How to use current_fail_per_sec method in locust

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1from parsing import *2import matplotlib.pyplot as plt3import os4def make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size, dfs, y_axis_label, graph_type, \5 x_axis_label = 'Tempo desde início do benchmark (HH:MM:SS)', rotate_xlabel = True, close = True):6 fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize = (16, 10))7 if type(dfs) == list:8 for df in dfs:9 df.plot(ax = ax, legend = len(dfs) > 1)10 elif callable(dfs):11 dfs(ax)12 ax.set_xlabel(x_axis_label, fontdict={'fontsize':12})13 ax.set_ylabel(y_axis_label, fontdict={'fontsize':12})14 if rotate_xlabel:15 ax.tick_params(axis = 'x', labelrotation = 45)16 for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks():17 tick.label1.set_fontsize(14)18 tick.label119 for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks():20 tick.label1.set_fontsize(14)21 tick.label122 filepath = f'{app.lower()}/{storage.replace("/", "_").lower()}/{test_name}_{test_size}'23 os.makedirs(filepath, exist_ok = True)24 fig.savefig(f'{filepath}/{test_name}_{test_size}_{graph_type}.png', transparent = True, bbox_inches = 'tight')25 if close:26 plt.close(fig)27 else:28 make_system_graphs(app, storage, test_name, test_size, close = True):30 df = read_dfs_system(app, storage, test_name, test_size)[['cpu_%', 'mem_%', 'net_recv_mb', 'net_send_mb']]31 cpu_usage = df.reset_index() \32 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['cpu_%'])['cpu_%'] \33 .median(axis = 1) \34 .rolling(2).mean() \35 .dropna()36 37 mem_usage = df.reset_index() \38 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['mem_%'])['mem_%'] \39 .median(axis = 1) \40 .rolling(2).mean() \41 .dropna()42 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size,43 [cpu_usage],44 y_axis_label = 'Utilização do CPU (%)',45 graph_type = 'cpu',46 close = close47 )48 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size,49 [mem_usage],50 y_axis_label = 'Utilização da RAM (%)',51 graph_type = 'mem',52 close = close53 )54 usage_net_recv = df.reset_index() \55 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['net_recv_mb'])['net_recv_mb'] \56 .sum(axis = 1) \57 .rolling(2).mean() \58 .dropna()59 = 'Network RX'60 61 usage_net_send = df.reset_index() \62 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['net_send_mb'])['net_send_mb'] \63 .sum(axis = 1) \64 .rolling(2).mean() \65 .dropna()66 = 'Network TX'67 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size,68 [usage_net_recv, usage_net_send],69 y_axis_label = 'Utilização da rede (Mb/s)',70 graph_type = 'net',71 close = close72 )73def make_disk_nfs_graph(app, test_name, test_size, close = True):74 df = read_df_io(app, 'nfs', test_name, test_size, 'cloud108').loc['cloud108']75 read_series = df['read_mb'] \76 .rolling(2).mean() \77 .dropna()78 = 'Leitura'79 write_series = df['write_mb'] \80 .rolling(2).mean() \81 .dropna()82 = 'Escrita'83 make_graph(app, 'NFS', test_name, test_size,84 [read_series, write_series],85 y_axis_label = 'Utilização do disco (MB/s)',86 graph_type = 'disk',87 close = close88 )89def make_disk_ceph_graph(app, test_name, test_size, close = True):90 df = read_dfs_io(app, 'ceph', test_name, test_size)91 read_series = df.reset_index() \92 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['read_mb'])['read_mb'] \93 .sum(axis = 1) \94 .rolling(2).mean() \95 .dropna()96 = 'Leitura'97 write_series = df.reset_index() \98 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = ['write_mb'])['write_mb'] \99 .sum(axis = 1) \100 .rolling(2).mean() \101 .dropna()102 = 'Escrita'103 make_graph(app, 'Ceph', test_name, test_size,104 [read_series, write_series],105 y_axis_label = 'Utilização do disco (MB/s)',106 graph_type = 'disk',107 close = close108 )109def make_disk_comparation_graph(app, test_name, test_size, close = True, type = 'write'):110 df_nfs = read_df_io(app, 'nfs', test_name, test_size, 'cloud108').loc['cloud108']111 df_ceph = read_dfs_io(app, 'ceph', test_name, test_size)112 series_nfs = df_nfs[type + '_mb'] \113 .rolling(2).mean() \114 .dropna()115 = 'Leitura NFS' if type == 'read' else 'Escrita NFS'116 series_ceph = df_ceph.reset_index() \117 .pivot(index = 'time', columns = 'machine', values = [type + '_mb'])[type + '_mb'] \118 .sum(axis = 1) \119 .rolling(2).mean() \120 .dropna()121 = 'Leitura Ceph' if type == 'read' else 'Escrita Ceph'122 make_graph(app, 'NFS/Ceph', test_name, test_size,123 [series_nfs, series_ceph],124 y_axis_label = 'Utilização do disco (MB/s)',125 graph_type = 'disk',126 close = close127 )128def make_locust_report_graphs(app, storage, test_name, test_size, close = True):129 df = read_df_reporthtml(app, storage, test_name, test_size)[['current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec', 'response_time_percentile_50']]130 rps_series = df['current_rps'].rolling(2).mean().dropna()131 = 'Pedidos por segundo'132 133 fps_series = df['current_fail_per_sec'].rolling(2).mean().dropna()134 = 'Falhas por segundo'135 responsetimes_series = df['response_time_percentile_50'].rolling(2).mean().dropna()136 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size,137 [rps_series, fps_series],138 y_axis_label = 'Throughput (nº pedidos/s)',139 graph_type = 'rpsfps',140 close = close141 )142 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, test_size,143 [responsetimes_series],144 y_axis_label = 'Tempo de resposta (ms)',145 graph_type = 'responsetimes',146 close = close147 )148def make_locust_csv_graphs(app, storage, test_name, close = True):149 df = read_df_locustcsv(app, storage, test_name)150 def draw(ax):151 df.plot(ax = ax, marker = 'o')152 153 make_graph(app, storage, test_name, 'all',154 draw,155 x_axis_label = 'Tempo de resposta (s)',156 y_axis_label = 'Throughput (nº pedidos/s)',157 graph_type = 'rps_of_responsetimes',158 close = close,159 rotate_xlabel = False160 )161def make_reqfails_comparation_graph(app, test_name, test_size, close = True):162 df_nfs = read_df_reporthtml(app, 'NFS', test_name, test_size)[['current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec']]163 df_ceph = read_df_reporthtml(app, 'Ceph', test_name, test_size)[['current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec']]164 rps_series_nfs = df_nfs['current_rps'] # .rolling(2).mean().dropna()165 = 'NFS'166 # = 'Pedidos por segundo (NFS)'167 168 # fps_series_nfs = df_nfs['current_fail_per_sec'] # .rolling(2).mean().dropna()169 # = 'Falhas por segundo (NFS)'170 rps_series_ceph = df_ceph['current_rps'] # .rolling(2).mean().dropna()171 = 'Ceph'172 # = 'Pedidos por segundo (Ceph)'173 174 # fps_series_ceph = df_ceph['current_fail_per_sec'] # .rolling(2).mean().dropna()175 # = 'Falhas por segundo (Ceph)'176 def draw(ax):177 rps_series_nfs.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', legend = True)178 # fps_series_nfs.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', legend = True)179 rps_series_ceph.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'red', legend = True)180 # fps_series_ceph.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'red', legend = True)181 make_graph(app, 'NFS/Ceph', test_name, test_size,182 draw,183 y_axis_label = 'Throughput (nº pedidos/s)',184 graph_type = 'rpsfps',185 close = close186 )187def make_responsetimes_comparation_graph(app, test_name, test_size, close = True):188 df_nfs = read_df_reporthtml(app, 'NFS', test_name, test_size)[['response_time_percentile_50']]189 df_ceph = read_df_reporthtml(app, 'Ceph', test_name, test_size)[['response_time_percentile_50']]190 responsetimes_series_nfs = df_nfs['response_time_percentile_50']191 = 'NFS'192 responsetimes_series_ceph = df_ceph['response_time_percentile_50']193 = 'Ceph'194 def draw(ax):195 responsetimes_series_nfs.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'blue', legend = True)196 responsetimes_series_ceph.plot(ax = ax, linestyle = '-', color = 'red', legend = True)197 198 make_graph(app, 'NFS/Ceph', test_name, test_size,199 draw,200 y_axis_label = 'Tempo de resposta (ms)',201 graph_type = 'responsetimes',202 close = close...

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1# coding: utf82import six3from itertools import chain4from flask import request, Response5from locust import stats as locust_stats, runners as locust_runners6from locust import User, task, events7from prometheus_client import Metric, REGISTRY, exposition8# This locustfile adds an external web endpoint to the locust master, and makes it serve as a prometheus exporter.9# Runs it as a normal locustfile, then points prometheus to it.10# locust -f --master11# Lots of code taken from [mbolek's locust_exporter](, thx mbolek!12class LocustCollector(object):13 registry = REGISTRY14 def __init__(self, environment, runner):15 self.environment = environment16 self.runner = runner17 def collect(self):18 # collect metrics only when locust runner is hatching or running.19 runner = self.runner20 if runner and runner.state in (locust_runners.STATE_HATCHING, locust_runners.STATE_RUNNING):21 stats = []22 for s in chain(locust_stats.sort_stats(runner.stats.entries), []):23 stats.append({24 "method": s.method,25 "name":,26 "num_requests": s.num_requests,27 "num_failures": s.num_failures,28 "avg_response_time": s.avg_response_time,29 "min_response_time": s.min_response_time or 0,30 "max_response_time": s.max_response_time,31 "current_rps": s.current_rps,32 "median_response_time": s.median_response_time,33 "ninetieth_response_time": s.get_response_time_percentile(0.9),34 # only total stats can use current_response_time, so sad.35 #"current_response_time_percentile_95": s.get_current_response_time_percentile(0.95),36 "avg_content_length": s.avg_content_length,37 "current_fail_per_sec": s.current_fail_per_sec38 })39 # perhaps StatsError.parse_error in e.to_dict only works in python slave, take notices!40 errors = [e.to_dict() for e in six.itervalues(runner.stats.errors)]41 metric = Metric('locust_user_count', 'Swarmed users', 'gauge')42 metric.add_sample('locust_user_count', value=runner.user_count, labels={})43 yield metric44 45 metric = Metric('locust_errors', 'Locust requests errors', 'gauge')46 for err in errors:47 metric.add_sample('locust_errors', value=err['occurrences'],48 labels={'path': err['name'], 'method': err['method'],49 'error': err['error']})50 yield metric51 is_distributed = isinstance(runner, locust_runners.MasterRunner)52 if is_distributed:53 metric = Metric('locust_slave_count', 'Locust number of slaves', 'gauge')54 metric.add_sample('locust_slave_count', value=len(runner.clients.values()), labels={})55 yield metric56 metric = Metric('locust_fail_ratio', 'Locust failure ratio', 'gauge')57 metric.add_sample('locust_fail_ratio',, labels={})58 yield metric59 metric = Metric('locust_state', 'State of the locust swarm', 'gauge')60 metric.add_sample('locust_state', value=1, labels={'state': runner.state})61 yield metric62 stats_metrics = ['avg_content_length', 'avg_response_time', 'current_rps', 'current_fail_per_sec',63 'max_response_time', 'ninetieth_response_time', 'median_response_time', 'min_response_time',64 'num_failures', 'num_requests']65 for mtr in stats_metrics:66 mtype = 'gauge'67 if mtr in ['num_requests', 'num_failures']:68 mtype = 'counter'69 metric = Metric('locust_stats_' + mtr, 'Locust stats ' + mtr, mtype)70 for stat in stats:71 # Aggregated stat's method label is None, so name it as Aggregated72 # locust has changed name Total to Aggregated since 0.12.173 if 'Aggregated' != stat['name']:74 metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],75 labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': stat['method']})76 else:77 metric.add_sample('locust_stats_' + mtr, value=stat[mtr],78 labels={'path': stat['name'], 'method': 'Aggregated'})79 yield metric80@events.init.add_listener81def locust_init(environment, runner, **kwargs):82 print("locust init event received")83 if environment.web_ui and runner:84"/export/prometheus")85 def prometheus_exporter():86 registry = REGISTRY87 encoder, content_type = exposition.choose_encoder(request.headers.get('Accept'))88 if 'name[]' in request.args:89 registry = REGISTRY.restricted_registry(request.args.get('name[]'))90 body = encoder(registry)91 return Response(body, content_type=content_type)92 REGISTRY.register(LocustCollector(environment, runner))93class Dummy(User):94 @task(20)95 def hello(self):...

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