How to use container_exists method in autotest

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...150 logger.warning(f"Could not create container {name}. {result.message.get('cause')}")151 return ''152 def container_delete(self, name: str) -> None:153'Delete container {name}')154 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)155 if container_exists:156 container_status = 'unkown'157 container_details = self.container_inspect(name)158 container_states = container_details.get('state')159 if container_states:160 container_status = container_states.get('Status')161 if container_status == 'exited' or container_status == 'configured':162 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}'163 resp = self.podman_socket.delete(url=url)164 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)165 else:166 logger.warning(f"Can not delete container with status {container_status}")167 return168 else:169 logger.warning(f"container {name} does not exist")170 return171 if result.successfully:172"Deleted container {name}")173 else:174 logger.warning(f"Could not delete Container {name}")175 if result.message:176 logger.warning(f"{result.message.get('cause')}")177 def container_start(self, name: str) -> None:178'Start container {name}')179 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)180 if container_exists:181 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/start'182 resp = result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)184 else:185 logger.warning(f"Could not start container {name}. Container does not exists")186 return187 if result.successfully:188"Started container {name}")189 else:190 logger.warning(f"Could not start container {name}. {result.message.get('cause')}")191 def container_stop(self, name: str) -> None:192'Stop container {name}')193 if self.container_exists(name):194 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/stop'195 resp =, timeout=60)196 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)197 else:198 logger.warning(f"Could not stop container {name}. Container does not exists")199 return200 if result.successfully:201"Stopped container {name}")202 else:203 logger.warning(f"Could not stop container {name}. {result.message.get('cause')}")204 def container_inspect(self, name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:205 logger.debug(f'Inspect container {name}')206 if self.container_exists(name):207 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/json'208 resp = self.podman_socket.get(url)209 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)210 else:211 logger.warning(f"container {name} does not exist")212 return {}213 if result.successfully and isinstance(result.message, dict):214 return result.message215 else:216 return {}217 def container_exists(self, name: str) -> bool:218 if name:219 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/exists'220 resp = self.podman_socket.get(url)221 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)222 else:223 logger.warning("No container name was given")224 return False225 if result.successfully:226 return True227 else:228 return False229 def container_pause(self, name: str) -> None:230'Pause container {name}')231 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)232 if container_exists:233 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/pause'234 resp = result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)236 else:237 logger.warning(f"container {name} does not exist")238 return239 if result.successfully:240"Paused container {name}")241 else:242 logger.warning(f"Could not pause Container {name}")243 if result.message:244 logger.warning(f"{result.message.get('cause')}")245 def container_unpause(self, name: str) -> None:246'Unpause container {name}')247 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)248 if container_exists:249 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/unpause'250 resp = result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)252 else:253 logger.warning(f"container {name} does not exist")254 return255 if result.successfully:256"Unpaused container {name}")257 else:258 logger.warning(f"Could not unpause container {name}")259 if result.message:260 logger.warning(f"{result.message.get('cause')}")261 def container_wait(262 self,263 name: str,264 condition: str = "exited",265 request_interval: str = "250ms"266 ) -> None:267'Wait for container {name}')268 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)269 if container_exists:270 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/wait'271 resp = url=url,273 query_params={274 'condition': condition,275 'interval': request_interval276 },277 timeout=1000278 )279 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)280 else:281 logger.warning(f"container {name} does not exist")282 return283 if result.successfully:284"Contidion {condition} of container {name} reached")285 else:286 logger.warning(f"Could not wait for container {name}")287 if result.message:288 logger.warning(f"{result.message.get('cause')}")289 def container_exec(self, name: str, cmd: List) -> None:290'Execute {cmd} in container {name}')291 body = {'Cmd': cmd}292 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/exec'293 resp = url=url,295 body=body,296 )297 result = PodmanApiResponse(resp)298 if result.successfully:299"Successfully executed {cmd} in container {name}")300 else:301 logger.warning(f"Could not execute {cmd} in container {name}. {result.message.get('cause')}")302 def container_logs(303 self,304 name: str,305 follow: bool = False,306 since: str = None,307 until: str = None,308 stderr: bool = True,309 stdout: bool = True,310 timestamp: bool = False311 ) -> str:312'Get logs from container {name}')313 container_exists = self.container_exists(name)314 if container_exists:315 url = f'/{self.api_version}/libpod/containers/{name}/logs'316 resp = self.podman_socket.get(317 url=url,318 query_params={319 "follow": follow,320 "since": since,321 "until": until,322 "stderr": stderr,323 "stdout": stdout,324 "timestamp": timestamp325 }326 )327 decoded_content = resp.content.decode('utf-8')...

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1from functools import wraps2import luigi3from luigi.contrib.docker_runner import DockerTask4def complete(task_obj):5 task_obj.complete()6 return task_obj7def container_status(container_inspect_info, status="running"):8 prev_state = container_inspect_info.get('State', None)9 prev_status = ''10 if prev_state:11 prev_status = prev_state.get("Status", "")12 if prev_status == status:13 return True14 else:15 return False16def create_container(self_obj, *args0, **kwargs0):17 client_method = getattr(self_obj._client, "exec_start")18 @wraps(client_method)19 def wrapped_client_method(*args, **kwargs):20 return client_method(*args0, **kwargs0)21 return wrapped_client_method22def build_image_from_dockerfile(self_obj, *args0, **kwargs0):23 """24 path (str) – Path to the directory containing the Dockerfile25 fileobj – A file object to use as the Dockerfile. (Or a file-like object)26 tag (str) – A tag to add to the final image27 quiet (bool) – Whether to return the status28 nocache (bool) – Don’t use the cache when set to True29 rm (bool) – Remove intermediate containers. The docker build command now defaults to --rm=true, but we have kept30 the old default of False to preserve backward compatibility31 timeout (int) – HTTP timeout32 custom_context (bool) – Optional if using fileobj33 encoding (str) – The encoding for a stream. Set to gzip for compressing34 pull (bool) – Downloads any updates to the FROM image in Dockerfiles35 forcerm (bool) – Always remove intermediate containers, even after unsuccessful builds36 dockerfile (str) – path within the build context to the Dockerfile37 buildargs (dict) – A dictionary of build arguments38 container_limits (dict) –39 A dictionary of limits applied to each container created by the build process. Valid keys:40 memory (int): set memory limit for build41 memswap (int): Total memory (memory + swap), -1 to disable42 swap43 cpushares (int): CPU shares (relative weight)44 cpusetcpus (str): CPUs in which to allow execution, e.g., "0-3", "0,1"45 decode (bool) – If set to True, the returned stream will be decoded into dicts on the fly. Default False46 shmsize (int) – Size of /dev/shm in bytes. The size must be greater than 0. If omitted the system uses 64MB47 labels (dict) – A dictionary of labels to set on the image48 cache_from (list) – A list of images used for build cache resolution49 target (str) – Name of the build-stage to build in a multi-stage Dockerfile50 network_mode (str) – networking mode for the run commands during build51 squash (bool) – Squash the resulting images layers into a single layer.52 extra_hosts (dict) – Extra hosts to add to /etc/hosts in building containers, as a mapping of hostname to IP address.53 platform (str) – Platform in the format os[/arch[/variant]]54 isolation (str) – Isolation technology used during build. Default: None.55 use_config_proxy (bool) – If True, and if the docker client configuration file (~/.docker/config.json by default)56 contains a proxy configuration, the corresponding environment variables will be set in the container being built.57 :param self_obj:58 :param args0:59 :param kwargs0:60 :return:61 """62 client_method = getattr(self_obj._client, "build")63 @wraps(client_method)64 def wrapped_client_method(*args, **kwargs):65 return client_method(*args0, **kwargs0)66 return wrapped_client_method67class PruneContainers(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):68 filters = luigi.DictParameter(default=None)69 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)70 def complete(self):71 if not self.is_complete:72 if self.filters:73 filters = self.filters74 else:75 filters = None76 dict_to_return = self._client.prune_containers(filters)77 self.is_complete = True78 return self.is_complete79 def run(self):80 pass81class PruneNetworks(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):82 filters = luigi.DictParameter(default=None)83 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(False)84 def complete(self):85 if not self.is_complete:86 if self.filters:87 filters = self.filters88 else:89 filters = None90 dict_to_return = self._client.prune_networks(filters)91 self.is_complete = True92 return self.is_complete93 def run(self):94 pass95class ContainerExists(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):96 name = luigi.Parameter(default="")97 container_exists = luigi.BoolParameter(False)98 check_complete_on_run = luigi.BoolParameter(default=True)99 def complete(self):100 pre_existing = self._client.containers(all=True, filters={"name":})101 if len(pre_existing) >= 1:102 self.container_exists = True103 return True104 else:105 self.container_exists = False106 return True107 def run(self):108 self.complete()109class StopContainers(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):110 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)111 check_complete_on_run = luigi.BoolParameter(default=True)112 all_containers_stopped = luigi.BoolParameter(default=False)113 def complete(self):114 all_containers = self._client.containers(all=True)115 if all_containers:116 all_stopped = all([c['State'] == "exited" for c in all_containers])117 if all_stopped:118 self.all_containers_stopped = True119 return True120 else:121 return False122 else:123 return True124 def run(self):125 if self.all_containers_stopped:126 pass127 else:128 if not self.is_complete:129 all_containers = self._client.containers(all=True)130 if all_containers:131 all_stopped = all([c['State'] == "exited" for c in all_containers])132 while not all_stopped:133 for c in all_containers:134 if c['State'] != "exited":135 try:136 self._client.kill(c['Id'])137 except Exception as e:138 print(e)139 all_containers = self._client.containers(all=True)140 all_stopped = all([c['State'] == "exited" for c in all_containers])141 if all_stopped:142 self.all_containers_stopped = True143 self.is_complete = True144class ContainerIsRunning(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):145 name = luigi.Parameter(default="")146 container_is_running = luigi.BoolParameter(False)147 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(False)148 check_complete_on_run = luigi.BoolParameter(default=True)149 def complete(self):150 container_exists = complete(ContainerExists( if container_exists:152 prev_container_info = self._client.inspect_container( is_running = container_status(prev_container_info, status="running")154 if is_running:155 self.is_complete = True156 self.container_is_running = True157 else:158 self.is_complete = True159 self.container_is_running = False160 else:161 self.is_complete = True162 self.container_is_running = False163 return self.is_complete164 def run(self):165 self.complete()166class StartContainer(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):167 name = luigi.Parameter(default="")168 container_is_running = luigi.BoolParameter(False)169 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(False)170 check_complete_on_run = luigi.BoolParameter(default=True)171 def complete(self):172 container_exists = complete(ContainerExists( if container_exists:174 is_running = complete(ContainerIsRunning( if is_running:176 self.is_complete = True177 self.container_is_running = True178 else:179 self.is_complete = False180 self.container_is_running = False181 else:182 self.is_complete = False183 self.container_is_running = False184 return self.is_complete185 def run(self):186 if not self.is_complete:187 container_exists = complete(ContainerExists( if container_exists:189 prev_container_info = self._client.inspect_container( is_exited = container_status(prev_container_info, status="exited")191 if is_exited:192 self._client.start(prev_container_info['Id'])193 while not self.container_is_running:194 self.complete()195class CreateNetwork(luigi.ExternalTask, DockerTask):196 network_name = luigi.Parameter("grid")197 is_complete = luigi.BoolParameter(False)198 def complete(self):199 if not self.is_complete:200 network_info = self._client.create_network(self.network_name, check_duplicate=True)201 self.is_complete = True202 return self.is_complete203 else:204 return self.is_complete205 def run(self):...

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...14 assert c.status.paused is False15 ip_addr = c.status.ip_addr16 assert not c.is_port_live(22)17 assert not scan_port(ip_addr, 22)18 assert container_exists( c.pause()20 assert c.status.exists is True21 assert c.status.running is True22 assert c.status.paused is True23 assert_raises(RuntimeError, c.poll, 22)24 c.unpause()25 assert c.status.exists is True26 assert c.status.running is True27 assert c.status.paused is False28 c.stop()29 assert c.status.exists is True30 assert c.status.running is False31 assert c.status.paused is False32 assert not c.is_port_live(22)33 assert_raises(RuntimeError, c.poll, 22)34 c.start()35 assert c.status.exists is True36 assert c.status.running is True37 assert c.status.paused is False38 c.remove()39 assert c.status.exists is False40 assert c.status.running is False41 assert c.status.paused is False42 assert not container_exists( assert not c.is_port_live(22)44 assert_raises(socket.error, scan_port, ip_addr, 22)45#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------46# Container context manager47def test_container():48 name = 'foobarbaz1'49 assert not container_exists(name)50 class Foo(Exception): pass51 raised = False52 try:53 with container('mbodenhamer/alpine-data', name=name) as c:54 assert == name55 assert container_exists(name)56 raise Foo57 except Foo:58 raised = True59 # Test that container() deletes the container even if there is an error60 assert raised61 assert not container_exists(name)62#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------63# Polling64def test_polling():65 with container('mbodenhamer/echoserver') as c:66 c.poll(5000, timeout=5)67 assert c.is_port_live(5000)68 assert not c.is_port_live(5001)69 assert_raises(RuntimeError, c.poll, 5001, timeout=1)70#-------------------------------------------------------------------------------71if __name__ == '__main__': # pragma: no cover72 from syn.base_utils import run_all_tests...

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