How to use set_serial method in ATX

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...66 response =, {})67 self.assertEqual(68 http.client.BAD_REQUEST, response.status_code, response.content69 )70 def test_can_set_serial(self):71 zone_serial.create_if_not_exists()72 self.become_admin()73 uri = get_domains_uri()74 serial = random.randint(1, INT_MAX)75 response = uri, {"op": "set_serial", "serial": str(serial)}77 )78 self.assertEqual(79 http.client.OK, response.status_code, response.content80 )81 # The handler forces a DNS reload by creating a new DNS publication,82 # so the serial has already been incremented.83 self.assertEqual(serial + 1, next(zone_serial))84 def test_set_serial_rejects_serials_less_than_1(self):...

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...7 print("FPS succesfully set to "+str(fps_count))8 else:9 print("FPS setting FAILED!")10 11def set_serial(left,right):12 line=str(int(left))+' '+str(int(right))+'\n'13 wiringpi.serialPuts(serial,line)14 15def process_angle_error(angle,error):16 global clock17 clock+=118 if(clock>divider):19 clock=020 KP=1.2521 if abs(angle)<15: #1022 KP=1.7523 AP=1.2524 speed=10025 steering = error * KP + angle * AP26 if steering == 0:27 port1=speed28 port2=speed29 else:30 if steering > 0:31 steering = 100 - steering32 port2=speed33 port1=speed*steering/10034 else:35 steering = steering * -136 steering = 100 - steering;37 port1=speed38 port2=speed*steering/10039 max_backward_speed=5040 if port1<-max_backward_speed:41 port1=-max_backward_speed #right42 if port2<-max_backward_speed:43 port2=-max_backward_speed #left44 set_serial(port2,port1)45 46def remove_noise(followed_line,errode_iterations,dilate_iterations):47 kernel = numpy.ones((3,3), numpy.uint8)48 followed_line = cv2.erode(followed_line, kernel, iterations=errode_iterations) #549 followed_line = cv2.dilate(followed_line, kernel, iterations=dilate_iterations) #1050 return followed_line51def compute_angle(width, height, angle):52 if angle < -90 or (width > height and angle < 0):53 return 90 + angle54 if width < height and angle > 0:55 return (90 - angle) * -1 56 return angle57def print_numbers(frame, angle, distance,intersection):58 angle_pos=(0,97*resolution[1]//100)59 error_pos=(0,12*resolution[1]//100)60 inters_pos=(93*resolution[0]//100,97*resolution[1]//100)61 cv2.putText(frame, str(angle), angle_pos, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0,0,255), 1)62 cv2.putText(frame, str(distance), error_pos, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (255,0,0), 1)63 if(intersection):64 cv2.putText(frame, "S", inters_pos, cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 0.6, (0,255,255), 2)65 66def pre_process_frame(frame):67 #wykrywanie niebieskiej linii68 hsv = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) 69 lower_bound_blue = numpy.array([100,40,40]) 70 upper_bound_blue = numpy.array([140,255,255]) 71 followed_line = cv2.inRange(hsv, lower_bound_blue, upper_bound_blue)72 followed_line = remove_noise(followed_line,5,5)73 cv2.imshow(WINDOW_2, followed_line)74 #return clean image used to find rectangles75 return followed_line 76 77def process_frame(frame, resolution, last_followed):78 x_res, y_res = resolution79 x_last, y_last = last_followed80 distance, angle = 0, 081 followed_line=pre_process_frame(frame)82 image, contours, hierarchy = cv2.findContours(followed_line, cv2.RETR_TREE, cv2.CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE)83 84 if len(contours) > 0:85 if len(contours) == 1:86 selection = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[0])87 else:88 possible_selections = []89 off_bottom_selections = []90 91 for i in range(len(contours)):92 selection = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i])93 (x, y), (width, height), angle = selection94 (x_bottom, y_bottom) = cv2.boxPoints(selection)[0] #first vertex is always the closest to the bottom95 if y_bottom >= y_res - 1:96 last_followed_distance = ((x_last - x) ** 2 + (y_last - y) ** 2) ** 0.597 off_bottom_selections.append((last_followed_distance, i))98 99 possible_selections.append((y_bottom, i))100 101 off_bottom_selections = sorted(off_bottom_selections)102 if len(off_bottom_selections) > 0:103 last_followed_distance, i = off_bottom_selections[0]104 selection = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i])105 else:106 possible_selections = sorted(possible_selections)107 y_bottom, i = possible_selections[-1]108 109 selection = cv2.minAreaRect(contours[i])110 111 (x, y), (width, height), angle = selection112 113 if width*height>0.6*resolution[0]*resolution[1]:114 intersection=True115 angle=0116 else:117 intersection=False118 angle = int(compute_angle(width, height, angle))119 #right-angle turns detection routine120 if width*height>0.2*resolution[0]*resolution[1] and not width*height>0.6*resolution[0]*resolution[1]:121 if abs(angle)>70:122 if angle<0 and x>resolution[0]*0.5 and y>resolution[0]*0.5:123 print("Right!")124 angle=80125 elif angle>0 and x<resolution[0]*0.5 and y>resolution[0]*0.5:126 print("Left!")127 angle=-80 128 middle = int(x_res / 2)129 distance = int(x - middle)130 box = cv2.boxPoints(selection)131 box = numpy.int0(box)132 133 box_color=(0, 0, 255) #red normal134 if intersection:135 box_color= (0, 255, 255) #yellow on intersection136 cv2.drawContours(frame, [box], 0, box_color, 3)137 cv2.line(frame, (int(x), int(resolution[1]*0.6)), (int(x), int(resolution[1]*0.4)), (255,0,0), 1)138 print_numbers(frame, angle, distance,intersection)139 process_angle_error(angle, 100*distance/(x_res/2.0)) #process angle accepts percents now only!140 return distance, angle, (x_last, y_last)141def finish():142 global serial143 cap.release()144 cv2.destroyAllWindows()145 wiringpi.serialPuts(serial,"0 0\n")146 wiringpi.serialClose(serial)147 exit()148def manual_steering():149 set_serial(0,0)150 manual_steering_speed=100151 while(True):152 ret, frame = cv2.imshow(PROGRAM_NAME, frame)154 pre_process_frame(frame)155 key=cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF156 if key == ord(' '):157 set_serial(0,0)158 if key == ord('w'):159 set_serial(manual_steering_speed,manual_steering_speed)160 if key == ord('s'):161 set_serial(-manual_steering_speed,-manual_steering_speed)162 if key == ord('a'):163 set_serial(-manual_steering_speed*0.8,manual_steering_speed*0.8)164 if key == ord('d'):165 set_serial(manual_steering_speed*0.8,-manual_steering_speed*0.8)166 if key == ord('e'):167 break168 if key == ord('q'):169 finish()170 171def main_loop():172 last_followed = int(resolution[0] / 2), int(resolution[1] / 2)173 while(True):174 ret, frame = distance, angle, last_followed = process_frame(frame, resolution, last_followed)176 temp_frame=cv2.resize(frame,(resolution[0]*2,2*resolution[1]))177 cv2.imshow(PROGRAM_NAME, temp_frame)178 key=cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF179 if key == ord('q'):...

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...6class EngineAsync():7 def __init__(self):8 self.__sn = None910 def set_serial(self, sn, done_id):11 self.__sn = sn12 log.debug("done_id: {} set_serial: {}".format(done_id, self.__sn))13 14 def get_serial(self, done_id):15 log.debug("done_id: {} get_serial: {}".format(done_id, self.__sn))16 return self.__sn1718class Engine(EngineAsync):19 def __init__(self):20 super().__init__()21 self.__name = "name"22 self.__done_id = 12324 def __quard(self, func):25 def inner(*args, **kwargs):26 log.debug("Decorated")27 return func(*args, self.__done_id, **kwargs)28 return inner2930 def set_serial(self, sn):31 self.__quard(super().set_serial)(sn)32 33 def get_serial(self):34 return self.__quard(super().get_serial)()3536def main():37 engine = Engine()38 engine.set_serial(123321)39 log.debug(engine.get_serial())4041if __name__ == "__main__": ...

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