How to use _is_acl_accessible method in autotest

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...134 def pop_host(self, host_id):135 return self._hosts_available.pop(host_id)136 def ineligible_hosts_for_entry(self, queue_entry):137 return set(self._ineligible_hosts.get(queue_entry.job_id, ()))138 def _is_acl_accessible(self, host_id, queue_entry):139 job_acls = self._job_acls.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())140 host_acls = self._host_acls.get(host_id, set())141 return len(host_acls.intersection(job_acls)) > 0142 def _check_job_dependencies(self, job_dependencies, host_labels):143 missing = job_dependencies - host_labels144 return len(missing) == 0145 def _check_only_if_needed_labels(self, job_dependencies, host_labels,146 queue_entry):147 if not queue_entry.meta_host:148 # bypass only_if_needed labels when a specific host is selected149 return True150 for label_id in host_labels:151 label = self._labels[label_id]152 if not label.only_if_needed:153 # we don't care about non-only_if_needed labels154 continue155 if queue_entry.meta_host == label_id:156 # if the label was requested in a metahost it's OK157 continue158 if label_id not in job_dependencies:159 return False160 return True161 def _check_atomic_group_labels(self, host_labels, queue_entry):162 """163 Determine if the given HostQueueEntry's atomic group settings are okay164 to schedule on a host with the given labels.165 @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.166 @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry being considered for the host.167 @returns True if atomic group settings are okay, False otherwise.168 """169 return (self._get_host_atomic_group_id(host_labels, queue_entry) ==170 queue_entry.atomic_group_id)171 def _get_host_atomic_group_id(self, host_labels, queue_entry=None):172 """173 Return the atomic group label id for a host with the given set of174 labels if any, or None otherwise. Raises an exception if more than175 one atomic group are found in the set of labels.176 @param host_labels: A list of label ids that the host has.177 @param queue_entry: The HostQueueEntry we're testing. Only used for178 extra info in a potential logged error message.179 @returns The id of the atomic group found on a label in host_labels180 or None if no atomic group label is found.181 """182 atomic_labels = [self._labels[label_id] for label_id in host_labels183 if self._labels[label_id].atomic_group_id is not None]184 atomic_ids = set(label.atomic_group_id for label in atomic_labels)185 if not atomic_ids:186 return None187 if len(atomic_ids) > 1:188 logging.error('More than one Atomic Group on HQE "%s" via: %r',189 queue_entry, atomic_labels)190 return atomic_ids.pop()191 def _get_atomic_group_labels(self, atomic_group_id):192 """193 Lookup the label ids that an atomic_group is associated with.194 @param atomic_group_id - The id of the AtomicGroup to look up.195 @returns A generator yeilding Label ids for this atomic group.196 """197 return (id for id, label in self._labels.iteritems()198 if label.atomic_group_id == atomic_group_id199 and not label.invalid)200 def _get_eligible_host_ids_in_group(self, group_hosts, queue_entry):201 """202 @param group_hosts - A sequence of Host ids to test for usability203 and eligibility against the Job associated with queue_entry.204 @param queue_entry - The HostQueueEntry that these hosts are being205 tested for eligibility against.206 @returns A subset of group_hosts Host ids that are eligible for the207 supplied queue_entry.208 """209 return set(host_id for host_id in group_hosts210 if self.is_host_usable(host_id)211 and self.is_host_eligible_for_job(host_id, queue_entry))212 def is_host_eligible_for_job(self, host_id, queue_entry):213 if self._is_host_invalid(host_id):214 # if an invalid host is scheduled for a job, it's a one-time host215 # and it therefore bypasses eligibility checks. note this can only216 # happen for non-metahosts, because invalid hosts have their label217 # relationships cleared.218 return True219 job_dependencies = self._job_dependencies.get(queue_entry.job_id, set())220 host_labels = self._host_labels.get(host_id, set())221 return (self._is_acl_accessible(host_id, queue_entry) and222 self._check_job_dependencies(job_dependencies, host_labels) and223 self._check_only_if_needed_labels(224 job_dependencies, host_labels, queue_entry) and225 self._check_atomic_group_labels(host_labels, queue_entry))226 def _is_host_invalid(self, host_id):227 host_object = self._hosts_available.get(host_id, None)228 return host_object and host_object.invalid229 def _schedule_non_metahost(self, queue_entry):230 if not self.is_host_eligible_for_job(queue_entry.host_id, queue_entry):231 return None232 return self._hosts_available.pop(queue_entry.host_id, None)233 def is_host_usable(self, host_id):234 if host_id not in self._hosts_available:235 # host was already used during this scheduling cycle...

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