How to use task_priority_key method in autotest

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...127 models.SpecialTask.Task.CLEANUP,128 models.SpecialTask.Task.VERIFY,129 models.SpecialTask.Task.RESET,130 models.SpecialTask.Task.PROVISION]131 def task_priority_key(task):132 return task_priority_order.index(task.task)133 return sorted(queued_tasks, key=task_priority_key)134 @classmethod135 def get_overlapping_jobs(cls):136 """A helper method to get all active jobs using the same host.137 @return: A list of dictionaries with the hqe id, job_id and host_id138 of the currently overlapping jobs.139 """140 # Filter all active hqes and stand alone special tasks to make sure141 # a host isn't being used by two jobs at the same time. An incomplete142 # stand alone special task can share a host with an active hqe, an143 # example of this is the cleanup scheduled in gathering.144 hqe_hosts = list(models.HostQueueEntry.objects.filter(145 active=1, complete=0, host_id__isnull=False).values_list(...

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1#!/usr/bin/env python2import re3from json import JSONDecoder4from operator import attrgetter5from models.yarn.penalties import get_penalty, YarnPenalty6from models.yarn.objects import *7from utils import lines_per_n8LINES_TO_READ = 109TASK_NR_KEY = ""10TASK_DURATION_KEY = "c.dur"11TASK_MEMORY_KEY = "c.mem"12TASK_CORES_KEY = "c.cores"13TASK_PRIORITY_KEY = "c.prio"14TASK_TYPE_KEY = "c.type"15TASK_PENALTY_KEY = "c.penalty"16TASK_IB_KEY = "c.ib"17JOB_AM_TYPE_KEY = "am.type"18JOB_ID_KEY = ""19JOB_TASKS_KEY = "job.tasks"20JOB_START_MS_KEY = ""21JOB_END_MS_KEY = ""22RACK_NAME_KEY = "rack"23RACK_NODES_KEY = "nodes"24NODE_KEY = "node"25LOG = logging.getLogger('sls_parser')26class SLSParser(object):27 def __init__(self, sls_file, topo_file, node_mem_capacity, node_core_capacity, node_hb_ms, am_hb_ms,28 am_container_mb, am_container_cores, use_meganode, default_task_penalty):29 self.sls_file = sls_file30 self.topo_file = topo_file31 self.am_container_resource = YarnResource(am_container_mb, am_container_cores)32 self.node_resource = YarnResource(memory_mb=node_mem_capacity, vcores=node_core_capacity)33 self.am_hb_ms = am_hb_ms34 self.node_hb_ms = node_hb_ms35 self.use_meganode = use_meganode36 self.default_task_penalty = default_task_penalty37 @staticmethod38 def _print_chunk(chunk):39 for j, line in enumerate(chunk.splitlines()):40 print '{0:<5}{1}'.format(j+1, line)41 def parse_topo(self):42 """ Parse a YARN SLS topology file. This is a JSON file containing multiple rack configurations. """43 json_decoder = JSONDecoder()44 rack_objects = []45 with open(self.topo_file) as topo_file:46 lines = "".join(topo_file.readlines()).strip()47 done_parsing_file = False48 while not done_parsing_file:49 try:50 rack_object, object_end = json_decoder.raw_decode(lines)51 except ValueError as e:52 LOG.exception("Unable to parse topology file", exc_info=e)53 break54 rack_objects.append(rack_object)55 if object_end != len(lines):56 lines = lines[object_end + 1:]57 else:58 done_parsing_file = True59 return rack_objects60 def get_yarn_topo(self):61 """ Parse a YARN SLS topology file and return a touple (racks, nodes).62 'racks' are a dict of YarnRack objects, 'nodes' are a dict of YarnNode objects. """63 racks = {}64 nodes = {}65 rack_objects = self.parse_topo()66 node_id_counter = 167 for rack_object in rack_objects:68 rack = YarnRack(rack_object[RACK_NAME_KEY])69 if self.use_meganode:70 # Generate racks with 1 node that has all the71 # resources pooled72 resource = YarnResource(self.node_resource.memory_mb * len(rack_object[RACK_NODES_KEY]),73 self.node_resource.vcores * len(rack_object[RACK_NODES_KEY]))74 name = "meganode1"75 node = YarnNode(name, resource, rack, self.node_hb_ms, node_id=node_id_counter)76 node_id_counter += 177 rack.add_node(node)78 nodes[name] = node79 else:80 for node_object in rack_object[RACK_NODES_KEY]:81 node = YarnNode(82 name=node_object[NODE_KEY],83 resource=copy.copy(self.node_resource),84 rack=rack,85 hb_interval_ms=self.node_hb_ms,86 node_id=node_id_counter)87 node_id_counter += 188 rack.add_node(node)89 nodes[] = node90 racks[] = rack91 return racks, nodes92 def parse_sls(self):93 """ Parse a YARN SLS trace file. This is a JSON file containing multiple job objects. """94 json_decoder = JSONDecoder()95 job_objects = []96 value_error_pattern = re.compile('Expecting .+ \(char (\d+)\)$')97 with open(self.sls_file) as sls_file:98 object_chunk = ''99 last_error_idx = -1100 # Read file in chunks of lines.101 for chunk in lines_per_n(sls_file, LINES_TO_READ):102 # Remove all whitespace103 chunk = chunk.replace(" ", "")104 chunk = chunk.replace("\n", "")105 # Add (hopefully good) whitespace106 chunk = re.sub(r"{", r'{\n', chunk)107 chunk = re.sub(r"}", r'}\n', chunk)108 chunk = re.sub(r"\[", r'[\n', chunk)109 chunk = re.sub(r"\]", r']\n', chunk)110 # Further sanitize some JSON stuff111 chunk = re.sub(r"{\s*'?(\w)", r'{"\1', chunk)112 chunk = re.sub(r",\s*'?(\w)", r',"\1', chunk)113 chunk = re.sub(r"(\w)'?\s*:", r'\1":', chunk)114 chunk = re.sub(r":\s*'(\w+)'\s*([,}])", r':"\1"\2', chunk)115 object_chunk += chunk116 # Try to parse chunk read so far.117 chunk_parsing_done = False118 # Chunk may contain more than one object.119 while not chunk_parsing_done:120 try:121 parse_result = json_decoder.raw_decode(object_chunk)122 last_error_idx = -1123 except ValueError as e:124 m = value_error_pattern.match(e.message)125 if m:126 # Get the index that the parsing error occurred on.127 idx = int( if last_error_idx == -1 or last_error_idx != idx:129 # Chunk is not yet complete, keep reading.130 last_error_idx = idx131 break132 # The error at the current index was not due to an incomplete chunk.133 SLSParser._print_chunk(object_chunk)134 raise e135 # Add decoded job object to array136 job_objects.append(parse_result[0])137 # Check if there's trailing data from another object138 object_end = parse_result[1]139 if object_end != len(object_chunk):140 # Trim chunk for the next object141 object_chunk = object_chunk[object_end + 1:]142 if not object_chunk.isspace():143 chunk_parsing_done = True144 return job_objects145 def get_yarn_jobs(self):146 """ Parse the SLS trace file and return a list of YarnJob objects. """147 jobs = self.parse_sls()148 yarn_jobs = []149 for job in jobs:150 yarn_tasks = []151 # Generate the job object152 job_name = job[JOB_ID_KEY]153 # Translate "job_XXX" to an int154 job_id = int(job_name[4:])155 start_ms = -1156 start_after_job = None157 if type(job[JOB_START_MS_KEY]) is int:158 start_ms = job[JOB_START_MS_KEY]159 else:160 start_after_job = int(job[JOB_START_MS_KEY][4:])161 yarn_j = YarnJob(162 am_type=YarnAMType.__members__.get(job[JOB_AM_TYPE_KEY].upper()),163 name=job_name,164 job_id=job_id,165 start_ms=start_ms,166 end_ms=job[JOB_END_MS_KEY],167 am_hb_ms=self.am_hb_ms,168 tasks=yarn_tasks,169 after_job=start_after_job)170 # Generate an AM container171 am_container = YarnPrototypeContainer(172 num_containers=1,173 resource=copy.copy(self.am_container_resource),174 priority=0,175 container_type=YarnContainerType.MRAM,176 job=yarn_j)177 yarn_tasks.append(am_container)178 for task in job[JOB_TASKS_KEY]:179 # Generate all the other containers180 task_penalty = self.default_task_penalty181 if TASK_PENALTY_KEY in task:182 if TASK_IB_KEY not in task:183 LOG.warning("Task " + str(task) + " has a penalty model defined, but no IB set. Ignoring.")184 else:185 task_penalty = get_penalty(YarnPenalty.__members__.get(task[TASK_PENALTY_KEY].upper()),186 initial_bump=float(task[TASK_IB_KEY]))187 yarn_task = YarnPrototypeContainer(188 num_containers=int(task[TASK_NR_KEY]),189 duration=int(task[TASK_DURATION_KEY]),190 resource=YarnResource(memory_mb=int(task[TASK_MEMORY_KEY]),191 vcores=int(task.get(TASK_CORES_KEY, '1'))),192 priority=int(task[TASK_PRIORITY_KEY]),193 container_type=YarnContainerType.__members__.get(task[TASK_TYPE_KEY].upper()),194 job=yarn_j,195 penalty=task_penalty)196 yarn_tasks.append(yarn_task)197 # Sort containers by priority198 yarn_tasks.sort(key=attrgetter('priority'))199 yarn_jobs.append(yarn_j)...

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