How to use calculateMode method of has class

Best VfsStream code snippet using has.calculateMode


Source:vfsStreamWrapper.php Github


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...229 trigger_error('Illegal mode ' . $mode . ', use r, w, a, x or c, flavoured with b and/or +', E_USER_WARNING);230 }231 return false;232 }233 $this->mode = $this->calculateMode($mode, $extended);234 $path = $this->resolvePath(vfsStream::path($path));235 $this->content = $this->getContentOfType($path, vfsStreamContent::TYPE_FILE);236 if (null !== $this->content) {237 if (self::WRITE === $mode) {238 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {239 trigger_error('File ' . $path . ' already exists, can not open with mode x', E_USER_WARNING);240 }241 return false;242 }243 if (244 (self::TRUNCATE === $mode || self::APPEND === $mode) &&245 $this->content->isWritable(vfsStream::getCurrentUser(), vfsStream::getCurrentGroup()) === false246 ) {247 return false;248 }249 if (self::TRUNCATE === $mode) {250 $this->content->openWithTruncate();251 } elseif (self::APPEND === $mode) {252 $this->content->openForAppend();253 } else {254 if (!$this->content->isReadable(vfsStream::getCurrentUser(), vfsStream::getCurrentGroup())) {255 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {256 trigger_error('Permission denied', E_USER_WARNING);257 }258 return false;259 }260 $this->content->open();261 }262 return true;263 }264 $content = $this->createFile($path, $mode, $options);265 if (false === $content) {266 return false;267 }268 $this->content = $content;269 return true;270 }271 /**272 * creates a file at given path273 *274 * @param string $path the path to open275 * @param string $mode mode for opening276 * @param string $options options for opening277 * @return bool278 */279 private function createFile($path, $mode = null, $options = null)280 {281 $names = $this->splitPath($path);282 if (empty($names['dirname']) === true) {283 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {284 trigger_error('File ' . $names['basename'] . ' does not exist', E_USER_WARNING);285 }286 return false;287 }288 $dir = $this->getContentOfType($names['dirname'], vfsStreamContent::TYPE_DIR);289 if (null === $dir) {290 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {291 trigger_error('Directory ' . $names['dirname'] . ' does not exist', E_USER_WARNING);292 }293 return false;294 } elseif ($dir->hasChild($names['basename']) === true) {295 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {296 trigger_error('Directory ' . $names['dirname'] . ' already contains a director named ' . $names['basename'], E_USER_WARNING);297 }298 return false;299 }300 if (self::READ === $mode) {301 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {302 trigger_error('Can not open non-existing file ' . $path . ' for reading', E_USER_WARNING);303 }304 return false;305 }306 if ($dir->isWritable(vfsStream::getCurrentUser(), vfsStream::getCurrentGroup()) === false) {307 if (($options & STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) === STREAM_REPORT_ERRORS) {308 trigger_error('Can not create new file in non-writable path ' . $names['dirname'], E_USER_WARNING);309 }310 return false;311 }312 return vfsStream::newFile($names['basename'])->at($dir);313 }314 /**315 * calculates the file mode316 *317 * @param string $mode opening mode: r, w, a or x318 * @param bool $extended true if + was set with opening mode319 * @return int320 */321 protected function calculateMode($mode, $extended)322 {323 if (true === $extended) {324 return self::ALL;325 }326 if (self::READ === $mode) {327 return self::READONLY;328 }329 return self::WRITEONLY;330 }331 /**332 * closes the stream333 */334 public function stream_close()335 {...

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Source:index.php Github


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...65};66/**67 * Returns RGB values to be used for the strip.68 */69function calculateMode($clouds, $isDay)70{71 $settings = json_decode(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/settings.json'));72 $intensity = $settings->intensity;73 $mode = $settings->mode;74 /**75 * Protection, 1000% of certainty76 */77 if ($mode == 'user') {78 $userColor = json_decode(file_get_contents("../Led/Color/userColor.json"), true);79 $red = $userColor['red'];80 $green = $userColor['green'];81 $blue = $userColor['blue'];82 echo "\"red\": \"$red\",";83 echo "\"green\": \"$green\",";84 echo "\"blue\": \"$blue\",";85 echo "\"mode\": \"$mode\",";86 return [87 'red' => $red,88 'green' => $green,89 'blue' => $blue90 ];91 }92 /**93 * Automatic lights settings94 */95 else if ($mode == 'automatic') {96 /** Do something only if the sensor reports dark */97 $sensorIsDark = sensorIsDark();98 if ($sensorIsDark) {99 /** Normally it is 90% of maximum */100 $red = 255 * 90 / 100;101 $green = 255 * 90 / 100;102 $blue = 255 * 90 / 100;103 if ($isDay) {104 /** if it is cloudy, it gets more light */105 if ($clouds > 90) {106 $red = $clouds * $red / 100;107 $green = $clouds * $green / 100;108 $blue = $clouds * $blue / 100;109 }110 /** If it is night, there will be no blue color */111 } else {112 $blue = 0;113 }114 /** Counting in the intensity */115 $red = round($red * $intensity / 100);116 $green = round($green * $intensity / 100);117 $blue = round($blue * $intensity / 100);118 $isDay = intval($isDay);119 /** Construct the response */120 echo "\"isDay\": \"$isDay\",";121 echo "\"clouds\": \"$clouds\",";122 echo "\"intensity\": \"$intensity\",";123 echo "\"red\": \"$red\",";124 echo "\"green\": \"$green\",";125 echo "\"blue\": \"$blue\",";126 echo "\"mode\": \"$mode\",";127 return [128 'red' => $red,129 'green' => $green,130 'blue' => $blue131 ];132 }133 /** Sensor reported no darkness */134 else {135 echo "\"mode\": \"$mode\",";136 echo "\"status\": \"Sensor reported enough light, LED is off\",";137 return [138 'red' => 0,139 'green' => 0,140 'blue' => 0141 ];142 }143 } else {144 echo "\"mode\": \"$mode\",";145 echo "\"status\": \"The 'mode' parameter is not properly specified\",";146 }147};148/**149 * execute what is supposed to happen 150 */151$colors = calculateMode($clouds, isDay(intval($sunrise), intval($sunset), intval($now)));152/** get values to variables */153$red = $colors['red'];154$green = $colors['green'];155$blue = $colors['blue'];156/** call endpoint with colors */157$output = shell_exec("sudo curl 'localhost/Led/Color/?mode=rgb&red=$red&green=$green&blue=$blue'");158echo "\"page\": \"automation\"}";...

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$has = new Has();2$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);3$has = new Has();4$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);5$has = new Has();6$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);7$has = new Has();8$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);9$has = new Has();10$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);11$has = new Has();12$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);13$has = new Has();14$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);15$has = new Has();16$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);17$has = new Has();18$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);19$has = new Has();20$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$has = new Has();2$has->calculateMode($array);3$has = new Has();4$has->calculateMode($array);5$has = new Has();6$has->calculateMode($array);7$has = new Has();8$has->calculateMode($array);9$has = new Has();10$has->calculateMode($array);11$has = new Has();12$has->calculateMode($array);13$has = new Has();14$has->calculateMode($array);15$has = new Has();16$has->calculateMode($array);17$has = new Has();18$has->calculateMode($array);19$has = new Has();20$has->calculateMode($array);21$has = new Has();22$has->calculateMode($array);23$has = new Has();24$has->calculateMode($array);25$has = new Has();26$has->calculateMode($array);27$has = new Has();28$has->calculateMode($array);29$has = new Has();30$has->calculateMode($array);31$has = new Has();32$has->calculateMode($array);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);2echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);3echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);4echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);5echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);6echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);7echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);8echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);9echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);10echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);11echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);12echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);13echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);14echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);15echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);16echo "Mode is: ".has::calculateMode($arr);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once 'has.php';2$has = new Has();3$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);4require_once 'has.php';5$has = new Has();6$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);7require_once 'has.php';8$has = new Has();9$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);10require_once 'has.php';11$has = new Has();12$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);13require_once 'has.php';14$has = new Has();15$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);16require_once 'has.php';17$has = new Has();18$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);19require_once 'has.php';20$has = new Has();21$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);22require_once 'has.php';23$has = new Has();24$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);25require_once 'has.php';26$has = new Has();27$has->calculateMode(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1$obj = new Hash();2$obj->calculateMode($arr);3$obj = new Hash();4$obj->calculateMode($arr);5$obj = new Hash();6$obj->calculateMode($arr);7$obj = new Hash();8$obj->calculateMode($arr);9$obj = new Hash();10$obj->calculateMode($arr);11$obj = new Hash();12$obj->calculateMode($arr);13$obj = new Hash();14$obj->calculateMode($arr);15$obj = new Hash();16$obj->calculateMode($arr);17$obj = new Hash();18$obj->calculateMode($arr);19$obj = new Hash();20$obj->calculateMode($arr);21$obj = new Hash();22$obj->calculateMode($arr);23$obj = new Hash();24$obj->calculateMode($arr);25$obj = new Hash();26$obj->calculateMode($arr);27$obj = new Hash();28$obj->calculateMode($arr);29$obj = new Hash();30$obj->calculateMode($arr);31$obj = new Hash();32$obj->calculateMode($arr);33$obj = new Hash();34$obj->calculateMode($arr);

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once( 'has.php' );2$has = new Has();3$has->calculateMode( 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 );4require_once( 'has.php' );5$has = new Has();6$has->calculateMode( 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 );7require_once( 'has.php' );8$has = new Has();9$has->calculateMode( 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 );10require_once( 'has.php' );11$has = new Has();12$has->calculateMode( 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 );13require_once( 'has.php' );14$has = new Has();15$has->calculateMode( 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 );16require_once( 'has.php' );17$has = new Has();18$has->calculateMode( 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 );19require_once( 'has.php' );20$has = new Has();21$has->calculateMode( 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 );22require_once( 'has.php' );23$has = new Has();24$has->calculateMode( 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 );25require_once( 'has.php' );26$has = new Has();27$has->calculateMode( 11, 12, 13, 14, 15 );28require_once( 'has.php' );29$has = new Has();30$has->calculateMode(

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Using AI Code Generation


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1require_once('has.php');2$has = new Has();3$has->calculateMode();4require_once('has.php');5$has = new Has();6echo "Mode is: " . $has->calculateMode();7require_once('has.php');8$has = new Has();9$mode = $has->calculateMode();10echo "Mode is: " . $mode;11require_once('has.php');12$has = new Has();13$mode = $has->calculateMode();14echo $mode;15require_once('has.php');16$has = new Has();17echo $has->calculateMode();18require_once('has.php');19$has = new Has();20$has->calculateMode();

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