1'));655 foreach(array_reverse($avahi_browse) as $avahi_line)656 {657 if(strrpos($avahi_line, 'phoromatic-server') !== false)658 {659 $avahi_line = explode(';', $avahi_line);660 if(isset($avahi_line[8]) && ip2long($avahi_line[7]) !== false && is_numeric($avahi_line[8]))661 {662 $server_ip = $avahi_line[7];663 $server_port = $avahi_line[8];664 //echo $server_ip . ':' . $server_port;665 if($find_multiple)666 {...

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Source:toggle_screensaver.php Github


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...49 // Right now there doesn't appear to be a better way to disable OS X screensaver automatically...50 return pts_module::MODULE_UNLOAD;51 }52 // GNOME Screensaver?53 if(($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool')) != false || ($gt = pts_client::executable_in_path('gconftool-2')) != false)54 {55 self::$gnome_gconftool = $gt;56 }57 if(self::$gnome_gconftool != false)58 {59 $is_gnome_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled 2>&1'));60 if($is_gnome_screensaver_enabled == 'true')61 {62 // Stop the GNOME Screensaver63 shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled false 2>&1');64 self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted = true;65 }66 $sleep_display_ac = trim(shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' -g /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 2>&1'));67 if($sleep_display_ac != 0)68 {69 // Don't sleep the display when on AC power70 shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type int --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac 0 2>&1');71 self::$sleep_display_ac = $sleep_display_ac;72 }73 }74 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('qdbus'))75 {76 // KDE Screensaver?77 $is_kde_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive 2>&1'));78 if($is_kde_screensaver_enabled == 'true')79 {80 // Stop the KDE Screensaver81 shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver SimulateUserActivity 2>&1');82 self::$kde_screensaver_halted = true;83 }84 }85 if(self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('gsettings'))86 {87 // GNOME 3.x Screensaver?88 $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 2>&1'));89 if(stripos($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled) > 0)90 {91 // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver92 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0 2>&1');93 self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted = pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled);94 }95 // GNOME 3.x Lock-Screen96 $is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 2>&1'));97 if(stripos($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled, 'no such key') === false && pts_strings::last_in_string($is_gnome3_lockscreen_enabled) == 'false')98 {99 // Stop the GNOME 3.x Lock Screen100 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen true 2>&1');101 self::$gnome3_lockscreen_disabled = true;102 }103 // This GNOME3 GSettings method is deprecated on distributions like GNOME 3.8 with Fedora 19104 $is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled 2>&1'));105 if($is_gnome3_screensaver_enabled_old == 'true')106 {107 // Stop the GNOME 3.x Screensaver108 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled false 2>&1');109 self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old = true;110 }111 // GNOME 3.x Sleep Dispaly?112 $is_gnome3_sleep = trim(shell_exec('gsettings get org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 2>&1'));113 if($is_gnome3_sleep > 0)114 {115 // Stop the GNOME 3.x Display Sleep116 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac 0 2>&1');117 self::$sleep_display_ac = $is_gnome3_sleep;118 }119 }120 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('xfconf-query'))121 {122 $is_xfce_screensaver_enabled = stripos(shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -p /startup/screensaver/enabled 2>&1'), 'false') !== false;123 if($is_xfce_screensaver_enabled)124 {125 shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -n -t bool -p /startup/screensaver/enabled -s false 2>&1');126 self::$xfce_screensaver_halted = true;127 }128 }129 if(getenv('DISPLAY') != false && (self::$xset = pts_client::executable_in_path('xset')))130 {131 shell_exec('xset s off 2>&1');132 }133 else if(getenv('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('setterm'))134 {135 shell_exec('setterm -powersave off -blank 0 2>&1');136 }137 if(self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted || self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old || self::$kde_screensaver_halted || self::$xfce_screensaver_halted)138 {139 self::$screensaver_halted = true;140 }141 if(($xdg = pts_client::executable_in_path('xdg-screensaver')) == false)142 {143 self::$xdg_screensaver_available = $xdg;144 }145 if(($xscreensaver = pts_client::executable_in_path('xscreensaver-command')))146 {147 shell_exec($xscreensaver . ' -exit 2>&1');148 }149 }150 public static function __shutdown()151 {152 if(self::$sleep_display_ac)153 {154 // Restore the screen sleep state when on AC power155 if(pts_client::executable_in_path('gsettings'))156 {157 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.plugins.power sleep-display-ac ' . self::$sleep_display_ac . ' 2>&1');158 }159 else160 {161 shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type int --set /apps/gnome-power-manager/timeout/sleep_display_ac ' . self::$sleep_display_ac . ' 2>&1');162 }163 }164 if(self::$gnome2_screensaver_halted == true)165 {166 // Restore the GNOME Screensaver167 shell_exec(self::$gnome_gconftool . ' --type bool --set /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled true 2>&1');168 }169 if(self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted)170 {171 // Restore the GNOME Screensaver172 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay ' . self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted . ' 2>&1');173 }174 if(self::$gnome3_lockscreen_disabled)175 {176 // Restore the lock screen177 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen false 2>&1');178 }179 if(self::$gnome3_screensaver_halted_old == true)180 {181 // Restore the GNOME Screensaver182 shell_exec('gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.screensaver idle-activation-enabled true 2>&1');183 }184 if(self::$xfce_screensaver_halted)185 {186 shell_exec('xfconf-query -c xfce4-session -n -t bool -p /startup/screensaver/enabled -s true 2>&1');187 }188 if(self::$kde_screensaver_halted == true)189 {190 // Restore the KDE Screensaver191 shell_exec('qdbus org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver /ScreenSaver org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.SetActive true 2>&1');192 }193 if(self::$xset)194 {195 shell_exec('xset s default 2>&1');196 }197 if(getenv('DISPLAY') == false && pts_client::executable_in_path('setterm'))198 {199 shell_exec('setterm -reset 2>&1');200 }201 }202 public static function xdg_screensaver_reset()203 {204 if(!self::$screensaver_halted && self::$xdg_screensaver_available)205 {206 shell_exec(self::$xdg_screensaver_available . ' reset 2>&1');207 }208 if(($xscreensaver = pts_client::executable_in_path('xscreensaver-command')))209 {210 shell_exec($xscreensaver . ' -deactivate 2>&1');211 }212 }213 public static function __pre_option_process()214 {215 self::xdg_screensaver_reset();216 }217 public static function __pre_run_process()218 {219 self::xdg_screensaver_reset();220 }221 public static function __pre_test_run()222 {...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$pts = new pts_client();2$pts->executable_in_path('ls');3$pts = new pts_client();4$pts->executable_in_path('ls');5$pts = new pts_client();6$pts->executable_in_path('ls');7$pts = new pts_client();8$pts->executable_in_path('ls');9$pts = new pts_client();10$pts->executable_in_path('ls');11$pts = new pts_client();12$pts->executable_in_path('ls');13$pts = new pts_client();14$pts->executable_in_path('ls');15$pts = new pts_client();16$pts->executable_in_path('ls');17$pts = new pts_client();18$pts->executable_in_path('ls');19$pts = new pts_client();20$pts->executable_in_path('ls');21$pts = new pts_client();22$pts->executable_in_path('ls');23$pts = new pts_client();24$pts->executable_in_path('ls');25$pts = new pts_client();26$pts->executable_in_path('ls');27$pts = new pts_client();28$pts->executable_in_path('ls');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_client.php');2$pts_client = new pts_client();3$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');4require_once('pts_client.php');5$pts_client = new pts_client();6$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');7require_once('pts_client.php');8$pts_client = new pts_client();9$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');10require_once('pts_client.php');11$pts_client = new pts_client();12$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');13require_once('pts_client.php');14$pts_client = new pts_client();15$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');16require_once('pts_client.php');17$pts_client = new pts_client();18$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');19require_once('pts_client.php');20$pts_client = new pts_client();21$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');22require_once('pts_client.php');23$pts_client = new pts_client();24$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');25require_once('pts_client.php');26$pts_client = new pts_client();27$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');28require_once('pts_client.php');29$pts_client = new pts_client();30$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');31require_once('pts_client.php');32$pts_client = new pts_client();33$pts_client->executable_in_path('ls');34require_once('

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_client.php');2$pts_client = new pts_client();3if($pts_client->executable_in_path('php'))4{5echo 'php is installed';6}7{8echo 'php is not installed';9}101 Comment May 12, 2017 at 2:34 pm Hi, I am using your code to check if the user has php installed on his system. But I am getting a false positive. I am using this code: if($pts_client->executable_in_path(‘php’)){ echo ‘php is installed’; } else { echo ‘php is not installed’; } and it is returning php is installed even tho php is not installed on my system. I am using php 5.6.30 Reply

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_client.php');2$pts = new pts_client();3echo $pts->executable_in_path('php');4echo $pts->executable_in_path('php5');5echo $pts->executable_in_path('php5.1');6echo $pts->executable_in_path('php5.1.2');7echo $pts->executable_in_path('php5.1.2.3');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once('pts_client.php');2$pts = new pts_client();3$program = 'php';4if($pts->executable_in_path($program)){5 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is in the path';6}else{7 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is not in the path';8}9include_once('pts_client.php');10$pts = new pts_client();11$program = 'php2';12if($pts->executable_in_path($program)){13 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is in the path';14}else{15 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is not in the path';16}17include_once('pts_client.php');18$pts = new pts_client();19$program = 'php';20$path = '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin';21if($pts->executable_in_path($program, $path)){22 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is in the path';23}else{24 echo 'The program ' . $program . ' is not in the path';25}26include_once('pts_client.php');

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_client.php');2$exec_name = "gcc";3if(pts_client::executable_in_path($exec_name))4{5 echo "Executable found in path";6}7{8 echo "Executable not found in path";9}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1include_once 'pts_client.php';2if(isset($_POST['path']) && isset($_POST['executable'])){3 $path = $_POST['path'];4 $executable = $_POST['executable'];5 $result = pts_client::executable_in_path($path, $executable);6 echo $result;7}8include_once 'pts_client.php';9if(isset($_POST['path']) && isset($_POST['executable'])){10 $path = $_POST['path'];11 $executable = $_POST['executable'];12 $result = pts_client::executable_in_path($path, $executable);13 echo $result;14}15include_once 'pts_client.php';16if(isset($_POST['path']) && isset($_POST['executable'])){17 $path = $_POST['path'];18 $executable = $_POST['executable'];19 $result = pts_client::executable_in_path($path, $executable);20 echo $result;21}

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('pts_client.php');2$program_name = 'php';3$program_installed = pts_client::executable_in_path($program_name);4if ($program_installed) {5 $program_path = pts_client::executable_in_path($program_name, true);6 echo "The program $program_name is installed in the system at $program_path";7} else {8 echo "The program $program_name is not installed in the system";9}10require_once('pts_client.php');11$program_name = 'php';12$program_installed = pts_client::executable_in_path($program_name);13if ($program_installed) {14 $program_path = pts_client::executable_in_path($program_name, true);15 echo "The program $program_name is installed in the system at $program_path";16} else {17 echo "The program $program_name is not installed in the system";18}

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