How to use current_int method in hypothesis

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1# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-2"""3Algorithme de Dubins-Spanier4"""5import pylab as pl6from math import *7import numpy as np8import matplotlib as mp9import random as rnd10couleurs = ['r','b','g','y','gray']11def calcul_integrale(f,i,j,pas):12 integrale=013 x=i14 while x<j:15 integrale+=f(x)*pas16 x+=pas17 return integrale18def dubspanier_rec(vals, inter, epsilon, position, n):19 a = position20 if len(vals) == 0:21 return []22 prop= 1./n23 m = len(vals)24 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]25 while a<1.:26 a+=inter27 for i in range(m):28 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0](a)*inter29 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 30 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]31 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))32 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]33 w = dubspanier_rec(vals,inter,epsilon,a,n)34 return v+w35 return None36#Première amélioration.37def dubspanier_rec2(vals, inter, epsilon, position, n):38 a = position39 if len(vals) == 0:40 return []41 #On réajuste la proportionnalité au fur et à mesure pour remplir le gâteau.42 prop= (1.-position)/(len(vals))43 m = len(vals)44 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]45 while a<1.:46 a+=inter47 for i in range(m):48 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0](a)*inter49 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 50 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]51 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))52 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]53 w = dubspanier_rec2(vals,inter,epsilon,a,n)54 return v+w55 return None56 57#Seconde amélioration.58def dubspanier(vals, inter, epsilon, n):59 prop = 1./n60 vals2 = list(vals)61 l = dubspanier_rec3(vals2, inter, epsilon, 0., prop, n)62 print "BA",l63 m = l[len(l)-1][2]64 while 1.-m>0.03:65 vals2 = list(vals)66 prop += (1.-m)/n67 print "here"68 l = dubspanier_rec3(vals2, inter, epsilon, 0., prop, n)69 print "here" 70 m = l[len(l)-1][2]71 return l72def dubspanier_rec3(vals, inter, epsilon, position, prop, n):73 a = position74 if len(vals) == 0:75 return []76 m = len(vals)77 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]78 while a<1.:79 a+=inter80 for i in range(m):81 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0](a)*inter82 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 83 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]84 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))85 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]86 w = dubspanier_rec3(vals,inter,epsilon,a,prop,n)87 return v+w88 return None89#print(dubspanier([[v1,1],[v2,2],[v3,3],[v4,4],[v5,5]],0.001,0.000001,5))90def v1(x):91 return 2.*x92def v2(x):93 return 1.94 95I3 = calcul_integrale(lambda x : np.sin(20*x) + 1.,0.,1.,0.000001)96def v3(x):97 global I398 return (np.sin(20*x) + 1)/I399I4 = calcul_integrale(lambda x : np.exp(x**2),0.,1.,0.00001)100def v4(x):101 global I4102 return np.exp(x**2)/I4103 104I5 = calcul_integrale(lambda x : -((x-.5)**2),0.,1.,0.00001)105def v5(x):106 global I5107 return -((x-.5)**2)/I5108 109p=3110#I4 = calcul_integrale(lambda x : v2(x)**(p+1)/(v1(x)**p+v2(x)**p+v3(x)**p+v4(x)**p+v5(x)**p),0.,1.,0.00001)111#print I4, "I4"112def dubspanier_plot(vals2,inter,epsilon,n):113 vals = list(vals2)114 l = dubspanier(vals,inter,epsilon,n)115 print(l)116 x = pl.linspace(0.,1.,100)117 fig = mp.pyplot.figure()118 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)119 global couleurs120 for e in enumerate(l):121 (player,debut,fin,val) = e[1]122 tab = list(np.linspace(debut,fin,10))123 data = [vals2[player-1][0](m) for m in tab]124 z = [(debut,0.)] + zip(tab,data) + [(fin,0.)]125 c = couleurs[e[0]]126 mp.pyplot.plot(x,[vals2[player-1][0](i) for i in x],c)127 poly = mp.patches.Polygon(z,facecolor = c)128 ax.add_patch(poly)129 130def calcul_beta(vals2, inter, epsilon, n):131 recherche = 1./n132 b = True133 while b:134 vals = list(vals2)135 try: 136 l = dubspanier_rec3(vals,inter,epsilon,0.,recherche,n)137 except:138 b = False139 recherche += 0.00005140 return recherche141 142#print calcul_beta([[v1,1],[v2,2],[v3,3],[v4,4],[v5,5]],0.001,0.000001,5)143print calcul_beta([[v1,1],[v4,2]],0.001,0.000001,2) 144def integrale_sup(vals2, n):145 I = 0146 actuel = 0.147 inter = 1./n148 m = len(vals2)149 for i in range(n):150 I+=inter * max([vals2[j][0](actuel) for j in range(m)])151 actuel += inter152 return I153 154def integrale_sup2(vals2, n, p):155 I = 0.156 actuel = 0.157 inter = 1./n158 for i in range(n):159 I+=inter * (vals2[p][0](actuel)**2)/(sum([v[0](actuel) for v in vals2]))160 actuel += inter161 return I162 163#print (.2)*integrale_sup([[v1,1],[v2,2],[v3,3],[v4,4],[v5,5]],10000)164print .5*integrale_sup([[v3,0],[v4,1]],10000)165 166dubspanier_plot([[v1,1],[v2,2],[v3,3],[v4,4],[v5,5]],0.001,0.000001,5)167#dubspanier_plot([[v1,1],[v2,2],[v3,3]],0.001,0.000001,4)168def rand_function(n,nu):169 t = np.linspace(0.,1.,n)170 y = [rnd.random()+.1]171 for i in range(1,n):172 a = rnd.randint(0,1)173 if a == 0 or y[i-1]-nu<0:174 y.append(y[i-1]+(rnd.random()*nu))175 else:176 y.append(y[i-1]-(rnd.random()*nu))177 return t, np.array(y)178 179def discrete_int(t,y):180 I = t[1]*y[0]181 for i in range(1,len(t)):182 I+= (t[i]-t[i-1])*y[i]183 return I184 185def disc_dubspanier(vals, inter, epsilon, position, n):186 a = position187 if len(vals) == 0:188 return []189 prop= 1./n190 m = len(vals)191 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]192 while a<1.:193 a+=inter194 for i in range(m):195 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0][a*300]*inter196 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 197 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]198 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))199 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]200 w = disc_dubspanier(vals,inter,epsilon,a,n)201 return v+w202 return None203 204def disc_dubspanier2(vals, inter, epsilon, position, n):205 a = position206 if len(vals) == 0:207 return []208 prop= (1.-position)/len(vals)209 m = len(vals)210 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]211 while a<1.:212 a+=inter213 for i in range(m):214 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0][a*300]*inter215 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 216 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]217 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))218 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]219 w = disc_dubspanier2(vals,inter,epsilon,a,n)220 return v+w221 return None222 223def disc_dubspanier_opti(vals, inter, epsilon, n):224 prop = 1./n225 vals2 = list(vals)226 l = disc_dubspanier3(vals2, inter, epsilon, 0., prop, n)227 m = l[len(l)-1][2]228 while 1.-m>0.03:229 vals2 = list(vals)230 prop += (1.-m)/n231 l = disc_dubspanier3(vals2, inter, epsilon, 0., prop, n) 232 m = l[len(l)-1][2]233 return l234def disc_dubspanier3(vals, inter, epsilon, position, prop, n):235 a = position236 if len(vals) == 0:237 return []238 m = len(vals)239 current_int = [0. for i in range(n)]240 while a<1.:241 a+=inter242 for i in range(m):243 current_int[i]+=vals[i][0][a*300]*inter244 if max(current_int)>prop-epsilon: 245 player = vals[np.argmax(current_int)][1]246 vals.pop(np.argmax(current_int))247 v = [(player,position,a,max(current_int))]248 w = disc_dubspanier3(vals,inter,epsilon,a,prop,n)249 return v+w250 return None251def dubspanier_plot_disc(vals2,inter,epsilon,n):252 vals = list(vals2)253 l = disc_dubspanier2(vals,inter,epsilon,0.,n)254 print l255 x = pl.linspace(0.,1.,300)256 fig = mp.pyplot.figure()257 ax = fig.add_subplot(111)258 global couleurs259 for e in enumerate(l):260 (player,debut,fin,val) = e[1]261 tab = list(np.linspace(debut,fin,100))262 data = [vals2[player-1][0][m*300] for m in tab]263 z = [(debut,0.)] + zip(tab,data) + [(fin,0.)]264 c = couleurs[e[0]]265 mp.pyplot.plot(x,vals2[player-1][0],c) 266 poly = mp.patches.Polygon(z,facecolor = c)267 ax.add_patch(poly)268 269l=[]270for i in range(5):271 t,y = rand_function(300, 0.05)272 I = discrete_int(t,y)273 y = y/I274 l.append((y,i+1))275 276#dubspanier_plot_disc(l,0.01,0.01,5)277 278"""279print discrete_int(np.linspace(0.,1.,300), sup([e[0] for e in l])), "Max"280S = 0281a = disc_dubspanier_opti(l, 0.01, 0.01, 5)282for e in a:283 S+=e[3]284print S, "Valuation totale"285print a...

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1"""2You're given a lockbox with a starting state (combination),3a goal state, and a set of forbidden states.4e.g. start=4156, bad_states=[3912, 4157], goal=99995Each state can only be rotated one digit at a time,6e.g. 4156 -> 4157 or 4156 -> 3156.7Write a function that returns a valid sequence of8steps from start to goal.9"""10from typing import List11def open_lockbox(start: str, bad_states: List[str], goal: str) -> List[str]:12 result = []13 assert len(start) == len(14 goal15 ), "Different lengths of start and goal states"16 current = start17 length_string = len(start)18 current_string_index = 019 # loop until we change the last char in the lock20 while current_string_index <= (length_string - 1):21 current_char = start[current_string_index]22 current_int = int(current_char)23 desired_int = int(goal[current_string_index])24 # determine incremenet/decrement25 moving_forward = True26 end_range = 1027 if current_int < desired_int:28 if (desired_int - current_int) > (29 current_int + (end_range - desired_int)30 ):31 moving_forward = False32 else:33 if (current_int - desired_int) < (34 desired_int + (end_range - current_int)35 ):36 moving_forward = False37 # move the current char(int) to the desired state38 while current_int != desired_int:39 if moving_forward:40 current_int = (current_int + 1) % 1041 else:42 current_int = (current_int - 1) % 1043 # recreate temporary state44 current_state = ""45 for l in range(length_string):46 if l == current_string_index:47 current_state += str(current_int)48 else:49 current_state += current[l]50 # check for conflicts and add to valid states51 # if no conflicts52 if current_state in bad_states:53 if moving_forward:54 current_int = (current_int - 1) % 1055 else:56 current_int = (current_int + 1) % 1057 moving_forward = not moving_forward58 else:59 result.append(current_state)60 current_string_index += 161 current = current_state62 return result63if __name__ == "__main__":64 print(open_lockbox(start="4156", bad_states=["3912", "4157"], goal="9999"))...

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1def solution(a, b):2 if len(a) < len(b):3 print(a+b+a)4 else:5 print(b+a+b)6solution("1", "22")7def name_shuffler(str_):8 name = str_.split(" ")9 print(name[1], name[0])10name_shuffler("Olivia Walker")11def between(a,b):12 13 current_int = a14 results = []15 16 while current_int <= b:17 results.append(current_int)18 current_int = current_int + 1 # 219 20 21 return results 22 23 def unusual_five():24 return len("apple")25def name_shuffler(str_):26 name = str_.split(" ")...

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