How to use log_kernel method in autotest

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1# Copyright (c) 2017-2019 Uber Technologies, Inc.2# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.03import math4from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod5import torch6from torch.distributions import biject_to7import pyro8from pyro import poutine9from pyro.distributions import Delta10from pyro.distributions.util import copy_docs_from11from pyro.infer.autoguide.guides import AutoContinuous12from pyro.infer.autoguide.initialization import init_to_sample13from pyro.infer.trace_elbo import Trace_ELBO14def vectorize(fn, num_particles, max_plate_nesting):15 def _fn(*args, **kwargs):16 with pyro.plate(17 "num_particles_vectorized", num_particles, dim=-max_plate_nesting - 118 ):19 return fn(*args, **kwargs)20 return _fn21class _SVGDGuide(AutoContinuous):22 """23 This modification of :class:`AutoContinuous` is used internally in the24 :class:`SVGD` inference algorithm.25 """26 def __init__(self, model):27 super().__init__(model, init_loc_fn=init_to_sample)28 def get_posterior(self, *args, **kwargs):29 svgd_particles = pyro.param("svgd_particles", self._init_loc)30 return Delta(svgd_particles, event_dim=1)31class SteinKernel(object, metaclass=ABCMeta):32 """33 Abstract class for kernels used in the :class:`SVGD` inference algorithm.34 """35 @abstractmethod36 def log_kernel_and_grad(self, particles):37 """38 Compute the component kernels and their gradients.39 :param particles: a tensor with shape (N, D)40 :returns: A pair (`log_kernel`, `kernel_grad`) where `log_kernel` is a (N, N, D)-shaped41 tensor equal to the logarithm of the kernel and `kernel_grad` is a (N, N, D)-shaped42 tensor where the entry (n, m, d) represents the derivative of `log_kernel` w.r.t.43 x_{m,d}, where x_{m,d} is the d^th dimension of particle m.44 """45 raise NotImplementedError46@copy_docs_from(SteinKernel)47class RBFSteinKernel(SteinKernel):48 """49 A RBF kernel for use in the SVGD inference algorithm. The bandwidth of the kernel is chosen from the50 particles using a simple heuristic as in reference [1].51 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth, defaults to 1.0.52 :ivar float ~.bandwidth_factor: Property that controls the factor by which to scale the bandwidth53 at each iteration.54 References55 [1] "Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm,"56 Qiang Liu, Dilin Wang57 """58 def __init__(self, bandwidth_factor=None):59 """60 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth61 """62 self.bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor63 def _bandwidth(self, norm_sq):64 """65 Compute the bandwidth along each dimension using the median pairwise squared distance between particles.66 """67 num_particles = norm_sq.size(0)68 index = torch.arange(num_particles)69 norm_sq = norm_sq[index > index.unsqueeze(-1), ...]70 median = norm_sq.median(dim=0)[0]71 if self.bandwidth_factor is not None:72 median = self.bandwidth_factor * median73 assert median.shape == norm_sq.shape[-1:]74 return median / math.log(num_particles + 1)75 @torch.no_grad()76 def log_kernel_and_grad(self, particles):77 delta_x = particles.unsqueeze(0) - particles.unsqueeze(1) # N N D78 assert delta_x.dim() == 379 norm_sq = delta_x.pow(2.0) # N N D80 h = self._bandwidth(norm_sq) # D81 log_kernel = -(norm_sq / h) # N N D82 grad_term = 2.0 * delta_x / h # N N D83 assert log_kernel.shape == grad_term.shape84 return log_kernel, grad_term85 @property86 def bandwidth_factor(self):87 return self._bandwidth_factor88 @bandwidth_factor.setter89 def bandwidth_factor(self, bandwidth_factor):90 """91 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth92 """93 if bandwidth_factor is not None:94 assert bandwidth_factor > 0.0, "bandwidth_factor must be positive."95 self._bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor96@copy_docs_from(SteinKernel)97class IMQSteinKernel(SteinKernel):98 r"""99 An IMQ (inverse multi-quadratic) kernel for use in the SVGD inference algorithm [1]. The bandwidth of the kernel100 is chosen from the particles using a simple heuristic as in reference [2]. The kernel takes the form101 :math:`K(x, y) = (\alpha + ||x-y||^2/h)^{\beta}`102 where :math:`\alpha` and :math:`\beta` are user-specified parameters and :math:`h` is the bandwidth.103 :param float alpha: Kernel hyperparameter, defaults to 0.5.104 :param float beta: Kernel hyperparameter, defaults to -0.5.105 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth, defaults to 1.0.106 :ivar float ~.bandwidth_factor: Property that controls the factor by which to scale the bandwidth107 at each iteration.108 References109 [1] "Stein Points," Wilson Ye Chen, Lester Mackey, Jackson Gorham, Francois-Xavier Briol, Chris. J. Oates.110 [2] "Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm," Qiang Liu, Dilin Wang111 """112 def __init__(self, alpha=0.5, beta=-0.5, bandwidth_factor=None):113 """114 :param float alpha: Kernel hyperparameter, defaults to 0.5.115 :param float beta: Kernel hyperparameter, defaults to -0.5.116 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth117 """118 assert alpha > 0.0, "alpha must be positive."119 assert beta < 0.0, "beta must be negative."120 self.alpha = alpha121 self.beta = beta122 self.bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor123 def _bandwidth(self, norm_sq):124 """125 Compute the bandwidth along each dimension using the median pairwise squared distance between particles.126 """127 num_particles = norm_sq.size(0)128 index = torch.arange(num_particles)129 norm_sq = norm_sq[index > index.unsqueeze(-1), ...]130 median = norm_sq.median(dim=0)[0]131 if self.bandwidth_factor is not None:132 median = self.bandwidth_factor * median133 assert median.shape == norm_sq.shape[-1:]134 return median / math.log(num_particles + 1)135 @torch.no_grad()136 def log_kernel_and_grad(self, particles):137 delta_x = particles.unsqueeze(0) - particles.unsqueeze(1) # N N D138 assert delta_x.dim() == 3139 norm_sq = delta_x.pow(2.0) # N N D140 h = self._bandwidth(norm_sq) # D141 base_term = self.alpha + norm_sq / h142 log_kernel = self.beta * torch.log(base_term) # N N D143 grad_term = (-2.0 * self.beta) * delta_x / h # N N D144 grad_term = grad_term / base_term145 assert log_kernel.shape == grad_term.shape146 return log_kernel, grad_term147 @property148 def bandwidth_factor(self):149 return self._bandwidth_factor150 @bandwidth_factor.setter151 def bandwidth_factor(self, bandwidth_factor):152 """153 :param float bandwidth_factor: Optional factor by which to scale the bandwidth154 """155 if bandwidth_factor is not None:156 assert bandwidth_factor > 0.0, "bandwidth_factor must be positive."157 self._bandwidth_factor = bandwidth_factor158class SVGD:159 """160 A basic implementation of Stein Variational Gradient Descent as described in reference [1].161 :param model: The model (callable containing Pyro primitives). Model must be fully vectorized162 and may only contain continuous latent variables.163 :param kernel: a SVGD compatible kernel like :class:`RBFSteinKernel`.164 :param optim: A wrapper for a PyTorch optimizer.165 :type optim: pyro.optim.PyroOptim166 :param int num_particles: The number of particles used in SVGD.167 :param int max_plate_nesting: The max number of nested :func:`pyro.plate` contexts in the model.168 :param str mode: Whether to use a Kernelized Stein Discrepancy that makes use of `multivariate`169 test functions (as in [1]) or `univariate` test functions (as in [2]). Defaults to `univariate`.170 Example usage:171 .. code-block:: python172 from pyro.infer import SVGD, RBFSteinKernel173 from pyro.optim import Adam174 kernel = RBFSteinKernel()175 adam = Adam({"lr": 0.1})176 svgd = SVGD(model, kernel, adam, num_particles=50, max_plate_nesting=0)177 for step in range(500):178 svgd.step(model_arg1, model_arg2)179 final_particles = svgd.get_named_particles()180 References181 [1] "Stein Variational Gradient Descent: A General Purpose Bayesian Inference Algorithm,"182 Qiang Liu, Dilin Wang183 [2] "Kernelized Complete Conditional Stein Discrepancy,"184 Raghav Singhal, Saad Lahlou, Rajesh Ranganath185 """186 def __init__(187 self, model, kernel, optim, num_particles, max_plate_nesting, mode="univariate"188 ):189 assert callable(model)190 assert isinstance(kernel, SteinKernel), "Must provide a valid SteinKernel"191 assert isinstance(192 optim, pyro.optim.PyroOptim193 ), "Must provide a valid Pyro optimizer"194 assert num_particles > 1, "Must use at least two particles"195 assert max_plate_nesting >= 0196 assert mode in [197 "univariate",198 "multivariate",199 ], "mode must be one of (univariate, multivariate)"200 self.model = vectorize(model, num_particles, max_plate_nesting)201 self.kernel = kernel202 self.optim = optim203 self.num_particles = num_particles204 self.max_plate_nesting = max_plate_nesting205 self.mode = mode206 self.loss = Trace_ELBO().differentiable_loss207 = _SVGDGuide(self.model)208 def get_named_particles(self):209 """210 Create a dictionary mapping name to vectorized value, of the form ``{name: tensor}``.211 The leading dimension of each tensor corresponds to particles, i.e. this creates a struct of arrays.212 """213 return {214 site["name"]: biject_to(site["fn"].support)(unconstrained_value)215 for site, unconstrained_value in pyro.param("svgd_particles")217 )218 }219 @torch.no_grad()220 def step(self, *args, **kwargs):221 """222 Computes the SVGD gradient, passing args and kwargs to the model,223 and takes a gradient step.224 :return dict: A dictionary of the form {name: float}, where each float225 is a mean squared gradient. This can be used to monitor the convergence of SVGD.226 """227 # compute gradients of log model joint228 with torch.enable_grad(), poutine.trace(param_only=True) as param_capture:229 loss = self.loss(self.model,, *args, **kwargs)230 loss.backward()231 # get particles used in the _SVGDGuide and reshape to have num_particles leading dimension232 particles = pyro.param("svgd_particles").unconstrained()233 reshaped_particles = particles.reshape(self.num_particles, -1)234 reshaped_particles_grad = particles.grad.reshape(self.num_particles, -1)235 # compute kernel ingredients236 log_kernel, kernel_grad = self.kernel.log_kernel_and_grad(reshaped_particles)237 if self.mode == "multivariate":238 kernel = log_kernel.sum(-1).exp()239 assert kernel.shape == (self.num_particles, self.num_particles)240 attractive_grad =, reshaped_particles_grad)241 repulsive_grad = torch.einsum("nm,nm...->n...", kernel, kernel_grad)242 elif self.mode == "univariate":243 kernel = log_kernel.exp()244 assert kernel.shape == (245 self.num_particles,246 self.num_particles,247 reshaped_particles.size(-1),248 )249 attractive_grad = torch.einsum(250 "nmd,md->nd", kernel, reshaped_particles_grad251 )252 repulsive_grad = torch.einsum("nmd,nmd->nd", kernel, kernel_grad)253 # combine the attractive and repulsive terms in the SVGD gradient254 assert attractive_grad.shape == repulsive_grad.shape255 particles.grad = (attractive_grad + repulsive_grad).reshape(256 particles.shape257 ) / self.num_particles258 # compute per-parameter mean squared gradients259 squared_gradients = {260 site["name"]: value.mean().item()261 for site, value in }263 # torch.optim objects gets instantiated for any params that haven't been seen yet264 params = set(265 site["value"].unconstrained() for site in param_capture.trace.nodes.values()266 )267 self.optim(params)268 # zero gradients269 pyro.infer.util.zero_grads(params)270 # return per-parameter mean squared gradients to user...

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1from keras.losses import binary_crossentropy2import keras.backend as K3import cv24import numpy as np5import tensorflow as tf6def dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):7 #smooth = 1.8 y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true)9 y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred)10 intersection = K.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)11 return (2. * intersection) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f))12def bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):13 return binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) + (1 - dice_loss(y_true, y_pred))14def gauss2D(shape=(3,3),sigma=0.5):15 m, n = [(ss-1.)/2. for ss in shape]16 y, x = np.ogrid[-m:m+1,-n:n+1]17 h = np.exp(-(x*x + y*y) / (2.*sigma*sigma))18 h[h < np.finfo(h.dtype).eps*h.max()] = 019 sumh = h.sum()20 if sumh != 0:21 h /= sumh22 return h23log = np.array([24 [0.0448, 0.0468, 0.0564, 0.0468, 0.0448],25 [0.0468, 0.3167, 0.7146, 0.3167, 0.0468],26 [0.0564, 0.7146, -4.9048, 0.7146, 0.0564],27 [0.0468, 0.3167, 0.7146, 0.3167, 0.0468],28 [0.0448, 0.0468, 0.0564, 0.0468, 0.0448]]).astype(np.float32)29def weights_mask(mask):30 log_kernel = tf.convert_to_tensor(log)31 log_kernel = tf.reshape(log_kernel, [5, 5, 1, 1])32 log_kernel = tf.to_float(log_kernel)33 mask = tf.to_float(mask)34 edges = tf.nn.conv2d(mask, log_kernel, padding='SAME', strides=[1, 1, 1, 1])35 edges = edges > 0.9536 edges = tf.to_float(edges)37 gauss_kernel = tf.convert_to_tensor(gauss2D((5, 5), 2))38 gauss_kernel = tf.reshape(gauss_kernel, [5, 5, 1, 1])39 gauss_kernel = tf.to_float(gauss_kernel)40 return tf.nn.conv2d(edges, gauss_kernel, padding='SAME', strides=[1, 1, 1, 1])41def edges_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):42 y_true_f = K.flatten(y_true)43 y_pred_f = K.flatten(y_pred)44 weights = K.flatten(weights_mask(y_true))45 intersection = K.sum(y_true_f * y_pred_f)46 eq = tf.equal(y_true_f, y_pred_f)47 eq = tf.to_float(eq)48 weightedEdges = K.sum(eq * weights)49 return (2. * intersection + weightedEdges) / (K.sum(y_true_f) + K.sum(y_pred_f) + K.sum(weights))50def bce_edges(y_true, y_pred):51 return binary_crossentropy(y_true, y_pred) + (1 - edges_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred))52# weight: weighted tensor(same shape with mask image)53def weighted_bce_loss(y_true, y_pred, weight):54 # avoiding overflow55 epsilon = 1e-756 y_pred = K.clip(y_pred, epsilon, 1. - epsilon)57 logit_y_pred = K.log(y_pred / (1. - y_pred))58 # loss = (1. - y_true) * logit_y_pred + (1. + (weight - 1.) * y_true) * \60 (K.log(1. + K.exp(-K.abs(logit_y_pred))) + K.maximum(-logit_y_pred, 0.))61 return K.sum(loss) / K.sum(weight)62def weighted_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred, weight):63 smooth = 1.64 w, m1, m2 = weight * weight, y_true, y_pred65 intersection = (m1 * m2)66 score = (2. * K.sum(w * intersection) + smooth) / (K.sum(w * m1) + K.sum(w * m2) + smooth)67 loss = 1. - K.sum(score)68 return loss69def weighted_bce_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred):70 y_true = K.cast(y_true, 'float32')71 y_pred = K.cast(y_pred, 'float32')72 # if we want to get same size of output, kernel size must be odd number73 averaged_mask = K.pool2d(74 y_true, pool_size=(11, 11), strides=(1, 1), padding='same', pool_mode='avg')75 border = K.cast(K.greater(averaged_mask, 0.005), 'float32') * K.cast(K.less(averaged_mask, 0.995), 'float32')76 weight = K.ones_like(averaged_mask)77 w0 = K.sum(weight)78 weight += border * 279 w1 = K.sum(weight)80 weight *= (w0 / w1)81 loss = weighted_bce_loss(y_true, y_pred, weight) + \82 weighted_dice_loss(y_true, y_pred, weight)...

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1import math2import numpy as np3# Function for calculating the laplacian of the gaussian at a given point and with a given variance4def log(x, y, sigma):5 numerator = ( (y**2)+(x**2)-2*(sigma**2) )6 denominator = ( (2*math.pi*(sigma**6) ))7 exponential = math.exp(-((x**2)+(y**2))/(2*(sigma**2)))8 return numerator*exponential/denominator9def generate_log(sigma):10 size = max(1,2*round(sigma*3)+1)11 w = math.ceil(float(size)*float(sigma))12 # If the dimension is an even number, make it odd13 if(w%2 == 0):14 w = w + 115 log_kernel = []16 w_range = int(math.floor(w/2))17 18 for i in range(-w_range, w_range):19 for j in range(-w_range, w_range):20 log_kernel.append(log(i,j,sigma))21 log_kernel = np.array(log_kernel)22 log_kernel = np.reshape(log_kernel, (w-1,w-1))23 ...

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