How to use str_ignore method in autotest

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...278 param prefix1: output prefix in Avg/SD lines279 param prefix2: output prefix in Diff Avg/P-value lines280 param prefix3: output prefix in total Sign line281 """282 def str_ignore(str, split=False):283 str = str.split("|")284 for i in range(ignore_col):285 str[i] = " "286 if split:287 return "|".join(str[ignore_col:])288 return "|".join(str)289 def tee_line(content, file, n=None):290 fd = open(file, "a")291 print content292 str = ""293 str += "<TR ALIGN=CENTER>"294 content = content.split("|")295 for i in range(len(content)):296 if n and i >= 2 and i < ignore_col + 2:297 str += "<TD ROWSPAN=%d WIDTH=1%% >%s</TD>" % (n, content[i])298 else:299 str += "<TD WIDTH=1%% >%s</TD>" % content[i]300 str += "</TR>"301 fd.write(str + "\n")302 fd.close()303 for l in range(len(lists[0])):304 if not re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", lists[0][l]):305 break306 tee("<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 width=10%><TBODY>",307 f)308 tee("<h3>== %s " % sum + "==</h3>", f)309 category = 0310 for i in range(len(lists[0])):311 for n in range(len(lists)):312 is_diff = False313 for j in range(len(lists)):314 if lists[0][i] != lists[j][i]:315 is_diff = True316 if len(lists) == 1 and not re.findall("[a-zA-Z]", lists[j][i]):317 is_diff = True318 pfix = prefix1[0]319 if len(prefix1) != 1:320 pfix = prefix1[n]321 if is_diff:322 if n == 0:323 tee_line(pfix + lists[n][i], f, n=len(lists) + len(rates))324 else:325 tee_line(pfix + str_ignore(lists[n][i], True), f)326 if not is_diff and n == 0:327 if '|' in lists[n][i]:328 tee_line(prefix0 + lists[n][i], f)329 elif "Category:" in lists[n][i]:330 if category != 0 and prefix3:331 if len(allpvalues[category - 1]) > 0:332 tee_line(prefix3 + str_ignore(333 allpvalues[category - 1][0]), f)334 tee("</TBODY></TABLE>", f)335 tee("<br>", f)336 tee("<TABLE BORDER=1 CELLSPACING=1 CELLPADDING=1 "337 "width=10%><TBODY>", f)338 category += 1339 tee("<TH colspan=3 >%s</TH>" % lists[n][i], f)340 else:341 tee("<TH colspan=3 >%s</TH>" % lists[n][i], f)342 for n in range(len(rates)):343 if lists[0][i] != rates[n][i] and not re.findall("[a-zA-Z]",344 rates[n][i]):345 tee_line(prefix2[n] + str_ignore(rates[n][i], True), f)346 if prefix3 and len(allpvalues[-1]) > 0:347 tee_line(prefix3 + str_ignore(allpvalues[category - 1][0]), f)348 tee("</TBODY></TABLE>", f)349def analyze(test, type, arg1, arg2, configfile):350 """ Compute averages/p-vales of two samples, print results nicely """351 config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()352 ignore_col = int(config.get(test, "ignore_col"))354 avg_update = config.get(test, "avg_update")355 desc = config.get(test, "desc")356 def get_list(dir):357 result_file_pattern = config.get(test, "result_file_pattern")358 cmd = 'find %s|grep "%s.*/%s"' % (dir, test, result_file_pattern)359 print cmd360 return commands.getoutput(cmd)361 if type == 'file':...

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1import csv2def gerarSet(string):3 temp_set = set()4 for x in string:5 temp_set.add(x)6 return temp_set7def retirarIgnores(frase, set_ignore):8 for letra in frase:9 if letra in set_ignore:10 frase = frase.replace(letra, '')11 return frase12def palavrasNoDicionario(dicionario, palavrasFrase):13 temp_list_erratas = []14 for palavra in palavrasFrase:15 if palavra not in dicionario:16 temp_list_erratas.append(palavra)17 return temp_list_erratas18def notasIntencoes(dicionarioIntencoes, frase):19 temp_dict_notas = {}20 contador = 121 for palavra in frase:22 for intencao in dicionarioIntencoes.keys():23 if palavra in dicionarioIntencoes[intencao]:24 if intencao not in temp_dict_notas:25 temp_dict_notas[intencao] = 026 temp_dict_notas[intencao] += 1 * contador27 contador += 128 return temp_dict_notas29def analiseIntecoes(dicionario_notas_intencoes):30 if len(dicionario_notas_intencoes.keys()) == 0:31 return ""32 lista_keys = []33 for i in dicionario_notas_intencoes.keys():34 lista_keys.append(i)35 intencao_atual = lista_keys[0]36 intencao_atual_nota = dicionario_notas_intencoes[lista_keys[0]]37 for intencao in dicionario_notas_intencoes.keys():38 if dicionario_notas_intencoes[intencao] > intencao_atual_nota:39 intencao_atual_nota = dicionario_notas_intencoes[intencao]40 intencao_atual = intencao41 return intencao_atual42str_letras = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"43str_ignore = "1234567890()*&%$#@!',./?"44set_letras = gerarSet(str_letras)45set_ignore = gerarSet(str_ignore)46with open('pt_br.txt', 'r', encoding='ISO-8859-1') as f:47 palavras ='\n')48with open('intencoes.csv', 'r', encoding='utf8') as csv_f:49 csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_f, delimiter=';')50 dict_intencoes = {}51 linha_counter = 052 for linha in csv_reader:53 if linha_counter == 0:54 linha_counter += 155 continue56 if linha[0] not in dict_intencoes:57 dict_intencoes[linha[0]] = []58 dict_intencoes[linha[0]].append(linha[1])59sair = False60context = []61def conversa(input):62 input = retirarIgnores(input.lower(), set_ignore)63 dict_retorno = {}64 frase_separada = input.split()65 erratas = palavrasNoDicionario(palavras, frase_separada)66 notas_intencoes = notasIntencoes(dict_intencoes, frase_separada)67 intencao = analiseIntecoes(notas_intencoes)68 if len(erratas) > 0:69 dict_retorno['speelCheck'] = 'error'70 dict_retorno['erratas'] = erratas71 else:72 context.append(intencao)73 dict_retorno['spellChack'] = 'ok'74 dict_retorno['response'] = {}75 dict_retorno['response']['intencao'] = intencao76 dict_retorno['response']['notas'] = notas_intencoes77 return dict_retorno78while sair != True:79 frase = retirarIgnores(input("Input: "), set_ignore).lower()80 response = conversa(frase)81 if 'response' in response:82 if response['response']['intencao'] == 'sair':83 break84 elif response['response']['intencao'] == 'reset':85 context.clear()...

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1import re2import numpy as np3import pandas as pd4from .scrapers import get_innings_by_innings_stats5default_renames = {"mdns": "maidens",6 "wkts": "wickets",7 "econ": "economy",8 "pos": "position",9 "inns": "innings"}10default_deletes = ['nan', 'DNB', 'TDNB']11def total_balls(overs_str, str_ignore=['DNB', 'TDNB'], ignore_value=0):12 """13 Calculate total balls bowled from overs formatting14 Parameters15 ----------16 overs_str: string17 Overs bowled in traditional format overs.balls18 str_ignore: list19 Strings to ignore and return 0 - indicators that the player didn't bowl20 ignore_value: int21 Value to input for strings matched into str_ignore22 Returns23 -------24 int:25 The number of balls bowled as an int26 """27 if overs_str in str_ignore:28 return ignore_value29 grouping_re = re.compile(r'^([0-9]*)\.([0-5]*)$').search(overs_str)30 if grouping_re is None:31 return int(overs_str) * 632 else:33 overs = int( * 634 balls = int( return overs + balls36def test_innings_by_innings(player_id, column_rename=default_renames, score_deletes=default_deletes, home_or_away=-1):37 """38 Return the test innings by innings for a given player39 Parameters40 ----------41 player_id: int42 Player ID for cricketer from ESPNcricinfo43 column_rename: dict44 Rename columns old: new45 score_deletes: list46 Values to represent null47 home_or_away: int48 Value to limit to either home or away matches49 Returns50 -------51 pandas.DataFrame52 Test innings DataFrame scraped from site53 """54 raw_table = get_innings_by_innings_stats(player_id, 'Bowling', 'Test', home_or_away)55 if raw_table is None:56 return None57 raw_table.replace('-', np.nan, inplace=True)58 raw_table.columns = raw_table.columns.str.lower().str.replace(' ', '_')59 # Rename columns60 raw_table.rename(column_rename, axis=1, inplace=True)61 raw_table.runs = raw_table.runs.apply(62 lambda x: np.nan if x in score_deletes else x)63 raw_table['total_balls'] = raw_table.overs.astype(str).apply(total_balls)64 # Remove blank columns65 raw_table.drop('', axis=1, inplace=True)66 return raw_table67def test_home_or_away(player_id):68 """69 Get the test bowling innings for a given player with column indicating home/away/neutral70 Parameters71 ----------72 player_id: int73 Player ID for cricketer from ESPNcricinfo74 Returns75 -------76 pandas.DataFrame77 Test innings DataFrame scraped from site with additional home/away/neutral column78 """79 home = test_innings_by_innings(player_id, home_or_away=1)80 away = test_innings_by_innings(player_id, home_or_away=2)81 neutral = test_innings_by_innings(player_id, home_or_away=3)...

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