How to use ping_check method in avocado

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1#!/usr/bin/env python2'''3Short script for logging your internet connectivity history in a CSV file. The intention4is to gather data to tell allow you to tell objectively how reliable your ISP really is5and allow you to compare that data to others.6Intended to be run as a cron job.7Only ping tests are supported at the moment. HTTPS connection tests are planned next.8Copyright © 2021 Guido Winkelmann9Licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 210@package connectivity_logger11'''12import socket13import re14import time15import os16from datetime import datetime, timezone17from configparser import ConfigParser18from enum import Enum19from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, TimeoutExpired20from ipaddress import ip_address21CheckResult = Enum("CheckResult",22 ["OK",23 "UNREACHABLE",24 "UNRESOLVABLE",25 "PACKET_LOSS",26 "UNROUTABLE_IP",27 "BAD_CERTIFICATE",28 "UNKNOWN"])29ping_summary_regex = re.compile("(\d+) packets transmitted, (\d+) received, (\d+)")30class PingCheck:31 def __init__(self, name, configuration_section, num_pings, interval):32 = name33 self.protocol = configuration_section.get("protocol", "any")34 self.hostname = configuration_section["hostname"]35 self.non_global_okay = configuration_section.getboolean("non_global_okay", False)36 self.num_pings = num_pings37 self.interval = interval38 39 self.used_address = ""40 self.used_protocol = ""41 def start_check(self):42 try:43 addresses = socket.getaddrinfo(self.hostname, None)44 except socket.gaierror:45 return46 for address in addresses:47 family, sock_type, proto, _, sockaddr = address48 current_address, *_ = sockaddr49 if (sock_type == socket.SocketKind.SOCK_RAW and50 not hasattr(self, "process")):51 if (family == socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET and 52 self.protocol in ["ipv4", "any"]):53 self.process = Popen(54 ["ping", "-c", str(self.num_pings), "-i", str(self.interval), current_address],55 stdout=PIPE,56 env={"LC_ALL": "C", "LANG": "C"})57 self.used_address = ip_address(current_address)58 self.used_protocol = "ipv4"59 if (family == socket.AddressFamily.AF_INET6 and 60 self.protocol in ["ipv6", "any"]):61 self.process = Popen(62 ["ping6", "-c", str(self.num_pings), "-i", str(self.interval), current_address],63 stdout=PIPE,64 env={"LC_ALL": "C", "LANG": "C"})65 self.used_address = ip_address(current_address)66 self.used_protocol = "ipv6"67 def get_check_results(self, timeout):68 if not hasattr(self, "process"):69 return CheckResult.UNRESOLVABLE70 71 try:72 self.process.wait(timeout=timeout)73 except TimeoutExpired:74 print("%s timed out" % self.process.kill()76 return CheckResult.UNREACHABLE77 unroutable_ip = False78 if not self.used_address.is_global and not self.non_global_okay:79 unroutable_ip = True80 for line in self.process.stdout:81 if b"packets transmitted" in line:82 match ="ascii"))83 self.sent = int( self.received = int( self.packet_loss = int( if unroutable_ip:87 return CheckResult.UNROUTABLE_IP88 elif self.received == self.sent:89 return CheckResult.OK90 elif self.received > 0:91 return CheckResult.PACKET_LOSS92 else:93 return CheckResult.UNREACHABLE94 return CheckResult.UNKNOWN # Only reached if we did not see a ping summary line95def get_configuration(paths):96 configuration = ConfigParser()97 configuration_read = False98 paths_iter = iter(paths)99 while not configuration_read:100 try:101 with open(next(paths_iter), "r") as file:102 configuration.read_file(file)103 configuration_read = True104 except FileNotFoundError:105 pass106 return configuration107if __name__ == '__main__':108 configuration = get_configuration([109 "connectivity_logger.cfg",110 os.path.expanduser("~/.connectivity_logger.cfg"),111 "/etc/connectivity_logger.cfg",112 os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), "connectivity_logger.cfg")]113 )114 # We assume this script will be run once per minute, so we set ourselves a deadline115 # for all checks for 45 seconds from now. This should give us enough time to finish116 # up before the next start.117 # TODO Also use a file lock118 deadline = time.time() + 45119 check_time = num_pings = configuration["connectivity_logger"].getint("pings", 5)121 ping_interval = configuration["connectivity_logger"].getfloat("ping_interval", 1.0)122 ping_checks = []123 for section in configuration:124 if section not in ['DEFAULT', 'connectivity_logger']:125 if configuration[section].get("protocol", "any") == "both":126 ping_check_v4 = PingCheck(section, configuration[section],127 num_pings=num_pings,128 interval=ping_interval)129 ping_check_v4.protocol = "ipv4"130 ping_check_v4.start_check()131 ping_checks.append(ping_check_v4)132 ping_check_v6 = PingCheck(section, configuration[section],133 num_pings=num_pings,134 interval=ping_interval)135 ping_check_v6.protocol = "ipv6"136 ping_check_v6.start_check()137 ping_checks.append(ping_check_v6)138 else:139 ping_check = PingCheck(section, configuration[section],140 num_pings=num_pings,141 interval=ping_interval)142 ping_check.start_check()143 ping_checks.append(ping_check)144 145 with open(configuration["connectivity_logger"].get("logfile", "connectivity_log.csv"), "a") as logfile:146 for ping_check in ping_checks:147 result = ping_check.get_check_results(timeout=deadline - time.time())148 logfile.write("{};{};{};{};{};{};{}\n".format(149 check_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M UTC"),150, # TODO Escape name for CSV format151 ping_check.used_protocol,152 ping_check.used_address,153,154 getattr(ping_check, "sent", ""),...

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...5class ConnectionTester:6 @staticmethod7 def conn_check(host, port):8 print("socket good" if ConnectionTester.check_socket(host, port, 1) == 0 else "socket failure")9 print("ping good" if ConnectionTester.ping_check(host) == 0 else "ping failure for host")10 print("dns good" if ConnectionTester.ping_check("") == 0 else "dns failure")11 print("network connection good" if ConnectionTester.ping_check("") == 0 else "network failure")12 print("loopback good" if ConnectionTester.ping_check("") == 0 else "loopback failure")13 print("\n")14 @staticmethod15 def check_socket(host, port, timeout=1):16 # # with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)) as sock:19 sock.settimeout(timeout)20 return sock.connect_ex((host, port))21 @staticmethod22 def ping_check(hostname):23 # -c in windows is routing compartment (admin command)24 parm = "-n" if "Windows" in os.environ["OS"] else "-c"25 count = 126 ping_command = "ping {} {} {}".format(parm, count, hostname)27 # response = os.system(ping_command)28 # response = check_call(ping_command, stdout=DEVNULL, stderr=STDOUT)30 # return "Connection to host is good" if response == 0 else "Check Connection"...

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1from multiping import MultiPing2import time3import traceback4import sys5def ping_check():6 mp = MultiPing(["", "", "", ""])7 try:8 mp.send()9 time.sleep(10)10 responses, no_responses = mp.receive(1)11 for good_respond in responses:12 print("this address pinges successfully ", good_respond)13 if no_responses:14 for bad_respond in no_responses:15 print("Address ", bad_respond, "Wasnt pinged seccuessfully!")16 if no_responses:17 sys.exit(2)18 ping_check()19 except:20 print("There is an Error")21 sys.exit(3)22 ping_check()23while True:24 try:25 ping_check()26 except:27 print('There is a problem!!!')28 traceback.print_exc()29 sys.exit(3)...

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