How to use serve_static_website method in localstack

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...1020 if response is not None:1021 return response1022 # handling s3 website hosting requests1023 if is_static_website(headers) and method == "GET":1024 return serve_static_website(headers=headers, path=path, bucket_name=bucket_name)1025 # check content md5 hash integrity if not a copy request or multipart initialization1026 if (1027 "Content-MD5" in headers1028 and not self.is_s3_copy_request(headers, path)1029 and not self.is_create_multipart_request(parsed_path.query)1030 ):1031 response = check_content_md5(data, headers)1032 if response is not None:1033 return response1034 modified_data = None1035 # TODO: For some reason, moto doesn't allow us to put a location constraint on us-east-11036 to_find1 = to_bytes("<LocationConstraint>us-east-1</LocationConstraint>")1037 to_find2 = to_bytes("<CreateBucketConfiguration")1038 if data and data.startswith(to_bytes("<")) and to_find1 in data and to_find2 in data:1039 # Note: with the latest version, <CreateBucketConfiguration> must either1040 # contain a valid <LocationConstraint>, or not be present at all in the body.1041 modified_data = b""1042 # If this request contains streaming v4 authentication signatures, strip them from the message1043 # Related isse: # TODO: can potentially be removed after this fix in moto: is_streaming_payload = headers.get(CONTENT_SHA256_HEADER) == STREAMING_HMAC_PAYLOAD1046 if is_streaming_payload:1047 modified_data = strip_chunk_signatures(not_none_or(modified_data, data))1048 headers["Content-Length"] = headers.get("x-amz-decoded-content-length")1049 headers.pop(CONTENT_SHA256_HEADER)1050 # POST requests to S3 may include a "${filename}" placeholder in the1051 # key, which should be replaced with an actual file name before storing.1052 if method == "POST":1053 original_data = not_none_or(modified_data, data)1054 expanded_data = multipart_content.expand_multipart_filename(original_data, headers)1055 if expanded_data is not original_data:1056 modified_data = expanded_data1057 # If no content-type is provided, 'binary/octet-stream' should be used1058 # src: if method == "PUT" and not headers.get("content-type"):1060 headers["content-type"] = "binary/octet-stream"1061 # parse query params1062 query = parsed_path.query1063 path = parsed_path.path1064 query_map = urlparse.parse_qs(query, keep_blank_values=True)1065 # remap metadata query params (not supported in moto) to request headers1066 append_metadata_headers(method, query_map, headers)1067 # apply fixes1068 headers_changed = fix_metadata_key_underscores(request_headers=headers)1069 if query == "notification" or "notification" in query_map:1070 # handle and return response for ?notification request1071 response = handle_notification_request(bucket_name, method, data)1072 return response1073 # if the Expires key in the url is already expired then return error1074 if method == "GET" and "Expires" in query_map:1075 ts = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(1076 int(query_map.get("Expires")[0]), tz=datetime.timezone.utc1077 )1078 if is_expired(ts):1079 return token_expired_error(path, headers.get("x-amz-request-id"), 400)1080 # If multipart POST with policy in the params, return error if the policy has expired1081 if method == "POST":1082 policy_key, policy_value = multipart_content.find_multipart_key_value(1083 data, headers, "policy"1084 )1085 if policy_key and policy_value:1086 policy = json.loads(base64.b64decode(policy_value).decode("utf-8"))1087 expiration_string = policy.get("expiration", None) # Example: 2020-06-05T13:37:12Z1088 if expiration_string:1089 expiration_datetime = self.parse_policy_expiration_date(expiration_string)1090 if is_expired(expiration_datetime):1091 return token_expired_error(path, headers.get("x-amz-request-id"), 400)1092 if query == "cors" or "cors" in query_map:1093 if method == "GET":1094 return get_cors(bucket_name)1095 if method == "PUT":1096 return set_cors(bucket_name, data)1097 if method == "DELETE":1098 return delete_cors(bucket_name)1099 if query == "requestPayment" or "requestPayment" in query_map:1100 if method == "GET":1101 return get_request_payment(bucket_name)1102 if method == "PUT":1103 return set_request_payment(bucket_name, data)1104 if query == "lifecycle" or "lifecycle" in query_map:1105 if method == "GET":1106 return get_lifecycle(bucket_name)1107 if method == "PUT":1108 return set_lifecycle(bucket_name, data)1109 if method == "DELETE":1110 delete_lifecycle(bucket_name)1111 if query == "replication" or "replication" in query_map:1112 if method == "GET":1113 return get_replication(bucket_name)1114 if method == "PUT":1115 return set_replication(bucket_name, data)1116 if method == "DELETE" and validate_bucket_name(bucket_name):1117 delete_lifecycle(bucket_name)1118 path_orig_escaped = path_orig.replace("#", "%23")1119 if modified_data is not None or headers_changed or path_orig != path_orig_escaped:1120 data_to_return = not_none_or(modified_data, data)1121 if modified_data is not None:1122 headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(data_to_return or ""))1123 return Request(1124 url=path_orig_escaped,1125 data=data_to_return,1126 headers=headers,1127 method=method,1128 )1129 return True1130 def return_response(self, method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler=None):1131 path = to_str(path)1132 method = to_str(method)1133 path = path.replace("#", "%23")1134 # persist this API call to disk1135 super(ProxyListenerS3, self).return_response(1136 method, path, data, headers, response, request_handler1137 )1138 bucket_name = extract_bucket_name(headers, path)1139 # POST requests to S3 may include a success_action_redirect or1140 # success_action_status field, which should be used to redirect a1141 # client to a new location.1142 key = None1143 if method == "POST":1144 key, redirect_url = multipart_content.find_multipart_key_value(data, headers)1145 if key and redirect_url:1146 response.status_code = 3031147 response.headers["Location"] = expand_redirect_url(redirect_url, key, bucket_name)1148 LOGGER.debug(1149 "S3 POST {} to {}".format(response.status_code, response.headers["Location"])1150 )1151 expanded_data = multipart_content.expand_multipart_filename(data, headers)1152 key, status_code = multipart_content.find_multipart_key_value(1153 expanded_data, headers, "success_action_status"1154 )1155 if response.status_code == 201 and key:1156 response._content = self.get_201_response(key, bucket_name)1157 response.headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(response._content or ""))1158 response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"1159 return response1160 if response.status_code == 416:1161 if method == "GET":1162 return error_response(1163 "The requested range cannot be satisfied.", "InvalidRange", 4161164 )1165 elif method == "HEAD":1166 response.status_code = 2001167 return response1168 parsed = urlparse.urlparse(path)1169 bucket_name_in_host = uses_host_addressing(headers)1170 should_send_notifications = all(1171 [1172 method in ("PUT", "POST", "DELETE"),1173 "/" in path[1:] or bucket_name_in_host or key,1174 # check if this is an actual put object request, because it could also be1175 # a put bucket request with a path like this: /bucket_name/1176 bucket_name_in_host1177 or key1178 or (len(path[1:].split("/")) > 1 and len(path[1:].split("/")[1]) > 0),1179 self.is_query_allowable(method, parsed.query),1180 ]1181 )1182 # get subscribers and send bucket notifications1183 if should_send_notifications:1184 # if we already have a good key, use it, otherwise examine the path1185 if key:1186 object_path = "/" + key1187 elif bucket_name_in_host:1188 object_path = parsed.path1189 else:1190 parts = parsed.path[1:].split("/", 1)1191 object_path = parts[1] if parts[1][0] == "/" else "/%s" % parts[1]1192 version_id = response.headers.get("x-amz-version-id", None)1193 send_notifications(method, bucket_name, object_path, version_id, headers)1194 # publish event for creation/deletion of buckets:1195 if method in ("PUT", "DELETE") and (1196 "/" not in path[1:] or len(path[1:].split("/")[1]) <= 01197 ):1198 event_type = (1199 event_publisher.EVENT_S3_CREATE_BUCKET1200 if method == "PUT"1201 else event_publisher.EVENT_S3_DELETE_BUCKET1202 )1203 event_publisher.fire_event(1204 event_type, payload={"n": event_publisher.get_hash(bucket_name)}1205 )1206 # fix an upstream issue in moto S3 (see if method == "PUT":1208 if parsed.query == "policy":1209 response._content = ""1210 response.status_code = 2041211 return response1212 # when creating s3 bucket using aws s3api the return header contains 'Location' param1213 if key is None:1214 # if the bucket is created in 'us-east-1' the location header contains bucket as path1215 # else the the header contains bucket url1216 if aws_stack.get_region() == "us-east-1":1217 response.headers["Location"] = "/{}".format(bucket_name)1218 else:1219 # Note: we need to set the correct protocol here1220 protocol = (1221 headers.get(constants.HEADER_LOCALSTACK_EDGE_URL, "").split("://")[0]1222 or "http"1223 )1224 response.headers["Location"] = "{}://{}.{}:{}/".format(1225 protocol,1226 bucket_name,1227 constants.S3_VIRTUAL_HOSTNAME,1228 config.EDGE_PORT,1229 )1230 if response is not None:1231 reset_content_length = False1232 # append CORS headers and other annotations/patches to response1233 append_cors_headers(1234 bucket_name,1235 request_method=method,1236 request_headers=headers,1237 response=response,1238 )1239 append_last_modified_headers(response=response)1240 append_list_objects_marker(method, path, data, response)1241 fix_location_constraint(response)1242 fix_range_content_type(bucket_name, path, headers, response)1243 fix_delete_objects_response(bucket_name, method, parsed, data, headers, response)1244 fix_metadata_key_underscores(response=response)1245 fix_creation_date(method, path, response=response)1246 fix_etag_for_multipart(data, headers, response)1247 ret304_on_etag(data, headers, response)1248 append_aws_request_troubleshooting_headers(response)1249 fix_delimiter(data, headers, response)1250 if method == "PUT":1251 set_object_expiry(path, headers)1252 # Remove body from PUT response on presigned URL1253 # if (1255 method == "PUT"1256 and int(response.status_code) < 4001257 and (1258 "X-Amz-Security-Token=" in path1259 or "X-Amz-Credential=" in path1260 or "AWSAccessKeyId=" in path1261 )1262 ):1263 response._content = ""1264 reset_content_length = True1265 response_content_str = None1266 try:1267 response_content_str = to_str(response._content)1268 except Exception:1269 pass1270 # Honor response header overrides1271 # if method == "GET":1273 add_accept_range_header(response)1274 add_response_metadata_headers(response)1275 if is_object_expired(path):1276 return no_such_key_error(path, headers.get("x-amz-request-id"), 400)1277 # AWS C# SDK uses get bucket acl to check the existence of the bucket1278 # If not exists, raises a NoSuchBucket Error1279 if bucket_name and "/?acl" in path:1280 exists, code, body = is_bucket_available(bucket_name)1281 if not exists:1282 return no_such_bucket(bucket_name, headers.get("x-amz-request-id"), 404)1283 query_map = urlparse.parse_qs(parsed.query, keep_blank_values=True)1284 for param_name, header_name in ALLOWED_HEADER_OVERRIDES.items():1285 if param_name in query_map:1286 response.headers[header_name] = query_map[param_name][0]1287 if response_content_str and response_content_str.startswith("<"):1288 is_bytes = isinstance(response._content, six.binary_type)1289 response._content = response_content_str1290 append_last_modified_headers(response=response, content=response_content_str)1291 # We need to un-pretty-print the XML, otherwise we run into this issue with Spark:1292 # # # Note: yet, we need to make sure we have a newline after the first line: <?xml ...>\n1295 # Note: make sure to return XML docs verbatim: if method != "GET" or not is_object_specific_request(path, headers):1297 response._content = re.sub(1298 r"([^\?])>\n\s*<",1299 r"\1><",1300 response_content_str,1301 flags=re.MULTILINE,1302 )1303 # update Location information in response payload1304 response._content = self._update_location(response._content, bucket_name)1305 # convert back to bytes1306 if is_bytes:1307 response._content = to_bytes(response._content)1308 # fix content-type: # # if "text/html" in response.headers.get(1312 "Content-Type", ""1313 ) and not response_content_str.lower().startswith("<!doctype html"):1314 response.headers["Content-Type"] = "application/xml; charset=utf-8"1315 reset_content_length = True1316 # update Content-Length headers (fix if method == "DELETE":1318 reset_content_length = True1319 if reset_content_length:1320 response.headers["Content-Length"] = str(len(response._content or ""))1321 # convert to chunked encoding, for compatibility with certain SDKs (e.g., AWS PHP SDK)1322 convert_to_chunked_encoding(method, path, response)1323def serve_static_website(headers, path, bucket_name):1324 s3_client = aws_stack.connect_to_service("s3")1325 # check if bucket exists1326 try:1327 s3_client.head_bucket(Bucket=bucket_name)1328 except ClientError:1329 return no_such_bucket(bucket_name, headers.get("x-amz-request-id"), 404)1330 def respond_with_key(status_code, key):1331 obj = s3_client.get_object(Bucket=bucket_name, Key=key)1332 response_headers = {}1333 if "if-none-match" in headers and "ETag" in obj and obj["ETag"] in headers["if-none-match"]:1334 return requests_response(status_code=304, content="", headers=response_headers)1335 if "WebsiteRedirectLocation" in obj:1336 response_headers["location"] = obj["WebsiteRedirectLocation"]1337 return requests_response(status_code=301, content="", headers=response_headers)...

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